Unit 3 Assignment (Spring 2021)

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Higher National in

Unit 3: Professional Practice


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Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Computing
Assignment Brief
Pearson Reg. Number
Student Name
Unit Number and Title Unit 3: Professional Practice
Academic Year 2020-21
Unit Tutor Fiza Farooq
Assignment Title Professional Practices in Computing
Issue Date 8-Mar-21
Submission Date 30-May-21
Submitted On
Internally Verified?  Yes  No
IV Name Mir Wajid Ali
IV Date 10-07-2020
Student Declaration
I solemnly declare that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources
are fully acknowledged.

Student Signature: Tutor Signature:

Date: Date:

Submission Format

The submission of this unit evidence will be in form of an individual report comprising of
multiple sections, a presentation, project plan, training outline, request letter. This report
will be formally formatted having proper heading structure, font size 12, single line space.
This assignment involves groupwork, but each student should submit an individual portfolio
folder. All the work must be properly referenced using Harvard referencing style and a formal
bibliography table should be inserted at the end of report and presentation.

Unit-wide Evidence Types:

 Main Report titled as “Professional Practices in Computing”
 Request Letter having Team and Project details
 Personal Development Plan
 Presentation of the delivery plan
 Project Plan (preferably in .mpp format)
 Training Outline

Part-wise Evidence:

 Part 1: For this part, you will include all your evidences in your main report under the
section titled “Training Plan” and will also provide a presentation, a project plan
developed in MS Project, training outline and Observation Sheet marked by assessor.

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 Part 2: For this part, you will include all your evidences in your main report under the
section titled “Problems and their Solutions using Problem Solving Techniques”. You
will include the information about different problem-solving techniques and how these
techniques supported you in resolving problems occurred during this project.

 Part 3: For this part, you will include all your evidences in your main report under the
section titled “Team Work”. You will include the team profiles, details of your project
from execution till the final results, an essay on team dynamics.

 Part 1: For this part, you will include all your evidences in your main report under the
Section titled “Continual Professional Development and Motivational Theories”.

You are required to submit your work for plagiarism checking. No work will be considered if it
contains plagiarism more than the acceptable level defined as per TMUC’s plagiarism policy.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a target
LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios.
LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team
working in different environments.
LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role within the
workplace and for higher level learning.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
Pakistan Sweet Homes - PSH is an NGO working in Pakistan to provide shelter and education
to the orphans who are socially and financially challenged. The organization is a not for profit
and functions mostly with the support of Pakistan Bait ul Mal – Govt of Pakistan and the
contribution made by the society.

Department of Computing & IT at TMUC has come up with the idea to impart Basic IT
trainings to the beneficiaries of PSH. In this regard, it has formed student groups that are
tasked to impart these basic IT trainings to a group of beneficiaries having 30 beneficiaries in
each group. The training duration would be 6 hours in a day and for 3 days. The location of
training will be either TMUC or PSH.

Being a student of HND Computing, you are also part of the team that will be responsible to
design and impart a training session for 30 students. In this regard, you need to research and
develop your understanding regarding the following topics prior to initiate this project:

 Continual Performance Development

 Problem-solving Techniques
 Team Dynamics

Part 1
The Department has made it mandatory to submit and present your formal plan and training
material that will be used for the training delivery before 2 weeks from the actual training.
Your evidence for the plan should include the proper time scheduling for the training

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activities and contingencies, resource allocation and formal training outline for the topics to
be covered along with their allocated timelines and associated activities.

Your submission should be in form of the following:

 A formal request letter to your supervisor for the formation of a team including the
team members details and brief project details.
 A presentation having the details about the Delivery Plan covering any contingencies
and formal time management for each activity. This presentation should be of 10 to 20
slides having a cover slide and conclusion slide. You will also maintain speaker notes.
 A project plan using a formal Project Management tool i.e. MS Project.
 A training outline covering the training contents with allocated timelines and
associated activities.
 Observation Sheet filled by the department

All these sections should be of 1000 – 1500 words in length however, there will be no
penalty on exceeding this limit.

Part 2
While planning and implementing this project, you will come across the number of problems
and to address these problems you are recommended to research and develop your
understanding about the problem-solving techniques. You will document each problem that
you will face as and when it will occur, how you analyze it and how you come up with a
solution using problem-solving techniques.

Your submission should be in form of the following:

 A section in your main report titled as “Problem Solving Techniques”.
 A section in your main report titled as “Problems raised and countered during the
Project Lifecycle”

All these sections should be of 800 – 1200 words in length however, there will be no
penalty on exceeding this limit.

Part 3
Since you will be working in a Team therefore, it is extremely important to understand the
role of team dynamics within a team. Hence, you are required to define your team with their
roles and responsibilities, and particularly discuss the impact of your role in the team with
regards to this project.

Your submission should be in form of the following:

 A section in your main report titled as “Profiles of Project Team”

 A section in your main report titled as “Project Report” complete project details from
the project execution till its completion. Also include evidences like attendance sheet,
participants feedback etc.
 A section in your main report titled as “Team Dynamics and their Impact on the
All these sections should be of 1000 – 1200 words in length however, there will be no
penalty on exceeding this limit.

Part 4
Since this was the first time you and your team were involved in such a training event
management, therefore, based on your experience in this project, identify your strengths and

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weaknesses, which you feel, could be helpful while managing this event even better, and
come up with the measurable Personal Development Plan not just focusing the current but
also the future goals. Furthermore, you are also encouraged to discuss the importance of CPD
from your own perspective and how the motivational theories can be helpful for your own
learning and within the context of workplace environment.

Your submission should be in form of the following:

 A section in your main report titled as “CPD and its contribution”.
 A section in your main report titled as “Motivational Theories – Comparison and
 A section in your main report titled as “My Personal Development Plan”
 A CPD template filled-up with the learning achievements you have made during the

All these sections should be of 1000 – 1500 words in length however, there will be no
penalty on exceeding this limit.

Please access HN Global for additional resources support and reading for this unit. For
further guidance and support on report writing please refer to the Study Skills Unit on HN
Global. Link to www.highernationals.com

Grading Criteria
Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Demonstrate a P1 Demonstrate, M1 Design a D1 Evaluate the
range of interpersonal using different professional schedule effectiveness and
and transferable communication styles to support the application of
communication skills and formats, that you planning of an event, interpersonal skills
to a target audience can effectively design to include during the design and
and deliver a training contingencies and delivery of a training
event for a given justifications of time event
target audience. allocated.

P2 Demonstrate that
you have used
effective time
management skills in
planning an event.
LO2 Apply critical P3 Demonstrate the M2 Research the use D2 Critique the
reasoning and use of different of different problem- process of applying
thinking to a range of problem-solving solving techniques critical reasoning to a
problem-solving techniques in the used in the design and given task/activity or
scenarios design and delivery of delivery of an event. event.
an event.
M3 Justify the use
P4 Demonstrate that and application of a
critical reasoning has range of solution
been applied to a methodologies.
given solution.
LO3 Discuss the P5 Discuss the M4 Analyse team D3 Provide a critical
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importance and importance of team dynamics, in terms of evaluation of your
dynamics of working dynamics in the the roles group own role and
within a team and the success and/or failure members play in a contribution to a
impact of team of group work. team and the group scenario.
working in different effectiveness in terms
environments P6 Work within a of achieving shared
team to achieve a goals.
defined goal.
LO4 Examine the P7 Discuss the M5 Compare and D4 Evaluate a range
need for Continuing importance of CDP contrast different of evidence criteria
Professional and its contribution motivational theories that is used as a
Development (CPD) to own learning and the impact they measure for effective
and its role within the can have on CPD
workplace and for P8 Produce a performance within
higher level learning. development plan the workplace
that outlines
objectives and
required skills,
knowledge and
learning for own
future goals.

CPD Template
Date Activity Hours Learning Statement Evidence

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