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past simple & past continuous

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1. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous forms of the verbs in
a. Were you watching (watch) the football match on TV when I phoned (phone)?
b. The teachers spoke (speak) when you arrived (arrive) to school.
c. We (not like) the movie. It was boring.
d. I (not listen) to music last night. I studied (study) Chemistry.
e. She had (have) a shower when you (knock) at the door.
f. They
(not go) to the theatre last month. The tickets were all sold.
travelled (travel) on Saturday, we
h. While Chris and Jane
(prepare) the party for their arrival.
i. The children sang (sing) some songs last week, at the Christmas Festival.
j. Yesterday, I (hear) a strange noise while I (put on)
my pyjamas.
k. We wrote (write) notes in class, when the Headmaster came (come) in.
l. What you did (do) last Tuesday at 11 p.m.?
2. Underline the correct answer.
a. While my mother [cooked / was cooking], she [watched / was watching] TV.
b. We [slept / were sleeping] in our bedrooms at 6 o’clock.
c. The boys [played / were playing] baseball when it [started / was starting] to rain.
d. My cousin [had / was having] dinner when the telephone [rang / was ringing].
e. When I [got / was getting] up, my father [read / was reading] the newspaper.
f. Emilio [fell / was falling] when he [painted / was painting] the wall.
g. The doctor [examined / was examining] my eyesight yesterday.
3. Complete the following text with the Past Simple of the Past Continuous forms of the verbs in
I was (be) with some friends and we (run) in a race. It was a marathon.
There (be) hundreds of runners around us, men and women, and it
(be) extremely hot. As we (cross) a bridge over a river, I
suddenly (notice) that everyone in the race(have) the same face, even my
friends! They were all the same person! I (want) to stop, but there
(be) so many people behind me that I
(have to) keep running. Then I (wake up) screaming.
Add a question-tag to these sentences:
1. He is late this morning, ?
2. The hotel was quite good, ?
3. She cooks well, ?
4. You can’t tell the difference, ?
5. They always sleep after lunch, ?
6. You’re coming with us, ?
7. Mary plays football, ?
8. You didn’t have any lessons this morning, ?
9. Ann is on holiday, ?
10. The students see it everyday, ?
11. Mr Priestley doesn’t know your father, ?
12. There are lots of cars here, ?
13. I am not disturbing you, ?
14. Tom does his work very well, ?
15. This isn’t very pleasant, ?
16. She likes quiet places, ?
17. Tom doesn’t play the piano, ?
18. They didn’t hurt the child, ?
19. There were two car accidents yesterday, ?
20. Tourists used to come here, ?
21. You haven’t got a computer, ?
22. You don’t have to follow him, ?
23. He has to fill a form, ?
24. He didn’t have to choose one, ?
25. He has your ticket, ?
26. Everything is all right, ?
27. He has got to leave, ?
28. Smoking ruins our health, ?
29. Most people cannot go to Africa, ?
30. Finding a job isn’t easy, ?
What are they doing? - Choose a verb from the box and describe the pictures. Use the Present


....................................................... ....................................................... We

....................................................... I ....................................................

....................................................... You ...............................................


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......................................................... I .....................................................

4. Write the -ing form of the verbs below and complete the table.

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