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Present Simple f FORM 1 You/ We They walk, He/She /itwalks 11 You/ We /They da mot walk. He/ She/Itdoes not walk | Del/you we they walk Does he /she /is walk? Shortforms: danot—* don't des not + doesnit use habits and regular actions general truths or facts to tell stories and jokes to describe sports events timetables or scheduled events | inthe future 1 6: to describe permanent situations EXAMPLES | Totten play chess with ack Pandas spaniel most of the day eating. | She wpens he door and gets a surprise. He kek the ballad scares! ‘The Ferry leaves at 730m, My grandparents tive in a smal village, Far spelling rules for adding -sto thie person singular in Present Simple, see page 160. TIME EXPRESSIONS every day / week / month / year, on Mondays / Saturdays in soring / winter once /twice a day / waek / month / yea, atthe weekend They 96-0n holiday once a year ‘Time expressions come at the beginning or the end of a sentence, | get up late on Sundays. {Qn Sundays Iget up ate ‘ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY usually often, always, never, sometimes, frequently, seldom, rarely, hardly (ever) He rarely tidies his bedroom, Adverbs of frequency come before the main verb or after the verb be. _thardlly ever read magazines ‘Mum and Dad ave sometimes angry with me. Present Continuous FORM use EXAMPLES: lam waiting 11. actionsthatarehappening atthe Slow dawn! You are driving too fast. He/She /Itis waiting time of speaking ve /YousThey are waiting 2. temporary actions oF aetions that um staying with my grandparents |amnot waiting Se stillin progress | He! She /Itis not wating 3. future plans and arrangements Hels taking an exom next week Ne/You/Theyaremotwaiting 4, with atzys, foveverandl constant | They've forever breaking things. Am waiting? wen actions are annoying,amusing She's always buying me itle presents. | IsheJ/ she it waiting? Areweryou/ they waiting? “or happen too often Short forms isnot = isn’t arenot arent or spelling rules for adding -ing in Present Continuous see page 160. ‘TIME EXPRESSIONS tthe mement, now, right now, soon, today, tonight, this week # month year, next week/month /yeat ‘looking for anew job right now. Protent Simple, Present Continuous, Stative Verbs UNIT1 5 Stative Verbs hate this col weather, Statve verbs describe states, not actions Stative verbs are usally used inthe Present Simple, nt the Present Continuous | Some common stative verbs ae | ‘appearance: eppear look, seem She seems unhappy toy. ‘emotions: cist, fel like, hate, ke, love, need hate this cold weather, possession: belong to, have, own Wha does this CD belong to? ‘measurements: cost, equal, measute, weigh Ten plus two equals twelve senses: feol hear see, smell taste ‘This cushion feels so sort thoughts opinions states: believe, forget imagine,know, What does this word mean? ‘mean, prefer remember, think, understand, want, wish Theve ae some stative verbs that can be used in Present: Continuous but with a change in meaning. Tom has ano bike. (possession) This fish doesn’t taste fresh, (has a cestain flavour) Jam having dinner with Jane tonight. (eating) He is tasting the soup. (trying it ‘They think the film is boring, (opinion) Dinter smells good. (has a certain aroma) We arethinking of geting 3 dog. (considering) They aresmelling the 1oses (action) ‘That cake looks delicious. (appearance) Claive weighs about sixty ils. (measurement) Helis looking at the pictures. (action) The greengrocer Is weighing the oranges. (action) see my fiend over there, (using the sense ef sight) Stella is seeing the dentist ater today. (meeting) GRAMMAR PRACTICE A, choose the correct answer, 1 6 B complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use Present Simple in one of the sentences and Present Continuous. Inthe evening, Usually listen / am usually listening to music in my room. But today Ihelps/ am helping ‘my sister with her homework, ‘william watches is watching film abouta bank robbery, He thinks /s thinking its one of the best films he's ever seen, People in Japan eat /are eating 2 lot offish, Sometimes they don't cook / aren't cooking it first. ‘Tomorrow we spend /are spending the day in London. We go are going by train. it leaves fi leaving at 9.30n the morning My aunt and uncle live/ are living in Australia sot hardly ever see/am hardly ever seeing my cousins. (Our dog usually barks /is usually barking when he sess seeing a cat. Some stative verbs can be used in Present Continuous when they inthe other. 5 refertoan action, not a state 4. a BO... you... 86... (see) that café atthe end ofthe road? “The house has thee bedtooms, Les meet there for lunch, Sue is having a party tomorrow. 1b. What time .....j8. John... Seeing. (see) the doctor tomorrow? 2. a. Robbie (taste) the coffee to see ifit needs more sugar. 1b. The ham in this sandwich (nottaste) very nice, 3. a. Are you okay? You {mot look) wel bb Tinaisin the kitchen, She (look) for her mobile phone, 4a (think computers are very useful bd (think) about my grandmother. She is in hospital at the moment 5. a. Dinner (smell delicious. think t'snearly ready. Julie {smell the flowers in the vase { nverbsoffequency EE Putthe adverb in the correct place in the sentence. 1, JOANNE to bediate, always ‘come before the main hs, 2. Thomas is sending text messages to Angela! constantly | verb or after the verb be 3, Imafaid of hing so ravel by pane. hardly ever rT mS 4 Alec TovesthatTV programme somuchthathe misses. seldom 5, Paulisallergicto trawberles soe eats them. never ‘6, Does Many argue with her parents? often F Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs below. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous. motice © start © look © hear © stay" go ° notwatch © notreturn ‘Anna: Are you going out tonight? Helen: No, (1) .....AM.staying..... at homes there anything good on T¥? ‘Anna: Well,chere’s a film, Listen to what it says about itin the TV guide. (One weekend two friends - Matt and Phil - go camping In the forest. On the first night, they @ a strange sound. Matt (3) to find out what itis, But he (4), ‘and Phil i ieft all alone. After several minutes, he 6) outside and (6), 2 strange object. What has happened to Matt...? Melen: Sounds great! What time (7) ie ? Anna: Ateleven. But (@) itwith you. It sounds much too frightening for me! © complete the article with the correct form ofthe verbin brackets Use Present Simple o Present Continuous. Every week n Teen Takk we (1)...ISCUSS.... (discuss) a problem which worries teenagers. This week, we (2) (look) at bullying, Unfortunately, bullying a problem fora lot of young people today, Sometimes bullies (3) (think) i clever or funny to call other people names. This is bad, of course. But itis even worse when a bully actually @ (hurt) another student. Young people who are having problems with bulls usualy (5) (feeb very lonely Read what 15-year-old Daniel has to say: "used to lke school but now (6) (hate) it You see, an older bboy at school (7) try) to make my life dificult. Every morning he (8) (take) my school bag and (9) (throw) It down the stats. To make things worse, my best friend (10) (not want) to spend time with me any more. He is worried that the bully might do the same thing to him!” Teens tke Daniel sometimes (11) believe) that the bullying is ‘their awn fault. This is one reason why they (12) (keep) quiet about what is happening to them. Often they 13} (worry) that the situation will et worse if they tella teacher ora Fiend. But its important totell someone when a bully (14) (cause) problems for you. Daniel has told his parents and they (15) (see) his teacher tomorrow. Together they (16), (hope) they will beable tofind solution SPEAKING PRACTICE With a partner, ask and answer the questions below. In your answers, Use the same tense-as the words in colour, Q 1. What kind fim do you prefer 2 What are you thinking of doing this weekend? a 3. What things do you and your friends enjoy doing together? 4 Are you learning ary other foreign languages this year? Ce 5. What things do teenagers sometimes worry about? =o \, 6. How often do you get realy angry? What makes you angry? B2 EXAM PRACTICE Ay Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each blank, Use only one word in each blank. ‘Are you between the ages of 8 and 15? Are you keen on football (1) you want to Improve your football sils? Then why not take a football training course at the David Beckham Academy in London? “The Academy runs various programmes during the week and (2) the weekend, ‘The one-day course's vety popular. This usually a ‘3t 9 am and finishes between 3.30 andl 4 pm. The boys and girls on the course have ‘wo tealning sessions (4) the morning, which include warm-up exercises and shooting practice. Parents do (5) stay to watch these sessions but they (6) their children compete in a min-football tournament, return at2 pmtosee ” yyou thinking about taking a course at the Academy? Ifo, check out their website for detaits of activities, times and haw (8) the courses cost. Present Simple, Present Continuous, staiveVebs UNIT2 9 BB complete the second sentence othat thas snl meaning thes sentencing the word gen Youmustuse between two ond fe wordy ining the word given 1. My younger sister borrows my clothes all the time. FOREVER My younger sister. my clothes, 2. Mum always reads the newspaper at breakfast time. HAVING Mum always reads the newspaper while breakfast. 2. Joe seldom listens to the radio, OFTEN Joe the radio. 4, We play basketball every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, THREE We play basketball, week. '5, Helen stays at home nearly all weekend, EVER Helen oo ‘out at the weekend, 6. These suitcases are very light. NOT These suitcases much. 7. Would you like to go for awalkthis afternoon? LIKE Do, going for a walk this afternoon? 8 Ihavea dentist's appointment tomorrow afternoon. AM. 1 tomorrow afternoon. 'G. choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence, 1. “Why do you have my dictionary?” 6. My uncle... jokes on me and my brothes "Ito find out what a word means? Heis so funny! aw 2 alwaysis playing b. trying does always play: © doty playsalways d. amtrying d. isalways playing 2. Howlong_..? 2. lasts the movie b. doesthe movie last Is lasting the movie 4d, is the movie lasting ‘Simon and his friends ..at the youth ‘lub on Thursday evenings. a. usually meet b. are usually meeting usually meets 4. meeting usually 4, Tit ss breakfast before he leaves for school, a. not hardly ever has b, hardly ever has, hardly has ever d. Ishardly ever having 5. Inthe mountains the snow starts 10 melt... the early spring 3 a at b. to ein don 10 7. Thnow how to drive but |..a ct. a. notown bam not owning «. dontown 4d. own never 8, Jane ... goes to the hairdressers ~ that's why her hair is solong. a. rarely ». frequently always d. often “Those jeans... much! “You'te right. [think try them on! a. costnot by not costing «. dontcost d. arent costing 10, “Ijust saw Rose atthe café on the corner: “Yes, she... there this sum a. work b does work working d. isworking

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