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Roman 1

Jerania Roman

Professor Riccadonna Lewis

Art History I

February 9, 2021

Egyptian Visuals

In Ancient Egypt the Palatte of King Narmar, also referred to as The Great

Hierakonpolis has major influence over Egyptian Art due to it’s visual and

iconographic conventions. From plain eyesight viewing the Palatte of King Narmar,

one can view it’s ideal representation of a powerful leader. It gives me the impression

that normal civilians beneath the leader or Pharoah should look up to this figure in

power. One most also keep in mind the scale that is evident in this Palatte, size being

the portrayal of importance, which also continued to a technique used after King

Narmar. In continuation, still referring to the front of the slate, the main figure,

Narmar also happens to appear in composite view, in a smiting pose. Which I may add

that this composite pose continued to be used for centuries in Egyptian Art.

Symbolism also appears to be key in Egyptian Art. Symbolism is represented

through the animals and other figures. To the right of the main figure (Narmar) is a

falcon which represents the godly figure of Horus, the protector of Pharoahs. Under

him appear his enemies which are literally beneath him and also figurtively. Above

him is the outline of cows which represent the ancient Egyptian Goddess, Hathor a
Roman 2

divine mother to all.

This may seem unrelated but I’d also like to add that it amazes me how intricate

the engravement on the siltstone is and how it’s remained perserved all these

centuries. The backside of the palatte appears to go more into depth with the imagery

and it has more detail in comparison to the front side of the palatte. The influence of

the Palatte of King Narmar is evident in pieces such as Nebamun hunting in the

marshes, fragment of a scene from the tomb-chapel Nebamun, the Egyptian Book of

the Dead and so many others. King Narmar’s influence is visible through details such

as, the traditional composite view, symbolism, animals, and representaion of gods and

goddesses. These are all factors that make Egyptian Art so timeless, with it’s powerful

storytelling through their imagery.

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