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Assignment: 2

Question no 1:
What kind of services does Kapap Academy’s provide? What is Kapap
academy’s values proposition? How it is different from other martial art gyms?
The mission of the Kapap Academy was to "Enable common individuals with
reasonable individual security abilities". Kapap Academy centers around offering the
most "reasonable" strategies and groundwork for its students to guarantee full
survivability. Kapap Academy furnishes students with protected, exceptional
conditions to rehearse the various projects of self-preservation. The institute gives a
scope of cutting-edge self-protection programs at its exercise centers (Kap
Combative, Catch Wrestling) just as broad work out regimes like Ladies Muay Thai,
Piloxing and Pound Workout.
Chye explained Kapap Academy’s value proposition to consumers as follows:
“Martial arts as a sport are specifically differentiated from martial arts used for self-
defense. Modern Street Combative is a very simplistic way of getting involved, it's
not stylized, so it's very practical. Besides merging various disciplines we eliminated
elements that were ineffective when the individual was under threat of death. It's also
obviously teaching people to be good in the art of harming people to get away from
danger. What we are teaching is so different from martial arts sport, where it's done
until the referee says it is. Sportsmen don't come here to injure people. It's about
survival and it's a particular degree of strength, spiritual base, animalistic and violent.
It depends on your personality.”
Chye made it his life's mission to provide people with the requisite skills to feel, hold
at ease, and defend themselves from risk, if ever called upon to do so, and he made
sure to run Kapap Academy on the same basis making it their value proposition.
Kapap Academy works on different principles unlike several other gyms or schools in
the martial arts, the academy does not compete in tournaments and is recognized as
a social organization with a primary mission to serve the community. The Kapap
Academy division served distinguished from the gyms that offered wellness, beauty,
or sports related services and products. Kapap Academy was in the self-defense
sector which distinguishes it from all the other martial art gyms. Another thing the
made Kapap Academy different from other martial art gyms was their great customer
service and great instructors.
Question no 2:
Who are the customers? How does Kapap academy engage them?
The self-defense program of the academy teaches people to be street smart and to
study criminal psychology in order to identify and prevent hazards.
Using experience from training in psychology and body guarding, learners can learn
how to recognize signs of an impending attack and position themselves to create
opportunities to escape from it. It was popular with "ladies, executives who need to
fly, and the elderly" Kapap Academy is divided into three categories, with separate
charges for corporate, adult, and student groups. Holding lessons for people of all
ages and physical abilities, Kapap Academy strives to provide the skill sets for
ordinary citizens to remain safe in the streets against the worst-case scenarios.
The sessions are usually 2 hours long and are divided into an hour of theory lesson
and another practical hour where students can execute the theory-teaching moves.
The idea of an hour of theory lessons might sound boring, but the Academy knows
how to keep it fun and engaging by making their students show their instructors
some of the moves. Those lectures are particularly useful for us because they have
learned strategies about how to defend ourselves when faced with a case of
molestation and coming out of these tough circumstances. In addition, the academy
also engages its clients by giving them a course that lasts no longer than 10
sessions with no expiry date for use so that customers can utilize them according to
their convenience.
Question no 3:
What are the key resources and cost structure of Kapap Academy?
As a Social Enterprise Kapap Academy doesn’t rely on government funding or on
other sources like charity, Kapap Academy invest in property (not only in Singapore
but in Australia) which was key resource of Kapap Academy. Chye invested in
various properties to sustain his mission and add diversification to the business.
Cost Structure: For each hour-long session Kapap Academy charged an average of
S$250 for corporate classes. S$20 for adults, and S$15 for students. Each of Kapap
Academy's courses lasted no more than 10 sessions, with no expiry date for usage.

Question no 4:
Which of the two options would you recommended for Kapap Academy’s
expansion plans?
Although the paper inclines towards the licensing model due its low capital
investment as well as operational and maintenance costs and not to forget the ease
through which it can reach to the local communities, however all these benefits are
short-lived and might not prove beneficial for KAPAP academy in the long run.
Giving autonomous rights to sub-licensee not only puts KAPAP academy’s social
mission at a risk but might also prove detrimental to its brand name, since these sub-
licensees might start using it for personal profit gains and provide sub quality training
under the hood of KAPAP academy. Also, on top of this, there is always a threat of
piracy since the supplementary training videos might be distributed illegally for
commercial gains. All of this will lead to legal and prosecution costs for KAPAP
academy and will do more harm than good in the long run.
In contrast to this, the franchising option which might look costly at the beginning
shall prove beneficial not only in terms of retaining quality control but also protects
the social mission of KAPAP academy for which it was founded. The franchising will
also lead to protection of intellectual property and restrict the unlawful distribution
and piracy of its copyright content. Considering all these facts of Franchise
arrangement model to be beneficial than the Licensing model therefore I would
recommend Franchise arrangement model.

Assignment no: 3
“Write an academic essay on why a social enterprise may look to alternative
income streams to sustain its social mission”

Wherever on the world, social business people are having an effect. Their
associations tackle desperation, social unfairness, prosperity awkward nature and
ecological change. Nevertheless, while their cravings are estimable, cash is every
now and again scant. Along these lines, they ought to be creative in finding stocks.
Social entrepreneurs need an expansive comprehension of capital. By this, I don't
simply mean cash. The individuals who draw on friendly, social, natural, human,
representative, and otherworldly capital, just as money, have a superior possibility of
achievement. Let’s see the types where a social enterprise can take the funds:
Social Capital:
Social capital is trust between financial specialists, the sort that in any case exists
inside a family or local area. Social entrepreneurs can make this trust by building
formal and casual organizations, for example, self improvement gatherings and
expert affiliations. Such gatherings have a more grounded aggregate voice than
singular organizations, and can utilize each other's assets to meet common
objectives. This a triumphant technique since it is complementary. In the event that
one individual aides another, the other individual may reimburse their obligation of
appreciation by helping other people.

Human Capital:
Human resource is a business word for 'individuals'. Individuals are what makes any
friendly endeavor. Be that as it may, these assets are here and there squandered. In
numerous European nations, countless individuals of working age can't look for
some kind of employment, while different public works are non-existent or in a
condition of decay. Here lies a brilliant chance for social ventures to create projects
that could benefit as much as possible from human resources.
The jobless could choose for work in not-income driven affiliations where they could
obtain new capacities for nothing out of pocket, so they would be readied when a
skilled occupation presents itself. This is what Dorothy Stoneman did in East Harlem,
New York, which had high youth joblessness and many abandoned constructions.
She set up an advancement business, YouthBuild, to utilize adolescents and get the
empty houses back being utilized.
Symbolic Capital:
Right when a VIP maintains a social undertaking by reviving people to help an
endeavor in genuine cash or kind, significant capital is at play. One model is the
Hollywood performer Hugh Jackman, whose chain of bistros maintains truly paid
work for farmers in Ethiopia; another is whiz connoisseur expert Jamie Oliver's
'Fifteen' restaurant organization, which has arranged young people to become cook
Spiritual Capital:
Spiritual capital is when religion is utilized to change society to improve things. At the
point when social business visionaries work with strict organizations, they can get to
a scope of important assets, like structures, hardware, and potential participants who
cling to that confidence.
A British Council review tracked down that social entrepreneurs in Ghana separated
strict foundations as particularly strong accomplices to their business improvement
plans. Strict associations will in general have profound roots in networks, and a
history of preparing individuals to do beneficent and local area advancement work.

Economic Capital:
Economic capital, cash ought not be utilized in light of the fact that it is accessible to
spend. A superior methodology is to utilize cash if all else fails. This training saves
social business people a lot of cash. Lacking assets isn't the finish of your social
endeavor. It is a chance to take advantage of different types of capital. Doing so will
help you increment your effect and run a more manageable venture.

Cultural Capital:
Cultural capital incorporates resources like an individual's schooling, capabilities,
abilities, interests, and social and social foundation. These can open helpful assets.
For instance, a social business visionary could meet a possible promoter in a
craftsmanship exhibition. In the event that the two individuals have a real interest in
workmanship, their discussion could prompt fellowship and backing. A social
entrepreneur ought to be knowledgeable in the way of life of individuals they wish to
work with.
Environmental Capital:
To diminish running expenses, it pays to think about ecological capital. A social
entrepreneur should discover what assets exist as of now, by strolling around their
local area. Considering natural assets in this manner can set aside a great deal of
cash. For instance, when searching for an occasion space for an action, a
characteristic asset, for example, an open field could be a free option in contrast to
leasing an office.
Each social class, even the fiscally more grievous ones, may have assets that can
be used for social incredible. For example, a dismissed government building could
transform into a social endeavor headquarters, which is what happened in Nigeria
with Youth for Technology, a non-advantage affiliation.

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