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LDXXXX10.1177/0022219416633866Journal of Learning DisabilitiesBarrientos

Journal of Learning Disabilities

Handwriting Development in Spanish

2017, Vol. 50(5) 552­–563
© Hammill Institute on Disabilities 2016
Reprints and permissions:
Children With and Without Learning
DOI: 10.1177/0022219416633866

Disabilities: A Graphonomic Approach

Pablo Barrientos, MS1

The central purpose of this study was to analyze the dynamics of handwriting movements in real time for Spanish students in
early grades with and without learning disabilities. The sample consisted of 120 children from Grades 1 through 3 (primary
education), classified into two groups: with learning disabilities and without learning disabilities. The Early Grade Writing
Assessment tasks selected for this purpose were writing the alphabet in order from memory, alphabet copying in cursive
and manuscript, and allograph selection. The dynamics of these four handwriting tasks were recorded using graphonomic
tablets (type Wacom Intuos-4), Intuos Inking pens, and Eye and Pen 2 software. Several events were recorded across
four different tasks: velocity, pressure, time invested in pauses, and automaticity. The results demonstrated significant
graphonomic variations between groups across grades, depending on the type of task.

graphonomics, handwriting, writing disabilities, transcription, Early Grade Writing Assessment

Handwriting is a complex human activity that entails an processing local parameters. Because processing capacities
intricate blend of cognitive, kinaesthetic, and perceptual- are limited, when various modules of different representa-
motor component skills that contribute to our ability to tional levels are active simultaneously, there is a supple-
write (Berninger et al., 1997; Bonny, 1992; Brooks, mentary cognitive load that results in an increase in
Vaughan, & Berninger, 1999; Reisman, 1991, 1993; movement duration and trajectory length. Some studies on
Rosenblum, Weiss, & Parush, 2003). At the basic level, children’s handwriting also used movement dysfluency as
the child needs (a) good postural control to develop the an indicator of a supplementary processing load during par-
gross and fine motor skills necessary for handwriting and allel processing (Meulenbroek & Van Galen, 1988; Mojet,
(b) effective visual perception to develop adequate visual 1991; Zesiger, Mounoud, & Hauert, 1993).
motor integration (Amundson & Weil, 1996). To learn According to Alamargot and Fayol (2009), the develop-
how to write, a child has to learn which abstract linguistic ment of expertise is subtended by two mechanisms, with
symbols (letters) represent sounds of speech. one gradually taking over from the other. As graphomotor
Simultaneously, she or he develops the motor skills that processes (programming and execution of the written
produce the spatio-temporal realization of letters (Kandel, trace) and linguistic processes (lexical and grammatical
Soler, Valdois, & Gros, 2006). Motorically, children first spelling) become automatized, they gradually give way to
begin to learn handwriting by transposing their drawing to the development of an increasingly complex strategy of
the tracing of letters but display many individual differ- composition underlaid by a growing number of linguistic,
ences in both quantitative (speed, precision) as well as rhetorical, and pragmatic constraints. According to capac-
qualitative (legibility) aspects of production (Hamstra- ity theory (Just & Carpenter, 1992; McCutchen, 1996), the
Bletz & Blot, 1990; Mojet, 1991; Ziviani, 1984). automatization of “low-level” processes via practice frees
Van Galen’s (1991) model provides a consistent expla- up cognitive resources, making them available for
nation of the integration of these cognitive and motor pro-
cesses in handwriting as a series of hierarchical modules. 1
University of the Valley of Guatemala, Guatemala
The linguistic aspects of handwriting are higher in the hier-
Corresponding Author:
archy than the more local parameters, such as size, direc-
Pablo Barrientos, Departamento de Psicología, Universidad del Valle
tion, and force. In this model, various modules can be active de Guatemala, 18 Avenida 11-95, Zona 15. Vista Hermosa III. Apartado
in parallel. The higher order modules anticipate and process Postal No. 82. 01901. Guatemala, Guatemala, C.A.
information related to forthcoming parts of the word while Email:
Barrientos 553

“high-level” controlled processes, which can then be fired studies of handwriting. Children produce numerous and varied
in parallel with the “low-level” ones (parallel processing errors, ranging from misspellings to mere letter orientation
during graphomotor execution; Alamargot, Dansac, errors. However, in later stages of development, the number of
Chesnet, & Fayol, 2007). errors decreases dramatically with the automation of writing,
By early elementary school, handwriting is neither so dysfluencies and gaze-raisings disappear completely
solely a visual (Berninger & Rutberg, 1992) nor solely a (Afonso, 2013). All of these measures are likely to tap into the
motor (Abbott & Berninger, 1993) process—it is an inte- peripheral process of writing, given their absence once writing
gration of orthographic codes (letter forms), phonological movements have become automatized.
codes (names), and graphomotor codes (output) The velocity profiles indicate that all handwriting move-
(Berninger, 2000). During their first 3 years of school, ments represent fully automated movements. This finding
children are expected to acquire a level of handwriting complements the findings of Medwell and Wray (2007),
proficiency that enables them to make skillful use of hand- who stated that when assessing handwriting efficiency, the
writing as a tool to carry out their work at school (Laszlo speed of writing has to be considered. However, it is not
& Broderick, 1991; Maeland & Karlsdottir, 1991). As of the speed/velocity itself that provides information about
Grade 4, writing assignments become longer and more handwriting automaticity; it is the course of the velocity
frequent. Children are required to hand in papers, write profile (Tucha et al., 2008). Tseng and Chow (2000) found
essays, and give longer responses to test questions that a group of students with slow handwriting had poorer
(Cornhill & Case-Smith, 1996; Reisman, 1993). Most results in their perceptual-motor skills and capacity to
children find that they are ready to handle these demands, maintain attention as compared to a group with normal
and the proficiency of their handwriting is reflected by speed. They suggested that quality and speed of handwrit-
their ability to produce legible text with minimum effort ing should be addressed as “valid and independent indica-
(Rosenblum, Weiss, & Parush, 2003). tors of handwriting performance” (O’Mahony, Dempsey,
According to Medwell and Wray (2007), the automatic- & Killeen, 2008).
ity of letter production appears to facilitate the ability to Subsequent work by Rosenblum, Parush, and Weiss
deal with the higher order, complex tasks of planning, orga- (2003) examined and compared the writing processes of pro-
nizing, revising, and regulating the production of text. ficient and nonproficient Grade 3 students using computer-
Research has suggested that automatic letter writing is the ized temporal measures. Nonproficient handwriters required
single best predictor of length and quality of written compo- significantly more time to perform handwriting tasks, as their
sition in the primary years (Graham, Berninger, Abbott, “in air” time was especially longer, their handwriting speed
Abbott, & Witaker, 1997), in secondary school, and even in was slower, and they wrote fewer characters per minute when
the postcompulsory education years (Connelly, Campbell, compared to the proficient handwriters. Lam, Au, Leung, and
Maclean, & Barnes, 2006; Jones, 2004; Peverley, 2006). Li-Tsang (2011), working with Chinese primary school stu-
dents from Grades 2 through 6, found that both typical stu-
Graphonomics Measures and dents and students with dyslexia in the higher grades
produced more characters and had faster speed. Similarly,
Individual Differences Chang and Yu (2013) recently reported on the major differ-
In the literature, researchers have discussed various kine- ences in kinematic and kinetic characteristics between chil-
matic parameters (e.g., maximum velocities and accelera- dren with and without dysgraphia, using online methods with
tions) to describe the execution of handwriting movements Taiwanese students from Grades 1 and 2. They found that
of healthy children and adults (Van Galen, Portier, Smits- pausing on paper and dysfluency of stroke movement were
Engelsmen, & Schomaker, 1993) as well as of children and better indicators of writing difficulties than the time or length
adults with a variety of disorders, such as attention-deficit/ of wandering in the air. However, these studies did not
hyperactivity disorder or major depression (Tucha & include the analysis of computerized temporal handwriting
Lange, 2001; Tucha et al., 2002). The parameter “number characteristics across different tasks; furthermore, they were
of inversions in the velocity profile” of a movement (NIV) made in nonalphabetical systems or in a Hebrew writing sys-
has been shown to be of particular importance in the assess- tem for which the results may not be extrapolated to the
ment of highly skilled motor activities (Tucha, Tucha, & Spanish writing system.
Lange, 2008). Therefore, the present study was designed to explore the
The analysis of the type of errors made by children during graphonomic profile of Spanish children with and without
writing instruction has provided valuable insights about the LD in transcription in the early grades across different writ-
way in which children acquire writing skills. The number of ing tasks. No other studies focused on analyzing the grapho-
errors, dysfluencies (defined as the number of velocity nomic profile of children with learning disabilities (LD) in
extremes), and gaze-raising (to consult the model in the course writing across different tasks in alphabetical systems were
of copying) has been analyzed mainly in developmental found.
554 Journal of Learning Disabilities 50(5)

Method of the Inking pen during the total strokes done by the par-
ticipant in one minute; (c) time invested in pauses was mea-
Participants sured in seconds, calculated by the duration that the pen
The participants for this study were 120 students from a state stopped contact with the tablet surface during the course of
on the island of Tenerife in the autonomous community of the 1 min; and (d) automaticity was calculated as the distance
Canary Islands. They were of both genders, from Grades 1 to executed through a certain duration. This variable is repre-
3, and ranged in age from 6 to 9 years old. Participants with sented by the quantity of letters written during the time used
LD in transcription (handwriting and spelling), LD–TD, to perform each of the tasks.
were identified by a percentile score below 25 on the Letter
Production and Word Production subtests from the Spanish Procedure
Standardized Early Grade Writing Assessment (EGWA;
Jiménez, 2015b). The characteristics of this group broke The digital recording of handwriting was controlled by the
down as follows: Grade 1, n = 19 (15 boys, 4 girls), age M = Eye and Pen 2 software. The EGWA tasks were run on an
81.8, SD = 3.50; Grade 2, n = 22 (11 boys, 11 girls), age M = Aspire One 722 computer. The tasks were conducted in
92.4, SD = 6.09; and Grade 3, n = 19 (12 boys, 7 girls), age M groups of five students at a time, in a soundproof room. Each
= 105.1, SD = 3.64. Children without LD–TD (non-LD) were participant could view the instructions on the notebook screen,
identified by a percentile score above 25 on the Letter and then she or he had to write the graphemes adequately for
Production and Word Production subtests from the EGWA. his or her grade level on a sheet of lined paper. The paper was
The characteristics of this group broke down as follows: placed over the digitizer tablet (Wacom Intuos-4) and changed
Grade 1, n = 20 (8 boys, 12 girls), age M = 81.3, SD = 3.54; for each task that the student performed. To execute handwrit-
Grade 2, n = 20 (12 boys, 8 girls), age M = 87.1, SD = 9.36; ing, an Intuos Inking pen (KP1302) was used. Each of the
and Grade 3, n = 20 (8 boys, 12 girls), age M = 104.4, SD = digitizing tablets had specific set parameters for beginning
3.48. The LD–TD and non-LD–TD groups were balanced by and ending zones; these areas had to be triggered with the tip
gender, χ2(1) = 3.36, p = .06, and no significant differences of the Inking pen at the beginning and end of each task. An
were found between the groups based on age, F(1, 118) = entire session lasted approximately 15 min.
1.079, p = .301. Exclusion criteria used were intellectual,
sensory, physical, mental, or motor deficiencies as deter- Data Analysis
mined by the Specific Educational Support Needs report
from each educational center. Use of the Eye and Pen 2 allowed us to conduct a subanaly-
sis of the total data production. For this study, only the first
minute of performance was taken into account. Data were
exported to the statistical analysis and data management
EGWA (Jiménez, in press). A total of four EGWA tasks program SPSS version 21.0.
were selected for this study: (a) writing the alphabet in order
from memory, to verify if the student is able to reproduce
all alphabet letters in the correct order from memory; (b)
alphabet copying in manuscript and (c) alphabet copying To analyze whether children with and without LD in tran-
in cursive, which are displayed if the student has acquired scription across grades showed differences in graphonomic
the motor patterns for writing letters in both cursive and measures, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
manuscript; and (d) allograph selection, to see if the student was conducted using a general linear model with the inter-
is able to select an allograph (i.e., lowercase letter) for each subject independent variables of group (LD–TD and non-
capital letter (for a detailed description of each task, see LD–TD) and grade (1, 2, 3); the dependent variables used
Jiménez, 2016). These tasks were adapted from the origi- were velocity, pressure, time invested in pauses, and
nal pen-and-paper EGWA format to the computerized Eye automaticity.
and Pen 2 software format (Alamargot, Chesnet, Dansac, &
Ros, 2006). This adaptation consisted of programming the
script for each task in the “Script” field of the acquisition
Writing the Alphabet in Order From Memory
panel of Eye and Pen 2. Each task had specific script com- Table 1 displays the means and standard deviations for the
mands according to the necessary parameters of each task. graphonomic variables by group and grade for writing the
Several events were recorded: (a) Velocity was the aver- alphabet in order from memory. Results revealed an effect
age speed reached by the child during the task, measured in based on the group variable, Wilks’ lambda = .81, F(4, 109)
centimeters/seconds, when all pen contact points with the = 6.29, p < .01, η2 = .19, and an effect due to the grade vari-
tablet surface were added; (b) pressure was measured in able, Wilks’ lambda = .57, F(8, 218) = 8.79, p < .01, η2 =
Hertz as the average pressure level (force) made with the tip .24. However, there was a significant interaction of group
Barrientos 555

Table 1.  Means and Standard Deviations for the Graphonomic Measures by Group and Grade for Writing the Alphabet in Order
From Memory Task.


Task Group 1 2 3 Total

Velocity LD–TD M 1.50 1.71 1.79 1.67
  n 18 22 18 58
  SD 0.56 0.55 0.55 0.56
  Non-LD–TD M 1.53 1.77 2.34 1.88
  n 20 20 20 60
  SD 0.52 0.57 0.84 .73
Pressure LD–TD M 521.89 466.77 505.44 495.88
  n 18 22 18 58
  SD 166.38 169.86 188.02 173.20
  Non-LD–TD M 574.45 496.15 523.55 531.38
  n 20 20 20 60
  SD 169.75 140.46 152.56 155.56
Time invested in pauses LD–TD M 5,418.29 2,826.11 2,239.40 3,448.50
  n 18 22 18 58
  SD 2,854.65 1,197.74 800.37 2,233.03
  Non-LD–TD M 2,843.17 2,507.91 1,535.13 2,295.40
  n 20 20 20 60
  SD 1,061.10 1,348.46 1,060.26 1,274.02
Automaticity LD–TD M 9.94 15.91 18.22 14.77
  n 18 22 18 58
  SD 3.90 5.29 5.40 5.93
  Non-LD–TD M 13.85 17.25 28.44 19.85
  n 20 20 20 60
  SD 4.21 5.36 11.78 9.96

Note. Velocity is expressed in centimeters per second, pressure is expressed in Hz, pauses are expressed in milliseconds, and automaticity is expressed
by the number of written letters in 1 min.

(LD–TD and non-LD–TD) and grade: Wilks’ lambda = .74, Regarding the index of automaticity, subsequent tests of
F(8, 218) = 4.51, p < .01, η2 = .14, indicating that the group simple main effects were conducted, and they confirmed sig-
and grade effect was affecting the graphonomic variables. nificant differences between groups (LD–TD and non-LD–
Follow-up univariate ANOVAs indicated that this interac- TD) when comparing the performance between Grades 2 and
tion occurred for the graphonomic variables of time invested 3, F(1, 117) = 5.50, p < .05, but not when comparing the per-
in pauses, F(2, 112) = 6.18, p < .01, η2 = .10, and automatic- formance between Grades 1 and 3, F(1, 117) = 3.73, p = .056,
ity, F(2, 112) = 4.72, p < .05, η2 = .08. or between Grades 1 and 2, F(1, 117) = .19, p = .66. There
Regarding time invested in pauses, subsequent tests of were only significant differences between groups only in
simple main effects confirmed that there were significant dif- Grade 3, F(1, 117) = 17.33, p < .01. This means that students
ferences between groups (LD–TD and non-LD–TD) when the with LD–TD had more difficulty at the beginning of their
performance of Grade 1 and Grade 2 children was compared, schooling, when executing automatic letter traces that they
F(1, 118) = 6.57, p < .05, and when the performance between needed to recover the graphemes from memory and write
children in Grades 1 and 3 was compared, F(1, 118) = 4.19, them, in contrast to the students without LD–TD, who showed
p < .05, but not when the performance between the children in a significant increase in their level of automaticity at Grade 3
Grades 2 and 3 was compared, F(1, 118) = .29, p = .59. On the as compared with children with LD–TD (see Figure 2).
other hand, there were significant differences between groups
(LD–TD and non-LD–TD) only for Grade 1, F(1, 118) = 19.8,
Alphabet Copying in Cursive
p < .001. This means that students with LD–TD invested more
time in pauses at the beginning of their schooling compared to Table 2 shows the means and standard deviations of the gra-
the trajectory shown by the non-LD–TD group, and the LD– phonomic variables by group and grade for alphabet copying
TD group experienced a significant decrease of time invested in cursive format. The results revealed an effect based on
in pauses for Grade 2 (see Figure 1). grade, Wilks’ lambda = .77, F(8, 216) = 3.73, p < .01, η2 = .12.
556 Journal of Learning Disabilities 50(5)

Figure 1.  The Interaction of Group × Grade on Time Invested in Pauses in Writing the Alphabet in Order From Memory Task

Figure 2.  The Interaction of Group × Grade on Automaticity in Writing the Alphabet in Order From Memory Task

There was no effect based on group (LD–TD and non-LD– η2 = .06. Univariate ANOVAs analysis indicated that the gra-
TD), Wilks’ lambda = .98, F(4, 108) = .48, p = .75, η2 = .02, phonomic variables of velocity, pressure, and time invested in
and no significant interaction of group (LD–TD and non-LD– pauses did not differ significantly across grades for cursive
TD) and grade, Wilks’ lambda = .89, F(8, 216) = 1.67, p = .10, copying.
Barrientos 557

Table 2.  Means and Standard Deviations for the Graphonomic Measures by Group and Grade for the Alphabet Copying Cursive


Task Group 1 2 3 Total

Velocity LD–TD M 1.21 1.21 0.96 1.13
  n 18 22 18 58
  SD 0.83 0.52 0.28 0.59
  Non-LD–TD M 1.36 1.19 1.19 1.24
  n 19 20 20 59
  SD 0.42 0.43 0.53 0.46
Pressure LD–TD M 574.06 519.05 535.89 541.34
  n 18 22 18 58
  SD 154.52 159.48 197.17 169.19
  Non-LD–TD M 581.42 482.80 529.25 530.31
  n 19 20 20 59
  SD 171.33 152.71 148.51 160.03
Time invested in pauses LD–TD M 5,054.99 3,657.06 3,571.83 4,064.45
  n 18 22 18 58
  SD 3,758.14 2,040.87 1,103.82 2,561.40
  Non-LD–TD M 3,749.36 3,961.86 3,212.76 3,639.50
  n 19 20 20 59
  SD 937.06 1,732.95 1,823.68 1,564.73
Automaticity LD–TD M 9.56 11.77 9.91 10.51
  n 18 22 18 58
  SD 4.41 4.70 2.33 4.07
  Non-LD–TD M 10.68 10.40 12.85 11.32
  n 20 20 20 60
  SD 2.70 3.57 5.98 4.40

Note. Velocity is expressed in centimeters per second, pressure is expressed in Hz, pauses are expressed in milliseconds, and automaticity is expressed
by the number of written letters in 1 min.

Alphabet Copying in Manuscript and between the Grades 1 and 3 students, t(75) = 4.01, p <
.01. This suggests that students from Grade 1 made constant
Table 3 displays the means and standard deviations for the and longer interruptions in the trajectory of their traces when
graphonomic variables by group and grade for alphabet they performed the manuscript copying task as compared to
copying in manuscript format. The outcomes exposed no Grades 2 and 3 students. We also conducted t tests between
effect based on group (LD–TD and non-LD–TD), Wilks’ pairs to compare differences between grades for the variable
lambda = .95, F(4, 110) = 1.34, p = .26, η2 = .05, although of automaticity. These confirmed significant differences
an effect due to the grade variable was found, Wilks’ lambda between grades when the performance between the Grades 1
= .77, F(8, 220) = 3.84, p < .01, η2 = .12. No significant and 3 students was compared, t(79) = 3.21, p < .05. This
interaction of group (LD–TD and non-LD–TD) and grade means that students from Grade 1 had developed a lower
was found, Wilks’ lambda = .88, F(8, 220) = 1.75, p = .08, level of automaticity in the execution of manuscript traces as
η2 = .06. Follow-up univariate ANOVAs revealed that the compared with Grade 3 students.
graphonomic variables of time invested in pauses, F(2, 113)
= 8.71, p < .01, η2 = .13, and automaticity, F(2, 113) = 5.15,
Allograph Selection
p < .05, η2 = .08, differed significantly across grades.
Post hoc comparisons using the Bonferroni correction of Table 4 shows the means and standard deviations of the gra-
multiple comparisons confirmed significant differences in phonomic variables by group and grade for the allograph
the means of time invested in pauses and automaticity among selection task. The results revealed an effect based on group
grades. After t tests between pairs were conducted to com- (LD–TD and non-LD–TD), Wilks’ lambda = .90, F(4, 110)
pare differences between grades regarding time invested in = 3.08, p < .05, η2 = .10, and an effect due to the grade,
pauses, significant differences were found between the per- Wilks’ lambda = .57, F(8, 220) = 8.93, p < .01, η2 = .24. No
formance of the Grades 1 and 2 students, t(79) = 2.93, p < .05, significant interaction of group (LD–TD and non-LD–TD)
558 Journal of Learning Disabilities 50(5)

Table 3.  Means and Standard Deviations for the Graphonomic Measures by Group and Grade for the Alphabet Copying Manuscript


Task Group 1 2 3 Total

Velocity LD–TD M 1.10 1.10 .99 1.07
  n 18 22 18 59
  SD 0.67 0.47 0.17 0.48
  Non-LD–TD M 1.05 1.04 1.24 1.11
  n 20 20 20 60
  SD 0.32 0.49 0.58 0.47
Pressure LD–TD M 562.42 569.91 587.11 572.75
  n 19 22 18 59
  SD 161.38 172.89 199.95 175.28
  Non-LD–TD M 636.90 606.45 579.50 607.62
  n 20 20 20 60
  SD 147.48 114.61 169.61 145.11
Time invested in pauses LD–TD M 5273.58 3483.56 3352.85 4020.13
  n 19 22 18 59
  SD 2823.46 944.23 717.91 1926.13
  Non-LD–TD M 3993.24 3765.41 3092.82 3617.16
  n 20 20 20 60
  SD 980.62 1462.30 1363.73 1321.28
Automaticity LD–TD M 9.10 11.77 11.33 10.78
  n 19 22 18 58
  SD 3.72 4.24 2.06 3.67
  Non-LD–TD M 10.15 11.57 14.15 11.96
  n 20 20 20 60
  SD 2.39 5.60 6.13 5.18

Note. Velocity is expressed in centimeters per second, pressure is expressed in Hz, pauses are expressed in milliseconds, and automaticity is expressed
by the number of written letters in 1 min.

and grade was found, Wilks’ lambda = .88, F(8, 220) = 1.84, 2, t(79) = 2.60, p < .05, and from the students in Grade 3,
p = .07, η2 = .06. t(75) = 2.70, p < .05 (see Figure 3).
Univariate ANOVAs showed that the graphonomic vari- For the variable time invested in pauses, there were sig-
ables of velocity, F(1, 113) = 6.388, p < .05, η2 = .05, time nificant differences between students from Grades 1 and 2,
invested in pauses, F(1, 113) = 7.41, p < .01, η2 = .06, and t(79) = 3.94, p < .01, between students from Grades 1 and 3,
automaticity, F(1, 113) = 8.93 p < .01, η2 = .07, differed signifi- t(75) = 6.96, p < .01, and between students from Grades 2
cantly between the LD–TD and non-LD–TD groups. These and 3, t(78) = 3.17, p < .01 (see Figure 4). Finally, we found
differences between the groups in the graphonomic variables the same pattern between grades for the measure of automa-
suggest that students without LD–TD developed a significant ticity: Grade 1 students displayed significant differences
enhanced performance in the transcription of the allographs from Grade 2 students, t(79) = 3.12, p < .01, and also from
since early grades. Univariate ANOVAs also pointed out that Grade 3 students, t(75) = 7.36, p < .01. There was also a
the graphonomic measures of velocity, F(2, 113) = 4.70, p < significant difference between Grades 2 and 3 students,
.05, η2 = .07, time invested in pauses, F(2, 113) = 24.7, p < .01, t(78) = 4.39, p < .01 (see Figure 5).
η2 = .30, and automaticity, F(2, 113) = 26.91, p < .01, η2 = .32, These results confirmed that for the allograph selection
differed significantly across grades. task students achieved faster velocity in Grades 2 and 3.
Post hoc comparisons using the Bonferroni correction of Younger students in Grade 1 invested more time in pauses,
multiple comparisons confirmed significant differences in whereas there was less time invested in pauses by Grade 2
the means of velocity, time invested in pauses, and automa- students. The obtained values for automaticity showed that
ticity between grades. After t tests between pairs were con- students struggled more at the beginning of their schooling
ducted to compare differences between grades with regard (Grade 1) compared with Grades 2 and 3, signifying a main
to velocity, results indicated that the students from Grade 1 effect of the variable grade over the graphonomic measures
showed significant differences from the students in Grade mentioned above.
Barrientos 559

Table 4.  Means and Standard Deviations for the Graphonomic Measures by Group and Grade for the Allograph Selection Task.


Task Group 1 2 3 Total

Velocity LD–TD M 1.22 1.55 1.50 1.43
  n 19 22 18 59
  SD 0.35 0.49 0.31 0.42
  Non-LD–TD M 1.48 1.67 1.73 1.64
  n 20 20 20 60
  SD 0.45 0.46 0.49 0.47
Pressure LD–TD M 551.79 522.32 524.94 532.61
  n 19 22 18 59
  SD 168.36 149.02 189.23 165.87
  Non-LD–TD M 603.20 540.80 540.45 561.48
  n 20 20 20 60
  SD 180.98 139.32 138.96 154.60
Time invested in pauses LD–TD M 4,538.46 3,116.48 2,208.81 3,297.49
  n 19 22 18 59
  SD 1,375.65 696.47 909.73 1,374.86
  Non-LD–TD M 3,353.33 2,744.08 2,070.16 2,722.52
  n 20 20 20 60
  SD 1,095.95 1,163.75 1,406.24 1,318.74
Automaticity LD–TD M 9.63 13.50 17.56 13.49
  n 19 22 18 59
  SD 2.89 3.23 4.83 4.82
  Non-LD–TD M 12.45 15.50 20.74 16.23
  n 20 20 20 60
  SD 4.05 5.07 7.60 6.64

Note. Velocity is expressed in centimeters per second, pressure is expressed in Hz, pauses are expressed in milliseconds, and automaticity is expressed
by the number of written letters in 1 min.

Figure 3.  The Interaction of Group × Grade on Velocity in Allograph Selection Task
560 Journal of Learning Disabilities 50(5)

Figure 4.  The Interaction of Group × Grade on Time Invested in Pauses in Allograph Selection Task

Figure 5.  The Interaction of Group × Grade on Automaticity in Allograph Selection Task

Discussion were analyzed. The results revealed that the best single gra-
phonomic predictor for describing the graphonomic hand-
For this study, the dynamics of handwriting movements in writing profile of these groups depends on the type of task.
real time for Spanish students with LD (LD–TD) and with- Writing the alphabet in order from memory is a task that
out LD (non-LD–TD) in early grades across different tasks engages the student in cognitive and motor activities that
Barrientos 561

demand sequential and parallel processing, as the student compared children with dysgraphia with a nondisabled con-
must prepare sequential graphonomic actions and at the trol group. These authors did not find differences in any of
same time use short- and long-term memories to recover the graphonomic variables in copying tasks of Chinese
the grapheme form. At this level, it is probable that the task characters, taking into account that these symbols require a
also demands use of both auditory-verbal memory (recov- higher number of strokes to be made per character than the
ering auditory-memorized sequence of the alphabet) and alphabet in Spanish. This confirms that other tasks should
visual-motor memory (recovering memory of the appear- be employed to assess automatic transcription using gra-
ance of the letters and how to form them). These parallel phonomic measures in early grades. The findings suggest
processing abilities are necessary to place the proper letter that the copying task uses more peripheral cognitive and
in the correct sequential order, suppressing the use of motor motor processes in handwriting when compared to the
execution of other possible graphemes. For instance, wait- memory letter and allograph selection tasks.
ing for a semantic representation to be planned or for a The alphabet copying task in manuscript format pro-
linguistic form to be translated can bring graphomotor exe- vides interesting evidence regarding no difference in the
cution to a halt and generate a writing pause (McCutchen, graphonomic profile between groups (LD–TD and non-
1996). In this context, the duration and frequency of pauses LD–TD); however, there were differences through grades in
can be regarded as indicators of processing complexity and two of the graphonomic variables: time invested in pauses
its associated cost (Chanquoy, Foulin, & Fayol, 1990; and automaticity. The Grade 1students invested more time
Dansac & Alamargot, 1999; Foulin, 1995, 1998; copying each of the alphabet manuscript graphemes in
Schilperoord, 2002). comparison to the Grades 2 and 3 students. This evidence
In this study, the results indicated that students in the supports the idea that gaze movements interfere with motor
LD–TD group at Grade 1 invested more time in pauses, execution during copying tasks, suggesting that the younger
which compromised the quantity of letters produced during study participants needed more gaze movements to repro-
the first minute, demanding more use of cognitive resources. duce the manuscript grapheme because they had not com-
This was not the case for the older Grades 2 and 3 students pletely internalized the motor programs for this type of
in both the LD–TD and non-LD–TD groups. This finding letter script. The students who participated in the study had
suggests that the cognitive and motor efforts that the LD– learned the cursive pattern before the manuscript. This type
TD group invested in planning the next letter trace were of script is generally introduced in Grade 2. The level of
higher at Grade 1. The time invested in pauses for this task automatic transcription was different only between the
magnifies the differences in dysfluencies that younger Grades 1 and 3 students, indicating that the outcome of the
Spanish students with LD experience when they are com- alphabet copying task in manuscript format should only be
pared with peers without LD. In this study, the automaticity considered for assessing students at Grade 3, because in the
performance when writing the alphabet in order from mem- first two grades it is not the best identifier for delays in the
ory supports the hypothesis that students without LD automatic copying transcription ability.
acquire free handwriting early through the automation of The results for the allograph selection task revealed that
sequential activation of motor programs stored in the form the best single graphonomic variables for describing the dif-
of spatial codes (Thomassen & Van Galen, 1992). The dif- ferences among groups (i.e., LD–TD and non-LD–TD)
ference between the LD–TD and non-LD–TD groups in were velocity, time invested in pauses, and automaticity.
Grades 1 and 2 on the graphonomic variable of automaticity The velocity profile of the non-LD–TD group was faster in
was not evident between groups until Grade 3. The Grade 3 each of the three grades; students with LD–TD were slower
non-LD–TD group members achieved a stable capacity to in the activation of intentions because they may lack auto-
perform swiftly and accurately without the need for con- mation skill in the process of selecting a specific allograph
scious-attention handwriting production of the alphabet in from their long-term memory. This could be interfering
order from memory. This might be due to the maturing of with and interrupting the activation and execution of a spe-
the cognitive system as well as the fact that at the Grade 3 cific motor program; in consequence, the average velocity
level the school curriculum started requiring more complex is compromised throughout the writing performance.
writing abilities, demanding from the children a higher In the case of the time invested in pauses and automatic-
order process for handwriting tasks that included the need ity, the LD–TD students reported more time invested in
for planning, organizing, revising, and regulating the pro- pauses; that is, pauses were shorter for the non-LD–TD
duction of text; in other words, an automatic handwriting group, allowing an automatic execution of the correct alter-
transcription of the alphabet is expected. native allograph grapheme. The difference in the level of
The graphonomic outcome was not the same for the automatic allograph selection suggests that students in
alphabet copying task in cursive format, as no differences Grade 3 are expected to have already interiorized the 54 dif-
among the graphonomic variables were found. These find- ferent grapheme representations of the alphabet letters in
ings are consistent with those of Chang and Yu (2013), who the Spanish language, achieving not only the proper order
562 Journal of Learning Disabilities 50(5)

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Funding comparing first and second graders with normal or dysgraphic
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support characteristics. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34,
for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This 2433–2441.
research was supported by Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Chanquoy, L., Foulin, J. N., & Fayol, M. (1990). Temporal man-
Innovación y Sociedad de la Información, ref. ProID20100030 agement of short text writing by children and adults. Cahiers
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