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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105 (2017) 535–548

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Effect of temperature on the oil–water relative permeability

for sandstone reservoirs
Lie-hui Zhang, Jing Tong, Yu Xiong, Yu-long Zhao ⇑
The State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Temperature has a significant effect on oil–water relative permeability, which is very important in reser-
Received 23 June 2016 voir development. Considerable controversy persists regarding the effects of temperature and concerning
Received in revised form 6 October 2016 how to obtain representative relative permeability curves. This work studies the effect of temperature on
Accepted 8 October 2016
the oil–water relative permeability of tight sandstone and analyzes the influences of absolute permeabil-
Available online 13 October 2016
ity, clay mineral content, and pore throat structure on relative permeability curves at different temper-
atures. The results indicate that irreducible water saturation increases linearly with temperature
increase, while residual oil saturation decreases nonlinearly with temperature increase. In addition, when
High temperature
Sandstone reservoir
temperature increases, both oil and water relative permeability increase under the same water saturation
Relative permeability and the crossover saturation moves rightwards, which indicates that the system becomes more water-
Translate wet. Due to the significant effect of temperature on relative permeability, experimental results from
lab tests cannot accurately reflect fluid flow characteristics under the reservoir condition. In order to
overcome this problem, this paper proposes a novel method to translate lab results into reservoir values
by combining the Johnson–Bossler–Naumann (JBN) technique and the empirical method. The comparison
between the calculation and the lab results is consistent. The conclusions of the paper provide a valuable
reference for laboratory tests under high temperature, and they can be used for preliminary evaluation
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Geffen et al. [19] started researching the influence of tempera-

ture on relative permeability in the 1950s. They first proposed that
As an indispensable part of reservoir numerical simulation, laboratory tests to represent real fluid flow in a reservoir must
dynamic analysis, and field performance prediction, oil–water rel- have a similar saturation history, as relative permeability is not a
ative permeability curves can be used to describe the flow charac- single-value function of saturation. Moreover, special care should
teristics of the oil–water two-phase displacement system in porous be taken to disallow wettability change, at elevated temperatures,
media. Some basic methods to determine relative permeability during relative permeability measurements.
have been applied successfully. These methods include field or lab- The relationships between temperature and relative permeabil-
oratory measurement and theoretical modeling [21,41,51,57,9,7]. ity can be divided into two major categories: independency and
Among the most recent research work, the methods can be divided dependency. Based on the test data of Edmondson [16] and
into analytical, laboratorial, empirical, and numerical methods Shilolwd [45] conducted further study and drew an opposite con-
[1,46]. Four major categories are used to test relative permeability clusion, which was that relative permeability versus normalized
in the lab: (a) the steady-state method, (b) the unsteady-state saturation is independent of temperature. Later, similar trends
method, (c) the capillary manometric method, and (d) empirical were also observed that temperature has no effect on relative per-
models. In addition, many published papers have reported the meability [48,36,39,4]. Dynamic-displacement experiments were
effects of temperature on oil–water relative permeability with dif- conducted by Kumar and Inouye [28]. They used light oil in a test
ferent test methods, and different results and conclusions have at a temperature range of 20–150 °C. Their results showed that
been drawn, as shown in Table 1. endpoint saturations are independent of temperature and are pri-
marily a function of the viscosity ratio. These results are consistent
with the viewpoint of Lefebvre du Prey [30], who believed that
⇑ Corresponding author. relative permeability was related to capillary to viscous forces.
E-mail addresses:, (Y.-l. Zhao). Nourmohammad et al. [38] emphasized that experimental
0017-9310/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
536 L.-h. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105 (2017) 535–548


K rw ðSw Þ water relative permeability, fraction I value of relative injectivity, also known as flowing
K ro ðSw Þ oil relative permeability, fraction capacity ratio; as for displacement of constant speed
Sw water saturation, fraction mode, I ¼ DDPPðtÞo
Swi irreducible water saturation, fraction Q ðtÞ liquid production of outlet at time t, cm3/s
Sor residual oil saturation, fraction Q 1ðtÞ liquid production of outlet at the initial time, cm3/s
f o ðSw Þ oil ratio, fraction DP ðtÞ displacement pressure difference at the initial time,
V ðtÞ cumulative fluid production, cm3 MPa
V ðtÞ dimensionless cumulative fluid production, percentage DP o displacement pressure difference at time t, MPa
of pore volume K orw water relative permeability at residual oil saturation,
Vp pore volumes, cm3 fraction
Vo cumulative oil production, cm3 K oro oil relative permeability at irreducible water saturation,
V oðtÞ dimensionless cumulative oil production, percentage of fraction
pore volume SwD normalized water saturation, fraction

conditions should be considered accurately to find the true tem- relative permeability of oil and water, as functions of temperature,
perature effect on relative permeability, as the results of the mea- decreased with an increase in temperature.
surements indicated no significant temperature effect on relative As shown in the research overview in Table 1, most scholars
permeability curves and residual saturation for the system tested. observed a similar tendency that both oil and water relative per-
The dependency of relative permeability curves on temperature meability increased as the injection temperature increased
includes three categories: (a) change in the oil–water relative per- [40,32,55,13,37,35,42,60,62,10,44,64,22]. They also reported an
meability ratio, (b) the contrary tendency of relative permeability increase in irreducible water saturation and a decrease in resid-
value to water and oil, and (c) both the decrease and increase of ual oil saturation as the temperature of the system increased.
the oil–water relative permeability value at elevated temperatures. This shift in saturation results in some changes in the value of
Davidson [15] conducted isothermal displacements by an relative permeability as well. Kamari et al. [24,25] further
unsteady state method and reported that the oil–water relative observed that irreducible water saturation and residual oil satu-
permeability ratio tended to be temperature dependent at a low ration had significant impact on the oil recovery and oil relative
and higher water saturation but independent of temperature at a permeability. Li et al. [31] indicated that high temperature pro-
middle water saturation, which was consistent with Edmondson duced high ultimate oil recovery, and relative permeability
[16] experimental result. Ehrlich [17] further stated that the oil– curves had a tendency to move to the right with an increase of
water relative permeability ratio increased in unconsolidated sand temperature.
and decreased in consolidated sand. Utilizing both steady-state Among recent research work, a novel observation was observed
and unsteady-state technology, Kumar et al. [29] investigated the that relative permeability increases with temperature only under a
influence of elevating temperature, and the experimental results certain range of temperatures. Then the trend reverses as the tem-
suggested that the relative permeability curves sensibly showed perature rises further. Akhlaghinia et al. [2] used two core-flooding
higher water wetness at higher temperatures. Sola et al. [43] and setups to measure heavy oil–water relative permeability at three
Wang et al. [52] reported a similar relative permeability trend for different temperatures: 28 °C, 40 °C, and 52 °C. Analysis of the data
limestone using heavy oil at a temperature range of 37.8–93 °C showed that the oil relative permeability first increased from 28 °C
and for sandstone using light oil at a temperature range of 40– to 40 °C and then it decreased when the temperature ranged from
100 °C, respectively. While opposite retrograde behavior was 40 °C to 52 °C. This means that the oil relative permeability shifts
observed by Esfahania and Haghighi [18], their research results up until an optimum temperature somewhere between 40 and
indicated that Iranian carbonate rocks became more oil-wet using 52 °C is reached and then the trend reverses as the temperature
light oil at room and reservoir temperatures. On the other hand, increases further [2,3,49]. Compared to the studies of other
Karaei et al. [23] proposed that wettability was independent of researchers, the effect of temperature on water relative permeabil-
temperature. ity is the same as the results observed by Bennion et al. [12] and
Some reports show that the value of oil relative permeability Hamouda et al. [20].
increases at higher temperatures while the value of water relative On the basis of their literature review, analysis, and experi-
permeability decreases [47,50,5,59,61]. Unlike these studies, Maini ments, they stated that it was not possible to justify a unique trend
and Batycky [33] proposed that the oil endpoint relative perme- of the relative permeability, even though the range of water satu-
ability decreased with an increase in temperature while the water ration changes. Therefore, it seemed necessary to conduct our own
endpoint relative permeability remained unchanged. Furthermore, core flooding experiments and investigate the dependency of rela-
although irreducible water saturation was found to increase grad- tive permeability curves on temperature. Besides, experimental
ually, residual oil saturation first decreased with an increase of results at the lab state cannot reflect fluid flow characteristics
temperature and then the trend reversed when the temperature under reservoir conditions, as the relative permeability is affected
increased to an optimum level [34]. by temperature significantly. The objective of this paper was
Watson and Ertekin [54] studied the effect of temperature accomplished by performing core flooding experiments, investigat-
gradient on relative permeability and their experimental results ing and analyzing the effects of temperature on sandstones cores
indicated that both the oil and water relative permeability with different permeability at different temperatures, and propos-
decreased at a high rate with an increasing temperature gradient. ing a rapid and simple method to translate the lab results into
Sola et al. [43] also obtained similar trends and found that the reservoir values.
L.-h. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105 (2017) 535–548 537

Table 1
Summary of studies addressing the effect of temperature on relative permeability curves.

Researcher(s) Method Materials Temperature Effect of increasing temperature on

Range Krw and Kro
Porous media Viscosity
(mPas) Krw Kro
Independency Shilolwd [45] – – – – Independent Independent
Lefebvre du Prey [30] Unsteady state Teflon-alumina- 0.56–60 @ 24 Dependency on capillary to viscous
steel 20 °C forces
Sufi et al. [48] Steady state Ottawa sand Not reported 20–85 Independent Independent
Miller and Ramey [36] Unsteady state Sand core 30 @ 21 21–149 Independent Independent
Polikar et al. [39] Steady state, Athabasca sand pack 77 @ 52 °C 52–120 Independent Independent
unsteady state
Kumar and Inouye Unsteady state Core 32.1 @ 38 °C 20–150 Dependency on viscosity and
[28] wettability
Akin et al. [4] Unsteady state Core 320 @ 20 °C 20–65 Independent Independent
Nourmohammad et al. Steady state, Unconsolidated crushed — — Independent Independent
[38] unsteady state carbonate
Dependency Edmondson [16] Unsteady state Core 40–600 @ 24–260 krw/kro less sloped
38 °C
Davidson [15] Unsteady state Sandpack 5.7 mD 65 @ 38 °C 24–282 krw/kro less sloped
Poston et al. [40] Unsteady state Sandpack 80–600 @ 20–150 Increase Increase
20 °C
Ehrlich [17] Analytical Sandpack Not reported 24–104 krw/kro increases in unconsolidated
krw/kro decreases in consolidated
Sinnokrot [47] Restored-state Sandstone Not reported 15.6–162.8 Decrease Increase
method limestone
Lo and Mungan [32] Steady state Teflon core 2–130 @ 20 °C 24–150 increase Increase
Weinbrandt et al. [55] Steady state Core 65 @ 38 °C 26–157 Increase Increase
Casse and Ramey [13] Unsteady state Sand core Not reported 21.1–162.8 Increase A slight increase
Torabzadeh and Steady state, Core 1–2 @ 22 °C 22–175 Decrease Increase
Handy [50] unsteady state
Maini and Batycky Unsteady state Bitumen 16400 @ 24 °C 20–272 Independent Decrease
[33] plugs
Kumar et al. [29] Steady state, Core Not reported 22–175 More water wetness
unsteady state
Nakornthap and Evans Analytical Not applicable 19.95 @ 38 °C 20–120 Increase Increase
Maini and Okazawa Unsteady state Silica sand 1190 @ 21 °C 25–200 Increase Increase
3 6
Closmann et al. [14] Steady state Sand core 10 —10 @ 20–196 Shift toward the region
20 °C of low water saturation
Watson and Ertekin Steady state Core 3 @ 24 °C 24–150 Decrease Decrease
Bennion et al. [11] Steady state Sand core 7.8 @ 200 °C 50–200 More water wetness
Esfahania and Amott tests Dolomite Not reported 60–220 Oil-wet
Haghighi [18] limestone
Schembre et al. [42] Simulated annealing Diatomite core 640 @ 44 °C 120–180 Increase Increase
Bennion et al. [12] Unsteady state Sand core 8000–106 10–275 t<100 °C, Increase
Sola et al. [43] Unsteady state, Limestone dolomite 16000 @ 37.8–93 More water wetness
numerical model 37.8 °C
10 @ 37.8 °C 37.8–260 Decrease Decrease
Hamouda et al. [20] Unsteady state Chalk core Not reported 23–130 t<80 °C, Increase
Yang and Li [58] Unsteady state Sand core 100 @ 40 °C 40–120 Increase Increase
Zhang et al. [62] Unsteady state Core 403.7–889.5 25–100 Increase Increase
@ 56 °C
Wang et al. [52] Unsteady state Sand core 7.7 @ 40 °C 40–100 More water wetness
Akhlaghinia et al. [2,4] Unsteady state Berea core 2000 @ 21 °C 28–52 Increase 28<t<40, increase,
Li et al. [31] Unsteady state Natural limestone cores 0.8, 1.4, 86–100 Increase Increase
2.9 @ 25 °C

2. Methods transfer cylinder were injected using HBS-II positive displacement

pumps, which have two parallel limbs to allow continuous injec-
2.1. Experimental setups tion. These pumps can inject liquids at a high accuracy of
0.01  20 cc/min at pressures up to 70 MPa. The core-holder, with
Two-phase displacement experimental setups were used to the capability of loading overburden pressure up to 70 MPa and
measure the oil–water relative permeability by the unsteady state operating temperatures up to 260 °C, was built from stainless steel
method. Fig. 1 shows the schematic of the displacement apparatus and its heads were sealed with rubber O-rings. A HBD-2 confining
used for this study. The apparatus contained three sections: injec- pressure pump operating pressure up to 100 MPa was used to sim-
tion, core-holder, and production. Water and simulation oil in the ulate overburden pressure, which was always 3 MPa higher than
538 L.-h. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105 (2017) 535–548

the core pressure. A back pressure regulator was used to control weighting and gravity saturation ranged from 16.15 to 17.48%, and
the core pressure and maintain the system in the two-phase mode the absolute permeability measured by both a soap-film air flow
(oil–hot water). The core-holder and measurement tools were meter and an air permeameter varied from 7.1060 to
placed in a thermostatic oven as shown by the dotted line in 179.9483 mD, which indicated reservoirs with strong
Fig. 1. The temperature control system consisted of a temperature heterogeneity.
controller with a temperature probe and two fans, which were The clay minerals in reservoir rocks mainly include kaolinite,
used to maintain a constant and homogeneous temperature within illite, chlorite, and illite/smectite mixed layer clay. According to
the air bath inside the oven. The produced fluid was collected in the whole rock X-ray diffraction analysis, chlorite and kaolinite
small diameter glass cylindrical vessels for the analysis and separa- were the major clay minerals in this block, and core samples Y-2
tion of oil and water, and weighing of the produced fluid with high and Y-4 contained small amounts of illite/smectite mixed layer
precision electronic balance was conducted to make a comparison clay. Table 3 lists the quantitative values.
to minimize the measurement error. A HBX-V high efficiency oil- Fig. 2 shows that the distribution curves of the pore throat
cleaning instrument was used to clean cores with an operating radius in different samples were analyzed comparatively by the
temperature from 40 °C to 120 °C and a working revs area from 0 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique. The area under the
to 1000 r/min. Pressure and temperature transducers and pump envelope curve stands for the total porosity of the core sample.
calibrations, with accuracies of 0.05 MPa, 0.01 °C, and 0.01 cc, The core samples in block Y had similar porosities. However, sam-
respectively, were checked before each experiment. ples Y-1, Y-2, and Y-3 had the highest proportion of small pore
throats, while samples Y-4 and Y-5 were predominated by large
2.2. Rock/fluid properties pore throats. Fig. 3 is the distribution diagram of pore throats of
the core samples in block Y at a saturated state. A strong signal
2.2.1. Rock properties of hydrogen atom in the warm-colored (red) area indicates the
Five cores from sandstone reservoirs were used. Their preferential pore channel of the core samples.
dimensions are listed in Table 2. The porosity measured from both

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup used to measure oil–water relative permeability using the unsteady state technique. The numbers on the diagram
represent: 1. Transfer cylinder of gas; 2. Transfer cylinder of oil; 3. Transfer cylinder of water; 4. Nitrogen cylinder; 5. Syringe pump; 6. Pressure transducer; 7. Core holder; 8.
Back pressure regulator; 9. Electric pump; 10. Transverter; 11. Test tube; 12. Computer; 13. Fan.

Table 2
Properties of the cores used for relative permeability measurements.

Core Name Length (cm) Diameter (cm) Absolute permeability (mD) Porosity (%)
Y-1 5.140 2.550 7.1060 16.73
Y-2 5.060 2.544 20.6002 16.15
Y-3 4.820 2.540 48.8421 17.19
Y-4 4.580 2.544 123.2126 16.90
Y-5 5.126 2.452 179.9483 17.48

Table 3
Composition analysis of rock minerals using X-ray scattering techniques.

Rock Content of mineral component (%)

C + kao It/mon Quartz K-Feldspar Anorthose Calcite Dolomite Ankerite Clay
Y-1 4.909 0.000 57.446 5.282 24.098 1.362 1.141 5.761 4.909
Y-2 3.771 0.532 65.350 17.517 6.538 2.084 0.099 4.110 4.303
Y-3 3.388 0.778 72.686 6.119 11.604 3.910 0.000 1.514 4.166
Y-4 2.979 0.000 68.020 8.590 20.100 0.000 0.000 1.311 2.979
Y-5 3.206 0.007 80.220 6.505 6.002 2.143 0.000 1.917 3.011
L.-h. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105 (2017) 535–548 539

Fig. 2. Distribution of the pore throat radius using the NMR technique.

a) Coronal scan of Y-1 b) Coronal scan of Y-2 c) Coronal scan of Y-3

d) Coronal scan of Y-4 e) Coronal scan of Y-5

Fig. 3. Distribution of the pore throats of the five samples in block Y in a saturated state.

Table 4
Chemical components of the simulation oil.

Component Saturated Hydrocarbon Aromatics Pectin Asphaltene

Content wt/% 67.43 24.75 7.52 0.3

2.2.2. Fluid properties were 86.7 cP and 1 cP at 20 °C, respectively. It was filtered upon
Two-phase relative permeability measurements were con- receiving, and the viscosity was altered through the addition of
ducted for the oil–water systems and the components of the sim- kerosene as a diluent. The final viscosity of the simulation oil
ulation oil are given in Table 4. The water phase for all experiments was 50 cP at 25 °C. Fig. 4 shows that the simulation oil and salinity
was distilled water with a salinity of 2.1 wt.% KCl to prevent any viscosity change with increasing temperature from 25 to 150 °C in
damage to the core. The viscosity of the original oil and the salinity the experiments.
540 L.-h. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105 (2017) 535–548

Fig. 4. The viscosity-temperature curve of the simulation oil and salinity.

Fig. 5. Influences of temperature on the oil–water relative permeability of sample Y-3.

2.3. Experimental procedures across the core became stable (the displacement velocity should
satisfy LuwVw > 1).
The cores were placed into the core-holder after they were At the beginning of water breakthrough, we kept accurate and
washed and dried, and nitrogen was pumped to measure absolute dense records of the time interval, cumulative fluid production,
permeability. The clean, dry cores were then weighed, vacuumed, pressure difference, displacement velocity, and increase in the time
and saturated with brine to measure porosity and establish the ini- interval with the plummeting of oil production. The dead volumes
tial condition of 100% brine saturation. In order to restore any wet- of all of the flow lines were measured and considered in data pro-
tability alteration that may have occurred under different cessing to minimize the uncertainty in recovery ratio measure-
experimental conditions, the cores were immersed in brine for ments, which may affect saturation calculations. At the end of
72 h. Next, they were placed into the core-holder and the desired each run, several pore volumes of hot toluene were injected to
temperature was set with the temperature controller. Meanwhile, wash the cores. Subsequently, gas permeability was measured
the two transfer cylinders filled with simulation oil and brine were again to investigate the effect of the high temperature process on
allowed to settle down for 24 h. The irreducible water saturation oil–water relative permeability.
was calculated after each core was flushed with 15 pore volumes Though the capillary end effect did exist in the experiment, it
of simulation oil at 0.1 mL/min, and the effective permeability of mainly affected the value of end points, such as the irreducible
the oil was measured three times with the relative error below water saturation and residual oil saturation. The relative perme-
3% under these conditions. Similarly, the cores saturated with sim- ability curve is primarily to test the oil–water relative permeabil-
ulation oil were placed into the core-holder at the desired temper- ity, so the effect was not taken into consideration. Additionally,
ature and pressure for 72 h to restore wettability. Finally, water some measures were adopted in the experimental process, to keep
was injected at a constant rate and continued for at least 30 pore the capillary end effect minimal, such as placing a filter paper at
volumes until oil production virtually ceased and the pressure drop the end of the core-holder.
L.-h. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105 (2017) 535–548 541

3. Results and discussion

In this section, three sets of experiments were carried out to

investigate the effect of temperature on relative permeability and
endpoint saturations. The sets were divided by similar rock physi-
cal properties. Capillary pressure was ignored since it was specu-
lated that it probably made little considerable difference in
investigating the effect of temperature on relative permeability.
Therefore, the displacements were viscous force dominate instead
of capillary pressure, dominate.

3.1. Effect of temperature on oil–water relative permeability for

individual core samples

A similar influence rule of incrementally increased temperature

on the relative permeability curve for the core samples in block Y is
evident. For example, in the case of oil relative permeability in core
sample Y-3 (shown in Fig. 5), the curves shifted rightwards with an
increase of temperature and the water saturation corresponding to
Fig. 7. Interfacial tension at different temperatures and pressures.
the same oil relative permeability showed a significant change
when the temperature ranged from 25 to 100 °C. In terms of the
effect of temperature on the water phase, the water phase relative water-flooding recovery of the core samples Y-1 to Y-5 ranged
permeability at the residual oil saturation was almost doubled as from 50 to 54% calculated by the volume method based on the rel-
the temperature ranged from 25 to 50 °C, while the relative values ative permeability curve at 25 °C. As the temperature rose to
had no substantial change when the temperature further increased 100 °C, the oil recovery ratio could increase to 65–68%. The tem-
from 50 to 75 °C. As the temperature rose to 100 °C continuously, perature rise leads to the heat inflation of rock, which blocks slim
the water relative permeability at the residual oil saturation flow channels. This creates more invalid pores and enhances the
approximate increased by 80%. The relative permeability variations irreducible water saturation. Moreover, those polar materials
with temperature can be attributed to oil to water viscosity ratio attaching on the rock surface were desorbed under high tempera-
changes with temperature [8], because the viscosity of most types tures, causing a large number of water molecules to occupy the
of oil and bitumen decreases as temperature increases rock surfaces. This process enhanced both the wettability and the
[6,23,26,24,25]). This decrease in viscosity could lead to the irreducible water saturation.
decrease of displacement pressure. As a result, the permeability Later, a test of interfacial tension under the same experimental
of water is enlarged and the water-phase flow ability is improved. conditions of temperature and pressure was carried out. As shown
As temperatures rises, the interfacial tension of the oil–water two in Fig. 7, the findings reveal that the interface tension of the oil–
phase reduces, meaning the capillary force and the water resis- water two-phase displacement declined with the increase of tem-
tance flow reduce, which enhances the seepage ability of water. perature and pressure. With the decrease of oil–water interfacial
Besides, the activity of molecular movement increases with the tension, the two-phase region became wider, the water relative
increase of temperatures, which reduces the thickness of the permeability at the residual oil saturation increased, and the ulti-
boundary layer and enhances the flowing ability of water (Fig. 6). mate oil recovery increased [27,63]. Furthermore, the intersection
With the increase of test temperature, the irreducible water sat- of oil–water relative permeability curves moved to the right, and
uration gradually increased. The effect on the residual oil satura- residual oil saturation decreased [53].
tion was the opposite. The crossover saturation, as a rule of
thumb, began to move to the right, which indicated that the hydro- 3.2. Relationship of absolute permeability with oil–water relative
philic characteristics of the rock became stronger. A change of wet- permeability at different temperatures
tability to more water-wet with the increase of temperature could
be one of the reasons for the rightwards shift of the curves. The Given the fact that core samples Y-4 and Y-5 have similar
porosities, pore-throat distribution characteristics, and clay min-
eral compositions but different absolute permeability, it is possible
to compare the variation characteristics of the oil–water relative
permeability curves of the samples with different permeability
under the influence of temperature (Fig. 8). Both the oil and water
relative permeability of samples Y-4 and Y-5 went up as the tem-
perature rose from 25 to 100 °C. Fig. 9 indicates that the irreducible
water saturations of the core samples increased almost linearly
with an increase of temperature, while the residual oil saturation
decreased nonlinearly. The shift of the oil–water two-phase iso-
tonic point towards the right occurred, and the rock wettability
turned to be hydrophilic. The experimental result suggests that
the influence rule of temperature elevation on the oil–water rela-
tive permeability of sample Y-4 coincided basically with that of
Y-5. The effect of permeability variation on the relative permeabil-
ity curve was displayed mainly by the difference in endpoint value,
as the irreducible water saturation of the high permeability core
Fig. 6. Influences of temperature on the water–oil viscosity ratio. sample was relatively small at the same temperature.
542 L.-h. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105 (2017) 535–548

Fig. 8. The oil–water relative permeability of samples Y-3 and Y-5 under different temperatures.

3.3. Effect of clay minerals on oil–water relative permeability at

different temperatures

Samples Y-1 and Y-2 showed no significant difference in the

porosity and characteristics of pore throat distribution, except in
absolute permeability and clay mineral compositions. Compared
with Y-1, there was about 13% of illite/smectite mixed layer clay
in Y-2. Both illite and smectite are water sensitive minerals that
are likely to swell when interacting with water and thus increase
the irreducible water saturation. Since the variation characteristics
of the relative permeability curves of core samples with different
permeability have been discussed above, it is possible to study
the effects of clay mineral compositions on the relative permeabil-
ity curves under different temperature conditions comparatively
based on the differences in absolute permeability among various
core samples. As shown from Fig. 10, the temperature rise had
almost the same influence on the oil–water relative permeability
Fig. 9. The endpoint saturations of samples Y-4 and Y-5 under different
temperatures. curve. The mix of illite/smectite had little impact on the endpoint
values at normal temperature. The difference in relative

Fig. 10. The oil–water relative permeability of samples Y-1 and Y-2 under different temperatures.
L.-h. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105 (2017) 535–548 543

permeability curve between samples Y-1 and Y-2 at the same tem- water absorption at high temperature, and at the same time, the
perature was mainly the endpoint saturations. In other words, with irreducible water saturation of sample Y-2 was greater than that
the increase of core sample permeability (Y2 > Y1), the irreducible of sample Y-1 (see Fig. 11).
water saturation began to decrease, while the residual oil satura-
tion slightly increased. As the temperature rose to 75 °C and then
3.4. Effect of pore throat structure on oil–water relative permeability
100 °C, the irreducible water saturation of sample Y-2 was higher
at different temperatures
than that of Y-1, without exhibiting the characteristic of the irre-
ducible water saturation declining with the increase of absolute
With similar clay mineral compositions, samples Y-2 and Y-3
permeability. This suggests that the mix of illite/smectite has a sig-
still showed some discrepancy regarding pore throat distribution.
nificant impact on the relative permeability curves at high temper-
Therefore, we conducted a comparison study on the effect of pore
ature, mainly because that type of montmorillonite is sensitive to
throat structure on the relative permeability curves under different
temperature due to its water swellable behavior. Through several
temperatures (Fig. 12) based on the difference in absolute perme-
experiments, Yang and Li [58] found that temperature was the
ability between various core samples. The pore throat radius distri-
key factor affecting the expansion character of montmorillonite,
bution diagram and the pore throat radius distribution diagram at
and its water expansion would speed up with temperature eleva-
a saturated state obtained with the MRI-based technique showed
tion. They found the best expansion temperature is about 80 °C.
that, although sample Y-3 had a greater porosity than Y-2, the pro-
Compared with a low temperature condition, the water swelling
portion of small pore throats in the former was larger. The influ-
of montmorillonite reached the highest speed and the largest
ence rule of pore throat structure on the relative permeability

Fig. 11. The endpoint saturations of samples Y-1 and Y-2 under different temperatures.

Fig. 12. The oil–water relative permeability of samples Y-2 and Y-3 under different temperatures.
544 L.-h. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105 (2017) 535–548

Fig. 13. The endpoint saturations of samples Y-2 and Y-3 under different temperatures.

curve was less obvious at normal temperature, which is similar to

the influence rule of clay mineral composition on the relative per-
meability curves. The major difference in relative permeability
between samples Y-2 and Y-3 lay in the fact that the core with a
larger permeability had smaller irreducible water saturation. With
the temperature rises, tiny flow channels were blocked by the rock
matrix and particle expansion, leading to the step-by-step disinte-
gration of pore throats and thus causing an increase in the irre-
ducible water saturation. Fig. 13 shows that, with temperature
increase, the irreducible water saturations of samples Y-2 and
Y-3 increased linearly, while the residual oil saturations declined
nonlinearly. By contrast, the pore throat structure showed a signif-
icant influence on the relative permeability curves at high
temperature. This is because the proportion of the small pore
throats in Y-3 was large and some of them became small holes at
high temperature, resulting in a higher reducible water saturation
Fig. 14. Influences of temperature on irreducible water saturations.
than that of Y-2.
A similar influence rule of incrementally increased temperature
was evident in the relative permeability curves for low, medium,
and high permeability cores, overall. The results reveal that the
curves shifted rightwards and the oil and water relative permeabil-
ity corresponding to the same water saturation showed a signifi-
cant increase when the temperature ranged from 25 to 100 °C.
The irreducible water saturation increased linearly and the resid-
ual oil saturation decreased nonlinearly with increasing tempera-
tures. The main differences displayed in the relative permeability
curves between low, medium, and high permeability cores were
the change rule of the endpoint saturations being affected by tem-
perature, which can be seen from Figs. 14 and 15. With the
increase of the core sample absolute permeability (samples Y-1
to Y-5), the irreducible water saturation began to decrease gradu-
ally and the residual oil saturation slightly increased at normal
temperature. When it reached high temperatures, there was no
regular change of irreducible water saturation during the increases
of the core sample permeability, as the mix of illite/smectite and Fig. 15. Influences of temperature on residual oil saturations.

pore throat structure had a significant influence on the relative

permeability curve at high temperature. simple experimental procedures and operations as well as shorter
time-consuming ones. In many cases, these data are directly used
4. Discussion in reservoir simulations for reservoir temperature, which cannot
reflect the actual characteristics of the seepage flow of a sandstone
The results suggest that relative permeability of oil and water reservoir ([37,12,43]. Although measurement under actual pres-
are affected by temperature obviously. Usually, the relative perme- sure and temperature is considered a reliable and straightforward
ability is measured at an ambient temperature condition, with method, it is inherently time consuming, complicated and
L.-h. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105 (2017) 535–548 545

expensive. On the basis of the addressed disadvantages, empirical The Corey type of relative permeability functions were utilized
correlations, as well as mathematical models, are proposed based to build equations between Kro and T. K oro was defined as the oil rel-
on abundant experimental data that relate water–oil residual sat- ative permeability at irreducible water saturation with a value of 1.
urations and relative permeability to temperature [29,12]. Numer- Firstly, we took advantage of the linear regression analysis of mea-
ical simulations are also performed to determine the relationship sured dates of relative permeability to determine the value of n
between the relative permeability and temperature of porous and the relationship [Eq. (8)] between n and t based on Eqs. (6)
media by history matching of the experimental data [43]. In recent and (7).
years, the Monte Carlo technique has been widely applied to pre- Through feed pump performance tests and the linear regression
dict the relative permeability of unsaturated porous media. The analysis of test results, the regression equation was established.
predicted results are shown to have a good agreement with the Thus, we can predicate the fluid flow accurately and then build
experimental results. However, the current mathematical models equations [Eqs. (9) and (10)] of end-point saturations and T based
do not take the temperature effect into consideration [56,57]. In on the results above, which suggest that the irreducible water sat-
conclusion, it is worthwhile to explore a simple practical method uration linearly increased with increasing temperature, while the
that is feasible to transform these data measured at an ambient residual oil saturation decreased with increasing temperature.
temperature condition into properties under reservoir conditions. The trend, however, is non-linear.
In this paper, JBN functions [Eqs. (1)-(4)]and the power law or
n ¼ a1  T þ a2 ð8Þ
Corey type of relative permeability functions [Eqs. (5)-(7)] are
used. We strove to establish empirical equations between Kro  T
Swi ¼ b1 T þ b2 ð9Þ
and Krw  T based on the study of experimental data for oil–water
relative permeability under different temperatures.
Sor ¼ c1 lnðTÞ þ c2 ð10Þ
dV oðtÞ
f o ðSw Þ ¼ ð1Þ Eq. (11), which stands for the relationship between Kro and T,
dV ðtÞ was calculated on account of Eqs. (6)-(10).
     ða1 Tþa2 Þ
1 1 1  Sw  ðc1 lnðTÞ þ c2 Þ
K ro ðSw Þ ¼ f o ðSw Þd d ð2Þ K ro ¼ ð11Þ
V ðtÞ IV ðtÞ 1  ðb1 T þ b2 Þ  ðc1 lnðTÞ þ c2 Þ
Similarly, the linear regression method was utilized to deter-
lw f w ðSw Þ mine the value of m and relationship [Eq. (12)] between m and T
K rw ðSw Þ ¼ K ro ðSw Þ  ð3Þ
lo f o ðSw Þ based on Eqs. (5) and (7) by means of analyzing measured dates
of relative permeability. K orw was defined as the water relative per-
Sw ¼ Swi þ V oðtÞ  f o ðSw ÞV ðtÞ ð4Þ meability at residual oil saturation. Its value has a stronger depen-
dency on temperature mainly attributed to the temperature
K rw ¼ K orw ðSm
wD Þ ð5Þ elevation that lowered the viscosity of crude oil and changed the
water–oil viscosity ratio, leading to a greater water phase relative
K ro ¼ K oro ð1  SwD Þn ð6Þ permeability. Meanwhile, the curve-fitting method was introduced
to obtain the equation of uw/uo and T, as shown in Eq. (13). Here,
Sw  Swi K orw50 was defined as the basic data measured at the ambient tem-
SwD ¼ ð7Þ
1  Swi  Sor perature condition of 50 °C. Then the relational expression
betweenK orwT and T was established, as shown in Eq. (14).

Fig. 16. Comparison of the relative permeability obtained from the JBN method and empirical formula method.
546 L.-h. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105 (2017) 535–548

Fig. 17. Comparison of relative permeability obtained from the experimental data and the empirical formula method.

Table 5
Comparison of the experimental data and fitting data of Yang et al. [60].

Experimental data Fitting data Relative error

Sw Kro Krw Kro1 Krw1 Kro Krw
0.2931 1 0 1 0 0 0
0.3565 0.8035 0.0105 0.8149 0.0074 0.0142 0.2972
0.4079 0.7018 0.0175 0.6728 0.0197 0.0413 0.1237
0.4532 0.5509 0.0281 0.5502 0.0346 0.0013 0.2310
0.5015 0.3965 0.0491 0.4286 0.0534 0.0811 0.0866
0.5287 0.3404 0.0667 0.3635 0.0653 0.0680 0.0198
0.5619 0.2702 0.0877 0.2852 0.0818 0.0555 0.0679
0.5952 0.1895 0.1123 0.2136 0.0991 0.1274 0.1178
0.6224 0.1258 0.1368 0.1589 0.1142 0.2629 0.1656
0.6495 0.0877 0.1544 0.1082 0.1301 0.2330 0.1570
0.6858 0.0491 0.1684 0.0486 0.1527 0.0096 0.0934
0.7100 0.0246 0.1789 0.0164 0.1685 0.3322 0.0583
0.7281 0 0.1930 0 0.1810 0 0.0621

m ¼ a3  T þ a4 ð12Þ Then these data of Y-2 and Y-3 measured at 50 °C can be converted
into data corresponding to real reservoir conditions based on the
lw 1 established empirical equation. Fig. 16 shows the comparison of
¼ ð13Þ
lo d1 þ d2  T þ d3 =T 1:5 the relative permeability obtained from the JBN method and the
empirical formula method. It was found that the empirical equa-
tion, which was adopted to fit the experiment data, resulted in a
K orwT ¼ K orw50  e1 þ e2  T þ e3 =T þ e4 =T 2 ð14Þ
good effect.
Eq. (15), which stands for the relation between Krw and T, was Furthermore, the experimental data of some documents [60,52]
calculated on account of Eqs. (5) and (12)-(14). and block X as well as block Z were utilized to verify the applica-
  bility and expansion of the proposed method to other sandstone
K rw ¼ K orw50  e1 þ e2  T þ e3 =T þ e4 =T 2 reservoirs. Fig. 17 shows the comparison of the relative permeabil-
  ity of different sandstone reservoirs obtained from the experimen-
Sw  Swi
 a3 Tþa4 ð15Þ tal data and empirical formula method. Also, Tables 5 and 6 list
1  Swi  Sor concrete data of the oil–water relative permeability of the experi-
Specifically, for the cores used for the laboratory tests in this mental method and the fitting method for Yang et al. [60] and
paper, the values of these parameters in the empirical equation Wang et al. [52], respectively. The results of the comparison show
established above are as follows: a1 = 0.0244, a2 = 3.8848, that the empirical equation adopted to fit the experiment data
a3 = 0.0001, a4 = 0.5099; b1 = 0.0025, b2 = 0.1941; c1 = 0.1121, results in a good effect, although in many cases, a little variance
c2 = 0.6711; d1 = -10.754, d2 = 0.07689, d3 = 12635.71; e1 = 20.14, in the data sets could be observed. The method presented in this
e2 = 0.0530, e3 = -1638.84, and e4 = 40763.24. The values of paper is not meant to replace specific lab measurements for a given
K orw50 for cores Y-2 and Y-3 are 0.077 and 0.0867, respectively. reservoir situation. Instead, it provides some reference for
L.-h. Zhang et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 105 (2017) 535–548 547

Table 6
Comparison of the experimental data and fitting data of Wang et al. [52].

Experimental data Fitting data Relative error

Sw Kro Krw Kro1 Krw1 Kro Krw
0.3608 1 0 1 0 0 0
0.4064 0.4389 0.0167 0.5761 0.0167 0.3125 0.0019
0.4534 0.2594 0.0305 0.2951 0.0375 0.1378 0.2289
0.5562 0.0721 0.0686 0.0544 0.0883 0.2447 0.2872
0.6221 0.0377 0.1004 0.0231 0.1232 0.3859 0.2268
0.6809 0 0.1674 0 0.1590 0 0.0500

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