Subject: Organisational Behaviour Topic: Employee Motivation

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Subject: Organisational Behaviour

Topic: Employee Motivation

Name- Anjali Soni

Roll No- DM20B05

by Unknown Author is licensed

1. How to Make Big Strides in Employee Motivation?
Employee motivation is the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a company's
workers bring to their jobs. Whether the economy is growing or shrinking, finding ways to
motivate employees is always a management concern.
Some of history’s most influential thinkers about human behaviour—among them Aristotle,
Adam Smith, Sigmund Freud, and Abraham Maslow—have taught us a tremendous amount
about why people do the things they do. Paul R. Lawrence and Nitin Nohria in their book
Driven: How Human Nature Shapes Our Choices, have mentioned about the drivers that
influences our behaviour. They are the drives to acquire (obtain scarce goods, including
intangibles such as social status); bond (form connections with individuals and groups);
comprehend (satisfy our curiosity and master the world around us); and defend (protect
against external threats and promote justice).
The drive to bond has the greatest impact on employee motivation similarly the drive to
comprehend is more closely link with employee’s engagement. Poor performance in one
driver reflects in other three drivers as well in turn decreasing the level of employee
motivation. So, in order to make big strides in Employee Motivation an organisation as a
whole as well an individual manager should focus on all the four drivers to motivate the
employee in the organisation.

2. What is the role of direct manager?

Direct manager plays equivalent role in motivating the employee as the organisation.
Employees are aware that manager can have some leeway in implementing the policies and
procedure of the organisation. Direct manager influences the local work environment, meet
the expectations of the employee in satisfying the drivers and can come up with incentives,
rewards and recognitions to motive the employees.
Direct manager should have the ability to satisfy all the four drivers of the subordinate, even
after being exceptional in all the drivers but one can reduce the overall productivity of his
subordinates to a huge extend. A good manager can even take advantage of imperfect
organisation system whereas an incompetent manager cannot even utilise an effective work

3. What would be your drivers of employee motivation?

Drivers to motivate employees:
 Drive to aim.
 Drive to grow.
 Drive to accomplish.
 Drive for reward.
 Drive to be organisational fit.
 Drive to be appreciated.
 Drive to be responsible.
 Challenging work environment.
 Recognition.
 Career Opportunities.

4. If you were the managers, what organizational levers you would

design for employee motivation?

Organisation levers to motivate the employees:

 Setting up target with deadlines.
 Continuous feedback.
 Competition among the employees.
 Compensation and rewards.
 Provide opportunities to learn something new and challenging for growth and
 Provide opportunities in their field of interest.
 Healthy work-life balance.
 Maintaining a satisfactory work environment.
 Understanding what motivates the employees on individual basis and applying them.
 Appreciation of employees.
 Empowering the employee on some business decision.

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