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14 December 2020

Formula 1 Car Solidworks Project

Andres Esparragoza
Dr. Ritter
Figure 1: Multiview Drawing with dimensions of the F1 Car


The object that I decided to create in Solidworks was a Formula 1 (F1) racecar modeled primarily
after the Mercedes F1 W10 car. The intention of the design was to create a Formula 1 car that did not
necessarily copy the exact design of any specific F1 car but did meet the criteria and proper standards of
F1 vehicles. This was the case because I wished to make the car customized to my likings.

Figure 2: This is the Mercedes F1 W10 Car that I used as a visual reference for how an F1 car should look like
including minute details [1].
The F1 car relates to my interests because I am a fanatic of the automotive industry, especially
cars that are deemed hyper cars which are cars that reach very high speeds. Formula 1 cars are some of
the most famous hyper cars and have a history of speed. The unique design of modern formula 1 cars
maximizes the strength of the engine while minimizing the weight of the entire vessel. The car also has
several aerodynamic elements which provide for a faster experience such as wings in the front and back
which help create forces to minimize air resistance or alleviate weight. The vessel and concepts are
extremely interesting to me, hence I decided upon creating the F1 car and try to follow such aspects of
aerodynamics to challenge myself.

Figure 3: This is an image of the predicted look of the next Mercedes F1 series vehicle for the 2022 season. This
image was also referenced and used for inspiration on my design [2].

Another reason behind this decision would be my interest in the Formula SAE team at Penn State
which creates a mini-Formula 1 car for competition. This practice of Solidworks could help me in the future
if I wish to join the club.


The F1 car required many features to complete the project itself. The first step necessary was to
do research on the dimension analysis of Formula 1 cars. Using an F1 regulations document, I was able to
find such dimensions that were necessary to base the SolidWorks from.

The first part I created was the front and back tires. I did so by using a midplane extrude of a donut
with an outer diameter of 680 mm and an inner diameter of 330.2 mm (13 inches). Using the same
reference plane, I did another midplane extrude of a smaller donut which would act as the rim. The sketch
of this donut included wedged holes to imitate the grates of a rim. The inner diameter of the wheels was
made 50 mm.

After extruding both the outer donut and inner donut to the regulation width of a front F1 tire, I
filleted the outer edges of the wheel and then used a chamfer fillet between the rim and rubber to imitate
the protruding metal that latches onto the rubber tire. The front wheel was then given appearances and
deemed done.

To create the back tire, the same process occurred, except the extrudes were now slightly larger
since back wheels of an F1 car are typically wider than that of the front wheel.


The next object made independently was the front wing, also known as the main plane, of the
car. The front wing is comprised of three main bodies: the left endplate, the wing, and the right endplate.
Certain F1 cars have relatively complex front wing structures with adjustable flaps and infrared sensors
and cameras, but for the project I simply made the essential parts.

Using a reference sketch that was dimensioned off regulation sizes, I extruded the entire wing
and endplates to the height of what I wanted the endplate to be. I then executed an extrude cut of the
flat middle part of the front wing which is connect to the nose of the car. Using reference planes, I then
extruded the curving flaps that are both left and right of the middle part. The cut was just far enough to
allow a gap between the flat and the flaps.

The flat and the flaps were then connected using a loft between the faces. This was the smoothed
out using fillets. The final touch was doing an extrude cut on the bottom of the flat for the nose to latch
onto for assembly.


Before anything was extruded, the car’s blueprints were manually sketched by me onto the top
plane and right plane of the part. The frame included all major dimensions such as length, width, axle,
placement, wing relations, wheel placements, etc. This was a crucial step since these rough sketches were
the bases behind the entire process. I manually made them with respect to regulation to make a car that
made sense to me visually.

The first thing extruded was a small latch that would latch onto the cuts made on the front wings.
This piece was what connected the front wings with the nose, which was the next item created. The nose
was extruded off the top face of the latch. The nose was directly extruded to make a block, which was
then cut using an extrude midplane cut based on the right plane to create the proper shape of the nose.
The right-most and left-most face of the cut were slanted on an angle, hence I used to midplane cut.

At this point, the nose was formed properly and looked right, so then I created the variable axles.
F1 cars have very strange axles where multiple metal tubes coming from the nose connect to a body that
then connects to the wheel. The Body has a rotating piece which is what makes the F1 car wheel spin. To
mimic that, I sketched two ovals on the right-side nose face. I then created a reference plane that would
be slightly off from the placement of the sketches. Then using the offset entity sketch tool, I offset the
sketches onto the plane to make slightly smaller ovals. I then lofted the sketches from the face onto the
plane sketches. Next step was to make the body that would connect to the wheel, so using the reference
sketches I was able to make a reference plane parallel to the right plane where the wheel would be. I
created a circle and extruded it on the surface (midplane). I then added an extruded shaft that would run
through the hole of the circle, then I added a dome at the extension axle end for assembly reference

Figure 4: This is a frontal view highlighting the front wing and nose of the vehicle. The axle system in the front is
also visible.

The two lofted bases on the nose were then loft onto a sketch on the wheel body. To compensate
for the strange shape produced, a surface was created to imitate a fillet. The surface then executed a
lofted surface onto the wheel body.

I intended to mirror this onto the right side, however due to Solidworks, it could not be completed.
Essentially, the same process was then repeated on the left side with the help of convert entities.

The next piece made was the skid block reference plane. The bottom of F1 Cars is a flat plane that
includes a skid block, a wood composite plank used to prevent the effects of ground handling if the car
were to stoop. I created the plane with the typical shape of the F1 plane. And extruded the body outwards.

I then created a reference plane and sketch with the width necessary to make a compartment for
the driver to sit in comfortably (over 400 mm). I then extruded a body out of the plane that would later
be subject to loft cuts to create the desired shape of the car.

I made all the loft cuts rectangular besides the first one. The first one involved an extrude cut
resembles a typical engine intake of an F1 car. There are three main engine intakes, two on the sides and
one over the head of the driver in front of the dorsal fin. The initial loft used an end constraint normal to
profile to create the bulging effect. Fillets were applied for visual purposes.

The remaining rectangle lofts were then filleted properly to make the car more aerodynamic. The
underside of the curved body went through a loft cut to fillet out the bottom edge with a little overhang
by the body. The overhang was later filleted as well to create a smooth body. All loft cuts were then
mirrored to the other side to create a symmetric body.

Next, the dorsal fin was lofted from the back of the body all the way to where it was calculated to
be. The dorsal fin has a thick part and thin part. The loft covered the thick part. The thin part was created
by simply extruding a thin sheet, then cutting out the proper shape to formulate the perfect dorsal fin.
Off the front end of the dorsal thin, the shape was lofted onto a larger offset. The final engine intake was
then lofted from the extended dorsal fin. An extrude cut and several fillets were applied to complete this.

The cockpit is a relatively horizontal body; therefore, I lofted a horizontal body up to the dorsal
fin. The cockpit was then cut from the horizontal plane and the cockpit body was filleted to blend in with
the entire curving body. A head rest was extruded from the back of the cockpit onto the dorsal fin. This
loft went through an end constraint that was normal to profile to make curvier. Fillets were applied to the
head rest and dorsal fin at this point for visual purposes.

Next, I lofted a trapezoidal prism off the tail end of the body which would contain the basis of the
tail wings and the back axles. After doing so, I corrected the tail end of main body frame with an extrude
to make the end a smooth curved piece. I had a small space between the bottom of the dorsal fin and the
correction piece which I then added a circular sweep to connect the two and somewhat close the gap.

I then extruded the back axle through a midplane extrude. This axle was completed with the dome
capper which was mirrored on both ends for the assembly reference. I then extruded using a reference
plane the circular wheel bound like the one mentioned for the front axle. This was mirrored as well.

I needed to create the metal tube system to connect the wheelbase to the main car, so I extruded
a small box on the back edge of to build the front side tube system. I extruded short circular knobs, offset
and parallel to the right plane like the ones before, coming from the solid block and trapezoidal prism. I
lofted small notches from the wheelbase to connect to unlike the ones from the front axle. The circular
lofts were then lofted onto the rectangular lofts on the wheelbase. These features were mirrored onto
the opposing side.

The last major component was the tail wing. Before completing the tail wing, many fillets were
applied to the main body for the sole purpose of creating a smooth, aerodynamic, and visually appealing
body. The tail was then created by making a base bar that would be holding the endplates. The endplates
were then extruded from the base. The wing flaps were then extruded between the endplates. The wing
flaps were then the bases from where the endplates were to be cut. A cut was performed to follow the
path of the wing flaps.
Figure 5: This image highlights the tail wings, axle system, and dorsal fin engine intake of the F1 car. The bright
reflective surface is the base extruding from the trapezoidal prism, which is the black species under the flaps.
The axle system is denoted by the grey pipes. Under the tail flaps. The dorsal fin is the blue body in front of it
all. The body, although not obvious, is curved outwards sllightly and filleted to the primary body.

After this was performed, more fillets were applied to the tail and wing flaps. The final minor
component that was added was what F1 calls the halo. The halo is a head guard that does right in front
and over the cockpit. The halo was created by committing a midplane extrude of the front part of the
halo. Then two circular bosses were extruded on either side of the cock pit to be the end point for the
halo. A U-shaped extrude was done off the face of the circle bosses which extruded to the height of the
front guard. An extrude cut then mimicked the curve from the top of the halo to the base. The two pieces
were connected by a loft.

Fillets were applied to the halo and the final bit that to finish the main frame were two circular
extrude cuts to hold the rearview mirror shafts.

Figure 6: This side view highlights the features of the halo and rearview mirrors (which are the gold colored

The rearview mirrors are connected by almost a wire type shaft. To make this, I simply drew the
three lines: two vertical lines connected by an angled line. The lines were dimensioned properly, then a
circular sweep was performed at the right diameter to fit in the extrudes on the body.


The rearview mirror was created by extruding a shape from the top view that resembled a
rearview mirror. The shape is flat on the top, bottom, and front view, whereas the rest, right, left, and
back, are curved to some extent. The front view was then extrude cut slightly to where the mirror would
be. Several fillets were added for aerodynamic and visual purposes.

Lastly, a donut was extruded on the bottom face of the rearview mirror which would be where
the shaft was connected.


The first component added to assembly was the body which would be fixed. The front wheels
were added which were mated concentrically to the axle shaft and then coincidentally to the dome
extrusion. The same process followed for the back wheels.

The last attachments were the rearview mirror system. The shafts were connected and placed at
a visually appealing angle then locked into the hole notches on the body. The mirrors themselves were
then attached with a 60-degree angle from mirror face to the right plane. The assembly at this point was

Figure 7: This is the final assembly of the F1 car with all parts included and attached as well as appearances.

I added appearances to make the car blue and white in honor of Penn State colors. I added an
image of “WE ARE” and “PENN STATE” on the two back wings. The metal bars were attached with iron
appearances of dark grey and light gray varieties. I made the rearview mirrors gold so that they were to
pop out more off the blue and white car. The base was painted a glossy black to finish off the design.


Table 1: Table of Primary Build Features used. Mirrors and sketch features not included.

Function Name
1 Boss Extrude
2 Cut Extrude
3 Boss Loft
4 Lofted Cut
5 Surface Extrude
6 Surface Loft
7 Boss Sweep
8 Chamfer
9 Fillet


The most difficult part of the project was without a doubt creating the part after the nose. The
large fat main body part that contains the dorsal fins, engine intakes, and cockpit. There was a lot of pieces
put together and relatively difficult lofts to execute. There were also layers to the system that were
difficult to piece together and mathematically were difficult to calculate and relate. There was a lot of
estimated guess work along with working with the pre-made sketches to make the exact shape I was
aiming for. There were also times in that process that certain lofts did not properly work which made
things naturally more difficult.

The project in total was difficult in totality since all dimensions were deciphered by me and a
couple generic references. There were plenty of cases where I edited things entirely or deleted a day of
work since it did not look accurate or simply did not fit well due to a mathematical error. A new feature I
learned was the surface tool which I used several times. I also learned advanced functions for lofts and
loft cuts to make a more precise and descriptive loft. I also learned more detail functions regarding
extrudes such as up to surface commands and other details.

The big picture concepts I have learned was organization and patience from SolidWorks. I learned
that organizing drawings and plans and creating construction sketches help simplify the process and help
envision the big picture. Patience is also important since some things will not go your way with SolidWorks.
SolidWorks is not perfectly intuitive and sometimes it will not read your intentions, so I have learned to
be patient with the software and to be very specific and intelligent with my design so that SolidWorks is
able to function properly. When things don’t go right, it’s important to be patient and find the solution
correctly without forcing something through.
I feel I also learned intuitive problem solving. Some problems can’t be solved as easily as others
and require more thinking, and through SolidWorks I learned how to think in terms of design to find the
right solution path or set of parameters that would be able to fix the issue. When I first did the main body
lofts, I implemented the curves to begin with. This made the lofts very difficult to control and most of the
times they would not cut properly. I was able to realize a simple solution was to make the cuts less curvy
by quickly comprehending SolidWorks mechanism for lofts is by making lofts associated by distinct points.
Curves do not have said distinct points so the guides would get wonky and out of line since SolidWorks
could not read the intuitive line pattern I had imagined. Nonetheless, I was able to solve it by removing
the curves and making distinct vertices for SolidWorks to read.

I thoroughly enjoyed the project and will continue to use SolidWorks in my future as a design
engineer and wish to make more complex objects. Perhaps I will perfect this car in the future with further
tuning when I acquire more skill.

Works Cited
[1] Full Gas Media. (2019, March 2). Mercedes AMG F1 W10 On Track | F1 2019 Pre Season Testing |
FullGasMedia. Retrieved from YouTube:

[2] Kokcha, T. (2020, July). This is what F1 cars might look like in 2022. Retrieved from Drive Tribe:

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