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Q#1 Sinhx=1/2(e^x-e^-x) is called

(a) hyperbolic sine (b) hyperbolic cosine (c) hyperbolic cosec

(d) none
Q#2 Coshx=1/2(e^x+e^-x) is called
(a) hyperbolic sine (b) hyperbolic cosine (c) hyperbolic cosec
(d) none
Q#3 If a=e then we have loge^x is known as
(a) function (b) natural logarithm (c) common logarithm (d)
Q#4 If a=10 then we have log10^x is known as
(a) function (b) natural logarithm (c) common logarithm
Q#5 The function of the form x=at^2 are called
(a) even (b) odd (c) implicit (d) parametric
Q#6 The symbol x->0 is quite different from
(a) x=0 (b) x>0 (c) x~=0 (d) none
Q#7 If f(x)=sinx and q(x)=sin^-1x then gof(x)=
(a) x (b) 2x (c) sin^-1x (d) none
Q#8 If f(x)=x^2,then range of f is
(a) integeral (b) rational no (c) irrational no (d) all
non negative real no.s
Q#9 The range of the function y=coshx is
(a) (-1,1) (b) [1,+infinity) (c) (2,0) (d) none
Q#10 Lim x->infinity [1/2]^x=
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
Q#11 If f;x->secx is an function,then f(pie)=
(a) -1 (b) 1 (c) 1/2 (d) none
Q#12 The volume of a cube whose length of side is 4
(a) 4 cubic unit (b) 16 cubic unit (c) 32 cubic unit (d) 64
cubic unit
Q#13 Lim x->3 x-3/x^1/2-3^1/2=
(a) 2 (b) 2(3)^1/2 (c) 1/2 (d) none
Q#14 The range of function f(x)=|x|/x is
(a) -1 and 1 (b) R (c) [1,-1] (d) none
Q#15 If f(x)=lnx, then f^-1(x)=
(a) sinx (b) cosx (c) lnx (d) e^x
Q#16 Lim x->0 x^3-x/x+1=
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
Q#17 Lim x->0 sinax/sinbx=
(a) a/b (b) 1/b (c) 1/a (d) none
Q#18 Lim x->0 sin2x/sin3x=
(a) 2/3 (b) 1/2 (c) 1/3 (d) none
Q#19 Lim x->0 (1+2x)^1/x=
(a) e^2 (b) e (c) 2e (d) none
Q#20 If f(x)=-2x+8 then f^-1(x)=
(a) 8-x/2 (b) 8-x (c) 1/2 (d) none
Q#21 Any point where f is niether increasing nor decreasing is called
(a) stationary point (b) locus point (c) inflection point
(d) none
Q#22 f has relative maxima at c if
(a) f''(c)<0 (b) f''(c)>0 (c) f''(c)=0 (d) none
Q#23 f has relative minima at c if
(a) f''(c)>0 (b) f''(c)<0 (c) f''(c)=0 (d) none
Q#24 If y=ln(sinx),then dy/dx=
(a) cotx (b) cosx (c) -sinx (d) -cosx
Q#25 If f(x)=sinx,then slope of tangent line at x=0 is
(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) -1 (d) does not exist
Q#26 d/dx(sin(x)^1/2)=
(a) cos(x)^1/2/2(x)^1/2 (b) cosx (c) -cosx (d) none
Q#27 The tangent to a curve is perpendicular to x-axis if
(a) dx/dy=0 (b) dy/dx=0 (c) dy/dx=1 (d) none
Q#28 d/dx(a^x)=
(a) a^x.lna (b) lna (c) a^x (d) lna/a^x
Q#29 d/dx(lnx)^x=
(a) x(lnx) (b) x (c) lnx (d) none
Q#30 d/dx[1/g(x)]=
(a) -g'(x)/[g(x)]^2 (b) -g(x) (c) -g(x)^2 (d) -1/g'(x)
Q#31 If y=x+1/x,then dy/dx=
(a) 1-1/x^2 (b) 1/x (c) 1-1/x (d) none
Q#32 d/dx(cotax)=
(a) -acosec^2ax (b) -cosecx (c) cosec^2ax (d) none
Q#33 Lim x->a f(x)-f(a)/x-a=
(a) f'(a) (b) f(a) (c) f'(x) (d) f(x)
Q#34 The maximum value of f(x) is the minimum value of
(a) f'(x) (b) 1/f(x) (c) f(x)^2 (d) none
Q#35 The minimum value of x^2+8x+15 is
(a) -4 (b) -1 (c) 1 (d) 2
Q#36 Stationary point of function f(x)=x-e^x is at
(a) x=0 (b) x=e (c) x=1 (d) x=ln1
Q#37 If x=acosx and y=bsinx then which is true
(a) ady/dx=-btanx (b) ady/dx-btanx=0 (c) dy/dx=a/btanx (d)
Q#38 If f(x)=3+x,then
(a) f'(0)=f'(1) (b)f'(0)=!f'(1) (c)f'(0)>f'(1) (d) none
Q#39 Derivative of x^3 w.r.t x^3 is
(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) 2 (d) x^3
Q#40 f(x)=1/x-1,then find f'(2)=
(a) -1 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) 2
Q#41 1/x.d/dx.(sinx^2)=
(a) 2cosx^2 (b) cosx^2 (c) 2cosx (d) none
Q#42 If f(x)=tan^-1x,then f'(cotx)=
(a) sin^2x (b) cos^2x (c) sec^2x (d) cosec^2x
Q#43 Derivative of lne^x^2 w.r.t x is
(a) 2x (b) 1/2x (c) 1/2x^2 (d) none
Q#44 Integral of xe^x.dx=
(a) xe^x-e^x+c (b) e^x+x+c (c) e^x-x-c (d) none
Q#45 Integral of 2^x.(ln2).dx=
(a) 2^x+c (b) 2^x-c (c) ln2/2x (d) 2x/ln2
Q#46 d/dx integral f(x).dx=
(a) f(x) (b) f'(x) (c) 1/f(x) (d) none
Q#47 The solution of differential equation dy/dx.e^x(1+y^2) is
(a) tan(e^x+c) (b) sin(e^x+c) (c) cos(e^x+c) (d) none
Q#48 Lim x->a x^3-a^3/x-a=
(a) 2a^3 (b) 3a (c) 0 (d) 1
Q#49 Integral of [f(x)]^-1.f'(x).dx=
(a) ln[f(x)]+c (b) -ln[f(x)]+c (c) ln[f'(x)]+c (d) none
Q#50 Integral of e^1+lnx.dx=
(a) e/2x^2+c (b) e/2 (c) x^2 (d) none

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