Summative Test in Grade 10

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Butansapa, Mogpog, Marinduque

Name: _________________________________ Date_____________ Score: _______

Grade/Section:___________________________ Parent’s Signature_______________


Quarter 2

MELC: Observe the language of research, campaigns, and advocacies

Directions: A. Identify the terms referred to by the given statement or definitions. Choose your
answers from the list below. Write only the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
A. Advocacy B. Campaigns C. Research
______ 1. It is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision-making process
within a specific group.
______ 2. It refers to the systematic investigation and study of materials and sources in order to
establish facts and reach new conclusions.
______ 3. It is the act of speaking on behalf of or in support of another person, place, or thing.
______ 4. It is a work in an organized and active way towards a goal, typically a political or
social one.
______ 5. It is a careful and detailed study into a specific problem, concern, or issue using the
scientific method.

B. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if the statement is
______ 6. In research, data gathered must be thoroughly analyze.
______ 7. The purpose of campaigns and advocacies are to persuade its target audience to agree
to its vision and mission.
______ 8. In writing a research, it should start from formulating a question or a problem.
______ 9. Monitoring an environment issue is an act of conducting a research,
______ 10. Knowing the audience in an advocacy, can easily direct one to a certain goal.

MELC 2: Identify key structural elements of expository text and the language features in
an argumentative text
Directions: Complete the statements below by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
Write it on the spaces provided before each number.

________ 11. “We can overcome this pandemic as long as we help each other.” The underlined
word in the sentence is an example of a __________.
A. modal adverbs B. modal verbs C. both A and B D. none of these

________ 12. When we want to present and give ideas, we express it using __________
A. declarative B. imperative C. interrogative D. exclamatory

________ 13. __________ refers to the comprehensive explanation of ideas through describing
and providing specific details.
A. Argument B. Declarative C. Exposition D. Rhetorical

________ 14. __________ voice is the voice of the verb wherein the object or the receiver of the
action is given more emphasis and importance than the doer or the subject.
A. Active B. Loud C. Passive D. Silent

________ 15. The following are the parts of an expository writing EXCEPT for __________.
A. restatement of position C. declarative
B. statement of position D. argument

________ 16. We usually put __________ questions on our introduction to catch the reader’s
interest or to put them into thinking.
A. argumentative B. declarative C. exposition D. rhetorical

________ 17. “Blended Learning: A Parent, A Student, and A Teacher’s Point of View” This
title is a best example for an __________ writing.
A. argumentative B. expository C. literary D. narrative

________ 18. “Relief bags are distributed by the Barangay officials.” This sentence is an
example of a __________ voice.
A. active B. loud C. passive D. silent

________ 19. In writing exposition and arguments, we have to avoid using __________ words.
A. formal B. foul C. nice D. slang

________ 20. After, and, before, but, and so are common examples of __________.
A. conjunctions B. modals C. nouns D. prepositions

MELC 3. Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion.

Directions: Identify the type of assertion shown in the following sentences. Choose from the
following and write only the letter that corresponds to your choice.
A. Basic Assertion C. Emphatic Assertion
B. Escalating Assertion D. Language Assertion

_____ 21. I am confident that if you don’t pay attention to what your parents say, you will end
up feeling terrible.
_____ 22. I know you feel awful about what happened during your speech delivery, because I’ve
been through the same thing and I want you to know that it’s okay not to be okay.
_____ 23. Doing homework and studying for exams are worthwhile activities.
_____ 24. In my opinion, you outgrow your immaturity and develop a sense of responsibility
when you face failures.
_____ 25. Whenever I’m about to give up, I feel disappointed about myself. Thus, I see to it that
I don’t recklessly make bad decisions.

MELC 4. Formulate claims of fact, policy, and value (EN10WC-IIb-13.2)

Directions: Identify whether the following formulated statements are claims of fact, policy,
and value. Choose your answer from the list below and write only the letter that
corresponds to your choice.
A. Claims of Fact B. Policy C. Value

_____ 26. To control the COVID19 cases in our country, mass testing and strengthening the
quality of our health care system are great plans to set forth across the country.
_____ 27. Taiwan is known to be one of the small countries in Asia that was able to flatten the
curve of COVID19 cases.
_____ 28. The Department of Education is offering good and relevant alternatives to face-to-face
learning despite the public health situations.
_____ 29. Prevention is better than cure.
_____ 30. Selective social injustice is unjust.
_____ 31. Planting trees can help reduce pollution and improve mental well-being.
_____ 32. It is not right to use social media to harm anyone.
_____ 33. The presence of social media serves as a great platform to help individuals reach out
each other and communicate.
_____ 34. Law must be implemented with all honesty and fairness among its citizens of any
culture, race, and social class.
_____ 35. Excessive usage of gadgets can lead to illnesses such as vision problems, hearing loss,
and neck strain.

MELC 5. Deliver a prepared or impromptu talk on an issue employing the techniques in
public speaking
Directions: Write TRUE on the blank if the statement on the item conforms to the tips on
how to deliver an impromptu speech. Write FALSE if it does not.

_____ 36. You should be all out in expressing your thoughts about the LGBTQ++community.
_____ 37. Use deep words even you are talking in front of a younger group so they will know
that you are an expert.
_____ 38. You should shift from one topic to another so the audience will have more
information take away from you.
_____ 39. You can crack some joke to shift the mood when you think the audience is getting
bored already.
_____ 40. You can bite your fingernails in front of your audience when you feel anxious.
_____ 41. There is a need to always walk around the stage or move your hands while talking
_____ 42. You should be cautious tapping on sensitive issues like domestic violence and rape to
avoid triggering trauma from possible victims from the audience.
_____ 43. Always talk with a louder volume so you will be noticed by your audience.
_____ 44. You can slouch while delivering a talk because you are the guest.
_____ 45. You should be highly conscious about yourself because one mistake can lead to
your downfall as an expert.

MELC 6. Use multimedia elements.

Directions: Read each statement. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

_____ 46. What mode is used by a traffic officer who is directing traffic situation on the road?
A. audio B. gestural C. linguistic D. spatial

_____ 47. The following are examples of multimodal texts, EXCEPT?

A. advertisements B. blogs C. infographics D. notebooks

_____ 48. Which of the following modes is more effective if a student is visually- Impaired.
A. audio B. gestural C. linguistic D. visual

_____ 49. What combination of modes should be used when delivering an effective graduation
A. audio and visual C. linguistic and gestural
B. audio and gestural D. spatial and visual

_____ 50. Arrangement of your rooms, your office, and even your desk are examples of ______.
A. audio B. gestural C. linguistic D. spatial

Good luck!

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