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1. b The main parts of a good communications management plan should include
2. d A master list of all acronyms and definitions is found in the _______________
section of the communications management plan.
3. b The communications management plan is
4. a Which part of the communications management plan outlines who receives status
5. c What is a good starting point for identifying internal stakeholders?
6. c Developing some consistency in handling project communications helps the
organization run smoothly especially if
7. c How can accessing standard forms be made easier?
8. d Project managers and their teams should decide
9. d The best way to distribute information is
10. d Project information may be distributed
11. c When are face-to-face meetings especially appropriate?
12. b How project information is communicated should be
13. a Stand-up meetings
14. b As the number of people involved on a project increases
15. a Stand-up meetings
16. d What communication method can help build stronger relationships among
project personnel and project stakeholders?
17. b People have a tendency to
18. b A person's tone of voice and body language
19. a As the number of people increase on a project, the more
20. c How many lines of communication exist on a project with 10 people?
21. d Open dialogue
22. c Status reports are a form of what kind of project reporting?
23. b Which of the following reports describes what is accomplished on a project?
24. c Administrative closure
25. d Administrative closure involves
26. d Status review meetings sometimes become
27. b An important technique for performance reporting is
28. d Project archives
29. c Administrative closure
Otávio Monsanto de Paula, PMP

30. b Project archives
31. d A lessons learned report should be prepared by the
32. a A lessons learned report
33. b The use of different project management tools and techniques, and personal
words of wisdom
34. d Formal acceptance
35. c One way to get projects to run more smoothly is to
36. c Which Blake and Mouton mode is used when the project manager de-
emphasizes, or avoids, areas of difference?
37. a Modes of conflict delineated by Blake and Mouton include
38. b Withdrawal mode in Blake and Mouton's approach to handling conflicts
39. b The Blake and Mouton confrontation mode
40. b Communications skills training
41. a Communications expected on a project
42. c Most information technology professionals enter the field because of their
43. b A well-run meeting can
44. b Meetings are generally most effective
45. c Refreshments and meals at meetings
46. d Improvements to meetings may be brought about by
47. b Sample templates
48. a Using templates could be more convenient if they are
49. b Formal communications infrastructures
50. a Integrating communications tools

Otávio Monsanto de Paula, PMP


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