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A packaged food producer has been marketing a ready-to-eat food product called
“KIDZEE” for children of age 2 – 6 years for the last 2 years. They desire to understand at 95%
confidence level whether the shelf height at which KIDZEE is displayed in retail stores has any
significant influence on the sales of the product. To determine this, they have conducted a
suitable research. Three matching stores were identified in a metro city. The product was
displayed in the stores at three different shelf heights at each store. The shelf heights (in terms of
heights of adults) were as follows:

a) Knee level
b) Eye level
c) Waist level

Sales of the products were measured at each shelf height for half day periods as follows:

i. Week day morning (Wd_m)

ii. Week day evening (Wd_e)
iii. Week end morning (We_m)
iv. Week end evening (We_e)

The sales data obtained were then averaged out for the stores leading to the data as per the data

Case questions:

1. State the null hypothesis.

2. Test out the null hypothesis using a suitable statistical test.
3. What conclusion can you come to from your analysis? Justify your answer.


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