Weekly Journal 3

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Weekly Journal #3

Emily Watson

KINS 4306: Internship in Public Health

Georgia College & State University

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During the third week of my internship with the Global Cleaning Organization, I was

assigned a very important project, went on two day trips to the Raleigh, North Carolina and

Austin, Texas airports, attended meetings about current projects and safety risk assessments, and

finished my 1-on-1 meetings with leaders in the organization. This week has been extremely

educational, rewarding, and eye-opening; I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of

these experiences.

On Monday, a project manager in the organization assigned a project that would allow

me to gain experience in program management, create my own process, and communicate with

frontline workers. This project involves Passenger Safety Information Cards (PSIC) that are in

the back of every seat on every aircraft. If the correct and updated PSIC are not on the aircraft,

that could result in the plane being grounded. The extra inventory of these cards are currently

stored in the airports; the new process is to put the inventory in every aircraft that way if the

correct cards are not in the aircraft, the flight attendants can easily replace them.

My task is to create a tracking system of when these cards are put into the aircraft. I have

to create a form that is accessible to Delta employees and employees outside of Delta which they

can fill out indicating when, where, and who placed the cards on what aircraft. I then have to put

these responses into a spreadsheet in an organized manner. This project will continue these next

few weeks and will involve additional steps. The first step is to create this form and spreadsheet.

I worked on this Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. When I first learned about my

responsibilities for this, I was extremely overwhelmed. However, I reached out to other

individuals who were familiar with this project and they gave me advice on how to approach this

which made me feel better. I learned that using your resources that are available to you is

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I was contacted by another individual on the operations side of the organization on

Monday about tagging along on a few day trips during the week. I was so excited about this

opportunity and all that I could learn. These day trips are only spent in the airports in the

destination you arrive. On Tuesday, I went to Raleigh, North Carolina with two guys from the

organization who work on the operations side. The operations side is responsible for

implementing the projects and processes that the strategy side develops. I learned that the

purpose of these day trips to other airports are to introduce themselves to the new support

coordinators, check on the efficiency of their cleaning processes in the airport and aircraft, tour

the airport, and make sure they have the correct and needed supplies. My favorite part of

Tuesday was that I got to see the aircrafts being cleaned. These past 2 weeks I have only been

hearing about the cleaning processes, so seeing it first-hand was amazing. Another interesting

part was that we identified a hazard: the cleaning product that is used for the airplane was being

stored in a place that was hard to reach for the cleaning vendors. So, we had to find a place that

was safer for the workers.

The Thursday trip consisted of the same activities. However, I had the opportunity to play

a role in an audit on the aircraft. I was in charge of checking a specific seat on the aircraft to

make sure it was cleaned well and there was no trash. Although this seems minimal, I felt very

involved, proud, and excited. I thought that it was so cool to be a part of. The most important

thing I learned from these trips was that it is better to ask questions about what you do not know,

rather than not saying anything. The individuals I went with were very kind and answered any

questions I had. I will also be going on day trips in the future weeks.

On the days I did not go on trips, I finished a few more 1-on-1 meetings, learned how to

book flights on company business, read my assigned book, and attended meetings. One meeting I
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attended was about identifying hazards and level of risks for the new cleaning product that is

going to be used on the airplanes. I was familiar with safety risk assessments because we learned

about them in the Environmental Health course. Overall, this week made me feel very fortunate

to have these opportunities of traveling and learning about things others may not get the chance

to. I am so thankful for this internship and the experiences that are a part of it.


Day Time-In Lunch Time-Out Hours Worked

Monday, 8:00 A.M. 12:30 P.M.- 4:30 P.M. 8

February 1 1:00 P.M.

Tuesday, 8:00 A.M. 4:00 P.M. 8

February 2

Wednesday, 8:00 A.M. 12:00 P.M.- 4:30 P.M. 8

February 3 12:30 P.M.

Thursday, 8:00 A.M. 12:30 P.M.- 4:30 P.M. 8

February 4 1:00 P.M.

Friday, 8:30 A.M. 5:30 P.M. 9

February 5

Total Weekly 41

Total Hours to 109


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