Instructions and Usability Test Script Dde

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Document Development Exposition: Instructions and Usability Test Script

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

I am doing my Instructions and Usability Test script on how to play Uno. I had a challenge thinking of
a topic or skill that I could clearly explain the steps. However, I play Uno a lot with friends and family.
While planning for this project, I learned that there are a lot of “fake” Uno rules out there. While
making my instructions, I plan to read actual Uno instructions and watch a Youtube video to make
sure I get all the step right.

First Draft (for peer editing)

I had the most trouble making the usability test script. I wasn’t sure the best and most effective way
to do the test procedure. I think my test procedure needs some revision but hopefully I will get
helpful feedback. One challenge I had was formulating the steps in the clearest and concise way
possible. To overcome this, I tried reading the steps out loud to my roommates to see if the made
sense or were too wordy.

Second Draft (for your packet)

I got helpful feedback from my peer reviews. Some of my steps in my Instructions document needed
rewording. I also added some more color and moved around some pictures. I had a challenge
figuring out if I should keep the order of the instructions as set up, special cards, and how to play or
change the order. I ended up keeping it as set up, special cards, then how to play- because I wanted
to describe what the special cards were before going into how to play. I learned that writing out clear
instructions is harder than it seems! However, I think I put a lot of effort and time into this packet
and did my best.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

One challenge I had was figuring out how to make my steps even more direct. I changed some steps
to make them start with a command. I also added some more colorful elements to my document like
lines and shading in boxes and bold words. The test script also needed some editing. The test script is
meant to be read to the users, so I removed some phrases that made it seem like the user was
reading the test script themselves. I removed phrases like “see the attached instructions.” I also
added a picture below the step that explains to announce Uno when playing your second to last
card. I thought it would be helpful to include a picture below this step.

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