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Conclusion q’s:

1. Diffusion is the net movement of molecules or atoms from a region of high concentration
to a region of low concentration as a result of random motion of the molecules or atoms.
2. Osmosis is the spontaneous net movement of solvent molecules through a selectively
permeable membrane into a region of higher solute concentration, in the direction that
tends to equalize the solute concentrations on the two sides. 
Diffusion can be in air, occurs in liquid and gaseous form, Semi permeable membrane not
required, occurs both living and non-living things.


Osmosis and Diffusion Differences

 Diffusion can occur in any mixture, including one which includes a semipermeable
membrane, while osmosis always occurs across a semipermeable membrane.
 When people discuss osmosis in biology, it always refers to the movement of water. In
chemistry, it's possible for other solvents to be involved. In biology, this is a difference
between the two processes.
 One big difference between osmosis and diffusion is that both solvent and solute
particles are free to move in diffusion, but when we talk about osmosis, only the solvent
molecules (water molecules) cross the membrane. This can be confusing to understand
because while the solvent particles are moving from higher to
lower solvent concentration across the membrane, they are moving from lower
to higher solute concentration (from a more dilute solution to a region of more
concentrated solution). This occurs naturally because the system seeks balance or
equilibrium. If the solute particles can't cross a barrier, the only way to equalize
concentration on both sides of the membrane is for the solvent particles to move in. You
can consider osmosis to be a special case of diffusion in which diffusion
occurs across a semipermeable membrane and only the water or other
solvent moves.

4. Iodine is known as an indicator because it changes color in the presence of

starch and several other molecules. Iodine can also be used to track iodide
and iodine in its elemental form.
5. High, low


1. OUT OF, starch and water molecules are too big to pass through the membrane.
2. INTO, The iodine molecules are small enough to pass through the membrane of the plastic bag,
3. Purple and stay the same
4. Purple and stay the same
5. The iodine would move out of the bag and turn the solution in the beaker purple

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