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Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

Department of Psychology

Tumaliuan, Mark L.

300.4 (F34.1) Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)

Jenina shows symptoms that are related to Persistent Depressive Disorder

(Dysthymia) with intermittent major depressive disorder, without current episodes, Mild.

The symptoms of Persistent Depressive Disorder that jenina had, can be specify
with intermittent major depressive disorder, without current episodes, and with current
severity of mild. In which the full criteria for a major depressive disorder are not currently
met, but there have been one or more major depressive episodes, in at least the
preceding 2 years. Besides, the intensity of the symptoms is distressing but manageable,
and the symptoms result in minor impairment in social or occupational functioning.

Since coming to college, jenina had been struggling emotionally where she rarely
calls her parents since leaving home because she did not want to worry or burden them
by revealing her difficulties. When she visited the guidance office, she managed to smile
however her eye contact is only for a short period of time. Also, she appeared downcast
with subdued facial expressions, slowness in movements, and had an intentional soft
quality on her, whispery speech. She also had a gloomy appearance. Besides, she had
persistently had chronic feelings of loneliness, uneasiness, and dissatisfaction despite
her excellence in her academic pursuit. This shows that she is exhibiting the symptom of
the 1st criterion in the DSM 5 for PDD (Dysthymia).

The fact that the symptoms of jenina persisted throughout her teenage years
indicates that she never had a moment where her symptoms diminished for more than
two months. This satisfies the 3rd criterion in the DSM 5 for PDD (Dysthymia).
Jenina's shyness as a child and avoidant and being self-critical in her adolescence,
whose mood remains chronically low throughout her teenage years. This indicates that
the criteria for a major depressive disorder persisted for 2 years. Which satisfies the 4th
criterion in the DSM 5 for PDD (Dysthymia).

Furthermore, the fact that she never had a manic or hypomanic episode, and
criteria have never been met for cyclothymic disorder. This satisfies the 5th criterion in
the DSM 5 for PDD (Dysthymia).

The disturbances that jenina experiencing are not better explained by a persistent
schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, delusional disorder, or other specified or
unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder. This satisfies the 6th
criterion in the DSM 5 for PDD (Dysthymia).

The fact that she had no history of psychiatric treatment in the past, it is clear that
the symptoms are not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance or another
medical condition. Which satisfies the 7th criterion in the DSM 5 for PDD (Dysthymia).

Also, jenina exhibits several self-defeating behaviors due to being consumed by

anger and guilt after leaving home for college which sh; and her insecurity about her ability
to form deep relationships that result in distancing herself from others. Besides, she
wished she did not have parents while at the same time envious about some of her
classmates’ relationships with their parents. This clearly shows that it causes significant
distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
This satisfies the 8th criterion in the DSM 5 for PDD (Dysthymia).

The aforesaid symptoms satisfy seven out of eight criteria for the diagnosis of
Persistent Depressive Disorder.

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