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Running Head: SUCCESS IN SALES 1

Success in Sales

Jadrian N. Cook

Northern Oklahoma College

Composition II

Professor Tamera Davis

March 23, 2021

Walking into an office, sitting down and idling on a computer all day, that is how many

people view office jobs in the modern world, but when looking into it with a job like marketing

manager there are so many tasks and things going on throughout the day. Many days are similar

with checking and responding to emails, checking on statuses with clients and keeping up to date

on all the constant changes in the business world, yet everyday it is a chance for a different skill

to be learned. Marketing is a career that is continuously being changed to fit the modern world

and therefore is almost always going to be a viable job market. Marketing is a source of business

that is always going to be needed because products are always going to be needed to be marketed

to customers in a way effective to cause purchases so marketing is a safe and rewarding field of

study for one to go into.

It takes a certain set of skills to be proficient in marketing and a certain type of person to

fit these skills. In a field that is changing on what could be a daily basis one in the field to be able

to continuously find stable work must stay up to dates on the skills while maintaining skills

needed to run a smooth operation. Quoted from “A successful marketing

manager needs to be highly organized (“How to become a marketing manager - career path,

salary and job description: Universityhq,” 2021). This person is charged with managing a variety

of initiatives at one time and needs to keep track of their own tasks, as well as their team’s.” This

is a skill that for many especially during the past hard year is something that people may lack

which is why to employers it is a trait that they look for. These skills when learned set employees

apart to future employers as these traits are more desirable in employees. According to Colorado

Christian University “Being a successful sales professional means that you have to be quick on

your feet and be one step ahead of the company or person you're pitching to. This means you
should always be prepared, have samples ready if you can, and have some CTA (call to action)

ready.”(“12 characteristics of a successful sales professional.” 2018). This is a degree and career

that involves constant involvement and action from anyone in the field but can be highly

rewarding to those who push through. Experience in certain things and learned skills can

increase wages and job opportunities in other places. When wanting to further their career

“Professional credentials are also available for those who want to further their careers and be

certified as specialists” as stated by later stating “there is positive outlook

for job growth.”(Writers, S., 2020) Some of these certifications and skills include time

management skills, leadership, and some jobs require certifications in certain computer programs

and applications to ensure the job is done correctly.

Marketing is a quickly and continuously growing career that is an important part to

business. Marketing will be needed as long as selling is happening, and as there as there are

consumers to buy goods sales are going to continue to happen. According to

“The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts faster than average growth for marketing

managers at a 9% rate between 2014 and 2024.” (“How to become a marketing manager - career

path, salary and job description: Universityhq,” 2021) With this field expecting to have such a

growth in so few years the availability for jobs in this type of profession are going to

continuously be available.Having people who are able to market and having marketable products

is necessary for innovation as the need for new products pushes creators. As stated by Denise

Lee Yohn writing for Forbes article “Innovation alone cannot sustain a company; it must be

paired with marketing.” and later says “Marketing is about connecting the right customers to the

right product.”(Yohn, 2019) Marketing helps sales teams, and people throughout the company,

think from the outside-in about what is being offered, convey its value in customer-centric ways,
and persist through barriers that can only be addressed through deep customer knowledge and

insight.”(Yohn, 2019) In saying this Yohn is expressing how to be able to properly sell goods

you need a strong marketing team to have the best results for sales. When effectively utilized

these marketing teams can have a major impact on the companies they might be working for. As

quoted from Yohn “professors suggested sales teams develop a psychological profile of the ideal

customer – those who are more adaptable, those whose organizational culture supports learning

and change, etc. And they said the training salespeople receive about a new offering should be

less about its bells and whistles and more about the evaluation criteria that customers are likely

to apply to it. The marketing function enables both of these.”(Yohn, 2019) The use of marketing

to the sellers advantage to effectively get across the uses of items being sold benefits both the

seller through gaining profits and the customers by giving them their information with less fluff

added in.

Marketing is a rewarding field of study and a source of business for both people and

companies that is necessary because it helps to guide customers' choices for purchases. To be

able to do well in the field of marketing one must have the skills and abilities to work with

customers to know how to effectively get products bought. With this, the continued growth of

sales marketing is going to continue to be a stable and rewarding career. Marketing is a career

that was at one point though to be a dying field but has been proven to be a necessary tool for

businesses to use. This field has been proven to be highly rewarding when one is properly

certified and invested in the career, no matter what might happen as long as people are

consuming goods there will be a need for those goods to be marketed to them.


12 characteristics of a successful sales professional. (2018, July 06). Retrieved March 23,

2021, from


How to become a marketing manager - career path, salary and job description:

Universityhq. (2021, January 08). Retrieved March 23, 2021, from

What are the 7 types of digital marketing? (2020, February 12). Retrieved March 23, 2021,


What is DIGITAL MARKETING? (2021). Retrieved March 23, 2021, from

Writers, S. (2020, November 09). Marketing degrees & careers: How to work in marketing.

Retrieved March 23, 2021, from


Yohn, D. L. (2019, January 8). Marketing Matters Now More Than Ever. Retrieved 2021,



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