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Three-dimensional differences between intraoral scans and

conventional impressions of edentulous jaws: A clinical study
Lucio Lo Russo, DDS, PhD,a Giammarco Caradonna, DDS,b Giuseppe Troiano, DDS, PhD,c
Angelo Salamini, Eng,d Laura Guida, DDS,e and Domenico Ciavarella, DDS, PhDf

Statement of problem. Using intraoral scans for removable dentures has been questioned because of a suggested lack of accuracy. However,
data regarding the accuracy of digital intraoral complete-arch scans are sparse, present some methodological issues, and mostly come from
in vitro studies on dentate casts, which are very different from edentulous arches.
Purpose. The purpose of this clinical study was to evaluate 3D differences between intraoral scans (IOS) and conventional impressions of
edentulous arches by means of digital analysis.
Material and methods. Ten maxillary and 10 mandibular edentulous arches were investigated. For each of them, IOS was performed, and a custom
tray was digitally designed based on these scans. Trays were built by using a 3D printer and used to make a conventional impression with a
polysulfide impression material. The conventional impression was scanned immediately by using the same intraoral scanner and by the same dentist.
Standard tessellation language (STL) files of IOS and the scans of the corresponding conventional impressions (CIS) were superimposed with a
2-phase best-fit alignment in a reverse engineering software program. The corresponding full-scan, 3D mean distance was measured. This procedure
was repeated after trimming the IOS and CIS to eliminate peripheral areas not present in both files, as well as nonmatching areas caused by practical
aspects related to obtaining the IOS (mobile tissue stretching) and the conventional impressions (mobile tissue compression and folding at the
margin of impression), which could have impaired alignment and, consequently, measurement accuracy. The mean distance between the full
and trimmed IOS and CIS was statistically investigated, and subgroup analysis was performed for the maxillary and mandibular arches. The
statistical significance of the differences between the 2 impression methods was also investigated.
Results. The full-scan mean distance between the IOS and CIS (−0.19 ±0.18 mm) was significantly different from that of the trimmed scan mean
distance (−0.02 ±0.05 mm), with no significant differences for maxillary and mandibular arches. The differences between the IOS and CIS were
statistically significant for full scans; they were not significant for trimmed scans, except for the maxillary subgroup.
Conclusions. The mean distance between the IOS and CIS may be significantly different if they are not properly superimposed. The mean
distance (−0.02 ±0.05 mm) between the IOS and CIS falls within the range of mucosa resilience. Thus, 3D differences between the IOS and CIS can
be attributed to the different physics behind the 2 impression methods and not to defects in accuracy of one method compared with the other.
The size of the measured difference between the 2 impression methods was not statistically significant and was not clinically significant for
removable denture fabrication. (J Prosthet Dent 2019;-:---)

The application of digital computer-aided design and intraoral scans, which are routinely applied in fixed res-
computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) technolo- torations,3 may offer further advantages. The production
gies to the design and fabrication of removable dentures1 of a removable denture in a fully digital approach,
may provide numerous advantages. Current CAD-CAM without a physical cast, eliminates patient discomfort
denture systems start with digitizing impressions or related to conventional impression making, problems of
definitive casts2 by using laboratory scanners. The use of potential allergies to impression materials, errors related
Associate Professor of Oral Diseases, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy.
Resident, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy.
Resident, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy.
Co-founder, Sintesi Sud srl, Ariano Irpino (AV), Italy.
Private practice, Salus Oris srl, Vallesaccarda (AV), Italy.
Aggregate Professor of Oral Diseases, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy.


2 Volume - Issue -

material (Permlastic; Kerr Corp) following the manufac-

Clinical Implications turer’s instructions (Fig. 2). The obtained conventional
Intraoral scans of edentulous jaws are feasible, and impression was immediately scanned by using the same
intraoral scanner and by the same dentist. A direct scan of
their accuracy is not significantly different from that
the conventional impression was chosen because the
of conventional impressions, either clinically or
absence of voids and undercuts in edentulous arches was
statistically. Thus, intraoral scans are a valid option
expected to minimize the shadowing effect.4
for removable denture fabrication and can be
For each patient, the intraoral scan (IOS) and the scan
integrated into digital denture workflows for
of the corresponding conventional impression (CIS) were
improved efficiency.
exported by using the intraoral scanner’s software to the
standard tessellation language (STL) format, compatible
with and importable into other reverse engineering soft-
to the distortion of impressions materials, and the need
ware programs for further analyses. For each arch of every
to store physical impressions and gypsum casts.4
participant, the 3D distance between IOS and the corre-
Intraoral scans for removable dentures have been
sponding CIS was measured by using the following
questioned5 because of a suggested lack of accuracy and
procedure: IOS and CIS STL files were imported into a
difficulties in capturing soft tissues. However, data
software program (Geomagic Wrap 2017; 3D Systems
regarding the accuracy of digital intraoral complete-arch
Inc) to perform a 2-phase best-fit alignment, assuming
scans are sparse and present some methodological
IOS as reference and CIS as test object. An initial gross
issues. The precise measurement of the accuracy of
alignment with symmetry evaluation was carried out by
intraoral scans is problematic and requires a direct
using 300 points for the comparison; then, IOS and CIS
3D comparison of intraoral scans with the anatomy of the
alignment was optimized with a fine adjustment using
denture-bearing area. In contrast, the typical reported
15 000 sample points. Once aligned, the 3D distance be-
experimental design is a comparison of intraoral scans
tween IOS and CIS was calculated (mean distance be-
with casts obtained from a conventional impression6-9
tween full scans) and recorded in a data-extraction sheet.
under the unreliable assumption that the process of
This procedure was repeated after trimming the IOS and
production of such reference casts does not affect their
CIS to eliminate peripheral areas not present in both files,
trueness. In addition, most of the available data come
as well as their nonmatching areas caused by practical
from in vitro studies on dentate casts,9-11 which is
aspects related to obtaining the IOS (mobile tissue
different from edentulous arches. Finally, a definition of a
stretching) and the conventional impression (mobile tis-
cutoff value for the accuracy of intraoral scans to be
sue compression and folding at the margin of impression)
considered adequate for removable denture fabrication is
(Fig. 3), which could have impaired alignment and,
lacking. However, the proof of concept of the suitability
consequently, measurement accuracy. The mean distance
of intraoral scans for the fabrication of a functional
between the trimmed IOS and trimmed CIS was
denture has recently been reported.12
measured by using the same procedure for full scans. In
To provide data useful to address these issues, the 3D
addition, a color difference map of each superimposition
differences between intraoral scans and conventional im-
was obtained for visualization and analysis of the devia-
pressions of edentulous jaws were investigated in a clinical
tion pattern before and after trimming (Figs. 4, 5).
study by means of 3D digital analysis. The null hypothesis
Distributions of measurement data were analyzed to
was that no difference would be found between them.
determine normality (Shapiro-Wilk test); then, differ-
ences between the means for the analyzed parameters
(mean distance between full scans, mean distance be-
Institutional review board approval was received for the tween trimmed scans) were assessed by appropriate tests
study. Sixteen consecutive edentulous patients requiring detailed in Table 1. Such differences, expressing the di-
complete dentures were selected and included. All par- versity between the 2 impression methods, were also
ticipants gave informed consent to be enrolled in the investigated for statistical significance by testing the
study. The edentulous maxillary and mandibular arches of following hypothesis: if there was no difference between
every patient were captured by using an intraoral scanner IOS and CIS, the distance between them would be zero.
(Fig. 1) (TRIOS 3; 3Shape) by 1 trained dentist (L.L.R.). Hence, the 1-sample t test was used to answer the
The scans were imported into a software program (Dental following question: Is the observed mean distance
System; 3Shape) and used to design a custom tray with significantly different from zero? (Table 2) Subgroup
the corresponding workflow. The space for the impres- analysis for maxillary and mandibular arches was also
sion material was set to 1 mm.13 The trays were built by performed (a=.05 for all tests) by using a statistical
using a 3D printer (M200; Zortrax) and used to make a software program (PAST3;
conventional impression with a polysulfide impression past/, accessed October 30, 2018).


- 2019 3

Figure 1. Intraoral scans. A, Maxilla. B, Mandible.

Figure 2. Conventional impressions. A, Maxilla. B, Mandible.

Figure 3. Superimposition of intraoral scan (green) and conventional impression scan (blue) showing peripheral nonmatching areas. A, Maxillary arch.
B, Mandibular arch.

RESULTS Only the mean distance between full scans (−0.19

±0.18 mm) (Table 1) had a nonnormal distribution
Four patients were completely edentulous in both the
(P=.016, Shapiro-Wilk test; null hypothesis: normal dis-
maxillary and mandibular arches; 6 were edentulous in
tribution); it was significantly different (P<.001) from
the maxillary arch, and 6 were edentulous in the
the mean distance between trimmed scans (−0.02
mandibular arch. In total, 10 maxillary and 10 mandibular
±0.05 mm). Such a difference highlights a significant
arches were investigated.


4 Volume - Issue -

Figure 4. Color deviation map between intraoral scan and conventional impression of maxillary arch. A, Before trimming: mean distance is +0.04 mm.
Gray color shows portions of reference object (intraoral scan) with no corresponding data on test object (conventional impression); blue color indicates
that test object in more apical position. B, After trimming: mean distance is −0.01 mm.

Figure 5. Color deviation map between intraoral scan and conventional impression of mandibular arch. A, Before trimming: mean distance is 0.00 mm.
Gray color shows portions of reference object (intraoral scan) with no corresponding data on test object (conventional impression); red color indicates
that test object in more coronal position. B, After trimming: mean distance is −0.02 mm.

improvement in the overall alignment accuracy after Table 1. Results and statistical analysis for measured parameters
trimming the scans. Subgroup analysis for maxillary and P (Maxillary
Total Maxillary Mandibular versus
mandibular arches showed no significant difference for Variable Arches Arch Arch Mandibular)
either the mean distance between full scans or the mean Number of investigated 20 10 10
distance between trimmed scans. arches
Differences between IOS and CIS were statistically Mean distance between -0.19 ±0.18 -0.11 ±0.09 -0.26 ±0.29 .105c
full scans (mm)
significant (P<.001) for the full scans; this was applicable Mean distance between -0.02 ±0.05 -0.03 ±0.03 -0.02 ±0.07 .766a
to both the whole investigated group and the maxillary trimmed scans (mm)
and mandibular subgroups (Table 2). However, such P (full vs trimmed) <.001d .024b .006b
differences were not significant (P=.064) for trimmed Bold font indicates statistical significance. Two-sample t test. Two-sample paired t test.
a b

scans, except if only the maxillary arch subgroup (P=.02) c

Mann-Whitney test. dWilcoxon test.

was considered.
reported when compared in a 3D analysis with a refer-
ence cast obtained by digitizing gypsum casts poured
from a conventional polyvinyl siloxane impression by
Clinical data regarding the accuracy of the IOS of using a laboratory scanner.6 The authors attributed these
edentulous arches are sparse. For digital scans of palatal differences to the flexibility of palatal mucosa, which can
soft tissues in dentate patients, a trueness of 130.54 be compressed by the conventional impression tech-
±33.95 mm and precision of 55.26 ±11.21 mm have been nique. The IOS is a mucostatic impression, whereas every


- 2019 5

Table 2. Statistical significance of differences between IOS and CIS all, with no tissue displacement) makes the com-
Total parison between them inappropriate from a meth-
Arches Maxillary Mandibular
Variable P Arch P Arch P odological point of view; thus, any conclusion
Mean distance between full scans <.001a .003b .005b stating which is more precise should be regarded
Mean distance between trimmed .064 b
.02 b
.4b with caution. They are different approaches
scans (mucostatic versus mucocompressive).
Bold font indicates statistical significance. aOne-sample Wilcoxon rank test; null 2. The difference between CIS and IOS (-0.02 mm)
hypothesis: median distance between IOS and CIS is zero. bOne-sample t test; null
hypothesis: mean distance between IOS and CIS is zero.
was not statistically significantly different and was
not clinically significant for removable denture
impression material exerts some pressure on the oral fabrication.
mucosa. In addition, because of the difference in the
morphological and histological features of edentulous
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Corresponding author:
Prof Lucio Lo Russo
CONCLUSIONS c/o Salus Oris srl
Via Serro D’Annunzio, 20
Based on the findings of this clinical study, the following 83050 Vallesaccarda (AV)
conclusions were drawn: Email:

1. The different physics behind CIS (compression and Copyright © 2019 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
tissue displacement) and IOS (no compression at


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