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Lesson Reflection (Measurement of matter .

Measurement of matter .


Jawaher Saeed

Today's lesson is about the measurement of matter, this lesson have standards that the students
will learn about and the standards is :What is the metric system?, What is length? How can
measure length?, what is volume? How can measure volume?. Students learned in this lesson
about the measurement of matter and what is it and they will learn about the metric system and
the length and other ways to measure.

The lesson for the students in grade three. The lesson is taking place in teams app now adays
until the students will go back to the school. In this lesson I try to achieve and show the students
how to measure in simple way and show them that they can measure by them self and this will
make the students have self-confidence by doing their work alone without ask anyone to help. I
can see the students are focusing with me on the lesson, and show the teacher that they have
many thing to measure and show her how to measure.

Teacher is the one how can see and know if the students are responded and focused with the
teacher by answer questions and try to communicate with the teacher during the lesson. In this
lesson the students are already know about the Measurement of matter and what is it, but in this
lesson they will learn about how to measure. Me as a teacher I try to show the students that I also
learn with them and learn from them that they give me ideas about how to measure, so me as a
teacher and my part in the lesson to make the lesson active and interesting and show them that
they are part of the lesson.

I had a good experience in this lesson and it was about make different activity and ask the
students to choose which activity they want, I can see this part was the best part in the lesson
because it show me that the students are understood the lesson but on their level. I achieve the
lesson goals on best time, so I manage my time to give the students all they need to take during
this lesson.

In the future I can enhance the students in same way of activity because this part show me that
most of the students are understand the lesson but in different way, so I will enhance them in the
future by search and create more different activity in online. I like doing practice in each
semester because it build me in each semester more than one step and I learn many thing during
each practice.

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