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Mini Research Report

Title : Capilarity


Group Member :
NIM : 4183322002


NIM : 4183121028


NIM : 4183121026

Class : Bilingual Physics Education 2018

Strata : S-1
Course :General Physics

Monday 10th December 2018

As we know Capillarity is a symptom of rising water from free surface
water into the capillary tube because of the surface tension force. The surface
tension of the water is caused by the molecular force of water adhesion on the
capillary walls and the difference in the cohesion of water molecules on the
surface with those in the body of water. The contact angle or tangent angle is
the angle formed between the surface meniscus and the capillary wall, which
affects the contact angle is the impurity and type of material. The high capillary
increase besides being influenced by the contact angle is also influenced by
material density, surface tension and gravity. Water that can rise to the capillary
tube is caused by certain forces acting on it.

1. To find out the process of occurring capillary.
2. To find out the application of capillary.

Capillary is the event of the rise or fall of the surface of a liquid in a
capillary tube. The smaller the diameter of the capillary tube, the higher the
water level in the capillary tube (Setya Nurachmandani, 2009).
The surface of the liquid that wets the wall, for example water, will rise.
As for those who do not wet the walls, like mercury, they will drop. In everyday
life, examples of capillary symptoms are as follows: Kerosene rises through the
axis of a kerosene lamp or stove axis, the walls of the house are wet during the
rainy season, ground water rises through wooden vessels. Water events soaking
the walls, or mercury not wetting the walls can be explained by paying attention
to the attraction between particles. The attraction between similar particles is
called cohesion, whereas the attraction between non-similar particles is called
adhesion (Supliyadi et al, 2006).
Water soaks the glass wall because of the cohesive force between water
particles that is smaller than the adhesion force between water particles and
glass wall particles. Meanwhile, mercury has a greater cohesion style than the
adhesive style with glass walls so that it does not wet the glass walls. The water
adhesion force that is greater than its cohesion causes a concave meniscus-
shaped water surface, while the mercury cohesion force is greater than its
adhesive force, causing the surface of the mercury to be a convex meniscus. If
the liquid is inserted into a capillary tube, the surface of the liquid will be
curved. The curved surface of the liquid in the pipe is called the meniscus.
The shape of the liquid surface in the capillary tube depends on the
contact angle (θ) of the liquid. The liquid surface will rise if θ <90 ° and drop if
jika> 90 °. The rise or fall of the liquid surface can be determined by the
following equation:

ρ π r2hg = γ 2π r cosθ

h: increase / decrease in liquid in the pipe (m)
γ: surface tension N / m
θ: contact angle (degree)
ρ: density of liquid (hg / m3)
r: pipe radius (m)

If a liquid moistens the pipe wall, the contact angle is less than 90 ° and
the liquid rises to reach equilibrium height. Pollutants added to the liquid will
change the contact angle, for example detergent changes the contact angle of
more than 90° to be smaller than 90°. Conversely, substances that make
waterproof fabrics cause the contact angle of water with the fabric to be greater
than 90° (Supliyadi, 2006).
Tools and material
1. Pippete
2. Glass Aqua
3. Scissor
4. Ruler
5. Sabun ekonomi
6. Pepsodent

Procedure Work
1. Take 2 pipettes of the same length but different diameters
2. take the first ingredient which is economic soap, dissolve it.
3. then insert the two pipettes into it
4. then observe what happens
5. Do the same with the diluted pepsodent solution.
6. then observe and record the results

Nu Pipette Economic Soap Pepsodent Miniscus
1 Pipette (0,3 cm) 5,5 cm 5,2 cm Concave
2 Pipette (0,5cm) 5,2 cm 5,1 cm Concave
When the two pipettes are inserted in the diluted economic soap liquid,
different things are seen on the two pipettes. Where, pipettes that have a small
diameter, the increase in fluid is higher than that of a larger diameter pipette.
This is the same as the theory above. This also happened in the second
experiment on pepsodent fluids.
Fom the images taken we can find out the miniscus of these two fluids.
these two fluids have a concave miniscus.

Capillarity is the event of the rise and fall of a liquid in a material
consisting of fine veins due to adhesion and cohesion. Capillarity is caused by
the interaction of molecules in a liquid. In the liquid the molecules can
experience adhesion and cohesion. The cohesion style is the attraction between
molecules in a liquid while adhesion force is the attraction between molecules
with other molecules that are not similar, namely the container material where
the liquid is.

Nurachmandani, Setya. 2009. Fisika 2 Untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI . Jakarta :
Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Supliyadi, dkk. 2006. Fisika 2 Untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI. Bandung : Acarya
Media Utama.
1. Economic Soap

2. Pepsodent

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