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Lab session – week 1 semester 4 – 4 documents on You Tube – Careful!

There’s work to do for #1

and #2 – Please try to work without subtitles!

1. Please do the Beyond Tomorrow – Watercraft exercise first (below)

This document from an Australian TV channel called Science Channel, shows how foils can be used in water. Go to You Tube
and type “Beyond Tomorrow – Watercraft”. If you can see a reporter in a red T-shirt called Anna Choy, you’ve got it!

What is the name of the invention? Aqua skipper

What does it allow the user to do? Advance on water

What’s the name of the inventor? shane chen

What type of energy does the device use? Human energie

What kind of motion is required? bouncing

Fill in the first technical part of the script

It’s really hard to imagine something that looks less like a watercraft, but you can see how well it
works. It’s all based on the hydrofoil which provides lift, like an aerofoil does on a plane. I think I
might be able to do the bouncing up and down bit. It’s just the launching off that I might have
trouble with. Bouncing moves the angle of the hydrofoil up and down, much like a dolphin tail to
give forward movement. Just like an aircraft wing, the hydrofoil needs to get up to speed to work.
Speed generates lift and raises the craft out of the water. Otherwise you’d stall and crash, or in this
case sink

What is the front spring made of? (the material used)

Fiber glass

Fill in the second part of the script

The fiber glass spring compresses when you jump. As it springs back it pushes the ______________
hydrofoil up and down, to very efficiently thrust  you along, because only the back and front
hydrofoils are in the water, there’s very little  drag The atlas can skim along at speeds of up to  28
kilometers an hour, which Shane says, makes it the fastest human-powered watercraft afloat.

Lab session – week 1 semester 4 – 4 documents on You Tube – Careful! There’s work to do for #2 –
Please try to work without subtitles!
2. Now please work on hydrofoils again, and do the exercise below
Still on You Tube How has ‘foiling’ made boats much faster? CNN

Racing boats are getting faster and faster. One of the main reasons for this is foils:
What does a foil prevent (around 1:10)?

Which University?southampton
And which lab / department in particular?

(around 2:10) What’s the ratio between the density of water and that of air? 1000

“… the force on the foil is 1,000 times, so you can have a much smaller
__________________ foil and it will generate the same amountof lift…”

(around 2:40) “
[the problem is] you have to go fast enough for the lift to pull you out of the
water, so you need some minimum speed. Then if you start going too fast you’ll become

(around 4:00) “…
foils aren’t pushin the boats along at all, what they’re doing is that they’re
lifting the boat up out of the water, which removes the resistance of the hall...”

What is the force at play on a classic boat?

Where is Tom Slingsby from? American

Which team did he work for during the 2012 America’s Cup (name and nationality)?

What’s the English for “coque”:

Now here’s more serious science on Bernoulli and Newton: just watch and listen to these two!

3. Still on You Tube, a really thorough look at Bernoulli,

Bernoulli’s Equation , Bozeman Science

4. Newton’s Third Law of Motion vs Bernoulli’s Principle: which one is right?

How does a wing actually work?, by Veritasium

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