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Kilang Roba Wanadri

Karakuri Concept and its implementation
March 15th, 2021

Karakuri is adapted from Japanese word which means a tools that uses a mechanic
devices to do the task with electric, hydraulic, or pneumatic power resources.
Karakuri isn't operated by computer, its operated by mechanic designs like
kinematics, gravity, springs, weight, and other gear to manipulate objects. Also
known as Karakuri Kaizen, Karakuri is a mechanical gadget that help to improve a
processes and systems. There are lot of benfits of
Karakuri, With Karakuri the cost is less expensive,
Its easier to maintain and improve the tools, it also
improve safety and ergonomics for reducing the
worker injury and it also improve quality, because
using device is more accurate and reducing human
error and mistakes.

From the video, theres explained that

From the topic last week abot basic or the World Class Industry like Toyota
itroduction of Industry Autommation, we tried to use external powers as little
know that Automation can help the as possible. So they have used a
industry producing its product with more Karakuri Kaizen to help the field
effective and efficient, it also reducing production. Kazuhiko Furui said that
human error if the industry held a mass Karakuri is eco-friendly. It said that
production. I think the Automation is very Karakuri sometimes doesnt work well
useful for Industry production at first try, but they always rebuilt it
implementation, many industry can use until it work perfectly as they want.
automation as well as other automated
industry especially World Class Industry
that very need automation in their
production process. For Example, a mineral
water Industry must have the automated
tools to keep their quality at their standard 2017 .
and minimize cost, because they dont need Karakuri. [Online] Available at;
to hire more labor to do the job. https://www.leansixsigmadefinition.c

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