Lesson 2: O - Organize Your Life: Transcript

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Lesson #2 - O stands for “Organize Your Life Around What’s Most Important.”

Alright, now that you’ve decided and defined your MOST important goal, you’ve got to organize

your life around achieving it. And in order to do that, we have got to face down the biggest BS

excuse we can all use for not following through. You know what that is? “I ain’t got no time. You

know what, I just do not have the time.”

C’mon now … I know we’ve all said this. And you know what — it’s a pretty sad excuse, because

we’re all given the same 24 hours each and every day. It’s just that some people have learned to

use their time a lot more wisely.

You and I both know that we always make time for the things that truly matter. So if you want to

master your ability to follow through, remember this:

If It’s Not Scheduled It’s Not Real.

Meaning, if you don’t decide in advance exactly when and where you’re going to work towards

bringing your goal to life – and have that time specifically blocked out in your calendar — you

gotta face it, you don’t care that much about it. It’s not that important to you and probably, it’s not

going to happen.

This is not just my opinion either. In study after study, researchers have found ONE thing to

be true: people who explicitly state exactly where and when they’re going to take action are

much more likely to stick to their goals. In fact, Heidi Grant Halvorson, a professor at Columbia

University, states this:

“Deciding in advance when and where you will take specific actions to reach your goal can double

or triple your chances for success.”

Did you hear that? Double or triple your chances for success? Anyone?! Anyone want to use a

FREE tool to double or triple your chances for success?!!? Ummm ...YES please.

This, my friend, is why your calendar needs to become your new best friend. It’s an invaluable

tool to bring your dreams to life. And, scheduling is a simple way to organize your life around

what’s most important. Meaning, that one incredible goal that you just set.

In a few minutes, you’re going to open up your calendar and decide exactly when and where

you’re going to work to bring your top goal to life, but first, I do want to talk about another smart

Pg. 1 Follow-Through Formula © M ar ie Forl e o I ntern at ion al m arieforleobsc h o o l .c om

strategy to help you master follow through.

This is all about planning for problems. Here’s what this means. No matter how how organized

you are, no matter how motivated you feel, unexpected problems will happen. Somebody will get

sick, technology will break or just stop working, or some unforeseen event will get in your way.

However, if you plan for problems ahead of time and you write out exactly how you’ll overcome

them and stay on track — you are way more likely to follow-through.

Here’s a simple example: a few years back, I wasn’t taking great care of myself and I really needed

to prioritize my health. In order to do that, I was following a specific protocol to really help reset

my body. Now during that period, I had some non-negotiable travel and I was speaking at a few

events. So that meant I’d be spending a lot of time in airports and hotels where I had pretty much

no control over the food that was available.

So rather than hoping for the best or being tempted to eat things that would totally derail my

protocol, I planned ahead for those problems. I packed my own food and I really set myself up to

stay on track, regardless of social pressures or the potential lack of healthy food options.

While of course you won’t be able to foresee every single problem, thinking about the kind of

things that tend to knock you off track, and just making a plan to overcome them in advance,

is extremely helpful. One benefit is that you’ll actually start to notice a pattern of common fail

points – things that tend to derail you, maybe each and every day. Sometimes those issues involve

interruptions from people you love or other factors in your environment. Once you’re aware of

them, you can proactively create ways to sidestep them before they become an issue.

And that my friend is it, you have just completed session #2! So remember, O stands for “Organize

Your Life Around What’s Most Important.” And right now your calendar is your new BFF, and we

always want to plan ahead for problems.

Do This Now: you are going to download your Fun Sheet below, you’re gonna work through all the

prompts, and then I’d also love you to leave a comment below and let me know first that you’ve

completed the challenge to mark off exactly where and when you’ll take action to bring your goal

to life. And then second, walk me through how you’re gonna tackle at least ONE problem that

could take you off track. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you in the next session!

Pg. 2 Follow-Through Formula © M ar ie Forl e o I ntern at ion al m arieforleobsc h o o l .c om

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