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SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY BRIDGES PART Il : STEEL BRIDGES (ENGLISH EDITION} March, 1987 JAPAN ROAD ASSOCIATION CONTENTS PART I STEEL BRIDGES DIVISION 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS ......... Ll SCOPE....... 1.2 DESIGNINGENERAL..... 13 DESIGNCALCULATION ..... 1.4 ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION........ Serta 1,5 CONDITIONS OF CONSTRUCTION ASSUMED IN DESIGN 1.6 SELECTION OF STEEL GRADE .... DIVISION 2 ALLOWABLE STRESS . 21 GENERAL . 2.2 ALLOWABLE STRESS OF STEEL ...........6.000005 22.1 Allowable stress of structural steel - 22.2 Allowable stress of forgings and castings . 22.3 Allowable stress of welded joint and metal fasteners... . 2.2.4 Allowable stress of steel pipes and steel bars 2.3. ALLOWABLE BEARING STRESS OF CONCRETE ..... DIVISION 3 PROVISION FOR STRUCTURAL MEMBER 3.1 GENERAL PROVISION . 34 General... 34.2 Secondary stress... 3.1.3. Member subject to reciprocal stress 3.1.4 Member subject to alternating stress .. BAS Influence of fatigue... 0... 6s esse es 3.1.6 Minimum thickness of structural steel... .. 3.7 Slendemess ratio of member. 6... 066s cece ee aRcreess 3.2 PLATE AND STIFFENED PLATE SUBJECT TO COMPRESSIVE STRESS ....... 3.2.1 Plate restrained along two edges subject to compressive stress. 3.2.2 Outstanding plate subject to compressive stress... 3.2.3. Stiffened plate subject to compressive stress... . 324 Stiffeners ..... 3.3. MEMBER SUBJECT TO AXIAL FORCE AND BENDING MOMENT . 3.4 PERFORATED COVER PLATE ....-- 22-00-02 e0ec0ee 3.5 COMPRESSION MEMBER COMPOSED OF ANGLE OR TEE SECTIONS . 3.6 EFFECTIVE AREA OF ANGLES IN TENSION DIVISION 4 CONNECTION .. 4.1 CONNECTION OF MEMBERS 4A 412 42 WELDEDJOINTS .... 424 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 42.40 4241 43 43.4 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 43.10 43.11 43.12 44. 442 443 444 445 446 4a7 448 449 44.10 CONNECTION BY HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS .. . 44 CONNECTION BY RIVETS General Combined use of welds, high strength bolts and rivets. Types and applications of weld... Effective thickness of weld . .. Effective length of weld . Leg and sizeof fillet weld Minimum effective length of fillet weld ....... is Stress of welded joint subject to axle force or shear force Stress of welded joint subject to bending moment... . « ‘Check of composed stress at welded joint... . Butt joint... Lap jpint Tioint ...- pate General... ees Bolts, nuts and washers... Length of bolts... Allowable force of bolts... . Design of bolts .. Design of splice plates... 0... Calculation of net sectional area ...... 4+ Minimum pitch of bolts - Maximum pitch of bolts... . Bdge distance of bolts ....-..-- Minimum number of bolts ...... + Beveled washers and curved washers . General... ee sees Pee pao seeeeees 30 Rivets... aati 7 Rivet holes... ..e cece eeeeeeeeee eres eisai Allowable force of rivets... ... 34 Design of rivets .....- 31 Design of splice plates . 6... Calculation of net sectional area... Pitch and edge distance of rivets... Minimum number of rivets Indirect splices... 44.11 Fillers... 32 44.12 Long rivets 32 4.5 CONNECTION BY PI 7 7 33 DIVISION 5 SWAY BRACING AND LATERAL BRACING .. . 34 $1 GENERAL .... faceted 34 5.2 DETAILS OF SWAY AND LATERAL BRACING .... 34 53 ENDSWAY BRACING ...... 34 DIVISION 6 FLOORSLAB.........-.-+ 35 6.1 REINFORCED CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB 35 61.4 Span length of floor slab : Roeateeeaeeee 35 Design bending moment of floorslab .. 2... Steer - 36 Minimum thickness of floor slab seen 37 Kind and arrangement of reinforcement. . 37 Allowable stress of reinforcement 38 Specified compressive strength of concrete ...... 38 Allowable stress of concrete... Haunch of floorslab ....-- 6.1.11 Floor slab at the end of girders... 62 STEELPLATE FLOOR... 62.1 Scope...... 6.2.2 Design in general cers 6.2.3 Distribution of load by pavement ...... 62.4 Effective width of deck plate for floor slab or floor system. ...... i al 62.5 Minimum thickness of deck plate. 4a 62.6 Minimum thickness of longitudinal ribs . 3 62.7 Details 002-222 sere eee eae Ena eae i DIVISION 7 FLOOR SYSTEM........- we 44 7.1 SPAN LENGTH OF FLOOR SYSTEM ........- eater : 44 7.2. CALCULATION OF SECTIONAL FORCES IN STRINGERS . .. 2-060 00s00eee eee eceeees 44 7.3. FLOOR BEAMS WITH A CONTINUOUS REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB .....-..--. +--+ 45 7.4 CONNECTION OF FLOOR SYSTEM ......- tree pecteee ee 45 7.5 SWAY BRACINGS iets 45 DIVISION 8 PLATEGIRDERS .........--.++0 +++ Peete ; 46 81 SCOPE.....--. Boe eect eepaeeereee : i 46 8.2 DESIGNINGENERAL.. aoe eor . 46 8.2.1 Normal stress due to bending moments Fact seeeseees 46 8.2.2 Shear stress of the web plates due to bending ..... . wo 46 823 Criterion for consideration of torsional moment . beeen 46 8.2.4 Check for combined stresses . . Saoeee Eee ct pee 4 8.2.5 Check for biaxial stress condition... 83 FLANGES 83.1 Thickness of outstaAding portion of tension flange plates . . 83.2 Tension flanges of box girders Pers 833 Flanges with cover plates . . i 83.4 Theeffective width of flanges 66... .0e005 i 835 Slab anchors . 84 WEBPLATES 85 TRANSVERSE STIFFENERS .. 85.1 Distance and arrangement of transverse stiffeners... .. ; 8.5.2 Stiffness, steel grade and thickness of transverse stiffeners... .... 85.3 Arrangement of transverse stiffeners... .. 86 LONGITUDINAL STIFFENERS.. . 8.6.1 Position of longitudinal stiffeners... i 8.6.2 Stiffness, steel grade and thickness of longitudinal stiffeners ....... 8.7 DETAILS AT POINT OF CONCENTRATED LOADINGS . ; 87.1 Stiffeners at the point of concentrated loedings . 872 Detailsin design ....... 4. tee 8.8 SWAY BRACINGS AND LATERAL BRACINGS .......- 88.1 Sway bracings 88.2 Lateral bracings - 89 CAMBER DIVISION 9 COMPOSITE GIRDER ! 9.1 GENERAL . DAA Scope sess 9.12 Definitions of terms 913 Composite action of sab .... 9.2 DESIGN CALCULATION IN GENERAL .... 7 9.2.1 Specified comoressive strength of slab concrete for design . 60... 0.00.2 0ee sees +37 92.2 Ratio of Young's moduli. Peart 9 9.2.3 Reinforcements of slab subject to tensile stress... 00. occ eee eee cece ence eee eeeee ST 924 Effective width of slab... 60. e ee cee eeeeeeeeeeeeee eee eneene 58 9.2.5 Combined action of floor slab and main girder . ‘| a tale oe ec98: 9.2.6 Creep of slab concrete ...... : ses 58 9.2.7 Temperature difference between slab concrete and steel girder. -Ww- 9.28 Shrinkage of slab concrete 93 ALLOWABLE STRESS ...........2.0.-0.-.2.0. 93.1 Allowable stress... 2... s cee ee 93.2 Check for safety for yield . . 94 SLAB. ..... 22... 944 General... 6. : 9.42 Detail at the part of concentrated shear forces... . 943 Structural joints... . 0... 9.44 — Required compressive strength of slab concrete at the application of composite action 9.5 SHEAR CONNECTORS ...... 95.1 Types of shear connectors... 95.2 Design of shear connectors . 953. Shear force due to shrinkage of slab concrete and temperature difference between slab concrete and steel girder 9.5.4 Maximum pitch of shear connectors . . . 9.5.5 Minimum pitch of shear connectors cersOeE: 9.5.6 Allowable shear force 9.5.7 Shear connectors eround intermediate supports cone 8 9.5.8 Check of the safety for the yield of shear connectors.......... ee 959 a 96 THICKNESS OF FLANGE IN STEEL GIRDER . 97 CAMBER ...........5 DIVISION 10 TRUSS.........- 66555 101 SCOPE...... aot 102 MEMBER ....... 102.1 General 10.2.2 Composition of sections 102.3 Effective buckling length of truss compression members... 103 PANELPOINT .. 103.1 General. . 103.2 Gusset plat 104 DIAPHRAGM . a Ee ae 10.5 LATERAL BRACING, SWAY BRACING AND PORTAL BRACING . 1051 General. . 1052 Lateral bracing... 1053 Sway bracing .... 1054 Portal bracing 6.66... see eeeseeeeeeeee 106 SECONDARY STRESS IN TRUSS .. 10.7 PONY TRUSS ....... eee 10.8 CHORD MEMBER DIRECTLY SUPPORTING FLOOR SLAB 10.9 CAMBER ........00e00 eee 10.10 CHECK FOR OVERALL BUCKLING ... DIVISION 11 ARCH .. Al SCOPE... 11.2 GENERAL .....-: 113. EFFECT OF DEFORMATION ... . 114 QUT-OF ARCH PLANE BUCKLING .......... 11,5 DESIGN OF AN ARCH MEMBER . : 116 CHECK OF ULTIMATE STRENGTH .......-..- estate eed LB | 11.7 HANGER AND SUPPORT COLUMN. .. F sevens TH i 118 DEFLECTIONS Pee ™ 1 DIVISION 12 STEEL TUBULAR STRUCTURE .......- ee Pees 15 12.1 SCOPE... 122 MATERIALS... 06.06.05 123 ALLOWABLESTRESS ... 124 STIFFENERS .......... 12.5 CONNECTION OF STEEL TUBES ... 126 STRUCTURALDETAILS ....... ' 12.6.1 Direct connections ......+ 4+ 12.6.2 Flange connections . 12.6.3 Gusset connections ......... 04+ 12.64 Branch connections . 7 12.65 Details of panel points... 02.0... 0. 12.6.6 Single tubular members .... 12.67 Foldedtubes ...........5 DIVISION 13. RIGID-FRAME STRUCTURE ... 13.1 SCOPE .. . 13.2 LIVE LOADS AND IMPACT FOR THE DESIGN OF RIGID-FRAME PIERS 133 WINDLOADS . 134 EFFECT OF MOVEMENT OF FOUNDATION 13.5 OVERALL BUCKLING OF RIGID-FRAMES 13.5.1 Effective buckling length ..... erases! 13.5.2 Members in igid-frame subject to axial compressive force and bending moment . . .. 136 INCREMENT OF ALLOWABLE STRESS... .. 13.7 CHECK FOR COMBINED STRESSES .. .. . 138 DEFLECTION OF RIGID-FRAME BRIDGE . .. . 139 DEFLECTION OF RIGID-FRAME PIER «. =Vi- 13.10 EFFECTS OF HORIZONTAL DISPLACEMENT OF RIGID-FRAME BRIDGE WITH STRUTS ........ 13.11 RIGID JOINTS ... 13.12. STIFFENING BY DIAPHRAGMS AND OTHERS... . 13.13 BEARINGS AND ANCHORS, 13.14 PROTECTION AGAINST CORROSION ......-. DIVISION 14 CABLES 141 SCOPE . . eee ae ae eee 142 KINDS OF CABLES AND HANGERS . : 143° WIRES....... ade nae : 7 - 88 144 YOUNG'S MODULUS OF ROPES AND PARALLEL WIRE STRANDS ... . .. = 90 145 ALLOWABLE FORCES OF ROPES AND PARALLEL WIRE STRANDS - 90 146 ANCHORAGE .........000000000 alae Aa -91 147 CURVATURE RADIUS OF CABLES AND HANGERS . . Uefaaet piensa Od 148 SOCKETMETALS ..........005 - 91 149 PROTECTION AGAINST CORROSION ee 14.10 CABLE BANDS . . DIVISION 15 CONSTRUCTION .......- 15.1 GENERAL ISLA Scope Sela 15.1.2 Progress chart of works and execution plan . . . eee 92 15.1.3 Inspection . = 92 152 STRUCTURAL STEEL - = 93 153. SHOP FABRICATION ....... 95 153.1 Fullsize drawings «0.0... 153.2 Fabrication - 1533 Welding ....... 15.34 Shop assembling . . 153.5 Transportations and others . . .. 154 ERECTION ....,-02.00e00e00e 15.4.1 Check for stresses and deformations during erection 154.2. Safety in storage, and safety of temporary equipments and erection machinery 1543 Assembling 02.02.0060 1544 Inspection for assembling . .. 154.5 High strength bolts .......... 15.4.6 Field riveting . 15.4.7 Field welding . . 154.8 Setting of bearings... 2... —vi- 155 REINFORCED CONCRETE SLABS 155.1 General. 1552 Forms and shores ...... 155.3 Reinforcement placing . . 1554 Placing and curing of concrete 155.8 Consolidation of concrete ees 15.6 STRESS ADJUSTMENT... 2.222222 156.1 General 15462 Change of bridge length and camber due to stress adjustment... . 15.63 Stress adjustment by erection method 15.64 Stress adjustment by prestressing tendons . 187 PAINTING ..... 15.1 Conditions of painting . 18.7.2 Rust removal and cleaning 157.3 Field painting . —vii- PART Il STEEL BRIDGES DIVISION 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 11 SCOPE ‘The provisions of this PART shall mainly be applied to the steel superstructure of a bridge with span not Jonger than 200 m. 1.2 DESIGN IN GENERAL Element of a structure shall be designed as simply as possible so that fabrication, transportation, erection, inspection, painting, drainage and maintenance may easily be executed 1.3 DESIGN CALCULATION (1) On designing a structural member, the stress due tothe combination of load defined in 2.2 of PART 1 COMMON shall be checked to be less than the allowable stress which is specified in Division 2 andjor each division corresponding withthe structural type. (2) The result of design calculation shall generally have the accuracy of three effective digits. 14 ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION (1) The deflection of main girders, floor beams and stringers of a steel bridge due to the live load (excluding impact) shall be less than the value given in Table 1.4.1, However, in case of rigid frame structure, the pro- visions in Division 13 shall be applied. (2) Gross sectional area of a member shall be used to caleulate the deflection. Table 1.4.1 Allowable deflection (m) ‘Type of girder | Simply supported | Cantilever span. girder and of cantilever Structural type of bridge continuous girder firder Plate girder | Plate girder Lgl0 11/2,000 1/1200 bridge bridge with L L reinforced — eae eee concrete | OS'S“? | 20000 TzpOaE 40) 5,000 4-7) 4,500) 3500+) Note 7 + Effective buckling length of member (cm) 1: Radius of gyration for gross section of member (em) (3) Allowable flexural compressive stress of structural steel shall be as following provisions, ! 1) Allowable flexural compressive stress at the extreme fiber of a member shall be a valve given in Table 223. 2) When the allowable stress for local buckling specified in Art. 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 is les than the value given in Table 2.2.3, the allowable flexural compressive stress may be the same value as the allowable | stress for local buckling given in Table 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.2.3, irrespective the above provision 1). 3) When bending moment of both ends is different from each other and the bending moment changes almost linealy along the member between the fixed points of compressive flange, the allowable stress of the compressive flange may be increased as multiplying the values given in Table 2.2.3 by the rate of (M/Meq). However, the allowable stress shall not exceed the upper limit glven in Teble 2.2.3 nor the allowable stress for local buckling specified in Art.3.2.1,3.2.2 and 3.2.3. where, M: Bending moment at the section where stress is checked (kgf/cm?) Table 2.2.3 Allowable flexural compressive stress (kgf/cm?) Meq: Equivalent bending moment (kgficm). Whichever is larger between the results of equations (2.2.2) and (2.23). Meg = 0.6M; #04Mz os... ++ 2.2.2) FPBSROGBERRRE CEE) M,,Mz: Bending moment at both ends of a member (kgf-cm).Where,M, 2Mz, and the sign of the ending moment is defined as positive when the stress of flange to be checked is Grade of When compressive fixed by reinforced In case of box section, x section and pipe 1400~-24(4 - 4) 2100-444 ~ 3.) ‘SMSO ‘SMS8, SMASS- 1,900 2,600 | 1 1 3 gs 2,600 J : 5.0<5 $28: 2,600 -66(4 - 5.) 1,900 1 39. <5 S30 1900-19 («4 -8) 1400-12 (5-9) 2100-22 (5-7) 10 21 Risa 2600-33 (xf -10) Aw + Gross sectional area of web plate (cm?) ‘Ac : Gross sectional area of compressive flange (cm?) Distance between fixed points of compressive flange (cm) + Width of compressive flange (em) fe al Box section if a Flexural compressive stress in extreme fiber Flexural tensile stress in extreme fiber (Classification of section (4) Allowable shear stress and allowable bearing stress shall be as given in Table 2.2.4. Table 22.4 Allowable shear stress and allowable bearing stress (kgf/em*) Grade of steel | $S41,SM41, ‘SMSOY, SMS3, Kind of stress SMA4I ‘SMSO ‘SMASO ‘SMS8, SMAS8 ‘Shear stress 800 1,100 1,200 1,500 Bearing | Calculated by stress | Here's Formula 6000 7,000 a a Bearing stress ‘between stel plates aim 2,800 3,100 3,900 22.2 Allowable stress of forgings and castings ‘The allowable stress of forgings and castings which are used as bearings and other structural elements shall be as given in Table 2.2.5. crt aa © “paride oq youre axoge uaatd you OF Cy Jo sway] (py “ECC Z Sif £9 payrsods ssoupzey flour emp soup MH (E “wore poroefosd Aq poveinoteo ssans amp 01 furpuodsauioo sj ssanit aigemome ‘asta sy uy 2eVU0D oueld se popseBat aq jEYS 19eIUOD stp ‘sasayds OM UBVMIEG TO'T WENN $99] 50 SIOPULAD fom uaamag yoeIuOD ap JOF ZO'T Uetp S82] St 7°77 “BL MT UMOYS 74/12 YoY ‘soRpINS poAIND Jo ja WOD ayy 40} SY (C “saoHis a|qumoe antseaxduioa enoge oun uy parapisuoo you st Surong (I :910N, - - - o0r'e 08 gov't | opr | corr | oot | goraoa s20u 10 se o0s'9 09 o0c't oos ort | 009 oz | 009 stad s10ur 20 56 oos'y ov 008 ooe 008 oor 008 oor Sta] _wonaseg s20ur 30 O91 oos't oF cost oor'r | cost | cost | ooct | oos1 |} oses | s30u1 30 SbF 00% ost vost coor | coer | ooe't | ooc't | oot | _o0e8| roms pasony ‘s30u1 0 €9T 00s‘ OFT ost corr | oot | cost | oot | 0061 | veunoS asow 10 SPT o00'L oset ose 000° oou't o0L'T 008" oou'1 | viuWoS arom 30 SpE 000% ost't ost oot | oct | ooc't } coer | oot | 6h aos ‘our 0 $1 000'9 sO oor'z 008 ort | ort | ootr | cot | zrmos 230u 30 S21 000'9 Oso oor'e 008 ort | corr | ovr | cor | gros] paisaseo #10u130 Spt oot osz't oos'z ooo | ooc't | oot | oct | oot | vssas| s10u 30 S21 000'9 Os0'T ore 008 oor | oowr | oor | oot pars peBiog ou Ais OF dns 0 aa eae esmbot eenpiny | sone aiumeg | COS | gam sean mel MMHG. seMR | soMxdOg| oR sBut810} 50 puny ynastoy 8.21941 AG wru0s aumig | oEIUOD aug Bit ssons Sumwog ssanns eanxor ssons [ery sean Jo pury (,,u9/38)) dunseo pur sBuii10} jo sans aqEMoNY S77 qe 2.2.3 Allowable stress of welded joint and metal fasteners (1) Allowable stress of welded joint Allowable stress of welded joint shall be as given in Table 2.2.6. When a welded joint is made of different ‘grades of steel, the allowable stress for the joint shall coincide with the steel of lower grade. Table 2.2.6 Allowable stress of welded joint (kgf/em?) Grade ofstee | ssa, saat | cyi5q BMSOY,SMS3] SMSB, Type of welding Kind ofreeae) SMA ee eee ‘Shop welding | Full penetration groove | Compressive strest | 1,400 1,900 | 2,100 72,600 weld Tensile stress 1400 | 1,900 | 2,100 2,600 Shear stress 800 | 1,100 | 1200 | 1,500 | Fitlet weld and partial penetration groove | Shear stress 800 | 1100 | 1200 | 1,500 [wet Field welding Tn each case, 90% of above values shall generally be applied (2) Allowable strength and allowable stress of high strength bolts 1) Allowable strength of high strength bolts of friction type connection shall be as given in Table 2.2.7. ‘Table 2.2.7 Allowable strength of high strength bolts of friction surface per 1 bolt) (kgf) 2) Allowable shear stress and allowable beating stress of high strength bolts of bearing type connection shall bbe as given in Tables 2.2.8 and 2.2.9. Table 2.2.8 Allowable shear stress of high strength bolts of ‘bearing type connection (kgf/cm? ) Grade of bolts BST BOT ble 2.2.9 Allowable bearing stress of high strength bolts of Deating type connection (kgfem?) $841, SM41 SMSOY, SMS3 SMAS SM50 susso SM58, SMASB 2,400 3,200 3,600 4,600 (@)_ Allowable stress of rivets Allowable shear stress and allowable bearing stress of rivets shall be as given Tables 2.2.10 and 2.2.11. Table 2.2.10 Allowable shear stress of rivets (kgf/cm?) Grade of rivets Sv34 svi ‘Type of rivets Shop riveting 1,100 1,500 Field riveting 1,000 1,300 ‘Table2.2.11 Allowable bearing stress of rivets (kgf/em?) s41,sM41 | SMSO, SMSOY SMAI ‘553, sMaso__|SM58.SMAS8 sv34,sv41 svi Shop riveting 2,400 3,200 Field riveting 2.100 2,800 (4) Allowable stress of anchor bolts, pins and finished bolts Allowable stress of anchor bolts, pins and finished bolts shall be as given in Table 2.2.12. Grade of steel S841 |ssso,s30c | s3sc Kind of bo Type of fasteners ‘Shear stress | Anchor bolt 600 700 800 Pin 1,000 | 1,200 1,400 Finished bott 900 | 1,050 1,200 Flexural stress] Pin 1,900 | 2,300 2,600 Bearing stress | Finished bolt 2100 | 2,500 2,800 Pin (not subject to rotation) 2,100 | 2,500 2,800 Pin (subject to rotation) 190 | 4,250 1,400 2.24 Allowable stress of steel pipes and steel bars (1) Allowable stress of steel for a pipe structure shall be as specified in Art. 12.3. (2) Allowable stress of steel bars for reinforced concrete shall be as given in Table 2.2.13. However, allowable stress of steel bars fora reinforced concrete slab shall be as specified in Art. 6.1.7. ‘Table 2.2.13 Allowable stress of steel bars for reinforced concrete (kgf/cm?) Grade of steel bars ‘SR24,SD24 ‘SD30 Kind of stress oe 2.3. ALLOWABLE BEARING STRESS OF CONCRETE Allowable bearing stress of concrete shall be a value calculated by the equation (2.3.1). ova = (025 +0052) oc Ay but ea $ O.50cx where, Ove" Ag: Ay ck? ‘Allowable beating ses of concrete (kate?) Total area of the surface of concrete on which the load is locally loaded (cm*) Loaded area (cm?) Specified compressive strength of concrete (kgflem*) ~10- DIVISION 3 PROVISION FOR STRUCTURAL MEMBER 3.1 GENERAL PROVISION 3.1 General Element of a member shall be designed as simply as possible so that fabrication, transportation, erection, inspection, painting, drainage and maintenance may easily be executed. 3.12. Secondary stress Each member of a structure shall be designed so that secondary stress which is generated by eccentricity of the member, rigidity of panel points, sharp change of cross sections, deflection of floor beam, deformation of floor system due to the change of member length, and deflection of the member due to the dead load can be as small as possible, 3.13 Member subject to reciprocal stress If the stress due to the live load (including impact) and dead load in a member have opposite signs, the live load stress shall be increased by 30 per cents of the calculated value. When the dead load stress is less than 30 per cents of the live load stress, the dead load stress may be neglected and only the live load stress shall be considered. In this case the live load stress shall not be increased. 3.1.4 Member subject to alternating stress ‘Member subject to alternating stress of tension and compression shall safely be designed against each stress. 3.1.5. Influence of fatigue In ordinary highway bridge excluding steel plate floor, the influence of fatigue need not be considered, In special case of the highway bridge with local tramear track or railway, allowable stress shall be decreased with tio of the minirium steess to the maximum stress consideration of the influence of stress intensity, grade of steels, and number of cycles. 3.1.6 Minimum thickness of structural steel ‘Thickness of the structural steel shall conform to following provisions. However, the materials used for railings fillers and pedestrian deck are exceptional. (0) Thickness of the structural steel shall not be less than 8 mm. However, the minimum thickness of web of rolled I section and channel may be 7.5 rm. (2) Thickness of steel pipe shall not be less than 7.9 mm for main structural members and 6.9 mm for secondary members, 3.1.7. Slenderness ratio of member Slenderness ratio of a member shall not be more than the value given in Table 3.1.1, excluding for eyebar, steel rod and wirerope. -11- ‘Table 3.1.1. Slendemess ratio of member Member Slenderness ratio (1/r) ‘Compression member Main member 120 Secondary member 150 ‘Tension member Main member 200 : Secondary member 240 where [: Length of skelton for tension member of length of effective buckling length for compression member (cm) 1: Radius gyration by gross area ofthe member (cm) ‘The main member means a member used for main structure or floor system. The secondary member means a ‘member having subsidiary functions. When lateral bracing or sway bracing are designed not to have a function as ‘main members, they may be regarded as secondary members. 3.2 PLATE AND STIFFENED PLATE SUBJECT TO COMPRESSIVE STRESS 3.2.1. Plate restrained along two edges subject to compressive stress Thickness and the allowable stres for local Buckling of the plate resteained along tivo edges subject to compres- sive stress shall be as follows. However, the web plate of a plate girder is exceptional (1) Thickness of plate restrained along two edges subject to compressive stress shall be not less than the value given in Table 3.2.1. However, the thickness of the plate subject to the temporary compressive stress during, the erection shall meet the conditions given by the equation (3.2.1). ‘Table 3.2.1, Minimum thickness of plate restrained along two edges subject to compressive stress | ‘S841, SM41 SMA41 ‘SMSOY, SMS3, Grade of steel ‘sMs0 SMASO. | M58, SMASB ‘Thickness of plate bIS6f baat b/a6t b/a0r where ‘and. Baap | : cree @2U) t2b/80F + >/220 | ty Thickness of plate bb: Span between fixed edges. (See Fig. 3.2.1) Coefficient by gradiont of stress, £0.65" + 0.136 + 1.0 o @: Gradient of stress, $= 01,02: Compressive stress at each edge of the plate (kgffcm?), where 0; > 02, and compressive stress is defined as postive. (See Fig. 3.2.2) ~12- Ee Fig. 3.2.1. Span between fixed edges of plate a La] Fig. 3.2.2 Stress at edge of plate (@) Allowable stress for local buckling of plate restrained along two edges subject to compressive stress shall be as siven in Table 3.2.2. ‘Table 3.22, Allowable stress fr local buckling of plte restrained along two edges emincraen] —mabeteoroc icing eal 1400 SMA th? ob b SMAdL aanoe00 ()" : Syst iis smso 2 240,000(4) 2,100 sist SMsoY 703 $ SM53 Pare Maso raopoo(t) : kgr 2,600 : Bee M58 ae SMASB ty, be gb moot)? : Berek 3.23. Stiffened plate subject to compressive stress ‘When plate restrained along two edges subject to compressive stress is stiffened by stiffeners which conform to Art, 3.2.4 and which are arranged with equal interval, the thickness and the allowable stress for local buckling of stiffened plate shell meet the requirements of following provisions. However, the web plate of a plate girder and steel plate floor are exceptional (1) The thickness of stiffned plates subject to compressive stress shall not be less than the value given in Table 3.2.4, However, the thickness of stiffened plate subject to temporary compressive stress during erection shall meet the conditions given by the equation (3.2.2). -14- ‘Table 3.2.4. The minimum thickness of stiffened plate subject to compressive stress ‘S841, SM41, SMSOY, SMS3 | Grade of steel ‘SMA41 ‘SMSO 'SMASO ‘SMS8, SMAS8 b b > ie | eee 5ern ern Wefan Fa | b ‘2 30fa . setae w+ G22) where, ti Thickness of plate (cm) bb: Width of stiffened plate (cm) (See Fig. 32.4) 1; Number of panels separated by longitudinal stiffeners (n 2 2) fi Coefficient by gradient of stress, f= 0.65(2)' +0,13(2)+10 n m 6: Gradient of stress, 9= 2 = 22 a 061,03: Stress at each edge (kgf/em?), where 0, > 03, and compressive stress is defined as positive (see Fig. 3.2.5). Fig. 3.2.4 Width of stiffened plate Fig. 32.5 Stress at edge of stiffened plate (2) Allowable stress for local buckling of restrained and stiffened plate subject to compressive stress shall be as given in Table 3.25. -15— ‘Table 3.2.5 Allowable stress for local buckling of stiffened plate “Allowable stress for local buckling |Grade of steel (keflom?) b 1A zefns* au “| 1400-25(-%-28) + ghrysecgteg ‘SMA41 ofny? cre b 2200,000(55") Bon S' 2,600 yas! suss > beet smass | 260-67Ga-22) © age S$! con <2 a: Theoretical throat thickness Fig.42.1. Theoretical throat thickness of full penetration groove weld (2) The theoretical throat thickness of partial penetration groove weld shall be equal to the penetration depth shown in Fig. 4.2.2. 1: Theoretical throat thickness Fig. 42.2 Theoretical throat thickness of partial penetration groove weld (3) The theoretical throat thickness of fillet weld shall be equal to the length from the root of the weld to the bi of isosceles triangle whose summit coincides with the root of the weld as shown in Fig. 4.2.3. bh dh (@) Equal legs (b) Unequal legs Fig. 4.2.3 Theoretical throat thickness of fillet weld 42.3 Effective length of weld Q) Effective length of weld shall be equal to the length of the weld Line along which the theoretical throat is ~22- secured. However, when the weld line of full penetration groove weld is not perpendicular to the direction of stress, the effective length of the weld shall be equal to the projected length of the weld line on the plane perpendicular to the direction of stress. (2) When filet welding is continued around the comer beyond the end of weld line, such excessive part shall be excluded from the effective length of the weld. 424 Leg and sie of fillet weld (1) Fillet weld shall generally have equal legs. (2) Size of fillet weld to transmit stress of main members shall not be Jess than 6 mm and shall generally satisfy the equation (4.2.1). a>szvin. where, 5” Size (mm) 111 Thickness of thinner plate (mm) 2! Thickness of thicker plate (mm) E He seteeeeeees @2I) 42.5. Minimum effective length of fillet weld Fillet weld for main members shall have effective length not less than 10 times the size of the weld and 80 mm. 4.2.6 Stress of welded joint subject to axial force or shear force ‘When joints are subject to axial force or shear force, stress generated at the weld shall be calculated by the ‘equation (42.2) or (4.2.3). However, the stress in the filet weld or partial penetration groove weld shall be cal culated by the equation (42.3), irrespective of force acting on the joint, ‘Normal stress at the weld (kgf/em?) 1 Shear stress at the weld (kgffem*) Pi Force acting at the welded joint (kgf) a: Effective thickness of the weld (em) 1 Effective length of the weld (em) where, 42.7. Stress of welded joint subject to bending moment Stress of welded joint subject to bending moment shall be calculated by the equation (4.2.4) or (4.2.5), (1) Full penetration groove weld serene 424) 7 ope —23- 2) Fillet weld M rey icceccee aries 7 -425) where, o: Normal stress at the weld (kaf/em*) 17) Shear stress at the weld (kgf/em?) ‘4M: Bending moment acting at the welded joint (kgffem) J: Moment of inertia with respect to the neutral axis of a figure which is generated by developing ‘the throat thickness on the contact surface (om*) y: Distance between the neutral axis of the developed figure and the position where stress is to be calculated (cm) 4.2.8 Check of composed stress at welded joint The stress of welded joint simultaneously subject to axial forces, bending moments and shear forces shall satisfy the equation (4.2.6) or (42.7). (1) Full penetration groove weld ("sa : 426) @) Fille weld : & "44" s10 42.7) where, 9; Normal siress due to axial force and/or bending moment (kgt/em?) ‘tp: Shear stress due to axial force and/or bending moment (kgf/cm?) yi Shear stress due to shear force (kgfiem?) 0g: Allowable tensile stress (kgf/cm?) Ta! Allowable shear stress (kgffem?) 429 Butt joint In case of butt joint of main members with different sizes, thickness and width of the main members shall ‘gradually be changed, and the slope in the longitudinal direction shall not be more than 1 in $ 42.10 Lap joint (2) Fillet welded joint of two lines or more shall be used for lap joint which transmits stress, The minimum over- lapping length shall not be less than 5 times the thickness of the thinner plate. (2) When only side filet welding is applied to lap joint for members subject to axial forces, the following pro- visions shall be satisfied 1) The spacing between the weld lines shall not generally be more than 16 times the thinner plate, However, when the member is subject to tensile force only, the above multiplier shall be replaced by 20. When the spacing unavoidably exceeds the specified value, appropriate means shall be taken to prevent the plate from separating each other. 2) Length of each fillet weld shall be more than the spacing between the weld lines. -24~ 42.11 Tjoint (1) Fillet weld or the partial penetration groove weld for Toint shall be arranged on the both sides of joint. How- ‘ever when the joint is resistible against the lateral deformation, the fillet weld may be arranged on one side only. (2) Full penetration groove weld shall generally be used for the Tyjoint whose intersection angle islets than 60° ‘or more than 120°, When fillet. weld or partial groove weld is applied, they shall not be expected to transmit the stress. 4.3. CONNECTION BY HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS 43.1 General (1) Connection of members by high strength bolts shall be friction type connection, bearing type connection and tension type connection. (2) When the bearing type connection by high strength bolts is applied, sufficient consideration shall be per- formed on the place of adaption and workability, etc. (3) When the tension type connection by high strength bolts is applied, sufficient consideration shall be per- formed on allowable stress of bolts, tightening force, rigidity of the joints, distribution of stress, ete. 43.2. Bolts, nuts and washers (1) Standard types of bolts, nuts and washers for the friction type connection shall be M 20, M 22 and M 24 specified as the Class 1 end Class 2 in JIS B 1186. The coefficient of torque for a set shall be as given in Table 43.1. ‘Table 4.3.1 Coefficient of torque for a set ‘Average coefficient of torque of one i manufactured lot on consignment ee Variation coefficient of torque for ‘one manufactured lot on consignment pot onesie ene ‘Change of the average coefficient of | Not greater than 5% of the average value of torque by temperature for one the coefficient of torque on consignment manufactured lot per termperature change of 20°C eed (2) Bolts, nuts and washers for bearing type connection shall conform to requirements of the Tentative Standard for Sets of High Strength Driven Hexagon Bolt, Hexagon Nut and Plain Washer for Bearing Type Connection (971 JRA). 43.3. Length of bolts Length of bolts shall be determined so that sufficient tightening of elements shall be achieved. In case of the bearing type connection, the threads part of bolts shall not intersect the shear plain, ~25- 434° Allowable force of bolts (2) Allowable force of bolts for the ftiction type connection shall be as specified in Art, 2.23. (2) Allowable force of bolts for the bearing type connection shall be whichever smaller between the allowable shear force and allowable bearing force; each force shall be calculated by the sectional area which is determined from the diameter equal to the outside diameter of thread part of the bolt, The effective bearing area of the bolt in this case shall be equal to a product of the outside diameter of the thread part and the thickness of the plates which are connected together. 435 Design of bolts Design of bolts for connection by high strength bolts shall conform to the following provisions. (2) Friction type connection 1) As for the connecting plates subject to normal stress, bolts in each Line shall be designed so as to satisfy the equation (4.3.1). However, when the normal stress is uniformly distributed, the equation (4.3.2) shall be satisfied. 2 (43.1) where, pi: Force acting on # bolt in the ith row (kgf) : ‘Pi: Force acting on the group of bolts in the i-th row on one side of the joint line (kgf) (Fig. 4.3.1) nj: Number of bolts in the i-th row on one side of the joint line fq: Allowable force per one bolt (kgf) Bolts in the first row bentft Joint line where, t: Thickness of plate Fig. 4.3.1 Force acting on bolts (uneven distribution of normal stress) 2643.2) pp: Force acting on a bolt (kgf) Pi Force acting on the whole bolts on one side of the joint Line (kgf) (Fig. 4.3.2) ini Number of the whole bolts on one side of the joint line a: Allowable force per one bolt (kgf) ~26- @ Peobt where, t: Thickness of plate Fig. 43.2 Force acting on bolts (uniform distribution of normal stress) 2) _Asfor connection of plates subject to shear force, bolts shall be designed a0 as to satisfy the equation 433). v4.3) s BSS be cece ieee erect cers sete etic where, py: Force acting on a bolt (kg) 5: Shear Force (kgf) n: Number of the whole bolts on one side of the joint line pe! Allowable force per one bolt (kef) 3) As for connection of plates simultaneously subject to bending moment, axial force: and shear force, bolts shall be designed so as to satisfy the equation (4.3.4). p=Vap For She sees (434) where, p: Force acting on a bolt (kgf) Force acting on a bolt generated by normal stress due to the bending moment and the axial force (kel) be: Force acting on a bolt generated by shear force (kgf) pa: Allowable force per one bolt (kaf) Bearing type connection Design of bolts for bearing type connection shall conform to the Art. 44.5. ep 4.3.6. Design of splice plates a @ GB) Design of splice plates for connection by high strength bolts shal! conform to the following provisions. Splice plates connecting plates subject to tensile force shall be designed so that stress inthe net sectional area specified in Art. 4.3.7 is less than the allowable tensile stess, Splice plates connecting plates subject to compressive force shall be designed so that stress in the gross section: al area isnot greater than the upper Limit ofthe allowable compressive strest specified in Art. 22.1. Splice plates connecting plates subject to bending moment shall be designed so as to satisfy the equation 435). omty sa ‘ Pee ta tga aaa 43.5) where, 0: Extreme fiber stress of the spice plate (kgflem*) M: Bending moment acting on the splice plate (kgf-em) ‘fs Moment of inertia of gross area of the splice plate about the neutral axis (em*) ~27- y+ Distance between the neutral axis to the extreme fiber of the splice plate (em) ‘Upper limit of the allowable stress specified in Art. 2.2.1 (kgf/cm?) 43.7 Calculation of net sectional area o @) @) @ ‘The net sectional area of a tensile member shall be 2 product of net width and the thickness ofthe plate. In this case, the net width shall be the remainder obtained by subtracting the sum of diameters of bolt holes from the gross width of the plate. To calculate the net sectional area of a member, the diemeter of bolt hole shall be taken as 3 mm greater than ‘nominal diameter of the bolt. The net width of a member which is bolted in staggered way shall be the remainder which is obtained by subtracting the sum of diameters of the first bolt holes and of a value w given by equation (4.3.6) for the successive bolt holes from the gross width of the member. seve 43.6) wed Eom) veces where, d: Diameter of a bolt hole (nominal diameter of bolt plus 3 mm) (mm) : Pitch of bolts (mm) Distance between the bolt ines perpendicular to the direction of stress (mm) The net sectional area of combined sections such as T-ection or Hisection shall be calculated as a sum of net sectional area of each piece of the member as specified in above provisions. The area ofa rolled steel, shape shall be calculated as the same way as above, However, the net area of angles or channels shall be calculated in a way that ther legs are developed as shown in Fig. 4.33. 81: Distance between the bolt lines measured along the outside of angle (mm) tz Thickness of angle leg (mm) Fig.4.3.3. Development of angle 43.8 Minimum pitch of bolts Minimum pitch of bolts shall generally be as given in Table 4.3.2. But in unavoidable case, it can be reduced to 3 times the diameter of bolt. Table 4.3.2 Minimum pitch of bolts (mam) Nominal size of bolt Minimum pitch M24 85 | M22 75 M20 6 —28- 43.9 Maximum pitch of bolts (1) Maximum pitch of bolts shall be whichever smaller between the values given in Table 4.3 3. Table 4.3.3 Maximum pitch of bolts (mm) Maximum pitch of bolts ‘Nominal size of bolt P 8 M24 170 | 12 24t and not greater than 300 a2 150 | neat of staged boing St ~ 3-@and not grester M20 130 | ean 124 t: Thickness of outside plate or steel shape (mm) pi Pitch of bolts along the direction of stress (mm) g: Pitch of bolts perpendicular to the direction of stress (mm) IL Digeon of seen FP Ditin oft hay Fig. 4.3.4 Twokinds of pitch of bolts where, (2) Maximum pitch of binding bolts in tension member shall be 24t, irrespective of the provision (1). But it shall not exceed 300 mm. 43.10 Edge distance of bolts (2) Minimum distance from the center of bolt hole to the edge of the plate shall be as given in Table 4.3.4. ‘Table 4.3.4 Minimum distance from the center of bolt hole to the edge of the plate (mm) Minimum edge distance Nominal size of bolt | Sheared edge or manual | Rolled edge, planed edge or flame cut edge automatic flame cut edge M24 42 37 Ba M22 37 32 M20 32 28 (2) Maximum distance from the center of bolt hole to the edge of the plates overlapped shall be 8 times the thickness of outside plate, but shall not exceed 150 mm. ~29- @) ‘When the number of bolts in direction of stress is less than 2 in the bearing type connection, the minimum edge distance shall be as given in Table 4.3.4, and also shall satisfy the equation (4.3.7). In case of single shear epad tncueotoubieanar —za~24 where, ¢: Minimum edge distance measured along direction of the stress (cm) a; Ratio of the allowable shear stress of the bolt to that of base plate A: Nominal sectional area of the bolt calculated from the outer diameter at threads (em?) 1 For single shear, thickness of the thinner plate (em) For double shear, thickness of the base plate or the total thickness of the splice plates, which- ever is thinner (em) 43.11 Minimum number of bolts Minimum number of high strength bolts on one side of ajoint Line shall be two. 4.3.12 Beveled washers and curved washers (1) Whete the head of bolts or the surface of nutshas a slope steeper than 1/20 against the surface of base metal, beveled fillers or beveled washers shall be used so that additional eccentric stress will not be induced in the bolts. (2) Where the joint has curved surface with small radius of curvature, curved washers shall be used. 44 CONNECTION BY RIVETS 44.1 General (1) Connection by rivets specified below is defined as a joint which transmits force by shearing and bearing resistance of rivet axis. @) Rivets subject to the axial tensile force shall not be used. 442 Rivets (2). The diameter of rivets shall be designated by their nominal diameter, and shall be 25 mm, 22 mm and 19 mm in general, Their shape and dimension shell conform to JIS B 1214, unless special specification is given. (2) The diameter of rivets in angle which transmits stress shall not be greater than 0.26 times the width of the leg of the angle to be riveted. However for unimportant members, 22 mm rivets may be used for leg of 75 ‘mm angles and 19 mm rivets for 65 mm angles. 443. Rivetholes @ @) To calculate the net section of a member, the diameter of rivet hole shall be taken as 3 mmm greater than the nominal dismeter of rivet. For countersank rivets, @ reasonable value shall be reduced from the gross section with the consideration of shape of the rivet hole. ~30- 444° Allowable force of rivets a @ Allowable foros of rivets shall be whichever smaller between allowable shear force and allowable bearing force, both calculated from the nominal diameter of rivets. ‘The effective bearing area of « rivet shall be a product of the rivet diameter and the thickness of the base plate to be riveted. For calculation of effective bearing area of a countersunk rivet, one half depth of the countersunk head shall be effective. 445 Design of rivets Q) Q) @) (4) Design of rivets for connection by rivets shall conform to the following provisions, Rivets connecting plates subject to axial force or shear force shall be designed so as to satisfy the equation (44.). (44.1) ‘She Force acting on a rivet (kgf) Allowable force per one rivet (kgf) ‘Axial force or shear force (kgf) in: Number of rivets Rivets connecting plates subject to bending moment shall be designed s0 a8 to satisfy the equation (4.42). (442) ah yt. ore cee where, p: Force acting on a rivet (kgf) Allowable force per one rivet (kes) Bending moment (kgf-em) ‘y¢ Distance between the rivet and the neutral axis E: Sum in respect of rivets on one side of the joint line ‘ya: Distance between the most outside rivet to the neutral axis, but in case of rivets connecting the flanges at the same joint, the distance between the neutral axis and the extreme compres- sive or tensile fiber of the flange (cm) Rivets connecting plates subject to combined force of axial force, bending moment and shear force shall be designed so as to satisfy the equation (4.4.3). VO pt PM! FOF Ste ecto where, pp: Force per one sivet by axial force (kgf) py: Force per one rivet by bending moment (kgf) by: Force per one rivet by shear force (kgf) be: Allowable force per one rivet (ket) so 443) When splice plates are indirectly used or fillers are used at a connection, the provisions 4.4.10 and 4.4.11 shall be satisfied -a1- 44.6 Design of splice plates ‘The provision 43.6 shall correspondingly be applied to design spice plates in connection by rivets. 44.7 Calculation of net sectional area ‘The provision 4.3.7 shall correspondingly be applied to calculate net sectional area of connection by rivets. 44.28 Pltch and edge distance of rivets (Q) The provisions 4.3.8 and 4.3.9 shall correspondingly be applied to the maximum and minimum pitch of rivets, respectively. (2) The provision 43.10 shall correspondingly be applied to the edge distance. But, the provision 43.10 (3) need not be applied. @) The diameters of rivets of 19 mm and 25 mm shall respectively correspond to the nominal sizes of bolts of 1M 20 and M 24 jin the above provision (1) and (2). 449° Minimum number of rivets ‘Minimum number of rivets on one side of a joint line shall be three. However, racing bars or handrails and so on are exceptional. 44.10 Indirect splices ‘Where splice plates are indirectly used, number of rivets shall be increased by 30% for each intervening plate. 4411 Fillers (1) When fillers are placed between members or pieces of members, the following provisions shall be applied to design rivets. 1) When the filler is not thinner than 6 mm, number of rivets shall be increased by 30% of the number for the connection without filers. When the thickness is less than 6 mm, the number of rivets need not be Increased. 2) When the filler is not thinner than 9 mm, itis recommended thatthe filler be extended towards outside ‘and the rivets which are increased by the above provision 1) be used to connect the filler and the member. (2) Overlapped use of two or more fillers shall preferably be avoided. 44.12 Long rivets (1) When the grip length of rivet is more than 4.5 times the diameter, the number of rivets shall be increased at least by 0.7% for each additional 1 mm in the length from the number of rivets specified by provision 4.4.5. (2) When the grip length of rivet exceeds 6 times the diameter, special consideration shall be made, ~32- 45 Q @ GB) CONNECTION BY PIN Members in a connection by pin shall be held against lateral movement, and adequate means shall be taken against loosening of nuts, Design of the pin shall conform to the following provisions, 1) The diameter of the pin shall be not less than 75 mm. 2) The finish length of the pin shall be not less than the outer width of the member plus 6 mm. Lomus nuts or hexagonal ordinary nuts with washers shall be used at the both ends of the pin, Members with pin holes shall conform to the following provisions, 1) Difference in the diameter of the pin and the pin hole shall generally be 0.5 mm for a pin less than 130 mm in diameter and 1 mm for that not less than 130 mm. 2) The net sectional area of a pin-connected tension member at the pin hole shall be not less than 140% of the sectional area required by calculation, and the net sectional area of the member back of the pin hole shall be not less than 100% of the calculated area, 3) The thickness of the web ofa tension member with & pin hole shall not be less than 1/8 of the net width. -33- 51 Qa) @ @) 4) 32 a) Q) @) $3 DIVISION § SWAY BRACING AND LATERAL BRACING GENERAL ‘Sway bracings and lateral bracings shall generally be used for bridges. When the deflection of main structural members due to dead load is considerably large, influence of deforma- tion of main members upon the sway and lateral bracings shall preferably be considered. When the provisions about sway and lateral bracings are given in each division for the design of main structures of the bridge, these provisions shall be satisfied. ‘The design of sway and lateral bracings shall conform to provisions in each division corresponding to the structural type. DETAILS OF SWAY AND LATERAL BRACING ‘When the double diagonal system is used for sway or lateral bracings, the intersections of the members shall be connected each other. ‘The minimum size of angles for sway and lateral bracings shall be 75 mm x 75 mm. When the main structures are analyzed as two-dimension structures and sway or lateral bracings are designed to be truss members, the bracing may be regarded as secondary members from the viewpoint of the slenderness ratio specified in Art. 3.1.7. END SWAY BRACING ‘The end sway bracings (including portal bracings) which can smoothly trensmit the total lateral load acting ‘on the upper lateral bracing to the bearings shall generally be placed at the supporting points of a bridge. ~34- DIVISION 6 FLOOR SLAB 6.1 REINFORCED CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB 6.1L Scope (1) This seetion shall be applied to the design of reinforced concrete floor slab which is consist of steel bars for soncrete reinforcement and concrete specified in Art. 3.1 and 3.2, PART I: COMMON and the ratio of the length of shorter span to that of longer span is not Jess than 1/2. (2) The provisions in PART III: CONCRETE BRIDGES shall be applied for the items which are not specified in this section. 6.12 General (2) Ratio of Young's modulus of reinforcements and concrete used in reinforced concrete floor slab shall be 15 ‘except for the calculation ofthe action of slab as a main beam in a composited girder. (2) When @ reinforced concrete floor slab is designed in accordance with this section, check for shear force may be omitted. 6.13 Span length of floor slab @) Span length of a simply supported floor slab or continuous supported floor slab for the T-loading and dead load shall be the distance center to center of supporting girders measured in the direction of main reinforce- ‘ments. In case of a simple span, if the value of the clear span measured in the direction of main reinforce- ‘ments plus slab thickness is less than the distance center to center of supporting girders, the former value may be taken as the span length, Distance center to center fof supporting girders p ‘Slab thickness 5 Clear span Fig. 6.1.1 Span length of simply supported slab (2) Span length of a cantilever floor slab for the Toading and dead load thall be measured from the midpoint of outstanding flange of the supporting girder as shown in Fig. 6.1.2. Cone neh Sites seg eT a sath wae ‘Span length for dead food me angth of dtd load (@) For main reinforcement (b) For main reinforcement Parallel to traffic perpendicular to traffic Fig. 6.1.2 Span length of cantilever slab =35- 6.14 Design bending moment of floor slab (Q) Design bending moment per unit width (1 m) of a slab subject to Toading (including impact) shall be caleu- lated by the equation given in Table 6.1.1, However, in the design of bridge where lage vehicles for one disec- tion per day in the estimated traffic volume are not less than 1,000, bending moment shall be increased 20% over the value calculated by the equation given in Table 6.1.1. ‘Table 6.1.1 Design bending moment per unit width (1 m) of floor slab due to T-loading (including impact) (kgf-m/m) ono | Roc th pn perpen t ie Forth spin ple! w wae rymoran | Saetntnn |\ ouesonot | Being ronean | Brdgmonetn | Bmagmenmnm | tnd ones Poningmoneat | “Sactonorenn” | hector odbc: | “recone mam | dct of arb = ‘enon ntcanest | —renfacenent” | buon sifomet sor wensed [arinenonen | ociga | veinteaane | viotroone | reztsonne | +oueaoor Comins | Bede 0% of he wo sont eave | are wae fr ont ican srr ices srr | sep trp ows a) we) =) = +0Rot eae | + Gane we fr 4 ferupl pened | snp pre fare st) sn) dng [ae ihe ase (ai ihe ve monet | aete Teeamptrmepotes | ~ sem mepare | = ee lee so) a) trp 7 . Cais | Sepa aaa = octgis | aaaToB 7 pee Navtare = Tis ron = roa oor where, Li Span length of flor sab for T4oading specified in Art. 6.1.3 (m) P: One rear wheel load of Toading specified in Art. 2.1.3, PART I: COMMON (kgf) For Ist class bridge: P= 8,000 kef For 2nd ciass bridge: P = 5,600 kef (2) Design bending moment of a floor slab per unit width (1 m) due to uniform dead load may be calculated by the equation in Table 6.1.2. Table 6.1.2 Design bending moment per unit width (1 m) due to uniform dead load (kgf+m/m) Bending momentin | Bending momentin | Type of ab Kind of bending moment rection of main | direction of dist- reinforcement | bution reinforcement Simply supported sab | Bending moment through span ol? Cantilever sab Bending moment at support, ola Continuous slab Bending moment | End span +oL*/10 through span ; oe Intermediate Felts Negligible Bending moment | 2 spans =o at support Nash More hn ~ovt0 LN ‘where, Li Span length of floor slab for dead load as specified in Art. 6.1.3 (m) ‘2: Uniform dead load (kgf/m?) —36- { 8) }) When stiffness of girders which support a floor slab differ remarkably from each other, Table 6.11 and 6.1.2 shall not be applied to the design of the floor slab. In this case, design bending moment shall be calculated considering the difference of stiffness of girders which support the floor dab, (4) _ Design bending moment of a floor slab due to the transverse thrust acting on pedestrian rallings and collision 6. @ foree acting on traffic railings shal be specified in Art. 4.2.1 and 4.2.2, PART I: COMMON, respectively. 115. Minimum thickness of floor slab }) Minimum thickness of a floor slab in the roadway portion shall be the value given in Teble 6.1.3, but not ess than 16 cm in any case, Minimum thickness of a cantilever slab shall be the value for the thickness h shown in Fig. 6.1.3, ‘Table 6.1.3 Minimum thickness of floor slab in the roadway portion (em) Direction of siab span ‘Type of slab Perpendicular to traffic Parallel to traffic ‘Ist class bridge | Simply supported slab 4L+1 6SL+13 Continuous stab 3L+11 5L+13 -Cantileversab O0.25 BL +21 2nd class bridge 3 om less than the values of Ist class bridge where, L: Span length of a floor slab for T-losding specified in Art. 6.1.3. (@) For main reinforcement (b) For main reinforcement perpendicular to traffic parallel to traffic Fig. 6.1.3, Minimum thickness h of cantilever slab (2) Minimum thickness of a floor slab in the sidewalk portion shall be 14 em. 6.1.6 Kind and arrangement of reinforcement (1) Deformed bars shall be used as reinforcement and their diameters shall generally be 13, 16 and 19 mm. (2) Cover of reinforcement shall not be less than 3 cm. @) Spacing of reinforcements shall not be Jess than 10 cm and not more than 30 em. However, spacing of main tension reinforcements shall not exceed the thickness of a floor slab. @) Amount of reinforcements in compression area of the section shall generally be at least one half the amount of reinforcements in tension area. ~37- (5) When main reinforcements are bent in a continuous slab, they shall be bent at the point of L/6 from the support as shown in Fig. 6.1.4. However, not less than 80% of tension reinforcements of a floor slab around the midpoint of span and not less than 50% of tension reinforcements around the support shall not be bent ‘and shall be placed continuously, Here, L isthe center to center distance of supporting girders. Fig. 6.1.4. Position of bent of main reinforcement for continuous slab (6) The amount of distribution reinforcements in a floor slab may be changed along the direction of span. In this case, amount of reinforcements can be calculated as the product of the amount of distribution reinforcements specified in Art. 6.1.4 and the factors in Table 6.1.4. Table 6.1.4 Factors for calculating the amount of distribution reinforcement in floor slab For floor slab whose span is For floor slab whose span is parallel perpendicular to traffic to traffic Continuous or simply | Cantileverslab without | Continuous or simply supported slab sidewalk ‘supported slab Cantilever slab a Uys, ont 6.1.7 Allowable stress of reinforcement Allowable stress of reinforcements for a floor slab shall be given in Table 6.1.5. Table 6.1.5 Allowable stress of reinforcement (kgf/em*) ee Allowable tensile ‘Allowable compressive | stress stress sD24 1,400 1,400 | $D30 1,400 1,800 6.18. Specified compressive strength of concrete Specified compressive strength ogy of concrete for a floor slab shall conform to the following provisions. (1) Not less than 210 kgf/cm? shall be taken when composed action of concrete with steel girders is not con- ~38- Q@) ‘The provision 9.2.1 shall be applied when composed action of concrete with steel girders is considered. 6.19 Allowable stress of concrete Qa) @) Allowable bending compressive stress of concrete for a floor slab shall be 1/3 of the specified compressive strength og for design when composed action of concrete with steel girders is not considered. However, it shall not exceed 100 kgffem? ‘Allowable stress of concrete for a floor slib shall conform to the provisions in Art, 9.3.1 when composed action of concrete with steel girders is considered. 6.1.10 Haunch of floor slab a @ @) ‘A floor slab on supporting girders shall generally be provided with haunches. ‘The slope of haunches of a floor slab shall preferably be less than 1:3. When the slope is greater than 1:3, the effective thickness of a floor slab shall be regarded as the depth limited by the slope of 1:3 as shown in Fig. 615. Effective thienest foffioor lab Fig.6.1.5. Effective thickness of floor slab at haunch ‘When the depth of haunch is not less than 8 cm, additional bars perpendicular to the girders shall preferably bbe placed along the bottom of the haunch. In this case, the additional bars shall not be less than 13 mum in diameter and their spacing shall not be more than twice the spacing of lower reinforcements of @ floor sab perpendicular to the gitders atthe haunch. 6.1.11 Floor slab at the end of girders Q @ 8) [A floor slab of roadway portion at the end of girders shall preferably be supported by end floorbeams, end brackets and others. In this case, end floorbeams or end brackets shall be able to resist the wheel load independently. When a intermediate slab between gicders is not supported by end floorbeams or others at the end of girders, design bending moment due to the Toading (including impact) shall be twice the value given in Table 6.1.1, ‘Art. 6.144 within the range from the end of girders to one half of span length of a floor slab. Generally, the amount of reinforcements within the range may be double amount of those required for the intermediate slabs exclusive of the area around the end of girders, When a cantilever slab around the end of girders is not supported by end brackets, design bending moment due to the T-oading (including impact) shall be twice the value given in Table 6.1.1, Art. 6.1.4 within the range ~39- 62 62.1 Scope from the end of girders to the span length of a floor slab for dead load. Generally, the amount of reinforce- iments within the range may be double amount of those required for cantilever slabs exclusive of the slabs around the end of girders. STEEL PLATE FLOOR This section shall be applied to design of steel plate floor which is stiffened by longitudinal and transverse ribs and on which pavement is placed. 62.2 Design in general @) @) ‘When a steel plate floor works as a part of main girders, the following provisions shall be satisfied in design. 1) steel plate floor shall be checked whether it is safe against both of two actions as follows, i) Action asa part of main girders fi) Action asa floor slab and floor system 2) A steel plate floor shall be checked whether it is safe against two actions in item 1) simultaneously. In this case, stress due to most severe loading condition for the steel plate floor shall be calculated for each action at first, then sum of the stress shall be checked by allowable stresses given in Table 621. Table 6.2.1 Allowable stress for simultaneous action as main girders and as floor slab and floor system Grade of steel Allowable stress (kgf/em?) ‘$841, SM41, SMAI 2,000 ‘SM50 2,700 ‘SMSOY, SMS3, SMASO 3,000 ‘SMS8, SMAS8 3,700 Design of a steel plate floor asa floor slab and floor system shall conform to the following provisions. 1) Live loads shall be specified in item (1) in Art. 2.1.3, PART I: COMMON. 2) Impact coefficient shall be as follows. 1) Longitudinal ribs: i= 0.4 i) Transverse ribs: where, L: Span length of transverse ribs 3) Where large vehicles for one direction per day in the estimsted traffic volume are not less than 1,000, the section force shall be determined by multiplying the calculated value in item 1) and 2) by coefficient siven by the equation (6.2.1). ~40- 4) ke12 es) kr12-U-4) @10) where, L: Span length of a member (m) Stress in Longitudinal ribs due to one vehicle of the T-loading (exclusive of impact) shall not exceed the allowable stresses given in Table 6. ‘Table 62.2 Allowable flexural tensile and compressive stress due to one vehicle of Tosding (kgf/cm?) Grade of steel Seen suso | SMSOY-SMS3 | suse, sMASB Members and weldings ee Base steal 1,400) 1,600 1,600 ‘Shop weld | Finished ful penetrating peste 1,400 1,600 1,600 1,600 Unfinished full penetrating coal 1,900 1,000 1,000 1,000 Cross rib fillet weld” 900 900 900 900 Continuous longitudinal? aura 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 Field weld 80% of above value in general 1) Fillet welding perpendicular to the continuous base steel extending along the direction of stress 2) Continuous filet welding in the direction of stress 6.2.3. Distribution of load by pavement Distribution of load by pavement shall not be expected for the wheel load acting on a steel plate floor. 6.24 Effective width of deck plate for floor slab or floor system Effective width of a deck plate on one side as the flange of longitudinal ribs or as the flange of transverse ribs shall be calculated by the equations (6.2.2) and (6.2.3). These equations shall be used according to the Table 6.2.3. ned 4<005) as(a-2@y}o d=0.151 o3s4) heb dx{106-32by+45 Py }e @.02<$<030) A=0.151 -4i- 095<2<030) | eects 002) (o30¢4) +623) Where, A: Effective width on one side of deck plate (em) 2b: Pitch of longitudinal or transverse ribs (cm) : For the closed type ribs, as shown in Fig. 6.2.1 1: Equivalent span length (cm) 2h th 2h : AAA A EEE Fig. 6.2.1. Pitch of closed type ribs Table 6.2.3 Effective width of deck plate as floor slab or floor system Effective width on one side Member Portion Equivalent Remarks Equation Notation | ebeusea | ‘Paneth Longitudinal rib A 623 Ost f= ata rT sme 1 | om 623 L : @/ x, 623 OL, 2 ©, ® aL 6.23 0.6L, tae st Continuous i Transverse] support | @ as, 623 |02(,+L,) ib ' @) os, ¢a3 load tla) (DO interpolate between the effective widths ©® at both ends ® a, 6.23 Ls cantiever | @ | oy, 623 L part a @ | Inepolate between the eective widths at both ends 6.2.5 Minimum thickness of deck plate ‘Thickness t (mm) of a deck plate shall not be less than the value calculated by the equation (6.2.4). Roadway portion {#0035 butt2 2mm : vevevses (6.24) eee hata t= 0.025 -b, but (210mm where, b: Pitch of longitudinal ribs (mm) —42- 6.2.6 Minimum thickness of longitudinal ribs ‘The minimum thickness of longitudinal ribs shall be 8 mm. However, if the environmental condition of corro- sion is not severe or enough care against corrosion can be taken, the minimum thickness of longitudinal ribs for closed type may be 6 mm. 62.7 Details (1) Asteel plate floor shall be designed so as to minimize distortion due to welding. (2) Connected part between longitudinal ribs and transverse ribs shal be designed so as to transfer the shear stress surely from longitudinal ribs to transverse ribs. Longitudinal ribs shall preferably be continued through the ‘webs of transverse ribs except special cases. ~43- DIVISION 7 FLOOR SYSTEM 7.1 SPAN LENGTH OF FLOOR SYSTEM (1) Span length of stringers shall be defined as the distance between the centerlins of adjacent floor beams in the direction of the stringers (see Fig. 7.1.1). Flor Floor beam stringed beam Lu (Stringer cr Floor Flor Floor Floor ‘beam beam beam beam Fig. 7.1.1 Span tength of stringers (2) Span tength of floor beams shall be defined as the distance between the centerlines of the web plates of ‘adjacent main girders in the direction of floor beams (see Fig. 7.1.2). Niecaalé UR) Fig. 7.1.2 Span length of floor beams 7.2. CALCULATION OF SECTIONAL FORCES IN STRINGERS (@) Bending moments and shear forces of stringers on which live loads are acting through a continuous reinforced concrete slab may be calculated with assumption that the slab acts asa simply supported beam. (2) Maximum bending moments due to live loads of continuous stringers which have almost the same span length ‘and flexural rigidity may be the values as given in Table 7.2.1. Table 7.2.1 Bending moment of continuous stringers (kgf-m) End span 0.9Mo Intermediate span 0.8Mo_ Intermediate support Lsn 0.7Mo | L> 2 -(0.22 + 0.04L)Mo | where, Mo: Banding moment at the midpoint of span as simply supported beam (kgf-m) L: Span length of stringer (m) —44- @) 4 13 When item (2) of 7.2 is not applied to the calculation of bending moment at the intermediate support of continuous stringers, Art, 2.1.3 of PART Il COMMON SPECIFICATIONS shall be applied with Toadings as much as possible. In this case, impact may be negligible. Shear forces of continuous stringers shall be calculated with assuming them as simply supported beams. FLOOR BEAMS WITH A CONTINUOUS REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB When @ continuous reinforced concrete slab without stringers is directly supported by floor beams which have almost the same flexural rigidity, the loads for the calculation of bending moments and shear forces of floor ‘beams shall be as the reaction on the floor beams which is calculated with assuming the floor slab as a simply sup- ported beam, 14 wo @ @) 1s CONNECTION OF FLOOR SYSTEM ‘When stringers are connected on the flanges of floor beams, the connection shall be designed so as to secure sufficient stability of stringers in lateral direction, ‘The connection of brackets shall be designed so that the stresses due to bending moments will be smoothly transferred to the stringers, floor beams and diaphragms. ‘The combined stresses at the connection between the stringers and the floor beams due to bending moments and shear forces arid the combined stresses of flanges due to multi-axial forces shall be checked in accordance with Art, 8.24 and 8.2.5 respectively. SWAY BRACINGS, Sway bracings shall be placed between the stringers in accordance with Art. 8.8. =45— DIVISION 8 PLATE GIRDERS 8.1 SCOPE ‘This division shall be applied to the design of superstructures, main structures of which are girders with full ‘web I sections, x sections and box sections mainly subject to bending moments and shear forces. 82 DESIGN IN GENERAL 8.2.1 Normal stresses due to bending moments ‘Normal stresses due to bending moments shall be calculated by the equation (8.2.1). However, normal stress in a tension flange with bolt- or rivet-holes shall be increased with multiplying the values from equation (8.2.1) by the ratio of the gross sectional area to the net sectional area of the tensfon flange. see een nee ee nnnees (82.1) where, 4: Normal stress due to bending moment (kef/em?) : M: Bending moment (kgf/cm) 1: Moment of inertia about neutral axis of gross section (cm*) y: Distance between neutral axis and the point considered (cm) 82.2 Shear stresses of the web plates due to bending ‘Shear strestes of web plates due to bending may be calculated by the equation (8.2.2). ea (8.2.2) where, ry! Shear stress due to bending (kef/om*) S: Shear force due to bending (kgf) yy: Gross sectional area of web (em*) 8.2.3. Criterion for consideration of torsional moment Where torsional moments cannot be neglected in the structural design, total shear stress due to pure torsion and torsional warping, and normal stress due to torsional warping shall be considered. However, when the torsional constant ratio x satisfies x <0.4, stress due to pure torsion can be neglected and when x > 10, stress due to torsional warping may be neglected. In the case of a grid structure with F-section main girders, resistance of the girders against torsion and stresses due to pure torsion and torsional warping of the girders may be neglected. —46- OK kerf Els cede ee eee ee teers es B23) 1: Span Jength for torsion (cm) G: Elastic shear modulus (kgflom*) K: Constant for pure torsion of the section (cm*) Young's modulus (kgf/em?) Iw: Torsional warping constant ofthe section (em*) 8.2.4 Check for combined stresses (1) Where the normal stress and shear stress due to bending are greater than 45% of allowable stress specified in Art, 2:2.1 at the section only subject to bending moment and shear due to bending, the equation (8.2.4) ‘hall be satisfied for the loading conditions where bending moment and shear force due to bending are maxi- ‘mum respectively. (2) Where the torsional moments are considered, the equation (8.2.5) shall be satisfied for the loading conditions where bending moment and shear force due to bending are maximum respectively. y+ (Ly S12 a oS% + (B25) St a: 0, + 9, (katlem*) rity tt ty (katfem?) 9,: Normal stress due to bending moment (kgf/cm?) ‘Ty: Shear stress due to bending (kgf/em?) Shear stess due to pure torsion (kgffem?) ‘Normal stress due to torsional warping (kgf/cm?) Shear stress due to torsional warping (kgt/em*) Allowable tensile stress specified in Art 2.11 (kaffem?) : Tg! Allowable shear stress specified in Art, 2.1.1 (kgflem?) a47- 8.2.5 Check for biaxial stress condition ‘Stress in the portion of main girders where biaxial stresses are generated such as at the direct connection of the flanges of main girders and flanges of beams in rigid frame, shall be checked to satisfy the equation (8.2.6), ye & ce “em senses 8.26) +i sia Te where, 4, dy: Normal strestes generated in mutually perpendicular direction in the portion to be checked, where tensile stress and compressive stress defined as positive and negative, respectively (kgf/em*) t: Shear stres in the portion to be checked (kgf/em?) 0g: Allowable tensile stress specified in Art, 2.2.1 (kgffem*) ‘Allowable shear strest specified in Art. 2.2.1 (kgf/om?) 83. FLANGES 83.1 Thickness of outstanding portion of tension flange plates The thickness of outstanding portion of tension flange plates shall not be Jess than 1/16 of the outstanding length of flange irrespective of steel grade. 8.3.2 Tension flanges of box girders ‘The thickness of tension flange plates of box girders shall not be less than 1/80 of the distance center to center of the web plates. Where flange plates are stiffened with sufficiently rigid stiffeners, the distance mentioned ‘above may be replaced with the distance center to center of the stiffeners. 8.3.3. Flanges with cover plates Q Q) @) (4) (s) © om When a flange is made of two layers of steel plates, the cover plates shall generally be single. ‘The thickness of the cover plates shall conform to following items (see Fig. 83.1) 1) The thickness of the cover plates shall not be greater than 1.5 times flange thicknest. 2) The thickness of the cover plates subject to compressive stress shall not be less than 1/24 of their width. 3) The thickness of the cover plates subject to tensile stress shal! not be less than 1/32 of their width. ‘The length of the cover plates shall not be less than 1 m plus twice the depth (m) of girder. ‘The cover plates shall be extended beyond the theoretical end by the terminal distance. The terminal distance shall not be less than 30 cm, and not less than 1.5 times the width of the cover plates, ‘The cover plates subject to tensile stresses shall be extended to the section where stress in the flange without cover plates is not greater than 90% of allowable stress. Continuous filet weld of uneven legs shall be applied around the end of the cover plates. The details of the ‘welding shall be shown in Fig. 83.2. ‘Art, 8.3.1 shall be applied to the design of the flanges. ~48— ape iad Compression flange: ry & 1.5t, and, 1, 2 B/24 Wv Tension flange: tr, & 1.54, and, ty 2 8/32 Fig. 8.3.1 Thickness of the cover plate 2 8 slo wv ww O4rand, @ 2 7mm mv 10rand, ¢ 2 100mm Vv B and, r 2 10mm Fig. 8.3.2 Details of welding around the end of cover plate 8.3.4 ‘The effective width of flanges ‘The effective width 4 of Manges on each side of web plates forthe calculation of stresses and deformation shal be as given in equations (8.3.1) and (8.3.2). The application of these equations shall be as given in Table 83.1. : dee * 4 $002) 4 = 106-324) +454 71> @02<4<030) fp... woes (832) i = 01st 30 $4) where, 1A: Effective width of flanges on each side of web plate (cm) (Fig. 8.3.3) b: 1/2 of the distance between web plates or outstanding length of flange at cantilever (cm) (Fig. 833) 1: Equivalent span length (om) (Table 8.3.1) —49- Fig. 83.3 Effective width of flange Table 8.3.1 Effective width of flanges on each side of web plates Effective width on each side 2 Remark Portion |Viotation | Applied | Equivalent naa tobeuied | equation | span length ‘Simply 4 ppponed a ML (63.1) L a a he ti. _] Continuous | Ma 0.8L, beam (63) My 06; a aS, 632) 0.2L, +L) T 1" 832 MS 0.2 (Ls +L) [Ts fuspst, Linear interpolation between effective otehie | widths of both end My, Z 1 i o 99 0 83.1 Xa ee O8L; Pat 1 ve] Pat] Sy (@32) 2a t tT 8.3.5. Slab anchors Flanges which contact with concrete slabs without shear connectors shall have slab anchors. 84 WEB PLATES ‘The thickness of web plates for plate girders shall not be less than the values given in Table 8.4.1. When the calculated stress is less than the allowable stress, the value of corresponding denominator in Table 8.4.1 may be Linear interpolation between effective o lo es widths of both end multiplied by /A/B. But the above multiplier shall not be greater than 1.2 where A + upper limit of allowable compressive stress due to bending B calculated compressive stress due to bending —s0- t i 1 i | i i i i Table 8.4.1 Minimum thickness of web plates for plate girders Steel grade For girders without longitudinal stiffeners For gitders with single longitudinal stiffener For girders with double longitudinal stiffeners where, b: Clear distance between flanges (cm) Fig. 8.4.1 Clear distance between flanges 8.5 TRANSVERSE STIFFENERS 8.5.1 Distance and arrangement of transverse stiffeners (Q) When the clear distance between upper and lower flange is greater than the value in Table 8.5.1, transverse stiffeners shall be placed on web plates. When the calculated shear stress is less than the allowable shear stress, the value in Table 8.5.1 may be multiplied by allowable shear stress/calculated shear stress. But the multi- plier shall not be greater than 1.2. Table 8.5.1 Maximum clear distance between flanges when transverse stiffeners may be omitted ss4 SMSOY M58 Peeper rene oe SNL MSO SMS3 SMAAL SMASO SMASS ‘Clear distance between upper and lower 70 60t sit sot | flanges where, ts Thickness of web plates ~s1- (2) The distance between transverse stiffeners shall be determined s0 as fo satisfy the following equations. But, apbS15. » ay 3 For girder without longitudinal stiffeners He 1 a< oor” "S86 *Goraoeat eases Kaeted b o EE 2) 7 Ga" "Saw erent § sa For girder with single longitudinal stiffener feces Gear” "S60" * bees f 7 ( sues eerie wo0r” “S506 porawamy S!GSom 7 For plder with double longitudinal stiffeners ® ° r : is — ee a eee 25! i” "ss? invent +» ef — a cg Goo” « 31,500” dean oat 1st b eee areeariey where, a: Distance of transverse stiffeners (em) b: Width of web plates (cm) 1: Thickness of web plates (em) a: Comprestive extreme fiber stress in web plates (kgt/em?) ri Shear stress in web plates (kgf/em?) 8.5.2 Stiffness, steel grade and thickness of transverse stiffeners (1) The moment of inertia J, of a transverse stiffener calculated according to the provision (4) in Art, 3.2.4 shall satisfy the equation (8.5.7). be ZO Wem cece cress see ere ee G51) where, te Thickness of web plates (crm) b: Width of web plates (em) Yung? Required celative stiffness ratio of transverse stiffeners = 80 oy Tung 7 89 (OF —32- a: Distance of transverse stiffener (em) (2) The width of transverse stiffeners shall not be less than SO mm plus 1/30 of the depth of web plates, (G) The grade of steel for transverse stiffeners may be SS 41, irrespective of the grade of steel used for web plates. (A) The thickness of transverse stiffeners shall not be less than 1/13 of their width. 8.5.3. Arrangement of transverse stiffeners (1) Whese transverse stiffeners are placed on one sion flange shall be welded each other. (2) Where transverse stiffeners are placed on both sides of the web plate, the transverse stiffeners and the com- pression flange shall be welded each other or make a tight fit. of the web plate, the transverse stiffeners and the compres- 8.6 LONGITUDINAL STIFFENERS 8.6.1 Position of longitudinal stiffeners Approximate position of longitudinal stiffeners shall generally be 0.20 b from the upper flange for the single longitudinal stiffener type and 0.14 b and 0.36 b for the double longitudinal stiffeners type. Compression sie i ‘Tension side Fig. 8.6.1 Position of longitudinal stiffeners 8.6.2 Stiffness, steel grade and thickness of longitudinal stiffeners (1) Moment of inertia of a longitudinal stiffener calculated according to the provision (4) in Art. 3.2.4 shall satisfy the equation (8.6.1). (8.6.1) where, Thickness of web plates (em) b: Width of web plates (cm) Yvreg:» Requited relative stiffness ratio of longitudinal stiffeners @ amg * 30(-) a: Distance between transverse stiffeners -s3- (2) Steel grade and thickness of longitudinal stiffeners shall be determined for the maximum stress generated at the portion of the web plate where stiffeners are placed. 8.7 DETAILS AT POINT OF CONCENTRATED LOADINGS 8.7.1. Stiffeners at the point of concentrated loadings (1) Transverse stiffenere shall be placed at the point of concentrated loadings such as supports of main girders ‘and connections of floor beams, stringers or sway bracings. (2) Transverse stiffeners shall be designed as e colums subject to axial compressive force in accordance with following items. a a a column shall be the sum of sectional area of stiffeners and the sectional 1) The effective sectional area of the web plate which is within the range of 12 times the thickness of the web plate from the connection with stiffeners. The total effective area, however, shall not exceed 1.7 times the sectional area of stiffeners. 2) Radius of gyration for calculation of ellowable stress shall be obtained about the axis through center line of the web plate. Effective buckling length shall be 1/2 of the depth of the girder. 7 [Not greater than 247 a Not less than 247 Fig. 8.7.1 Effective width of web plate subject to concentrated loadings 8.7.2. Detailsin design (1) The connection of stiffeners and web plete shall be designed on the assumption that the stiffeners are subject to the whole concentrated loadings. (2) The stiffeners on the supports shall generally be placed symmetrically on the both sides of the web plate and shall generally be extended to the both outer edges of the flanges. The stiffeners on the supports shall be welded to the flange which transmits forces, The stiffeners at the point of concentrated loadings exclusive of supports shall be welded to the flanges which are subject to trans mitted forces, 88 SWAY BRACINGS AND LATERAL BRACINGS 8.8.1 Sway Bracings (1) __ End sway bracings shall be placed between main girders on the supports of plate girder bridges. (2) A plate gisder bridge with I sections or 7 sections shell have intermediate sway bracings at intervals which are not greater than 6 m and not greater than 30 times the width of flange. This provision shall preferably be applied to a box girder bridge. —54- (3) When floor slabs are supported by 3 or more gitders and the span of these girders is greater than 10 m, rigid floor beams for load distribution shall be arranged between these girders. The spacing of the floor beams for load distribution shall not exceed 20m, (4) Sway bracings which are expected to distribute the loadings shall be designed as main members. (5) A through type plate girder bridge shall have the knee brace plates or the likes which connect the floor beams to the transverse stiffeners of main girder to resist against lateral deformation. In this case, every members such as knee brace plates or stiffeners shall be designed for the lateral force equal to 1% of the maximum axial { force in compression flange through the span. This axial force shall be assumed to act at the connection of each floor beam in the plane of the compression flange and perpendicularly to the flange, Even if the strength of knee brace is not expected, the length of free edge of knee brace plate shall not exceed 60 times the thickness of the plate, In this case, the distance between fixed points to be used foe the calculation of allowable bending stress for : compression flange shall be the distance center to center of the knee braces. Fig. 8.8.1 Free edge of knee brace 8.8.2 Lateral bracings (1) Plate girder bridge with I sections shall generally have both upper and lower lateral bracings in order to transfer lateral loads smoothly to the bearings. (2) When girders of a deck type plate girder bridge are connected to steel deck floor or reinforced concrete slab } to sesist lateral deformation, the upper lateral bracings may be omitted. | (3) When the span is not greater than 25 m and rigid sway bracings are placed, the lower lateral bracings may be } omitted. ; Howerer, for a curved bridge, they shall not be omitted. : 89 CAMBER (2) Plate girders with span length not less than 25 m shall generally be cambered. (2) Cambers shall be considered so as to compensate the deflection due to the dead loads. -55- on 94d DIVISION 9 COMPOSITE GIRDER GENERAL Scope ‘This division shall be applied to the design of a composite girder. 9.1.2 Definitions of terms qQ Q) 8 a) 6) © ‘Terms in this division shall be defined as follows, Composite girder: ‘The structure composed of steel girders and a reinforced concrete slab (hereinafter called as “slab") connected firmly to the flanges of the steel girders by appropriate shear connectors so that they can work as one body. Effective width of slab: ‘The width of the slab of a composite girder which may be used for ealeulation of sectional area of the compo- site girder. Ratio of Young's moduli: A ratio of Young's modulus of steel to that of concrete, Ratio of peripheral length: ‘The ratio of the total peripheral length of reinforcements to the sectional area of concrete at the section of asad, Coefficient of creep: Coefficient of creep is defined as a ratio of the final strain to the elastic strain. (Creep, 1s time dependent strain in concrete under sustained load.) 2 plastic deformation Shear connector: Mechanical means which are placed on the flange of a composite girder to connect the concrete of slab and steel girder so that they ean work as one body. 9.13 Composite action of slab Qa) Q Composite action of a slab shall be considered as shown in Table 9.1.1 in the calculation of sectional stress of a main girder. For calculation of elastic deformation and statically indeterminate force, the composite action of a slab con- crete shall be considered irrespective of Table 9.1. -56- Teble 9.1.1 Composite action of slab Sign of bending Calculation of composite action Application moment Pout Section ofa alab concrete shall be considered asa part of the Fl ae section of girder When design ismade in the | Section of slab concrete shall : sounpion tate etn | became na petot te | i of concrete slab subject to | section of gitder { tensile stress is effective } —— When design ismade in the | Only section of longitudinal | assumption thatthe section | reinforcements in a slab con- i of concrete slab subject to _| crete may be considered as a i tensile stress is not effective | part of the section of gisder i t 9.2 DESIGN CALCULATION IN GENERAL ' 9.2.1. Specified compressive strength of sab concrete for design ! Specified compressive strength of slab concrete for design oa shall not be less than 270 kgflem?. However, for | prestressed slab, og shall not be less then 300 kgffem?. i i | 9.22. Ratio of Young's moduli : In calculating elastic deformation, statically indeterminate force and stress in a main girder, the ratio of ! ‘Young's modulus of steel to that of concrete shall generally be 7. t 9.2.3. Reinforcements of slab subject to tensile stress (1) The minimum amount of reinforcements in a slab subject of tensile stress shall be determined by the following. provisions 1) When concrete section is assumed to be effective in the design of a slab subject to tensile stress, the ‘minimum amount of longitudinal reinforcements shall be calculated by the equation (9.2.1). T Maz eee Om see O21) where, ‘Ag: Sectional area of longitudinal reinforcements (cm*) T: Total tensile force acting on the slab (kgf) oq: Allowable tensile stress of reinforcements specified in Art. 6.1.7 (kgffem?) 2) When concrete section is neglected in design of a slab subject to tensile stress, the minimum amount of longitudinal reinforcements shall be 2% of sectional area of concrete. In this case, the ratio of peri- pheral length of reinforcements shall preferably not be less than 0.045 em/em?, and the reinforcements arranged for the floor slab may be considered as a part of longitudinal reinforcements. —57- mi (@) Reinforcements shall be extended beyond @ point where the sign of bending moment due to the dead load ‘changes and shall be anchored in the compressive zone of the slab concrete. 9.2.4 Effective width of lab Effective width of a slab shall be determined by Art. 8.3.4. However, and b shall be measured as shown in Fig. 9.2.1, and in this case the slope of haunch from a horizontal line shall be assumed to be 45°. Fig. 9.2.4 and b for calculation of effective width 9.2.5 Combined action of floor slab and main girder (1) Aad shall be checked to be safe for exch following action, 1) Action as a floor slab. 2) Action as a partial section of a main girder. : (2) Slab shalt be checked to be safe even when the two actions mentioned in (1) are considered to act simul- taneously. In this ease, the stress due to the most severe loading condition may be calculated for each action ‘and then the sum of these stress may be checked. However, the stress in the longitudinal reinforcements subject to positive bending moment due to the main girder action need not be checked for the combined actions. 9.2.6 Creep of slab concrete ‘When sustained load are acting on the slab conrete as composite section, the creep coefficient y for the calculation of stress generated by creep of slab concrete shall generally be 2.0. 9.2.7 Temperature difference between slab concrete and steel girder (1) Temperature difference between slab concrete and steel glider shall generally be 10°C for the standard condition, but when extraordinary temperature difference is expected, special consideration shall be taken. (2) Temperature distribution shall be assumed to be uniform in slab concrete and in steel girder respectively. (G) Coefficient of thermal expansion a of slab concrete and steel shall be 12 x 10°*. 9.2.8 Shrinkage of slab concrete In calculating stress due to shrinkage of slab concrete, the final shrinkage ¢, shall generally be 20 x 10°* and the creep coefficient y, shall generally be as p: = 29; = 4.0. —38— 7 9.3 ALLOWABLE STRESS 9.3.1. Allowable stress Allowable stress for concrete and steel in 8 composite girder shall be determined by the following provisions, (2) Allowable compressive stress for slab concrete shall be as given in Table 9.3.1. Table 9.3.1 Allowable compressive stress for slab concrete Combination of loads Allowable stress (kgffem*) Principal toad 1) Action as floor slab 2) Action as a part of main girder 43.5, but not greater than 100 3) Simultaneous action of 1) and 2) The value in column 1.1) be increased by 40% 2. | Principal load + Temperature difference between slab | The value in column 1.1) be increased ‘concrete and steel girder by 15% 3. | Immedeate after prestressing ‘The value in column 1.1) be increased by 25% (2) When the section of concrete of a slab subject to tensile stress is assumed to be effective in design, the allowable tensile stress of a slab concrete shall be as given in Table 9.3.2. Table 9.3.2 Allowable tensile stress for slab concrete Combination of loads Allowable stress (kaf/em?) For upper or lower extreme Oqx/15, but not greater fiber of stab than 25 1 | Principal load For the midpoint of slab ex/25, but not greater thickness than 15 2. | Live load, Principal oaa ° exclusive of impact Principal load + Temperature 3 | difference between slab ‘The value in column 1 be increased by 15% concrete and steel girder 4 | Load during erection 44/40, and not greater than 10 (3) Allowable stress of reinforcements shall be as specified in Art. 6.1.7, However, the allowable stress may be increased by 20% when the combined action of main girder and floor slab Is considered in accordance with the provisions in Art. 9.2.5, (4) Incremental coefficient for allowable stress of steel girder shall be as given in Table 9.3.3 irrespective of the provision 2.1 —39- Table 93.3. Incremental coefficient for allowable stress of steel girder Incremental coefficient (%) Combination of load Positive bending | Negative bending moment portion | moment portion 1. | Principal load exclusive of influences of creep and shrinkage 0 + | For compression extreme fiber 1s 2. | Principal load : For tension extreme fiber 0 0 Principal load + Tempera- | For compression extreme fiber 30 15 3. | ture difference between floor slab and steel girder | For tension extreme fiber 15 15 For compression extreme fiber 25 25 4 | Load during erection For tension extreme fiber 2s 25 9.3.2 Check for safety for yield ‘A composite girder shall be designed so as to satisfy the provisions in item (2) for combination of loads specified in item (1). i (1) The most severe combination for the check shall be determined from the followings. 1) Live load and twice the impact 2) 1.3 times the dead load 3) Load by prestressing 4) Influence of creep of concrete 5) Influence of shrinkage of concrete 6) Influence of temperature difference (2) 1) Stress in extreme fiber of steel girder and tensile stress of longitudinal reinforcements shall not be more than the values given in Table 9.3.4. Table 93.4 Yield stress of steel for check of safety (kgf/em?) ssa SMSOY | gysg sM41 SMs0 SMs3 eines p74 sD30 SMAdL SMA5O 2,400 3,200 3,600 4,600 3,000 2) Stress in extreme fiber of steel girder and tensile stress of longitudinal reinforcements shall not be more than the values given in Table 9.3.4 94 SLAB 94.1 General Design of e slab shall conform to the provisions in division 6 as well as this provision, —60- 9.4.2 Detail at the part of concentrated shear forces (1) Reinforcements for the shear force and normal tensile stress generated in the slab shall be arranged at the part where shear force concentrate (2) Reinforcements shall be not less than 16 mm in diameter and shall be arranged near the neutral plane of the sleb with a spacing of not greater than 15 em. (3) Reinforcements shall be arranged in the range not less than 1/2 of the distance of main girders in each direction parallel to and perpendicular to the main girder. 9.43. Stuctural joints Structural joints shall not be formed in slab concrete. 9.44 Required compressive strength of slab concrete at the application of composite actions When the composite actions are appliec, compressive strength of slab concrete shall not be Jess than 80% of specified compressive strength for design dcx. 9.8 SHEAR CONNECTORS 9.5.1 Types of shear connectors Shear connectors shall generally have 3 types of (1) stud, (2) combination of channel and hooped bar and (3) combination of steel block and hooped bar. 9.5.2. Design of shear connectors (A) Shear connectors shall be designed for the case when shear force which is generated between the steel girder and slab concrete by the combination of loads is maximum. (2) _Asfor the design of shear connectors, allowable stress shall not be increased, 9.5.3. Shear force due to shrinkage of slab concrete and temperature difference between slab concrete and steel girder (1) Shear connectors shall be placed at the free edges of slab within the range equal to the distance of main birders (where distance of main gitder is greater than L/10, the range shal be L/10) in order to resist the shear force due to shrinkage of slab conerete and temperature difference between slab concrete and steel girder. (2) In designing shear connectors, the total amount of shear force shall be assumed to have trianguler distribution which provides the maximum value on support, as shown in Fig. 9.5.1, -~61- Fx 29, (Total shear force) where, a: Distance of main girders L: For simply supported girder: L= span length For continuous girder: L= total length of spans Fig. 9.5.1. Distribution of shear force 9.54 Maximum pitch of shear connectors ‘The maximum pitch of shear connectors shall be 3 times the thickness of slab concrete, but not greater than 60m. 9.5.5 Minimum pitch of shear connectors (1) In case of stud type ‘The minimum longitudinal pitch shall be 5 d or 10 cm and the minimum transverce pitch shall be d + 3.0 em, where d is the diameter of shank of the stud. The minimum clear distance between the shank of a stud and the ‘edge of the flange shall be 2.5 cm. (2) Incase of combined type of block or channel with hooped bars ‘The minimum longitudinal pitch shall be as follows. Whenw 2 hs 3.5w Whenw |(oumpro | corm | xsuow on | eauom| ‘n2vens| oon | uonezuord “wisuans|oreup| von | voneduory “wisuans| soup Tn | uimtens | susp me -stuora| soy omNeL| -xtvors | -HcO1H “mBEL| mTUEN| -xvOrE | gL] EAL) meTUON | —-xtvorg| sway | FRMUON | wn ican oe on Saat | we ten sersetl] 900 sysno nen ‘aed spun SR] ooo ra] evo: oa} oor | ee * + wor sayeadh symp] sneaat syoep | seid revo ex “a5 TN ‘ea TON “ied 300 syuna| yeep ee aeg 3 a ae tie a ee seieaid] 9008] 00's mp] coos | ten] oor you pat yor | ou TON, sateaa eden] sea Eevem | ssieect can TON “ae "9 “aie oN “di eg ee reven me ou por me] 900 per ea] soo 070 ou pu + you * ana ecum| ieee Ecuen | sere oN ea cy Bie | caw) | cua cou ox) | (axa) ww | cau) | (wou seupunor setsurmp| —seoupun jou | ssupunor Smo paswepu| — jeurweN| —" yomo|meump uy — fearon |" Joan0 rep Ho zost 9 sit ya se ours gorse aes 1 pays ze ~ 29 SuMS PHE SUSE D SiC paynoed® Ca ~ C9 HAS POF OH | ot 00 p00 ‘dor ends ‘dor puens sewed piepens -sprepunss aujmooy a 0) wroyuoo AOU EUS spuENS am fe pesado 10) 2H SWIM et —e8— “iow yeuou stn ius ava panos = asim am Fusoddns £q pourngo 99 nr SunP00 out 30 tomo GOR MOTO 93 305 2808 ‘ouoyep © o moe 20:08 OAL “popu am Sep om UF aos ap JO soypes Jo UONDOMp ath at 2H JO WY aH Aa PavENpLT 24 AWS ata POUNO}ep € Jo oe (EUG UL: “spourdus ajquodsar oxy kq pouosdde oq neyE Aq “sprepuns yo AmmwUNE aTe sKOgE sTU=ILCD 2g, ‘310 ~s9- ay stom vem appa pur] syed you yn Hat oad iy aoa wopara sa 7 7 Z ga Leeder ame] rou oo aio aid jomed 0 =F ba ‘aeRO ice 09 o¢=00 omen oa =F 08 =F ove. (00:£=09% Somme) ove out Dero ou oaFROs ow o=087 row a sir 09 OF E=00E, 09%, oF E00, ost (07-007 ov o0'e=097 ov Ore=097 ost 007-097 oz oto ow oe-art oe os Toor i (ash Gum, ou 30 a int09 30 Conwy) ‘hune0s 30 omy Suny 30 (om) | een r@emumumdy | ssoumpTemuoN | Naan UREA | iewmPTeeoN | 1aRoK UUme | soup TeTION | MRE ono syawmp op tun 5 01 feebo ‘roam yooupom pu © pope sos porns se owes 1 on poasojop 19g ys 9S ee iS are a) ei or puens se owes -x9 a poumnpop ang yes a arse owes ait voue patarpoq oun ane | moe oz ob sst fa | - | soct | enn oyun fart orn] ost oz ssa son |s2130N | ~ 097 cy oy | oul a a ma || sor | onal vmn | atal sor | veh | op een no L on or salion | sarion} “osc| seu | orion | surmost | 9 ‘(enunuoy) 144 YOUNG'S MODULUS OF ROPES AND PARALLEL WIRE STRANDS ‘Young's modulus for effective crost-sectional area used in design shall generally be as given in Table 14.4.1. However, strand ropes and spiral ropes shall be used after pretensioning, Table 14.4.1. Young's modulus of ropes and parallel wire strands Kind of rope ‘Young's modulus (kgffem*) Strand rope Spiral rope Parallel wire strand 145 ALLOWABLE FORCES OF ROPES AND PARALLEL WIRE STRANDS (1) Allowable forces of ropes and parallel wire strands shall be calculated by dividing the breaking load by safety factor. (2) The breaking load of ropes and parallel wire strands may be calculated by multipulying the tensile strength of the wire by the coefficient in Table 14.5.1 and the effective cross-sectional area, ‘Table 14.5.1 Coefficients for the calculation of breaking loads of ropes and parallel wire strands from the tensile strength of wires actor Strand rope (IWRC) Strand rope (comaterial core) Spiral rope Parallel wire strand (3) Safety factors of cables and hangers for the principal load shall be as given in Table 14.5.2. “Table 145.2 Safety factors of cables and hangers Cable ‘Straight portion Curved portion Hanger (4) Safety factor for the combination of various loads shall be obtained by dividing the value in Table 14.5.2 by the incremental coefficient of allowable stress in Art. 2.1 (2). ~90- 146 ANCHORAGE (Q) Sockets shall generally be used for the anchorage of cables and hangers. However, the main cables of suspen- sion bridge erected by the air-spinning method shall be anchored by strand shoes. (2) Strength of sockets shall be not less than the strength of cables. 147 CURVATURE RADIUS OF CABLES AND HANGERS (1) A saddle shall be placed at the bent point of cable. The curvature radius of the saddle shall be not less than 8 times the diameter of the cable. (2) Hangers shall not be curved in general, but in an unavoidable case, the curvature radius shall be not less than 5.5 times the diameter of the hanger. @) The radius of strand shoe shall generally be not less than $0 times the diameter of the wire. 148 SOCKET METALS Pure zine or Zn98Cu2 alloy metal shall generally be used for socket metal 149 PROTECTION AGAINST CORROSION Wrapping shall generally be carried out on main cables of suspension bridge and cables of cable stayed bridge. Special considerations for water-proofing shall be required on the portion of bands, saddles and anchorages. 14.10 CABLE BANDS (1) Cable bands shall have such details so as to bind cables uniformly and to reduce the loss of the binding force as possible. (2) Safety factor of cable bands against slip shall generally be 4.0. ~91- DIVISION 15 CONSTRUCTION 15.1 GENERAL 15.1 Scope ‘This Division shall be applied to the construction of the steel bridge designed in accordance with the spe- cifications in up to Division 14, When the construction cannot be executed as specified in this Division, safe ties in the design shall separately be examined. 15.1.2. Progress chart of works and execution plan (2) Progress chart of works ‘The following items shall generally be contained in progress chart. 1) Design of detals or verifiation of design 2) Procurement of structural steels 3) Fullsize drawing 4) Fabrication 5) Welding work 6) Procurement of manufactured goods such as cast stel, east iron, bolts, rivets, are stud dowels and others 7) Shop assembling 8) Shop painting 9) Transportation 10) Erection 11) Field painting 12) Sleb works (2) Execution plan ‘The following items shall generally be contained in execution plan. 1) Materials and parts 2) Fabrication (ful size drawing, cutting, processing, welding) 3) Shop assembling 4) Shop painting 5) Transportation ©) Erection 7) Slab works 8) Field painting 15.1.3 Inspection ‘The items of inspection shall generally be chosen from the following items considering complexity of struc. ture, kinds of materials and other conéitions. 1) Materials 2) Full ize drawings (including steel tape calibration) : 3) Manufactured goods such as bolts, rivets, are stud dowels -92- 152 a@) @Q eo ® © 4) Welders 5) Welding apparatuses ©) Welding works 7) Welded portions 8) Members and parts (bearings, expansion joints, drainage equipments, and others) 9) Shop assembling 10) Shop painting 11) Erection (field joints, dimensions at erection, and others) 12) Field painting 13) Slab (forms, reinforcing bars, accuracy of finished slab and others) 14) Completion STRUCTURAL STEEL ‘Structural steels shall be collated with mill sheet in order to prove the conformity to the specifications. When different grades of steel are used for a bridge, steel shall be identified by appropriate means such as color marking corresponding to the grade of steel to avoid confusion. The discrimination of steels by color ‘marking shall generally be as given in Table 15.2.1. ‘Steel shall be carefully stocked with the consideration of preventing it from rusting and being damaged. Permissible variation of thickness of steel plates shall conform to Table 4, permissible variations of thickness in JIS G 3193-1977 Dimensions, Weight and Permissible Variations of Hot Rolled Steel Plate and Steel Flats”, and permissible deviation in negative side shall not be greater than 5% of thickness of the plate as specified in note 1) of Table 4. ‘The surface defects shall be repaired as specified in Table 153.11 in Art, 15,33. The thickness of plate after repairs of surface defects shall be within the permissible variation of plate thickness specified in (4). —93— Table 15.2.1 Standard of color marking for discrimination of steel Combination of colour Gade of stee! Pattern of marking Color Spec. of color $841 White N95 1 stripe S50 Blue 2.5PBS/6 1 steipe sma] A 1 stripe B Green 565.516 2stripes c 3 stripes smso | A 1 steipe B Yellow 2.8Y 8/12 2 stripes c 3 stripes smsoy | A 1 stripe Yellow Red (Orange) 2.5YR 6/13, B 2 stripes sms3 | B 2 stripes Pink 25R65/8 c stripes smss | Q 1 stripe N Red sRa/13 2 stripes R 3 stripes smat | A 1 silver stripe and No spee. 1 teen stripe for silver, A B Silver-Green 5655/6 1 silver stripe and for green 2 green stripes c 1 silver stripe and 3 green stripes smaso | A 1 silver stripe and No spec. 1 yellow stripe for silver, B Silver-Yellow 25¥e13 I silver stripe and | for yellow 2 yellow stripes © I silver stripe and 3 yellow stripes smass | Q 1 silver stripe and No spec. I red stripe for silver, N Silver-Red SRa3 1 silver stripe and for red ‘2 red stripes R 1 silver stripe and 3 red stripes No grade steel Black (spec. of color N1.S) stripe ot no marking -94- Ed Note 1) The indication of color is based on JIS Z 8102 (Colour Name) and specification of color is designated in accordance with JIS Z 8271 (Specification of Colours Accordint to Theit Three Attributes). 2) The pattern of marking shall generally be applied at the one edge section of the steel with ines by appropriate means. The width of a colour marking line shall not be less than 10 mm, Examples: For SMA SOB steel plate For SM 41B H-Type Steel et Silver Yelow 153 SHOP FABRICATION 153.1 Full size drawings Necessary full size drawings shall preferably be prepared before the fabrication to check erros in design drawings and anticipated troubles in fabrication. 15.3.2. Fabrication (1) Plan of plate cutting Cutting of plate for main members shall generally be planned so as to make the direction of main stress coincide with the roll direction, (2) Marking When material is marked off, scar by chisel or punch shall not generally be given on the surface which wall remain after completion as ever. (3) Cutting 1) Automatic gas cutter shall be used for the cutting of main members. 2) Gas cut surface or ges finished groove surface shall have better conditions than those shown in Table 15.3.1, Table 15.3.1 Conditions of gas cut surface [Kind ofmember | ___Main member ‘Secondary member [__sucfece roughness!” Not greater than SOS ‘Not greater than 1008 Notch depth?) ‘Notch shall not exist Not greater than 1 mm Slag ‘lag in shape of lump is scattering and sticking but easly removable ‘without scars. Melting of top edge Slightly rounded off but in smooth condition Note 1) Surface roughness is as specified in JIS B 0601 “Definitions and Designation of Surface Roughnes and SOS denotes 50/1,000 mm of surface roughness. 2) Notch depth is defined as the depth from the top edge of notch to the bottom of it. ~95— 4) fo} © m 3) Fillers, tie plates, shapes, gusset plates and stiffeners of not greater than 10 mm in thickness may be cut by shear. However, when remarkable torn edge, burrs on surface or ragged edge is observed along the cut line, these defects shall be completely removed to make smooth finish by trimmer or grinder. In this ‘case, the conditions of the surface shall be better than those given in Table 15.3.1. Planing Surface roughness of the planed stee} shall not be greater than 0S. Boring 1) The hole of specified dlameter shall be bored by drill or combination of drill and reamer. However, the pieces which are for secondary members not greater than in thickness, may be punched, 2) Templates shall be used for the boring up to the specified diameter before shop assembling. 3) Burrs around the hole by boring shall be ground off, Cold forming In case of bending of plates for main member without heat, the inner radius shall generally be not less than 15, times the plate thickness. Hot forming Hot formint of SM58Q and SMASBQ shall generally be forbidden, 153.3 Welding a @ @ ‘Welding work 1) Welding work shall be carefully executed after checking about following items so as to satisfy the required qualities of joint. 1) Grade and characteristics of steel 48) Welding method, groove type, welding materials and their characteristics fil) Accuracy of fabrication and assembly of the parts to be welded, and cleanness and dryness of joint face iv) Desicestion of welding materials ¥) Welding conditions and welding sequence 2) Shop welding shall be executed indoors or under equivalent conditions. Welders 1) Welders shall have qualifications corresponding to the works to be done among the qualifying exami- nation specified in JIS Z 3801 “Standard Qualification Procedure for Welding Technique”, or shall have equivalent or higher qualification, However, the welder who is engaged in semi-automatic arc ‘welding shall have qualifications corresponding to the works to be done among the qualifying exami- nations specified in JIS Z 3861 “Standard Qualification Procedure for Semi-Automatic Are Welding Technique”, or shall have equivalent or higher qualification, 2) Welder shall have experiance of welding works for more than 6 months and shall have been engaged in ‘welding in the concerned shop continuously for more than 2 months previous to the work. Confirmation test on welding procedure 1) When welding falls under following items, confirmation test on welding procedure shall generally be done. -96-

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