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Dec Christine Montanez Grade 11 - Hyperion

Activity 2
Read carefully each statement. Choose the correct answer, and WRITE the letter of the
correct answer before the number.

__d___1. How does Harry first learn that he is a wizard?

a. Dudley accidentally lets it slip c. The Dursleys tell him when he is eight

b. He reads about it in the Daily Prophet d. Hadgrid has to track him down to tell him

__c___2. Where does Harry live in the Dursley’s home?

a. with Dudley c. in a cupboard under the stairs

b. in the guest house d. in Mr. and Mrs. Dursley’s room

___c__3. Who decides where the children will be housed at Hogwarts?

a. The Sorting Broom c. The Sorting Hat

b. Albus Dumbledore d. Each child decides for himself or herself

__d___4. How do the children wants to get rid of Hagrid’s dragon?

a. They poison it.

a. They bring it up to the top of the tallest tower and push it off

c. They bring it up to the top of the tallest tower and give it to Voldermort

d. They bring it up to the top of the tallest tower and give it to Ron’s older brother’s

__a___5. Which teacher is trying to steal the Sorcerer’s Stone?

a. Quirrell c. Dumbledore

b. Snape d. McGonagall

__d___7. To whom does the Sorcerer’s Stone belong?

a. Harry c. Voldermort

b. Hagrid d. Nicolas Flamel

__d___8. Who is Fluffy?

a. Harry’s own dragon c. Dumbledore’s pet snake

b. Hagrid’s dog d. Hagrid’s three-headed dog

__a___9. What does Harry see when he looks in the Mirror of Erised for the first time?

a. His parents c. The Sorcerer’s Stone

b. A Quidditch trophy d. Himself as an old, wise wizard

__b___9. Who actually puts the curse on Harry during the Quidditch match?

a. Quirrell c. Malfoy

b. Snape d. Nicolas Flamel

__d___10. What do the first two initials in J.K. Rowling’s name stand for?

a. Jenna Kate

b. Jennifer King

c. Joan Kinsey

d. Joanna Kathleen

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