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Biomaterials 27 (2006) 2141–2149

Mechanical properties of bacterial cellulose and interactions

with smooth muscle cells
Henrik Bäckdahla,b, Gisela Heleniusb, Aase Bodina, Ulf Nannmarkc, Bengt R. Johanssonc,
Bo Risbergb, Paul Gatenholma,
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Biopolymer Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
Department of Surgery, Vascular Engineering Centre, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, SE-413 45 Göteborg, Sweden
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Electron Microscopy Unit, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg University, SE-405 30 Göteborg, Sweden
Received 9 June 2005; accepted 31 October 2005
Available online 28 November 2005


Tissue engineered blood vessels (TEBV) represent an attractive approach for overcoming reconstructive problems associated with
vascular diseases by providing small calibre vascular grafts. The aim of this study has been to evaluate a novel biomaterial, bacterial
cellulose (BC), as a potential scaffold for TEBV. The morphology of the BC pellicle grown in static culture was investigated with SEM.
Mechanical properties of BC were measured in Krebs solution and compared with the properties of porcine carotid arteries and ePTFE
grafts. Attachment, proliferation and ingrowth of human smooth muscle cells (SMC) on the BC were analysed in vitro. The BC pellicle
had an asymmetric structure composed of a fine network of nanofibrils similar to a collagen network. The shape of the stress–strain
response of BC is reminiscent of the stress-strain response of the carotid artery, most probably due to the similarity in architecture of the
nanofibrill networks. SMC adhered to and proliferated on the BC pellicle; an ingrowth of up to 40 mm was seen after 2 weeks of culture.
BC exhibit attractive properties for use in future TEBV.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bacterial Cellulose; Scaffold; Smooth muscle cell; Tissue engineering blood vessels

1. Introduction bovine aortic cells in a collagen-gel matrix to construct

the three vascular wall layers. Extensive research by many
Cardiovascular disease is the dominant cause of mor- groups has focused on improving the collagen based
bidity and mortality in the adult population. Today it is constructs [7–11]. L’Heureux et al. constructed a vessel of
possible to replace large arteries with synthetic grafts made vascular cell sheets. They rolled a smooth muscle cell
from polyester or expanded-polytetraflourethylene (SMC) sheet around a mandrel of ePTFE to form a tubular
(ePTFE) [1–3]. These materials are however not suitable media layer [12]. Cell seeded degradable polyglycolic acid
as a replacement in small caliber grafts, o6 mm in (PGA), poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) and co-polymers thereof
diameter, due to thrombosis formation and occlusion have been widely used as scaffolds [13–15]. Niklason et al.
[4–6]. New materials that are not thrombogenic and have developed a tissue engineered artery constructed from a
mechanical properties that mimic the native vessel are PGA mesh seeded with SMCs in 1999 [14]. In spite of the
therefore required. intensive research in this area no completely biocompatible
Tissue engineering of blood vessels (TEBV) is emerging replacement TEBV suited for small diameter vessel
as a means of producing replacement vessels. Weinberg replacement is currently in clinical use.
and Bell became pioneers in this field when they produced a Bacterial cellulose (BC) is a polysaccharide that is
completely biological TEBV in 1986. They embedded excreted extracellularly by the Acetobacter xylinum bacteria
into long non-aggregated nanofibrils [16]. The BC displays
Corresponding author. Tel.: +46 31 772 34 07; fax: +46 31 772 34 18. many unique properties including high mechanical
E-mail address: (P. Gatenholm). strength, high water content, high crystallinity and an

0142-9612/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2142 H. Bäckdahl et al. / Biomaterials 27 (2006) 2141–2149

ultra-fine highly pure nanofibril network structure [17–19]. 2.3. Preparation of cells and cell culture
Acetobacter xylinum constructs a pellicle of BC that has a
dense surface side and a gelatinous layer on the opposite SMCs were isolated from healthy parts of human saphenous veins or
arteries. Veins were either spare parts from coronary bypass operations or
side. BC has been used in a micro vessel endoprothesis [20] were taken from patients undergoing surgery for varicose veins. Arteries
and as a temporary skin substitute [21]. The material has were splenic and superior mesenteric arteries from patients undergoing
also been investigated as a scaffold for tissue engineering of either splenectomy for hypersplenism or resection for colon carcinoma.
cartilage [22]. To our knowledge, BC is not widely used or The Ethics Committee at Gothenburg University approved the project.
investigated for tissue engineering applications. The aim of SMCs were isolated using an explant technique [25] and the cells were
subcultured in Dulbeco’s Modified Eagle Medium, DMEM (PAA
the present study was therefore to investigate the mechan-
Laboratories GmbH), supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum,
ical properties of BC and study the SMC-BC interactions 100 U/ml penicillin/streptomycin, 1 mM sodium pyruvate (PAA Labora-
to explore whether BC can be suitable for use in TEBV. tories GmbH), 0.1 mM non-essential amino acids (GibcoBRL/Life-
Technologies Ltd, Palsley, Scotland, UK) and 2 mM L-glutamine. After
the first passage, SMC were cultured in DMEM as described above but
2. Methods and materials with 10% fetal bovine serum. Antibodies directed against a-actin (DAKO
A/S, Glostrup, Denmark) confirmed the identity of smooth muscle cells.
2.1. Bacterial cellulose SMC were negative for endothelial cell markers, von Willebrand factor
(DAKO A/S) and PECAM-1 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc., Santa Cruz,
BC was grown static in corn steep liquid media, described elsewhere USA), and were also recognized by their typical ‘‘hill and valley’’ pattern.
[23], using Roux flasks (working volumes 100 ml) at 30 1C for 3 days, SMC cultures were incubated in a humidified atmosphere of 95% air/
giving a pellicle of 3 mm. The strain used for the synthesis was Acetobacter 5% CO2 and a temperature of 37 1C. The culture medium was changed
xylinum subsp. sucrofermentas BPR2001. The strain was purchased from once a week. All cells tested negative for mycoplasma contamination. The
the American Type Culture Collection with the code ATCCXXXX. The cells were subcultured and used in passage 5–7.
BC was purified by boiling in 0.1 M NaOH at 60 1C for 4 h and thereafter
by repeated boiling in MilliporeTM water. The material was steam
sterilized (1 bar, 120 1C) for 20 min and kept refrigerated until use. 2.4. Cell attachment

The Alamar Blue assayTM (Serotec Ltd Scandinavia, Hamar, Norway)

2.2. Mechanical properties of bacterial cellulose, porcine carotid was used to measure the number of cells that adhered to the BC. The
artery and ePTFE Alamar Blue assayTM is designed to quantify the proliferation and
viability of cells [26,27]. In the attachment experiments, the number of
Tensile tests were made with a small tensile tester rebuilt to make viable cells corresponds to the number of adherent cells. A cell
possible tensile tests, see Fig. 1 (specially designed tensile tester, concentration of 4000 cells/cm2 was used for the attachment experiments.
Universität Essen), in aqueous conditions. The SMCs were seeded on round pieces of BC (2 mm thick) or on cell
Experiments were run at 0.25 mm/s cross head speed. Tests were done culture treated polystyrene that was used as a reference material. The cells
in Krebs solution [24] at a temperature of 3771 1C. Ten BC rings, with an were allowed to attach to the materials for 24 h. After this incubation, the
outer diameter of 10 mm, inner diameter of 5 mm and cylinder length of pieces of BC were moved to new wells to avoid false signals from cells on
2.6 mm, were punched out from a cultured BC pellicle described above. the bottom of the well. All cell culture media were removed and new
The BC samples were allowed to condition in Krebs solution for 24 h prior media+10% Alamar Blue reagent were added. After 5 h incubation with
to tensile testing. A 7–9 cm long fragment of the porcine carotid artery, the Alamar Blue reagent, samples of 100 ml were pipetted into a 96 well
Swedish landrace, was removed immediately post mortem and placed in plate and the fluorescence was measured at excitation wavelength 544 nm
chilled Krebs solution [24]. Ten ring shaped sections were made from the and emission wavelength 590 nm in a spectrofluorometer (Spectramax
artery, each 2 mm long. The artery rings were allowed to condition in GeminiXS, Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). To avoid misread-
37 1C Krebs for 1 h prior to tensile testing. Ten 2-mm long rings of ePTFE ing the autofluorescence of the materials was subtracted from the test
tube with an inner diameter of 3 mm and a thickness of 0.5 mm were used results.
as a second reference material. Stress (s) is calculated by F =A where A is
the area measured as in Fig. 1B and F is force in Newton. Strain (e) is
calculated by DL=L0 where DL is exerted extension from starting point L0. 2.5. Cell proliferation

The attachment measurement gave the starting point of the prolifera-

tion measurements, 5 h. The experiment was continued after the
attachment measurement and sequential samples were taken after 1, 3, 5
and 7 days. Each sample was evaluated with the same equipment as
described under cell attachment.

2.6. Cell ingrowth

A migration chamber and an attractant were used to stimulate the cells

to grow into the BC. The migration chamber consisted of cell culture
inserts with a membrane pore size of 8.0 mm in a 12 well plate (BD
FalconTM, BD, NJ, USA). Pieces of BC were placed in the inserts and
arterial SMCs (10 000 cells/cm2) were seeded on top of the BC. To attract
the cells to migrate into the material, 12 ng/ml of platelet derived growth
Fig. 1. (A) Principle set-up of tensile test procedure, starting position. factor-BB (PDGF-BB) [28] (AMS Biotechnology Ltd, Oxon, UK) were
Rings were stretched in the vertical direction. (B) Cross section area (A) of added to the cell culture medium (DMEM as described above) in the wells.
samples used in tensile tests experiments. The cell cultures were incubated for 1, 2 and 3 weeks and the culture
H. Bäckdahl et al. / Biomaterials 27 (2006) 2141–2149 2143

medium was changed twice weekly. After conclusion of the experiments, 3. Results
the specimens were fixed and processed for electron microscopy.

3.1. Characterization of BC
2.7. Confocal microscopy
Statically cultured BC formed a pellicle. This pellicle was
For analysis of cell morphology, the cells were fixed in 3.7% composed of a small amount of nanofibrils holding about
formaldehyde and permeabilized in 0.2% Triton X-100 in PBS. To 99% water. The network of fine, highly entangled
visualize f-actin, cells were stained with phalloidin conjugated with nanofibrils with dimensions of approximately 100 nm was
Alexa Fluor 546 (Molecular Probes Inc., Eugen, OR, USA). The cell seen in SEM. The nanofibrils’ network was much denser
nuclei were counter stained with 40 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole,
dihydrochloride, DAPI (Molecular Probes Inc.). The specimens were
close to the medium/air transition zone (Fig. 2A) than on
mounted in SlowfadeTM Antifade mounting medium (Molecular Probes the opposite side (Fig. 2B).
Inc.). The cells were analysed with a laser scanning confocal microscope, The denser surface side had a small amount of
Leica TCS SP2 AOBS (Leica Microsystems, Heidelberg GmbH, completely dense areas separated by more porous areas,
Germany). and the visualization depth was shorter than on the porous
opposite side.
2.8. Electron microscopy
3.2. Mechanical properties
Comparisons were made between BC and collagen fibres from
umbilical cord and cell morphology and ingrowth were studied with Tensile testing was done in conditioned Krebs solution
electron microscopy, TEM (LEO 912 AB Omega) and SEM (LEO 982 with a cross head speed of 0.25 mm/s. Three materials were
Gemini field emission SEM). BC samples were quenched in liquid nitrogen
investigated: rings of BC, porcine carotid artery (PCA) and
and freeze dried. BC samples with SMCs were fixed overnight by
immersion in a mixture of 2% paraformaldehyde and 2.5% glutaralde- ePTFE. Fig. 3 gives the mean values (m) and standard
hyde in 0.05 M Na cacodylate buffer (pH 7.2). deviations (s) of the tested materials’ tensile properties
Postfixation was done with 1% OsO4 and 1% potassium ferrocyanide (n ¼ 10); tensile strength (smax (MPa)), deformation at
in 0.1 M cacodylate for 2 h at 4 1C, followed by en bloc staining with 1% break (emax (%)) and Young’s modulus (E (MPa)) were
uranyl acetate in H2O for 1 h. Specimens were then dehydrated in a graded
series of ethanol and infiltrated with epoxy resin (Agar 100, Agar Scientific
Ltd., Stanstead, UK), followed by curing by heat. Semi-thin sections The BC rings were far more similar to PCA than ePTFE.
(0.7 mm) were cut and examined in a light microscope in order to orient A PCA significantly exceeds the BC pellicle in both stress at
specimens correctly before cutting ultra-thin sections (50–60 nm) using a break, strain at break and Young’s modulus. The
Reichert ultramicrotome equipped with a diamond knife. Sections were difference in Young’s modulus was not as high as for the
collected on copper grids and counter stained with lead citrate and uranyl
other parameters, 1.0470.31 MPa as compared to
acetate before examination in a Zeiss 912AB fully digitized electron
microscope [29]. Digital images were taken with a Megaview III camera 0.5970.12 MPa.
(SIS, Munster, Germany). Fig. 4A shows a typical stress-strain response of the BC
material. The strain induced strength development was
seen first after elongation above 35%. After this extension
2.9. Statistics the sample showed linear elastic behaviour. We did not,
however, see linear elastic behaviour at low deformation.
In the analysis of the mechanical properties, the statistical significance The nanofibril rearrangement at deformation is visualized
was tested by an unpaired Student t-test. A non-parametrical Wilcoxon
test was used to check whether the data were normally distributed. There in Fig. 4B, where the nanofibrils are aggregated into thicker
were no differences in the results between the two tests. Po0.05 was fibre clusters upon extension. The deformation behaviour
considered significant. of ePTFE is visualized in Fig. 4C. The material showed

Fig. 2. Visualization of BC pellicle side differences, SEM pictures of quenched and frieze dried BC pellicle (A) denser surface side that was formed at the
interface between air and culture medium (B) porous opposite side.
2144 H. Bäckdahl et al. / Biomaterials 27 (2006) 2141–2149

Strain at break

Tensile test results

Stress at break and Young´s modulus





Bacterial cellulose
Porcine carotid artery
Stress at break Young´s modulus

Fig. 3. Mean7standard deviation of tensile tests preformed in Krebs solution. The ePTFE had significantly higher values than both BC and the porcine
carotid artery (PCA) in all tests. BC was more similar to the PCA than ePTFE when looking at stress at break and Young’s modulus. When comparing the
data for strain at break its important to also look at Fig. 3, there it can be seen that ePTFE has a yield point at a strain of 55% and then starts to deform
irreversibly, the other materials don’t have this phenomenon. The Young’s modulus values of BC was close to that of PCA, but the difference was
significant (Po0.05).

elastic deformation up to an elongation of 55%, where a occurred rapidly and had reduced all Alamar BlueTM in the
yield point was seen, which was followed by irreversible medium after 3 days. No significant difference in the
deformation. Porcine carotid artery (Fig. 4D) showed a proliferation rate of SMCs on the compact and the porous
similar deformation appearance as BC, with the exception sides of the BC was detected. Proliferation of SMC on BC
of the 300% elongation required for strain induced was slower than on the reference polystyrene surface
strength development. (Fig. 6).

3.3. Comparison between collagen and BC 3.5. Cell morphology and ingrowth

Microscopically, the bacterial cellulose nanofibrils had a The morphology of the SMCs was studied with laser
shape similar to that of the collagen nanofibrils (Fig. 2), confocal scanning microscopy. There was no obvious
both with a dimension of 100 nm in diameter. difference in the morphology of the cells cultured on the
No cells were removed from the collagen (Fig. 5A), the compact side and the porous side. SMCs cultured on BC
hollow spaces seen inbetween the collagen fibres were filled for 3 days showed spreading similar to that of the cells
with large quantities of water and matrix in vivo. However, cultured on polystyrene. The cells on the BC did not have
during fixation, dehydration and hexametyldisilazan pre- the distinct f-actin stress fibres seen in the cells at on the
paration, water and substances dissolved in the water reference material in Fig. 7. The surface of culture plastic is
disappear. The size of Acetobacter xylinum is much smaller completely smooth while the cells on BC experienced a 3D
than the spaces in between the nanofibrils in the BC structure. The BC is a hydrogel with nanofibrils while a
pellicle. culture plastic is solid. These two parameters greatly
influence how the cell nuclei and actin is represented in
3.4. Cell attachment and proliferation the picture.
TEM pictures revealed that cells could push the
In these experiments, the number of viable cells was nanofibrils aside when they migrated into the cellulose
parallel to the number of adherent cells. With the Alamar nanofibril network, as shown in Fig. 8. BC fibrils are seen
Blue assayTM, cell attachment measured at 5 h was as small white/grey dots in the TEM pictures (Figs. 8B, 9A
significantly lower on BC than on polystyrene (Fig. 6). and B). The concentration of nanofibrils seen above the
There were no differences in the attachment of SMCs on migrated cell (Fig. 8B) was much higher than in other parts
the compact and porous sides of BC. of the sample.
With the Alamar Blue AssayTM, the proliferation was The cells on the compact side appeared to be thin and
measured sequentially on the same cells for 7 days. Samples elongated while the cells on the porous side were more
of the cell culture medium were taken after 5, 24, 72, 120 rounded. SMCs on the porous side of the BC had migrated
and 168 h. Proliferation of SMCs on the reference material up to 10 mm into the fibrous network after 2 weeks of
H. Bäckdahl et al. / Biomaterials 27 (2006) 2141–2149 2145

Stress/Strain diagram of BC rings

Stress (MPa)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
(A) Strain (%) (B)

Stress/Strain diagram of ePTFE Stress/Strain diagram of porcine carotid artery

14 1.0

Stress (MPa) 0.6
Stress (MPa)

6 0.4


0 200 400 600 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
(C) Strain (%) (D) Strain (%)

Fig. 4. Stress/strain diagrams of tensile test results made with 0.25 mm/s cross head speed on: (A) BC rings had similar shape to the porcine carotid artery
(PCA) (B) SEM picture of the BC nanofibril network close to fracture. Fibres had rearranged into thick fibre aggregates. (C) ePFTE rings results differ a
lot, both in stress at break and shape, from BC and the carotid artery. (D) Diagram showing results from porcine carotid artery, elongation of PCA before
stress increase is greater than for BC rings, 300% compared to 35%.

Fig. 5. Visual comparison of collagen and BC showed a similar fibre structure. SEM pictures of samples prepared by Karnovsky fixation. (A) Collagen
from umbilical cord and (B) bacterial cellulose produced by Acetobacter xylinum.

culture while no cell ingrowth was detected from the distance observed after 1 week was 20 mm. An ingrowth
compact side. When the experiments were made with distance up to 40 mm could be seen after 2 weeks in culture.
PDGF-BB, however, the ingrowth on both sides was The SMCs could now be found at different depths
higher. Fig. 9A shows the migration of an SMC into the (Fig. 9B), as compared to only one depth after one
BC nanofibril network from the porous side after 1 week week. The more compact side showed only a slight
in culture with PDGF-BB. The maximum ingrowth ingrowth of 1–5 mm.
2146 H. Bäckdahl et al. / Biomaterials 27 (2006) 2141–2149

Adhesion and proliferation of SMC 4. Discussion


The present study evaluated the potential of bacterial

3000 cellulose to function as a scaffold for tissue engineered
blood vessels in vitro.

2000 SMCs are the major cell type in tunica media and are
widely used in the TEBV field [12,14]. The BC pellicle holds
99% water, and this allows room for cell ingrowth and
proliferation. SMCs attached to both sides of BC. They
were viable on the material up to 8 weeks. There was no
0 BC compact side difference in the number of cells that adhered to the
BC porous side
Culture plastics compact and the porous sides. In the Alamar Blue assay,
the cells’ ability to reduce a redox indicator corresponds to
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 the viability and thereby also attachment, since only the
Culture time (hours) attached cells are viable. The cell metabolism and thereby
Fig. 6. Alamar BlueTM assay results showed that SMC adhere, after 5 h of the ability to reduce a redox indicator could vary
culture, to both sides of bacterial cellulose and the reference material, depending on the surface properties of the material to
polystyrene. There were no significant differences between the two sides of which it is attached. It is important to take both surface
cellulose, while the culture plastic surface had a significantly higher chemistry and topography into consideration. A relevant
attachment. The cells proliferated better on culture plastics than on BC,
they had consumed all Alamar Blue substances after 72 h. SMC
comparison is cells cultured on a collagen gel in that both
proliferated similarly on both sides of the nanofibril BC network. collagen and BC fibrils are fibrous hydrogels. Fibroblasts

Fig. 7. Laser scanning confocal images of SMC cultured on the porous side of BC (A) and polystyrene (B) f-actin stress fibres are stained red with
phalloidins conjugated with Alexa 546. Cell nuclei are counter stained with DAPI (blue). In A, the f-actin stress fibres are less distinct compared to those in
B. Cell nuclei in A are more irregular compared to those in B. The degree of cell spreading is similar in A and B.

Fig. 8. (A) SEM picture of SMC migrating into the BC pellicle, arrows pointing on it. The fibre network can be seen above the cells. (B) TEM picture of a
migrating SMC, BC nanofibrils is seen as small white/grey dots indicated by arrows. A surface cell is seen to the right in picture. The concentration of
white/grey dots is much higher inside the ellipse then outside of it, indicating that the cells push the BC nanofibril network aside when migrating into the
H. Bäckdahl et al. / Biomaterials 27 (2006) 2141–2149 2147

Fig. 9. TEM pictures of SMC ingrowth from the porous side, bacterial cellulose nanofibrils are seen as small white/grey dots. (A) 1 week, surface SMC cell
seen to the left in picture. A few cells were found to have migrated into the material, BC nanofibril network is seen between surface and ingrown cell,
indicated by arrow. (B) 2 weeks, surface cell seen in the upper right corner of the picture. A greater number of cells were found in the BC pellicle and at
different depths (1, 2 and 3).

synthesize less collagen when cultured on collagen hydro- without attractant PDGF-BB. SMCs on the compact side
gels as compared to when they are cultured on tissue were thin, elongated and present only on the surface of the
culture plastics [30]. In another study, the collagen material in normal culture. The cells on the porous side
synthesis in SMCs cultured in collagen was only 20% of were rounded and had migrated into the BC. The definition
that in culture on cell culture plastics [31]. Thus it is likely of a specific pore size is not relevant in a fibrous hydrogel
that both the protein synthesis and metabolism differ as the BC because the nanofibrils can be pushed aside by
between cells cultured on fibrous hydrogels and smooth migrating cells (Fig. 4B). The density of the nanofibril
polystyrene. This might explain the differences in attach- network influenced how far SMCs could migrate into the
ment between the BC surface and culture plastics seen in material. This information is of importance for the design
Fig. 6. and manufacture of tubular BC for use as a scaffold for
The major advantage of the Alamar Blue assay is that it tissue engineered blood vessels. The luminal side of the
is possible to follow the same cells during the culture time. tube would preferably be the smoother and denser compact
With other methods, the cells must be sacrificed at each side. That might enhance attachment of endothelial cells
time point. The Alamar Blue assay was therefore chosen since a smoother, dense surface is similar to the basal
here to evaluate proliferation. SMCs proliferated equally membrane. The porous outer side of the tube would
on both sides of the BC. The proliferation rate was much probably promote integration with the host tissue. To
lower in comparison with the reference material. That can improve cell ingrowth different techniques could be used to
be explained by the discussion above concerning attach- make more free space in the BC pellicle. On way could be
ment. It is however relevant to discuss whether a to use leaching techniques, for example introducing
proliferative SMC population is desirable in a tissue paraffin spheres during culture and then remove them by
engineered construct. Initially, during the in vitro culture leaching. Cellulases are enzymes that degrade cellulose;
time, proliferation is necessary to achieve a high number of these could also be used to alter the density of the BC
cells. However, when implanted into a host, a quiescent, pellicle.
differentiated and contractile phenotype is preferable [32]. To reduce the thrombogenic response in small-diameter
Vascular smooth muscle cells cultured in vitro typically vessels is an important factor to consider. A confluent layer
revert from a contractile phenotype to a synthetic of endothelial cells on the luminal side of a BC-tube would
phenotype. Pulsatile strain and shear stress stimulate probably reduce the risk of thrombus formation. The
vascular smooth muscle tissues development and induce behaviour of endothelial cells on the BC surface is
the vascular SMC to retain the differentiated phenotype in currently being investigated. We think that BC material
vascular smooth muscle engineering in vitro. This is with its asymmetric structure and smooth luminal surface
measured by investigating the levels of smooth muscle a- is a good substrate for endothelial cells to form a confluent
actin compared to static cultured tissue [33]. This will be layer.
further studied when culturing SMC on a tubular BC In the stress/strain diagram of a blood vessel, different
scaffold. components contribute to different parts of the diagram.
The morphology of bacterial cellulose is similar to that The elastin fibrils are involved at the beginning of
of asymmetric membrane with one more compact side and stretching while collagen fibrils are responsible for giving
another more porous side. Large differences in SMC strength at higher elongation and are important closer to
morphology were seen after one week in culture depending break. The blood vessel is also composed of an extra-
on which side of the BC pellicle the cells were cultured. The cellular matrix that contributes to load transfer and viscous
cell morphology was the same for cultures with and behaviour. A pellicle of BC containing 99% water is not as
2148 H. Bäckdahl et al. / Biomaterials 27 (2006) 2141–2149

strong or elastic as an entire blood vessel that contains The morphology of single nanofibrils, the network
about 70–80% water. However, if BC is to mimic the structures of BC and the stress-strain response showed
collagen fibril network in a blood vessel, it must have a similarities to that of a collagen network. This opens
higher strain at break. These changes can be achieved by opportunities for novel biomimetic scaffold design where
making the pellicle thicker or denser, but cells could also BC replaces the collagen network of the extracellular
strengthen the cellulose construct if implanted. The BC matrix.
pellicle is composed of 99% water, and we have shown that Thus, BC exhibit properties that are promising for use in
cells can migrate into the material. The deformation future tissue engineered blood vessels.
behaviour of BC is similar to the porcine carotid artery
(PCA) while the ePTFE shows a totally different deforma- Acknowledgements
tion behaviour. While this makes BC promising for
mimicking the mechanical behaviour of a porcine carotid This work was funded by the Swedish Research Council
artery (PCA), the difference in strain at break and (VR 0660), Heart and Lung Foundation, and Vinnova
elongation before strain-induced strength is still great. It (2001-06118).
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