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GMP S4 – TD3

4 schools of engineering & technology/ 4 ways of working on UAV technology

Document 1:

Name of the school? Stanford university Where is it? Paloalto

a. What kind of birds do they study in the garden? Huming birds

b. What kind of camera do they use for this? Give one of its specifications high speed
camera 2000 fps

c. What acrobatics do they do? Barol wrols body shakes 55

, hover
d. What robots have they built that mimic birds? Name at least two and say what they do
del fly airborne 15 minutes brobo swift wings that can change shape

e. Use what Jan Wouver Kruyt says to explain how a bird flies :from fully extended to swept


Document 2 :

Name of the school? ETA University Where is it? Zurich

Name of the robot? quadro copter

a. What does the robot need to apply to make sharp turns around the poles? More thrust

b. Autonomous or remote-controlled? Quote from the document to give your answer:

remote controlled self learn

c. What can the flying robots do? Name at least three tasks
- balance a pol
- gimastic manuvers
- building a wall
d. What do algorithms do? Act as a language too tell robots what to do
e. What help / props do the robots need to fly (and learn)?
50 calculations per seconds
f. What could it be used for in the future? Name at least three tasks
- - -
g. What is described as « elegant, graceful, beautiful » by Professor Raffaello d’Andrea?
i. The difference between creating robotic movement on the ground and in the air  - fill in
these sentences:

You can do more things / the equations of motion are more complicated / your choices are much
larger / the algorithms tend to be more complicated

Write at least one « accroissement parallèle » using these clauses :

1. Please do this now!!

2. Please do this now!!


Document 3 :

Name of the school? Where is it?

Name of the robot?

a. What’s the novelty of this device?

b. What do they put in the mechanics?


Document 4 :

Name of the school? Where is it?

Name of the robot?

Where does the visitor go?


Wrapping it up:

1.Which video is the most informative? Say why

2.Which video is the most pleasant to watch? Say why

3.Which school is the most attractive, according to you? Say why

4.What does UAV stand for? Don’t hesitate to check on the internet

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