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Write your Final Explanation to the Director in the space below. You will be scored on
Theme and Explanation of Evidence.

  Friendship is an important part of life because it means that your friends are always there for you
and will always support you. In the beginning of my episode, Zero almost chokes Zigzag because ZigZag
was being mean to Stanley and pushing him around, so Zero did something about it. Then, Stanley decided
to look for Zero since he ran away, so he ran inside the water truck to take it to Zero, so he started driving,
but suddenly the water truck falls in the hole! The conflict starts when Stanley decides to run away too!
Then, Stanley saw something out on the lake so he walked toward it and it was Zero! He was under a boat
eating sploosh, so he shared some with Stanley. In the middle of my episode, Stanley asks Zero if he sees a
big thumb, and he does, so they start walking toward it, then all of a sudden Zero kneels down and falls, and
Stanley hears a low moaning sound coming from him, but Zero got up and told Stanley to tell him some
words to spell, so Stanley told him to spell “R-u-n.”. At that point, Stanley carried Zero up the mountain
since he wasn’t feeling well and because he really wanted to help Zero. Finally, in the end, Stanley and Zero
went back to Camp Green Lake to dig a hole where Stanley found a gold tube, so Zero helped Stanley dig a
hole, and they found a suitcase.

  These details show that friends are always there for you and will help you in anything like Zero
helped Stanley and Stanley helped Zero. One particular detail that hints at a deeper meaning is when Stanley
carries Zero up the mountain. This hints that Stanley really cares about Zero and will try his best to do all he
can for him because he didn’t feel well so he wanted to be able to help him so he carried him. Overall, the
episode shows the theme because it shows that Stanley and Zero will try to do anything they can for each

  One quotation from Holes that supports the theme here is the following: “It’s too late, he told
himself. Zero couldn’t have survived. But what if it wasn’t too late? He took another deep breath. Think
about this, he told himself, but there wasn’t time to think. He flung open the door to the truck and climbed 1/2

quickly inside.”(Sachar p. 147). This evidence reveals that Stanley cares about Zero and wanted him to get
water because Zero is his best friend, and wanted him to be safe and have the water he needed to survive
since he left. Also, it suggests that Stanley took a big challenge to drive the truck for is best friend since he
didn’t know how to drive, but he was willing to do it for Zero. Most importantly, this shows the theme
because it shows that Friendship is an important part of life because it means that your friends are always
there for you and will always support you. Which means that Stanley really cares about Zero and will do
anything he needs to do to help him, because friends are always there for you and Stanley and Zero where
there for each other, which is why Stanley tried taking the water truck to Zero. 2/2

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