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e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 329–340

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Ecological restoration design of a stream on a college

campus in central Ohio

Jung Chen Huang, William J. Mitsch ∗ , Li Zhang

Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, School of Environment and Natural Resources,
The Ohio State University, 352 W Dodridge Street, Columbus, OH 43202, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Straightened stream channels and altered and drained wetlands have adversely impacted
Received 21 January 2008 streams and rivers throughout Midwestern USA, where some of the most dense drainage
Received in revised form and riparian ecosystem alteration in the world have occurred. A segment of Grave Creek
14 July 2008 on The Ohio State University’s Marion (OSU Marion) campus in Ohio, USA, with its lack
Accepted 14 July 2008 of riparian ecosystems, illustrates the transformation of a natural fluvial ecosystem to
an unstable and “simplified” aquatic environment that requires continued maintenance
and provides little value to the surrounding landscape or to the university. However, the
Keywords: straight ditch, available adjacent riparian land and existing hydric soil give OSU Mar-
River restoration ion a great opportunity to demonstrate a project of stream and wetland restoration on
Self-design a college campus. To restore the natural ecological stability of OSU Marion’s “back yard”
Wetland restoration and to provide habitat improvement to Grave Creek and its surrounding landscape on
Restoration costs the OSU Marion campus, we have designed a restoration of 1.1 km of Grave Creek mean-
Riparian restoration dering to the east of the existing sewer, using the two-stage channel techniques, and
Floodplain restoration about 0.6–0.8 ha of adjacent wetland. We estimate that restoration on this scale will
Stream channel cost about US$ 200,000–300,000, not including monitoring of the results. To fulfill this
project, it is likely that an opportunity for using this restoration in a stream/wetland
loss mitigation will present itself in this region of Ohio while a long-term pre- and post-
construction monitoring plan and more detailed design would be expected as the next
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2002). However, river channelization and floodplain wetland

drainage have been widely practiced throughout the Midwest
In a natural or undisturbed state, rivers can be recognized in the U.S. to create a deepened and straightened chan-
as linear corridors in which water flows play a key role nel to maximize conveyance, eliminating lateral connections
in connecting various landscape patches (Junk et al., 1989; between river channels and riparian/floodplain systems. The
Malanson, 1993; Ward, 1998), which is emphasized as ‘hydro- Flood Pulse Concept (FPC) (Junk et al., 1989; Junk, 1999; Tockner
logical connectivity’ that operates on the four dimensions of et al., 2000) emphasizes exchange between a river and its
fluvial hydrosystems: longitudinal, lateral, vertical, and tem- floodplain as the key factor determining the function of both
poral (Amoros et al., 1987; Ward, 1989; Amoros and Bornette, the river and its adjacent riparian ecosystems. Strategies for

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 614 292-9774; fax: +1 614 292-9773.
E-mail addresses:, (W.J. Mitsch).
0925-8574/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
330 e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 329–340

stream restoration usually involve promoting higher levels of

physical dynamism in streams that have been dammed, lev-
eed, or channelized (Schmidt et al., 1998; Shields et al., 2003b)
and more recently are beginning to emphasize reconnecting
streams to their floodplains.
There are many illustrations of stream and river restora-
tion design at different scales, including small streams in
northwestern Mississippi (Shields et al., 1997) and central Ohio
(Ward et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2005), riparian and water
quality restoration of streams in South Carolina (Paller et al.,
2000) and southwestern Spain (Garcia-Novo et al., 2007), dam
removal impacts in Ohio (Gillenwater et al., 2006; Tomsic et
al., 2007), and major river channel and riparian restorations of
the Kissimmee River in Florida (Mitsch and Jørgensen, 2004)
and the Stensbaek and Skern Rivers, Denmark (Brookes, 1987;
Pedersen et al., 2007a, b). Shields et al. (2003a) describe stream
corridor restoration research and practices as applications of
ecology and engineering that, while “beset by problems that
lead to poorly controlled or uncontrolled experiments,” are
opportunities for combining “the rigor of the ecologist and the
judgment and pragmatism of the engineer.”
This paper describes a stream and riparian wetland
restoration design based on ecological engineering principles
(Mitsch and Jørgensen, 2004) for a channelized ditch on a col-
lege campus in central Ohio, USA. The ditched segment of
Grave Creek on The Ohio State University at Marion (OSU Mar-
ion) campus with its lack of riparian ecosystems illustrate the
transformation of a natural fluvial ecosystem to an unstable
and “simplified” aquatic environment that requires contin-
ued maintenance and provides little value to the surrounding
landscape or to the university. The objective of our study was
to identify an ecological restoration strategy for the creek that
could improve water quality and biological integrity of the
creek and provide an outdoor aquatic laboratory for students
and classes at Ohio State Marion in concert with the master
Fig. 1 – Grave Creek watershed with The Ohio State
plan of OSU Marion campus.
University Marion campus study area and reference stream
locations indicated.

2. Site description

Grave Creek, located on the eastern edge of the OSU Marion agricultural land use areas. Outside the channel at the site,
campus in Marion, Ohio, USA is a first order stream arising in nonexistent to narrow (<3 m wide) riparian buffers are found
northeastern Marion County (Fig. 1). It was first channelized within a mixture of land uses including farmland and the Ohio
decades ago and is maintained by the Marion County Engi- State Marion campus. To involve the design with characteris-
neer’s Office, which mows the creek every year but dredges tics of natural rivers in the same watershed, a reference site
the channel only on request. Mowing impedes the recovery was selected site downstream between Richland Pike Road
of any riparian forest along the creek, while dredging dis- and Columbus-Sandusky Road (Fig. 1), which was referred to
turbs the stream habitat of fish and invertebrates. Grave Creek as the segment with better biological stream health by Ohio
joins with Riffle Creek just before flowing into the Olentangy EPA (1998) with an IBI (Index of Biotic Integrity) value (40–23)
River near Waldo. The total area in the Grave Creek watershed and QHEI (Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index) score (70–27).
(including Riffle Creek) is 73.8 km2 , composed mainly of agri- There are at least seven darter species present at the reference
culture and a low-density residential area with a high-density site, while a large population of pollution-tolerant creek chubs
commercial area just upstream of the study site. The segment is found at the study site (OEPA, 1998)
of Grave Creek that runs through the OSU Marion campus The main soil types at the site are Pewamo silty clay loam
(1.1 km) begins as the creek enters the north under State Route (Pm) along the creek and in depressional areas, and a mix of
95 (SR95) and leaves the campus at Marion-Edison Road (Fig. 1). Glynwood silt loam (GwB) and Blount silt loam (BoA and BoB)
Approximately 15.5 km2 of land are within the Grave Creek along both sides of the creek (Fig. 2), indicating slow infiltration
watershed upstream of the OSU Marion campus. To the north rates when thoroughly wet, and also identified by the National
of the study site, the creek is channelized and runs through Technical Committee for Hydric Soils (NTCHS) as soils that
both low-density commercial, low-density residential and formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding
e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 329–340 331

Fig. 2 – Soil-type distribution in the project site on the OSU Marion campus. Dotted line indicates campus boundary. See
text and table for names of soils related to abbreviations shown here.

long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic the same limiting factors, such as land availability, and exist-
conditions in the upper part (Mitsch and Gosselink, 2007). This ing facilities. Land availability is related to the master plan
is especially the case for the Pewamo soil type . This makes of OSU Marion campus while the only existing structure of
the area susceptible to flooding or ponding of holding water concern is the sewer along the right bank of the creek.
while receiving runoff with tiles or drainage systems under-
ground. The fact that hydric soils dominate here suggests that 3.1. Stream restoration
almost the entire study area was once wetland. It also pro-
vides evidence that there is good potential on the site for the 3.1.1. Two-stage channel design
restoration of wetlands. To restore natural alluvial processes and to create a more self-
sustaining system, two-stage channel design techniques can
be applied by creating floodplains along the creek. A two-
3. Restoration analyses and strategies stage channel can improve drainage function and ecological
function at the same time. The lower stage of the two-stage
Our restoration design is divided into two parts: stream channel is narrower than a conventional ditch and can poten-
restoration and wetland restoration, both of which will face tially transport sediment more effectively and provide greater
332 e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 329–340

water depth for aquatic species at the base flow. Meanwhile,

Table 1 – Parameters for three options of stream
the wider and vegetated upper stage serves as a floodplain restoration of Grave Creek
and can reduce the flow velocity at the high flow rates to sta-
Option A Option B Option C
bilize stream banks and also improve exchanges between the
channel and riparian area. Except for larger storm events, flow Bench (in multiples of channel width)
depths are lower in the two-stage design. Depths of more fre- Bench width ratio (bench 5 6 7
quent events are deeper with the narrower channel (the lower width/bankfull channel
stage), which transports the sediment more effectively instead
Bench width (m) 20.3 24.3 28.4
of accumulating it on the bed as it would in a conventionally
constructed system. Therefore, substrate in the channel will Channel (in multiples of regional)
Width (m) 4.1 4.1 4.1
be coarser, benefiting habitat quality because finer materials
Channel cross-section 2.2 2.2 2.2
deposited on the floodplain trap more pollutants and smother
area (m2 )
habitat. Width to depth 7.6 7.6 7.6
Implementation of the two-stage channel design can be proportions ratio
divided into two steps. First the dimensions of the bankfull Channel side slope (x:1) 1:1 1:1 1:1
channel must be determined based on a regional pattern of Channel mean depth (m) 0.5 0.5 0.5
stream morphology versus drainage area. A regional curve is Channel max depth (m) 0.6 0.6 0.6

developed by conducting numerous profile and cross-section Ditch (in multiples of regional)
surveys at locations with different drainage rates. These Ditch depth (m) 2.7 2.7 2.7
selected locations should have characteristics similar to the Ditch side slope 2:1 2:1 2:1
Ditch top width (m) 30.5 34.4 38.4
project site and be located in similar physiographical basins.
The regional curve shows the relation of channel dimensions,
including bankfull discharge, width and depth, to drainage a two-stage channel, the elevation of the floodplain is depen-
area. With the drainage area of the project site, we can deter- dent on the bankfull channel while the width is determined
mine the dimensions of the appropriate bankfull channel. For by the width ratio, defined as the flooded width divided by
this project, a reference reach spreadsheet v. 4.3 from the Ohio the top width of the bankfull channel. OEPA (2000) observed
Department of Natural Resources (ODNR, 2007) was applied that the lower reach of Grave Creek, including the reference
for two-stage channel design, and a Northwest Ohio regional site with moderate riparian buffers (10–50 m) has a high QHEI
curve (Fig. 3) was chosen for the design. The Northwest Ohio score with moderate riparian buffers. Therefore, to enhance
regional curve was developed from data from at least 19 study the potential of the creek to develop more like a naturally
streams in Ohio that are predominantly on low-gradient chan- sustainable river with high habitat diversity, a width ratio
nels dominated by herbaceous vegetation (Ward et al., 2004). ranging from 5 to 7 (bench width/bankfull channel width) was
Using the Northwest Ohio regional curve, the dimensions of applied to Grave Creek to determine the size of the flood-
the channel in the creek were calculated using a drainage area plain (Table 1; Fig. 4a). From this it was determined that the
of 15.5 km2 upstream of the OSU Marion campus study area. bench width should be 21–29 m and the top width should be
The second step is to design the floodplain to the width 31–39 m.
that fluvial processes would form under natural conditions. In The cross-sections surveyed in our study showed the bot-
tom of the current channel is oversized (Fig. 4b). To calibrate
the dimensions drawn from the Northwest Ohio regional
curve, we compared the design to the detailed cross-section
survey and found the new bankfull channel to be similar to
certain sections of the current channel with slightly devel-
oped benches over time. Using the Northwest Ohio regional
curve with a drainage area of 15.5 km2 is appropriate and pro-
vides reasonable accuracy for the dimensions of the bankfull
channel design of the section on Marion campus.

3.1.2. Channel design options

Two alternatives for restoring the channel itself are provided
here: (a) floodplain expansion design; (b) self-design (Fig. 4c).
Both designs are based on the two-stage design. Self-design,
a concept developed by Mitsch (1993, 1998), starts with a flat
bottom channel without a floodplain. In the beginning, the
floodplain expansion design can help a meandering channel
form more quickly. The constructed channel, however, might
Fig. 3 – Northwest Ohio regional curve (ODNR, 2007) for not always follow the way natural channels develop, leading
estimating preliminary dimensions for stream restoration. to the failure of the design. The flat bottom of the self-design
This curve was used for estimating stream depth, channel allows the stream to build up the channel and floodplains
width, and cross-sectional area for Grave Creek stream by itself. Though the self-design stream will initially require
restoration. more earthwork than the floodplain expansion design, the
e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 329–340 333

Fig. 4 – Cross-sectional diagrams for stream restoration of Grave Creek at the OSU Marion campus: (a) dimensions of the
Grave Creek design at bench width ratio of 5:1; (b) comparison of the new designed channel and current channel of Grave
Creek at bench width ratio of 5:1; (c) self-design option will require more earthwork than floodplain expansion design; and
(d) cross-sections of floodplain expansion and self-design of stream channels.

self-forming design will ensure that a new channel will form creek without crossing the sewer (Fig. 5 right). Both patterns
more naturally, providing a more sustainable landscape (Fig. 4c will leave the sewer and most of the west bank intact to allow
and d). future expansion of the prairie and routine maintenance of
the sewer. The meandering pattern may require more earth-
3.1.3. Earthwork and substrate work, but it will enhance the sinuosity of the channel inside
The cost of earthwork removal plays an important role in the creek to create a more natural channel.
channel design selection, as it is by far the highest cost of
stream restoration such as that described here. Because the 3.1.5. Vegetation
self-design approach involves construction of a deeper chan- For reasons of cost and quick and successful adaptation to
nel with a flat bottom, it will involve more earthwork than will the local environment, we suggest taking advantage of cur-
the floodplain expansion design. rent vegetation on the site instead of extensive planting.
The substrate in and adjacent to the existing channel We expect that if the current vegetation cannot cover all
is dominated by clay, possibly due to the movement of the area left unplanted, vegetation will recover from exist-
coarse substrates by channel maintenance and high sediment ing seed banks and adjacent forests. There are currently
concentration from upstream agricultural fields. The accumu- two strips of vegetation growing along the two banks. No
lation of fine particles damages the quality of habitat and matter which channel or pattern design option is chosen,
threatens aquatic life. Therefore, we also suggest as an option some vegetation will be removed and should be kept near
that clay should be replaced by fine gravel (4–6 mm in dimen- the site as a temporary nursery on campus for future re-
sion) as the dominant substrate in the stream. Also, more planting, while other vegetation should be preserved as stable
cobbles and boulders (25–50 cm in dimension) could be put in locations on site and used as seed sources and bird attrac-
locations where high energy flow occurs, like outer banks, to tors in their original locations. With the meandering pattern
increase the stability of the banks and at the same time create design, vegetation will take turns being removed and pre-
different flows to improve habitat diversity. served on both banks (Fig. 6a right). The straight pattern will
keep west bank vegetation untouched; vegetation is removed
3.1.4. Pattern design at the east bank and preserved (Fig. 6a left). In terms of
Grave Creek on the OSU Marion campus will be widened to channel design, removed vegetation can be replanted on the
form new floodplains. There are two pattern designs for the bank slopes and new floodplains (benches) in the floodplain
creek on campus: a straight pattern and a meandering pat- expansion option, while tree planting might be necessary on
tern. The straight pattern would follow the original channel the banks of self-design option, leaving the floodplain forest
line and expand the width by moving the east bank eastward and vegetation to develop naturally as sediments accumulate
(Fig. 5 left). The meandering pattern will make a more sinuous (Fig. 6b).
334 e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 329–340

Fig. 5 – Choice of patterns of the creek meandering on the OSU Marion campus. Left: straight pattern; right: meandering

3.2. Wetland restoration Even though most soils on the project site have been modi-
fied or disturbed for agricultural purposes for years, we traced
3.2.1. Site selection evidence of riparian wetlands before changes in land use.
According to the 1987 wetlands delineation manual by U.S. Comparing aerial photography from 1994 with the USDA soil
Army Corps of Engineers (1987) (see Mitsch and Gosselink, survey (USDA, 1989), the distribution of different colors of the
2007), hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland photo fit closely with soil types (Fig. 2). The darker colors in the
hydrology are three main indicators of jurisdictional wet- aerial photography usually suggest lower areas with higher
lands in the United States. The project site, except for Grave moisture or saturation. Pewamo soils in the same location
Creek itself, is now mostly created prairie and farmland on from the soil maps confirm the same areas as a very poorly
former wetlands or poorly drained land. The farm fields are drained area.
artificially drained, and thus inundation during the growing To compare and verify their potential after a long-term
season is avoided except for short-term flooding due to runoff disturbance from farming, soil sampling was conducted on
and snowmelt. There has also been some drainage tile fail- 1 May, 2007. A total of eight sites were sampled from two
ure observed at the site that has led to surface flooding. The soils types, Pewamo and Glynwood, in the farmland at both
existence and distribution of hydric soils on site is the most southern sides of the creek (Fig. 7; Table 2), using a 2-cm
important indicator to determine sites for successful wet- diameter stainless steel handheld soil probe. A Munsell soil
land creation or restoration. Hydric soils are one of the most color chart was used to estimate soil color (hue, value and
important diagnostic features of wetlands and are used to chroma). Samples were also analyzed for bulk density and per-
delineate jurisdictional wetlands in the United States (Mitsch cent organic matter. Wetland type hydric soils are defined as
and Gosselink, 2007; USDA, 2007). having a chroma less than or equal to 2 (Mitsch and Gosselink,
e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 329–340 335

Fig. 6 – Patterns of site vegetation preservation and planting: (a) preservation and removal of vegetation in two pattern
designs and (b) planting methods in two channels designs.

2007). Based on the results (Table 2), all PM samples had even after several years of disturbance from farming. Any
chromas of 1, while their organic matter content is higher future wetlands should be located in the Pewamo soils on
and bulk density is lower than samples from the GwB soil. the site (Fig. 7) to optimize the hydric characteristics of this
The site Pm soil has kept its characteristics of hydric soil soil.

Table 2 – Field study of soil color, bulk density and percent organic matter in the potential area for wetland creation as
determined May 2007
ID Soil typea Depth (cm) Hue value/chroma Bulk density (g/cm3 ) Organic matter percent (%)

A-1 GwB 10–20 10YR 4/3 1.35 3.74

A-2 GwB 20–30 10YR 4/3 1.40 4.19
B-1 GwB 10–20 10YR 3/2 1.63 3.87
B-2 GwB 20–30 10YR 5/3 1.68 7.16
C-1 Pm 10–20 10YR 2/1 1.26 7.48
C-2 Pm 20–30 10YR 2/1 1.42 7.09
D-1 Pm 10–20 10YR 2/1 1.29 5.67
D-2 Pm 20–30 10YR 2/1 1.49 4.90
E-1 Pm 10–20 10YR 3/1 1.30 6.69
E-2 Pm 20–30 10YR 3/1 1.38 6.90
F-1 GwB 10–20 10YR 4/1 1.37 4.36
F-2 GwB 20–30 10YR 4/1 1.54 4.42
G-1 GwB 10–20 10YR 4/2 1.59 4.01
G-2 GwB 20–30 10YR 4/2 1.69 3.16
H-1 Pm 10–20 10YR 3/1 1.34 6.94
H-2 Pm 20–30 10YR 3/1 1.51 6.48

GwB: Glynwood silt loam; Pm: Pewamo silty clay loam.
336 e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 329–340

Fig. 7 – Selection of the location of a riparian wetland adjacent to Grave Creek at the OSU Marion campus based on soil type.
Proposed wetland area is indicated with a “W.”

Other design elements for riparian wetland creation are are three ways to connect the northern end of the wetland
elevation, size, and specific location. According to the USGS to the creek at three different flows, including two PVC or
topographic survey, the project site has two depression areas concrete pipes under the west bank that can support the
along the southern edge, which can easily receive runoff from weight of the soil and a vehicle above (Fig. 8a). One pipe would
the surrounding area and would require less earthwork. Fur- be between the bottom of the channel and the floodplain
thermore, the southwestern bottom is bigger and will connect (bankfull elevation) to collect the base flow, while a second
to more different land uses of forest, grassland and prairie pipe between the floodplain and the top of the bar could
in the future to form a more functional ecosystem. There- receive flows larger than bankfull discharge. These two pipes
fore, based on hydric soil, elevation, size and location above, could have check valves to prevent the water from flowing
we suggest a wetland creation in Pm soil type along the west back to the channel and control valves to shut the water off
bank of the stream (indicated by a W in Fig. 7). We suggest the for maintenance or planting. A storm larger than a decided
creation of a 0.6 ha wetland, stretching from north to south recurrence interval, e.g. 100-year flood, would allow larger
along the west bank of the creek, as a billabong/oxbow-type. storm flows in the creek to spill into the wetlands. Further-
To ensure the success of the new wetland, hydrology, vege- more, the drainage system of underground tiles should be
tation and soil should be considered carefully to insure the removed or rearranged to ensure the capability of the wet-
presence of the three basic components of a wetland. land to hold sufficient water and receive additional flow from
uplands. A water level control structure or weir and a small
3.2.2. Hydrologic design open channel should be installed at the southern end of
The water source of the wetland will come from both the the wetland, directing the extra water back to the channel
flow in the creek and runoff from surrounding area. There (Fig. 8a).
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Fig. 8 – Selected cross-sections of land below the proposed wetland and its inlet and outlet: (a) wetland profile, including
inlet and outlet designs between the wetland and the creek; and (b) channel design for inlet and outlet of the wetland
crossing the sewer line.

The pipes at the inlet and the open channel at the outlet
will be the only parts of the wetland that cross the sewer line
4. Cost estimates
and will be located above the sewer without causing any dam-
Earthwork will be the main cost during construction. Other
age (Fig. 8b). To prevent downcutting, rocks are recommended
costs include planting, and drain tile and pipe rearrangement.
in the open channel.
Here we will focus on main costs of earthwork and planting.
3.2.3. Vegetation
The project will allow new vegetation to be introduced by 4.1. Stream restoration
the inflows from the creek and from seed banks in the soil.
Aggressive alien species should be prevented from invading Excavation costs for 0.8 km (0.5 mile) of stream restoration are
or removed during post-construction monitoring. We recom- estimated to range from US$ 109,000 to 226,000, depending on
mend planting the wetland; this could be done as part of a the width of the floodplain (bench width ratio) and the channel
spring or fall environmental event on campus. design option chosen (Table 3). Because stream restoration will
replant the plants removed for the construction, there could
3.2.4. Soils and earthwork be a minimal cost for purchase of plants from off-campus
The hydric soil at the project site will enhance wetland func- nurseries. However, if new plant material is desired to give
tion well without any further modification. To keep more the riparian trees a quick start, then US$ 20,000 for tree and
organic matter and seed banks in the site, roughly 20 cm of understory planting should be budgeted. Though the flood-
surface soil will be excavated first and kept at an adjacent site plain expansion design requires less soil to be moved, the
on campus to be put back in the wetland as its topsoil. difficulty of construction could increase other construction
The elevation of bottom of the wetland can be as low as fees.
the bottom of the channel, descending from north to south.
However, now there is a difference of about 2.1 m in elevation 4.2. Wetland restoration
between the bottom of the channel and the selected site for
the wetland. Since the wetland will cover an area of 0.6 ha With the area of 0.6 ha and an average excavation depth of
with the maximum slope of 1:1 (vertical:horizontal), the aver- 2.1 m, we estimate the total earthwork for the wetland to
age depth of the soil that should be removed should be about involve about 13,000 m3 (16,900 yard3 ) of soil, which should
2.1 m. cost about US$ 59,000 to excavate. Cost of wetland plants for
338 e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 329–340

Table 3 – Costs of earthwork for three different cases of stream restoration for Grave Creek at OSU Marion campus in US$
Bench width ratio Floodplain expansion Self-design

5 6 7 5 6 7

Ave top width (m) 30.5 34.4 38.4 30.5 34.4 38.4
Earthwork (m3 ) 23,800 31,100 38,400 31,100 40,300 49,400
Cost ($)a $ 109,000 $ 142,000 $ 176,000 $ 143,000 $ 184,000 $ 226,000
Cost ($) per lineal mb $ 99 $ 129 $ 160 $ 130 $ 167 $ 205

This cost does not include wetland earthwork.

$ 3.5 per yd3 = $ 4.6 per m3 .
1.1 km stream restoration.

such a small wetland should not exceed US$ 3000–5000. Vol- hydrology. According to hydrology data for Grave Creek, based
unteers and students can be enlisted to do the planting, either on a consulting report provided by CEC (2007), the current
in the fall or spring seasons to minimize any personnel costs. channel can hold hydrologic conditions for 1-year, 5-year, and
100-year storms without overbank flooding (Table 4). During
4.3. Monitoring and long-term maintenance construction of the channel, we recommend the old channel
be left unfilled to keep water running through as usual until
Initial sampling has already begun by The Ohio State Univer- the new channel is finished. This will not change upstream
sity’s Olentangy River Wetland Research Park (ORWRP) while or downstream drainage but could raise concentrations of
at least another 5 years monitoring will be needed after con- suspended sediments. After construction, the cross-section
struction is completed, a legal requirement for mitigation of the new channel will be bigger than that of the cur-
projects. We estimate that the annual cost of monitoring rent channel due to excavation, while the restored wetland
from pre-restoration through a 5-year period after the restora- will receive and hold extra water. Therefore, the project will
tion project is completed will be about US$ 20,000 per year not increase the risk of downstream flooding. On the con-
or US$ 100,000 total. This generally includes vegetation sur- trary, the capability of holding water will postpone peak flow
veys (sometimes by aerial photography), soil and hydrology and help prevent downstream flooding. The hydrology of
measurements, and wildlife observations such as macroinver- the upstream area will not be influenced by or suffer from
tebrate and fish surveys and related biological indicators. any backwater effect from the channel, as it will be wide
In the long run, the restored creek and wetland should enough to transfer the same or more amount of water as
develop sustainable ecosystems naturally without inter- before.
ruption. Routine maintenance should be minimal after
construction. That is, the creek and wetland will maintain 5. Conclusions and recommendations
and sustain a natural status by themselves in a process we
call self-design (Mitsch and Jørgensen, 2004). To deal with rare Because of the severely degraded and ditched Grave Creek
events such as large storm debris or sediment accumulation in and because of the abundance of hydric soils on the study
pipes, university landscape help will be needed. We estimate site, the “backyard” of The Ohio State University Marion cam-
annual maintenance to require about 250–450 person-hours pus is the ideal place for a demonstration project of stream
annually or an annual maintenance budget of US$ 5000–9000. and wetland restoration on a college campus. Based on the
We recommend that an endowment be set up as a condition investigation and ecological analyses, we recommend that
of any mitigation to allow cash flow to accommodate minor the best options should be a meandering pattern with a self-
site maintenance, replacement of pipes, weirs, etc. design channel east of the sewer, between the campus bridge
and Marion-Edison Road, and a wetland of 0.6–0.8 ha on the
4.4. Construction and post-construction effects hydric soil to the west (Fig. 9). This restoration, if done prop-
erly, will be expected to enhance the ecological balance of the
The most obvious effects on the upstream and downstream stream and its riparian area, improve downstream water qual-
area by the wetland/stream project will be the change in ity, provide good aquatic and terrestrial habitat on campus,

Table 4 – Hydrologic conditions for storm events (1-year, 5-year, and 100-year flooding events) of Grave Creek at an
elevation of 294.7 m (966.7 ft) above sea level
Storm event (year) Water depth (m) Discharge (m3 /s) Flow area (m2 ) Water velocity (m/s) Width of water surface (m)

1 0.7 3.7 5.7 0.7 9.1

5 8.8
100 2.2 17.9 22.9 0.8 14.2

Source: CEC (2007)

e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 329–340 339

Fig. 9 – Recommended master plan for stream and wetland restoration at the OSU Marion campus, including stream and
riparian restoration, created wetlands, bike path, recreation area, and pedestrian corridor. The site is shown to fit with the
existing prairie nature center on the campus.

and most important, provide a living laboratory for the OSU

Marion campus. We estimate that restoration on this scale
(0.8 km of stream and 0.6 ha wetland) will cost about US$
275,000–410,000, including 5-year monitoring of the results. We would like to thank Corey Morris, Planning and Real Estate
If the stream and wetland projects need to be phased in time, Office, Kim Moss, OSU Senior Campus Planner, The Ohio State
it is preferable that the stream restoration be done first. The University, Columbus, and Dean Greg Rose, from The Ohio
ideal situation is for the stream and wetland restoration to be State University for the opportunity, resources, and encour-
done at the same time as there are economies of scale and sim- agement to do this study. Ron Turner, Ohio State Marion
ilar equipment would be used for both projects. To ensure the campus, provided good advice at our meetings. Rich Bradley
ecological functions can be restored, post-construction moni- and Bob Klips, associate professors at OSU Marion campus,
toring for water quality and vegetation success will need to be provided collaboration and help that make this study possi-
conducted for at least 5 years after construction, and prefer- ble. We thank Bill Acton, Lori Zella, Jennifer Blue, Jayme Fuller,
ably longer. and Tom Flippo from Civil and Environmental Consultants,
340 e c o l o g i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g 3 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 329–340

Inc., Columbus, OH, for providing survey and engineering Mitsch, W.J., Gosselink, J.G., 2007. Wetlands, 4th ed. John Wiley &
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Engineer, Roger Dietrich, Marion County Sanitary Engineer, Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), 2007. Stream
modules: spreadsheet tools for river evaluation, assessment,
and Bruce Ennen and Steve Volkmann, OSU Columbus, pro-
and monitoring
vided useful feedback at meetings and on an early draft. streammorphology.htm.
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Army Corps of Engineers, and Mark DeBrock from U.S. Natural Paller, M.H., Reichert, M.J.M., Dean, J.M., Seigle, J.C., 2000. Use of
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with field sampling and lab analyses. Thanks to School of 30, 131–144.
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