Ecdis Symbols and Abbreviations

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Ecdis symbols and abbreviations pdf

Chart Symbols & Abbreviations is a detailed guide to all the symbols used on nautical charts specified by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), plus international abbreviations and supplementary national symbols used by the U.S. and U.K. hydrographic offices. This app provides quick reference to the “INT 1″ symbols specified by the
International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) for use on international marine charts. There are five main sections, each with lettered sub-sections organized into categories to guide users through the hundreds of symbols. Download now from these appstores: Features and Benefits: For reference, learning & revision Hi-res graphics Tap & Enlarge feature
for greater detail Fully searchable index to all the symbols Electronic Chart Symbols: ECDIS symbols used to display Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) data on Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) differ from those used on paper charts. We have produced another app Electronic Chart Symbols ECDIS that explains these symbols in
detail. Download now from these appstores: QLD EO Presentation of Two Symbology Sets This edition of U.S. Chart No. 1 has a new name and a new look. It's title is nowSymbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on Paper and Electronic Navigational Charts. For the first time, U.S. Chart No. 1 presents both of the major symbology sets used for marine
navigation. As in previous editions, the symbols used on paper nautical charts produced by NOAA and the NGA and digital raster representations of those charts, such as NOAA Raster Nautical Chart (NOAA RNC's), are presented in lettered sections organized in categories, such as Landmarks, Depths, and Lights. New in this edition is the inclusion of the
corresponding symbols used to portray Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) data on Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) as specified by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). Other Non-ECDIS Digital Displays May Portray Data Differently Navigation systems certified to meet the exacting performance standards
established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) are said to be ECDIS "type approved." The symbology used to display ENC's or other non-ENC navigational data on non-ECDIS systems, such as geographic information systems, recreational GPS and other chart display systems can differ significantly from the symbology specified for ECDIS
type approved systems. U.S. Chart No. 1 only shows the symbology used on ECDIS. INTRODUCTION New Column Headers The orientation of this edition of U.S. Chart No. 1 has been rotated 90 degrees into a landscape format to allow two additional columns to be added to the right side of the page. These columns hold the ECDIS symbols corresponding
to the paper chart symbols shown on the left side. "INT 1" symbols, as specified in the Regulations of the IHO for International Charts and Chart Specifications of the IHO, appear in the second column from the left, after the symbol number. Any variations from INT 1 symbology that are used on charts produced by NOAA or NGA are shown in the NOAA,
NGA and the "Other NGA" columns (columns 4a, 4b, and 5 respectively). ECDIS symbols and the descriptions are shown in columns 6 and 7 respectively. The ECDIS description usually provides the generic symbol name given in theIHO Specifications for Chart Content and Display Aspects of ECDIS, although sometimes other clarifying terms are also
provided in column 7. The ECDIS symbols shown use the day color palette. When columns 4a and 4b are combined, this indicates that NOAA and NGA both use the same non-INT 1 symbol for that particular feature. When any of columns 4a, 4b or 5 are blank, then the INT 1 symbol has been adopted for use by the organization for which that column
applies. Introduction Schematic Layout Ref. Description 20.1 Traffic separation scheme (TSS), traffic separated by separation zone 20.2 Traffic separation scheme, traffic separated by natural obstructions 20.3 Traffic separation scheme, with outer separation zone, separating traffic using the scheme from traffic not using it 21 Traffic separation scheme,
roundabout with separation zone 22 Traffic separation scheme with "crossing gates" 23 Traffic separation scheme crossing without designated precautionary area 24 Precautionary area 25.1 Inshore traffic zone (ITZ) with defined endlimits 25.2 Inshore traffic zone without defined endlimits 26.1 Recommended direction of traffic flow between traffic separation
schemes 26.2 Recommended direction of traffic flow for ships not needing a deep water route 27.1 Deep water route (DW), as part of one-way traffic lane 27.2 Two-way deep water route, with minimum depth stated 27.3 Deep water route, centreline as recommended one-way or two-way track 28.1 Recommended route (often marked by centreline buoys)
28.2 Two-way route with one-way sections 29.1 Area to be avoided (ATBA), around navigational aid 29.2 Area to be avoided (ATBA), because of danger of stranding Note: Sections identified in italic numbers are not applicable to the CHS Nota: Les section identifiées au moyen de numéros en caractères italiques ne s’appliquent pas au SHC Document
Navigation Symbols Abbreviations Terms and S-57 Objects used on Nautical and Electronic Navigational Charts This publication contains the Symbols Abbreviations Terms and S-57 Objects used on International as well as national Nautical and Electronic Navigational Charts of the Hydrographic Department, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. These
are based on the Chart Specifications and S-57 Specifications of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). The layout and numbering of this publication accords with the IHO version of INT Chart No. 1 and is offered free of charge. If you need a hardcopy of this publication, you may purchase the equivalent UKHO Chart No. 5011 or IHO INT Chart
No.1. Symbols Abbreviations Terms and S-57 Objects Nautical Electronic Chart Symbols ECDIS is an app that provides quick reference to the “INT 1” symbols specified by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO). It is ideal both for navigators who use electronic charts and also for training purposes.Features and benefits:Perfect for reference,
learning & revision Hi-res graphicsTap & Enlarge feature for greater detailFully searchable index to all the symbolsAlways with you on your mobile deviceNo internet connection needed There are five main sections in this app, each with lettered sub-sections organized into categories to guide users through the hundreds of symbols. The main sections
are: GENERAL – chart layouts, positions, distances, directions and compass. TOPOGRAPHY – landmarks, ports and coastal land features. HYDROGRAPHY – tides, currents, depths, nature of the seabed, underwater obstructions, tracks, areas, limits and hydrographic terms. NAVIGATION AIDS & SERVICES – lights, buoys, fog signals, radar, radio,
services and small craft facilities. INDEX & ABBREVIATIONS – international abbreviations and index to symbols and abbreviations. Electronic Chart Symbols ECDIS is based on the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office’s print publication “Chart 5011 (INT 1) EDITION 2” Admiralty Charts Publication and “Chart No.1 United States of America Nautical Chart
Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms”.Bonus Content from “Safe Skipper”:A free bonus section has tips on how to deal with emergencies including: Abandon ship; Dismasting; Distress Signals; Engine Failure; Fire Fighting; Flares; Getting a tow; Helicopter rescue; Holed hull; Man overboard; Medical emergency; Mayday; Panpan; Securité.Paper Chart
Symbols: ECDIS symbols used to display Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) data on Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) differ from those used on paper charts. We have produced another app Chart Symbols & Abbreviations that explains these symbols in detail. More…

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