Confidentiality Agreement

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Fudzbyneney: Custom Cakes and Pastries. 
This confidentiality agreement is made and entered into by and between, 
Lynette Marey E. Apolinario ​(Name of the Employer), of legal age, ​Single (​ Civil 
Status), ​Filipino (​ Nationality), ​Owner of Fudzbyneney ​ (Work Position)​ ,​ ​and 
with residence and postal address at:​ Blk 532 Lot 48 Phase 9 Gardenia St. 
Heritage Homes Loma de Gato Marilao, Bulacan, Philippines, 3019  
Mary Luis M. Jane ​(Name of the Employee), o ​ f legal age​, M
​ arried​ (Civil 
Status), ​Filipino (​ Nationality), ​Waiter​ (Work Position)​ and with residence and 
postal address ​Purok 8, Carmelo St. Barangay Fiona, Meycauayan, Bulacan, 
Philippines, 3020 ,​ dated​ January 16, 2021​.  
I, ​Mary Luis M. Jane​ (Name of the Employee) fully understood this agreement 
and agrees that in respect and consideration of any of the confidential 
information that Fudzbyneney will submit or pass to me, I will: 
1. Keep all the confidential information to me and only me. All the 
information that will come out from me, my words, and actions can be 
and will be used against me.  
2. Only disclose all the confidential information with safety to everyone 
who also understands and signed this confidentiality agreement. 
3. Not let any person, form, or company bribe me to disclose any of the 
confidential information of Fudzbyneney.  
4. Not use this for other purposes other than for business purposes with 
Fudzbyneney only. 
This agreement is valid from the date that this agreement is signed up to Five 
(5) years from the date of expiration of the employee contract.  
This agreement cannot be terminated during the duration of the contract and 
will still be effective even if the said contract is terminated already up to what 
date is stated above.  
This agreement is exclusive for Fudzbyneney’s employees only.  
If this agreement has been violated by the employee, he/she will have to pay 
for the consequences and damages and legal sanctions may or may not be 
Printed Name of the Employer: ​Lynette Marey E. Apolinario 

Date and Signature: ​January 16, 2021  
Printed Name of the Employee: M ​ ary Luis M. Jane 

Date and Signature: ​January 16, 2021  
Republic of the Philippines) 
City of ______ ) S.S. 
BEFORE  ME​,  a  Notary  Public,  for  and  in the City of ________, this _____ 
day of ________ 2013 personally appeared: 
Name Identification Card Issued On/At 
  _______________  ​___________ 
  _______________  ​___________ 
  all  known  to  me  to  be  the  same  persons  who  executed  the  foregoing 
instrument  and  hereby  acknowledged  to  me  that  the  same  is  their  free  and 
voluntary act and deed. 
  This  instrument  consisting  of  ____  pages,  including  this  page  on  which 
this  acknowledgment  is  written  refers  to  a  [​type  of  contract/agreement​]  and 
has  been  signed  by  the  parties  and  their  witnesses and sealed with my notarial 
Doc. No. ____ 
Page No. ____ 
Book No. ____ 
Series of 2013. 

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