Bailey Prinsip Radiasi Onkologi

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Umamaheswar Duvvuri Gregory/.


Radiation oncology plays an important role in the treat- of the rationales for fractionation of radiation is to allow
ment of head and neck cancers, both in the adjuvant and repair of normal tissues during fractions.
the definitive setting. Radiation is an important modality The more radiation damage that is inflicted upon a
and has a large influence in terms of both survival and population of cells, the more cell death; the initial radia-
toxicity for patients. The field of radiation oncology is tion dose causes damage to the cell population but does
rapidly evolving, and head and neck oncologists should not necessarily cause cell death. As the radiation damage
be aware of some of the important and changing fea- accumulates, cell death starts to occur. A simplistic way to
tures of this field to ensure that the patients they refer view this is to imagine that both strands of the DNA must
are treated appropriately. The goals of this chapter are be damaged before the cell is irreversibly killed; the initial
to review the fundamental basis of radiation oncology dose of radiation is most likely to damage a number of sin-
(radiobiology), to describe some of the everyday aspects gle strands and occasionally both strands in a single cell.
of radiation therapy delivery and toxicity, and finally to As radiation dose continues, it becomes more likely that
describe some of the new innovations in the field of radi- double-strand damage occurs in more cells and thus causes
ation oncology. cell death. During the initial (single strand) DNA damage,
there is potential for the cell to repair the single-strand
RADIOBIOLOGY break and undo the radiation damage. The differential
ability for DNA repair has led to the terms •radiosensitive•
Radiobiology describes the effects of ionizing radiation on and '"radioresistant." Although the exact terms are very
the cellular level. Ionizing radiation induces cell death via subjective, the basic principle is that some types of cells
DNA damage. DNA damage occurs when radiation inter- and tumors have very little repair ability and die rapidly
acts directly with the DNA strand or, more commonly, from even low doses of radiation. On the other side are
when the radiation interacts with a water molecule with •radioresistant• tumors; such tumors have ability to repair
secondary DNA damage. When ionizing radiation hits a DNA, which makes them less likely to undergo cell death
water molecule, it forms free radicals; these free radicals from radiation damage. Some typical radiosensitive tumors
are very unstable and, if formed in the vicinity of the DNA include lymphomas, while radioresistant tumors include
strand, are able to inflict damage. sarcomas and melanomas. In Figure 110.1 we have three
DNA damage does not always lead to cell death; the cell cell populations; cell population A would be radiosensitive
has the capability of repairing radiation-induced damage (note the lack of a shoulder region and the immediate lin-
to DNA. The rate and capability for repair are different for ear decline in surviving cells; such a curve is seen in blood
different types of cells. In general, more rapidly growing cells that lack any repair mechanisms). Population C has
cells are more susceptible to damage from radiation (the a wide shoulder representing a radioresistant cell popula-
process of cell division makes the DNA more susceptible tion; the initial portion of the curve is where cell repair is
to damage and also DNA damage is declared during DNA occurring preventing death from the radiation.
division). This is why the mucosa of the oral cavity (which In addition to the capacity for DNA repair, another
is always dividing and being replaced) is very sensitive to component that affects radiation sensitivity (and the slope
the effects of radiation. In general, normal tissues have of the cell death curve) is oxygenation. Under hypoxic
greater capacity for DNA repair than cancer tissues; one conditions, it is thought that the free radicals, which are

Chapter 110: Principles of Radiation Oncology 1683



Figure 110.2 Unear accelerator.
FiguN 110.1 Three cell populations showing different levels of
sensi\ivity to radiation. Cell population A would be radiosensitive
(note the lack of a shoulder region and the immediate linear de-
dine in surviving cells, such a curve is seen in blood cells that lack linear accelerator (Fig. 110.2). lhe patient lies on the treat-
any repair mechanisrN). Population C has a wide shoulder repre- ment table, and the linear accelerator rotates around the
senting a radioresistant cell population; the initial ponion of the
curve is where cell repair is ocxurring preventing death from the patient to deliver the radiation. In order to ensure that the
radiation. patient is not moving while the radiation is being deliv-
ered. an immobilization device is used; for HNC this typi-
cally consists of the thermoplastic head mask (Fig. 110.3).
responsible for DNA damage, can be scavenged by the Radiation is desaibed in terms of dose; the common
hypoxia-induced acidic environment and that oxygen itself convention for dose is the gray (Gy). lhe definition of a
may play a role in continuing the cascade of the free radi- Gy is the amount of enetgy dose absomed per unit mass
cal formation. laige tumoa tend to grow faster than their ( 1 Gy =1 J/kg}. Le8s often used is rads, 1 rad is equal to 0.01
blood supply, leading to hypoxic areas in the center of Gy. 1he typical total dose for treatment of HNC is 60 to
large tumoiS. lhis phenomenon is thought to contribute 66 Gy for adjuvant radiation and 70 to 74 Gy for defini-
to the relatively poor control rates for lcuge head and neck tive radiation. By comparison. doses for lymphoma would
canceu treated with ionizing radiation. be 30 to 40 Gy, and the dose for a computed tomography
(Cf) scan is 0.1 to 0.2 Gy.
lhe total dose of radiation is divided into smaller doses
called fractions. The dose for a fraction of radiation is usu-
1he most commonly used form of radiation is photons, ally between 1.8 and 2.0 Gy, although there can be a wide
but other particles can also be used, including electrom, range (e.g., the dose for radioswger:y in the treatment of
protons, neutrom, and carbon iom. Electrom are widely
available but not as commonly used as photom. Electrons
have a short depth of penetration; this allows for good
dose to the surface and minimal dose to deeper levels (e.g.,
6 MV electrom will deposit 90% of their energy 2 an into
tissue). Because of the dose distribution. electrons are a
ver:y good treatment option for the treatment of skin can-
ceu. Protons and carbon ions are other forms of radiation
and are less frequently used. Protons, neutrons, and car-
bon ions (referred to as heavy particle radiation) are not
produced by normal radiation oncology linear accelera-
toD and require special (and ver:y expensive) acceleratOIS
to produce this type of radiation (see below for a more
detailed description of proton radiation oncology).
It should be noted that all twes of radiation work via
the same basic mechanisms although some of the logis-
tics of delivery are different For photon radiation (usually
just desaibed as radiation), the radiation is produced by a Figure 110.3 Thermoplastic head mask use~d for Immobilization.
1684 Section VII: Head and Neck Surgery

trigeminal neuralgia can be as high as 80 Gy in a single also an increase in acute toxicity (the normal tissues now
fraction). The purpose of delivering the total dose of radia- have less ability to repair). However, the studies have not
tion as a number of smaller fractions is to take advantage found a significant increase in late toxicity.
of normal tissue repair of DNA damage. For the most part, While hyperfractionation appears to be one method
normal tissues have a much greater ability for DNA repair to improve outcome, chemotherapy is another.
than do cancer cells. Thus, if damage is incurred to both Chemotherapy has been shown to improve outcome ver-
normal tissues and cancer cells, the normal tissues will sus radiation alone in both the definitive and the adjuvant
repair themselves while the cancer cells will die (this is not setting. Brizel et al. (3) found that concomitant chemo-
completely accurate as there is still a lot of normal tissue therapy delivered with hyperfractionation provided bet-
damage as discussed later). ter locoregional control than hyperfractionated radiation
The interplay between dose and fraction is sometimes alone (70% vs. 44%). Brizel et al. (4) performed a math-
referred to as "radiobiologically equivalent dose. n Several ematical analysis of the data obtained from RI'OG 90-03
mathematical models exist to convert from one dose and to determine what the impact of chemotherapy was on the
fractionation to another dose at a different fractionation radiobiologically equivalent dose. They determined that
(e.g., in terms of spinal cord tolerance, at 3 Gy per frac- a 1% increase in radiobiologically equivalent dose lead
tion, the maximum dose is 30 Gy, whereas at 2.0 Gy per to a 1.1% increase in locoregional control. Similarly, the
fraction. the maximum dose is 45 Gy). The differential addition of chemotherapy effectively increased the total
in repair between normal and cancer cells is magnified radiobiologically equivalent dose by about 10 Gy. The
as radiation is delivered over a long period of time. This authors concluded that this increase in effective radiation
allows for improvement of the toxicity profile and mini- dose could not be safely achieved by simply increasing the
mizes toxicity to normal tissues. amount of radiation delivered to the patient.
RI'OG 0129 (5) set out to examine if chemotherapy (cis-
FRACTIONATION AND TREATMENT platin 100 mg/m2 every 3 weeks) plus hyperfractionated
TIME radiation (concomitant boost) was better than the same
chemotherapy plus standard (once daily) radiation. The
The most common fractionation pattern is to deliver study did not find a difference between the two arms, and
the radiation every day (Monday through Friday) and is given the increase in acute toxicity and logistical difficulties
referred to as "conventional• or standard fractionation. with hyperfractionation, most institutions use once daily
Hypofractionation is delivering less than one fraction per treatments for locally advanced HNC treated with chemo-
day (typically done in radiosurgery where the fraction is radiotherapy.
given every other day). Hyperfractionation is delivering In summary, based on the lmown benefits of chemo-
more than one fraction per day. While there is repair of therapy and the negative RI'OG 0129 study, hyperfraction-
normal tissue DNA between radiation fractions, there is ation is typically only used for patients who cannot get
also (hopefully to a lesser extent) repair of cancer DNA and chemotherapy and have to be treated with radiation alone.
potential growth of the cancer itself. In order to decrease The overriding principle for the benefits of hyperfrac-
this risk, there have been several studies that have investi- tionation is that a reduction in overall treatment time
gated the potential advantages of hyperfractionation. corresponds to an improvement in tumor control. The
The most well-known study is RlOG 90-03 (1). In this opposite is also true; when the overall treatment time is
study, patients with stage III and N HNC where random- extended, tumor control decreases (6-9). RTOG (6) looked
ized to conventional radiation (standard arm), hyperfrac- at the importance of treatment time in HNC radiation and
tionation with twice daily treatments, hyperfractionation found that local failure increased when the total treatment
with twice daily treatments with a planned 2-week break time (from surgery to completion of radiation) exceeded
during the radiation, and accelerated hyperfractionation or 11 weeks. This is why treatment breaks should be avoided
concomitant boost (which consists of daily radiation until unless absolutely necessary.
the final 12 treatments at which time radiation is given
twice daily). The results of this study showed an improve- RADIATION ONCOLOGY PLANNING
ment in local control in the hyperfractionation and acceler-
ated hyperfractionation arms (survival had a trend toward The first step in radiation oncology planning is consulta-
improvement, but did not reach statistical significance). tion with a radiation oncologist to examine the patient and
Several other studies have shown similar results including discuss the risks and benefits of therapy. After this, a radia-
DHANCA where patients were randomized to five versus tion planning cr scan is performed. This is similar to a
six treatments per week. and local control was found to be diagnostic cr scan except that the cr scan is performed
improved with the six fraction regimen (5 year local con- with the patient in the same position as they will be when
trol 70% vs. 60%) (2). receiving the daily radiation treatments. In order to reduce
It should be noted that while tumor control appears to setup error between and during treatments, patients will
be improved with a reduction in treatment time, there is have a plastic mask made that conforms to their facial
Chapter 110: Principles of Radiation Oncology 1685

anatomy (Fig. 110.3 ). Because of the special positioning

(including the mask), a diagnostic cr scan cannot be used
as a substitute for a radiation planning scan (although the TARGET DOSES
information from a diagnostic cr scan can certainly be
used to help in planning). Sometimes a positron emission
tomography (PET) scan can be done at the same time as Target Dose Range Description
radiation planning (see section on PET scans). High risk 70-74 Gross disease plus small margin
After the radiation planning scan has been performed, Intermediate 60~6 In adjuvant setting, tumor bed
the radiation oncologist will begin planning the radiation risk and resected but involved
beams. This process has evolved over time (see below) but lymph node basins. In
adjuvant or definitive setting,
in all cases involves distinguishing normal structures from
lymph node basins at high risk
areas that are targeted for radiation. Several terms are com- for failure
monly used to describe this process (Table 110.1 ). Gross Low risk 50-54 In adjuvant and definitive
tumor volume (G1V) represents the areas of actual tumor; setting, uninvolved lymph
this can be defined either radiographically (cr, PET, MRI) node basins at low risk for
or clinically. In patients who have had surgery, there
should not be a GIV since there is no longer any gross dis-
ease. Clinical tumor volume (C1V) defines areas that are
After the radiation oncologist has distinguished the
at risk for harboring microscopic disease (such as lymph
different target volumes, there is some time required for
node basins); there can be discrepancy between different
the radiation planning (mapping out the number and
physicians in deciding the CIV volumes (e.g., does the con-
direction of the radiation beams) done by a dosimetrist
tralateral neck need to be covered in a patient with tonsil
and physicist. This can take anywhere between 10 minutes
cancer). Planning tumor volume (PIV) is a small expan-
and 3 days depending on the complexity of the plan.
sion on the CIV or GIV to account for errors in daily setup.
When the radiation plan has been completed, the radia-
A typical PIV expansion is 0.3 to 1.0 em. At our institu-
tion oncologist will evaluate the plan to make sure that
tion, we use daily imaging verification to reduce random
the target volumes (GIV; crv, PIV; etc.) are adequately
setup error and are able to use a smaller PIV margin (3 to
covered by radiation dose while simultaneously sparing
5 mm). Organ at risk (OAR) is defined as normal tissue
the normal structures (OARs). There are general guidelines
that is not involved with cancer and needs to be protected
for how much radiation dose a normal structure can tol-
from radiation (examples include the spinal cord, parotid
erate (Table 110.3). In order to evaluate a radiation plan
glands, mandible, etc.). Depending on the degree of risk,
and determine if it is safe for normal structures (OARs),
different areas will receive different doses of radiation. For
a dose volume histogram (DVH) is constructed. A DVH
example, the gross disease (G1V) will typically receive 70 to
plots percent volume of a structure versus the radiation
74 Gy; areas of low risk (uninvolved lymph node basins)
dose. Oftentimes in order to cover the tumor, it is neces-
are treated to 50 to 54 Gy, while intermediate risk regions
sary to deliver radiation doses beyond tolerance to some
receive 60 to 66 Gy (Table 110.2).
normal tissue; this can lead to some of the long-term tox-
icities of radiation (discussed later). In the DVH shown
in Figure 110.4 (patient with left base of tongue cancer),
we see that the right parotid is being spared, because of
the location of the tumor; the left parotid, being too dose
ORADIATION TERMS to the tumor, will receive dose that will likely make the

Term Definition
Hyperfractionati on Delivery of more than one fraction of
radiation a day
Hypofracti on ation Delivery of less than one fraction of TOLERANCE
radiation a day
Gross tumor volume Gross disease as defined by radiology Structura Dose Limit Toxicity
and physical exam
Clinical tumor volume Areas at high risk for microscopic tumor Spinal cord 45 Gy (point dose) Paralysis
involvement Mandible 70Gy Osteoradionecrosis
Planning tumor volume Treatment field, which includes margin Parotids 25 Gy (50% of gland) Xerostomia
for setup error and other uncertainty Pharyngeal con- 55 Gy (50%) Swallowing
Organ at risk Normal structure (such as spinal cord) stri ctor muscles d iffi cu lti es
that must be protected to some Optic chiasm 54Gy Blindness
extent from radiation Lens 10 Gy Cataracts
1686 Section VII: Head and Neck Surgery

. Left Esophagus
.. Parotid

f ..
J Right
g ••



Figure 110A Dose volume histogram. This plots the pel"C8nt volume of a structure (y-axis) versus
the radiation dose (x-axls). In 1hls DVH we see 1hat the right parotid Is 1'801i1lv!ng less radiation 1han
the left parotid.

parotid nonfunctional (as seen in Thble 110.3, the dose RADIA110N DELIVERY
limit for parotid glands is 25 Gy at 50% of the orgarli
in Figure 110.4 we see 1hat right parotid is getting about As computer technology continues to improve so does the
25 Gy to 50% of the organ whereas the left parotid iJ getting delivery of radiation. Radiation delively has evolved over
25 Gy to greater than 70% of the otgan). time and continues to improve The most basic system for
A typical time from consult to the start of radiation is radiation delivery is 2D (two dimensional) and involves
a week to 2 weeks; this can be longer if a dental ezttaction planning the radiation from plain x-ray films. For 2D radia-
is required or if patients are not compliant with appoint- tion delivery, a radiation planning cr scan would not be
ments. As discussed above, overall treatment time is a very used. In 3D (three-dimensional) radiation delivery, an extra
important metric in HNC outcomes; this is why it is valu- dimension is added to 2D planning; this incorporates imag-
able to have the consultation with the radiation oncologist ing data from the cr scan used for radiation planning. 3D
within the fint week of surgery for patients who may need planning has the advantage of being able to accurately cal-
adjuvant radiation. This allows everything to be set up and culate doses to normal structures. The next step in radiation
ready to start without undue delay. oncology evolution is intensity-modulated radiation ther-
The radiation therapy is typically delivered once daily apy (IMRI'). IMRI' imprCM!S upon 3D radiation planning
(see above for discussion on fractionation). A typical treat-
ment time is 5 to 10 minutes, and the entire session will be
completed in about half an hour (time from in the door to
out the door). The radiation oncologist will see the patient
at a minimum of once per week; oftentimes there will also
be weekly appointments with nursing and dietary staff as INDICA110NS FOR RADIA110N AND
well. A typical course of radiation is 7 weeks for a definitive
case and 6 weeks for adjuvant.
More details on the indications for adjuvant radiation Recommendations for adjuvant radiation
are available in individual chapters, but in general, radiation + lymph nodes (N+)
is recommended in the adjuvant setting for positive lymph Large tumor size (T3, T4)
nodes, laJge tumor size (r3 orT4), pe:rineural invasion (PNI), Perineural invasion
and positive swgical m;ugins. Chemotherapy is added to Recommendations for adjuvant chemoradfatfon
radiation in the setting of positive InaJgins and emacapsular Extracapsular extension
extension (ECE) of a lymph node (see Table 110.4).
Chapter 110: Principles of Radiation Oncology 1687

by using multiple radiation beams (referred to 8l!l beamlets) relatively cheap and easy to implement. & a result, IMRT is
from different directions, all of which can potentially have available essentially everywhere that radiation is available
different intensities of radiation. IMRT allows the radiation (at least in the United States).
dose to "bend' around normal struct\li'ea. In Figure 110.5 There are obvious advantages to IMRT; with reduction
iJ a patient who had both a 3D and an IMRT plan. In the in dose to normal structures, there is a reduction in the
3D plan, there is a beam from the right and a second beam likelihood oflate radiation-induced toxicity. As shown in
from the left; everything in the radiation field gets a fairly Figure 110.5, the radiation dose delivered to the parotid
high dose of radiation. In the IMRT plan, the dose iJ able glands iJ reduced; this will hopefully result in a reduction
to be shaped and bent; this allows less the radiation dose of xerostomia Howevet;. IMRT also has some significant
to the parotid glands to be drastically reduced. 1he conse- (and perhaps underappreciated) disadvantages. First of
quence of this iJ an increase in the low-dose region with aiL IMRT takes significantly longer to plan and is much
the IMRT plan as compared to the 3D plan (bottom row more expensive than 3D. For patients with rapidly grow-
of Fig. 110.5). IMRT involves a la!ge amount of planning. ing or bleeding tumors, it often makes sense to start with
While a 3D plan can be generated within an hout an IMRT a 3D plan, which can begin rapidly and then convert to
plan can take up to a week to plan. The main catalyst for an IMRT plan to complete the radiation. Another disad-
the evolution from 3D to IMRT iJ the multileaf collimator vantage iJ the distribution of low-dose radiation. While
(MLC), an attachment to the head of the linear accelerator Figure 110.5 shows a dear reduction in the areas of high
that allows the radiation beams to be modulated. MLQI are radiation dose, we also see an increase in the low dose

Figure 110.5 IMRTversus 30 plan The left hand column Is a 30 plan (two opposed lateral beams).
The right hand Is the same patient with an IMRT plan. Notice that the top row Is the high-dose
region and It Is much more conformal In the IMRT plan. The bottom row Is the low-dose region and
Is much largc~r In the IMRT plan.
1688 Section VII: Head and Neck Surgery

of radiation. In IMRT there is a significantly higher vol- prospective nials treating nasopharyngeal cancer {NPC).
ume of tissues getting a low dose of radiation. 1he volume Similar in design, each trial randomized locally advanced
of low-dose radiation has some repercussions. There are NPC patients between conventional radiation and IMRT
toxicities that are seen in IMRT that were not seen in 3D along with conament chemotherapy. The results showed
planning; one of these side effects is nausea &om radia- that sali:vaiy gland (parotid) function was significantly
tion beams going through the brainstem. If the radiation and dramatically improved in the IMRT arms in both stud-
oncologist does not mark an area as an OAR. the computer ies. Kam et al. (10) found a reduction in observer-rated
will not see it as being at risk. and this area will receive xerostomia from 82.1% with conventional radiotherapy
higher doses of radiation in the computer's attempt to to 39.3% with IMRT and also measured improvements
spare areas that were marked as OARs. Another concern in measured parotid :flow rates. Similarly, Pow et al. {11)
of the low-dose volume in IMRT is that this might confer found an improvement in stimulated saliva flow with
a higher chance of a radiation-induced cancer. This risk is IMRT and also found that patients treated with IMRT had
mainly theoretical, although it should be noted that IMRT an improvement in patient-reported quality oflife scores.
has only been used in high volume recently and the aver- The primary end point for both studies was parotid func-
age time to develop a radiation-induced cancer is 10 to tion; neither was powered or intended to examine
20 years. Figure 110.6 represents a typicaliMRT plan for a the role of IMRT in disease control or overall survival.
base of tongue cancer. Retrospective data in both nasopharyngeal (12-15) and
Most of the date describing IMRT outcomes is retro- nonnasopharyngeal HNC (16-21) compare vecy favor-
spective. but there are some limited phase Ill data. The ably to historical norms. It should be noted that the
published level I evidence consists of two randomized essentially all of the phase 1II HNC data acquired thus far

Figura 110.6 Base ohongue IMRT plan.

Chapter 110: Principles of Radiation Oncology 1689

are from 2D or 3D radiation planning but that the gen- much radiation certain tissues can tolerate. Radiation
eral acceptance of IMRT technology has led to its inclu- tolerance doses are put together by a combination of
sion in RTOG trials; RTOG 0234 and 0522 are the first retrospective studies and animal studies and while this
major US cooperative group studies incorporating IMRT data are tentative for obvious reasons cannot be easily
into radiotherapy planning. expanded upon.
In general, toxicity rates are poorly documented and
RADIATION TOXICITY recorded; hence, a wide range of toxicity rates are reported
in the literature. Machtay reported on the toxicity with
Radiation has multiple side effects and toxicities, some chemotherapy and non-IMRT radiation in several RTOG
of which occur during treatment (acute) and others that studies; 43% of patients had severe late toxicity. mostly
occur months to years after therapy (late). If chemotherapy consisting of pharyngeal and laryngeal dysfunction (22).
is added to the radiation, there is a significant increase in Eisbruch and coworkers recently published their prospec-
the rate of acute toxicities, although late toxicities appear tive data using IMRT to treat oropharyngeal tumors (23).
to be similar. There is a significant amount of variation Swallowing function was assessed by two methods, vid-
between patients and how the radiation is tolerated, but eofluoroscopy and subjective symptom score assessment.
some general remarks can be made. During radiation, the Videofluoroscopy demonstrated that on average, mild pre-
first 2 weeks typically proceed without much difficulty treatment dysphagia progressed to moderate dysphagia
unless the first round of chemotherapy causes toxicity after chemoradiotherapy. While many patients experienced
such as nausea and vomiting or dehydration. After the sec- recovery of swallowing function, some patients never had
ond week, the acute radiation steadily escalates; toxicities full recovery.
include pain (sore mouth and sore throat) from mucositis,
taste changes, loss of facial hair (in treatment field) and INNOVATIONS IN RADIATION
skin irritation,. thick mucus, and dry mouth. These toxici- PLANNING
ties will typically escalate until they plateau around week
5 to 6 and remain constant through the remainder of the In addition to IMKT, there have been several other inno-
therapy. The majority of patients state that pain is the most vations in radiation therapy, which have promise to
difficult of the side effects and often requires narcotic med- improve outcomes in HNC. Some of the recent innova-
ications. tions in HNC radiation oncology have included incorpo-
After the completion of radiation, the side effects slowly ration of imaging such as PET scans, proton therapy, and
subside. The first-week postradiation remains a difficult radiosurgery.
time with modest improvement in pain and other side One major innovation to the treatment of HNC has
effects; around the 2-week mark. patients begin to feel been PET scans. While the imaging aspect of PET scans is
some noticeable improvement in toxicity, and this contin- described elsewhere, there is also an important role for PET
ues for the next several weeks. Skin breakdown typically scans in radiation treatment planning. Geets et al. (24)
heals in about 2 weeks, thick mucus resolves around week reported that the use of pretreatment FDG-PET in combi-
3 to 4, and the pain improves but is often still present nation with pretreatment cr or MRI improves target defi-
until 8 to 12 weeks after radiation. Fatigue and ability to nition in oropharyngeal cancer and results in more normal
return to work are dependent on a number of factors, but tissue sparing. The same group also examined the role of
in general most patients are able to return to work around PET contouring in larynx cancer, by comparing standard
8 weeks after radiation. imaging techniques and PET findings with the pathologic
In addition to the acute toxicities, there are a number specimens (25). They reported significantly smaller target
of late radiation associated side effects. One of the most volumes when targets were drawn on FDG-PET as opposed
common side effects is xerostomia (dry mouth) from to cr scan. PET-based tumor volumes also showed better
damage to the salivary glands; this sometimes responds correlation with pathologic findings compared with cr,
to pilocarpine (Salagen), but oftentimes patient will need both for the primary tumor and the locoregional lymph
to carry a bottle of water around and may have difficulty nodes (26). Long-term clinical data are emerging; favor-
swallowing dry meats and breads. Taste changes typically able 3-year overall state and disease-free survival rates have
resolve by 3 months after radiation although patients may been shown in IMRT patients who all had PET-based con-
have some food items that never regain taste and develop touring (27).
intolerance to spicy foods (which taste too spicy). Some Proton therapy represents another possible evolution
late side effects that develop months and even years after in radiation oncology. Protons are fundamentally different
the radiation include hypothyroidism, neck fibrosis, than photon radiation and are attractive because of its the-
carotid artery stenosis, osteoradionecrosis (the incidence oretical dose distribution in normal tissue. Photons lose
of which can be increased by dental work after radiation), energy slowly as they travel through tissue; energy is depos-
and dysphagia with concomitant aspiration. As seen in ited in the tumor but is also in the normal tissue both in
Table 110.3, there are general dose guidelines for how front and in back of the tumor. Protons on the other hand
1690 Section VII: Head and Neck Surgery

have very low energy loss until they reach a certain depth at
which point all of the proton's energy is released at once.
Tissue distal to this point has almost no radiation dose.
This sudden peak in dose is known as the ·Bragg peak· and • Conventional fractionated irradiation therapy is
can allow the proton beam to be targeted on the tumor
undertaken to allow normal tissue repair of DNA
and has very little dose to normal structures on the other
damage between fractions while cancer cells die.
side (very little exit dose). Theoretic plans have been cre-
• Hyperfractionation (more than one fraction per
ated testing conventional IMRTversus intensity-modulated
day) appears to improve outcome in patients treated
proton therapy, showing a significant advantage in tumor
with radiation alone. However, it is also associ-
coverage and normal tissue sparing with the intensity-
ated with increased acute toxicity, and the benefit
modulated proton therapy plans (28,29). It should be appears to be lost in patients treated with both radi-
emphasized that these were theoretic plans and not actual
ation and chemotherapy.
treatments. Currently, most proton treatments are given
• Common indications for radiation include T3-T4
with conventional (3D; anteroposterior-posteroanterior,
tumors, positive lymph nodes, and positive or dose
lateral) proton beams. margins, PNI.
Protons are currently only available in a limited num-
• Tumor control decreases when total treatment time
ber of centers, and experience and published results are exceeds 11 weeks.
very limited, especially in the treatment of head and neck
• Use of IMRT allows for the sparing of normal tissues
cancer. The majority of reported results of proton therapy
such as parotids, mandible. and pharyngeal con-
in head and neck cancer involve rare and difficult to treat
strictor muscles.
tumors, such as chordomas and other skull-base tumors
(30). A small series from Lorna linda looked at 29 oropha-
ryngeal HNC patients treated with a proton boost (66% of
the radiation was delivered via photons); the study showed
good local control and toxicity (31) but larger and more
heterogeneous series are certainly needed. REFERENCES
Another radiation oncology innovation is radiosur-
1. Fu KK. Pajak. 1F. Trotti A. A radiation therapy onoology ~up
gery. Radiosurgery is similar to IMRT in the delivery of the (RIOG) phase III randomized study to rompart hyperfraction-
photon radiation; the only difference between conven- ation and two variants of accelerated fractionation to standard
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