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Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 7

Books You Need ...................................................................................................................................................... 8

Champion of fenris: Codex Space Wolves Supplement ..................................................................................... 9

Curse of the Wulfen: Codex Space Wolves Supplement .................................................................................... 9

Army Building Philosophies .................................................................................................................................. 10

Space Wolves Units .............................................................................................................................................. 12

Wolf Lord .......................................................................................................................................................... 13

Wolf Guard Battle leader ................................................................................................................................. 14

Rune Priest ....................................................................................................................................................... 15

Wolf Priest ........................................................................................................................................................ 16

Iron Priest ......................................................................................................................................................... 17

Servitors ........................................................................................................................................................... 18

Blood Claws ...................................................................................................................................................... 19

Grey Hunters .................................................................................................................................................... 20

Wolf Scouts ...................................................................................................................................................... 21

Lone Wolf ......................................................................................................................................................... 22

Dreadnought .................................................................................................................................................... 23

Wolf Guard ....................................................................................................................................................... 24

Wolf Guard Terminators .................................................................................................................................. 25

Wulfen (CotW) ................................................................................................................................................. 26

Swiftclaws......................................................................................................................................................... 27

Rhino ................................................................................................................................................................ 28

Razorback ......................................................................................................................................................... 29

Drop Pod .......................................................................................................................................................... 30

Stormwolf ......................................................................................................................................................... 31

Thunderwolf Cavalry ........................................................................................................................................ 32

Fenrisian Wolves .............................................................................................................................................. 33

Skyclaws ........................................................................................................................................................... 34

Land Speeders .................................................................................................................................................. 35

Stormfang Gunship........................................................................................................................................... 36

Long Fangs ........................................................................................................................................................ 37

Vindicator ......................................................................................................................................................... 38

Whirlwind ......................................................................................................................................................... 39

Predator ........................................................................................................................................................... 40

Land Raider....................................................................................................................................................... 41

Land Raider Crusader ....................................................................................................................................... 42

Land Raider Redeemer ..................................................................................................................................... 43

Logan Grimnar .................................................................................................................................................. 44

Ragnar Blackmane ............................................................................................................................................ 45

Harald Deathwolf ............................................................................................................................................. 46

Canis Wolfborn ................................................................................................................................................. 47

Bjorn The Fell-Handed ...................................................................................................................................... 48

Krom Dragongaze ............................................................................................................................................. 49

Lukas The Trickster ........................................................................................................................................... 50

Njal Stormcaller ................................................................................................................................................ 51

Ulrik The Slayer ................................................................................................................................................ 52

Murderfang ...................................................................................................................................................... 53

Arjac Rockfist .................................................................................................................................................... 54

Detachments and Formations .............................................................................................................................. 55

An Allied Detachment may not be the same faction as your Primary Detachment. ....................................... 55

Unbound ............................................................................................................................................................... 56

Combined Arms Detachment ........................................................................................................................... 57

Deathpack (Starter Box) ................................................................................................................................... 58

The Wolves Unleashed (CSW) .......................................................................................................................... 59

Great Company (CSW)...................................................................................................................................... 60

Company of the Great Wolf (CoF) .................................................................................................................... 61

Kingsguard Stormforce (CoF) ........................................................................................................................... 62

Brethren of the Fell-Handed (CoF) ................................................................................................................... 63

Wolf Guard Terminator Void Claws (CoF) ........................................................................................................ 64

Grimnar’s War Council (CoF) ............................................................................................................................ 65

Arjac’s Shield Brothers (CoF) ............................................................................................................................ 66

Wolf Guard Thunderstrike (CoF) ...................................................................................................................... 67

The Champions of Fenris (CoF)......................................................................................................................... 68

Grimnar’s Kingsquad (HotW) ........................................................................................................................... 69

Ragnar’s Claws (HotW) ..................................................................................................................................... 71

Wolf Guard Strike Force (HotW) ...................................................................................................................... 72

Wolf Claw Strike Force (CotW) ......................................................................................................................... 74

Greatpack (CotW) ............................................................................................................................................. 75

The Firehowlers (CotW) ................................................................................................................................... 76

The Ironwolves (CotW) ..................................................................................................................................... 77

The Drakeslayers (CotW) .................................................................................................................................. 79

The Deathwolves (CotW) ................................................................................................................................. 80

The Blackmanes (CotW) ................................................................................................................................... 82

The Champions of Fenris (CotW)...................................................................................................................... 84

Heralds of the Great Wolf (CotW) .................................................................................................................... 86

Wyrdstorm Brotherhood (CotW) ..................................................................................................................... 87

Spear of Russ (CotW) ........................................................................................................................................ 88

Ancients of the Fang (CotW) ............................................................................................................................ 89

Wulfen Murderpack (CotW) ............................................................................................................................. 90

Wolfkin (CotW) ................................................................................................................................................. 91

Strike Force Daggerfist (Web Army deal) ......................................................................................................... 92

Fortifications (SA) ................................................................................................................................................. 93

Aegis Defence Line ........................................................................................................................................... 94

Imperial Bastion ............................................................................................................................................... 94

Honours Imperium ........................................................................................................................................... 95

Wall of Martyrs Imperial Defence Line ............................................................................................................ 95

Wall of Martyrs Imperial Defence Emplacement ............................................................................................. 95

Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunker ...................................................................................................................... 95

Wall of Martyrs Firestorm Redoubt ................................................................................................................. 96

Wall of Martyrs Vengeance Weapon Battery .................................................................................................. 96

Promethium Relay Pipes .................................................................................................................................. 97

Void Shield Generator ...................................................................................................................................... 97

Skyshield Landing Pad ...................................................................................................................................... 98

Fortress of redemption .................................................................................................................................... 99

Aquila Strongpoint ......................................................................................................................................... 100

Forge World ........................................................................................................................................................ 101

Legacies of Glory (IA2) .................................................................................................................................... 102

(Relic) Sicaran Battle Tank (IA2) ..................................................................................................................... 105

(Relic) Whirlwind Scorpius (IA2) ..................................................................................................................... 106

Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod (IA2) .................................................................................................. 107

Space Wolves Contemptor Dreadnought (IAA) .............................................................................................. 108

Xiphon Pattern Interceptor (FW) ................................................................................................................... 109

Fire Raptor Gunship (IA2) ............................................................................................................................... 110

(Relic) Leviathan Dreadnought (FW) .............................................................................................................. 111

Land Raider Spartan (IA2)............................................................................................................................... 112

Typhon (IA2) ................................................................................................................................................... 113

Fellblade (IA2) ................................................................................................................................................ 114

Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer (IA2) ............................................................................................................ 115

Vindicator Laser Destroyer (FW) .................................................................................................................... 116

Caestus Assault Ram (IA2) .............................................................................................................................. 117

Storm Eagle (IA2) ............................................................................................................................................ 118

Rapier Quad Mortar Support Battery (FW) .................................................................................................... 119

Bran Redmaw (FW) ........................................................................................................................................ 120

Space Wolves Army Lists .................................................................................................................................... 121

1750pts Death & Murder Army List ............................................................................................................... 122

1500pts Death Spear Army List ...................................................................................................................... 124

1500pts Murder Spear Army List ................................................................................................................... 126

1500pts From the Forge Army List ................................................................................................................. 128

1750pts Blood, Thunder & Murder Army List ................................................................................................ 130

1500pts Drop Pod Army List ........................................................................................................................... 132

1500pts Rock and a Hard Place Army List ...................................................................................................... 134

1500pts March of the Ancients Army List ...................................................................................................... 136

1500pts Grimnar’s Kingsguard Army List ....................................................................................................... 138

1500pts Lone Wolves Army List ..................................................................................................................... 140

1500pts The Ironwolves Army List ................................................................................................................. 142

1500pts The Firehowlers Army List ................................................................................................................ 145

1750pts The Drakeslayers Army List .............................................................................................................. 147

1500pts The Blackmanes Army List ................................................................................................................ 150

1750pts The Deathwolves Army List .............................................................................................................. 153

1500pts Strike Force Daggerfist Army List ..................................................................................................... 156

1500pts Classic Army List ............................................................................................................................... 158

1500pts Friendly Army List ............................................................................................................................. 161

1850pts Imperial Drop Assault Army List ....................................................................................................... 163

Allied Army Lists ................................................................................................................................................. 166

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions ...................................................................................................................... 168

Final Thoughts .................................................................................................................................................... 173


“Hello, and welcome to The Space Wolves Players

Handbook – Version 2. This tidy little tome of
knowledge is here to help you get the most out of
playing your Space Wolves army in Warhammer
40,000 whether you’re an inexperienced Blood
Claw or seasoned a Long Fang.

This digital document is designed for you to

casually flip through and get the best from each
of the Space Wolves units and formations, before
bringing it all together to create a game winning
army list.

Thank you for downloading this guide and

supporting the Space Wolves Blog” -Adam


In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, there is only rules. Lots of rules.

To find the rules for everything covered in this handbook, you will need the
following books. All of these are available from Games Workshop, Forge World
or can be found in PDF format through search engines.

 Codex Space Wolves

 Champions of Fenris: A Codex Space Wolves Supplement
 War zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen
 Sanctus Reach: Hour of the Wolf
 Stronghold Assault *
 Imperial Armour 2: Warmachines of the Adeptus Astartes **
 Imperial Armour: Apocalypse ***

* - Fortifications

** - Forge World units and Legacies of Glory upgrades

*** - Forge World Space Wolves Contemptor Dreadnought rules


This book provides better Warlord Traits, an alternative selection of Chapter

Relics, +1 Weapon Skill bonuses for Wolf Guard, Wolf Guard Terminators and
Thunderwolf Cavalry and The Company of the Great Wolf detachment, as well
as numerous formations, including:

Kingsguard Stormforce, Bretheren of the Fell-Handed, Wolf Guard Void Claws,

Grimnar's War Council, Arjac's Shield Brothers, Wolf Guard Thunderstrike and
The Champions of Fenris.

Please Note: Numerous supplements, detachments and formations are called

different variations of “Champions of Fenris”. This can be confusing.


This book contains rules for Wulfen Packs, Krom Dragongaze and updated Iron
Priest rules as well as the Wolf Claw Strike Force Detachment, which includes
the following Formations:

Greatpack, Legendary Greatpacks (The Firehowlers, The Ironwolves, The

Deathwolves, The Drake Slayers, The Blackmanes and The Champions of
Fenris), Heralds of the Great Wolf, Wyrdstorm Brotherhood, Spear of Russ,
Ancients of the Fang, Wulfen Murderpack and Wolfkin.

You can also find rules clarifications for each formation and unit in the
appropriate section later on.


The following philosophies will help you to consistently have a good game,
even if you find yourself facing the latest overpowered army.

By being stringent with your points, analysing all the equipment options and
considering unusual weaponry which may be exclusively or limited to certain
units, you can achieve the best builds for your units.

Getting the most from your points

I’ve played against armies with virtually no upgrades of any kind, consisting of
very cost effective units. The sheer size of these armies is astounding.

So always do your best to keep your units as cheap and effective as possible.
All those little 5pts and 10pts upgrades can quickly add up!

When equipping characters, weigh up all the options - especially when it

comes to Wargear. For example, why give a Wolf Lord the Armour of Russ
when he comes with a 4+ invulnerable save already?

Choosing weird and wonderful weapons

My late friend James would swear by his Dreadnought armed with a Plasma
Cannon and a close combat weapon with built in Heavy Flamer. It wasn’t a
particularly popular unit at the time. But his reason for taking one, was
because nothing else in his army could carry either of these heavy weapons as

Venerable Dreadnoughts with Fenrisian Great Axe and Blizzard Shield, Wolf
Guard Terminators with free Storm Shields, Wulfen with Great Frost Axes –
Chances are that if no other units can easily have access to a particular
weapon, then that unit was meant to have it.

So it’s worth considering weapon options that are not usually available to
other units in your army. This creates diversity in your overall army and
ensures you have the right tools for the job.

Don’t forget you will always need some tough and hard hitting units to get the
job done too!

Keep it simple

There’s much to be said for playing an army that’s consistently good, rather
than requiring an element of luck in order to win your games. After all, you
can’t be lucky for 6 games in a row if you’re playing in a tournament.

This is why it’s good to have enough specific units with specific weapons for
specific battlefield roles to ensure that the job gets done.

So make sure you optimise each of your units for a single battlefield role.

The micromanagement of units and army synergy is something you will learn in
time from playing lots of games.

Play lots of games

Practice makes perfect. Because what looks good on paper may not always
perform well on the table top. And let’s not forget the local “Meta” of
wherever you’re playing.

Terrain and people’s playing styles can greatly dictate how a game plays out.
So it’s important that you play often and play as many different people in as
many different places as possible if you want to get good at this game and
know exactly what to do with your army in the heat of battle.

This is why I highly recommend attending tournament weekends where you

play for 2 days straight. Plus, they have awesome social scenes!


The following is a breakdown of every single unit in the Space Wolves Codex
with questions you must consider as well as optimised builds using the army
building philosophies mentioned earlier. Special Characters are addressed at
the end.

Unit builds, formations, detachments and weapons from the Champions of

Fenris supplement will be marked with a (CoF)

Unit builds, formations, detachments and weapons from the Curse of the
Wulfen supplement will be marked with a (CotW)

Formations from the Hour of the Wolf supplement will be marked with a

Detachments from the Codex Space Wolves will be marked with a (CSW)

Units and upgrades from Imperial Armour 2 will be marked with a (IA2)

Units from Imperial Armour Apocalypse will be marked with (IAA)

Units and upgrades from Forge World will be marked with a (FW)

Units and upgrades from Stronghold Assault will be marked with a (SA)


As the charismatic leader of your Great Company, it’s easy to pour points into
a Wolf Lord. But when there are more affordable HQ options available, he may
not always be worth taking.

This is because you’re already paying for a 4+ Invulnerable save in his base
points cost. So buying him a Storm Shield means you’re paying more points
than you should for that 3+ Invulnerable save.

But, if you’re determined to take a Wolf Lord regardless and pay that 50pts
premium for +1 Weapon Skill, +1 Attack and +1 Wound, read the Wolf Guard
Battle Leader entry, because their best builds are the same.

I often run a Wolf Lord in my lists if I have the points free, because that extra
Wound can make a big difference between life and death in the heat of battle.


50pts less than a Wolf Lord. If you want to take a Wolf Guard Battle Leader,
then you should consider using the Company of the Great Wolf Detachment
from Champions of Fenris to give him the Preferred Enemy (Characters) special
rule in Challenges. Although he must always issue and accept Challenges.

Build 1: “Frosty” Wolf Guard Battle Leader: 110pts

Armour of Russ, Fangsword of the Ice Wolf, Bolt pistol

Build 2: “Thunderfrost” Wolf Guard Battle Leader: 160pts

Armour of Russ, Fangsword of the Ice Wolf, Bolt pistol, Thunderwolf Mount

Build 3: “Thunderclaw” Wolf Guard Battle Leader: 155pts

Runic Armour, Wolf Claw, Storm Shield, Thunderwolf Mount

Build 4: “Thunderfist” Wolf Guard Battle Leader: 160pts

Runic Armour, Powerfist, Storm Shield, Thunderwolf Mount

Build 5: “Thunderkraken” Wolf Guard Battle Leader: 170pts (CoF)

Runic Armour, Krakenbone Sword, Storm Shield, Thunderwolf Mount

Build 6: “Termi-Claw” Wolf Guard Battle Leader: 105pts

Terminator Armour, Wolf Claw, Storm Shield

Build 7: “Chainfisty” Wolf Guard Battle Leader: 130pts

Terminator Armour, Chainfist, Storm Shield

Build 8: “Mad Morkai” Wolf Guard Battle Leader: 160pts (CoF)

Armour of Asvald Stormwrack, Morkai’s Claws, Fellclaw’s Teeth.


The cheapest HQ in the Codex. You’re either going to take 1-2 Rune Priests
with Biomancy or Divination powers.

I feel that these are the best Psychic Disciplines for Rune Priests, because they
augment the combat potential of friendly units, including themselves.

Build 1: “Naked” Rune Priest: 60pts

Runic Stave

Build 2: “Level2” Rune Priest: 95pts

Runic Stave, Level 2, Psychic hood

Build 3: “Biker Level2” Rune Priest: 150pts

Runic Axe, Level 2, Psychic hood, Runic Armour, Melta Bombs

Runic Axe, Stave or Sword?

Because Rune Priests have an Initiative of 4, they’re not always likely to strike
first in close combat.

However, I’m a big fan of the Runic Stave because it puts out Strength 6,
Concussive hits. And all it takes is for a single failed save for a Force Weapon to
inflict Instant Death – providing you charged it in the Psychic Phase.

I will only take the Runic Axe if my Rune Priest has a 2+ save, because striking
last in close combat will be less of a risk.

If you are planning on taking 2 or more Rune Priests, be sure to take them in a
Wyrdstorm Brotherhood (CotW) for added benefits.


Like most Independent Characters, the Wolf Priest is geared for close combat.
Although his Oath of War special rules allow him to nominate a single unit
type, giving him and the unit he joins the Preferred Enemy rule against that
unit type for the duration of the game.

Armed with a Power Mace and a 4+ Invulnerable save, he’s not bad in close
combat. His Healing Balms grants the unit he joins 6+ Feel No Pain. While his
Oath of War can benefit shooting units, he’s best getting stuck into the fight
where lots of dice can be re-rolled.

This is why he is a popular choice to lead large packs of Blood Claws.

Because he already has an invulnerable save, Terminator Armour gives him no

benefits over Runic Armour, unless you’re Deepstriking him with a pack of
Wolf Guard Terminators.

Build 1: “Naked” Wolf Priest: 110pts

Just remember that Ulrik The Slayer gives you so much more for an extra
35pts. But more on him later.

Bikes and Jump Packs

Don’t forget that you can buy your Wolf Priest a Jump Pack or a Bike to join
fast moving units in your army.


Good at fixing stuff and smashing stuff. There are 2 really good builds for an
Iron Priest.

Build 1: “Iron Wolf” Iron Priest: 190pts

4 Cyberwolves, Thunderwolf Mount, Tempest Hammer

A unit of Toughness 5 models with plenty of attacks. He also gets +1 Wound

from his Thunderwolf Mount, which takes him up to 3 Wounds with a 2+
armour save. Upgrading his Thunder Hammer to a Tempest Hammer for the
Helfrost rule is a must. Although we felt that a Helfrost pistol cost too many

He’s also perfect for joining packs of Thunderwolf Cavalry and taking lots of
hits, before using Look Out Sir to pass hits to his Cyberwolves or Thunderwolf
Cavalry with a Storm Shield to attempt to deflect the hit.

Build 2: “Fix It” Iron Priest: 75pts

The basic Iron Priest, designed to lead a unit of 2 Thrall Servitors.

Each Servitor gives you +1 to your 5+ Battlesmith roll, so your Iron Priest will be
repairing on a 3+.

Please note that Servitors must be taken as a separate Elite choice.

Iron Priests are excellent HQ choices and come in Spear of Russ (CotW) and
Ancients of the Fang (CotW) detachments, but do not have to remain with
their tanks or Dreadnoughts.


Servitors are Elite choices. However, if they’re not joined by an Iron Priest, they
are “Mindlocked” and only function on a 4+. This makes them an obvious
addition to an Iron Priest. Although you could take the risk on fielding them on
their own.

Taking a unit of Servitors is a cheap way to fill a compulsory Elite slots for The
Company of the Great Wolf detachment (CoF), provided you have an Iron
Priest on vehicle repairing duty.

Although you could be really annoying by putting keeping them in Reserve,

hiding in cover and holding Objectives. You would just risk giving away easy Kill

Build 1: “Fix It” Thrall Servitors: 20pts

1 extra Thrall Servitor

Build 2: “The Lone Dakka” Servitor: 20pts

Heavy Bolter

Because Servitors are an Elites choice and cannot be taken as a bodyguard for
an Iron Priest, you may not take them as part of a Spear of Russ (CotW) or
Ancients of the Fang (CotW) detachment.

Although you could take a Combined Arms Detachment as part of the overall
force and purchase a Servitor unit to accompany your Iron Priest that way.


The cheapest Troops choice we have. Blood Claws can either be successfully
run as a small unit or a big unit.

There are Legendary Greatpack formations (CotW), Wulfen packs (CotW), Wolf
Priests or Ulrik The Slayer, which provide bonuses to Blood Claws.

Most importantly, the Blood Claws can be led by a Wolf Guard Pack Leader in
Terminator Armour who is only 4pts more expensive than a regular Wolf Guard
Terminator. This is the most cost effective way of equipping a WGPL. Especially
when he can take a Storm Shield for free.

Blood Claws are often equipped with Flamers over the other special weapons
due to their low Ballistic Skill of 3.

In a Drop Pod heavy list 5 Blood Claws with a Flamer in a Drop Pod is a cheap
100pts unit that can help with your Drop Pod numbers to get an effective Turn
1 Drop Pod Assault by placing them into Reserve.

Build 1: “Cheap” Blood Claws: 65pts

Dedicated Transport Suggestions: Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback

Build 2: “Footslogging” Blood Claws: 130pts

2 Melta guns, 10 Extra Blood Claws, Wolf Guard Pack Leader Upgrade, Power
Axe, Combi-Melta.
Transport Suggestions: Land Raider Crusader, Stormwolf

Please note: A WGPL in Terminator Armour cannot embark in a Rhino or

Razorback. You may wish to take a WGPL in Power Armour with a Combi-
Weapon instead.


Good all round troops who tend to perform best in the middle of the board.

Like Blood Claws, a pack of Grey Hunters can be led by a Wolf Guard Pack
Leader in Terminator Armour who is 6pts more expensive than a regular Wolf
Guard Terminator. This is the most cost effective way of equipping a WGPL.
Although it can limit your transport options.

Make sure you don’t pay the points to give your WGPL an extra close combat
weapon if he will be wearing Terminator Armour.

Build 1: “Melta” Grey Hunters: 90pts

Melta Gun, 5 Close Combat Weapons
Dedicated Transport Suggestions: Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback

Build 2: “Plasma” Grey Hunters: 85pts

Plasma Gun
Dedicated Transport Suggestions: Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback

Build 3: “Max Melta” Grey Hunters: 240pts

2 Melta guns, 10 Close Combat Weapons, 5 Extra Grey Hunters
Wolf Guard Pack Leader upgrade, Power Axe, Combi-Melta
Dedicated Transport Suggestions: Drop Pod, Rhino

Build 4: “Dual Plasma” Grey Hunters: 205pts

2 Plasma guns, 5 Extra Grey Hunters
Dedicated Transport Suggestions: Drop Pod, Rhino

Please note: A WGPL in Terminator Armour cannot embark in a Rhino or

Razorback. You may wish to take a WGPL in Power Armour with a Combi-
Weapon instead.


Because they’re the same basic points at Grey Hunters, the Wolf Scouts don’t
have many cost effective builds or battlefield roles.

However, unlike other units in the army, they have access to Sniper Rifles.

Combine this with their ability to Infiltrate and Scout, and you can get them
into a good position to harass the enemy’s flank. Picking wounds off
Monstrous Creatures with Sniper Rifles is fun too.

Buying Camo Cloaks is usually a good idea, because you will be Infiltrating into
Cover. Preferably up high in a ruin or fortification.

Build 1: “Sniper” Wolf Scouts: 75pts

5 Sniper Rifles

Build 2: “Sneaky Sniper” Wolf Scouts: 99pts

4 Sniper Rifles, 1 Missile Launcher, Camo Cloaks

Build 3: “Plasma” Wolf Scouts: 95pts

5 Camo Cloaks, Plasma Gun, 4 Bolters

I like the last build, because in cover, they’re better than Grey Hunters for the
equivalent cost.

Remember that Wolf Scouts take up an Elite slot, so you could use them to fill
the minimum Elite requirements in a Company of the Great Wolf detachment


Annoying for your opponent, great fun for you. Lone Wolves are designed to
be a nuisance by holding up enemy units, killing enemy Characters and
generally getting in the way while the rest of your army runs rampant.

Because anyone with Terminator Armour can swap their left weapon to a
Storm Shield for free, this forms the basis of the most cost effective Lone Wolf
builds. Especially when models in Terminator Armour can Deepstrike.

So you get a fierce warrior with 2 Wounds, a 2+ Save, a 3+ Invulnerable save

and Feel No Pain (5+) with a high strength weapon. Taking 2 Fenrisian Wolves
can increase his durability further.

However, Fenrisian Wolves do not benefit from the Curse of the Wulfen tables,
so if you are taken a unit of Wulfen in your army, the Fenrisian Wolves could
hold your Lone Wolf back.

Remember that a Lone Wolf has the Monster Hunter special rule and re-rolls
to wound against Monstrous Creatures. This makes the Wolf Claw redundant
unless you are hunting regular infantry.

Build 1: “Thunder Hammer” Lone Wolf: 80pts

Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Melta Bombs

Build 2: “Frost Axe” Lone Wolf: 70pts

Terminator Armour, Frost Axe, Storm Shield, Melta Bombs

Build 3: “Wolf Claw” Lone Wolf: 70pts

Terminator Armour, Wolf Claw, Storm Shield, Melta Bombs

Build 4: “Chain Claw” Lone Wolf: 80pts

Terminator Armour, Wolf Claw, Chainfist


Whether you’re looking for a walking weapons platform, a midfield fighter or a

units that drops into the thickest of the fighting, Dreadnoughts are incredibly

Please note that the Helfrost cannon is not worth 10pts more than a Plasma

Build 1: “Meltacide” Dreadnought: 95pts

Multi-Melta, Close Combat Weapon
Dedicated Transport Suggestions: Drop Pod

Build 2: “Rifleman” Dreadnought: 115pts

2 Twin-Linked Autocannons

Build 3: “Midfielder” Dreadnought: 125pts

Plasma Cannon, Close Combat Weapon with Heavy Flamer

Build 4: “Berserker” Dreadnought: 155pts

Venerable, Great Axe and Blizzard Shield, Extra Armour
Dedicated Transport Suggestions: Drop Pod

The Berserker Dreadnought is very survivable thanks to his “Venerable” ability

and 3+ Invulnerable save to the front arch. Just beware of enemies shooting
him in the side and rear.

Take 2 in Drop Pods, with a third Drop Pod in Reserve to make sure the 2
Berserkers arrive on Turn 1 and herd the enemy from the flanks or simply run
forward, soak up loads of hits and then get stuck in on Turn 2!

Dreadnoughts are even better in an Ancients of The Fang formation (CotW).

However, they must form a squadron and cannot take dedicated transports.


Remember that all Wolf Guard receive +1 WS when using the Company of the
Great Wolf Detachment (CoF).

The issue with Wolf Guard is that their weapon options are more expensive
than the Wolf Guard Terminator alternatives. And unlike other units, they
cannot have Special Weapons or Heavy Weapons, only Combi-Weapons and
Close Combat Weapons.

Combi-Weapons are the same points whether you choose a Combi-Plasma,

Flamer or Melta. But when we compare this to special weapons we see that
the Plasma gun is the most expensive. Therefore the Combi-Plasma offers the
best value for points, while Combi-Flamers provide the least value.

Build 1: “Melta” Wolf Guard: 168pts

1 Extra Wolf Guard, 6 Combi-Meltas
Dedicated Transport Suggestions: Drop Pod, Rhino, Razorback

Build 2: “Plasma” Wolf Guard: 165pts

4 Combi-Plasmas
Dedicated Transport Suggestions: Drop Pod, Rhino, Razorback

Build 3: “Biker” Wolf Guard: 230pts

Extra Wolf Guard, 6 Space Marine Bikes, 2 Storm Shields, Wolf Claw, Powerfist,
Melta bomb

Build 4: “Jump Melta” Wolf Guard: 186pts

1 Extra Wolf Guard, 6 Combi-Meltas, 6 Jump Packs

Cheaper than taking a dedicated transport and highly mobile while being able
to Deepstrike. Swap the Combi-Meltas for Combi-Plasmas if needed.


Remember that all Wolf Guard Terminators receive +1 WS when using the
Company of the Great Wolf Detachment (CoF).

Any model in Terminator Armour can swap their Left-Handed Weapon for a
Storm Shield for FREE! This massively increases their survivability.

Build 1: “Assault” Wolf Guard Terminators: 235pts

2 Extra Wolf Guard Terminators, 3 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, 1 Wolf
Claw and Storm Shield, 1 Heavy Flamer and Storm Shield
Dedicated Transport Suggestions: Drop Pod, Land Raider

I like to use a Heavy Flamer with Storm Shield at the front to prevent the unit
from getting bogged down by lots of enemy troops. Also because I find my
Space Wolves army lists lacking in template weapons.

While large units of Assault Wolf Guard Terminators may look intimidating,
they eat up a lot of points. This is why I generally stick to packs of 5.

I suggest choosing which of your Terminators will be the Wolf Guard Pack
Leader each game to vary things up and see what works best for you.
Especially if he’s involved in Challenges.

Build 2: “Meltacide” Wolf Guard Terminators: 114pts

3 Combi-Meltas, 3 Storm Shields

Build 3: “Plasmacide” Wolf Guard Terminators: 114pts

3 Combi-Plasmas, 3 Storm Shields

These two builds are designed to Deepstrike in, shoot something and then hold
a position or generally hold up the enemy with the help of their Storm Shields.


The Space Wolves bestial brethren are awesome shock troops. They can move,
run and charge. They also re-roll their charge rolls. Finally, their Death Frenzy
rule means they attack in close combat once slain – even if they already
attacked that turn. They have 2 Wounds each and Feel No Pain as well. They’re

Build 1: “Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

Great Frost Axes are awesome, the high Initiative Wulfen Pack Leader is
brilliant at fighting Challenges and the Storm Shields help to soak up enemy
fire from the front. Just beware being shot from behind.

Build 2: “Shield Wall” Wulfen: 250pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 4 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

For when you absolutely, must keep your Wulfen alive. You’re basically looking
at a unit of Assault Terminators that moves faster and fights better.

Build 3: “Cheap” Wulfen: 190pts

2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

It’s tempting to take a Land Raider or Stormwolf to transport them safely, but
for the same points you could simple purchase another Wulfen pack!

If you’re taking a Murderpack formation (CotW), take 3 units for added Curse
of the Wulfen table bonuses. Adding +2 to your roll gives you a greater chance
of rolling movement bonuses on the Hunt table.


Essentially Blood Claws on bikes. Swift Claws need a powerful Independent

Character to lead them into battle. They provide a tough and fast moving
assault unit, with plenty of basic attacks, while an Independent Character or
Wolf Guard Pack Leader does most of the killing when they crash into close

Build 1: Swiftclaws: 165pts

2 Extra Swiftclaws, Melta gun, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta

Build 2: “Wolf Guard Led” Swiftclaws: 230pts

3 Extra Swiftclaws, Melta gun, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta, Wolf Guard Pack
Leader upgrade, Power Axe, Combi-Melta

When Space Wolves bikers are intended to be a fast close combat unit, the
Wolf Guard Bikers win hands down with their extra attacks, better Ballistic
Skill, higher Weapon Skill and even higher Weapon Skill boosts if you’re using
the Company of the Great Wolf detachment (CoF).

Fortunately, there are many Legendary Greatpack formations (CotW) as well as

Wulfen, which provide bonuses to Swiftclaws and make them worth taking.

Swiftclaws also make an ideal unit for Rune Priests (on bikes) from the
Wyrdstorm Brotherhood formation (CotW) to join, improving the units
shooting and close combat potential, as well as being able to cast Psychic


The iconic Space Marine transport that’s likely to get Glanced to death due to
its armour value of 11.

Expect it to get blown up. So drive Flat Out to get a unit into position. And
should it survive, fire your Smoke Launchers on the next Turn.

Don’t bother buying it Extra Armour, because it’s going to get blown up.

Last of all, don’t forget it has a top hatch that you can fire 2 guns from the top.


The Long Fang’s friend. When not driving behind Rhinos to provide a ride to
whoever stumbles out of the Rhino wreckage, Razorbacks are fairly cost
effective anti-tank weapons platforms.

I often take them as Dedicated Transports for my Long Fangs who either use
them to get into position quickly on Turn 1, or let them roam free and help out
other Space Wolves trying to advance up the board while providing fire

Build 1: “Twin Las” Razorback: 75pts

Twin-Linked Lascannon

I’ve seen a game where 3 of these were shooting down flyers thanks to their
Lascannons being Twin-Linked.

Build 2: “Las-Plas” Razorback: 75pts

Lascannon, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun

I give my Razorbacks high strength, low AP weapons over Assault Cannons and
Heavy Bolters, as there are enough units in the Space Wolves army that deal
with enemy troops.


Now a Fast Attack choice, you can deploy allied units inside these, as well as
Space Wolves units without Dedicated Transport options.

A Drop Pod is a small price to pay if you don’t want your Lone Wolf or Wolf
Guard Terminators scattering or you want them to arrive on Turn 1.

Drop Pod Assault

Because half of your Drop Pods (rounding up) arrive on Turn 1, make sure you
have an odd number of Drop Pods.

This will ensure that the majority of your army arrives on Turn 1.

If you’re running a Drop Pod themed army list, you may want to take this even
further and pour as many points as sensibly possible into your first wave to
make sure that a higher percentage of your army arrives on Turn 1.

This will give your opponent a much tougher time than if your army was
divided in two equal halves with the remaining half arriving over the following
2-4 turns.

To get as much stuff into play on Turn 1, I’ve seen many people use the Void
Claws Formation (CoF). Not only to get a pack of Void Claw Wolf Guard
Terminators deepstriking on Turn 1, but also to re-roll Reserve rolls, making
the Drop Pods held in Reserve arrive more reliably.


The Stormwolf has an Assault Ramp, transport capacity 16, Power of the
Machine Spirit and lots of guns.

Upgrade the Heavy Bolters to Multi-Meltas and you’re done. The Skyhammmer
Missile Launcher is basically an Autocannon. So it’s not worth taking when you
consider the rest of the Stormwolf’s weapons are high Strength and low AP.

Build 1: “Hunter” Stormwolf: 235pts

2 Twin-Linked Multi-Meltas

Remember that Flyers don’t do anything until Turn 2 when they arrive from
Reserve. If they arrive from Reserve!

This is why I would only put small, cheap units inside a Stormwolf. Otherwise
your opponent may be able to play 2 of their Turns before over 300pts of your
army enters play.

Even then, anything inside the Stormfang can only charge on Turn 3.

You really need to be in combat by Turn 2. Or your opponent may already be in

combat with you!

So that’s a lot of points you’ve been keeping out of the game for the most
crucial turns.

I love the Stormwolf in games of Apocalypse, where Reserves can arrive in Turn
1 en masse. But in regular games of 40K, I highly recommend the Stormfang


Remember that all Thunderwolf Cavalry receive +1 WS when using the

Company of the Great Wolf Detachment (CoF).

The tough, fast and hard hitting “must have” unit in virtually any Space Wolves
army. Thunderwolf Cavalry usually get run in the following configurations.

Build 1: “One of Each” Thunderwolf Cavalry: 240pts

3 Storm Shields, Wolf Claw, Thunder Hammer, Powerfist

Build 2: “Lots of” Thunderwolf Cavalry: 315pts

3 Extra Thunderwolf Cavalry, Power Fist, Storm Shield, Pack Leader with Wolf
Claw and Storm Shield

Build 3: “Pimp My” Thunderwolf Cavalry: 400pts

3 Extra Thunderwolf Cavalry, 2 Power Fists, 5 Storm Shields, Pack Leader with
Wolf Claw and Storm Shield

All of these builds include a Pack Leader. I suggest choosing which of your
Thunderwolf Cavalry will be the Pack Leader each game to vary things up and
see what works best for you. Especially if he’s involved in Challenges.

Remember that Thunderwolves have Rending attacks, so Power Axes, Power

Swords and Frost Weapons are rather redundant options for these guys.

Adding an Iron Priest on a Thunderwolf with 2-4 Cyberwolves, a Wolf Guard

Battle Leader (or Wolf Lord) on a Thunderwolf with 2 Fenrisian Wolves is a
good way to add a “Tank” to the unit who can soak up damage with a 2+ save
or pass them to his “ablative wolves” using the Look Out Sir rule.

Having a Wulfen pack nearby makes the Thunderwolf Cavalry even more
incredible too.


At 8pts per model, Fenrisian Wolves are ferocious Beasts. However, their low
Leadership means that they need to be accompanied by an Independent
Character in order to stay in the fight. They also cannot claim objectives.

Build 1: “Hero” Fenrisian Wolves: 50pts

Cyberwolf upgrade

Why take a Cyberwolf? Because he’s a Character, so he can accept, issue (or
bark) Challenges. Hilarious!

It’s a cheap and cheerful unit, which would probably perform better if joined
by an Independent Character riding a Thunderwolf Mount.

Fenrisian Wolves really shine when taken in a Wolfkin formation (CotW)

gaining Outflank, and Monster Hunter while being able to merge into 1 large
pack of Fenrisian Wolves. If they number over 20, they all get +1 Attack.

And if they are within 12" of the left or right table edge, any Outflanking Space
Wolves units can arrive from Reserve on that table edge instead of rolling to
see which table edge they arrive from.

By taking Build 1 twice, you can get the benefits of the Wolfkin formation in
either 2 5-wolf units or a single 10 strong pack.


Blood Claws with Jump Packs. Skyclaws are cheap assault troops with lots of
attacks, but suffer from all the problems that Blood Claws do.

Fortunately, there are many Legendary Greatpack formations (CotW), as well

as Wulfen packs, which provide bonuses to Skyclaws.

However, they are able to take 2 Special Weapons, regardless of how many
models are in the pack.

Personally, I would fly them about as a small pack, using their Flamers to get
lots of hits on enemy infantry while using their mobility to be a nuisance.

Although if you’re desperate for more Melta guns (hitting on 4+) there’s no
reason why you couldn’t take 2 of these instead and give them a different
battlefield role.

Build 1: “Flamer” Skyclaws: 85pts

2 Flamers

Build 2: “Melta” Skyclaws: 95pts

2 Melta guns

Build 3: “Plasma” Skyclaws: 105pts

2 Plasma guns

Build 4: “Lots of” Skyclaws: 215pts

5 Extra Skyclaws, 2 Melta guns, Wolf Guard Pack Leader Upgrade, Power Axe
and Storm Shield, Melta Bombs


The plucky Land Speeder is a fast heavy weapons platform that’s fairly good for
its points.

Good for zipping around the flanks, hiding behind cover, then popping out and
shooting things. Or for Deepstriking, shooting something and hoping they
survive to do it again the following turn, effectively creating an excellent
distraction for the enemy.

Build 1: “Hot Stuff” Land Speeder: 70pts

Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer

Build 2: “Meltacide” Land Speeder: 80pts

Multi-Melta, Multi-Melta

Build 3: “Hunter” Land Speeder: 85pts

Multi-Melta, Typhoon Missile Launcher

Build 4: “Dakka” Land Speeder: 80pts

Heavy Bolter, Assault Cannon

There isn’t a bad weapons combination for Land Speeders. Build 1 is a good all-
rounder, able to take out Troops and Armour, while others are specialised.

Remember that the Ironwolves Legendary Greatpack detachment (CotW)

allows you to upgrade the weapons on your Land Speeders for free!

Also, if you take a squadron of 3 Land Speeders, they can move an additional
+6” when moving Flat Out. If they’re part of the Ironwolves Legendary
Greatpack detachment (CotW), they can then move +12” when moving Flat


As the name implies, the Stormfang is a Gunship, designed for flying about and
blowing stuff up. So don’t be fooled by its Transport Capacity of 6. Because the
only thing you’re likely to transport is an Iron Priest to repair it.

It also has Power of the Machine Spirit and lots of guns.

Upgrade the Heavy Bolters to Multi-Meltas and you’re done. The Skyhammmer
Missile Launcher is basically an Autocannon. So it’s not worth taking when you
consider the rest of the Stormfang’s weapons are high Strength and low AP.

I also upgrade the 2 Stormstrike Missiles to a single Twin-Linked Lascannon to

keep it firing constantly throughout the game. Also to ensure that I can almost
guarantee a good hit on an enemy flyer when it counts.

So with Twin-Linked 2 Multi-Meltas, a Twin-Linked Lascannon and a Helfrost

Destructor all blasting away at an armoured target or Monstrous Creature, the
Stormfang should get the job done with the potential to inflict 4 devastating

Build 1: “Hunter” Stormfang: 255pts

2 Twin-Linked Multi-Meltas, Twin-Linked Lascannons

Build 2: “Hunter-Killer” Stormfang: 290pts

2 Twin-Linked Multi-Meltas, Twin-Linked Lascannons, Battle of Keylek

The Battle of Keylek Legacy of Glory upgrade from Imperial Armour 2 makes
the large blast of the Helfrost Destructor ignore cover!


The Space Wolves equivalents of Space Marine Devastators, Long Fangs are
particularly stubborn infantry with a Leadership 9, a Bolt Pistol and Close
Combat Weapon, as well as a Heavy Weapon. These grumpy old men are not
to be messed with! That said, you should do your best to keep them out of
close combat.

Build 1: “Missile” Long Fangs: 135pts

4 Missile Launchers
Dedicated Transport Suggestions: Razorback

If you have points to spare, giving your Long Fangs a Razorback as a Dedicated
Transport is a great way to get more mobile heavy weapons in your army.

Especially if you need a backup transport for other infantry squads to evacuate
an area or push forward later in the game.

Build 2: “Missile and Lascannon” Long Fangs: 140pts

3 Missile Launchers, Lascannon
Dedicated Transport Suggestions: Razorback

This build uses the Split Fire ability to fire the pack’s Lascannon at a different
target. For just 5pts more on a single Heavy Weapon, it’s a good option.

Build 3: “George and Lenny” Long Fangs: 75pts

Plasma gun, Wolf Guard Pack Leader upgrade, Terminator Armour, Storm
Shield, Combi-Plasma
Dedicated Transport Suggestions: Drop Pod, Rhino or Razorback

This build is for when you have to fill a compulsory slot.

Get in close and Rapid Fire that Plasma for all it’s worth!


Typically run in groups of 3, the Vindicator is heavily armoured at the front,

poorly armoured at the sides and has a Demolisher Cannon.

The only issue is that due to its short range and likelihood to scatter, the
Demolisher Cannon isn’t a weapon you can rely on to be accurate or get the
job done.

This is why I would only recommend running Vindicators in groups of 3.

And make sure you take a Siege Shield to stop them getting stuck in terrain.


The Whirlwind is a cheap little Heavy Support choice that’s great for taking out
light infantry with its Incendiary (ignores cover) Missiles.

Although they’re not very popular these days, I like seeing them in people’s
armies. Usually for the surprise on their opponent’s face at how destructive
this little artillery tank can be.

Don’t forget that the Whirlwind Launcher is a Barrage weapon, so you can hide
this tank behind line of sight blocking terrain and fire at will.

Although if you want some seriously mean artillery, check out Forge World’s
Whirlwind Scorpius.


The tank that sits at the back and shoots as the best way of hiding its flimsy
side armour. The Predator isn’t a bad tank. It’s just not particularly

However, with many players taking the “I’ll just Glance it to death” strategy
against vehicles, Armour 13 can be difficult to deal with at range. And it’s in
this scenario that the Predator can become a real nuisance.

Build 1: “Dakka” Predator: 95pts

2 Heavy Bolters

Build 2: “Classic” Predator: 115pts

2 Lascannons

Build 3: “Annihilator” Predator: 140pts

2 Lascannons, Twin-Linked Lascannon

Unfortunately Forge World’s Sicaran Battle Tank is superior to the Predator in

every way and doesn’t cost many more points.

However, Predators taken as part of a Spear of Russ (CotW) can use the Power
of the Machine Spirit from their detachment’s Land Raider within 12”.

This would allow the “Classic” Predators above to move and fire their
lascannons, then Snap Fire their turret Autocannons.

Meanwhile the Iron Priest inside the Land Raider could give one of them
various bonuses to increase their accuracy or destructive power.

So there’s life in this old battle tank yet!


With Armour 14 on every facing, Transport Capacity of 10, Twin-Linked Heavy

Bolters, Twin-Linked Lascannons, Power of the Machine Spirit and Assault
Ramp, the Land Raider is a solid all-rounder. It’s also provides the Space
Wolves army with some much needed mobile Lascannons.

Personally, I always found his tank to be fantastic and fulfilling a number of

battlefield roles. Firstly, by getting a pack of Wolf Guard Terminators where
they need to be quickly. Secondly by providing much needed Lascannon fire.
Thirdly, by being a large vehicle with access points on the side and front,
making it an excellent escape vehicle or back-up transport for Space Wolves
stranded in the middle of the board.

The sheer line-of-sight-blocking bulk of a Land Raider also makes them great to
put on the flank of your formation and shield your weaker units from enemy
fire which may be harmless to an Armour 14 Land Raider.

Build 1: “Armoured” Land Raider: 260pts

Extra Armour

Always give your Land Raider Extra Armour to keep it moving. The minute it
stops moving, it’s not doing its job properly.


Assault variant of the Land Raider, a Crusader has a Transport Capacity of 16,
making it perfect for getting larger packs of Wolf Guard Terminators into close

Primarily equipped for hosing down hordes of infantry with its two Hurricane
Bolter sponsons and Twin-Linked Assault Cannon, the Crusader also features
Frag Assault Launchers to help units charging into cover strike in Initiative
order – Not that it makes much difference if your Wolf Guard Terminators
have Thunder Hammers, but it could help out any Terminator Armoured
Independent Characters.

Build 1: “Pimped” Crusader: 270pts

Multi-Melta, Extra Armour

Never leave home without the Multi-Melta on this tank for when it gets up
close. You’ll need the Extra Armour to keep it moving, otherwise the assault
unit inside it made worthless for a whole Turn.


Armed with two Flamestorm Cannons, the Land Raider Redeemer is a truly
terrifying tank for swarms of Tyranids and squads of Space Marines alike.

It drives up the board, usually getting some Wolf Guard Terminators into the
thick of the fighting and then begins systematically annihilating whole squads
of enemy infantry with its two Flamestorm Cannons, while mopping up any
survivors with its Twin-Linked Assault Cannons.

Considering you’ll be getting in close, a Multi-Melta Upgrade is a great choice.

And of course, you’ll need Extra Armour to help make sure that you actually
reach the enemy.

Build 1: “Pimped” Redeemer: 260pts

Multi-Melta, Extra Armour

The Crusader and Redeemer are both excellent assault vehicles. However, it’s
the Redeemer that really inspires fear and can cause massive casualties if it
gets up close.


As a Lord of War choice and the Chapter Master of the Space Wolves, Logan
Grimnar is an awesome and inspiring character, but only when riding his
Stormrider hover Chariot.

Not only does the chariot move up to 12”, have Armour 12, 3 Hull Points,
count all Penetrating Hits as Glancing Hits, a 4+ Invulnerable save and 4 S5
Rending attacks, it also allows Logan Grimnar to spread damage between
himself and the chariot.

However, if Logan loses all 4 of his Wounds or Stormrider loses all 3 Hull Points
the entire model is removed from play.

So incoming hits can be spread between Logan and Stormrider in order to

maximise the model’s survival.

For example, you would allocate 10 Strength 4 Bolter hits on the Armour 12
Stormrider, as they cannot hurt it. But a Strength 8 Krak Missile hit you would
allocate to Logan, which has can save on a roll of a 2+ with his Terminator

Stormrider also provides some protection from D Weapons. The rules clearly
state that it “counts all Penetrating Hits as Glancing Hits”. So a Penetrating Hit
from a D weapon (which causes D3 damage) will become one single Glancing
Hit. Although, if your opponent rolls a 6 on the D Weapon chart, Logan is still
removed from play.

Logan is also able to give skills to his warriors in when taken in a Grimnar’s
Kingsguard formation (HotW) or The Champions of Fenris Legendary Greatpack


The most talented Wolf Lord of them all, according to the background.
However, his rules require a little bit of luck on your part.

Basically a Wolf Lord with Rage, Furious Charge, a Rending Frost Sword and the
ability to re-roll a single failed saving throw per Assault Phase, but must always
issue and accept Challenges. He also has Saga of the Warrior Born.

Would you pit him a fight against other special characters costing around
190pts? Definitely not. He’ll get battered by anyone with a 2+ save, or
Invulnerable save.

The standard Wolf Lord gives you far better equipment options while being far
more cost effective.

That said, some players absolutely love Ragnar. But I feel that his weapons and
abilities rely a little too much on luck.

However, if taken in The Blackmanes Legendary Greatpack (CotW), Ragnar

inspires all Blood Claws, Sky Claws and Swift Claws re-roll to hit in close combat
while he is in play.


Compared to a Wolf Lord riding a Thunderwolf, Harald Deathwolf is rather

weak by comparison. He only has a 3+ save, a Storm Shield and Frost Axe.

Meanwhile a Wolf Lord has access to a 2+ Runic Armour save, Storm Shield,
Power Fist and Thunderwolf Mount.

However, Harald comes with a guaranteed Saga of the Wolfkin Warlord Trait
and his own Lord of the Wolfkin special rules to help prevent your
Thunderwolves and Fenrisian Wolves from running away.

For this reason he’s a good choice if you are running a Thunderwolf Cavalry
heavy army. Because if your Thunderwolves ever break and fall back, you’re in
trouble. Especially if you’ve invested serious points in them.

I should also mention that Harald is immune to all Flamer weapons and
Pyromancy Psychic Powers thanks to his Mantle of the Ice Troll King Cloak. Not
that it’s likely to make much of a difference, unless he’s at the front of a unit,
soaking up Flamer attacks.

He can also Outflank and confer that ability to any unit of Fenrisian Wolves or
Thunderwolf Cavalry that he joins.


Much like Harald Deathwolf, Canis Wolfborn is a fun HQ choice to run with
Thunderwolf Cavalry or a large pack of Fenrisian Wolves.

He has a high number of attacks, re-rolls to hit in close combat on the turn he
charges and confers these bonuses to all Fenrisian Wolves and Cyberwolves in
his unit. He also has the special rule Rampage.

So as you can see, Canis is best run leading a pack of Fenrisian Wolves

I’ve seen some people run both him and Harald Deathwolf in the same army.
Harald Outflanking with a pack of Thunderwolf Cavalry, while Canis leads a
pack of Fenrisian Wolves.


A Venerable Dreadnought with an Armour 13 front facing, high Weapon Skill,

Ballistic Skill and 4 Attacks at Initiative 3, as well as a 5+ Invulnerable save,
Bjorn the Fell-Handed is an unusual HQ choice who’s incredibly fun to field.

He also gives you +1 to any Seize The Initiative rolls.

Best of all, he can take a Plasma Cannon or Helfrost Cannon for free. And when
the Helfrost Cannon is considerably more expensive, it would make sense to
try it out.

His Saga of Majesty Warlord Trait is a “nice to have” but nothing to really write
home about.

While being tough and Venerable, Bjorn is best suited to close combat with
enemy infantry and things that can’t easily get through his front Armour 13.
Enemy monstrous creatures are likely to tear him to shreds. But he should give
a good account of himself.

Just make sure you use him as part of a co-ordinated assault or counter-
defence or he may end up facing the wrong kinds of enemy in close combat.
Especially when his Initiative of 3 means that other Walkers may inflict some
serious damage before he even gets to strike.

That said, he seems well suited to Drop Pod Assault alongside Berserker
Dreadnoughts and get stuck in.

The Brethren of The Fell handed formation (CoF) is great for taking Bjorn and 2
Berserker Dreadnoughts and causing some serious carnage!


Blunt, stubborn and brutal, his belligerent tactics earned Krom the scorn of
Great Wolf Logan Grimnar for his Great Company's hunting aggression and
glory seeking.

Much like Ragnar Blackmane, Krom Dragongaze is an alternative Wolf Lord

choice that comes with Furious Charge, Stubborn and the Saga of the Warrior
Born Warlord Trait, as well as a Master-Crafted Frost Axe and some additional
special rules.

If Krom Dragongaze is taken as part of a Drakeslayers Legendary Greatpack

core detachment, he grants all Space Wolves in this core detachment the
Furious Charge special rule while he remains on the board.

He also gains the Monster Hunter, Preferred Enemy (Characters), Furious

Determination and Glory Seekers special rules if taken as part of a Drakeslayers
Legendary Greatpack core detachment.

If Krom Dragongaze is stood defiantly upon an Objective Marker and able to re-
roll his 3+ or 4+ Invulnerable saves, he is a difficult target to remove with
shooting or close combat attacks.

Combine this with his ability to re-roll to wound in close combat with his
Strength 6, AP2, Master-Crafted Frost Axe "Wyrmclaw" and he is someone you
would really rather not be facing in close combat. And you can be that Krom
will be issuing challenges to keep the close combat in his favour. Don't forget
that he has Saga of the Warrior Born, so the kill tally will rise steadily once he
gets Wyrmclaw into the 'swing' of things!

Where Krom is going to pursue or hold an Objective will be an important part

of your overall strategy.


A good giggle for 80pts, although he can only join units of Blood Claws.

With the stats of a Wolf Guard Battle Leader, a Wolf Claw, a Plasma Pistol and
“The Last Laugh”, he’s okay.

I’d rather take a Lone Wolf or a Build 1: “Frosty” Wolf Guard Battle Leader.

I would never recommend taking Lukas, although he could be fun - provided

your opponent accepts his Challenges of course!


Njal costs almost as much as two Level 2 Rune Priests with Psychic Hoods.

He is a Level 3 Rune Priest with an extra Wound, an extra Attack and Runic
Armour (or Terminator Armour) who can re-roll a single failed Psychic Test
from the Tempestas Discipline, has a Psyber Raven and can re-roll a single
failed Deny The Witch Test.

Although, you’ll want to take Biomancy and/or Divination Psychic Powers over
a Tempestas power.

He also comes with the Saga of Majesty Warlord Trait, which is okay.

So what you get is a Level 2 Rune Priest and a couple of okay perks for twice
the price.

Personally, I’d rather take two Level 2 Rune Priests with Psychic Hoods in a
Wyrdstorm Brotherhood formation (CotW) for a greater collective of Wounds,
Attacks, Powers, Psychic Dice and the free Living Storm Psychic Power.

Although if you have the points to spare, Njal is very good as part of the
Wyrdstorm Brotherhood formation. You’ll just need to invest in some Rune
Priests first.


For just 35pts more than a regular Wolf Priest, Ulrik The Slayer gives you a lot
of bang for your buck.

Once elected Wolf Lord, Ulrik turned down the position to be a Wolf Priest. But
this means that he has Wold Lord stats as well as his Wolf Priest Crozius
Arcanum, 4+ Invulnerable save, Fearless and Healing Balms. He also comes
with a Plasma Pistol and Saga of the Beast Slayer.

His Wolf Helm of Russ gives all Space Wolves within 12” Stubborn, which is
nice to have. But it’s his Slayer’s Oat which gives all Space Wolves units within
6” Preferred Enemy that really makes him shine.

So while he may not be a close combat badass, he does a fairly good job and
greatly augments the fighting abilities of the Space Wolves around him.

This is especially true if he is surrounded by the stronger units in the Space

Wolves army, such as Berserker Dreadnoughts, Thunderwolf Cavalry and even
Wolf Guard with Combi-Weapons.

I know that some people like to sit him with 3 packs of Long Fangs, but when
you’re paying this many points for an Independent Character who is essentially
a Wolf Lord that buffs units around him, Ulrik really should be up the front,
giving Preferred Enemy to as many dice rolls as possible to get the most value
from his points.

It’s also tempting to place him inside a Land Raider to expand his 6” Preferred
Enemy area of effect, as you have to measure it from the hull of the large


Armed with a pair of Master-Crafted Strength 7, AP 2 Murderclaws with the

special rule Murderlust, Furious Charge, Rage, Rampage and It Will Not Die,
Murderfang is awesome when he charges into close combat.

Unfortunately, because he’s an Armour 12 Dreadnought, he tends to take a

Melta gun to the face and die.

But, that doesn’t mean he isn’t a massive distraction for your opponent who
will fire everything they have at him to make sure he doesn’t charge them.

Give him a Drop Pod and place him on a weak flank. But just make sure he’s
supported, because he will take most of the fire before the other unit is able to
engage the enemy.

Because Murderfang doesn’t even have a Smoke Launcher, he needs to hug

cover or risk taking too much damage.

If you want to increase his survivability, give him the Shrouded Provenance
Legacy of Glory from Imperial Armour 2. This makes him Venerable. However,
he counts as an Ally of Convenience to its own Detachment and a Desperate
Ally to any allied detachment.

And don’t forget that because he’s a Character, he can issue Challenges,
increasing his survivability in close combat against enemy squads by prolonging
the combat across numerous turns.

Ideally he’ll charge in, Challenge and kill a Character or force him to decline the
Challenge and hide in the squad. Then finish the enemy squad off in your
opponent’s turn, leaving him free to roam without fear of getting shot too
much in your next turn and assault again.


With the stats of a Wolf Guard Battle Leader, Strength 5, a Thunder Hammer
than can be thrown and the Anvil Shield which gives him Hammer of Wrath
and Eternal Warrior, Arjac Rockfist is an absolute steal for his points value.

The only downside is that he can only join packs of Wolf Guard or Wolf Guard

I’ve seen a number of people attach Arjac to the Void Claws Formation,
ensuring that they have someone particularly hard leading them. But also
giving them a single Strength 10 shot from Arjac’s “thrown” Thunder Hammer
each turn. This is a great way to get Arjac into play on Turn 1.

Personally, I like to use Arjac to lead packs of Wolf Guard in power armour.
This gives then the Terminator Armoured Character that they are denied in
their Wolf Guard Pack Leader options, which would have greatly helped the
unit. But also because once my Wolf Guard have fired all their Combi-Meltas,
they feel a little lost in the battle.

But not when led by Arjac! Now they become excellent escorts for him, while
he provides the high strength attacks and short ranged Strength 10 shot.
Effectively giving them a Terminator Armoured champion and a constantly
firing Special Weapon.

Of course, Arjac is excellent leading Wolf Guard Terminators as well. Just be

careful how many points you pump into one pack of Terminators, because the
extra 115pts from Arjac can make things very expensive.


Detachments and formations can be confusing. So let’s make them simple!

You must have one Detachment with an HQ choice to be your Warlord

You are allowed to have as many Detachments as you want
Formations are a special type of Detachment
You must meet the requirements of Detachments and Formations
Detachments and Formations are basically the same thing

Primary Detachment
Your Primary Detachment is the one that contains your Warlord.
If your Warlord is in a Formation, that Formation is your Primary Detachment.
Your Primary Detachment cannot be an Allied Detachment.

Detachment Bonuses and Restrictions

Different Detachments have different bonuses and restrictions.
These bonuses and restrictions only apply to the models within that
detachment, unless stated otherwise.

Allied Detachments
You can make an army of any combination of factions that you like. For
example: Space Marines (Primary Detachment) with Imperial Guard (Allied
Detachment) and Chaos Daemons (Allied Detachment).

The Space Marines and Imperial Guard will treat each other as Battle Brothers,
but will both treat the Chaos Daemons as Come the Apocalypse allies.

You can also take a Formation from an allied army as an Allied Detachment.

An Allied Detachment may not be the same faction as your Primary



An unbound force can take any units from any Codex without restriction.

Generally, tournaments do not allow unbound armies.

The use of an unbound force should be agreed with your opponent before
your game.

However, an unbound force is great for new players who just want to get to
grips with the game.

As a new player, you may have a collection of units which do not fit into a
detachment or formation structure. Or you may want to test out a handful of
new units in a game.

You may just want to play a friendly game without worrying about the
complications of Detachment and Formation requirements.

The purpose of an unbound force is not so you can grind your opponent to
dust with an army of made entirely of Thunderwolf Cavalry and Eldar
Wraithknights (you cheesy git!).

Unbound is there to let you freely play with whatever you have or whatever
you want to try out in a friendly environment.

After all, some of us just want to put down some miniatures, roll dice, eat
crisps, drink beer and socialise.

However, I advise that you focus your army building efforts on building a Space
Wolves force from Detachments, Formations and Allies, as you are unlikely to
have many opponents agree to facing an unbound army.


The standard Detachment from the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. A Combined

Arms Detachment allows you to re-roll your Warlord Trait, while all of your
Troop units and their Dedicated Transports receive the “Objective Secured”
special rule to help you take and hold on to objectives. You can also declare
the first turn of the game to be “Night Fighting”, giving all units a boost to their
cover save if they are outside of 12” from shooting attacks.

You will find that it is often easier to take a Combined Arms Detachment (CAD)
instead of the core detachments and formations in the Space Wolves Codex,
Champions of Fenris supplement, Curse of the Wulfen campaign book or
Sanctus Reach: Hour of the Wolf campaign book.

This is because the only compulsory choices are 1 HQ and 2 Troops. Other core
detachments may have a high requirement of specific unit choices.

CAD also allows you to include Forge World units in your army, when an army
made of special Detachments and Formations prevents access to these units.

As a player who favours a Drop Pod Assault army, I often choose to take a
Combined Arms Detachment. Night Fighting helps to reduce the damage from
enemy fire when my ‘first wave’ of Drop Pods arrives on Turn 1. It also means
that if my Drop Pods and Troops have the Objective Secured special rule. My
opponent has to fight their way through my Space Wolves and take out 7
Armour 12, HP3 Drop Pods to claim Objectives. I can also take 2 Berserker
Dreadnoughts in Drop Pods, which cannot be taken in a Wolf Claw Strike Force
detachment (CotW). Finally, I can re-roll my Warlord Trait.

It’s often worth considering what kind of army you would ideally like to build,
then seeing if there is a detachment which suitably represents what you have
in mind.


1 Wolf Lord
1 Grey Hunters
1 Thunderwolf Cavalry

For Glory, For Russ!

The Wolf Lord and any units from the Space Wolves Deathpack within 12" of
him at the start of your Shooting phase may either:
Re-roll to hit rolls of 1.
Run and still be able to Charge in the same turn.
Different units may choose different options.

I would take this detachment over the Combined Arms Detachment.

The low minimum unit requirements mean I can freely add Formations from
Champions of Fenris and/or Curse of the Wulfen.

It also means that the Wolf Lord (which I will place on a Thunderwolf Mount)
and the Thunderwolf Cavalry can all Move, Run and Charge on the same turn.

Combine this with a Wulfen Murder pack (CotW) for a movement boost and
you’ve got a very fast moving assault unit.

I would also take a small pack of Grey Hunters in a Razorback for shooting and
objective claiming, while re-rolling 1s to hit.

Obvious weapon load outs would include Plasma guns (to re-roll those Get Hot
fails). Don’t forget that as the Grey Hunters Dedicated Transport Razorback is
part of this formation, it can also re-roll to hit rolls of a 1 as well.

This is one of the best formations the Space Wolves army has and it work
extremely well with the Spear of Russ, Murderpack, some of the Legendary
Greatpacks and as an Allied formation with other armies.


An alternative Detachment from Codex Space Wolves, The Wolves Unleashed

gives you up to 6 HQ choices, although you must take a minimum of 2 HQ
choices, allows you to re-roll your Warlord Trait and has the “Cunning of the
Wolf” special rules.

Cunning of the Wolf

This allows you to roll to Outflank any unit in your army on a 6+. But you get +2
to the result if the unit is a Troops choice that’s joined by an Independent

From Turn 2 onwards you may also choose a single unit to automatically arrive
from Reserve.

If you want a completely Outflanking force, I suggest taking The Deathwolves

Legendary Greatpack (CotW).

But, I would still take this detachment if I wanted to run a high number of HQ
choices and had a Stormfang or other hard hitting unit in Reserve that I
absolutely needed to arrive on Turn 2.

I would also try to roll a 6+ for all of my units to see if I could Outflank them.

An Outflanking Stormfang Gunship or Logan Grimnar on Stormrider could

really throw your opponent’s game off!


There are far better formations available.

Do not take this one.

1 Wolf Lord
1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader
1 Wolf Guard pack
5 Grey Hunter packs (one must have a Wolf Standard)
1 Wolf Scout pack
3 Bloodclaws/Swiftclaws/Skyclaws packs
2 Long Fang packs.

This formation has the all bonuses from The Wolves Unleashed (CSW), plus The
Howl of Wolves. However, you can only automatically pass a Reserve roll for a
unit in this Formation.

The Howl of Wolves

While the Formation’s Wolf Lord is alive, every model in the Formation has the
Fear and Furious Charge special rules.

I would expect this Formation to come to between 1,800pts and 2,400pts. And
considering the sheer size of this investment and restriction on units, I don’t
feel it’s worth all that hard work for Fear and Furious Charge.

Especially when you can simply take The Wolves Unleashed (CSW) for the best
bonuses this Formation has to offer.

Alternatively, if you are building a large force and want access to Fear and
Furious Charge, taking two Greatpacks (CotW) to create a Great Company
would provide better options and better bonuses.


If you want to use the Relics of the Great Wolf and Warlord Traits from the
Champions of Fenris book, take a Company of the Great Wolf Detachment.

The minimum 2 Troops requirement is replaced by a minimum 2 Elites

requirement instead, meaning you don’t need to bother with Grey Hunters or
Blood Claws at all. You can also take up to a total of 4 HQs and 8 Elites.

Characters must always issue and accept challenges.

First Among Equals

All Wolf Guard Battle Leaders, Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, Wolf Guard
Terminator Leaders and Thunderwolf Cavalry Leaders have the Preferred
Enemy (Characters) special rule in Challenges.

Grimnar's Right Hand

Re-Roll on the Champions of Fenris Warlord Traits chart.

The following units receive +1 WS: Wolf Guard, Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, Wolf
Guard Terminators, Wolf Guard Terminator Leaders, Thunderwolf Cavalry and
Thunderwolf Cavalry Leaders.

You will want to take a Wolf Guard Battle Leader over a Wolf Lord. Wolf Lords
in this detachment do not have the First Among Equals special rule.

As for your 2 compulsory Elite choices, you will want to field Berserker
Dreadnoughts, Wolf Guard, Wolf Guard Terminators or Wulfen packs.

Just be sure you’re taking this detachment for its Wolf Guard, Wolf Guard
Terminator and Thunderwolf Cavalry bonuses.


Logan Grimnar, 1 Wolf Guard Terminators pack, 1 Land Raider (any type), 1

On the turn the Wolf Guard Terminators disembark from their Land Raider,
they get Furious Charge and can re-roll their charge distance. And while Logan
Grimnar is alive, the Stormfang can choose to pass or fail its Reserves roll.

This is a fantastic little formation of around 1,000pts, provided that you

wanted to take these units in your army in the first place.

Best of all, you can choose which of the 3 Land Raider types you’d like to take
in this Formation.

Personally, I love the Redeemer and Crusader, but sometimes you can’t beat a
couple of mobile Twin-Linked Lascannons from the regular Land Raider either.

This is brilliant fun for a 1,000pts game.


Bjorn The Fell-Handed, 2 Venerable Dreadnoughts

Bjorn The Fell-Handed and 2 of his Venerable Dreadnought buddies who get a
5+ Invulnerable save while within 6” of Bjorn, while all units in the Formation
get to re-roll to hit in close combat so long as Bjorn is still alive.

One way to run these would be to give Bjorn a Helfrost Cannon (I think it’s the
best weapon for him) and to give both Venerable Dreadnoughts a pair of Twin-
Linked Autocannons. This way their slow speed is no longer an issue because
they have long ranged Heavy Weapons, while they get the benefits of the 5+
Invulnerable save by staying within 6” of Bjorn. Meanwhile Bjorn can be a
badass in close combat and re-roll to hit.

Personally, I wouldn’t do this, because you’re paying 50pts to make 2

Dreadnoughts Venerable when you probably don’t really want to.

Bjorn and 2 Berserker Dreadnoughts would be much better for your points and
the bonuses this Formation offers.

This way you’re not forced to spend points on the “Venerable” upgrade on
Dreadnoughts who you’d rather keep cheap to stand back and shoot.

Instead, you get 3 close combat walkers who are all incredibly tough to kill.

However, Drop Pods would be needed to get them all across the board quickly.


1 Wolf Guard Terminators pack all armed with Wolf Claws. Also commonly
known as “Murdergang”, which is a reference to the Murderfang Dreadnought.

Deepstriking Wolf Guard Terminators that arrive on Turn 1? Yes please! Not to
mention that as long as one model from this Formation is alive and on the
table, you can re-roll your Reserve rolls. You can also re-roll the Scatter Dice.
Plus, they get all the Company of the Great Wolf bonuses for Wolf Guard.

This Formation unit works extremely well with armies featuring Drop Pods and
high numbers of units in Reserve.

You can take anywhere between 5 and 10 Void Claws. And there’s nothing to
stop you giving 1 in 5 models a Cyclone Missile Launcher, so long as every
model has a pair of Wolf Claws.

Arjac Rockfist is an excellent addition to this unit, as they need a high strength,
low AP weapon, as well as someone with a good invulnerable save for ‘tanking’
and Challenging.

Void Claws: 240pts

“Arjac’s” Void Claws: 355pts

Rules clarification: Any Independent Character in Terminator Armour can join

this unit and benefit from their Turn 1 deepstrike.

The wording in the rules specifically states “unit from this formation”.
An Independent Character becomes part of the unit when they join it.


Ulrik the Slayer, Njal Stormcaller, 1 Rune Priest, 1 Iron Priest

Approximately 500pts of Independent Characters than can be spread

throughout your army or made to form a unit on their own, provided that they
are led by Logan Grimar (unless he’s on Stormrider) and can also be joined by
Arjac Rockfist.

If they form a unit, they have the Zealot special rule as long as Logan Grimnar
remains in the unit.

Regardless of whether they form a unit or are spread throughout your army,
they allow you to re-roll the dice when determining which player deploys first
and add +2 to your dice roll if you attempt to Seize The Initiative.

This Formation has some nice perks, provided you were likely to take all of
these models anyway.

This is another Formation I’d only run in larger games, because 500+pts it just
waaay too big an investment in smaller games.


Arjac Rockfist, leading Wolf Guard Terminators with Thunder Hammer and
Storm Shield, driving forward in a Land Raider Crusader with some extra perks.
Beautiful! But it’s a lot of points.

As long as Logan Grimnar is on the battlefield and alive this unit gets Fearless.
If he dies, they get Zealot instead.

Any model in base contact with another model in this Formation gets +1
Toughness from their Shield Wall. And any 3+ Invulnerable save that’s passed
on a roll of a 6 inflicts an instant Thunder Hammer hit on the attacking unit.
Reminds me of the Spartans in the 300 movie!

Arjac’s Shield Brothers: 625pts

5 Shield Brothers, Arjac, Land Raider Crusader, Extra Armour, Multi-Melta

Arjac and the Shield Bros’ are a big investment in points and will form the
‘core’ of your army list if you take them. But if you were planning on taking a
Land Raider, packed full of Terminators led by Arjac, then this Formation is
awesome, as the extra Shield Wall bonuses make this really tough and hard
hitting close combat unit even more durable and devastating.

Just make sure that the rest of your force compliments them and presses the
attack as well. Otherwise your opponent can eliminate this one big points
investment with his entire army and ignore the rest of your force for a Turn or


10 Wolf Guard in a Drop Pod, 1 Wolf Guard Terminators pack

During the turn they arrive from Reserves, all weapons count as being Twin-
Linked. When rolling for Reserves both Wolf Guard and Wolf Guard Terminator
units arrive together.

Due to the exact wording of the Thunderstrike rules, they arrive from Turn 2
onwards, as you must make a Reserves roll.

The point of this Formation is to make the most of Twin-Linked shooting

attacks on the turn it arrives. So we need to focus on Combi-Weapons.

Both units get expensive very quickly, but while we must have 10 Wolf Guard
we only need to have at least 3 Wolf Guard Terminators.

“Meltacide” Wolf Guard Terminators: 114pts

3 Combi-Meltas, 3 Storm Shields

“Combi-Storm” Wolf Guard: 245pts

5 Extra Wolf Guard, 5 Combi-Plasmas, 5 Bolters, Power Axe
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod 35pts

The 10 Wolf Guard rapid fire their Combi-Plasmas (which are the most cost
effective Combi-Weapon) and Bolters to make the most of being Twin-Linked.

The Wolf Guard Terminators then form an annoying Melta-Suicide squad with
the intention of landing, popping a tank and then casing a nuisance for the rest
of the game.

That comes to 394pts in total, which it is a lot of points to keep in Reserve.


All the Formations from the Champions of Fenris book combined together into
a massive army.

Every unit in this Formation of Formations causes Fear and are Fearless. As
long as Logan Grimnar is alive every unit re-rolls to hit in close combat. As long
as the Iron Priest is alive, all vehicles have It Will Not Die. As long as NJal
Stormcaller is alive, all units have Adamantium Will. As long as Ulrik the Slayer
is alive, all units have Preferred Enemy.

This is probably the smallest, most expensive elite army ever created!

Costing over 3,000pts it will be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of other

3,000pts armies. So I would recommend including these Formations in your
regular armies instead.


Logan Grimnar
Arjac Rockfist
2 units of Wolf Guard or Wolf Guard Terminators
2 Land Raiders (of any type)

The High King: At the start of each turn, nominate one unit from this
Formation within 12" of Logan Grimnar. That unit gains Furious Charge,
Monster Hunter, Preferred Enemy or Tank Hunters.

Kingsguard: Wolf Guard, Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, Wolf Guard Terminators
and Wolf Guard Terminator Leaders in this formation have +1 Weapon Skill.

Logan Grimnar (on Stormrider), 2 packs of Wolf Guard (Terminators?) in 2 Land

Raiders and Arjac Rockfist. What’s not to like?

That comes to at least 1,400pts.

Logan Grimnar: 320pts

Arjac Rockfist: 115pts

“Jump Melta” Wolf Guard: 186pts

1 Extra Wolf Guard, 6 Combi-Meltas, 6 Jump Packs

“Pimped” Redeemer: 260pts

Multi-Melta, Extra Armour

“Assault” Wolf Guard Terminators: 235pts

2 Extra Wolf Guard Terminators, 3 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, 1 Wolf
Claw and Storm Shield, 1 Heavy Flamer and Storm Shield

“Pimped” Crusader: 270pts

Multi-Melta, Extra Armour

It’s a neat little army, provided your opponent doesn’t have anything that will
make short work of your Land Raiders.


Ragnar Blackmane
3 units of Blood Claws
1 unit of Skyclaws
1 unit of Swiftclaws

All units of Blood Claws and Skyclaws must have at least 10 models.

Eager to Impress: Units from this Formation within 12" of Ragnar Blackmane
have the Zealot special rule.

Reckless Ferocity: Any unit from this formation within 6” of an enemy non-
vehicle unit at the beginning of the Shooting phase, cannot shoot and must
attempt to charge in the ensuing Assault phase, but can re-roll failed charge

This formation comes to at least 1,000pts with special weapons and essential

Zealot allows units to re-roll to hit in the first round of combat, while re-rolling
to charge helps units get into close combat.

However, you need to get all of these close combat crazies across the
battlefield, supported.

A Wulfen Murderpack (CotW) seems like the perfect addition. Although you
can make a more cohesive force using the Combined Arms Detachment,
Drakeslayers or Firehowlers Legendary Greatpack as the basis for a similar style
of army.


1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader, 2 Wolf Guard Terminators packs, 2 Stormwolves

Explosive Arrival:
In a turn in which a model from this Formation disembarks from a Stormwolf,
that model has the Hammer of Wrath special rule and its ranged weapons have
the Twin-linked special rule.

Hunting Pack:
When rolling for Reserves, make a single roll to see when this Formation

800pts of Wolf Guard Terminators in Flyers!

Unfortunately, if you have nothing in play by the end of Turn 1, your opponent
automatically wins the game.

So I would only field this in games of 2,000pts, where you have at least
1,000pts to hold the field until these units arrive.

Or I would only field this in games of Apocalypse where you Reserves can
arrive on Turn 1.

Here is what I would take:

“Chainfisty” Wolf Guard Battle Leader 130pts

Terminator Armour, Chainfist, Storm Shield

“Assault” Wolf Guard Terminators: 235pts

2 Extra Wolf Guard Terminators, 3 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, 1 Wolf
Claw and Storm Shield, 1 Heavy Flamer and Storm Shield

“All Rounder” Wolf Guard Terminators: 235pts

2 Extra Wolf Guard Terminators, 3 Combi-Meltas, 2 Combi-Plasmas, Cyclone
Missile Launcher, Wolf Claw, Chainfist, Power Axe, Power Mace, Power Sword.

“Hunter” Stormwolf: 235pts

2 Twin-Linked Multi-Meltas


A structure of Detachments from the Curse of the Wulfen campaign book.

The Wolf Claw Strike Force must consist of at least 1 Core detachment, 1+
Auxiliary Detachments and 0-5 Command choices.

Your Core choice can either be a Greatpack or a Legendary Greatpack.

Counter Charge:
At the end of your opponent’s Charge subphase, you can charge any of your
unengaged units into close combat with an already engaged enemy unit.

So if your opponent charges their Striking Scorpions into a pack of Grey

Hunters, flanked by a pack of Blood Claws. The Blood Claws would then be able
to attempt to charge the Striking Scorpions in your opponent’s Assault phase!

Howl of Wolves:
If you take 2 Greatpacks or 2 (or more) of the same Legendary Greatpack – 1
with a Wolf Lord and 1 with a Wolf Guard Battle Leader leading them, they
form a Great Company. That’s a lot of points by the way!

While the Wolf Lord of your Great Company is alive, all units in that Great
Company have the Fear and Furious Charge special rules.


Wolf Lord or Wolf Guard Battle Leader

0-1 Wolf Guard, Wolf Guard Terminators or Thunderwolf Cavalry
1-3 Blood Claws, Sky Claws or Swift Claws
0-1 Lukas The Trickster
3-5 Grey Hunters or Land Speeders
1-2 Long Fangs
0-3 Wolf Scouts
0-2 Lone Wolves

Unfortunately, the Legendary Greatpacks in Curse of the Wulfen have more

obvious benefits with similar unit taxes. I would definitely take a Legendary
Greatpack or form an army from other detachments and formations over
taking a regular Greatpack.


1 Wolf Lord or Wolf Guard Battle Leader

1 unit of Wolf Guard
2-4 units of Skylcaws or Swiftclaws
2-4 Grey Hunters or Land Speeders
0-1 Long Fangs
0-1 Wolf Scouts
0-2 Lone Wolves

The Wolf Lord, Wolf Guard Battle leader and Wolf Guard must be equipped
with Jump Packs or Bikes

Blood Curdling Charge:

Enemy must pass a Leadership check in order to Overwatch.
Units with And They Shall Know No Fear or Fearless are immune to this.

Eager for Combat:

Re-roll failed charges

Rising Fury:
Roll 10 or more to charge and get Furious Charge.

If you want an army of Bikes or Jump Packs, then this Core Detachment is for
you! You'll want fast moving Land Speeders to support your Bikes and Jump

Mostly, you'll want Jump Troops, because they get the most benefit from the
Curse of the Wulfen. Yes, you’ll be taking a Wulfen Murderpack (CotW).

You’ll probably want to take a Deathpack (Starter Box) for some Thunderwolf
Cavalry too.


1 Wolf Lord or Wolf Guard Battle Leader

0-1 Wolf Guard or Wolf Guard Terminators
2-3 Blood Claws
2-4 Grey Hunters or Land Speeders
1-2 Long Fangs
0-1 Wolf Scouts
0-2 Lone Wolves

You must include enough Dedicated Transports with sufficient Transport

Capacity to carry all non-vehicle models form this Formation.

This means that there needs to be enough Transport Capacity to carry Lone
Wolves if you take them. Even if a Rhino could not normally transport a Lone
Wolf in Terminator Armour.

This also means that you cannot give your Wolf Lord or Wolf Guard Battle
Leader a Thunderwolf Mount.

Armoured Onslaught:
+6" for all vehicles when moving flat out.
-2 Leadership for enemies from Tank Shocking vehicles.

Mobile Assault:
Units may disembark from Transports that moved 12"

Overwhelming Firepower:
All vehicle weapons and upgrades in this Detachment are FREE!

To get the most out of this formation we want to get as many free vehicle
weapons and wargear upgrades as possible.

So we're looking at Razorbacks and Land Speeders to take as many free
weapon upgrades as possible, as well as Extra Armour, Bull Dozer Blades,
Storm Bolters and Hunter Kill Missiles.

But let's not forget that a Stormwolf or Drop Pod can be taken as a Dedicated
Transport too! Meanwhile the Wolf Guard can take a Land Raider.

A pack of Wolf Guard Terminators in a Land Raider is scary prospect for your
opponent in an Ironwolves Detachment.

The Land Raider can move 12”, the Wolf Guard can disembark 6” (Mobile
Assault) and then charge 2D6” for an offensive reach of 20” to 30”, with an
average offensive reach of 25”.

Obvious Auxiliaries include:

Fangs of the Tempest Stormfangs (CotW)

Spear of Russ (CotW)
Ancients of the Fang (CotW)
The Curseborn: Murderfang in a Drop Pod with Shrouded Provenance (CotW)
Lord of the Fang: Logan Grimnar on Stormrider (CotW)
Deathpack (Starter Box)


1 Krom Dragongaze or Wolf Guard Battle Leader

1-2 Wolf Guard or Wolf Guard Terminators
2-3 Blood Claws
2-4 Grey Hunters or Land Speeders
1-2 Long Fangs
0-1 Wolf Scouts
0-2 Lone Wolves

Special Rules:
Monster Hunter

Furious Determination:
All Drakeslayers have Furious Charge while Krom Dragongaze is in play.

Glory Seekers:
Preferred Enemy (Characters)
If one friendly unit from this detachment makes a successful charge, all other
Drakeslayer units can re-roll failed charges.

Much like the standard Great Pack with a whole heap of benefits - especially
when it comes to charging. Combine this with Counter-Charge and you have a
truly ferocious pack of wolves!

The only downside is that this army needs numbers to work well and relies on
transports or running forwards. This looks like a job for a Wulfen Murderpack
(CotW) auxiliaries!

A Deathpack (Starter Box) would also be a great addition as a source of

Thunderwolf Cavalry.


1 Harald Deathwolf or Wolf Guard Battle Leader

0-1 Canis Wolfborn
1 Thunderwolf Cavalry
2-3 Blood Claws, Sky Claws or Swift Claws
2-4 Grey Hunters or Land Speeders
1-2 Long Fangs
1 Wolf Scouts
0-2 Lone Wolves
0-1 Fenrisian Wolves

Special Rules:

Preferred Hunters:
When making reserve rolls, make a single roll for ALL Outflanking Deathwolves
units. You can re-roll this. On a successful roll, all Outflanking units arrive from
reserve and gain the Stealth special rule this turn.

Run to Ground:
Roll 2 dice and pick the highest for Sweeping Advances.

If you are running a Deathwolves Legendary Greatpack, you will want to

Outflank as many units as possible.

However, you need to maintain a force to hold the battlefield during Turn 1.
Because if you have no units on the board at the end of Turn 1, your opponent
automatically wins. The Deathpack (Starter Box) seems ideal for this.

You will want to Outflank fast moving units, such as Swiftclaws, Skyclaws and
Land Speeders.

Wolfkin (CotW) is an excellent Auxiliary detachment for this force, as you can
use them to choose which side of the table your Outflanking Reserves arrives

Honestly, where will all this stuff arrive? The left flank or the right flank? Who

Don't forget that ALL Space Wolves have Acute Senses, allowing them to re-roll
which table edge they arrive on from Outflank. So you could ensure that the
majority of your force arrives on one flank.

But you could also build some interesting deployment tactics around all this.
Especially if you force your opponent to set up first!


1 Ragnar Blackmane or Wolf Guard Battle Leader

1 Wolf Guard, Wolf Guard Terminators or Thunderwolf Cavalry
3-5 Blood Claws, Sky Claws or Swift Claws
0-1 Lukas the Trickster
4-6 Grey Hunters or Land Speeders
1-2 Long Fangs
1 Wolf Scouts
0-2 Lone Wolves

The Claws of Russ:

Any unit in this Detachment that can take a Drop Pod as a dedicated transport
may take one for free (upgrades cost extra). All Drop Pods in this detachment
arrive by Deepstrike Reserve on Turn 1.

Inspirational Example:
All Blood Claws, Sky Claws and Swift Claws re-roll to hit in close combat while
Ragnar is on the table.

The Joy of Battle:

Fearless and Feel No Pain (6+) on the turn that Blackmane units disembark
from a Drop Pod.

FREE Drop Pods! And they all arrive on Turn 1. Let’s build a Drop Pod force.

Just don’t feel pressured into taking Ragnar.

And don’t forget that you need strong, tough units in your Drop Pod force to
slug it out with the Knights and Gargantuan creatures of Warhammer 40,000.

Obvious Auxiliaries include the Wyrdstorm Brotherhood (CotW), Arjac Rockfist,
Ulrik The Slayer and the Wulfen Murderpack (CotW) – probably in borrowed
Drop Pods.

Basically, anything that can fit in a Drop Pod and arrives on Turn 1. We want to
overwhelm the enemy.

Wolf Guard Terminator Void Claws (CoF) are also a great addition to this force.


1 Logan Grimnar or Wolf Guard Battle Leader

0-1 Arjac Rockfist
2-3 Wolf Guard, Wolf Guard Terminators or Thunderwolf Cavalry
3-6 Blood Claws, Sky Claws or Swift Claws
4-8 Grey Hunters or Land Speeders
2-3 Long Fangs
0-1 Wolf Scouts (TBC)
0-2 Lone Wolves (TBC)

Special Rules:

The High King:

Once per turn choose a special rule - Furious Charge, Monster Hunter,
Preferred Enemy, Relentless, Tank Hunters. All Champions of Fenris within 12"
of Logan Grimnar receive this special rule until your next turn.

All Wolf Guard Battle Leaders, Wolf Guard, Wolf Guard Terminators and
Thunderwolf Cavalry have +1 Weapon Skill.

Obvious Auxiliaries include the Wyrdstorm Brotherhood or a Stormfang.

Logan’s High King 12” area of effect could be extended further by placing him
on Stormrider or inside a vehicle to affect multiple units at once.

There are 5 ways you could make the most of the High King ability.

1. Logan Drop Pods in with multiple Grey Hunter and Wolf Guard packs and
uses Preferred Enemy to give them all Preferred Enemy for their Plasma and
Melta weapons.

2. Logan is on Stormrider in the middle of multiple full sized Blood Claw Packs
(along with some a Wulfen Murder Pack to make them even better) and grants
them Furious Charge.

3. Logan rides in a Land Raider, surrounded by Long Fang Packs in Razorbacks

and grants them Relentless so they can dismount from their Razorbacks and
fire at full Ballistic Skill, even after moving.

4. Logan rides on Stormrider, along with multiple Thunderwolf Cavalry packs,

granting them either Preferred Enemy (general use), Tank Hunters (assaulting
enemy vehicles), Monster Hunters (for tearing down Tau Riptides and Eldar
Wraithknights in close combat), or Furious Charge (for S6 attacks on the

5. Logan rides in a Stormwolf flanked by two other Stormwolves that have

been taken as Dedicated Transports for Wolf Guard so they are part of The
Champions of Fenris Legendary Greatpack. He can then use The High King to
improve the shooting attacks of these flyers while granting the same benefits
to all units from this Legendary Greatpack within 12” of him.

As you can see, there are MANY uses for Logan in his Legendary Greatpack.

However, there is a very high minimum unit requirement to make this

detachment work. It is almost unplayable at anything under 2,000pts.


1 Wolf Priest 1 Rune Priest 1 Iron Priest

Njal Stormcaller or Ulrik the Slayer may be taken in place of a Rune Priest or
Wolf Priest.

Brotherhood of Priests:
All models in this unit lose their Independent Character rules and must remain
as a single unit. The whole unit has the following rules while the relevant
model from the formation is alive:

Wolf Priest – It Will Not Die

Rune Priest – Enemy units -1 BS
Iron Priest – Ignore the first failed saving through made by a Herald of the
Great Wolf each phase

Sage Counsel :
Re-roll for deploying first and +1 to your roll to seize the initiative.

The only way we can increase the size of this unit is by giving the Iron Priest 4
Cyberwolves and joining Independent Characters. The Iron Priest is our ‘tank’
because he has a 2+ save.

“Mobile” Heralds: 380pts

Rune Priest: Runic Stave, Psychic hood, Bike
Wolf Priest: Bike
Iron Priest: Thunderwolf Mount, Tempest Hammer, 4 Cyberwolves

This formation needs to be mobile in order to be effective.

But, that is a lot of points.


2-5 Rune Priests

Njal Stormcaller may be taken in place of a Rune Priest.

Masters of the Wyrdstorm:

Harness warp charge points on a 3+ for Tempestus Powers and The Living
Storm Psychic Power.

The Eye of the Storm:

At the start of each Psychic Phase, choose one of your Rune Priests from this
formation. This model can attempt to cast The Living Storm power.

Increase the attacks rolled by D6 for each other Rune Priest in this formation
that is on the battlefield.

Living Storm (Warp Charge 3)

24", S7, AP- Assault 2D6, Shock: For every 6 rolled you get +2 hits

This formation is all about the free Living Storm Power.

Want more accurate shots? Take The Helm of Durfast on the Rune Priest who
will be casting it for re-rolls to hit. You can ignore Cover Saves while you're at it

The Wyrdstorm Brotherhood does not have to remain as a single unit.

So you can spread these Rune Priests throughout your army and give your
Rune Priest Biomancy powers to boost the units they join and weaken the
enemy units too.

This is a great formation if you intend on taking 2 or more Rune Priests in your
army. Most likely, it’s Bikes, Runic Armour and Melta Bombs all round!


1-2 Iron Priests

1-3 Predators, Whirlwinds or Vindicators squadrons
1-3 Land Raiders, Redeemers or Crusaders

Alpha Machine Spirits:

Power of the Machine Spirit if within 12” of land raiders from this formation

Lord of Iron:
One vehicle from this formation within 6” of any Iron Priest in this formation
gains Monster Hunter, Precision Shots, Preferred Enemy or Tank Hunters for
that Shooting Phase.

It feels as though they wanted us to take a Land Raider and 2 Predators.

You need to use the Land Raider as a transport for something else in your
army, otherwise it’s a fat waste of points. Then it’s flanked by 2 or 3 Predators.

Some of you may be tempted to run Vindicators with Power of the Machine
Spirit so they can move 12” and fire 1 gun.

I would take a basic Iron priest, a Land Raider Crusader (or 2 to transport other
units) and 2 Predators with Autocannon and Lascannon Sponsons for long
ranged, mobile fire support.

The Iron Priest would then give Tank Hunter, Monster Hunter or Preferred
Enemy to one tank within 6” of him.

I would also be tempted to put the Iron Priests on Thunderwolf Mounts and
give them Cyberwolves so that they could join units of Thunderwolf Cavalry or
go off hunting on their own.


1 Iron Priest
2-5 Dreadnoughts

A Gathering of Ancients:
All Dreadnoughts in this formation must form a Vehicle Squadron.
While there are 3 or more Dreadnoughts, they can all re-roll failed To Hit rolls
in close combat.

Blessing of the Iron Wolf:

Dreadnoughts from this formation have the It Will Not Die special rule if within
6” of their Iron Priest.

The Saga that Walks:

Friendly Space Wolves units within 6” of a Dreadnought are Stubborn.

It's frustrating that you can't place these Dreadnoughts in Drop Pods, because
they are a squadron.

Due to the re-rolls to hit in close combat, combined with It Will Not Die, we're
inspired to take 3-5 Dreadnoughts with the Venerable upgrade, Great Axe and
Blizzard Shield for maximum survivability and close combat carnage!

As always, it’s tempting to give the Iron Priest a Thunderwolf Mount and some
Cyberwolves to make him more durable and a serious threat in close combat.

Ancients of the Fang: 655pts

Iron Priest: 4 Cyberwolves, Thunderwolf Mount, Tempest Hammer
Dreadnought: Venerable, Great Axe and Blizzard Shield, Extra Armour
Dreadnought: Venerable, Great Axe and Blizzard Shield, Extra Armour
Dreadnought: Venerable, Great Axe and Blizzard Shield, Extra Armour


2-5 units of Wulfen

Infectious Ferocity:
Add +1 to the Curse of the Wulfen roll for each unit of Wulfen on the
battlefield after the first.

There is also a 7+ result for Hunt and Kill tables:

Hunt: Affected units can move twice this turn.
Kill: Affected units get +1 Attack.

Orgy of Slaughter:
Wulfen units get an additional attack for every roll of a 6 to hit in combat.

We know that Wulfen are good, but this little boost to their tables and the
Wulfen themselves being able to generate extra attacks is very good.

Wulfen setting up near Thunderwolf Cavalry and Blood Claws, Swiftclaws and
Skyclaws is a recipe for success. Especially Blood Claws, Swiftclaws and
Skyclaws, as they are affected by The Curse of the Wulfen from up to 12”

If you are taking the Wulfen Murder pack, make sure you take at least 3 packs
of Wulfen to get the most of the Infectious Ferocity rule.

This ensures that you get +2 to your Curse of the Wulfen table rolls and are
more likely to get the movement bonuses your other units need to get across
the board.

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield


2-5 Units of Fenrisian Wolves

Monster Hunter

Alpha Pack:
All units in this formation can be deployed as a single unit. While there are 20
or more models in this unit, each Fenrisian Wolf receives +1 Attack.

Call of the Wolves:

If a Wolfkin unit is within 12” of the left or right table edge, you can bring
friendly Outflanking Space Wolves units on from the table edge nearest to the
Wolfkin unit.

This formation seems ideal as an Auxiliary to a Deathwolves Legendary


Personally, I would only run 2 packs of 5 (each led by a Cyberwolf to bark

challenges!) and put them on your flanks to be annoying and help Outflanking
Space Wolves arrive exactly where you need them to.

“Hero” Fenrisian Wolves: 50pts

Cyberwolf upgrade


3 Wolf Guard Terminators
1 Wolf Guard
1 Wulfen
1 Stormfang Gunship

All Strike Force Daggerfist Wolf Guard, Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, Wolf Guard
Terminators and Wolf Guard Terminator Leaders receive +1 Weapon Skill.

At the start of the Assault Phase, add +1 Attack to all Strike Force Daggerfist
models within 6” of the formation’s unit of Wulfen.

Oath of Protection:
Enemy units can only target Strike Force Daggerfist’s unit of Wulfen if they are
the closest target from this formation to the attacking unit.

The only benefits of taking this formation over the Company of the Great Wolf
detachment (CoF) is that enemy units may not target the Wulfen unless they
are the closest unit. And the Wulfen give everyone within 6” +1 Attack at the
start of the Assault Phase.

Due to the number of Elite choices required as a tax, this is a fairly small army,
but by fielding many small units, we can clutter up the board.

If we were to expand the army, we could take the following elite units to
clutter up the board some more:

Lord of the Fang: Bjorn The Fell-Handed in a Drop Pod (CotW)

Wolf Guard Void Claws (CoF)


I recommend purchasing the Stronghold Assault book for all of the Fortification
rules. Due to the offensive nature of the Space Wolves army, I really don’t see
many players using Fortifications these days. But that doesn’t mean you can’t
make good use of them.

It’s also good to be aware of how Fortifications work for when you fight against
players who field them.

Please note: Fortifications can only be taken as part of a Combined Arms

Detachment, Company of the Great Wolf Detachment and The Wolves
Unleashed Detachment.


A flexible wall granting a 4+ cover save or 2+ cover save for infantry that go to
ground behind it. You can also upgrade it with a Comms Relay, Icarus
Lascannon, Quad Gun or Ammo Dump.

An Aegis defence line is great for protecting tanks, heavy weapons infantry and
units looking to start on the edge of their deployment zone. This works well
with Long Fangs. Especially when the Long Fang Ancient can man a Quad Gun
or re-roll Reserves by standing next to a Comms Relay.


An Armour 14 building with 4 firepoints, 4 emplaced Heavy Bolters and a roof.

Think of Bastions like an immobilised tank that your units can sit in and fire
from. This means they’re great for controlling sections of the board and hiding
small, fast and hard hitting units behind.

You can also upgrade it with a Comms Relay, Icarus Lascannon, Quad Gun or
Ammo Dump, surround it with Obstacles and give it Building Upgrades.

Most often I’ve seen people use the Imperial Bastion with a Quad Gun and a
heavy weapons squad or sniper squad on the roof.

Although some players also give their Bastion the Escape Hatch upgrade,
allowing them to place an additional access point within 12” of the building,
often outside of their Deployment Zone. This allows them to disembark a unit
into the middle of the board on Turn 1. Usually to claim an objective, control
and area or wipe out an enemy unit with close range shooting.


A cheap load of rubble that gives Imperial units Stubborn and allows you to
place down more Obstacles like Tanglewire, Barricades and Tank Traps

Great for area denial to slow an opponent’s advance. But that’s quite a few
points to throw away in an elite army like Space Wolves.


4+ cover save area terrain that grants Stubborn with access to Obstacles
upgrades. Personally, I feel the Aegis Defence Line is a better points
investment when you can get a Quad Gun upgrade for the same price.


4+ cover save area terrain that grants Stubborn and allows Heavy Weapons to
re-roll to hit when firing on Overwatch. It also has access to Obstacles
upgrades. Not great, but at 40pts it’s a slightly cheaper, smaller alternative to
the Aeigis Defence Line.


Basically a shorter, cheaper Bastion without the Heavy Bolters. However, you
can fit more guys in the roof and spread them out better to enjoy that 3+
ramparts cover save without being too clustered together for Blast weapons.


Flyers beware! The Firestorm Redoubt has access to a number of awesome

weapons, including Battle Cannons and Punisher Cannons, but none more
awesome than two Quad Icarus Lascannons.

Occupy it with a heavy weapons squad (or two!) and give it the Magos
Machine Spirit upgrade for +1BS to the automated weapons system. And then
a Void Shield to make sure it can’t be taken out easily by a D Weapon.

That makes it 255pts, but it’s practically a static Land Raider with Interceptor
and Quad Lascannons to bring down Flyers. By far my favourite Fortification.

Just remember that the automated weapons always fire at the nearest target
unless there is a Flyer in line of sight.


Automated weapons platforms armed with Battle Cannons, Punisher Cannons

or the fearsome Quad Icarus Lascannon.

Personally, I would take the Quad Icarus Lascannon and surround them with
Tank Traps or Tanglewire and place them behind terrain for a cover save, but
with a good line of sight for their elevated turrets.

Then let them automatically shoot down Flyers with Interceptor or pick off
advancing enemy Vehicles. Just remember that the automated weapons
always fire at the nearest target unless there is a Flyer in line of sight.


While they give you a 4+ cover save for standing behind them, there’s a chance
of suffering D6 Strength 4 hits from a minor explosion.

While in base contact with the pipes any infantry model armed with a Flame
weapon gets the Torrent rule if they don’t move in the Turn they fire.

Fun if you have 5 Blood Claws and one is armed with a Flamer and you want to
hold a point. But for the same points, I’d rather put them in a Drop Pod.


A medium sized building that projects its Void Shield in a 12” radius. It can also
be upgraded with have additional layers of Void Shielding.

Starts at 50pts, but is often fielded at 100pts.

A Void Shield Generator is a brilliant addition to your army if you need a

protective bubble to keep a large portion of your force safe from small arms
fire and a variety of heavy weapons. Grav weapons especially!

MSU (Many Small Unit) armies greatly benefit from the safety of a Void Shield
Generator. It’s also a wise idea to take one of these if your army is a fragile
force of fast moving units.

This ensures that your army is able to get off the starting block and towards
the enemy without taking too many casualties.

Void Shields are also great protection from the many D Weapons that certain
armies can field.


While the Landing Pad can be used to start a Flyer on the board from Turn 1,
this is a bad idea.

Instead, people use the ‘shielded’ deployment option, giving all models stood
on the Landing Pad a 4+ Invulnerable save. And as you can see, it’s a very big
platform for models to stand on.

You can also ‘unfurl’ the Landing Pad shields to allow units to arrive from
Deepstrike and land on the Landing Pad without scattering. However, that
removes the 4+ invulnerable save for a Turn.

Personally, I don’t feel that the Skyshield Landing Pad has much to offer the
Space Wolves. However if you’re taking Tau Empire allies, like Broadsides and a
Riptide, which can confidently stand in the open shooting with a 2+ save,
coupled with the Skyshield’s 4+ Invulnerable save, then the Skyshield becomes
an awesome ‘heavy weapons platform’ with a commanding view of the


A massive fortification made of 4 joined buildings with a Twin-Linked Icarus

Lascannon, Missile Silo and a single tiny exit point round the back. It also has 6
fire points at the front.

It’s difficult for models to leave (unless they jump off the battlements!) and it’s
an absolute death trap if an opponent is able to destroy one of the central
buildings, leaving models trapped inside. The tiny roof of the tower is too small
to properly deploy a heavy weapons squad, while the sheer size of the model
makes it difficult to deploy as well.

Great for placing lots of cheap shooting models on 3+ cover save fortifications.
Rubbish for Space Wolves who need to move forward and get stuck in!


Often referred to as the “Well-Endowed Eagle of Disapproval”, an Aquila

Strongpoint is massive and has Armour 15.

Whether you choose the Macro Cannon option or the Vortex Missile option, I
recommend giving your Aquila Strong Point 2 Void Shields.

This gives you 2 Armour 12 layers before the enemy can start hitting your
Armour 15 castle. They can also regenerate on a roll of 5+ at the end of your
turn. AND, the Void Shield also protects models on top of the ramparts.

The Aquila Strong Point requires you to have models inside of it in order to fire
the Macro Cannon or Vortex Missiles.

As the Aquila Strong Point has 3 forward facing firing points, I recommend
placing a pack of 4 Long Fangs in here. The pack leader can man the big gun,
while 3 heavy weapons can fire through the 3 firing points.

Although 5 Blood Claws are equally well suited to the task.

The only weakness of the Aquila Strong Point is that it has 3 entry hatches - 2
on the sides, 1 at the back, making it very vulnerable to assault.

To fix this issue, deploy it in the bottom right corner of your deployment zone.
Now, the left entry hatch is the only means of accessing the building.


While there is a constantly growing range of Forge World miniatures

compatible with Warhammer 40,000, I felt it would be best to talk about the
some of the most popular Forge World Space Marine units available to the
Space Wolves army.

This is not a comprehensive list of the current units available, but I feel that
these are the best choices to include in your army.

Please note that you can only field 1 Relic vehicle in the Primary and Secondary
Detachments of your Space Wolves army, unless you have 1 Rune Priest for
each Relic vehicle. So there’s a minimum 60pts tax to field more than one.

Also be aware that some Space Wolves units from Forge World have
equipment options or references to rules from the previous Space Wolves
Codex. Regrettably, if these items or rules are not in the current Space Wolves
Codex, then they are no longer available to these units.


Any vehicle in Imperial Armour Volume 2: War Machines of the Adeptus

Astartes or in Codex: Space Wolves may take a Legacy of Glory upgrade.

Yes, that includes Stormfang gunships!

Although you may only take 1 Legacy of Glory per 1,000pts in your army.

These consist of special rules which can be used to make your vehicles
tougher, more accurate, more reliable and improve the fighting ability of the
troops around them.

Battle of Keylek
All blast weapons Ignore Cover.

Brilliant for a Stormfang Gunship.

Ullanor Crusade
Enemy models charging this vehicle must re-roll successful to hit rolls in the
first round of combat.

If the model with this Legacy of Glory is a Dreadnought it also has the Hatred
(Orks) special rule.

Perfect for a Dreadnought that’s designed for close combat.

War of Murder
Monster Hunter. All friendly Space Marine units within 6" gain Fearless.

Battle of Sarosh
Once per game, one of the vehicle's weapons gains Skyfire, Interceptor, Tank
Hunter and Night Vision.

This was practically made for Sicaran Battle Tanks.

Isstvan III
Preferred Enemy (Chaos Space Marines). Automatically passes Dangerous
Terrain tests.

Burning of Prospero
Adamantium Will. This is increased to +2 against Witchfire Psychic powers.

Isstvan V Drop Massacre

Never scatters when entering play via Deep Strike.

Great for a Drop Pod that you really do not want to scatter. Also good for
Deepstriking Land Speeders or Deepstriking flyers.

Battle of Calth
Preferred Enemy (Chaos Space Marines). Enemy Warlords within 12" suffer -1

Battle of Signus Prime

Preferred Enemy (Chaos Daemons).
Friendly Space Marines who begin the turn within 6" gain Furious Charge.

Great for assault vehicles, like Land Raiders. Or even a vehicle design to
advance alongside your assault troops.

Battle of the Phall System

May be taken by a Thunderhawk or Storm Eagle (and variants).
Improves Jink Save by +1.

Thramas Crusade
All friendly Space Marines within 12" gain Fearless.

Schism of Mars
Tank Hunter. +1 BS when targeting units with the Daemonforge special rule.
Ignores the effects of the Haywire special rule on a 4+.

Another upgrade that’s great for a Sicaran.

Battle of Terra
It Will Not Die special rule.

Icon of Glory
+1 BS or +1 WS (chosen before the game begins).
If your Warlord is within 2", the range of any Command Trait he has is
increased by +6".
The destruction of this vehicle gives your opponent +1 Victory Point.

Shrouded Provenance
Venerable special rule.
The vehicle always counts as an Ally of Convenience to its own Detachment
and a Desperate Ally to any allied detachment.

Ancient Mariner
Re-roll rolls on the Archeotech Artefact table or any Mysterious Terrain table.

You can find the rules for Legacies of Glory in Imperial Armour Volume 2: War
Machines of the Adeptus Astartes.


Armed with the devastating Twin-Linked Accelerator Autocannon, a hull-

mounted Heavy Bolter and well protected with Armour 13 all round, the
Sicaran Battle Tank is a Fast vehicle with the choice of Heavy Bolter or
Lascannon sponsons. Quite frankly, it’s one of the best and most versatile
tanks in the game.

The Accelerator Autocannon pumps out 6 shots with the Rending and the
Rapid Tracking special rules, which means that targets may not make Jink saves
against damage from this weapon.

You’re going to give it 2 Lascannon Sponsons, because there is a choice of 2

Legacies of Glory upgrades which will make this amazing tank and awesome

Schism of Mars gives your Sicaran the Tank Hunter ability. Look at the guns on
this thing. Yes, you want this!

Or you could take Battle of Sarosh and once per game, give one of the vehicle’s
weapons Interceptor, Skyfire, Tank Hunter and Night Vision.

Armoured Ceramite is tempting, but let’s try and keep the points costs down.

Build 1: “Hunter” Sicaran: 200pts

Lascannon Sponsons, Schism of Mars

Build 2: “Sky Hunter” Sicaran: 195pts

Lascannon Sponsons, Battle of Sarosh

You can find the rules for the Sicaran Battle Tank in Imperial Armour Volume 2:
War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes.


Basically a Whirlwind on steroids with Armour 13 to the front, 12 to the sides

and the terrifying Scorpius Multi-Launcher.

A Strength 8, AP3, Barrage weapon, the Scorpius Multi-Launcher’s rate of fire is

increased to Heavy 1+D3 on a Turn that this tank remains stationary.

Easily capable of wiping out a whole squad of Space Marines (much less
anything else) in a single turn, the Whirlwind Scorpius is a brutal little artillery
tank that operates like a regular Whirlwind.

Basically, hide it behind a large piece of line of sight blocking terrain and blast
away. Failing that, make sure your front Armour of 13 is facing the enemy.

You can find the rules for the Whirlwind Scorpius in Imperial Armour Volume 2:
War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes.


An extra large Drop Pod that can be taken as a Dedicated Transport for any
type of Dreadnought.

The Lucius throws up so much dust when it lands, that it counts as being
Shrouded on the Turn it arrives. Meanwhile, the Dreadnought inside benefits
from the Shrouded rules so long as it remains within the Drop Pod.

And yes, he can be shot at and killed while still embarked in the Drop Pod,
because the doors automatically open when it lands.

The Lucius is also an Assault Vehicle, allowing the Dreadnought to charge on

the turn it disembarks. Although it may not charge on the turn it arrives from

So you’re paying an extra 15pts for a Dreadnought Drop Pod that gives your
Dreadnought a Shrouded cover save, although he has to stand in or on the
door of the Drop Pod for a turn to get the save. Then, in Turn 2, the
Dreadnought can disembark (or move off) and charge.

Yes, he can be shot at while he’s standing in (or on a door of) the Drop Pod.

This makes the Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod an ideal choice for
Murderfang who doesn’t have Smoke Launchers to fire on the turn he arrives
from Deepstrike.

You can find the rules for the Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod in Imperial
Armour Volume 2: War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes


Much like a regular Dreadnought, but with WS5, Front Armour 13, 4 Attacks,
Fleet and Atomantic Shielding, Contemptor Dreadnoughts are awesome and
have a huge range of weapons options.

However, Space Wolves Contemptor Dreadnoughts also have a reputation for

battlefield excess and unwarranted savagery, earning them a choice of 3 Night
Sagas, giving you a choice of Rage, Counter-Attack or receive +1 to Vehicle
Damage chart rolls when in close combat with an enemy Walker.

Build 1: “Melta” Contemptor: 195pts

Multi-Melta, Extra Armour

Build 2: “Smashy” Contemptor: 210pts

Chainfist, Extra Armour

Build 3: “Smash & Burn” Contemptor: 230pts

Chainfist, Extra Armour, Heavy Flamer, Heavy Flamer

While there are a number of long ranged weapon options for Space Wolves
Contemptor Dreadnoughts, they perform best by getting stuck in and causing
as much close ranged carnage as possible.

Contemptor Dreadnoughts cannot take Drop Pods as Dedicated Transports.

The Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod doesn’t offer the Contemptor any
benefits, so make sure you take a Fast Attack Space Wolves Drop Pod instead.

You can find the rules for the Space Wolves Contemptor Dreadnought in
Imperial Armour: Apocalypse.


Armour 11, 2 Hull Points, fast, hard to hit and equipped with two Twin-Linked
Lascannon, plus the deadly Rotary Missile Launcher, the Xiphon Interceptor is
an incredibly direct attack craft for any Space Marine Chapter that’s designed
for taking down armoured vehicles and monstrous creatures.

It’s Agile, making it’s Jink saves a 4+ instead of a 5+, has Armoured Ceramite
providing protection against Melta weapons at close range.

Rotary Missile Launcher is just horrible if it Penetrates, allowing the controlling

player to roll 3 dice and pick the highest on the Vehicle Damage Chart. This
weapon also has Terminal Tracking, forcing your opponent to re-roll successful
Jink and Cover Saves.

It can also Deepstrike and count as Zooming (moving 18” as a flyer).

Meanwhile, the Chaff Launcher and Armoured Cockpit upgrades are a no

brainer for so little points.

With its anti-tank weaponry, it’s a strong contender against the Stormfang.
Although the upgraded Stormfang has heavier Armour 12 with 3 Hull Points
and an extra high strength, low AP gun. But that’s a considerable 50pts

I would be tempted to take the Xiphon if I wasn’t worried about it getting

blown of the sky by the first Quad Gun with Interceptor that looks at it
(regardless of Jink saves).

You can find the rules for the Xiphon Pattern Interceptor on the Forge World


Armour 12 with 4 Hull Points, a front mounted Twin-Linked Avenger Bolt

Cannon, 2 independent turret mounted Quad Heavy bolters and 4wing-
mounted Hellstrike Missiles, with a Machine Spirit, the Fire Raptor Gunship is a
tough flyer that tends to specialise in anti-infantry firepower. Although you can
update the Quad Heavy Bolters to Twin-Linked Autocannons for free.

The Chaos Space Marine version has access to Reaper Batteries, making it
clearly the best configuration by far. But unfortunately this is not available to
Loyalists like Space Wolves.

A Relic of the Space Marine Armoury, you can only field 1 Fire Raptor Gunship
in the Primary Detachment of your Space Wolves army if you have at least one
Rune Priest. So there’s a minimum 60pts tax to field one.

However the Fire Raptor is a good, solid flyer for its points, especially with its 4
Hull Points, making it tough to bring down.

Personally, I would still take a Stormfang, because I believe that the Space
Wolves need all the anti-tank (and anti-monstrous creature) guns they can get.
Anti-infantry weapons are a waste when the Space Wolves usually tear enemy
infantry apart in close combat.

You can find the rules for the Fire Raptor can be found in Imperial Armour
Volume 2: War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes.


With Armour 13 on the front and side, 4 Attacks and 4 Hull Points, as well as a
4+ invulnerable save, the Leviathan is tough! Factor in the WS5, BS5 and 4
Attacks, combined with 2 Leviathan Siege Claws (with built in Melta gun), 2
torso mounted Heavy Flamers, Extra Armour and a wealth of special rules and
you'll see that this Dreadnought is designed for crushing brutality.

Crushing Charge inflicts 2 Hammer of Wrath attacks and gives it +1 Initiative on

the turn that it charges. Meanwhile, Severing Cut and Wrecker special rules
make the Leviathan Claw and Siege Drill awesome weapons.

Although we need a Lucius Drop Pod to get it across the board and into the
thick of the action.

Yes, you will want to give it Ceramite Plating to protect it from Melta weapons.
Yes, you will want to give it a Leviathan Siege Drill for taking out enemy

Although if we’re walking him up the field, then we can drop the Ceramite
Armour in favour of a Storm Cannon.

Build 1: "Brutality" Leviathan Dreadnought: 310pts

Ceramite Armour, Siege Claw
Suggested Transport: Lucius Drop Pod: 50pts

Build 2: "Storm" Leviathan Dreadnought: 310pts

Storm Cannon, Siege Claw

You can find the rules for the Leviathan Dreadnought on the Forge World


A bigger, badder Land Raider with 5 Hull Points, a Transport Capacity of 25,
Extra Armour, 2 sponson mounted Quad Lascannon and a hull mounted twin-
linked Heavy Bolter.

You're definitely giving this thing Armoured Ceramite to protect it from close
range Melta weapons.

Build 1: "Ceramite" Land Raider Spartan: 315pts

Armoured Ceramite

I'm being careful not to pump too many points into a Land Raider Spartan, as
it's a prime target for a D Weapon.

Build 2: "Hunter" Land Raider Spartan: 320pts

Schism of Mars

It’s awfully tempting to give it the Schism of Mars Legacy of Glory upgrade so it
can have the Tank Hunter skill.

4 twin-linked, Tank Hunter Lascannon shots per turn are just too good to pass

You can find the rules for the Land Raider Spartan can be found in Imperial
Armour Volume 2: War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes.


Built on the Land Raider Spartan Chassis, the Typhon has Armour 14 all round,
6 Hull Points and boasts the Dreadhammer Siege Cannon.

This is a Strength 10, AP1, Primary Weapon with a 7" Massive Blast that
ignores cover.

If stationary, it can fire 48". If it moved, it can fire 24".

Due to its sheer weight, the Typhon adds +1 to its roll on the Thunderblitz

You can also give it Heavy Bolter or Lascannon sponsons and a pintle mounted

Armoured Ceramite is a must.

Build 1: “Las” Typhon: 390pts

Armoured Ceramite, Lascannon Sponsons

The Typhon is brilliant for blowing great big holes in the enemy army –
especially when it ignores cover!

You can find the rules for the Typhon can be found in Imperial Armour Volume
2: War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes.


The Space Marine Super Heavy battle tank that's a rolling fortress of guns with
2 Quad Lascannon, a Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter, Demolisher Cannon and Twin-
Linked Fellblade Accelerator Cannon. With 12 Hull Points, it's pretty tough too.

Don't swap the 2 sponson mounted Quad Lascannon for Laser Destroyers.

Armoured Ceramite is a must.

The Fellblade Accelerator Cannon is basically a massive Battle Cannon with a 7"
blast. Or it can fire a Strength 9, AP2 3" blast with Armourbane.

Suffice to say, with this armament, it has no problem taking out enemy tanks.
And with 12 Hull Points, it would take a few lucky D Weapon hits to take it out.

Not bad at all!

Build 1: "Ceramite" Fellblade: 560pts

Armoured Ceramite

Build 2: "Tank Hunter" Fellblade: 610pts

Armoured Ceramite, Schism of Mars

And if the anti-tank weaponry wasn’t awesome enough, giving this vehicle
Tank Hunter should do the job.

You can find the rules for the Fell Blade can be found in Imperial Armour
Volume 2: War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes.


Built on the Land Raider Spartan Chassis, the Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer
does exactly what it says on the tin - it destroys tanks with its Twin-Linked
Neutron Laser Battery.

That's D3, Strength 10, AP1 shots with Concussive, Feedback and Shock Pulse.

Any Penetrating hit from this gun causes the target vehicle (including super
heavies) to only Snap Fire in the following game turn.

Feedback is a negative rule. If you fail to Penetrate or wound a target (armour

saves do not count), the Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer loses 1 Hull point
from the Feedback of its main gun.

Armoured Ceramite? Oh alright then.

Lascannon Sponsons? Might as well.

Build 1: Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer: 415pts

Armoured Ceramite, Lascannon Sponsons

You can find the rules for the Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer can be found in
Imperial Armour Volume 2: War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes.


Need a source of reliable Lascannon shots in your army? Then the Vindicator
Tank destroyer is a great investment.

Basically a Vindicator with a Laser Destroyer Array, which is a Twin-Linked

Ordnance 1, Lascannon.

If the vehicle does not move, it becomes Ordnance 2.

If you choose to 'overcharge', it becomes Ordnance 3. Then roll a D6. On a 1,

you lose a Hull Point. But it's totally worth the risk.

Awesome little tank!

However, like the Vindicator it suffers from only have 1 weapon. So make sure
you hide it behind cover or an Aegis Defence Line.

You can find the rules for the Vindicator Laser Destroyer on the Forge World


A flying brick, the Caestus Assault Ram is an Armour 13 flyer that can carry up
to 10 models (which can be 10 Terminators) and has assault ramps, as well as
the awesome Magma-Melta cannon. It also rams things, which is fun.

I don't want to give it Armoured Ceramite, because it's a flyer and it costs more
than a Stormfang Gunship already.

It's big, it's blocky and it's not very subtle.

You can find the rules for the Caestus Assault Ram can be found in Imperial
Armour Volume 2: War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes.


The Storm Eagle Assault Gunship is an assault flyer and a gunship all in one
with Armoured Ceramite.

Personally, I'd rather take a Stormwolf or a Stormfang.

However, the Storm Eagle has a massive Transport Capacity of 20 models.

Upgrading the Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter to a Twin-Linked Multi-Melta is a

must. So are the 2 Twin-Linked Lascannons.

The Vengeance Launcher is an okay 2 shot, anti-troop, large blast weapon.

Build 1: "Hunter" Storm Eagle: 300pts

Twin-Linked Multi-Melta, 2 Twin-Linked Lascannons

It's just a shame that Space Wolves don't have access to the Storm Eagle -Roc
Pattern, which is even better.

You can find the rules for the Storm Eagle Assault Gunship can be found in
Imperial Armour Volume 2: War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes.


Move over Long Fangs, there’s a new supply of Strength 8 shots and small
blasts in town!

Build 1: “One” Rapier Quad Mortar Support Battery: 60pts

Extra Quad Mortar and 2 crew

Build 2: “Two” Rapier Quad Mortar Support Battery: 120pts

Extra Quad Mortar and 2 crew

You can either hide these behind some line of sight blocking terrain and fire 4
small Strength 5 blasts with the Barrage rule.

Or you can fire 4 Strength 8 shots with line of sight and re-roll failed Armour
Penetration rolls.

Honestly, why would you want to take Long Fangs over these?

You can find the rules for the Rapier Quad Mortar Support Battery on the
Forge World website:


Wolf Lord Bran Redmaw is an HQ choice in the Space Wolves army who comes
equipped with Runic Armour, a Belt of Russ, his unique weapon called the Axe
of Langvast and unique rules Curse of the Redmaw and Patient Killers, as well
as the Warlord Trait: Saga of the Hunter.

The two-handed power weapon Axe of Langvast gives Bran +1 Strength, AP2
Attacks and allows him to re-roll to wound.

Meanwhile The Curse of the Redmaw means that Bran could turn into a
rampaging wulfen from Turn 2 onwards, increasing Bran’s Weapon Skill,
Strength, Toughness, Initiative and Attacks. His attacks also become Rending.
He also gains the Fleet, Furious Charge, Feel No Pain (5+) and Eternal Warrior
skills. Although he drops his Axe of Langvast.

But he keeps his Runic Armour and Belt of Russ.

Bran is mostly likely to ‘turn’ on Turn 3, by which time he should be stuck into
close combat with the enemy.

He's an awesome Wolf Lord with some fun rules.

You can find the rules for Bran Redmaw in Imperial Armour: The Doom of


The following army lists are intended to give you a good base to build your
Space Wolves force around.

Tournament sized armies are usually between 1,500pts, 1,750pts, 1,850pts and
2,000pts. However some tournaments can be 1,000pts or less.

The majority of the following lists are 1,500pts “core forces” which you can
easily add units to and expand further.

I feel that if an army doesn’t have a strong focus, it’s very tempting to bring in
all sorts of expensive units and create something without synergy that’s not
cost effective for its points.

By initially limiting yourself to creating a 1,500pts list, you’re forced to take the
essentials, avoid splashing out on lots of expensive units and create a
collection of really strong, cost effective units that work well together. Then
you can bolt on other units to compensate for any weaknesses in the list or
keep tailoring it to a specific theme with different types of units.

Typically, the newest unit types will offer the most benefits to your army.
Wulfen packs, Thunderwolf Cavalry, Berserker Dreadnoughts and Stormfangs
are particularly effective ‘crutches’ to help your army perform well. So ensure
you include at least 1 of these units in your force.

Simply pick the best builds for each units and shoe horn them in to your army.
Because creating the most points effective build for each unit is the first part of
making a really good army list.

These are just a few of the many well optimised lists you can build. Hopefully
you’ll find one you want to build, paint and play. Or you’ll be inspired to create
something new and competitive from what you see here.

Deathpack (Starter Box):

“Thunderfist” Wolf Lord: 210pts

Runic Armour, Powerfist, Storm Shield, Thunderwolf Mount

“Pimp My” Thunderwolf Cavalry: 400pts

3 Extra Thunderwolf Cavalry, 2 Power Fists, 5 Storm Shields, Pack Leader with
Wolf Claw and Storm Shield

Grey Hunters: 160pts

Plasma Gun
Dedicated Transport: Razorback with Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun

Wulfen Murderpack (CotW):

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

Wyrdstorm Brotherhood (CotW): 275pts

Rune Priest, Force Axe, Bike, Melta Bomb, Helm of Durfast
Rune Priest, Force Axe, Bike, Melta Bomb
Rune Priest, Force Axe, Bike, Melta Bomb

3 of the best detachments from the new releases combined into one powerful

Each unit is tough, versatile and essentially looks after itself.

Meanwhile the 3 unit strong Wulfen Murderpack gives +2 to the Curse of the
Wulfen roll, providing better results to the Thunderwolf Cavalry who can
move, run and Charge.

There’s a 1 in 3 chance of getting a 7 result, which would give the Thunderwolf

Cavalry double movement!

Meanwhile, the Rune Priests on Bikes join units based on the Psychic Powers
they roll. As always, Biomancy seems like the safest choice.

One of which has the Helm of Durfast so he can re-roll to hit when firing the
Living Storm Psychic Power with 4D6 shots from having so many Rune Priests
in the Wyrdstorm Brotherhood.

If you want to reduce the army to 1,500pts, you can drop one of the Wulfen
packs. But your roll on the Curse of the Wulfen table wouldn’t be quite so

Need 250pts more to take this up to 2,000pts? Take one of the following:
Fangs of the Tempted: Stormfang
Another Wulfen pack

Seriously competitive players will take an allied Space Marine Librarius

Conclave formation instead of the Wyrdstorm Brotherhood.

Admittedly, it is a better Formation, but it’s not a Space Wolves formation!


Deathpack (Starter Box):

“Thunderfist” Wolf Lord: 210pts

Runic Armour, Powerfist, Storm Shield, Thunderwolf Mount

“Pimp My” Thunderwolf Cavalry: 400pts

3 Extra Thunderwolf Cavalry, 2 Power Fists, 5 Storm Shields, Pack Leader with
Wolf Claw and Storm Shield

“Max Melta” Grey Hunters: 240pts

2 Melta guns, 10 Close Combat Weapons, 5 Extra Grey Hunters
Wolf Guard Pack Leader upgrade, Power Axe, Combi-Melta

Spear of Russ (CotW):

Iron Priest: 75pts

“Pimped” Crusader: 270pts

Multi-Melta, Extra Armour

“Annihilator” Predator: 140pts

2 Lascannons, Twin-Linked Lascannon

“Annihilator” Predator: 140pts

2 Lascannons, Twin-Linked Lascannon

Deathpack formation, backed up by the mobile firepower of the Spear of Russ.

The Grey Hunters are able to ride with the Iron Priest inside his Land Raider
Crusader. Meanwhile the Land Raider Crusader grants its Alpha Machine Spirit
to the Predators so they can move and fire more Lascannnons.

Obvious additions to this force would be to take another Deathpack with a

smaller pack of Thunderwolf Cavalry and a pack of Grey Hunters in a

Maybe a Fangs of the Tempest: Stormfang (CotW) too.


Wulfen Murderpack (CotW):

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

Spear of Russ (CotW):

Iron Priest: 80pts

Tempest Hammer

Iron Priest: 75pts

“Pimped” Crusader: 270pts

Multi-Melta, Extra Armour

“Pimped” Crusader: 270pts

Multi-Melta, Extra Armour

“Classic” Predator: 115pts

2 Lascannons

“Classic” Predator: 115pts

2 Lascannons

“Classic” Predator: 115pts

2 Lascannons

We can also merge the Spear of Russ with the Wulfen Murderpack. We’re not
too concerned about rolling on the Curse of the Wulfen tables with this one, as
the army is mostly vehicles.

Each Wulfen pack rides in a Land Raider Crusader with an Iron Priest. The
Warlord for this army is the Iron Priest with the Tempest Hammer –and why

Meanwhile the Land Raider Crusaders are backed up by 3 Predators.

We have 2 units with Armour 14 and 2 units with Armour 13. So it’s a fairly
tough nut to crack from the front armour.

Obvious additions to this force would be a Deathpack (Starter Box) with a small
pack of Thunderwolf Cavalry and a pack of Grey Hunters in a Razorback.


The Wolves Unleashed (SW):

Iron Priest: 190pts

4 Cyberwolves, Thunderwolf Mount, Tempest Hammer

Iron Priest: 190pts

4 Cyberwolves, Thunderwolf Mount, Tempest Hammer

Rune Priest: 60pts

Grey Hunters: 165pts

Close Combat Weapons, Melta gun
Dedicated Transport: Razorback with Twin-Linked Assault Cannons

Blood Claws: 100pts

Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

“Martian Hunter” Sicaran: 200pts

Lascannon Sponsons, Schism of Mars

“Hunter” Sicaran: 200pts

Lascannon Sponsons

“Las” Typhon: 390pts

Armoured Ceramite, Lascannon Sponsons

This list relies on the strength of the Forge World Sicaran and Typhon tanks to
bring the hurt.

The Typhon blasts MASSIVE holes in the enemy army (and ignores cover!)
before firing its Lascannons at enemy vehicles or monstrous creatures.

The Sicarans focus fire on enemy vehicles or monstrous creatures as well.

One of them has the Schism of Mars Legacy of Glory, which gives it the Tank
Hunter skill.

For my Troops I chose a pack of Grey Hunters in a Razorback with a Twin-

Linked Assault Cannons. Basically to be fairly versatile and hose down anything
that the 3 big tanks don’t deal with.

I also took some cheap and cheerful Blood Claws with a Flamer in a Drop Pod.

I have to take a Rune Priest if I want to field more than 1 Relic vehicle. Sicarans
are Relic vehicles. He can either join the Grey Hunters of Blood Claws as

Finally, 2 Iron Priests on Thunderwolves with Cyberwolves provide a cheaper

Thunderwolf Cavlary equivalent as the fast assault element of the army.

If I were to expand the army, I could consider adding the following:

Wolfkin (2 packs of 5 Fenrisian Wolves each led by a Cyberwolf to join each
Iron Priest. So each Iron Priest would run with 14 Wolves, 6 of which would be
Another Sicaran Battle Tank (IA2)
Whirlwind Scorpius (IA2)
Rapier Quad Mortars (FW)
“Berserker” Dreadnoughts
Thunderwolf Cavalry
More Grey Hunters in Razorbacks


Combined Arms Detachment:

Iron Priest: 190pts

4 Cyberwolves, Thunderwolf Mount, Tempest Hammer

Iron Priest: 190pts

4 Cyberwolves, Thunderwolf Mount, Tempest Hammer

Blood Claws: 240pts

10 extra Blood Claws, 2 Melta Guns, Wolf Guard Pack Leader with Power Axe.

Blood Claws: 240pts

10 extra Blood Claws, 2 Melta Guns, Wolf Guard Pack Leader with Power Axe.

Lone Wolf: 80pts

Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Melta Bombs

Rapier Quad Mortar (FW): 60pts

Rapier Quad Mortar (FW): 60pts

Wulfen Murderpack (CotW):

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts
Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

This is similar to the Death & Murder list from earlier, but with a far higher
model count.

The intention behind this list is to get as many Space Marines running up the
board as possible to overwhelm the enemy in numbers of Power Armoured
close combat crazies!

The Iron Priests are our hard and fast assault units. They can ‘tank’ for the
Blood Claws if things look tough, then break off and go hunting on their own.

The Lone Wolf is there to run along with the Wulfen and Blood Claws and help
out where he can.

And because we should be getting +2 to the Curse of the Wulfen roll at all
times, we’re more likely to get +3 movement for our Space Wolves units, while
praying for that 1 in 3 chance of rolling a 7 and getting double movement for a

If you wanted to reduce this army to 1,500pts, simply drop 1 Iron priest and
the Lone Wolf.

If you want to increase this army, Thunderwolf Cavalry are the answer.

This army isn’t subtle and it definitely isn’t shooty, but it can be fast and very

Lastly, the Rapier Quad Mortars from Forge World are absolutely amazing
units. I have no desire to take Long Fangs after seeing these.


Combined Arms Detachment:

Ulrik the Slayer: 145pts

“Berserker” Dreadnought: 180pts

Venerable, Great Axe and Blizzard Shield
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

“Berserker” Dreadnought: 180pts

Venerable, Great Axe and Blizzard Shield
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Wolf Guard: 203pts

1 Extra Wolf Guard, 6 Combi-Meltas
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Grey Hunters: 210pts

Melta gun, 6 Close Combat Weapons, 2 Extra Grey Hunters, Wolf Standard,
Wolf Guard Pack Leader upgrade, Terminator Armour, Storm Shield, Combi-
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod, Homing Beacon

Grey Hunters: 235pts

2 Melta guns, 10 Close Combat Weapons, 5 Extra Grey Hunters, Wolf Guard
Pack Leader Upgrade, Combi-Melta
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Grey Hunters: 235pts

2 Melta guns, 10 Close Combat Weapons, 5 Extra Grey Hunters, Wolf Guard
Pack Leader Upgrade, Combi-Melta
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Blood Claws: 100pts
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Led by Ulrik the Slayer this is a fairly versatile Drop Pod themed army that’s
designed to be tactically flexible. It’s built using a Combined Arms Detachment
in order to give the Troops choices and their Drop Pod dedicated transports
the “Objective Secured” skill.

There are 7 Drop Pods, ensuring that 4 Drop Pods land on Turn 1.

So you can choose to drop the Troops first and grab Objectives, or you can
drop the Dreadnoughts, Wolf Guard and Ulrik’s Grey Hunters pack on Turn 1
and start causing carnage.

The 2 Berserker Dreadnoughts are there to provide some tough and hard
hitting units. Everything else is very much a regular Space Marine in terms of
taking damage. But there are plenty of Melta guns to go around.

Meanwhile, Ulrik and the Grey Hunter with a Wolf Standard try and get close
to the more destructive units in the army, giving them Preferred Enemy and +1

The army scales up quite nicely too, so you can freely add the following units:
Wulfen in a Fast Attack Drop Pod (x2 and you can run a Murder Pack CotW).
Wyrdstorm Brotherhood (CotW) (spread throughout units).
Arjac Rockfist (joins Wolf Guard).
Stormfang Gunship.
Ally: Deathwatch (Jensus Natorian, Garran Branatar, Squad Donatus and a
Space Wolves Fast Attack Drop Pod)
Ally: Culexus Assassin (to shut down enemy Psychics) in a Space Wolves Fast
Attack Drop Pod


Company of the Great Wolf (CoF):

Harald Deathwolf: 190pts

Iron Priest: 170pts

3 Cyberwolves, Thunderwolf Mount

“Berserker” Dreadnought: 185pts

Venerable, Great Axe and Blizzard Shield, Smoke Launchers
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

“Berserker” Dreadnought: 185pts

Venerable, Great Axe and Blizzard Shield, Smoke Launchers
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Thunderwolf Cavalry: 240pts

3 Storm Shields, Wolf Claw, Thunder Hammer, Powerfist

Thunderwolf Cavalry: 240pts

3 Storm Shields, Wolf Claw, Thunder Hammer, Powerfist

Fast Attack Drop Pod: 35pts

Stormfang: 255pts
2 Twin-Linked Multi-Meltas, Twin-Linked Lascannons

Designed to go forth and smash face, this is a fairly unsubtle army. The two
packs of Thunderwolf Cavalry advance, preferably down a flank to minimise
enemy fire.

This force uses the Company of the Great Wolf detachment from the
Champions of Fenris supplement.

This gives all of the Thunderwolf Cavalry +1WS. Although every Character in
this force MUST always accept and issue Challenges. But they do get Preferred
Enemy in Challenges, which is nice too.

You can swap out Harald Deathwolf for a Wolf Lord riding a Thunderwolf if you
like, although Harald’s Lord of the Wolfkin will help to minimise the chance of
the Thunderwolf Cavalry from fleeing at a tense moment in the battle.

The idea behind this army is to use your Berserker Dreadnoughts as the Anvil
and your Thunderwolves as the Hammer.

You Drop Pod the Dreadnoughts into position, either together or one on each
flank, trap the enemy between the two. Charge the Thunderwolf Cavalry in
and carnage ensues.

Meanwhile, the Stormfang flies about zapping things from Turn 2 onwards.

I really like this kind of army, because each unit is tough, hard hitting and very

Best of all, you can easily bolt on more units:

Wulfen in a Fast Attack Drop Pod (x2 and you can run a Murder Pack CotW).
More Thunderwolf Cavalry
Another Stormfang Gunship.
5 Blood Claws with a Flamer (to go in the empty Drop Pod)
Logan Grimnar on Stormrider
Sicaran Battle Tank (IA2)


Brethren of the Fell-Handed (CoF):

Bjorn the Fell-Handed: 265pts

Helfrost Cannon
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

“Berserker” Dreadnought: 190pts

Venerable, Great Axe and Blizzard Shield, Extra Armour
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

“Berserker” Dreadnought: 190pts

Venerable, Great Axe and Blizzard Shield, Extra Armour
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

The Curseborn (CotW):

Murderfang: 200pts
Shrouded Provenance (IA2)
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Ancients of the Fang (CotW):

3 “Berserker” Dreadnoughts: 495pts
Venerable, Great Axe and Blizzard Shield, Extra Armour

Iron Priest: 160pts

2 Cyberwolves, Thunderwolf Mount, Tempest Hammer

A themed Dreadnought list that’s designed to be incredibly tough and hard
hitting, even if it is a little bit slow.

By taking the Brethren of the Fell-Handed (CoF) and Ancients of the Fang
formations (CotW), our close combat Dreadnoughts can re-roll to hit.

Murderfang also has the Shrouded Provenance upgrade from Imperial Armour
2, making him Venerable too! He is 10,000 years old after all.

The Ancients of the Fang advance up the field, along with their Iron Priest on a
Thunderwolf Mount who gives them It Will Not Die.

But most importantly, he can speed off to engage smaller threats they
wouldn’t be able to reach.

Bjorn and 1 Berserker Dreadnought arrive via Drop Pod Assault on Turn 1.

Murderfang and the other Berserker Dreadnought arrive via Drop Pod Assault
from Reserves in later turns.

It’s small, it’s incredibly tough and strong. The only thing that lets it down is its
lack of speed.

Obvious additions to this list would be:

Deathpack (Starter Box) for Thunderwolf Cavalry
Fangs of the Tempest: Stormfang Gunship (CotW)
Lord of the Fang: Logan Grimnar on Stormrider (CotW)


Grimnar’s Kingsguard (HotW):

Logan Grimnar: 320pts


Arjac Rockfist: 115pts

“Jump Melta” Wolf Guard: 296pts

3 Extra Wolf Guard, 6 Combi-Meltas, 8 Jump Packs, 1 Power Axe

“Pimped” Redeemer: 260pts

Multi-Melta, Extra Armour

“Assault” Wolf Guard Terminators: 235pts

2 Extra Wolf Guard Terminators, 3 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, 1 Wolf
Claw and Storm Shield, 1 Heavy Flamer and Storm Shield

“Pimped” Crusader: 270pts

Multi-Melta, Extra Armour

It’s a neat little army, provided your opponent doesn’t have anything that will
make short work of your Land Raiders.

Rather than run 2 lots of Wolf Guard Terminators in Land Raiders, it made
sense to take some fast moving Wolf Guard with Jump Packs which can either
Deepstrike and fire their Combi-Meltas or advance quickly.

This then frees up their Land Raider (a Redeemer) to go to work and kill as
many enemy infantry as possible.

Because this army is small, elite and outnumbered, we need to bring the
enemy numbers down as quickly as possible.

This seems to be the best way to do that.

Arjac goes with the Wolf Guard Terminators in the Crusader.

Logan rides out in front to try and soak up some enemy firepower.

Also so he can cast his The High King ability on one of the units from this
formation within 12” of him.

Don’t forget that every Wolf Guard, Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, Wolf Guard
Terminators and Wolf Guard Terminator Leaders in this formation have +1
Weapon Skill.

Obvious additions to this list would be:

Deathpack (Starter Box) (for Thunderwolf Cavalry)
Fangs of the Tempest: Stormfang Gunship (CotW)
Spear of Russ (CotW)
Wulfen Murderpack (CotW)


Company of the Great Wolf (CoF):

“Level2” Rune Priest: 95pts

Terminator Armour, Force Axe, Psychic Hood

Arjac Rockfist: 115pts

“Plasmacide” Wolf Guard Terminators: 114pts

3 Combi-Plasmas, 3 Storm Shields

“Plasmacide” Wolf Guard Terminators: 114pts

3 Combi-Plasmas, 3 Storm Shields

“Meltacide” Wolf Guard Terminators: 114pts

3 Combi-Meltas, 3 Storm Shields

“Meltacide” Wolf Guard Terminators: 114pts

3 Combi-Meltas, 3 Storm Shields

“Shield Wall” Wulfen: 250pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 4 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, 2

“Thunder Hammer” Lone Wolf: 80pts

Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Melta Bombs

“Thunder Hammer” Lone Wolf: 80pts

Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Melta Bombs

“Thunder Hammer” Lone Wolf: 80pts

Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Melta Bombs

“Thunder Hammer” Lone Wolf: 80pts
Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Melta Bombs

Ally: Inquisitorial Detachment:

Hector Rex: 175pts

Ordo Malleus Inquisitor: 89pts

Terminator Armour, Daemon Hammer, Psycannon, 2 Servo Skulls

Almost every model in this army has a 2+ save and a 3+ Invulnerable save.

Hector Rex Joins the Wulfen pack, casting Sanctuary to give them a 2+
Invulnerable save. The Wulfen advanced, flanked by the 4 Lone Wolves.

The rest of the army Deepstrikes in, firing their Combi-Weapons and generally
cluttering the board with many tough units.

If you want to increase the size of the army, just add more units of Wolf Guard
Terminators, Lone Wolves and Wulfen packs.

Similarly, if you don’t want Inquisitorial allies in your Space Wolves army, just
take more Wolf Guard Terminators, Lone Wolves and Wulfen packs.

You can find the rules for Hector Rex in Imperial Armour: The Siege of Vraks
Part 3. Expect to see a lot of him.

This isn’t the most complicated army build, but it works well.


Wolfclaw Strike Force (CotW):

The Ironwolves Legendary Greatpack:

All vehicle upgrades and wargear are free.

“Chainfisty” Wolf Guard Battle Leader: 150pts

Terminator Armour, Chainfist, Storm Shield, Helm of Durfast

“Assault” Wolf Guard Terminators: 485pts

2 Extra Wolf Guard Terminators, 3 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, 1 Wolf
Claw and Storm Shield, 1 Heavy Flamer and Storm Shield
Dedicated Transport: Land Raider Crusader, Multi-Melta, Extra Armour,
Hunter Killer Missile, Bulldozer Blade, Storm Bolter

Blood Claws: 125pts

Dedicated Transport: Razorback with Lascannon and Twin-linked Plasma Gun, ,
Extra Armour, Hunter Killer Missile, Bulldozer Blade, Storm Bolter

Blood Claws: 125pts

Dedicated Transport: Razorback with Lascannon and Twin-linked Plasma Gun, ,
Extra Armour, Hunter Killer Missile, Bulldozer Blade, Storm Bolter

Land Speeder: 50pts

Multi-Melta, Typhoon Missile Launcher

Land Speeder: 50pts

Multi-Melta, Typhoon Missile Launcher

Land Speeder: 50pts

Assault Cannon, Typhoon Missile Launcher

Land Speeder: 50pts
Assault Cannon, Typhoon Missile Launcher

Long Fangs: 160pts

Melta Gun and Melta Bombs, Wolf Guard Pack Leader with Terminator
Armour, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Melta Bombs
Dedicated Transport: Razorback with Lascannon and Twin-linked Plasma Gun, ,
Extra Armour, Hunter Killer Missile, Bulldozer Blade, Storm Bolte

Fangs of the Tempest (CotW):

“Hunter” Stormfang: 255pts

2 Twin-Linked Multi-Meltas, Twin-Linked Lascannons

This army is designed to maximise all of the Ironwolves bonuses from free
upgrades for vehicles to vehicles moving flat out an extra 6”, as well as
Ironwolves units being able to disembark from vehicles that moved 12”.

Yes, this means that the Wolf Guard Terminators in a Land Raider can move
12” in their Dedicated Transport, disembark 6” and potentially charge 12”.
Although a 7” charge is most likely. That’s an average reach of 23”.

While it may be tempted to build a shooty Ironwolves list, Space Wolves need
a big, tough, fast and hard hitting unit that can charge in and deal with the
Imperial Knights and Gargantuan Creatures in the game. And that’s why you
need Wolf Guard Terminators in a Land Raider.

Someone has to protect the gaggle of Razorbacks and Land Speeders, which is
where the Long Fangs come in.

I gave the Ancient a Melta Gun and Melta Bombs and upgraded the other Long
Fang to a Wolf Guard Pack Leader and equipped him to act like a Lone Wolf.

When it comes to expanding this army, it would be easy to get carried away
adding more Ironwolves units (like Land Speeders), but you really need other
elements to make this better.

Deathpack (Starter Box)

Ancients of the Fang (CotW)
The Curseborn: Murderfang in a Drop Pod with Shourded Provenance (CotW
Lord of the Fang: Logan Grimnar on Stormrider (CotW)
Spear of Russ (CotW)


Wolfclaw Strike Force (CotW):

The Firehowlers Legendary Greatpack:

Wolf Guard Battle Leader: 125pts

Jump Pack, Armour of Russ, Fangsword of the Icewolf

“Jump Melta” Wolf Guard: 138pts

4 Combi-Meltas, 5 Jump Packs, 1 Melta Bomb

Skyclaws: 175pts
5 Extra Skyclaws, 2 Flamers, Power Axe

Skyclaws: 185pts
5 Extra Skyclaws, 2 Melta guns, Power Axe

Grey Hunters: 115

Melta Gun
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

“Hot Stuff” Land Speeder: 70pts

Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer

Wulfen Murderpack (CotW):

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts
Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

This is similar to the Death & Murder and Blood, Thunder & Murder army lists
earlier in this guide. Basically, the intention is to get as much across the board
and into close combat as quickly as possible.

I’ve also focussed on giving my Firehowlers Jump Packs instead of Bikes to

make sure that they can get the best benefits from the Wulfen Murder Pack.

As previously mentioned, you need to run 3 packs of Wulfen in a Murder Pack

to get +2 to your Curse of the Wulfen roll, which helps to ensure you’re more
likely to get the +3” movement bonus or even that lucky 1 in 3 chance of rolling
a 7 and getting double movement for a turn.

While you may be quick to compare this to the Blood Claws heavy list from
earlier in this guide, let’s not forget that The Firehowlers re-roll failed charges,
get Furious Charge if they roll a 10 or more and enemy units must pass a
Leadership test of they can’t fire Overwatch. Although units with And They
Shall Know No Fear or Fearless are immune to this.

If you were to expand this army, you would want as many fast moving Space
Marines as possible to benefit from the Murder Pack.

More Skyclaws
Lone Wolves (to run alongside the Wulfen)
Deathpack (Starter Box)


Wolfclaw Strike Force (CotW):

The Drakeslayers Legendary Greatpack:

Krom Dragongaze: 155pts

“Meltacide” Wolf Guard Terminators: 114pts

3 Combi-Meltas, 3 Storm Shields

Blood Claws: 240pts

10 extra Blood Claws, 2 Melta Guns, Wolf Guard Pack Leader with Power Axe.

Blood Claws: 240pts

10 extra Blood Claws, 2 Melta Guns, Wolf Guard Pack Leader with Power Axe.

Lone Wolf: 80pts

Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Melta Bombs

Lone Wolf: 80pts

Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Melta Bombs

“Hot Stuff” Land Speeder: 70pts

Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer

“Hot Stuff” Land Speeder: 70pts

Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer

Long Fangs: 75pts

Plasma Gun and Melta Bombs, Wolf Guard Pack Leader with Terminator
Armour, Combi-Plasma, Storm Shield

Wulfen Murderpack (CotW):

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

The Drakeslayers are all about being on foot. They have no fast moving units.
So they need a Wulfen Murder Pack to propel them across the board.

Due to their high unit taxes, combined with the need for a Wulfen Murder
Pack, I would only run them in games of 1,750pts and up.

I chose to take Krom Dagongaze, because he’s the perfect example of the
stubborn “come on then if you think you’re ‘ard enough!” nature of The
Drakeslayers. He also gives them all Furious Charge.

He’s likely to join one of the Wulfen Packs.

Everyone is Stubborn, has Monster Hunter, Preferred Enemy against

Characters and if one unit successfully charges, everyone else can re-roll to

We want as many Blood Claws as we can get to improve numbers and bit those
incoming bullets. The Lone Wolves run alongside the Wulfen packs.

Land Speeder zip about, providing some mobile fire support to an otherwise
not very shooty army.

Begrudgingly I took the pack of Long Fangs. They’re basically a Plasma team
come Lone Wolf for as few points as possible while still trying to be effective.

Additions to this army would definitely include:

Lords of the Fang: Arjac Rockfist (CotW) ‘Cos he’s dead ‘ard!
Lords of the Fang: Ulrik The Slayer (CotW) for Preferred Enemy
Another unit of Blood Claws
Another unit of Wolf Guard Terminators
Deathpack (Starter Box)


Wolfclaw Strike Force (CotW):

The Blackmanes Legendary Greatpack:

Drop Pods taken as Dedicated Transports are free.

“Chainfisty” Wolf Guard Battle Leader: 130pts

Terminator Armour, Chainfist, Storm Shield

Wolf Guard: 176pts

2 Extra Wolf Guard, 5 Combi-Meltas, Wolf Claw, Storm Shield
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod (free)

Blood Claws: 65pts

5 Extra Blood Claws, Flamer
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod (free)

Blood Claws: 65pts

5 Extra Blood Claws, Flamer
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod (free)

Blood Claws: 65pts

5 Extra Blood Claws, Flamer
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod (free)

Grey Hunters: 90pts

5 Close Combat Weapons, Melta Gun
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod (free)

Grey Hunters: 90pts

5 Close Combat Weapons, Melta Gun
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod (free)

Grey Hunters: 90pts
5 Close Combat Weapons, Melta Gun
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod (free)

Grey Hunters: 85pts

Plasma Gun
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod (free)

Long Fangs: 75pts

Plasma Gun, Wolf Guard Battle Leader Upgrade, Terminator Armour, Combi-
Plasma, Storm Shield.
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod (free)

Wolf Scouts: 95pts

5 Camo Cloaks, Plasma Gun, 4 Bolters

Lords of the Fang (CotW):

Bjorn the Fell-Handed: 265pts

Helfrost Cannon
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Wyrdstorm Brotherhood (CotW):

Rune Priest: 60pts

Rune Priest: 60pts
Rune Priest: 80pts
Helm of Durfast

Despite getting Drop Pods for free, there are a lot of taxes in this army. We
have to take 3 packs of Blood Claws and we’re encouraged to take 4 packs of
Grey Hunters so we can get more free Drop Pods.

And we want to drop everything in the enemy’s face on Turn 1 to overwhelm

them with numbers.

So we have 3 packs of Blood Claws, 1 Wolf Guard (and Wolf Guard Battle
Leader) pack, 4 Grey Hunter packs, 1 Long Fangs back, 3 Rune Priests and Bjorn
The Fell-Handed all Deepstriking via Drop Pod Assault on Turn 1. That’s 10
units and 10 Drop Pods!

I took the “Chainfisty” Wolf Guard Battle Leader, Wolf Guard Terminators and
Wulfen because we need some tough and smashy units to take care of
Imperial Knights, Gargantuan Creatures and generally anything that needs a
good kicking!

We can then make use of the Counter-Charge rules to pile all of these units
into one glorious (and insane) close combat should the enemy be stupid
enough to charge them… or be tied up in close combat during their Assault

To expand on this army, we want more stuff that can arrive on Turn 1.
Increase size of the Wyrdstorm Brotherhood (CotW)
Another unit of Long Fangs (to access another Turn 1 Deepstriking Drop Pod)
Wolf Guard Terminator Void Claws (CoF)
Lords of the Fang: Arjac Rockfist (CotW) who joins the Void Claws


Wolfclaw Strike Force (CotW):

The Deathwolves Legendary Greatpack:

All units Outflank, make a single Reserve roll and gain Stealth that turn.

Wolf Guard Battle Leader: 175pts

Armour of Russ, Fangsword of the Ice Wolf, Storm Shield, Thunderwolf Mount

Thunderwolf Cavalry: 215pts

3 Storm Shields, 2 Powerfists

Swiftclaws: 165pts
2 Extra Swiftclaws, Melta gun, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta

Swiftclaws: 165pts
2 Extra Swiftclaws, Melta gun, Attack Bike, Multi-Melta

Land Speeder: 70pts

Heavy Flamer, Multi-Melta

Land Speeder: 70pts

Heavy Flamer, Multi-Melta

Long Fangs: 80pts

Plasma Gun, Wolf Guard Battle Leader Upgrade, Terminator Armour, Combi-
Plasma, Storm Shield, 2 Melta Bombs.

Wolf Scouts: 95pts

5 Camo Cloaks, Plasma Gun, 4 Bolters

Wolfkin (CotW):

Fenrisian Wolves: 50pts

Cyberwolf Upgrade

Fenrisian Wolves: 50pts

Cyberwolf Upgrade

Deathpack (starter box):

“Thunderfist” Wolf Lord: 210pts

Runic Armour, Powerfist, Storm Shield, Thunderwolf Mount

“One of Each” Thunderwolf Cavalry: 240pts

3 Storm Shields, Wolf Claw, Thunder Hammer, Powerfist

Grey Hunters: 160pts

Dedicated Transport: Razorback with Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun

Because the Deathwolves are designed to Outflank, I chose units which are
tough, mobile and have fairly good firepower.

Swiftclaws with a Melta weapons and Twin Linked Bolters (because they’re on
Bikes) and Land Speeders with Multi-Meltas and Heavy Flamers speed on from
the side and begin shooting. They’re also good in assault.

The Wolf Guard Battle Leader and his Thunderwolf Cavalry can also Outflank.

Meanwhile the Wolfkin formation allows us to choose which side of the table
all of these Outflanking units come on from. We just need to place one of the
Fenrisian Wolves packs on either sides of the table (and try to make sure they
don’t get shot).

Meanwhile the Deathpack provides a strong formation to hold the table until
your Reserves arrive, along with the Wolf Scouts and probably the Long Fangs
who can all claim Objectives.

Trying to run this force at a lower points level is problematic, because of the
need for Thunderwolf Cavalry and a sizeable force to hold the table for all
those Outflanking reserves.

Of course, you don’t have to keep all these units in Reserve. You could just run
up the board instead. But that will depend on your deployment strategy.

To increase the size of this army, I would be inclined to take more Land
Speeders to hit the enemy with mobile heavy weapons from the flanks.


“Assault” Wolf Guard Terminators: 235pts

2 Extra Wolf Guard Terminators, 3 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, 1 Wolf
Claw and Storm Shield, 1 Heavy Flamer and Storm Shield

“Biker” Wolf Guard: 230pts

Extra Wolf Guard, 6 Space Marine Bikes, 2 Storm Shields, 2 Powerfists, Melta

“Meltacide” Wolf Guard Terminators: 114pts

3 Combi-Meltas, 3 Storm Shields

“Plasmacide” Wolf Guard Terminators: 114pts

3 Combi-Plasmas, 3 Storm Shields

“Kiss My Axe” Wulfen: 230pts

Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade
Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

Murderfang: 200pts
Shrouded Provenance (IA2)
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

“Hunter” Stormwolf: 255pts

2 Twin-Linked Multi-Meltas, Twin-Linked Lascannons

Lord of the Fang (Cotw):

Arjac Rockfist: 115pts

This formation is all about keeping the Wulfen pack safe from harm while they
provide additional attacks to all units within 6” of them.

They are accompanied by the “Assault” Wolf Guard Terminators who can
sustain incoming enemy fire, along with the “Biker” Wolf Guard.

Meanwhile the “Meta-Cide” and “Plasma-Cide” Wolf Guard Terminators,

Murderfang and Stormwolf all go into Reserve.

By having 5 other units in the way, the Wulfen should be very difficult for the
enemy to target.

Arjac Rockfist is amazing for his points. I had to take him. He can join any of
the Wolf Guard Terminator units.

It’s quite a fun, small, elite army.

If I were to expand on it, I would definitely add the following elite units which
could generally increase the number of units that get in the way and keep the
Wulfen in the fight.

Wolf Guard Terminator Void Claws (CoF)

Lord of The Fang (CotW): Bjorn The Fell-Handed in a Drop Pod
Lord of The Fang (CotW): Logan Grimnar on Stormrider
Fangs of the Tempest (CotW): Stormfang


Combined Arms Detachment:

Rune Priest: 95pts

Runic Stave, Level 2, Psychic hood

“Berserker” Dreadnought: 185pts

Venerable, Great Axe and Blizzard Shield, Smoke Launchers
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Grey Hunters: 201pts

Melta gun, 6 Close Combat Weapons, Extra Grey Hunter, Wolf Guard Pack
Leader upgrade, Combi-Melta.
Dedicated Transport: Razorback, Lascannon, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun

Grey Hunters: 201pts

Melta gun, 6 Close Combat Weapons, Extra Grey Hunter, Wolf Guard Pack
Leader upgrade, Combi-Melta.
Dedicated Transport: Razorback, Lascannon, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun

Land speeder: 70pts

Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer

Land speeder: 70pts

Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer

Long Fangs: 210pts

2 Extra Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers
Dedicated Transport: Razorback, Lascannon, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun

Long Fangs: 210pts
2 Extra Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers
Dedicated Transport: Razorback, Lascannon, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun

Stormfang: 255pts
2 Twin-Linked Multi-Meltas, Twin-Linked Lascannons

This list is intended for new players who want to get to grips with the
Warhammer 40,000 game, friendly games and people who have older Space
Wolves armies.

Hence the abundance of Razorbacks and Land Speeders, while the essential
Berserker Dreadnought is in there as something tough and destructive, as well
as a Stormfang for anti-air support.

The army can Lascannon and Missile things to death from afar, the close in for
the kill with rapid firing Razorback Twin-Linked Plasma Guns (4 of them!) and
Grey Hunters with close ranged Melta Guns. Perhaps charging both packs into
close combat against a single enemy unit with support from the Berserker

The Rune Priest can buff the Grey Hunters or hang back with a pack of Long

Expanding this kind of force becomes simple, because you need mid-fielder
units which can do a little of everything. A pack of Thunderwolf Cavalry for
240pts will bring the list up to 1,750pts nicely, although I feel that an Imperial
Knight Errant might be a better choice, taking the list up to 1,850pts provided
you drop 30pts from somewhere. Probably a Space Wolf from each Grey
Hunter pack.

Logan Grimnar on Storm Rider would be an awesome choice for this list,
providing something big, tough, fast and hard hitting to soak up lots of damage
and escort the 4 advancing Razorbacks.

Obviously 2 of the Razorbacks will always remain empty, usually after helping
to get the Long Fangs into position on Turn 1 if they don’t have any decent
cover or firing positions to deploy in.

Add another Berserker Dreadnought in a Drop Pod and you’ve got a versatile
2,000pts list.

Or, seeing as you’ve already taken a Rune Priest, you could continue the
‘mechanised’ theme and take a (Relic) Sicaran Battle Tank with Lascannon
Sponsons for more long ranged firepower.


Combined Arms Detachment:

Njal Stormcaller: 180pts

Terminator Armour

Murderfang: 200pts
Shrouded Provenance (Venerable)
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Lone Wolf: 96pts

Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Melta Bombs, 2 Fenrisian

Grey Hunters: 198pts

5 Extra Grey Hunters, 9 Close Combat Weapons, 2 Melta Guns, Wolf Guard
Pack Leader Upgrade, Power Axe, Combi-Melta

Grey Hunters: 198pts

5 Extra Grey Hunters, 9 Close Combat Weapons, 2 Melta Guns, Wolf Guard
Pack Leader Upgrade, Power Axe, Combi-Melta

Thunderwolf Cavalry: 315pts

1 Extra Thunderwolf Cavalry, 4 Storm Shields, 1 Powerfist, 1 Thunderhamer, 1
Wolf Claw

Wolf Guard Void Claws (CoF):

Wolf Guard Terminators: 313pts

1 Extra Wolf Guard Terminator, 6 pairs of Wolf Claws, Cyclone Missile Launcher

This is another fairly fun and friendly list that’s great for beginners.

Njal Storcaller joins the Void Claws. With Murderfang, both units Deepstrike on
Turn 1, spread out and look threatening with all those shredding claws.

Njal can then cast some kind of protective Psychic Powers on them to help
reduce casualties. Meanwhile the rest of the army runs up the board.

If you wanted to expand this force, then I would start with a Wulfen Murder
Pack (CotW) to help all those foot elements get across the board faster.

Sicaran Battle Tanks and Rapier Quad Mortars from Forgeworld would be
perfect for some much needed fire support too.


Combined Arms Detachment:

Rune Priest: 60pts

Runic Stave

Rune Priest: 60pts

Runic Stave

Grey Hunters: 215pts

5 Extra Grey Hunters, 2 Melta guns, Wolf Guard Pack Leader upgrade, Combi-
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Grey Hunters: 215pts

5 Extra Grey Hunters, 2 Melta guns, Wolf Guard Pack Leader upgrade, Combi-
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Grey Hunters: 215pts

5 Extra Grey Hunters, 2 Melta guns, Wolf Guard Pack Leader upgrade, Combi-
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Blood Claws: 95pts

Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

Fast Attack Drop Pod: 35pts

Fast Attack Drop Pod: 35pts

Fast Attack Drop Pod: 35pts

Allied Detachment:

Company Command Squad: 175pts

4 Melta Guns, Company Commander, Ministorum Priest, Primaris Psyker

Veteran Squad: 100pts

3 Melta guns, Melta Bombs, Demolition Charge

Veteran Squad: 100pts

3 Melta guns, Melta Bombs, Demolition Charge

Valkyrie Vendetta Squad: 510pts

3 Valkyre Vendettas

This army is about having as many Troops choices with the Objective Secured
skill as possible, which is also passed to their Dedicated Transports.

We’re also making the best use of Battle Brothers by allying Space Wolves with
Astra Militarum. This way the 2 Veteran Squads and 1 Command Squad can
embark in the Space Wolves Fast Attack Drop Pods and put all those Melta
Guns (and Demolition Charges!) to good use.

The Rune Priests can join the Veteran Squads, improving their lot with various
powers, while the Ministorum Priest can join the Blood Claws, making them far
better in close combat.

While all these units are busy Drop Pod Assaulting and blasting the enemy with
massed Melta Guns, the 3 Valkyrie Vendetta Gunships can dominate the skies
and provide the long range Lascannon firepower to bring down armoured
targets and monstrous creatures.

Overall, it’s an awesome army with plenty of aggression and 4 Drop Pods
arriving via Drop Pod Assault on Turn 1, with 3 more in Reserve. However, you
may start to worry if the Valkyrie Vendetta Squadron doesn’t arrive from
Reserve on Turn 2.

Want to take this up to 2,000pts? I’d take the Wolf Guard Terminator Void
Claws (CoF) to add to your first wave of Drop Pods and allow you to re-roll your


Allies are intended to help you create characterful armies for your games of
Warhammer 40,000. But they also allow you to create powerful combinations
for the highly competitive tournament scene.

If you want to play in this challenging arena, the Deathpack (starter box),
Wulfen Murderpack (CotW) and Wyrdstorm Brotherhood (CotW) are all
‘power’ formations that make ideal allies.

You then need to identify the ‘power’ units and formations from other Codex
books and build a highly competitive army for winning tournaments.

Space Marine Centurions, Space Marine Command Squads on Bikes,

Ravenwing Command Squads, Tau Riptides and Eldar Wraithknights are all
‘power’ units that offer excellent value for their points.

For the rest of us who like to create a characterful force or simply try out some
other units…

Space Marines, Imperial Guard and Adeptus Mechanicus and other Imperial
factions are obvious allies for Space Wolves, as they are all Battle Brothers.
This allows Independent Characters to join units from these other factions and
even share abilities and blessing Psychic Powers.

Space Wolves can also field Rhinos, Razorbacks and Drop Pods as Fast Attack
choices. This makes them ideal transports for all manner of allied units from
Skitaari in a Drop Pod (who are otherwise unable to Deepstrike) to Imperial
Guard Veterans in a Rhino for when you don’t have enough points for a

You don’t need a Combined Arms Detachment to take allies. Although this
does have access to a simple allied detachment structure.

Instead you could take a Formation as an Ally. For example, you could take the
Tau Empire Fire Support Cadre Formation of 1 Riptide and 2 squads of 3
Broadside battle suits.

Whether you’re taking allies to create a characterful army or to crush your

opponents, you have a lot of other Codex books and formations to read!


This isn’t a rules errata, these are genuine answers to questions about the
rules that people constantly ask me.

Q: If an Independent Character in Terminator Armour joins the Wolf Guard

Void Claws pack, can he Deepstrike on Turn 1 like the rest of the Void Claws?

A: Yes.
The formation rules state that All units from this Formation begin the game in
Reserves, and must arrive by Deep Strike in their controlling player’s first turn.
If an Independent Character joins the unit, they become part of that unit.

Q: I have a Heralds of the Great Wolf formation. My Rune Priest is on a Bike,

my Iron Priest is on a Thunderwolf and my Wolf Priest has a Jump Pack. How
do they move, run, turbo-boost, charge, etc?

A: Treat each model in the unit as an individual.

However, all models must remain in squad coherency whether they move, run
or turbo-boost. For simplicity’s sake, any charge re-rolls that one model in the
unit receives cannot be used or conferred to the rest of the unit if they do not
have that same charge re-roll.

Q: Can Independent Characters join Wulfen Packs? And do they benefit from
The Curse of the Wulfen?

A: Yes and Yes.

Q: Do I roll 1 Dice for The Curse of the Wulfen for all units affected, or 1 Dice
for each unit.

A: Roll 1 Dice.
The result affects all Space Wolves within 6”, all Blood Claws, Swiftclaws and
Skyclaws within 12” and Long Fangs within 3”.

Q: How does Counter Charge special rule from the Wolf Claw Strike Force
(CotW) work exactly?

A: Any enemy unit which is engaged in close combat with one of your units can
be charged by any of your unengaged units. This takes places in your
opponent’s assault phase.

If your unengaged unit disembarked from a Transport, arrived from Reserve,

Infiltrated or made a Scout move in your turn, it may still Counter Charge in
your opponent’s assault phase.

Counter Charge moves occur AFTER your opponent declares and rolls for all of
their charges.

If an enemy unit successfully charges one of your units and becomes ‘engaged’
with that unit in close combat, you may attempt to Counter Charge with one of
your unengaged units.

If an enemy unit is already engaged with one of your units from an earlier
player turn, you may attempt to Counter Charge with one of your unengaged

Q: I have a Land Raider in my Ironwolves Legendary Greatpack detachment.
Can I give it a Legacy of Glory from Imperial Armour 2 for Free?

A: No.
The Overwhelming Firepower rule stats that all Weapon and Wargear options
take by Ironwolves vehicles are free. Legacies of Glory are neither weapons or
wargear. But this does not stop you from giving your vehicle a Legacy of Glory.
You just need to pay the points for it.

Q: If I take an Ironwolves Legendary Greatpack as my core detachment and

take a Spear of Russ as my auxiliary detachment, can the tanks in the Spear
of Russ get free upgrades?

A: No.
The Ironwolves Legendary Greatpack states that only Dedicated Transports
from the Legendary Greatpack core detachment may take upgrades and
wargear for free.

Q: The Ironwolves Legendary Greatpack says I have to provide Dedicated

Transports for all the infantry. But Lone Wolves don’t come with Dedicated
Transports. Help!

A: You need to provide Transport Capacity, not Dedicated Transports.

The idea is that the Ironwolves arrive by transport before the battle begins. So
if you had a pack of 5 Grey Hunter with a Rhino and a Lone Wolf, this would
take up 7 spaces in the Rhino’s transport capacity of 10.

Unfortunately, Beasts and Cavalry cannot embark in transports at all. So you

may not give your Ironwolves Wolf Guard Battle Leader or Wolf Lord a
Thunderwolf Mount. Nor can you give any models Fenrisian Wolves.

Q: If I attach a Rune Priest to my Grey Hunters with a Rhino transport in an
Ironwolves Legendary Greatpack, can the Rune Priest disembark with the
Grey Hunters if the Rhino moves 12”?

A: No. The unit cannot disembark if the Rhino moves 12”.

Not all the models in the unit have the Ironwolves special rule to be able to
disembark if the Rhino moves 12”.

Q: If I take a Blackmanes Legendary Greatpack and a Wulfen Murderpack,

can I put the units of Wulfen in the Blackmane Drop Pods that belong to my
Long Fangs and Deepstrike these Drop Pods on Turn 1?

A: No.
Only the unit that purchased the Dedicated Transport may start the game
embarked within it. Other units may embark in a Dedicated Transport that
does not belong to them during the game. Not in deployment.

Q: Can I take an Iron Priest as part of a Spear of Russ detachment and make
him join a unit of Thunderwolf Cavalry from a Deathpack detachment?

A: Yes.
Just because you purchase units as part of a detachment doesn’t mean they
have to stick together.

Q: Can I merge detachments/formations? For example, taking a Strike Force

Daggerfist formation and Murderpack formation by simply adding an extra
pack of Wulfen to the Strike Force Daggerfist. Then get the benefits of both

A: No.
You must meet the minimal unit requirements for each detachment or
formation you take. You cannot merge detachments.

Q: Can Murderfang and/or Bjorn The Fell-Handed take a Legacy of Glory from
Imperial Armour 2?

A: Yes.
The rules state than any vehicle in Codex Space Wolves may take a Legacy of
Glory. Because Bjorn and Murderfang are Vehicles (Dreadnoughts are a Walker
type of Vehicle) they are able to take these upgrades.

I like to think that Bjorn tells the Space Wolves about a time when he fought in
one of these ancient events before they engage the enemy. Telling the story
brings back memories which help him in the battle ahead.

Q: I used Strike Force Daggerfist (web army exclusive deal) to make my entire
Space Wolves army. But I don’t have an HQ. Is this still a Battleforged army?

A: Yes.
If you do not have an HQ unit in your army, you must select 1 Character model
to be your army’s Warlord. However, only HQ choices may take a Warlord


This handbook is written for the players of Warhammer 40,000 who enjoy the
game for its social aspects, fun outlets and the chance to become fully
immersed in the story telling of the 41st millennium. And to have a bloody
good, close fought game!

This handbook is also written in loving memory of my best friend James, who
built, painted and played his Dark Angels and Thousand Sons armies with all of
these things in mind.

James never cared about winning his games, so long as everyone had a good

Maybe that was why he was so good at making friends whenever we went for
a weekend away up at Warhammer World or down at Wayland Games?

He may not have always won his games, but he’d usually have a hard fought
battle and had some spectacular tales to tell at the end of it.

Sure, sometimes you need to play to win.

But sometimes, you have to stop and think… “What would Leman Russ do?”




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