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Review these 30 questions for oral recitation.

1) What is a postmodern world? Discuss briefly

2) Explain the "enlightenment project" of the modern period.

3) What are the four corners of the postmodern world? Explain each briefly

4) Cite three characteristics of the post modern world

5) Compare thoroughly bet. premodern, modern, and postmodern world

6) State one definition of Globalization. Explain it concisely

7) Explain globalization as a process,

8) What is globalization as condition?

9) Explain globalization as an ideology?

10) Give atleast three of the six claims that make globalization an ideology.

11) Discuss the "fluidity of the world today".

12) Distiguish between homogeneity and heterogeneity

13) Why should we not equate globalization to internationalization? Cite examples

14) Why should we not equate globalization to liberalization? Cite the implications

15) Why is globalization not universalization and westernization?

16) Choose three of the six epochs that yielded to globalization. Give a background of each.

17) Cite five events that led to globalization.

18) What are the three dynamics of local and global culture?

19) Differentiate between Glocalization and Grobalization

20) Define globalization in your own terms.

21) Explain globalization through a metaphor.

22) Cite three manifestations of homogeneity.

23) What is McDonaldization?

24) What is globality?

25) In terms of politics, what concept characterize heterogeneity.

26) Give atleast three of the flows that can be observed in the world today.

27) What is Americanization?

28) What do we mean with postmodernity as an era of incredulity towards grand meta-narratives?

29) Explain Richard Rorty's statement: "Truth is made rather than found" in connection to postmodern

30) What are the four Cs of 21st Century Education? Explain each briefly.

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