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Emergency Announcement About the Recent Economic Lockdown . . .

For Coaches and Experts Who Need to

Make Sales While the Economy

💻 From the HQ of Marina De Giovanni

📍 Home Office in Sydney, Australia
⏰ April, 2020 @ 8:45pm

Dear Friend,

If you’re a coach, consultant, expert or course creator and you’ve been impacted by
the recent economic lockdown . . .

This may be the most important letter you’ll read this year.

Here’s why:

The average business is going to get financially destroyed by this

massive economic setback.

Business owners are facing one of the most turbulent climates since the Great

Businesses across the world are struggling to support their brands and employees in
response to Covid-19.
The wealthy will take a hit but they will be the first to bounce back because they have
access to cash.

But for the average small business . . .

How do you survive?

Listen, these are some of the most uncertain and crazy times in modern history.

When this happens, you have two choices:

You can go down the path of fear and panic.

OR . . .

You can be one of the few who see the immense opportunity we have right now
to help people solve problems and use this time to come out stronger than when this

So the question is . . .

Who do you want to be in 60 days from today?

This is a time when the people with the best tools, support and strategies are going
to survive and THRIVE.

I can show you how to build a life preserver.

I can show you how to be secure during insecure times.

In just a few hours a week . . .

I’ll show you how to use this time to reach NEXT LEVEL success
and abundance!

Now more than ever, promoting and selling your expertise online has never made
more sense.

You have a set of skills that are proven to get results, your current clients love you,
your community loves you . . .

And with people forced to stay indoors, scrolling aimlessly on their phones . . .
Right now, people are PAYING ATTENTION like we’ve never seen before . . .

So without exaggeration . . .


Where the ENTIRE world is AT HOME with nothing to do . . . but look at their

There is INSANE opportunity in this very moment.

But you might be wondering (rightfully so) . . .

How do you get in front of your customers and clients and make sales. . . even when
“no one is spending money” in a recession?

Well, let me show you exact and precise strategies and actions to ensure you get
through this BIGGER, BETTER and more prosperous (regardless of the

See . . .

Smack dab in the middle of the financial and economic crash my

business generated $432,672 in a 30-day period.

Here’s a screenshot from my Stripe account:

(And to put that in perspective, the average small business in the United States
generates under $100,000 in revenue PER YEAR.)

So - how’d I do the unspeakable?


I focused on ONE THING.

I mastered the art and science of building profitable sales funnels.

And a simple little funnel allowed me to actually . . .

Make MORE money during this time of uncertainty than what I

normally do.

In fact, we’ve decided to EXPAND and SCALE during this time.

Not only have we DOUBLED our advertising budget . . .

But I just promoted my Marketing Manager to Chief Operating Officer (COO) . . .

This is our new COO, Gabrielle:

Imagine what could happen if you had YOUR OWN FUNNEL?

Imagine how that could change your business . . . and life?

I believe funnels are . . .

The ONE thing that can help you THRIVE during this
unprecedented time

A funnel can be the LIFE PRESERVER you need to make sure this global pandemic
doesn’t leave you and your family set back or stuck.

A funnel can get you through this, and to the other side . . . better, faster and more

A funnel can give you back control and certainty during this turbulent climate so
you can do more than just get by… but instead you and your family can EXPAND.

All with ONE successful funnel!

But building a successful funnel can be hard.

It can take years of trial and error and tens of thousands of dollars wasted on easily
avoidable mistakes.

The good news is . . .

I’m going to build YOUR profitable funnel with you!

You don’t have to worry about trying to figure out how to do it on your own . . .

All you have to do is “insert” the “FUNNEL BLUEPRINTS” that I’m about to give you!

And by “insert” . . .

I literally mean, you take my proven funnel templates and scripts . . . you change
certain elements for your specific needs . . .

. . . and you will (literally) have MY funnels “inserted” into YOUR business!

Does that sound like something you want?

If it is, I can help you.


Getting amazing results and actually pulling this off is – like most things – harder
than it looks.
And totally transforming your business takes time, effort, and energy.

In order for me to really help you, I need to work with you personally each week for
about 2 months!

If you’re interested in working together . . .

Here’s what I’ve got:

I’m looking for a few “dream” clients to join an exclusive private group called . . .

Marina De Giovanni’s . . . Funnel Queen Mastermind.

I’d like you to join us.

Our entire focus is on ONE THING. . . building YOUR profitable sales funnel in
today's changing economy.

Here’s What’s Included in Funnel Queen Mastermind:

1. We’ll work together through my exclusive 2-month comprehensive funnel

mastermind program filled with diverse learning experiences and resources.

2. We’ll begin with a small group private onboarding session to outline your
game plan for success.

3. You’ll then receive customized funnel building video trainings where each week
you’ll get a NEW “funnel blueprint” to insert into your business.

Specifically, I’ll hand you the six core “funnel blueprints” that generated over 10
million dollars for my business.
They are:

• Funnel 1: Digital Book Funnel

• Funnel 2: Quick Sale Funnel

• Funnel 3: Netflix Funnel

• Funnel 4: Triple-Touch Webinar Machine Funnel

• Funnel 5: The World Famous “2-Step” Video Presentation Funnel

• Funnel 6: Premium Coaching Funnel

During these advanced trainings you’ll discover how to implement critical funnel
building tactics and strategies.

AND . . .

4. We’ll then meet LIVE each week via an online video conference call where I’ll
host exclusive “Virtual Funnel Implementation Workshops”.

This is an intimate small group setting where you’ll get:

• My personal help implementing your new “funnel blueprint” each week.

• Covid-19 Response – live coaching and critical trainings to help your

businesses adapt to Covid-19.

• Over-the-shoulder access to everything we're doing in our businesses

right now.

• A marketing roadmap to get you customers and clients during this

uncertain time.

• Unfiltered access to ask us questions and get the support you need (when
you need it.)

And in addition to solving your current challenges on our live calls, you also get
access to a private group of unbelievable people to network with . . .

5. You’ll also have access to me, my team, and your fellow Funnel Queen members
via a private Slack channel.

So, if you need any extra personal help in between our weekly video conference
calls, then WE GOT CHOO!
6. PLUS, you’ll also get complimentary access to all courses, programs,
membership sites, best-selling books, or anything else is yours for the taking.

This is the most VIP experience I can offer you next to moving into my guest room
and being my apprentice.

So clearly . . .



My team and I are invested with you in this endeavour. Your success is our success
as we track your results through the mastermind program.

If accepted, I can absolutely guarantee that you’ll have my attention, and you’ll
be thrilled with the results.

This program is by invitation only and I’ll give you a link to request an invite at the
bottom of this letter.

But . . .

Before You Apply, Let Me Be Brutally Honest:

This is expensive. (Not ridiculously so . . . there are certainly more expensive

things out there . . . but it ain’t cheap.)

Here’s what’s important:

Most of the things we spend money on never give us a return on our investment.

Meaning, we give money away – but never get that money back.

So, it is my intention and commitment that your investment will give you a specific
skillset that will make you MUCH more for many years to come.

For most students . . . just ONE funnel will cover the cost of this mastermind
(and then some!)

What else?

Hmm ...oh yes! You'll be required to implement what you learn . . .fast . . .and share
your results. (I.e. – "you gotta do the work".)
And you'll be asked to share what's working in your business with the rest of the
group (just as fellow members will be required to share their secrets with YOU).

In other words . . .

This exclusive mastermind is NOT for everybody.

I’m VERY picky about who I let into this group, and I’ve got a strict (but reasonable)
set of criteria that needs to be met in order for us to proceed.

Here’s who I CAN help:

1. You have to have a business

This is for people who are up and running already and simply want to run a lot
faster and a lot further.

2. You have to have an information, coaching, or consulting business

This is specifically for people selling coaching, consulting, online courses,

memberships, books, or professional services.

3. You MUST follow directions

Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to do anything weird. But you DO have to actually
implement the stuff I give you!

That’s it! Those are all my requirements.

Here’s How to Apply:

I’ve created an application process to filter out any time wasters.

Here’s how it works:

1. You’ll see the link to the application at the bottom of this letter.

2. After you fill it out, I’ll review it personally.

3. If I think we *might* be a good fit, I’ll have Gabrielle from my team reach out
to you and schedule a quick 15-minute call so she can answer your questions
(and ask you a few as well).

4. Assuming you both still think we’re a good fit, Gabrielle will then schedule a
call between you and me personally.
5. That call will be maybe 30-minutes and if I think we’re a good match, I’ll invite
you to participate.


This opportunity is extremely limited because . . .

There are only 30 total slots for this group.

And I’ve sent this letter to my entire email list of over 100,000 people (plus I’ll be
running a few ads to promote it too – why not!)

The time to take advantage of this is NOW.

The only question is, are you ready?

If you feel like this is right for you, click the “Apply Now” link below and fill out an
application before spots fill up and you miss out on this opportunity for good.


Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Dream. Believe. Succeed,

Marina De Giovanni

P.S. You’re probably wondering a few things . . .

First, you might be thinking, “Hey - if she’s only taking 30 people, this has GOT to be
expensive. Like $20,000.00 or something.”

Makes sense.

But it’s nowhere near that. It’s not even half of that.

In fact, as my way of HELPING businesses during this challenging time . . .

I’ve created a way for you to SAVE (a significant chunk of cash) off of your tuition.

The details are explained in the short application process.

You may apply today here.

So why am I doing this?

Well look . . . I know it’s tough out there right now.

But I’m SO confident (and TRULY believe) I have the knowledge, skills and
experience to SAVE businesses during this challenging time . . . and I feel it
my duty to step up and HELP.

This is not the time to mess around, this is a serious situation.

Consider this as your calling to begin doing the things you said you were going to do
before this mess.

There’s an opportunity for you to push through and come out on top of all of this.

And that’s why I created this project.

That’s EXACTLY what my “Funnel Queen Mastermind” is all about.

In the next 60 days – in just a few hours a week – I’ll show you how to use this time
to reach NEXT LEVEL success and abundance.

The fact is, nobody who succeeds big ever does so by being a lone-ranger. You will
not make it through this alone and be better off.

We ALL need a network of friends and experts who can support us when times are

This is your opportunity to become something more.

I promise you my team and I are here for you.

Don’t miss out on this.

The spots will definitely fill up fast.

If you delay your decision to enroll, your seat will be taken by someone else.

So - if you want in, APPLY HERE ASAP.

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