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Source title CiteScore Highest

Current Pharmacology Reports 3.4 Pharmacology
Journal of Toxicology 3.4 Pharmacology
Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 3.4 Pharmacology
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 3.2 Pharmacology
Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 3.1 Pharmacology
Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 3.1 Pharmacology
Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology 3 Pharmacology
DARU, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2.9 Pharmacology
Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 2.8 Infectious
128/237 Diseases
American Journal of Therapeutics 2.7 Pharmacology
177/301 (medical)
Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy 2.7 Pharmacology
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2.7 Internal
Drugs in Context 2.6 Pharmacology
International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 2.6 Pharmacology
Journal of Chemotherapy 2.6 Infectious
180/301 Diseases
Pharmacology 2.6 Pharmacology
Current Protocols in Pharmacology 2.5 Pharmacology
Expert Review of Precision Medicine and Drug Development 2.5 Pharmacology
Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice 2.5 Pharmacology
132/237 (medical)
Therapie 2.5 Pharmacology
135/237 (medical)
Clinical Neuropharmacology 2.4 Pharmacology
134/237 (medical)
Infection and Drug Resistance 2.4 Pharmacology
138/237 (medical)
Current Drug Safety 2.2 Pharmacology
144/237 (medical)
Current Therapeutic Research 2.1 Pharmacology
86/169 (medical)
Drug Metabolism Letters 2.1 145/237
Pharmaceutical Science
Indian Journal of Pharmacology 2.1 Pharmacology
147/237 (medical)
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2.1 Pharmacology
200/301 (medical)
Personalized Medicine 2.1 Pharmacology
Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology 2 Pharmacology
Cardiovascular and Hematological Disorders - Drug Targets 2 Cardiology
151/237 and Cardiovascular
Drugs of Today 2 Pharmacology
112/197 (medical)
In Vivo 2 General
150/237Biochemistry, Genetic
Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 2 148/237
Pharmacology (medical)
Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discovery 2 Pharmacology
208/324 (medical)
Cardiovascular and Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 1.9 Cardiology
210/301 and Cardiovascular
Interdisciplinary Toxicology 1.9 Pharmacology
Nanomedicine Research Journal 1.9 Biotechnology
Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials 1.9 Pharmacology
Journal of Food Biochemistry 1.8 Food
Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies 1.8 Pharmaceutical
66/117 Science
Journal of Opioid Management 1.8 87/169
Anesthesiology and Pain Medi
Letters in Drug Design and Discovery 1.8 Pharmaceutical
88/169 Science
Recent Patents on Drug Delivery and Formulation 1.8 Pharmaceutical
155/237 Science
Clinica e Investigacion en Arteriosclerosis 1.7 Pharmacology (medical)
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 1.6 Pharmacology
Die Pharmazie 1.6 Pharmaceutical
68/117 Science
Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy 1.6 Anesthesiology
34/65 and Pain Medi
Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences 1.6 General
91/169 Pharmacology, Toxico
PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology 1.6 Pharmaceutical
218/301 Science
Advances in Molecular Toxicology 1.5 Pharmacology
Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Allergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 1.5 Pharmacology
Heterocycles 1.5 Pharmacology
Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology 1.5 Pharmaceutical
116/227 Science
Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 1.5 Statistics
300/506 and Probability
World Journal of Men?s Health 1.5 Psychiatry
37/65 and Mental Health
Current Bioactive Compounds 1.4 General
83/115 Pharmacology, Toxico
Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets 1.4 Microbiology
35/65 (medical)
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 1.4 157/239
General Pharmacology, Toxico
Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology 1.4 Health
36/65 Policy
Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products 1.4 General
154/239Pharmacology, Toxico
PharmacoEconomics - Open 1.4 Health
Annales Pharmaceutiques Francaises 1.3 Pharmaceutical
95/169 Science
Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics 1.3 Pharmaceutical
97/169 Science
Current Pharmaceutical Analysis 1.3 Pharmaceutical
94/169 Science
Dissolution Technologies 1.3 Pharmaceutical
223/301 Science
Farmacia Hospitalaria 1.3 Pharmacology
International Journal of Cancer Management 1.3 Surgery
Current Signal Transduction Therapy 1.2 Pharmacology
128/227 (medical)
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 1.2 Statistics
167/237 and Probability
Pharmaceutical Medicine 1.2 85/115
Pharmacology (medical)
Revista Espanola de Quimioterapia 1.2 Microbiology
166/237 (medical)
Synergy 1.2 Pharmacology
98/169 (medical)
Accounting 1.1 Pharmaceutical
211/283 Science
Anti-Infective Agents 1.1 Infectious
52/83 Diseases
Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas 1.1 Complementary
39/65 and Alternativ
European Pharmaceutical Journal 1.1 General
75/117 Pharmacology, Toxico
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Anesthesia 1.1 Anesthesiology
234/301 and Pain Medi
Journal of Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology 1.1 Pharmacology
Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants 1.1 Complementary
231/301 and Alternativ
Pharmacognosy Journal 1.1 Pharmacology
Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1 General
171/237Pharmacology, Toxico
Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports 1 Pharmacology
41/65 (medical)
Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry 1 General
99/169 Pharmacology, Toxico
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1 Pharmaceutical
101/169 Science
International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics 1 Pharmaceutical
54/83 Science
Natural Product Communications 1 100/169
Complementary and Alternativ
Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1 Pharmaceutical
102/169 Science
Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica 0.9 Pharmaceutical
238/301 Science
Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin 0.9 Pharmacology
Current Drug Therapy 0.9 General
172/237Pharmacology, Toxico
International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases 0.9 Pharmacology
42/65 (medical)
Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences 0.9 General
103/169 Pharmacology, Toxico
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy Research 0.9 Pharmaceutical
104/169 Science
Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 0.9 Pharmaceutical
105/169 Science
Acta Pharmaceutica Sciencia 0.8 Pharmaceutical
243/301 Science
Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal 0.8 Pharmacology
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences 0.8 Pharmacy
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 0.8 General
45/65 Pharmacology, Toxico
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 0.8 General
240/301Pharmacology, Toxico
Journal of Natural Remedies 0.8 Pharmacology
Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics 0.8 Pharmacology
47/65 (medical)
Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology 0.8 General
195/275Pharmacology, Toxico
Neuropsychopharmacology Reports 0.8 106/169
Clinical Psychology
Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0.8 Pharmaceutical
46/65 Science
Yao xue xue bao = Acta pharmaceutica Sinica 0.8 General
108/169Pharmacology, Toxico
Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0.7 Pharmaceutical
51/75 Science
Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature 0.7 Agricultural
108/169 and Biological Scie
Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results 0.7 Pharmaceutical
20/36 Science
Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research 0.7 Pharmacy
Journal of Pharmacy Technology 0.7 Pharmaceutical
48/65 Science
Neuromethods 0.7 General
245/301Pharmacology, Toxico
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal 0.7 Pharmacology
Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology 0.7 Pharmacology
179/237 (medical)
Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology 0.7 Pharmacology
182/237 (medical)
WHO Drug Information 0.7 247/301
Pharmacology (medical)
Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences 0.6 Pharmacology
Infectio 0.6 Pharmacology
49/65 (medical)
Journal of Critical Reviews 0.6 General
112/169Pharmacology, Toxico
Journal of Excipients and Food Chemicals 0.6 Pharmaceutical
111/169 Science
Latin American Journal of Pharmacy 0.6 Pharmaceutical
184/237 Science
Side Effects of Drugs Annual 0.6 Pharmacology
114/169 (medical)
Ceska a Slovenska Farmacie 0.5 Pharmaceutical
252/301 Science
Current Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine 0.5 Pharmacology
Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti Infectives 0.5 Pharmacology
181/217 (medical)
Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 0.5 Endocrinology,
21/36 Diabetes and M
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy 0.5 Pharmacy
Issues in Toxicology 0.5 Pharmacology
Jordan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0.5 Pharmaceutical
115/169 Science
Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences 0.5 Pharmaceutical
65/83 Science
Journal of Medicinal Plants 0.5 Complementary
50/65 and Alternativ
Journal of Reports in Pharmaceutical Sciences 0.5 51/65
General Pharmacology, Toxico
Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica 0.5 General
22/36 Pharmacology, Toxico
Pharmacia 0.5 Pharmacy
Phytotherapie 0.5 Complementary and Alternativ
Prescrire International 0.5 Pharmacology
192/237 (medical)
Psychopharmakotherapie 0.5 Pharmacology
117/169 (medical)
Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0.5 Pharmaceutical
185/237 Science
Translational and Clinical Pharmacology 0.5 Pharmacology
191/237 (medical)
Vojnosanitetski Pregled 0.5 Pharmacology
113/169 (medical)
Yakugaku Zasshi 0.5 Pharmaceutical
52/65 Science
Zhongguo Zhongyao Zazhi 0.5 General
123/169 Pharmacology, Toxico
AAPS Advances in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Series 0.4 Pharmaceutical
127/169 Science
American Pharmaceutical Review 0.4 Pharmaceutical
195/237 Science
Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia y Terapeutica 0.4 Pharmacology
125/169 (medical)
BioPharm International 0.4 Pharmaceutical
127/169 Science
Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal 0.4 Pharmaceutical
25/36 Science
Clinical Pharmacist 0.4 Pharmacy
Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy 0.4 197/237
Pharmaceutical Science
Drugs and Therapy Perspectives 0.4 Pharmacology
282/331 (medical)
European Journal of Oncology Pharmacy 0.4 Oncology
Fabad Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0.4 Pharmaceutical
69/83 Science
Herba Polonica 0.4 Complementary
262/301 and Alternativ
Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 0.4 Pharmacology
Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research 0.4 Pharmacy
Journal of Global Pharma Technology 0.4 Pharmaceutical
260/301 Science
Pharmacologyonline 0.4 Pharmacology
Pharmacy Education 0.4 Pharmacy
Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin 0.3 Pharmacology
129/169 (medical)
Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs 0.3 Pharmaceutical
202/237 Science
Current Topics in Pharmacology 0.3 201/237
Pharmacology (medical)
Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin 0.3 Pharmacology
267/301 (medical)
Eksperimental'naya i Klinicheskaya Farmakologiya 0.3 Pharmacology
Farmatsiya i Farmakologiya 0.3 Pharmacy
International Journal of Pharmaceutics: X 0.3 Pharmaceutical
130/169 Science
Journal of China Pharmaceutical University 0.3 Pharmaceutical
131/169 Science
Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy 0.3 Pharmaceutical
198/237 Science
Pharmacien Hospitalier et Clinicien 0.3 Pharmacology
53/65 (medical)
Progress in Drug Research 0.3 265/301
General Pharmacology, Toxico
Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales 0.3 Pharmacology
Vitae 0.3 General
56/65 Pharmacology, Toxico
African Journal Biomedical Research 0.2 General
141/169Pharmacology, Toxico
Ankara Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi Dergisi 0.2 Pharmaceutical
210/237 Science
Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy 0.2 Pharmacology
4/5 (medical)
Arzneimitteltherapie 0.2 Pharmacology
204/237 (nursing)
Chinese Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 0.2 Pharmacology
273/301 (medical)
Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology 0.2 Pharmacology
Defence Life Science Journal 0.2 General
15/25 Agricultural and Biolo
Dilemas 0.2 Pharmacology,
145/169 Toxicology and
Drug Development and Delivery 0.2 Pharmaceutical Science
Drugs of the Future 0.2 Pharmacology
58/65 (medical)
European Pharmaceutical Review 0.2 General
278/301Pharmacology, Toxico
Folia Pharmacologica Japonica 0.2 Pharmacology
Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Alzheimer Disorders 0.2 Pharmaceutical
134/169 Science
Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery 0.2 Pharmaceutical
214/237 Science
Geneesmiddelenbulletin 0.2 Pharmacology
741/1259 (medical)
HiSTOReLo 0.2 History
Indian Drugs 0.2 Pharmaceutical
134/169 Science
International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology 0.2 Pharmaceutical
55/65 Science
International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 0.2 General
204/237Pharmacology, Toxico
Japanese Pharmacology and Therapeutics 0.2 Pharmacology
206/237 (medical)
Journal de Pharmacie Clinique 0.2 Pharmacology
143/169 (medical)
Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research 0.2 Pharmaceutical
209/237 Science
Medizinische Monatsschrift fur Pharmazeuten 0.2 17/25
Pharmacology (medical)
Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils 0.2 Pharmacology,
139/169 Toxicology and
Pharmaceutical Engineering 0.2 Pharmaceutical
19/25 Science
Pharmaceutical Processing 0.2 Pharmacology,
57/65 Toxicology and
Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia 0.2 General
136/169Pharmacology, Toxico
Pharmaceutical Technology 0.2 Pharmaceutical
18/25 Science
Pharmacoeconomics - Spanish Research Articles 0.2 Pharmacology,
144/169 Toxicology and
Pharmazeutische Industrie 0.2 Pharmaceutical
14/25 Science
Regulatory Rapporteur 0.2 Pharmacology,
208/237 Toxicology and
Review of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition 0.2 Pharmacology
137/169 (medical)
Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research 0.2 Pharmaceutical
28/36 Science
U.S. Pharmacist 0.2 Pharmacy
Zeitschrift fur Phytotherapie : offizielles Organ der Ges. f. Phytotherapie e.V 0.2 216/237
Complementary and Alternativ
Actualites Pharmaceutiques 0.1 Pharmacology
152/169 (medical)
Arhiv za Farmaciju 0.1 Pharmaceutical
33/36 Science
Australian Journal of Pharmacy 0.1 Pharmacy
Azerbaijan Pharmaceutical and Pharmacotherapy Journal 0.1 General
217/237Pharmacology, Toxico
Cancer and Chemotherapy Reviews 0.1 Pharmacology
291/301 (medical)
Chinese Journal of Cancer Biotherapy 0.1 Pharmacology
Chinese Journal of New Drugs 0.1 General
153/169Pharmacology, Toxico
Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 0.1 23/25
Pharmaceutical Science
Drug Delivery Letters 0.1 Pharmacology,
156/169 Toxicology and
Drug Delivery System 0.1 Pharmaceutical
220/237 Science
Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes 0.1 Pharmacology
31/36 (medical)
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 0.1 Pharmacy
Giornale Italiano di Farmacia Clinica 0.1 Pharmacology
158/169 (medical)
GMP Review 0.1 Pharmaceutical
215/237 Science
HIV Research and Clinical Practice 0.1 Pharmacology
222/237 (medical)
Japanese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 0.1 285/301
Pharmacology (medical)
Journal of Jilin University Medicine Edition 0.1 Pharmacology
Klinicka Farmakologie a Farmacie 0.1 Pharmacy
Krankenhauspharmazie 0.1 Pharmacology (medical)
ONdrugDelivery 0.1 Pharmaceutical
226/237 Science
Oral Therapeutics and Pharmacology 0.1 Pharmacology
224/237 (medical)
Pharma-Kritik 0.1 Pharmacology
30/36 (medical)
Pharmaceutical Care and Research 0.1 Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical Outsourcing 0.1 Pharmaceutical
159/169 Science
Pharmaceutical Technology Europe 0.1 Pharmaceutical
21/25 Science
PharmacoVigilance Review 0.1 Pharmacology,
155/169 Toxicology and
Pharmakeftiki 0.1 Pharmaceutical
147/169 Science
PZ Prisma 0.1 Pharmaceutical
32/36 Science
Revista Cubana de Farmacia 0.1 Pharmacy
SA Pharmaceutical Journal 0.1 Pharmaceutical
3/3 Science
Vojenske Zdravotnicke Listy 0.1 Emergency
292/299 Medical Services
Analytical Science and Technology 0 Food
Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical Research 0 Pharmacy
Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0 Pharmaceutical
231/237 Science
Circular Farmaceutica 0 Pharmacology
24/25 (medical)
Contract Pharma 0 Pharmacology,
233/237 Toxicology and
Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung 0 Pharmacology
161/169 (medical)
Drug Topics 0 Pharmaceutical
162/169 Science
EBR - European Biopharmaceutical Review 0 Pharmaceutical
160/169 Science
Farmaceutski Glasnik 0 Pharmaceutical
275/283 Science
Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - HIV 0 Infectious
34/36 Diseases
Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technology 0 Pharmacy
Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0 General
227/237Pharmacology, Toxico
Japanese Journal of Chemotherapy 0 Pharmacology
228/237 (medical)
Journal fur Pharmakologie und Therapie 0 230/237
Pharmacology (medical)
Journal of Research in Pharmacy 0 Pharmacology
163/169 (medical)
Manufacturing Chemist 0 Pharmaceutical
104/106 Science
Opuholi Golovy i Sei 0 Otorhinolaryngology
Pharma Times 0 General
25/25 Pharmacology, Toxico
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packing Sourcer 0 Pharmacology,
232/237 Toxicology and
Pharmaceutisch Weekblad 0 Pharmacology
35/36 (medical)
Pharmacy Times 0 Pharmacy
Pharmazeutische Zeitung 0 166/169
Pharmacology (medical)
S.T.P. Pharma Pratiques 0 Pharmaceutical Science
2016-19 Cit2016-19 D % Cited SNIP SJR Publisher
519 154 57 0.567 0.612 Springer Nature
342 101 73 1.017 0.491 Hindawi
2948 869 65 0.752 0.5 Bentham
1895 597 68 0.633 0.583 NRC Research Press
1548 502 48 0.819 0.708 Elsevier
850 277 74 0.573 0.553 Eui-Hak Publishing and Printing Co.
870 294 65 0.584 0.355 Walter de Gruyter
401 139 53 1.107 0.532 Springer Nature
2005 727 65 0.935 0.691 Elsevier
1533 573 69 0.523 0.378 Wolters Kluwer Health
85 32 56 0.418 0.597 SAGE
1138 427 45 1.241 0.862 Dove Medical Press
296 116 60 0.929 0.848 BioExcel Publishing Ltd
1065 416 66 0.716 0.407 Begell House
710 268 65 0.633 0.476 Taylor & Francis
808 312 67 0.643 0.457 Karger
155 61 69 0.543 0.61 Wiley-Blackwell
335 132 61 0.369 0.511 Taylor & Francis
1434 582 61 1.038 0.442 SAGE
528 208 61 0.847 0.352 Elsevier
543 227 63 0.574 0.44 Wolters Kluwer Health
1723 715 53 1.165 0.966 Dove Medical Press
366 165 58 0.538 0.304 Bentham
146 69 51 0.651 0.448 Elsevier
167 81 65 0.488 0.233 Bentham
693 336 61 0.69 0.312 Wolters Kluwer Health
841 408 59 0.433 0.356 Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle
444 215 56 0.445 0.486 Future Medicine Ltd.
533 273 60 0.531 0.337 Bangladesh Pharmacological Society
181 91 58 0.477 0.33 Bentham
433 221 56 0.44 0.359 Prous Science
1736 856 56 0.582 0.458 International Institute of Anticancer Research
223 113 50 0.495 0.269 Wolters Kluwer Health
100 49 65 0.423 0.278 Bentham
124 67 60 0.504 0.246 Bentham
155 81 42 0.717 0.337 Slovak Toxicology Society SETOX
211 112 50 0.552 0.249 Tehran University of Medical Sciences
294 156 58 0.44 0.361 Bentham
1502 819 54 0.665 0.399 Wiley-Blackwell
763 436 55 0.396 0.268 Taylor & Francis
319 179 55 0.437 0.56 Weston Medical Publishing, LLC
1005 546 51 0.374 0.24 Bentham
142 79 52 0.41 0.277 Bentham
242 141 53 0.56 0.277 Elsevier
737 462 52 0.671 0.643 Elsevier
863 535 56 0.382 0.334 Govi Verlag Pharmazeutischer Verlag GmbH
225 137 43 0.527 0.303 Taylor & Francis
637 390 44 0.937 0.301 Wolters Kluwer Health
305 196 55 0.64 0.414 Parenteral Drug Association
28 19 68 N/A N/A Elsevier
92 60 60 0.447 0.251 Bentham
1250 846 56 0.334 0.244 Elsevier
51 33 64 N/A 0.239 Bentham
235 160 49 0.974 0.692 Taylor & Francis
56 37 57 N/A N/A Korean Society for Sexual Medicine and Andrology
251 180 53 0.642 0.236 Bentham
188 134 51 0.488 0.267 Bentham
1784 1242 55 0.608 0.252 MediPoeia
96 70 49 0.283 0.199 Dougmar Publishing Group Inc
294 209 43 0.44 0.228 Kowsar Publishing Company
167 118 59 0.701 0.48 Springer Nature
244 190 39 0.567 0.196 Elsevier
48 37 57 0.272 0.206 Libertas Academica
385 303 48 0.461 0.286 Bentham
110 83 53 0.861 0.285 Dissolution Technologies, Inc.
251 194 50 0.424 0.223 Grupo Aula Medica S.L.
515 398 43 0.469 0.277 Kowsar Publishing Company
75 64 44 0.211 0.142 Bentham
405 326 47 0.668 0.578 Taylor & Francis
151 123 48 0.573 0.24 Springer Nature
368 317 44 0.461 0.287 Sociedad Española de Quimioterapia
42 34 50 0.284 0.186 Elsevier
23 21 19 0.142 0.118 Growing Science
77 69 35 0.225 0.155 Bentham
177 166 46 0.495 0.247 Universidad de Santiago de Chile
55 48 40 0.26 0.13 Walter de Gruyter
103 96 53 0.12 0.158 Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
106 100 42 0.638 0.231 Old City Publishing Inc.
142 128 47 0.48 0.203 Taylor & Francis
787 706 42 0.773 0.227 Pharmacognosy Network Worldwide
445 429 42 0.557 0.25 Universidade de Sao Paulo
152 150 27 0.173 0.233 Springer Nature
168 169 45 0.388 0.165 Scientific Publishers
507 491 41 0.516 0.209 Wolters Kluwer Health
833 868 35 1.079 0.203 International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics
1602 1540 48 0.285 0.199 SAGE
1489 1522 40 0.513 0.235 University of Karachi
590 649 41 0.301 0.189 Polskie Towarzystwo Farmaceutyczne/Polish Pharmaceutical Society
1138 1317 44 0.335 0.164 Publication Centre of Anhui Medical University
53 62 32 0.166 0.16 Bentham
52 56 45 0.362 0.151 Wolters Kluwer Health
68 79 33 0.371 0.146 SET Publisher
125 145 41 0.482 0.178 Asociacion Academica de Ciencias Farmaceuticas de Antofagasta (ASOC
1199 1400 37 0.341 0.191 University of Benin
76 93 34 0.657 0.202 Istanbul Medipol University
711 943 26 0.472 0.167 Oriental Scientific Pub. Co.
9 12 25 0.039 0.105 Euromed Communications Ltd
492 590 40 0.469 0.18 Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India
781 939 21 0.481 0.282 Advanced Scientific Research
67 81 33 0.576 0.149 Natural Remedies Pvt Ltd.
185 236 33 0.299 0.357 Medical Letter, Inc.
153 202 36 0 0.125 Springer Nature
57 69 41 0.199 0.334 Wiley-Blackwell
159 206 38 0.461 0.194 Turkish Pharmacists Association
807 992 42 0.234 0.162 Nongton Jie
60 89 30 0.259 0.124 Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
112 152 35 0.303 0.191 Taylor & Francis
29 43 44 0.179 0.15 Wolters Kluwer Health
187 263 35 0.27 0.205 Wiley-Blackwell
88 133 32 0.345 0.225 SAGE
480 724 34 0.143 0.135 Springer Nature
525 739 35 0.329 0.178 Springer Nature
232 336 35 0.407 0.252 Taylor & Francis
326 448 37 0.272 0.146 Stolichnaya Izdatelskaya Kompaniya
26 38 29 0.437 0.126 World Health Organization
98 159 28 0.333 0.148 Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie
100 154 34 0.376 0.188 Asociacion Colombiana de Infectologia
79 125 6 N/A N/A Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt. Ltd
15 26 42 0.452 0.179 IPEC-Americas
833 1414 29 0.157 0.136 Colegio de Farmaceuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
107 187 42 N/A 0.108 Elsevier
59 112 26 0.146 0.133 Nakladatelske Stredisko CLSJE Purkyne
23 45 40 0.182 0.116 Bentham
3 6 33 N/A N/A Bentham
20 40 33 0.217 0.131 Bentham
64 126 25 0.437 0.137 Universitas Gadjah Mada - Faculty of Pharmacy
103 214 23 N/A N/A Royal Society of Chemistry
24 49 27 0.186 0.13 University of Jordan
191 370 30 0.259 0.151 Editorial Office of Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences
114 238 27 0.195 0.15 Pizhuhishkadh-i giyahan-i darayiva faravardah ha-vi tabbii
61 116 25 0.262 0.142 Wolters Kluwer Health
35 73 32 0.147 0.136 Neuroline
49 107 20 0.345 0.209 Pensoft Publishers
121 236 20 0.196 0.16 Springer Nature
112 212 29 0.249 0.21 Association Mieux Prescrire
65 136 22 0.215 0.195 Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft
81 164 30 0.26 0.153 Chulalongkorn University
59 110 33 0.478 0.216 Korean Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
332 690 25 0.242 0.145 Savezno Ministarstvo Odbrane
380 715 30 0.21 0.155 Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
1403 2989 30 0.166 0.158 Zhongguo Zhongyi Yanjiuyuan
107 247 26 0.012 0.117 Springer Nature
117 305 18 0.093 0.141 Russell Publishing
116 281 21 0.335 0.187 Tribuna Medica Venezolana
68 168 21 0.131 0.127 UBM Medica Periodical Publication
556 1447 26 0.229 0.144 Zhonogguo Yaoxuehui
112 285 19 0.106 0.123 Pharmaceutical Press
64 143 29 0.194 0.121 Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy
122 329 20 0.09 0.115 Springer Nature
7 16 38 0.087 0.117 Pharma Publishing and Media Europe
33 75 29 0.218 0.152 Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ankara
16 45 22 0.404 0.149 Instytut Roslin i Przetworow Zielarskich
82 217 23 0.298 0.147 All India Institute of Medical Sciences
103 239 22 0.809 0.145 Society of Pharmaceutical Education & Research [SPER]
560 1251 16 0.793 0.146 Journal of Global Pharma Technology
136 353 20 0.303 0.129 SILAE
56 141 28 0.25 0.186 Taylor & Francis
7 22 18 0 0.101 Wolters Kluwer Health
1048 3198 20 0.173 0.132 Chung Tsao Yao Tsa Chih Pien Chi Pu
7 24 17 0.11 0.119 Research Trends
72 238 18 0.122 0.132 BMJ Publishing Group
93 318 20 0.127 0.107 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina Publishers
9 35 17 N/A N/A Volgograd State Medical University, Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceu
10 36 22 N/A N/A Elsevier
123 394 24 0.117 0.122 China Pharmaceutical University
54 189 22 0.117 0.128 Korean Society of Pharmacognosy
53 153 24 0.378 0.206 Elsevier
22 63 25 N/A N/A Springer Nature
43 138 17 0.168 0.15 Editorial Ciencias Medicas
67 219 19 0.174 0.117 Universidad de Antioquia
32 147 19 0.16 0.123 Bioline International
11 61 10 0.217 0.141 Ankara University
14 81 15 0.044 0.128 PJD Publications Ltd.
30 179 8 0.044 0.103 Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft
114 492 8 0.092 0.138 Zhongguo kang gan ran hua liao za zhi bian ji bu
88 407 17 0.066 0.113 Chung-Kuo Yao Li Hseuh Hui
6 36 11 N/A N/A Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre (DESIDOC)
25 118 16 0.977 0.211 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
22 145 10 0.121 0.118 Drug Delivery Technology, LLC
54 330 10 0.049 0.119 Prous Science
34 181 13 0.046 0.129 Russell Publishing
62 363 13 0.038 0.112 Nippon Yakuri Gakkai
1 6 17 N/A N/A Bentham
4 19 16 N/A N/A Bentham
11 71 10 0.025 0.131 Stichting Geneesmiddelenbulletin
16 80 16 0.578 0.125 Universidad Nacional de Colombia
86 465 12 0.154 0.121 Indian Drug Manufacturers' Association
42 199 15 0.127 0.113 International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology
211 962 10 0.265 0.119 JK Welfare & Pharmascope Foundation
129 556 15 0.118 0.134 Life Science Publishing Co. Ltd.
15 73 11 0.078 0.102 Libbey
87 535 9 0.108 0.112 Editorial office of Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research
53 291 11 0.091 0.121 Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
6 31 13 0.433 0.133 Badebio Biotechnololgy Ltd
21 107 12 0.008 0.101 International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, Inc.
2 11 18 0 0.102 Advantage Business Media
16 80 15 0.095 0.117 Mahidol University - Faculty of Pharmacy
43 214 12 0.047 0.103 UBM Medica Periodical Publication
6 32 16 0.143 0.114 Springer Nature
108 705 12 0.09 0.186 Editio Cantor Verlag
42 190 16 0.065 0.201 The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
14 73 8 0.075 0.149 Pharmakon Press
39 195 15 0.128 0.133 Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin
61 306 13 0.113 0.117 Jobson Publishing LLC
30 137 14 0.162 0.126 Hippokrates Verlag
74 566 11 0.186 0.186 Elsevier
8 82 10 0.077 0.136 Farmaceutsko Drustvo Srbije
20 287 6 0.029 0.101 Australian Pharmaceutical Publishing Co., Ltd.
3 57 2 0.014 0.1 Azarbaucan Tibb Universiteti
4 31 10 0.029 0.104 Permanyer Publication
23 375 5 0.036 0.102 Chinese Journal of Cancer Biotheraphy
189 2026 8 0.053 0.107 Chinese Journal of New Drugs Co. Ltd.
39 487 6 0.031 0.105 China Pharmaceutical University
2 32 6 N/A N/A Bentham
11 167 5 0.049 0.104 Japan Society of Drug Delivery System
7 64 6 0.09 0.153 Pharmakon Press
18 168 8 0.02 0.116 Rsago Editorial, S.L.
8 71 7 0.019 0.112 II Pensiero Scientifico Editore srl
1 18 6 0 0.102 Euromed Communications Ltd
2 15 13 0.564 0.837 Taylor & Francis
14 135 10 0.091 0.112 Nihon Rinsho Yakuri Gakkai/Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology
95 755 10 0.067 0.109 Jilin University
14 109 10 0.117 0.124 SOLEN s.r.o.
35 274 9 0.113 0.137 Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
36 302 9 0.01 0.142 Frederick Furness Publishing
2 34 6 0.015 0.105 Shika Yakubutsu Ryoho Kenkyukai
2 27 7 0.039 0.107 Infomed-Verlag
62 490 10 0.185 0.139 Yao xue fu wu yu yan jiu za zhi she
12 161 6 0.135 0.101 Russell Publishing
14 261 5 0.03 0.1 Advanstar Communications Inc.
2 21 5 0 0.101 Euromed Communications Ltd
3 44 7 0.014 0.101 Zita Medical Managent
15 109 6 0.119 0.162 Govi Verlag Pharmazeutischer Verlag GmbH
12 117 9 0.08 0.113 Editorial Ciencias Medicas
24 168 12 0.056 0.128 Medpharm Publications Ltd.
3 37 8 0.019 0.108 Vojenska Lekarska Akademie
0 29 0 N/A N/A Korea Society of Analytical Science
0 20 0 N/A N/A ALIES
0 12 0 0 0.106 Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University
1 71 1 0 0.1 Colegio Official de Farmaceuticos de la Provincia de Barcelona
10 226 4 0.007 0.1 Contract Pharma
24 2680 1 0.003 0.102 Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
2 82 2 N/A 0.1 Advanstar Communications Inc.
2 94 2 0 0.1 Samedan Pharmaceutical Publishers Ltd.
9 252 3 0.105 0.138 Hrvatsko Farmaceutsko Drustvo/Croatian Pharmaceutical Society
0 5 0 N/A N/A Bentham
2 115 2 0 0.1 Samedan Pharmaceutical Publishers Ltd.
1 42 2 N/A N/A University of Baghdad - College of Pharmacy
5 116 4 0.053 0.127 Nihon Kagaku Ryoho Gakkai/Japan Society of Chemotherapy
2 66 3 0.023 0.101 Verlag Perfusion GmbH
1 59 2 0.325 0.159 Marmara University
2 115 1 0 0.1 Polygon Media Ltd.
0 43 0 N/A N/A ABV-press Publishing house, LLC
6 136 4 0.105 0.123 Indian Pharmaceutical Association
0 71 0 0 0.1 Samedan Pharmaceutical Publishers Ltd.
4 390 1 0.003 0.101 Royal Netherlands Pharmaceutical Society
2 181 1 0 0.1 Romaine Pierson Publishers
5 809 1 0.012 0.1 Govi Verlag Pharmazeutischer Verlag GmbH
0 9 0 0 0.103 Editions de Sante
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