Complete Hydrology and Rainfall Capabilities: Return Period

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Bentley StormCAD provides unmatched modeling capabilities, allowing you to optimize practically any network
aspect, including the following:

Complete Hydrology and Rainfall Capabilities

• Standard Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) tables and equations.

• Automatically weighted runoff parameters for composite subareas.

• Rational, additive, known, and external flows.

• Simulate multiple rainfall frequencies in a single batch run.

• Choose from comprehensive system travel time options, such as average, distributed average, normal, or full-flow

Integrated Gutter/Inlet Network Feature

• Utilize the extensive Inlet Library, with support for curb, grate, combination, slot, and ditch inlets.

• Customize the library to include inlet types required by local agencies.

• Model gutter network, grade inlet bypass, and inlet intercepted flows.

• Collect and route captured inlet loads through sub-surface sewer networks and accurately account for bypassed

• Model both simple and depressed gutter hydraulics.

Calculate Network
If you have not already done so, do the following before calculating the network:

1. Enter the Rainfall Return Period. If you have not entered any rainfall data, or you want to view or edit the rainfall
data, click the ellipsis (...) button.
2. Set the Calculation Type to Analysis or Design.
3. Set the Basic Options to Capacity Analysis or Backwater Analysis.
4. Click the Options button to check calculations settings.

Note: The Check Data button performs a quick check of your input data and displays any errors found.
It is recommended to run this function before performing the calculations. However, the data is
also automatically checked when you perform the calculations.

When calculations are performed, a Preview window appears to display the status of the calculations,
such as missing data or other problems.

The network must contain an outlet in it to perform the calculations.

StormCAD performs calculations for each element in your storm sewer network based on the
properties and values entered for that element. Discharge is accumulated in the downstream
direction. StormCAD back-calculates the hydraulic grade in the upstream direction starting at the

The Calculate dialog is opened by selecting Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu and clicking the

Calculation tab, or by selecting the button.

Related Information

Calculation Options

Rainfall Event
The rainfall event is defined by the return period of the event that you are trying to model. You can select a design
event by choosing the appropriate return period from those available in the choice list. You can edit the data
describing the return event by clicking the ellipsis (…) button next to the drop-down list.

Related Information

IDF Curves

Rainfall Data

Calculation Type
This section shows you how to specify whether you are in Design or Analysis mode. In Design mode, when
calculations are run, any pipe invert elevation, diameter, node structure, or inlet that is set to be designed will have
the corresponding values updated automatically.

Tip: The values that may change due to the design process are stored in the Physical Properties
Alternative, using the Design Constraints specified in the Design Constraints Alternative. When
you are ready to do the calculation, you will be asked if you want to save the new data in a
separate Physical Properties Alternative. Do this if you want to preserve your current Physical
Properties data.


The Calculate dialog is opened by selecting Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu and clicking the

Calculation tab, or by selecting the button.

Related Information

Calculate Network

Basic Options
This section lets you specify whether you are performing a Backwater Analysis or a Capacity Analysis.

If you select the Backwater Analysis, you need to specify the number of flow profile steps. The gradually varied flow
calculation engine divides the pipe into internal segments prior to calculation of the hydraulic grade. The default
number of profile steps is five, and it is recommended that the value entered here be at least five segments for
accuracy. Increasing this number will increase the accuracy of the hydraulic grade calculation, but will also increase
the calculation time.
Tip: The higher the number of profile steps, the more accurate the results, but the slower the
calculations. A value of five steps should be accurate enough in most cases.


The Calculate dialog is opened by selecting Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu and clicking the

Calculation tab, or by selecting the button.

Related Information

Calculate Network

Rainfall Data Overview

This application supports the use of the Rational method for determining flows. The Rational method uses rainfall
intensity (i), along with the watershed area and associated rational coefficients, to calculate the flow. The rainfall data
input allows you to specify your rainfall data either by using a Rainfall Table or a Rainfall Equation.


To access the Rainfall Data, select Analysis \ Rainfall Data from the pull-down menu; then select either Table or

Related Information

Rainfall Table Dialog

Rainfall Equations Dialog

Rational Loading

IDF Curves

Rainfall Table Dialog

This dialog allows you to set up tables of rainfall intensity for specific durations and return periods. If you prefer, the
rainfall table can automatically be populated using Hydro-35 base data and the Hydro-35 equations.

Do one of the following to set up a new table:

Use the Edit Return Periods and Edit Durations buttons to set up the scope of the table, and then enter the
intensity values.


Select the Hydro-35 option to calculate intensities and populate the table.


Use the File button to open an existing table or import a table from an ASCII text file.

Once the rainfall table is populated, use the File menu button to save it for use in other projects. Use the Options
menu button to set the intensity properties, print preview the table, or plot the data.
Note: During computations, intensities are determined by interpolating linearly between table entries, and by
extrapolating linearly beyond the limits of the rainfall table.


To access the Rainfall Table dialog, select Analysis \ Rainfall Data \ Table from the pull-down menu.

Related Information

Hydro-35 Base Data

Hydro-35 Equations

Rainfall Table - File

Rainfall Table - Options

Edit Return Periods

Select this option to add or delete return periods in the Rainfall Table.

To Add a Return Period:

1. Click Edit Return Periods and select Add Return Period.

2. Enter the new return period in the area provided.
3. Select OK to add the return period, or Cancel to exit without adding a return period.
To Delete a Return Period:

1. Click the Edit Return Periods menu-button.

2. Select Delete and highlight the specific return period you would like to delete.


The Edit Return Periods menu-button is located on the Rainfall Table dialog.

Related Information

Rainfall Table Dialog

IDF Curves

Rainfall Data

Edit Durations
Select this option to add or delete rainfall durations in the Rainfall Table.

To Add a Duration:

1. Click Edit Durations and select Add Duration.

2. Enter the new duration in the area provided.
3. Select OK to add the duration, or Cancel to exit without adding a duration.
To Delete a Duration:

1. Click Edit Durations.

2. Select Delete and highlight the specific duration you would like to delete.


The Edit Durations menu-button is located on the Rainfall Table dialog.

Related Information

Rainfall Data

Rainfall Table Dialog

IDF Curves

Rainfall Table - File

The File menu button allows you to open, save, or import tabular rainfall data.

To Open an Existing Rainfall Table:

1. Select File \ Open Table... in the Rainfall Table dialog, and enter the location and name of the file containing
the rainfall table that you wish to open.
2. Select Open to open the chosen file, or Cancel to exit without opening a table.
To Save a Rainfall Table:

1. Select File \ Save Table... in the Rainfall Table dialog, and enter the name and location of the file containing
the rainfall table to save.
2. Select Save to save the file, or Cancel to exit without saving the file.
To Import a comma, tab, or space delimited ASCII text file:

1. Select File \ Import Table in the Rainfall Table dialog, and enter the location and name of the file containing
the rainfall table in ASCII format to import.
2. Select Open to import the ASCII text file, or Cancel to exit without saving the changes.

Note: When importing an ASCII text file, the following format is assumed: The first line of the
imported text file contains the return periods. The first entry in each succeeding line of the file
contains the storm duration. All other entries represent rainfall intensities, which are assumed to
be in the current display unit.


To access the Rainfall Table dialog, select Analysis \ Rainfall Data \ Table from the pull-down menu. Click the
File menu-button to access the items described above.

Related Information

Rainfall Data

Rainfall Table Dialog

Rainfall Table - Options
The Options menu button allows you to print the table, plot the table, and to specify rainfall intensity properties.

To Print the Rainfall Table:

Select Options\Print Table. A print preview screen will appear containing your rainfall table. To print this table,
simply select the Print button.

To Plot the Rainfall Table:

Select Options\Plot Table. All intensities will be plotted for the return period and duration combinations entered.
To print this graph, simply select the Print button.

To Change Intensity Properties:

Select Options\Intensity Properties, and use the Set Field Options dialog to change display precision, whether
to use scientific notation, and measurement units.


To access the Rainfall Table dialog, select Analysis \ Rainfall Data \ Table from the pull-down menu. Click the
Options menu-button to access the items described above.

Related Information

Rainfall Data

Rainfall Table Dialog

Rainfall Table - Plot Table

Use this option to plot the duration versus the intensity of the rainfall. This shows how much rain falls during a given
time period, and is referred to as the Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curve.


To access the Rainfall Table-Plot Data, select Analysis \ Rainfall Data \ Table from the pull-down menu, and
click the Options button.

Related Information

Rainfall Data

Rainfall Table Dialog

Hydro-35 Base Data

The United States National Weather Service (NWS) Hydro-35 method documents a procedure for estimating rainfall
for a range of durations and return periods. The method is based on entering rainfall depths for 2-year and 100-year
return periods, and for 5-minute, 15-minute, and 60-minute durations. From this data, the following equations are
used to generate rainfall depths for other durations and return periods:

10-minute depth = 0.41 (5-minute depth) + 0.59 (15-minute depth)

30-minute depth = 0.51 (15-minute depth) + 0.49 (60-minute depth)

5-year depth = 0.674 (2-year depth) + 0.278 (100-year depth)

10-year depth = 0.496 (2-year depth) + 0.449 (100-year depth)

25-year depth = 0.293 (2-year depth) + 0.669 (100-year depth)

50-year depth = 0.146 (2-year depth) + 0.835 (100-year depth)

Since these values are rainfall depths, the intensities are determined by dividing the depth by the corresponding


To enter the Hydro-35 Data from the Rainfall Table dialog, click the Use Hydro-35 button.

Related Information

Rainfall Data

Rainfall Table Dialog

Rainfall Volume
The volume of rainfall is expressed in units of length (i.e. inches), which represents the amount of rainfall expected
in a specific duration (5, 15, and 60 minutes) for a specified return period (2, 10, and 100-year). Projected rainfall
volumes are found in the National Weather Service (NWS) Hyrdo-35 publication. The Hydro-35 rainfall table is
generated from the volumes entered to create intensities in inches/hour.

Related Information

Hydro-35 Base Data

Rainfall Data

Hydro-35 Equations
Support is provided for entering rainfall volumes based on data obtained from the National Weather Service’s Hydro-
35 technical report. Hydro-35 contains precipitation estimates for durations of 5 minutes to 60-minutes for the
eastern United States, for different return periods. Simply specify the 5, 15, and 60-minute precipitation values for
the 2-year and 100-year period. The precipitation values for the intermediate durations and return periods will be
extrapolated automatically using the National Weather Service method, as follows:

Other Durations (for the 2 year and 100 year return periods):

10-min value = 0.59 (15-min value) + 0.41 (5-min value)

30-min value = 0.49 (60-min value) + 0.51 (15-min value)

Other Return Periods (for each duration):

5-yr value = 0.278 (100-yr value) + 0.674 (2-yr value)

10-yr value = 0.449 (100-yr value) + 0.496 (2-yr value)

25-yr value = 0.669 (100-yr value) + 0.293 (2-yr value)

50-yr value = 0.835 (100-yr value) + 0.146 (2-yr value)


To enter the data for the Hydro-35 Equations, select Analysis \ Rainfall Data \ Table from the pull-down menu,
and click the Use Hydro-35 button.

Related Information

Hydro-35 Base Data

Rainfall Data

Rainfall Equations Dialog

The Rainfall Equations dialog allows you to set up the rainfall equations used to calculate the intensity of a rainfall.
Equations can be saved to file for use in other projects.

Use the Equation button to open an equation you have previously saved, or set up a new equation by following these

1. Using the radio buttons, select one of the general forms of rainfall equations.
2. To change Duration Units or Intensity Units, click the associated choice list and select the unit you want to use.
3. Enter the value you want to use for each coefficient in the equation. If you select the first or third equation, you
can enter different coefficients for each return period.
4. Use the Equation options button to Open, Save, or Plot your equation data.


To access the Rainfall Equations Editor, select Analysis \ Rainfall Data \ Equations from the pull-down menu.

Related Information

Rainfall Data

Rainfall Equation - Options

Use the Equation options button to open, save, or plot rainfall equation data.

To Open a Rainfall Equation:

1. Click the Equation button and select Open Equation.

2. Select the name and location of the file containing the rainfall equation.
3. Click OK to open the chosen rainfall equation, or Cancel to exit without opening an equation.
To Save a Rainfall Equation:

1. Click the Equation button and select Save Equation.

2. Select the name and location of the file containing the rainfall equation.
3. Click OK to save the equation, or Cancel to exit without saving the equation.

To access the Rainfall Equations Editor, select Analysis \ Rainfall Data \ Equations from the pull-down menu.

Related Information

Rainfall Data

Rainfall Equations Dialog

Calculation Options
Calculations depend upon a variety of parameters that may be configured if desired.

This program provides defaults for each of the calculation options. If you make changes to the calculation options
and decide that you would like to return to the default settings, use the Reset button on the Calculation Options

The dialog is divided into five tabs:

• General

• Hydraulics and Hydrology

• Inlets

• HEC-22


• Generic Structure Loss


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button.

Calculation Options General Tab

The Calculation Options General tab allows you to change the calculation parameters for the following two types
of calculations:

• Analysis

• Design


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the General tab.

Related Information

Calculation Options
General Analysis Section
This section lets you enter the maximum number of network traversals and the value constraining the discharge
convergence test.


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the General tab.

Related Information

Calculation Options General Tab

Maximum Network Traversals

This is the maximum number of iterations that will be performed to achieve the closest approximation of the desired
network results.


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the General tab.

Related Information

Calculation Options General Tab

Discharge Convergence Test

This value is taken as the maximum relative change in discharge occurring at the system outlet between two
successive network solutions. In rational hydrology, system discharge is a function of travel time and hydraulics
through the system. Therefore, it is necessary to iterate until the system balances, or a maximum number of trials has


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the General tab.

Related Information

Calculation Options General Tab

Design Section
This section allows you to set the number of Maximum Design Passes. A design pass is a single calculation iteration.
The number of design passes entered here is used with the Automatic Invert Design option. After completion of the
invert design, the program performs a full calculation of discharges and hydraulic grade. The value entered here will
determine the number of times the program redesigns the network.

To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the General tab.

Related Information

Calculation Options General Tab

Calculation Options Hydraulics and Hydrology Tab

The Hydraulics and Hydrology tab is where you enter values governing the hydraulics and hydrology of the
calculation. The specifics of this tab are covered in the following sections:

• Hydraulic Grade Convergence Test

• Average Velocity Method
• Minimum Structure Headloss
• Time of Concentration


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the Hydraulics and Hydrology tab.

Hydraulic Grade Convergence Test Section

The value entered here is taken as the maximum absolute change between two successive iterations of hydraulic
grade at any junction or inlet in the system. For a given discharge, the upstream propagation of headlosses through
pipes will continue until two successive calculations change by an absolute difference of less than this test value.

The Hydraulic Grade Convergence Test value is used in the standard step gradually varied flow profiling algorithm.
The calculations is assumed to converge to the solution when the two successive depth iterations are within this
absolute test value.


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the Hydraulics and Hydrology tab.

Related Information

Calculation Options Hydraulics and Hydrology Tab

Gradually Varied Flow

Number of Flow Profile Steps

The gradually varied flow profile divides each pipe into internal segments prior to calculation of the hydraulic grade.
The default value of profile steps is five, and it is recommended that the value entered here be at least five for
accuracy. Increasing this number will increase the accuracy of the hydraulic grade calculation, but will increase the
calculation time.


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the Hydraulics and Hydrology tab.

Related Information

Calculation Options Hydraulics and Hydrology Tab

Maximum Network Traversals

Average Velocity Method Section

This section allows you to pick the method used to calculate the average travel time velocity. The following four
options are available:

• Actual Uniform Flow Velocity

• Full Flow Velocity

• Simple Average Velocity

• Weighted Average Velocity


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the Hydraulics and Hydrology tab.

Related Information

Calculation Options Hydraulics and Hydrology Tab

Time of Concentration Section

This section is where you enter the Minimum Time of Concentration. Time of concentration is defined as the amount
of time it takes for water to travel from the farthest point in the watershed to an inlet.


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the Hydraulics and Hydrology tab.

Related Information

Calculation Options Hydraulics and Hydrology Tab

Minimum Structure Headloss

This section allows you to specify a minimum structure headloss. If the system calculates a structure headloss that is
lower then this value, the value specified in the Minimum Headloss field will be used. This option applies to all
structure headloss methods except for the Absolute Method. Absolute headlosses will not be overridden, even if they
are less then the value specified in this option.


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis / Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the Hydraulics and Hydrology tab.

Calculation Options Inlets Tab

The Inlets tab contains the information governing the calculation of the inlets. The following sections are available:

• Grate Inlets
• Active Components for Combination Inlet In Sag
• Active Components for Combination Inlet On Grade


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the Inlets tab.

Grate Inlets Section

This section allows you to choose whether to neglect side flow. If you choose this option, only frontal views will be
included in the inlet calculations.


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the Inlets tab.

Related Information

Calculation Options Inlets Tab

Active Components for Combination Inlet In Sag

This section gives you the choice of whether to use both curb and grate openings or the grate opening only for
combination inlets in sag.


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the Inlets tab.

Related Information
Calculation Options Inlets Tab

Active Components for Combination Inlet On Grade

This section gives you the choice of whether to use both curb and grate openings or the grate opening only for
combination inlets on grade.


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis\Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the Inlets tab.

Related Information

Calculation Options Inlets Tab

HEC-22 Tab
This tab is where you enter the values governing the calculations of the HEC-22 Energy Loss Method. The specifics
of this tab are presented below:

• HEC-22 Energy Loss Method – Enter the Elevations Considered Equal Within value, which is the maximum
elevation distance that pipes entering a node can be separated by and still be considered to be at the same
• Consider non-piped plunging flow? – This checkbox toggles the non-piped plunging flow option on/off. When
the box is checked, the calculations will apply the plunging correction factor for non-piped flow (e.g. inlet
capture) as well as for flow entering through upstream pipes.
• Correction for Benching - Contains values for the items in the following list governing the correction for
benching sections:
− Flat Submerged
− Flat Unsubmerged
− Depressed Submerged
− Depressed Unsubmerged
− Half Bench Submerged
− Half Bench Unsubmerged
− Full Bench Submerged
− Full Bench Unsubmerged

Note: You can find more information on the HEC-22 Energy Loss Method in Appendix B of the help.


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis / Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the HEC-22 tab.

This tab is where you can enter the values governing the calculations of the AASHTO Headloss Method. The
following sections are available:

• Bend Angle and Loss section

• Other Factors section

Note: You can find more information on the AASHTO Headloss Method in Appendix B of the help.


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis / Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the AASHTO tab.

AASHTO Bend Angle and Loss Section

This section allows you to enter the bend angles and associated bend loss coefficients, Kb, that are used in the
calculation of headloss in the AASHTO Headloss Method.


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis / Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the AASHTO tab.

Related Information

Calculation Options AASHTO Tab

AASHTO Other Factors Section

In this section, you can enter the values for the other factors that govern the calculation of headlosses using the
AASHTO Headloss Method. These factors are presented in the following list:

• Expansion
• Contraction
• Shaping Adjustment
• Non-Piped Flow Adjustment


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis / Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the AASHTO tab.

Related Information

Calculation Options AASHTO Tab

Calculation Options Generic Structure Loss Tab

On this tab, you can change the methodology for selecting the upstream pipe when computing the headloss for a
structure using the Generic Headloss Method. The three methodologies are described below.
• Pipe With Maximum QV – If this item is selected, the program will use the non-plunging upstream pipe with
the largest flow times velocity to calculate the upstream velocity head used in the generic headloss equation.
• Pipe With Minimum Bend Angle - If this item is selected, the program will use the upstream pipe with the
smallest bend angle to calculate the upstream velocity head used in the generic headloss equation. The
methodology should be used when you want to assume that the upstream pipe most closely aligned with the
downstream pipe is the one that is the most hydraulically significant.
• Pipe With Maximum Velocity Head – If this item is selected, the program will use the non-plunging upstream
pipe with the largest velocity head to calculate the upstream velocity head used in the generic headloss equation.
Note that if this method is used, pipes with very small flows may be selected as the governing pipe, even though
they are not hydraulically significant.

The methodology that is selected here will be used for all structures that employ the generic headloss method.


To access the Calculation Options dialog, select Analysis / Compute from the pull-down menu, or click the
button. On the Calculation tab, click the Options... button and select the Generic Structure Loss tab.

Default Design Constraints

Pipe diameters, invert elevations, node structures, and inlets can be all designed with the same set of design
constraints. You also have the option to adjust these values individually for each pipe or structure.

The Default Design Constraints dialog is divided into the three following tabs:

• Gravity Pipe

• Node

• Inlet


The Default Design Constraints dialog can be accessed by selecting Analysis\Default Design Constraints from the
pull-down menu.

Node Tab
This tab lets you specify the design constraints to be used by default for all gravity structures when performing
calculations in design mode. During an automatic design, the program will adjust the elevations of the pipes adjacent
to the structure according to the structure’s matching constraints. The two choices for matching are Inverts and
Crowns. Additionally, the downstream pipe can be offset from the upstream pipe(s) by a specified amount. This
value is called the Matchline Offset. Optionally, the program supports the design of drop structures. In some
situations, drop structures can minimize pipe cover depths while maintaining adequate hydraulic performance.


The Default Design Constraints dialog can be accessed by selecting Analysis / Default Design Constraints from
the pull-down menu.

Related Information

Default Design Constraints

Inlet Tab
This tab lets you specify the design constraints to be used for all inlets when performing a calculation run in design
mode. During an automatic design, the program will adjust the length of the inlet in order to meet the design

• For an inlet in sag, the Default In Sag Design Constraints consist of maintaining the gutter spread and water depth
under a given value.

• For an inlet on a grade, the Default on Grade Design Constraints consist of ensuring that at least a given
percentage of the gutter flow is intercepted.


The Default Design Constraints dialog can be accessed by selecting Analysis\Default Design Constraints from the
pull-down menu.

Related Information

Default Design Constraints

Inlet Design

Default In Sag Design Constraints Section

This section lets you specify the design constraints to be used for all inlets located in sag when performing
calculations in design mode. During an automatic design, the program will adjust the length of the inlet in order to
meet both design constraints:

• Maximum Gutter Spread

• Maximum Gutter Depth


The Default Design Constraints dialog can be accessed by selecting Analysis\Default Design Constraints from the
pull-down menu.

Related Information

Default Design Constraints

Inlet Design

Inlet Default On Grade Design Constraints

This section lets you specify the design constraints to be used for all inlets located on a grade when performing a
calculation run in design mode. During an automatic design, the program will adjust the length of the inlet in order to
meet a minimum inlet efficiency, or percentage of gutter flow intercepted by the inlet, that you specify.


The Default Design Constraints dialog can be accessed by selecting Analysis\Default Design Constraints from the
pull-down menu.

Related Information

Default Design Constraints

Inlet Design

Gravity Pipe Tab

The Gravity Pipe tab allows you to enter default constraints to be used for the design of pipes when performing a
calculation run in design mode. The following sections are available:

• Default Constraints
• Extended Design


The Default Design Constraints dialog can be accessed by selecting Analysis / Default Design Constraints from
the pull-down menu.

Default Constraints Section

In this section, you can specify the following default constraints to be used for the design of gravity pipes:

• Minimum and Maximum Velocity

• Minimum and Maximum Cover
• Minimum and Maximum Slope.


The Default Design Constraints dialog can be accessed by selecting Analysis / Default Design Constraints from
the pull-down menu.

Related Information

Default Design Constraints

Extended Design Section

This section lets you specify if the following design parameters are to be used. If they are to be used, you can also
specify the associated default value:

• Part Full Design – Allows you to specify the Design Percent Full target to be used by the design algorithm.
• Allow Multiple Sections – Allows the design algorithm to use more than one identical section in parallel, up to
the specified Maximum Number Sections.
• Limit Section Size – Limits the pipe section height to a Maximum Design Section Rise value during the design


The Default Design Constraints dialog can be accessed by selecting Analysis / Default Design Constraints from
the pull-down menu.

Related Information

Default Design Constraints

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