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May 1,2020

Dr.M. Manzurul Hassan


Department of Environmental Science and Management

North South University,

Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh.

Subject: Letter of Transmittal

Dear Sir,

It gives me immense pleasure to submit my assignment incompliance with the course

requirement. I have excelled my level best to fulfill the requirements of this report which gave

me the opportunity to obtain knowledge that will be beneficial for my future.

Thank you again for your support and patience.

Yours Sincerely,

Table of Contents
Importance of energy efficiency.............................................................................................4
Impact of energy efficiency....................................................................................................9


Energy efficiency is when a technology is

used which requires less energy to do the

same task or activity. It is a way to

reduce the energy consumption by using

less energy to get the same amount of

useful output. For example, both compact fluorescent bulb and a traditional incandescent bulb

produces the exact amount of light yet the compact fluorescent bulb is more efficient as it uses

much less electrical energy. Energy efficiency has a direct impact on the environment as well as

on the economy. Reusing is an example where old buildings could be renovated rather than

diminishing and building a new one. Moreover, efficiency can be improved by using

environment friendly gadgets such as led lights, using trains instead of cars to carry more

passengers and reduce emission of greenhouse gases. The final result is nothing but cutting down

in energy waste.(Piccirilli Dorsey, n.d.)

Importance of energy efficiency

Bangladesh, being a developing country, it is important for Bangladesh to take initiatives to

establish efficient energy due to numerous reasons. Due to the consumption of natural gas, it is

depleting at a faster rate. Bangladesh having a significant amount of coal cannot find ways to

extract it. The industries in Bangladesh are likely to use cheap low efficient equipment and

machineries. The industrial equipment has very low maintenance. Industrial owners are not ready

to upgrade their industry unless there is some sort of emergency. Sustainable and Renewable

Energy Development Authority (SREDA) is yet to take strong actions to develop efficient

energy. Lastly, the financial organizations are not aware of the possibilities of investment which

would cut down costs in the long run. All these reasons indicate that Bangladesh should develop

efficient energy in order to eradicate the restrictions mentioned above.(Hossain, 2017)

80 percent of greenhouse gas emission is contributed by the consumption of fossil fuels for

heating, transport and power since 1970. Moreover, the demand for fossil fuel is expected to

increase by 30% globally and is expected to increase even more in developing countries such as

Bangladesh. However, almost one billion people globally is still deprived of basic energy

services and relies heavily on traditional biomass. Thus, it is necessary to achieve efficient

energy to decarbonize global energy system reduce to emission of greenhouse gases to save the

environment. (Hossain, 2017)

Electricity and heat production alone are the

largest contributor to the emission of greenhouse

gases through the burning of fossil fuel. The

emission of greenhouse gases from agriculture is

mainly due to deforestation along with biomass.

The industrial sector contributes by the burning of

fossil fuels for its energy requirements. On the

other hand, the emission from transportation is

due to most cars having petroleum, gas and diesel-

based engine leading to more consumption of fossil fuels. The burning of fossil fuel due to

heating buildings, generating power for cooking and other activities arise from the building

sector. Lastly, the rest of the emission of greenhouse gases is associated indirectly with other


Environmental aspect

The energy we use comes from burning either fossil fuels like coal, biofuels or natural gas for

generating electricity and also burn nuclear fuel for heating water and producing steam. In the

process of burning these non-renewable energies, greenhouse gases are produced and these

emissions contributes to climate change and global warming. These toxic gases are then exposed

in the open air which not only affects the climate but also harm people’s health and they face

chronic diseases, from these pollutions. Therefore, when the energy efficiency is improved, less

electricity and less energy is used, thus less carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are

produced.("How Does Energy Efficiency Help the Environment? | EnergySage", n.d.)

Economical aspect

Energy efficiency also brings a variety of benefits on the economical side. For instance, reducing

demand for energy imports, and lowering costs on a household and on an economy-wide level.

There are massive prospects for efficiency improvements in every sector of the economy. For

example: buildings, transportation, industry, energy generation etc.

 Buildings:Building designers are viewing to enhance building efficiency and planning to

include renewable energy technologies. This led them to create zero-energy buildings

with energy efficient appliances. However, changes can be made to existing buildings to

make it energy efficient in various ways. Changing bulbs to energy efficient bulbs or

changing the insulation of the building at a better cost.

 Energy generation and distribution: The waste heat from the power plants are taken by

combined heat and power systems and in turn provides heating, cooling or hot water to

the surrounding facilities and buildings. This alone increases energy efficiency from

approximately 33 percent up to 80 percent. Smart grid is another way of reducing costs

and improve the efficiency of electric generation, distribution, and consumption.

 Vehicles: The invention of energy efficient vehicles provides travel to greater distances

at a very low/no fuel consumption. Thus, there is fewer emission of gases and more

importantly the cost of operating decreases. (Piccirilli Dorsey, n.d.)

This Table here shows the primary energy projection. To battle the fast development in power

request, the administration received a staged way to deal with power generation.In 2014 FY,

8,340 MW were created utilizing 337.4 BCF petroleum gas [16]. As indicated by the Power

System Master Plan 2016, the gas creation from the residential gas field will arrive at its top in

2017. The Government is attempting to fulfill the developing need of flammable gas by bringing

in LNGs. The projection of essential vitality for Bangladesh is appeared in Table.As can be seen

from the table that coal will be utilized widely for power age in future.

Impact of energy efficiency

There are assumptions on the positive impact of energy efficiency on both environment and the

economy. It has also affected the economy on both micro and macro level as well.

 Health and well-being of humans: As a result of improved heating and cooling of

buildings from the waste heat of plants, public health has improved. Moreover, using

energy efficient vehicles and energy efficient power generation, the air quality has

improved which in turn improves public health.

 Poverty alleviation: Due to energy efficient power generation, the demand for energy

and bills are reduced for the poor as the costs have decreased. This enables them to

acquire better energy services and enables them to free up their income and spend it on

other necessities. Moreover, in developing countries the supply-side energy efficiency

activities are often an important objective. This in turn makes it possible to generate more

electricity to more households, thus making energy more accessible to rural areas.

 Increase in disposable income: When energy efficiency improves, the disposable income

of all income level increases due to the reduction in energy bills affecting households,

individuals and enterprises. The immediate effect of spending and investment can boost

the economy in a macroeconomic level.

 Industrial productivity and competitiveness: Energy efficiency improvements lead to

reduction in use of resources and significant reduction in pollution. It also improves

production and effective utilization of space leading to less maintenance. This increases

competitiveness of firms and makes them more efficient and prevents the formation of


 Energy provider and infrastructure benefits: Improved energy efficiency schemes help

firms to reduce their operating cost, improve their profit margin and provide better

products to the consumers.

 Increased asset value: Due to energy efficient appliances, properties have better energy

performance. This leads to investors paying rental and sales premium for these energy

efficient buildings.

 Job opportunities: Energy efficiency is a crucial part of governments green growth

strategies. Investments in this sector in addition to the increase in disposable income of

all income classes has directly and indirectly created job opportunities in energy sector

and other sectors. This also indicates a reduction in poverty as more job opportunities are


 Reduced energy‐related public expenditures: A minimum expenditure on energy in

public sector would improve the public budgetary position. For instance, in countries

where fuel is imported, shifting to energy efficient policies would have a positive impact

on the currency reserve. On the other hand, countries which export fuel will have more

reserves to export.

 Macroeconomic effects: Energy efficiency is assumed to have a positive effect on the

economy. For instance, increasing GDP, providing employment, increase national

competitiveness, decreasing budget deficit by improving trade balance. Indirectly, in

increases spending and investment due to lower expenditures.

 Reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Developing energy efficient transport and other

schemes will lead to a drastic change in emission of greenhouse gases. This will lead to

improved air quality and reduce the hazardous effects of global warming.

 Moderating energy prices: Due to availability of efficient energy, if the demand for

efficient energy decreases, the price is likely to drop and the government will be able to

provide energy to rural areas and make it more accessible and affordable for poor people.

 Natural resource management: Less demand for resources can lead to the reduction of

pressure on these resources. For instance, shifting to energy efficient plans will reduce

pressure on scarce resources and will increase the reserve for future generation.

Moreover, it will decrease the environmental pollution from the extraction of these

resources and reduce the cost in machineries in the extraction process.

 Development goals: Achieving efficient energy can help a government to boost its

economy rapidly and developing countries can develop at a faster rate as efficient energy

helps to increase GDP, eradicate poverty, improves environmental sustainability and

grows an environment friendly surrounding for people to live in.("What is the impact of

energy efficiency on the environment?", 2014)


The Energy Star program was found in 1992 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA) to promote the use of energy efficient products to the consumers and to combat climate

change. It is known to be the most effective voluntary energy conservation program and

initiative in history. In 2014, the program saved around $31 billion for the household owners on

their energy bills. This itself is equal to five percent of total U.S electricity demand and the

emission of greenhouse gases from 38 million homes.

In Bangladesh, SREDA (Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority) has

developed a master plan to make the country execute efficient energy in the future. The three

main principle actions of SREDA is labelling and standardization, energy managers’ program

and energy audit and the building of energy efficient programme.

The first programme mainly consists of identifying and labelling of energy consuming

equipment and devices which consists of fridge, tv etc. The second programme consists of

industries learning to conserve energy and finding ways to improve efficient energy. This

programme also includes the addition of an energy manager to the large energy consuming

industries. SREDA has already recognized 110 industrial institutions in their master plan and

will be appointed to improve Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) and create a benchmark for

the rest of the institutions in that industry. Lastly, their third programme focuses on the

development of efficient energy on commercial buildings.("How Does Energy Efficiency Help

the Environment? | EnergySage", n.d.)


Hossain, D. (2017). Ways to increase energy efficiency. Retrieved from

Energy Efficiency. Retrieved from


How Does Energy Efficiency Help the Environment? | EnergySage. Retrieved from



Piccirilli Dorsey, I. Energy Efficiency | EESI. Retrieved from



What is the impact of energy efficiency on the environment?. (2014). Retrieved from



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