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Name : Messi Ilsa Maudy

Class : TBI 6B

NIM : 12203183277

Course : Computer Based Media in Language Learning


Global warming is the earth's average temperature which has increased since 1950 until
now the temperature continues to increase. Global warming can also refer to climate change that
causes an increase in average temperatures. However, global warming is caused by natural and
human events which are believed to be a major factor in the increase in average temperature. The
natural events that cause global warming are the climates which have continued to change over
the centuries. Global warming occurs due to the natural rotation of the sun which changes the
intensity of sunlight and moves closer to the earth. Human influence has become a very serious
problem now that humans do not care for the earth. Humans who cause global warming are more
severe than natural causes. The earth has undergone changes over the years until now it is still
changing because of the modern human lifestyle and tends to feel indifferent to the earth.
Examples of human activities that have led to increased global warnings include industrial
production, burning fossil fuels, deforestation, etc. Many impacts will occur in the future if
global warming continues. That includes melting polar ice caps, the economic consequences,
warmer water and more hurricanes, the spread of disease and earthquakes. The main effect is
the melting of the polar ice caps. As temperatures increase, the Arctic ice will melt. Once the ice
melts, the first effect will increase on sea level as the glaciers melt into the oceans. The result
might be that the earth would sink if the ice at the Pole actually melted. Now is to find a solution
so that we can stop global warming. However, we humans and governments need to move
forward to implement a global warming solution. We can reduce global warming by reducing the
contribution of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Therefore, the solution we can do to reduce
global warming is to reduce gasoline, electricity and our activities that cause global warming.
We humans need to "heal" our earth which is "sick" because of what we mostly do. Global
Warming has caused many problems for humans but we humans make global warming happen.
Many people died because of disease or disaster. It also affects the country's economy. After all,
we need to reduce global warming by using less gasoline, recycling and humans have to help
reduce global warming rather than make the earth's temperature rise. Our generation has to start
protecting the earth because in the next generation they will suffer if we don't reduce global
A Peer-feedback checklist

Name : Maulida Safira Adinia

Class : TBI 6B


1. A clear topic writing 

2. Use main ideas to develop thesis statement 

3. Use supporting ideas 

4. Logical sequence of ideas 

5. Paragraph Unity 

6. A variety of vocabulary and expressions exist 

7. A variety of grammatical structures exist 

8. Tense use (subject verb agreement etc.) 

9. Spelling and punctuation 

10. Brief conclusion 

Comment/Feedback : Messy’s essay is good and interesting. But it will better if she separates
the introduction, body, and conclusion, so it will be more understandable.

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