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“Nurse Educators play a pivotal role in shaping future generation of registered nurses and in advancing

the nursing profession.”

The Nursing Care Competency Standards
 Safe quality nursing care
 Management of resources and environment
 Health education
 Legal responsibility
 Ethic-moral responsibilities
 Personal and professional development
 Quality improvement
 Research
 Records management
 Communication
 Collaboration and teamwork
Roles and Responsibilities of Health
 Assessing the individual and community needs for health education
 Planning effective health education programs
 Implementing health education programs
 Evaluating effectiveness of health education programs
 Coordinating provision of health education services
 Acting as a resource person in health education
 Communicating health and health education needs, concerns and resources

In the CODE OF ETHICS, Society of Public Health Education, Inc., Article IV deals with the
responsibility in Employing Educational Strategies and Methods and states that, “In designing
strategies and methods, the health educator…..should be aware of his/her possible impact on the
community and other health professionals and must not place the burden of change solely on the
target population but must involve other appropriate groups to bring about effective change”
Health educators have an obligation to:
o The people have a right to make decisions affecting their lives.
o There is moral imperative to provide people with all relevant information and resources possible
to make their choices freely and intelligently.
Ethico-Legal Basis of Patient information and Health Education Function of the Nurse in the USA
o Ethico-Legal considerations
o Economic considerations
o Importance of documentation

Summary of the Role of a Nurse as a Health Educator

o Giver of information
o Facilitator of learning
o Coordinator of teaching
o Advocate of the client
Role of Family in Health Education
 Patient’s emotional and psychological support.
 Representation of the patient and informing him about subjects concerning him.
 Collaboration during therapeutic process.
 Participation in the planning of patient’s care.
 Participation in the provision of patient’s care (such as help during meals, individual hygiene)


Evidence-based Practice
Focus on how academically trained health educators develop EBP skills and how health
education and promotion practitioners access the literature to inform their activities.
What is evidence?
Anything that provides material or information on which a conclusion or proof may be based;
used to arrive at the truth, used to prove or disprove the point at issue. (WEBSTER)
 Evidence-based practice is the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and
patient values to facilitate clinical decision making.
 Evidence-based clinical decision making should incorporate consideration of the patient’s
clinical state, the clinical setting, and clinical circumstances.
Components of an EBN Decision




The Value of EBP

o EBP ensures efficacy, efficiency, and effectiveness.
o EBP weighs risk, benefit, and cost against a backdrop of patient preferences.
o Promote patient satisfaction and higher health-related quality of life.
Barriers in the translation of knowledge into practice
 Unclear direction or answers to research questions due to inconclusive evidence;
 Conflicting findings from multiple studies;
 Postponement of action to a more appropriate time,
 The result of lack of motivation or opportunity;
 Annulment of research recommendations due to competing operational and programmatic
 And use of evaluation results to justify predetermined program changes

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