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March 24, 2020


According to what I have read, socialism deprived the freedom of every

individual/worker to have a private property. It means that it was violated or reduce the dignity
of the individual/worker has they have to right in the society. It is where the society are just like
a machine, operated to do their duties and manipulated by the higher ranks. This theories put
inequality to everyone because as a worker, you will have no right to argue about the salary
given to you. It is because this economic and political theories state that the government must
have all the property and they will just the one who will distribute same amount of good to every
individual/worker in the society. That is why it violated the dignity of the worker written in the
encyclical, Rerum Novarum. Where the role of the state is to protect the individual and to
achieve common good and have them the right to have a private property.


According to what I have read and in my past knowledge, atheism is neglecting the
existent of God. It is relative to socialism where it violate the natural order of things. Being a
puppet in the society means you are being control by someone which does not have the power
over you in the first place. As I read, socialist are more like atheist because they violates the
supreme order of God, is to have human dignity. It is because we have freedom in this world and
no one have the right to control us. Controlling us means also controlling the God’s plan for us.
Therefore I can say that the divide providence is cannot be altered by a human because God has
only have the right to us.
March 24, 2020


In the context I’ve read, class struggle is the conflict between the workers and the ruling
class in the society. The workers form a movement to overthrow the capitalist class for the unfair
treatment they have done. It is because the capitalist abused their power to the worker and this
means lowering to the worker’s dignity. However these movements lead to a total war between
the capitalist and the worker which the militarism and imperialism of that time brought to bear
on international relations. After many struggles to reach common good the Rerum Novarum
point out reforms which can restore dignity to work as the free activity of man. Where this
influence is the evident in the numerous reforms which were introduced in the areas of social
security, pensions, health insurance and compensation in the case of accidents, within the
framework of greater respect for the rights of workers.


According to have I have read, communism is where the leader of the country have only
the power or right to manipulate what is happening to the society. Communism rise between
1914 and 1945 because of the leaders of the European country felt threaten to the numerous
reforms given to the worker to have restore their dignity and have freedom. However, this
scenario is not the only reason for the leaders to become a dictatorship country but for a reason
that they cannot control the people to revolt against the government. It is also because of the
selfishness of the leader to control its people, they begin to position military to their country that
led to World War II. Many bloodshed had to happen yet all of that come to an end after WWII.
The Marxism failed and the countries of the world begin to become independent from each other
and also the birth of United Nation Organization where this serve as relationship between
countries to achieve peace in the world.

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