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Teacher Candidate: Taylor Getchius Date: 05/12/2021

Allotted Time: 45 minutes Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Subject or Topic: Physical Characteristics of Bugs

STANDARD: National Science Teaching Association Standards (NGSS):

- W.2.7 - Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books
on a single topic to produce a report; record science observations). (2-LS2-1), (2-LS4-1)
- MP.5 - Use appropriate tools strategically. (2LS2-1)

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)

A. The third-grade students will be able to classify the body parts of an insect by
completing a research worksheet and completing their Digital Science Notebooks.
B. The third-grade students will be able to ask questions they form from their
research by writing a question about what they still want to know or may be
confused about in their Digital Science Notebooks.
C. The third-grade students will be able to describe the concept of the insect
evolution of flight by writing facts they have learned and questions they still have
in their Digital Science Notebooks

II. Assessment/Evaluation plan

A. Formative

Assessment: Documentation Tool: (e.g. Scale:

(e.g. product, quick rating scale, rubric, (performance levels)
response, interview) checklist, anecdotal notes)

1. Digital Science 1. Anecdotal Notes 1. Narrative

Notebook (write
what they have
learned from their
research and from the
video shown in class)
III. Instructional Materials
● Laptops (1 per student)
● Projector (1)
● Whiteboard (1)
● Digital Science Notebook (1 per student)
● Pack of Colored Pencils (1 per partnership)
● Pencils (1 per student)
● Insect Research Assignment Worksheet (1 per student)
● “When Insects First Flew” YouTube video

IV. Subject Matter/ Content

A. Prerequisite Skills
a. Type on a computer/handle technology
b. Complete research on an online format
c. Make comparisons between bugs physical characteristics

B. Key Vocabulary
a. Adaptations - how the insect changes their physical features and how they
survive environment changes
b. Evolution of Flight - insects that never flew in the past are now able to
after growing wings through adaptation
c. Notum - Top part of the insects’ body; provides a stiff, rigid structure that
wings need to create to lift and support the insect in the air
d. Pleura - Side part of the insects’ body; creates more limb mobility

C. New Content
a. Animals/insects are classified by their physical features.
b. All insects have the same body parts. (head, thorax, abdomen, antennae,
compound eyes, and six legs.)
c. Insects change their physical appearance during different life cycle stages.

V. Implementation
A. Introduction –
a. Begin the lesson by writing the word "Insect" on the whiteboard, big
enough for the entire class to see. Students will gather and sit at the front
carpet facing the white board. This will take 5 minutes.
i. Several volunteers will take turns coming up to the whiteboard to
describe an insect and name a body part.
ii. “Good morning, friends! Let’s review some information we
learned about bugs and their body parts! Could I please have some
volunteers come up to the board and point out the ___ (abdomen,
thorax, antennae, etc.)?”
iii. Ask open-ended questions as they label.
1. “What does this body part do?”
2. “How did you know that was where that body part is
B. Development –
a. Send students back to their assigned seats. Split students into partners,
preferably the classmate they're seated next to. Students will complete an
online research investigation. This will take 15 minutes.
○ “Now, we are going to do some research with a partner! Grab a
seat next to the classmate closest to you and get your laptops and
pencils ready. We are going to do some virtual investigating!"
○ Hand out one Insect Research Assignment worksheet to each
○ “Please open up your laptops and get your pencils ready. Today,
with your partner, you're going to pick one bug to investigate.
When you agree on a bug, write one complete sentence in each box
shown. This sentence should be a fact you learned or found
interesting about your bug. With your colored pencils, draw a
picture that goes along with each sentence you write.”
b. After researching, students will spend time pairing with another
partnership. In their Digital Science Notebooks, students will record the
bug their new partners shared and one fact they found interesting. This
will take 10 minutes.
○ “It's time to share our research! Please get together with a different
group of partners and share the bug you've found. Have your
Digital Notebooks handy and write down the name of the other
groups' bug, along with one fact you found interesting or
○ Volunteers will share what they learned from another group to the
c. After sharing with the class, students will be informed on the next topic,
evolution of flight. This will take 10 minutes.
○ Activate their prior knowledge with discussion by using Turn and
1. “Each of you did an amazing job researching your insects
and finding interesting facts! Now that we know more
about specific bugs and their body parts, it's time to look at
their transformation through the years.”
2. “When I say, 'evolution of flight', what does that mean to
you? Do you think bugs always had wings? If not, how do
you think they traveled from one place to another? Turn
and talk with the classmate next to you and do your best to
develop an idea."
3. 2-3 volunteers will share their partner discussions and
thoughts with the class.
○ Introduce "When Insects First Flew" YouTube video, play from
minute 5:00 up to minute 7:12.
C. Closure –
a. In their Digital Science Notebook, students will spend time writing (in
their “Online Insect Research” page) what they learned as well as any
further questions they may have. This will take 5 minutes.
i. “Let’s reflect. Get your science notebooks ready! I want you to
type one or two things you learned from this video, or something
that surprised you. Be sure to explain WHY it surprised you.”
ii. “Now that you’ve written what you learned, it’s time to type one,
or several questions you still may have. These could include what
you’re confused about from our lessons, or a random fact you want
to learn more about! Be creative, but also stay on the topic of

D. Accomodations/Differentiation –
a. For students who have a physical disability and cannot type on a computer
or tablet, allow them to use a microphone to speak into their digital
notebook and/or another digital note-taking device. They will use this to
record their information needed to fill out the research worksheet and their
digital science notebook. They will also be paired with a partner who is
able to handle doing the majority of the online research and writing for
their bug.
b. Decrease or increase the number of facts needed to be found for the
research worksheet depending on the skill level of the student.
c. Those with hearing impairments will be given a printed transcript of what
the YouTube video is saying, as they cannot hear the speaker clearly.
Allow them to watch the video a second time after reading the script,
ensuring they see the visuals of the bugs and overall topic.

E. Resources (APA) –
a. PBS Eons. (2010, July 10). When Insects First Flew - YouTube. YouTube.

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