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Book Talk Rubric for _____________________________________(Title of Book)
In this booktalk or reading conversation, the reader is either going to deliver a “talk” to the audience about the reader’s book or the reader
is going to share his or her reading experience with a book and invite a parallel reader to discuss connections and insights. In either
case, the student reader should include in his or her talk or conversation the following:

Enough summary (details) of the reading so that the audience can picture what’s going on in the book.
Responses to or opinions about the reading (characters, conflicts, ideas, etc.) with reasons for the opinions
A beginning, middle, and end with forward movement
Appropriate “conversation” tone for the audience and the situation
Strong word choice (vocabulary) with correct use of words

Directions to the reader: Conduct a ‘”booktalk” or reading conversation about your current reading. Have your audience use the rubric below to
give you feedback about your book talk/retelling. You should be able to keep your booktalk or conversation going for 5-10 minutes.

Directions to the audience: After the booktalk/reading conversation, place an X in the box that best describes the reader’s booktalk or your
conversation with the reader

CATEGORY Far Above Expectations Above Expectations Meeting Expectations Below Expectations

Structure Smooth beginning, middle, Clear Beginning, middle, end Abrupt beginning, middle or Missing beginning, middle,
end end or end
Forward moving
Fluid moving throughout Mostly forward moving but a bit Random or meandering
halting or backtracking

Ideas and Lots of relevant and vivid Relevant details Enough relevant details or Lacking details or Too
content details some minor irrelevant details many minute or irrelevant
(Details) Clear opinions with at least details
Strong opinions supported some reasons Clear opinion but lacking
with ample reasons reasons No opinions

Voice Strong, Confident, Knowledgeable Rather knowledgeable Confused or tentative

Strong vocabulary Simple vocabulary but correct Inexact use of words
Sophisticated vocabulary use of words
Appropriate tone Inappropriate tone
Engaging tone Mostly appropriate tone


Adult’s Name: ________________________________________________________________

Adult’s Signature: ____________________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________________

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