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Kilang Roba Wanadri

Karakuri Concept
16 March 2021

From the topic today about Karakuri, there is some video that explain the concept

and the benefits of Karakuri. Many manufacturing industries use Karakuri to

improve their production process. The definition of Karakuri itself is a mecahnical

systems that use gravity, pressure, springs, and other nature energy as a power

resources. So the Karakuri doesnt use energy like electricity etc. There is lot of

Karakuri's benefits. The most importatnt benefits of Karakuri is reducing time work.

With Karakuri, the process that took 10 seconds can be fastened to 5 seconds only.

It also reducing the movement of worker. They dont need waste their energy and

can do the other job. Also with Karakuri, the cost of production can be lessen. The

industries dont need hire much labor to do something just can be finished by

Karakuri. Now karakuri is mostly implemented in manufacturing industries, but

sometimes Karakuri will be improve to help any other human's ptoblem, not just in

production something.

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