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Oompa Loompa Musicals

Scene 1

Alex : Guys, Its 10 o clock! It’s


Alex: Time to go, got a real big show

and it’s almost time.
Gotta give the ‘ol hair a blow and my
teeth a good shine.

Marty: Gonna give a good sheen to the

ebony and ivory.
Crowd’s gonna go wild when they see
my best Gene – Gene Kelly I mean!

Gloria: Gonna do my toes, gonna do my

nails, a little make-up never fails.
Directed by Surbhi Madan
Oompa Loompa Musicals

A girl should always look her best –

when she’s this blessed.
Melman: Trying to drag my body out of
I can’t do the show with this aching
Maybe I should see the doc instead.

Zoo keeper : Why not start your

adventure in our African Savannah Section,
and say hello to Marty The Zebra

Singer:Crack-a-lack-in’, He’s so crack-

crack-a-lack-in’, He’s so crack-a-lack-in’

Marty: My name is Marty and I’m a

Directed by Surbhi Madan 2
Oompa Loompa Musicals

I ain’t a horse and I ain’t no libra.

I really know how to put on a show.
Give me a groove and watch me go…
Look out!
All: Crack-a-lack-in’, He’s so crack-a-
lack-in’, crack-a-lack-in’, He’s so crack-a-

Zoo keeper : Wanna see the third largest

land animal on earth?
Visit Gloria the Hippo!

Singer: She’s a hip hip hippo, she’s

round down town,
She shakes a hip hip when she walks, it
makes this sound… It goes:

Gloria: Boom! Boom!

Directed by Surbhi Madan 3
Oompa Loompa Musicals

Singer: Boom! Boom! It goes…

Gloria: I’m a hip hip hippo.

Singer: Boom! Boom!

Gloria: Yeah, I’m a hip hip hippo.

Singer: Boom! Boom!

Zookeeper : Attention Patrons. The

Giraffe exhibit is closed for now. Please
make sure our Giraffe, Melman feels better
by allowing him his Privacy.
We apologise for the inconvenience

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Oompa Loompa Musicals

Melman: I had to call in sick today. I

took a blood test and an x-ray.
Om my way back I found another spot.
I’m not feeling so hot.

Zookeeper : Stop by and visit our

Antarctica Exhibit and say hello to our cute
and cuddly Penguins

Skipper : Just smile and wave, smile and

(music) Rico! Progress Report!

Rico : we are only 500 feet from the

main sewer line.

Skipper : and the bad News?

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Oompa Loompa Musicals

Rico : I don’t think our Shovel can take

much more.

Skipper : Today we quit this Dump, you


Rico : So what do we do now?

Skipper : Just keep looking cute and

cuddly. Where are we going Boys?

Penguins: We’re going back where we

We’re goin’ back where we belong.
We’re busting out of here by dawn.
We’re goin’ back where we belong.
On the ice
Directed by Surbhi Madan 6
Oompa Loompa Musicals

Singer : On the ice

Zookeeper : And Ladies and gentleman,

children of all ages, the central park Zoo is
proud to present – Alex the Lion of The
New York City!

Alex: I’m the King.

Singer: He’s the King

Alex: Of New York City

Singer: Doo doo doo doo - Wild such a

goovy kitty. King.

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Oompa Loompa Musicals

Alex: I got the grace and I got the style.

I’m wild such a groovy kitty. I’m the king of
New York City!

Singer It’s ShowTime.

Alex: Roar!
Singer: It’s ShowTime.
Alex: Roar!
Singer: It’s ShowTime.
Alex: Rooaarr!
All: At the Central Park Zoo!

Alex : Thank you! You’re a great crowd!

Thank you very much. Hey check out my
website. Twenty – four – hour Alex Cam!

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Oompa Loompa Musicals

Marty: Yep, Show’s over folks, Thanks

for coming! I”ll be here all week. In fact I’ll
be here for my whole life 365 days a year
including Christmas, Halloween and many

(Penguins enter digging)

Marty : Hey, you in Tux!

Skipper : Great scot! We’ve been


Marty : What the heck are you doing


Skipper : Can you keep a secret my

monochromatic friend
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Oompa Loompa Musicals

Rico : We are going to Antarctica

Marty : An- ho- tica!

Skipper : Do you ever see penguins

running free around in New york city?

Rico : We don’t belong here, its just not


Skipper: This is all some kind of Bizarre

conspiracy. We are going to the open spaces
of Antarctica – to the Wild! MOVE!

Marty : The Wild?

Rico : You never saw us. understand?

Directed by Surbhi Madan 10
Oompa Loompa Musicals

Marty :Yea, sure I never saw anything.

But I’m sure I would like to.

Song : Wild and Free

Alex: Surprise!

Marty: AAghhh! Alex, Don’t interrupt

me when I’m daydreaming. When the Zebra
I in the zone leave’em alone.

Alex :C’mon Marty! Can’t a guy drop by

to see his best friend?

Everyone :Happy Birthday!

Marty :Aw! You guys!

Directed by Surbhi Madan 11
Oompa Loompa Musicals

Gloria : Happy Birthday Marty! We

made you something sweet.

Melman : ooh, it’s your 10th birthday.

This party is for you!

Alex : Because you act like a monkey

and smell like one too!

Gloria :Let’s go! Make a wish, babycakes.

Alex : What ya wish for?

Marty : Nope! I can’t tell you, it’s bad luck.

Gloria : C’mon, tell

Everyone : Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!

Directed by Surbhi Madan 12

Oompa Loompa Musicals

Marty : Okay! I wished I could go to the


Everyone :THE WILD!

Alex: Are you nuts? That is the worst idea I

have ever heard.

Melman :It’s unsanitary

Gloria : Oh Marty! Why would you say that


Marty: Alex! Just you and me! Let’s go!

Alex : What!

Song : Best friends

Marty :Good Night Alex! Sorry Buddy ol’

pal …but I got me a train to catch.

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Oompa Loompa Musicals

Alex : Hey, Marty, I was just thinking….

Marty? Oh no Marrrrrrtttyyyyyy!!!


Song : Relax, be cool, Chill out

Alex : Whooooaaa… I feel really…….


Melman : What’s Happening..?

Gloria : Guys?

Alex : Relax… be cool…!

Song :Slow motion

Directed by Surbhi Madan 14

Oompa Loompa Musicals

Scene 3 The Boat to Africa

Alex : uuhh… Where am I? It’s so dark.

What the…? I’m in a box. Oh, no. No! No!
Not the Box! NO!

Marty : Alex? Alex, are you there?

Gloria : Alex?Marty? Is that you?

Marty: Alex – Gloria!

Melman : zzzz…. Giraffe, giraffe

Gloria : Melman! Wake up! Melman!

(Melman yawns loudly)

Gloria : Are you ok Melman?

Melman : Oh. Yeah, I’m fine. I often dose

off while I’m getting a CAT scan.
Directed by Surbhi Madan 15
Oompa Loompa Musicals

Alex : Melman, you’re not getting a CAT

scan. We’re all in crates!


Skipper : Visuals! Report!

Rico : We’re in a crate on a ship in the

ocean, Skipper.

Skipper : Interesting! You! Higher

mammal. Can you read?

Mason : Your crate says ‘Ship to Kenya

Wildlife Preserve, Africa

Skipper : Africa? Rico! Break that lock.

Rico :Hye! Hye! Hye ! Hye!

Directed by Surbhi Madan 16

Oompa Loompa Musicals

Skipper : We are taking control of this rust

bucket. Let’s move to the bridge.


Skipper and Rico :Hie-ya! Status!

Rico : Judging from the map, we’re either

headed North or South or East or West

Skippper : All right. Let’s get this tin can

turned around! We’ll be eating cold Sushi
by the morning!

Song : Penguin’s sea Shanty

Directed by Surbhi Madan 17

Oompa Loompa Musicals

Scene 4 The Beach of Madagascar

Alex : I’m alive. Alive! I made it! (looks


But I’m all alone. Oh my poor friends. I’m

gonna miss their faces, their smiles, the
sweet sound of their voices…

Melman: Aaaaghh! Get this sea weed off

me! Somebody help me! Woaaah!

Alex: Melman! You’re Alive !

Melman :Gloria!

Gloria : And we’re here together safe and

Alex : Where’s Marty?

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Oompa Loompa Musicals

Marty: Surf’s up Dudes!! I could hang

here! Oh! I could hang here!!

Alex : Oh Marty! I’m so happy you’re alive!

Marty: I’m happy you’re happy too, Pal!

Alex : and now I’m gonna kill you.

Marty : Oh, c’mon. Do you really think I

intentionally made it all happen?

Alex : You Abused the power of the

Birthday wish and brought this bad luck on
all of us!
Melman : Yeah, why’d you tell us your
wish , Marty?

Gloria: You’re not suppose to do that.

Directed by Surbhi Madan 19

Oompa Loompa Musicals

Marty : This isn’t bad luck. This is god

luck! Look around. This place is beautiful!
No fences No schedules!

Alex : No food…My stomach’s growling

and nobody’s even feeding us. I mean what
do they expect us to eat in this dump?

Music : Foosa

Melman : I’m not sure what we’re

watching. Is this their Showtime?

Marty : They must be neighbours

Alex: Great, Let’s find out who’s in charge

over here.

Gloria : Okay, but make a good impression.

Smiles everyone.

Directed by Surbhi Madan 20

Oompa Loompa Musicals

Maurice : Welcome to Madagascar

Everyone : Madagascar?

Maurice: Ahem. Presenting, his royal

highness, the illustrious King Julien the
13th… self proclaimed lord of the lemurs,
Etc., etc., hooray Everybody

King Julien : Here I am. The king, the head

of your honcho. Come out my little Lemurs.

Song: Welcome to me and I like to move it

King Julien : Welcome, you cavalcade of

weirdoes! Please feel free to bask in my

Marty : uh. Okay!

Directed by Surbhi Madan 21

Oompa Loompa Musicals

King Julien : We thank you for saving life

of mort. Don’t be rude Mort, What do you

Mort : I just…I just…want to say thank-

King Julien : Oh. Be quiet , Mort. You are

so annoying! We also thank you with
enormous gratitude for chasing away The

Gloria :The Whoosa?

King Julien : The Foossa!

Melman : What is Foosa

King Julien : You see Whoosa are….

Foosas are …. Ummm never mind!
(Whispers) Dumb Giants
Anyways you tell us who are you?
Directed by Surbhi Madan 22
Oompa Loompa Musicals

Alex : I’m Alex. The Alex. And this is

Marty, Melman and Gloria.

Melman : We’re from New York.

King Julien: We must make friends with

these new york Giants. Mr. Alex will protect
us. And we will be safe and never have to
worry about the dreaded Foosa ever again! I
thought of that. Yes! Me! I did!

Song : Steak

Marty: What the heck was that all about?

King Julien : Waking, waking! Rise and

Shinning! Wake up, Mr. Alex! Wake up!

Alex: Oh, is it morning already?

King Julien: It’ a special Day! Look!

Directed by Surbhi Madan 23
Oompa Loompa Musicals

Melman : What’s going on? Where are we?

King Julien : Don’t worry, freaks! While

you were asleep, we simply took you to our
little corner of heaven.

Song : Living in paradise

Gloria : Marty, It’s Its….

Melman : Wow!

Marty : It’s exactly what I wished for when

I blew out my birthday candles!
The Wild! C’mon Alex, Give it a
chance,man. Look at Melman….he’s
crackalackin at it!

Gloria :There’s juicy berries

Alex : Yeah, but I need steak.

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Oompa Loompa Musicals

Skipper : Relax, Folks. We’ve got plan.

Rico : Sushi!

Alex : Sushi? Mmm… Sushi is better than


Skipper : Kitty loves the fishy!

All: Yay

Marty : Ok, Skipper has a ship. Let’s get

back to New York

Alex : Are you sure Marty? I mean being

here is your dream.

Marty : I don’t care where we are as long as

we are together.

Everyone : Hugs

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Oompa Loompa Musicals

King Julien : Okay, everyone! Don’t be

snooty with your booty, eh!

Song : I like to move it!

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Oompa Loompa Musicals

Directed by Surbhi Madan 27

Oompa Loompa Musicals

Directed by Surbhi Madan 28

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