Peer Observation 3

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Peer observation reflection

Jawaher saeed



In this lesson, I teach the students science lesson about the how to recognize what is meant by
earth and earth changes.

The lesson was for grade 3 students, this lesson was taught as a online lesson on teams app in Al
Alyaa school .I try to achieve many thing in this lesson one of it to finish the lesson with all the
students are have chance to answer, I try to support them as usually I did by using class dojo to
make them interested to answer, the sconed think I try to achieve it in this lesson is make the
lesson engage by just use technology thing to make sure what I need to show students they can
see it because the camera sometimes not clear and the things I have on my hand not showing
clear so I use the technology thing in the laptop, the last thing I try to achieve that make the
students know the recognize what is the meant by earth and earth changes.

During the lesson I can see the students are interested to answer with me, and this can show me
the students are understand the lesson, also I can see that the students are like to write on their
board or paper so I give them minutes to write for me numbers and they like it so when they
finish they try to share with me their works.

I think in the lesson the students was so responded because when I ask them to do something
they do it direct and this mean the students are focused with me and show me the responded
specially when I ask them to mute themselves and when I ask them to answer or do some work
they just did it all of these things can show the teacher the students respondents .Students are
already have a prior knowledge about counting and sorting things by colour I can see this while I
ask them to answer the questions also I know it because I teach them before. students was
engaged too much in this lesson, because they do their work, answer questions, try to say their
names to me to pick them.

It was a good experience to me In my opinion meet students is good to the student teacher to
meet new experience and that what happen to me. In this lesson I can say that I achieve all goals
that I pot because the lesson is go on right way but this not mean that I don’t have something to
develop on other lesson or other teaching practice.

In the other teaching practice, I need to see more experience and video about teaching online to
be more creative and make the different between classes to make the students more interested
and engage for the lesson. I like do teaching practice because each practice give you new thing
make you feel you learn it in the first time, and this is good thing to learn and learn more about
teaching kids, and this experience can make you developed many thing on you each time. Doing
mistake not a big deal the big deal is not fix this mistake, and the one thing that can make you fix
your mistake is practice.

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