Bio Unit 4

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All living cells respire.

(a) Respiration transfers energy from glucose for muscle contraction.

Describe how glucose from the small intestine is moved to a muscle cell.





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(b) The diagram below shows an experiment to investigate anaerobic respiration in yeast

What is the purpose of the liquid paraffin in Tube A?

Tick one box.

To prevent evaporation

To stop air getting in

To stop the temperature going up

To stop water getting in


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(c) The indicator solution in Tube B shows changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide

The indicator is:

• blue when the concentration of CO2 is very low

• green when the concentration of CO2 is low

• yellow when the concentration of CO2 is high.

What colour would you expect the indicator to be in Tube B during maximum rate of
anaerobic respiration?

Tick one box.





(d) Suggest how the experiment could be changed to give a reproducible way to measure the
rate of the reaction.

Include any apparatus you would use.





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(e) Compare anaerobic respiration in a yeast cell with anaerobic respiration in a muscle cell.








(Total 9 marks)

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During exercise, the heart beats faster and with greater force.
The ‘heart rate’ is the number of times the heart beats each minute.The volume of blood that
travels out of the heart each time the heart beats is called the ‘stroke volume’.

In an investigation, Person 1 and Person 2 ran as fast as they could for 1 minute. Scientists
measured the heart rates and stroke volumes of Person 1 and Person 2 at rest, during the
exercise and after the exercise.

The graph below shows the scientists’ results.

(a) The ‘cardiac output’ is the volume of blood sent from the heart to the muscles each minute.

Cardiac output = Heart rate × Stroke volume

At the end of the exercise, Person 1’s cardiac output = 160 × 77 = 12 320 cm 3 per minute.

Use information from the figure above to complete the following calculation of Person 2’s
cardiac output at the end of the exercise.

At the end of the exercise:

Person 2’s heart rate = _______________ beats per minute

Person 2’s stroke volume = _______________ cm 3

Person 2’s cardiac output = _______________ cm 3 per minute


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(b) Person 2 had a much lower cardiac output than Person 1.

(i) Use information from the figure above to suggest the main reason for the lower
cardiac output of Person 2.



(ii) Person 1 was able to run much faster than Person 2.

Use information from the figure above and your own knowledge to explain why.










(Total 9 marks)

Green plants can make glucose.

(a) Plants need energy to make glucose.

How do plants get this energy?





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(b) Plants can use the glucose they have made to supply them with energy.

Give four other ways in which plants use the glucose they have made.








(Total 6 marks)

(a) Complete the equation for photosynthesis.


______________ + water ______________ + ______________


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(b) The rate of photosynthesis in a plant depends on several factors in the environment.
These factors include light intensity and the availability of water.

Describe and explain the effects of two other factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis.

You may include one or more sketch graphs in your answer.












(Total 8 marks)

(a) Complete the equation for photosynthesis.

____________ + ____________ ____________ + oxygen

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(b) Scientists investigated how temperature affects the rate of photosynthesis.
The scientists grew some orange trees in a greenhouse.
They used discs cut from the leaves of the young orange trees.

The scientists used the rate of oxygen production by the leaf discs to show the rate of

(i) The leaf discs did not produce any oxygen in the dark.




(ii) The leaf discs took in oxygen in the dark.

Explain why.





(c) In their investigation, the scientists measured the rate of oxygen release by the leaf discs in
the light. The scientists then measured the rate of oxygen uptake by the leaf discs in the

The graph shows the effect of temperature on

• oxygen production in the light

• oxygen production in the light added to oxygen uptake in the dark.

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Use the information from the graph to answer each of the following questions.

(i) Describe the effect of temperature on oxygen production in the light.





(ii) Explain the effect of temperature on oxygen production in the light when the
temperature is increased:

from 25 °C to 35 °C




from 40 °C to 50 °C.



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(d) A farmer in the UK wants to grow orange trees in a greenhouse. He wants to sell the
oranges he produces at a local market.
He decides to heat the greenhouse to 35 °C.

Explain why he should not heat the greenhouse to a temperature higher than 35 °C.
Use information from the graph in your answer.








(Total 12 marks)

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The graph shows the uptake of carbon dioxide and the release of carbon dioxide by a bean plant
6. on a hot summer’s day.

(a) At which two times in the day did the rate of photosynthesis exactly match the rate of
respiration in the bean plant?

1. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________

(b) The bean plant respires at the same rate all through the 24 hour period.

(i) How much carbon dioxide is released each hour during respiration?

____________________________ arbitrary units


(ii) How much carbon dioxide is used by photosynthesis in the hour beginning at 3 pm?



Answer = ____________________________ arbitrary units


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(c) Over the 24 hour period, the total amount of carbon dioxide taken in by the bean plant was
greater than the total amount of carbon dioxide given out by the bean plant.

Explain, in detail, why this was important for the bean plant.






(Total 5 marks)

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Students investigated the effect of changing the carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of
7. photosynthesis in pieces of leaf.

Diagram 1 shows the type of leaf used by the students.

The students:

• cut pieces of leaf from the green region

• put the pieces into tubes

• added different concentrations of carbon dioxide to each tube

• shone lights on the tubes with either high or low light intensity

• recorded the concentration of oxygen in the tubes after 5 hours.

Diagram 2 shows how each experiment was set up.

The graph shows the results of the investigation.

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(a) (i) Describe the effect of increasing carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of
photosynthesis at low light intensity.



(ii) Explain the effect that you have described.

In your answer you should refer to limiting factors.





(b) What would have been the effect on oxygen concentration over the five-hour period if a
white region of the leaf had been used, instead of a green region?

Effect ______________________________________________________________

Explain your answer.

Explanation _________________________________________________________



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(c) Some people keep indoor plants which have variegated leaves (leaves with green and
white regions).

If plants with variegated leaves are kept in dim light conditions the white areas of the leaves
start to turn green.

This is an advantage to the plant.

Suggest why.




(Total 7 marks)

Lactic acid production during exercise affects an athlete’s performance.

Explain why lactic acid is produced during exercise.





(Total 2 marks)

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An athlete carried out a 6-month training programme.
Graph 1 shows the effect of the same amount of exercise on his heart rate before and after the
training programme.

(a) (i) Use Graph 1 to find the heart rate of the trained athlete 5 minutes after the start of
the exercise.

Heart rate = _______________________ beats per minute


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The stroke volume of the heart is the volume of blood pumped out of the left side of the
heart in one heart beat.

Graph 2 shows the relationship between the stroke volume and the heart rate before and
after the athlete did the training programme.

(ii) The cardiac output is defined as

cardiac output = heart rate × stroke volume

Calculate the cardiac output of the trained athlete 5 minutes after the start of the
exercise. Use your answer to part (a)(i), and information from Graph 2.

Show clearly how you work out your answer.



Cardiac output = _________________________ cm3 blood per minute


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(b) Graph 1 shows that, for the same amount of exercise, the heart of the trained athlete was
beating more slowly than it did before the training programme.

Use information from Graph 2 to explain why.





(c) An increased cardiac output will provide more oxygen and more glucose to the working

Explain how this helps the athlete during exercise.








(Total 9 marks)

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The graph shows the effect of increasing the carbon dioxide content of the inhaled air on:
• the number of breaths per minute;

• the total volume of air breathed per minute.

(i) Describe the effect of increasing the percentage of carbon dioxide in the inhaled air on the
total volume of air breathed.





(ii) Suggest why the total volume of inhaled air is not directly proportional to the number of
breaths per minute.




(Total 4 marks)

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The diagram shows a plant leaf during photosynthesis.

(a) Name:

(i) gas X; _______________

(ii) gas Y. _______________


(b) Why is sunlight necessary for photosynthesis?



(c) Some of the sugars produced by photosynthesis are stored as starch in the roots.
Explain, as fully as you can, why it is an advantage to the plant to store carbohydrate as
starch rather than as sugar.






(Total 6 marks)

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The diagram shows some plants growing in a greenhouse on a hot summer’s day.

Which one of the following factors is most likely to limit the rate of photosynthesis at this time?

• carbon dioxide concentration

• light intensity

• temperature

Factor ______________________________________________

Explain the reason for your answer.






(Total 4 marks)

The graph shows how the rate of photosynthesis is affected by different conditions.

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(a) What patterns can you find from this graph?






(b) How useful could this information be to a grower using glasshouses? Give reasons for
your answer.



(Total 7 marks)

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Mark schemes
(a) glucose is absorbed by diffusion into the bloodstream
1. 1

then blood delivers glucose to muscles in capillaries


(b) to stop air getting in


(c) yellow

(d) collect the CO2 / gas with a measuring cylinder / gas syringe

(volume collected) in a certain time using a timer / watch


(e) yeast produces ethanol but muscles produce lactic acid

marks can be awarded from correct word or balanced symbol

yeast produces CO2 but muscles do not

answers must be comparative

both release small amounts of energy

ignore both occur without oxygen

(a) 5624
allow 2 marks for:
• correct HR = 148 and correct SV = 38 plus wrong answer / no
• only one value correct and ecf for answer
allow 1 mark for:
• incorrect values and ecf for answer
• only one value correct

(b) (i) Person 2 has low(er) stroke volume / SV / described

eg Person 2 pumps out smaller volume each beat
do not allow Person 2 has lower heart rate

(ii) Person 1 sends more blood (to muscles / body / lungs)


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(which) supplies (more) oxygen

(and) supplies (more) glucose


(faster rate of) respiration or transfers (more) energy for use

ignore aerobic / anaerobic
allow (more) energy release
allow aerobic respiration transfers / releases more energy (than
do not allow makes (more) energy

removes (more) CO2 / lactic acid / heat

allow less oxygen debt

or less lactic acid made

or (more) muscle contraction / less muscle fatigue
if no other mark awarded,
allow person 1 is fitter (than person 2) for max 1 mark

(a) light is trapped / absorbed / used

extra answers cancel mark
ignore solar / sunshine

by chlorophyll / chloroplasts
if no other marks awarded, allow 1 mark for photosynthesis /
equation for photosynthesis

(b) (to make) starch (for storage)

ignore ‘for growth’ unqualified
ignore respiration

(to make) fat / oil (for storage)


(to make) amino acids / proteins / enzymes


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(to make) cellulose / cell walls
allow for active transport
allow any other correct, named organic substances (eg DNA / ATP /
chlorophyll / hormone)
if no named examples, allow ‘to make named cell structures’ for
max. 1 mark

(a) LHS – carbon dioxide / CO2

allow CO2
ignore CO2

in either order

glucose / carbohydrate / sugar

allow starch
allow C6H12O6 / C6H12O6
ignore C6H12O6

allow O2 / O2
ignore O2 / O

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(b) any five from:

• factor 1: CO 2 (concentration)

• effect - as CO 2 increases so does rate and then it levels off or shown in a graph

• explanation:
(graph increases) because CO2 is the raw material or used in photosynthesis /
converted to organic substance / named eg
(graph levels off) when another factor limits the rate.
accept points made via an annotated / labelled graph

• factor 2: temperature
allow warmth / heat

• effect – as temperature increases, so does the rate and then it decreases or

shown in a graph
allow ‘it peaks’ for description of both phases

• explanation:
(rise in temp) increases rate of chemical reactions / more kinetic energy
allow molecules move faster / more collisions

(decreases) because the enzyme is denatured.
context must be clear = high temperature

allow other factor plus effect plus explanation:

eg light wavelength / colour / pigments / chlorophyll / pH / minerals /
ions / nutrients / size of leaves
2nd or 3rd mark can be gained from correct description and

(a) LHS: carbon dioxide AND water

in either order
accept CO2 and H2O
allow CO2 and H2O
if names given ignore symbols
do not accept CO2 / H2O / Co / CO
ignore balancing

RHS: sugar(s) / glucose / starch / carbohydrate(s)

accept C6H12O6
allow C6H12O6
do not accept C6H12O6

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(b) (i) light is needed for photosynthesis


no photosynthesis occurred (so no oxygen produced)


(ii) oxygen is needed / used for (aerobic) respiration

full statement
respiration occurs or oxygen is needed for anaerobic respiration
gains 1 mark

(c) (i) (with increasing temperature) rise then fall in rate


use of figures, ie

max. production at 40 °C
or maximum rate of 37.5 to 38

(ii) 25 – 35 °C

either faster movement of particles / molecules / more collisions

or particles have more energy / enzymes have more energy

or temperature is a limiting factor over this range

40 – 50 °C

denaturation of proteins / enzymes

ignore denaturation of cells
ignore stomata

(d) above 35 °C (to 40 °C) – little increase in rate

or > 40 °C – causes decrease in rate

so waste of money or less profit / expensive


because respiration rate is higher at > 35 °C

respiration reduces the effect of photosynthesis

(a) 7.15 to 7.45 am and 7.15 to 7.45 pm

both required, either order
accept in 24 hr clock mode

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(b) (i) 11

(ii) 32.5 to 33
allow answer to (b)(i) + 21.5 to 22

(c) any two from:

• more photosynthesis than respiration

• more biomass / carbohydrate made than used

allow more food made than used

• so plant able to grow / flower

accept plant able to store food

(a) (i) increase (and then level off) and max / up to at 0.15 (%) (carbon dioxide)
ignore references to oxygen concentration only
ignore mention of 23

(ii) CO2 is limiting at low CO2 / at first

ignore specific numbers

light is limiting at high CO2 / at end


(b) mark both parts together

effect: (oxygen) falls


explanation: (oxygen) used for respiration

if no other marks awarded allow (effect) no change and
(explanation) no photosynthesis for 1 mark

(c) more chlorophyll / chloroplasts


allows more photosynthesis / description

for both marks must refer to more at least once

insufficient / no oxygen available

8. 1

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for (just) aerobic respiration

respires anaerobically

(a) (i) 120

9. 1

(ii) 11 760 or
correct answer from candidate’s answer to (a)(i)
correct answer with or without working
if answer incorrect
120 × 98 or
candidate’s answer to (a)(i) × corresponding SV gains 1 mark
if candidate uses dotted line / might have used dotted line(bod) in
(a)(i) and (a)(ii) no marks for (a)(i) but allow full ecf in (a)(ii) eg 140
x 88 = 12320 gains 2 marks

(b) trained athlete has higher stroke volume / more blood per beat

same volume blood expelled with fewer beats

or for same heart rate more blood is expelled


(c) increased aerobic respiration


decreased anaerobic respiration

allow correct equation for aerobic respiration
accept don’t have to respire anaerobically

increased energy supply / need


less lactic acid formed

or to breakdown lactic acid or less O2-debt


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can do more work or can work harder / faster / longer
accept muscle contraction for work

or less fatigue / cramp / pain


(i) increase in CO2 concentration leads to increase in volume of air inhaled

10. increase of % carbon dioxide has little effect over most of range / large
increase when % carbon dioxide > 5.6 %
each for 1 mark

(ii) idea that

depth of breathing changes at low % carbon dioxide, in crease in % CO2
results in volume of each breath increasing without increase / little increase
in number of breaths
each for 1 mark

(a) (i) carbon dioxide / CO2 (reject CO)

(ii) oxygen / O2 / O (water vapour neutral)
for 1 mark each

(b) (provides) energy

for one mark

(c) starch insoluble therefore water not taken in by osmosis

sugar is soluble / has small molecules may diffuse out therefore lost
(ignore ref. to cells bursting)

starch has large molecules
cannot diffuse therefore retained
for 1 mark each

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carbon dioxide concentration
12. 1

since atmospheric concentration very low / value give e.g. 0.03%

allow carbon dioxide used up

temperature high
allow if light chosen as a factor

light intensity high

allow If temperature chosen as a factor

(a) + light = + photosynthesis

13. + light = + photosynthesis to a limit
limit depends on temp/CO2 levels
+ CO2 = + photosynthesis
+ temp = + photosynthesis
each for 1 mark

(b) need to raise optimum levels

when one other raised
to get max/economic yield
each for 1 mark

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Examiner reports
This question tested students’ application skills in that it introduced the potentially unknown
2. concepts of stroke volume and cardiac output in addition to the more familiar heart rate.
However, each term was defined in the introductory stem of the whole question and in the stem
of section (a).

(a) Having been provided with a worked example for one person, students were required to do
the same calculation, of the cardiac output at the end of exercise, for the second person.
This involved reading two figures from the graphs and multiplying them together.
Examiners made allowance for errors carried forward from incorrect reading of the graph,
the most common example of which was for reading the stroke volume of Person 2 ‘at the
end of the exercise’ − many used the figure at 6 minutes rather than that for 2 minutes.
However, two- thirds of students were completely successful in this section.

(b) (i) Many students spoiled their answer by including a second reason − they were asked
to suggest ‘the main reason’ , ie to select one reason as being the most important,
thus making a value judgement. Consequently, less than one-third of students
answered simply in terms of the lower stroke volume of Person 2, most including a
reference to the lower heart rate as well, and some simply ignoring the data and
suggesting that Person 2 was ‘less fit’ than Person 1.

(ii) This question was comparative − to explain why Person 1 was able to run much
faster than Person 2. Thus it required a comparative answer in terms of more blood
being supplied, carrying more oxygen and glucose to the muscles, for faster
respiration / release of energy, and an extra detail such as removal of more lactic acid
/ a lower oxygen debt, or removal of more carbon dioxide. Despite this being a very
familiar scenario, very few students were able to give five details and thus score full
marks, although over half scored at least two marks.

This question was about the production of glucose by green plants and its possible subsequent
3. use by the plants.

(a) More than three quarters of students were able to make at least one point about how plants
obtained the energy required for the production of glucose. This was generally for stating
that light was the source or that photosynthesis was the process. Fewer mentioned the
need for chlorophyll or chloroplasts to trap the light energy.

(b) This question differentiated well across the ability range. It required specific knowledge of
sections 2.3.1 e and f in the Specification. Most knew that glucose could be converted to
starch, but few could mention amino acids / protein, fats / oils, or cellulose / cell walls in
addition. Many mentioned ‘respiration’, despite this being precluded by the wording of the
question. Many wrote at length although a simple list of four points would have sufficed −
time would have been better spent on thinking than on writing, especially if the writing
simply made vague reference to ‘growth’, ‘repair’ and ‘reproduction’ with no specific
mention of how glucose could contribute to these processes.

(a) The vast majority of students had no problem with completion of the word equation for
4. photosynthesis by naming the three missing substances. Students were at liberty to use
chemical formulae if they wished, but only correct formulae were credited – e.g. for oxygen,
O2 is correct, but ‘O’ and ‘O 2’ are not.

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(b) In this section, students had to describe and explain the effects of two factors, apart from
light intensity and the availability of water, that affect the rate of photosynthesis. Most
students correctly selected temperature and carbon dioxide, but a minority included one of
the factors that were excluded by the question, usually light intensity – no marks were
available for this. Students were informed that they were at liberty to include one or more
sketch graphs in their answers. However, many did not include any graphs and had the
much harder task of describing the effects of their chosen factors in a prose account.
Those that did include simple, correct graphs often scored 4 out of the 5 marks available
just from their graphs. Students found explanations of their described effects to be more
challenging. For example, simply to state that carbon dioxide was ‘needed for’
photosynthesis was regarded as inadequate, but if it was used as a raw material or
converted into some organic substance, this was considered to be satisfactory. The
explanation for the effect of temperature usually centred on the denaturation of enzymes at
higher temperatures. Relatively few students mentioned the effect of speeding up chemical
reactions at more moderate temperatures. A few students chose other factors, such as the
pH of the soil, the availability of nutrients / ions, the wavelength of the light, the amount of
chlorophyll in the leaves and the size of the leaves. These were given credit, but students
often found description of the effect and its explanation rather more challenging for these

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(a) The vast majority of students were able to complete the equation for photosynthesis
5. correctly.

(b) (i) Just over three-quarters of students understood that, since oxygen was a product of
photosynthesis, no oxygen would be produced by the leaf discs in the dark as light
was needed for photosynthesis. Some students threw the mark away through
careless expression and others invoked an incorrect reason, such as a lack of carbon

(ii) Less than a third of students were able to explain that the leaf discs took in oxygen in
the dark because it was used in respiration. Some had some very strange ideas,
such as oxygen, being O2, would be a part of carbon dioxide (CO2); or that, because
the plant could not produce oxygen by photosynthesis, it had to take it in instead (for
some unstated purpose).

(c) (i) The command word was ‘Describe’. This did not prevent many students attempting
an explanation – usually in terms of enzymes being denatured at higher temperatures
– for which no marks were available. Many students described the increase in rate of
oxygen production but forgot to mention the decrease at higher temperatures. Others
described an increase up to 35°C and then a “decrease” between 35 and 40°, which
was incorrect as the rate was still increasing and did not decrease until above 40°C.
Full marks were easily available for simply stating that the rate increased up to 40°C
and decreased above 40°C.

(ii) This part asked students to ‘Explain’ the results for two temperature ranges, most
merely described the trend. Answers for the range 25 to 35°C were particularly weak
as a reference to energy and molecules , or to temperature being a limiting factor,
was needed. More success was gained for the 40 to 50°C range as many students
realised that enzymes or proteins would be denatured (although weaker students
thought the plant would be denatured). Over two-thirds of students scored no marks
for this question.

(d) The most common point rewarded in answer to this question was the economic argument.
Very few students backed this up with an adequate explanation relating to the marginal
increase in rate between 35 and 40°C. Indeed, some students appeared to believe that 35°
was the optimum temperature. Unfortunately, even fewer students appreciated that the
respiration rate increased faster than that of photosynthesis between 35 and 40°C, as
evidenced by the widening gap between the two lines on the graph, which would reduce
the effect of photosynthesis.

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(a) The majority of students answered this part correctly, most commonly with 7:30am and
6. 7:30pm. A minority lost the mark by failing to give units despite the correct values. Other
students gave widely differing answers with little apparent logic to the times given, for
example ‘midnight’ and ‘midday’, suggesting an inability to interpret the graph. A number of
students quoted values just outside the accepted range, notably 7:50am to 7:50pm
probably through reading the scale in terms of decimal values.

(b) Students struggled in this part. Many left (b)(i) blank, meaning that part (b)(ii) became even
more difficult. Part (b)(i) should have been quite straightforward, with ‘11’ units of carbon
dioxide released during respiration.

(ii) This part required students to recognise that in the light both respiration and
photosynthesis are occurring and that not only will plants take in carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere but also use up that which is released by respiration. Thus they had
to add together the value for respiration with the intake at 3pm. The most common
answer in part (b) was, by far, ‘22’ showing that at least students had read the correct
part of the graph, but had fallen into the frequent misconception that plants ‘respire at
night and photosynthesise in the day’. Provided that students correctly added 22 to
the value they had given in part (b)(i), the mark was awarded in (b)(ii), however, if no
response was given in (b)(i), only the correct answer, ‘33’ was accepted in (b)(ii).
Examiners have come to expect a number of students to reverse the gaseous input
and output in photosynthesis and respiration. However the frequency of this error
was even more surprising.

(c) Students had been reminded in part (b) of the correct direction of these reactions. Only the
best students realised that the cause of a greater intake than release of carbon dioxide
would be due to greater photosynthesis than respiration, with many simply stating that
‘more photosynthesis’ would happen, without the necessary comparison. Those who did
gain a mark here generally did so by explaining that this would allow the plant to ‘grow’.
The weakness of biological knowledge, of a not insignificant number of students, was
further exemplified here with a number of suggestions that the greater intake, than release,
of carbon dioxide would ‘allow carbon dioxide to be stored’ and that ‘the plant could then
photosynthesise in the dark’.

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(a) Poor interpretation of the graph or of the question cost many candidates a potential mark in
7. (a)(i). Although the graph gave information about oxygen production, the question was
phrased in terms of the rate of photosynthesis. Thus, those who answered only in terms of
the former were not credited. There were many candidates who mistakenly believed that at
carbon dioxide concentrations greater than 0.15 % photosynthesis stops. Another common
error was to read the scale incorrectly and quote ‘1.5 %’ or even ‘15 %’ carbon dioxide. At
this stage in the paper candidates are expected to give more than the basic ‘rise, then level
off’ type of answer and examiners were looking for quotation of the ‘at 0.15 %’ in addition.
Sadly, only around a quarter of candidates could rise to this expectation. There were many
candidates who required additional space to continue their answers on both this and part
(a)(ii) but made little effort to inform the examiner of where this answer might be, often
finishing in mid-sentence, leaving the examiner to hunt around for the continuation.
Those who struggled to identify even the basis of the relationship in part (a)(i) were
inevitably at a disadvantage in (a)(ii). However it should be noted that in the new version of
the specification questions will have to be phrased in a ‘describe and explain’ way, giving
candidates even fewer clues as to what is required in their answers. Candidates often
defined “limiting factors” adequately, but failed to identify which were the limiting factors in
the two parts in the relationship. Others misinterpreted the “low intensity” label as implying
that light intensity must be the limiting factor at low carbon dioxide concentrations, and then
suggested a different factor at the higher concentrations. The majority of candidates did not
recognise that the higher rate of photosynthesis (or oxygen production) caused by
increasing carbon dioxide concentration showed that at this stage in the relationship,
carbon dioxide itself was the limiting factor. Although many realised that at higher carbon
dioxide concentrations, increasing carbon dioxide had no additional effect on the rate of
photosynthesis, and so a different factor must now be limiting, relatively few could pin this
down, exclusively, to light (intensity), as shown by the further increase in photosynthesis
when light was increased.

(b) Some examiners felt that many candidates gained the first mark in part (b) by default. It
would also seem that many found a further way to misinterpret the graph, assuming that
the scale for oxygen concentration began at zero. Many candidates who gave the correct
answer ‘decrease’ for the effect went on in the explanation to suggest that they really
meant ‘less of an increase’ as they implied that the white regions of the leaf would
photosynthesise to a lesser extent than the green regions. Although a good proportion of
candidates gained one mark for explaining that the white regions of the leaf would not
photosynthesise thus there would be no change in oxygen concentration only very few of
the better, more astute, candidates realised that the white parts of the leaf would continue
to respire (as would the green parts), using up oxygen from the tube and that this would
cause a decrease in oxygen concentration.

(c) Answers to this part were more encouraging. Many candidates recognised that turning
green would result from an increase in chlorophyll and that this would lead to an increase in
photosynthesis. Some only gained one mark for one of these ideas, whilst others referred
to both chlorophyll and photosynthesis but did not convey the idea that there would be
‘more’ of either of them. A surprising number of candidates suggested that chlorophyll
would move out of the green areas of the leaf, into the white areas, which would of course
defeat the purpose, as this would result in more or less the same total amount of

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The production of lactic acid was generally well understood with over three quarters of
8. candidates scoring at least one mark, but only two thirds of these were awarded both of the
available marks. Typically, candidates knew that lactic acid was formed if oxygen supplies were
low, but only the more careful candidates explained that anaerobic respiration was involved (or
that insufficient oxygen limited aerobic respiration).

(a) (i) Although most candidates managed to read the correct figure, 120 beats per minute,
9. from the first graph, there were many errors. These included reading from the wrong
line or at the wrong time, eg 5 minutes elapsed time, rather than 5 minutes after the
exercise began, and even 2½ minutes after the exercise began. Examiners made
allowance for this in the calculation in part (a)(ii), except that a stated heart rate of 56
was impossible to work with on the second graph, a point that might have alerted
more astute candidates that they had misread the first graph.

(ii) Three quarters of candidates arrived at the correct answer.

(b) Although approximately half the candidates could see from graph 2 that the trained
athlete’s heart had a higher stroke volume, less than half of these could then go on to
explain the consequence of this which was that the same volume of blood could be sent
round the body with fewer beats, or than more blood would be sent at the same heart rate.

(c) Although this question had a similar format to questions on this topic in previous
examinations, the emphasis here required a comparative answer in order to explain the
benefits of more oxygen and more glucose being sent to the athlete’s working muscles.
Marks were only awarded in this context. Thus a higher rate of aerobic respiration (or less
dependence on anaerobic respiration), with less lactic acid being formed, enabling more
work to be done with less fatigue were the points required Less than a tenth of candidates
achieved this completely, although nearly all were able to make at least one of these

In part (a) most candidates at this level named the gases and tissues correctly, but standards of
11. spelling of xylem, and particularly phloem, were appalling.

In part (c) it was pleasing to note many excellent explanations in terms of the likelihood of
glucose and starch diffusing out of the cell, or in terms of the different osmotic effects of the two
molecules. Weaker candidates often spoiled their answers by stating that glucose was more
likely to be lost by the plant into the soil. Significant numbers of candidates attempted
explanations in terms of the different sizes of the molecules, but these rarely obtained more than
one mark for stating the difference in size. Centres are recommended to teach either the osmotic
explanation or an explanation in terms of diffusion.

The concept of limiting factor not well understood, even by the more able candidates. The
12. candidates who correctly identified the percentage of CO2, usually limited their explanation to
carbon dioxide in the greenhouse ‘running out’. They generally failed to point out that there would
be a high light intensity and a high temperature on a hot summer’s day. Many candidates chose
temperature and gave explanations in terms of wilting and stomatal closure. These are indirect
effects of temperature rather than limiting effects on the process of photosynthesis.

Though most candidates scored reasonably well on this question relatively few scored very well.
13. Many candidates did not, for example, indicate increased light increasing the rate of
photosynthesis up to a limit in part (a) and did not, therefore, emphasis the need, in part (b), to
keep all factors in balance - especially the carbon dioxide level - for optimum production.

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