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Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and

Technology, Topi-23460.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

ME 453 – Additive Manufacturing Prepared By: Dr. Ghulam Hussain

Reviewed By: Dr. Massab Junaid

Instructor: Prof. Ghulam Hussain Approved By: Dr. Khalid Rehman (Dean FME)

22nd April 2021 Mid Exam Time: 150 min

Spring 2020 Total: 43 marks


1 . This is an open book exam. To receive credit for a problem, you must show all the working. Answers
without working will be given ZERO credit.
2. The use of cell phones or any other sources of communication are strictly prohibited during
examinations. Doing so is considered cheating.
3. Write answers to the given question on a paper (A4 sheet if available).
4. Scan the solution, say using CAMScanner (mobile App), and make sure the scan quality is good
(no blurriness).
5. Consolidate the scanned files preferably in PDF format (using save as PDF in MS Word).
6. Save the file with your Name & Registration number.
7. Upload the file on MS Teams.
8. Duration of exam is 150 min, including both solving and uploading time.
9. No extra time will be given for submission.
10. If you are facing difficulty in uploading file on MS Teams, you can send it in email to Muhammad
sulaiman within the time limit.

Question Marks Obtained Total Marks
1 5
2 8
3 15
4 15
Total 43

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Question 1 (CLO-1) (5)
What should be the key characteristics of materials to be included in additive manufacturing metallic
material cabinet?
Question 2 (CLO-1) (8)
NPR (Negative Poisson’s Ratio) structures are complicated structures, which expand laterally when
stretched and become thicker perpendicular to the applied load in contrast to the ordinary structures.
Discuss if AM processes are best suited to fabricate these structures. If so, comment.
Question 3 (5+5+5)
Following Resin working data was obtained during the production of tensile specimen through Selective
Laser Resin Curing Process. The machine used is iPro 9000 XL SLA Centre.

Cure Depth (mm) Exposure (mJ/cm2)

-8 1
-2 4
-1 8
3 30
6 50
9 80
15 100
17 150

(a) Draw the working curve of the process.

(b) Determine the scan speed to realize the maximum achievable cure depth indicated above.
(c) Determine the line width if one needs to achieve the cure depth of 12 mm along a straight path

Question 4: (5+5+5)
A consolidated molybdenum powder layer of size 10×10 mm is to be deposited on a solid base plate of
steel in a typical multi-scan EBM additive manufacturing process. Process parameters e.g. layer thickness,
scan velocity, beam spot size (𝜙𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚 ) are, 100µm, 100mm/s and 1mm, respectively. Consider acceleration
voltage 60KV, beam current 10mA and hatch distance 0.7𝜙𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚 as default parameters of EBM Printer.
(a) Calculate energy density (J/mm3) with 85% material absorption coefficient.
(b) The number of layers required to complete a block of 10mm×10mm×5mm.
(c) Propose an estimated time required for each planar layer as well as for that block.

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